The Man Who Stepped Off the Earth: Chris McCandless

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DivineBeast666 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

If he survived, I imagine him starting a counter-cult. He seemed to have missed human interaction and connection.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AnzenR3l3as3 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ldsgems 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody today we are going to be talking about the man who stepped out of society and into the wilderness and that man is chris mccandles chris mccandles is a character that i've known about for a while now and i've kept waiting for an excuse to talk about him like maybe he'd show up in an iceberg or a missing person's thing or something like that but i got tired of waiting and decided i'll just do a standalone video especially considering that after i just got done with all the serial killer stuff and the three hour tree video and before i get into finishing the conspiracy iceberg this will be the closest thing i take to a vacation as a quick summary in case you're still wondering if you're interested in this topic or not chris mccandles gave up his earthly possessions and simply began to brave the wilderness on his own eventually he found his way into the alaskan wilderness and chronicled the end of his life through a journal and several pictures he has become the focused of many documentaries tv specials and even a book that was later adapted into a movie by sean penn called into the wild and to be honest this is a story that's always resonated with me and i want to talk about it so we're going to do just that we are going to go ahead and get into it but as always thank you for watching chris mccandles was born on february the 12th of 1968 in el segundo california to his parents walt and billy mccandles he was the oldest of two siblings only having one sister karine who was born shortly thereafter along with six half-siblings from his father's previous marriage when chris was eight years old his family moved from california to virginia and his father began working at nasa from the outside looking in it seemed like the mccandless were a perfect family they had two kids they went to church on sundays the dad had a successful job the whole family was very wealthy and it fit the description of a nuclear family however this has been contested in recent years due in large part to chris's younger sister karine i said in the beginning that the story of chris was eventually adapted into the book into the wild while his sister also put out a book titled the wild truth in the book the wild truth corrine said that behind closed doors her father was very abusive more specifically that he was an alcoholic and would often physically hurt the children whenever he became drunk during these violent outbursts karine said that chris would always protect her from her father and it was most likely one of the reasons that chris eventually did what he did now the sake of fairness i want to say that both walt and billy mccandles have said that this is entirely made up by karine and is incredibly exaggerated as a means of garnering attention however those half siblings that i mentioned earlier have come to karine's side and said that her father was in fact abusive and i'm not going to cast stones one way or the other you all can come to that conclusion on your own i'm just highlighting it to give a possible motive for why chris went on this journey another detail is that from a young age chris was particularly obsessed with jack london's call of the wild and the idea of a man venturing out into the wilderness in order to take back the roots of living was something that personally resonated with him in 1986 chris graduated from woodson high in fairfax virginia and something else i want to bring up is that in a lot of the biographies or journal entries you see about chris a lot of people kind of poke at him for being a social outcast or always being different than everyone and why people who knew him in life said that he was certainly a different guy who marched to the beat of his own drum he was by no means an outcast his classmates would go on to say later that everyone loved chris and that he was a great friend to everybody and always had an upbeat personality he was also the captain of the cross country team and during several of the meets or practices they would do chris would tell his teammates that they should feel like they were running against the world or running from all of the darkness in the world so while he was certainly different he was by no means a social reject in the summer of 1986 shortly after graduating high school chris went back to california to meet several members of his family while there he learned that his father was previously bigamous with his mother in other words he found out that his father was married to his first wife at the same time that he was married to chris's mother according to karine this had a profound effect on him and served to further disillusion him with the idea of family and society at large i watched a documentary that talked to a lot of the family members about chris and in it i kind of got the vibe that chris felt there was a hypocrisy in his family particularly in a lot of the writers that he would write to his sister chris would talk about how his dad would be so happy and loving one day and then violent and angry the next and how sometimes his mom would be so caring and concerned about his life and then other times she would be cold and quiet this is something in his own writings later chris would repeatedly shun the idea of being two different people at the same time something else that i gathered from the documentary as well as several of chris's letters is that he was particularly put off by the idea of material possessions more specifically it seems that his parents who were quite wealthy would try to buy his trust or buy his happiness with things and chris didn't much care for that in high school chris became a door-to-door salesman and eventually saved enough money to buy a cheap car whenever chris was in college his parents bought him a much nicer car but he refused it because he felt like for one he didn't earn it and two he didn't want to take another gift from them karine even said at one point chris came to her and said i know you want to go to college but whatever you do do not take more money for mom and dad and this may just be kind of a biased interpretation so feel free to ignore this part but in the documentary the documentary was called return to the wild by the way in return to the wild i'm not going to say if definitively i think the father was abusive or not or whatever that's up to the family they're the only ones who will ever know for sure blah blah however i feel like watching it there was a material characteristic to the parents that seemed to be the kind of thing chris was running from in other words in a lot of chris's letters and writings he talked about how possessions slow people down and everyone's so concerned about money this money that and blah blah blah and in the documentary his parents just kept bringing up stuff like whenever asked about them they'd be like oh yeah well chris love that car or we try to get them this new one but he didn't take it i guess he just loved his old car so much or they talk about how great of an entrepreneur he was and how well he could make money and kind of had this superficial idea that kept cropping up of how he conformed to their idea of what success was and it was so interesting watching return to the wild because it was like i was seeing the picture of what chris was trying to explain in his writings in 1990 chris graduated from emory university with a double major in history and anthropology and immediately after graduating chris donated the entirety of his remaining college fund which was about twenty four thousand dollars to the oxfam charity and then shortly after this in the summer of 1990 chris got into his old datsun car and just began driving west with no car insurance and an expired license plate his parents kept trying to get him to make an itinerary explaining where he's going how long he'll be there what his plan is and every time he just simply said that he's going out west and that's all there was to it the car turned out to be a lot of trouble as it kept breaking down along his journey this culminated when he got to a location near the arizona nevada border and a flash flood came and completely destroyed the car not deterred chris simply got out packed a backpack full of whatever he could carry on him and just started walking from there chris began his sort of vagabond lifestyle as he simply began hitchhiking and walking to wherever he wished to go eventually he found his way to the sierra nevada mountains and began staying in and out of hermit camps from 1990 to 1991. there were several abandoned houses within the sierra nevada area and it wasn't common for the people who lived the sort of free living apart from society lifestyle to go stay in those abandoned houses at night or find whatever supplies were available there was one point during this time that it was later shown chris broke into an owned house and took some of the food from within the house however in other reports that i saw this house was very dilapidated so it's quite possible he thought this was just another abandoned structure to walk into and accidentally broke it into someone's property during this time several people began to pick up chris who was going by the alias of alexander supertramp the last name supertramp is hilarious because if you're going to be a homeless hitchhiker you might as well have fun with it there was one story whenever a woman was driving down the road and he was just set out on a fold-up chair reading a book so she stops and rolls down her window and says are you a hitchhiker and he says yeah i am and she says well you're the worst hitchhiker i've ever seen because you're not even trying no one's going to give you a ride like that and he says are you going to give me a ride and she says well i guess so and he says see now i've got a ride everyone who ran into him attests that this carefree lifestyle and attitude followed him wherever he went eventually in 1991 he completely ran out of money so he decided to get a job at a grain elevator in south dakota everyone who worked with him said he was a great guy and he even struck up a personal friendship with his boss who hired him however after a few months of working there chris decided he was tired of it and when leaving he left a message for his boss that said tramping is too easy with all this money my days were more exciting when i was penniless and had to forge around for my next meal i've decided that i'm going to live this life for some time to come shortly after this he made his way to the colorado river where at some point he bought a kayak and a handgun and from there he just started kayaking the colorado river passing several people on guided tours a lot of these people on guided tours began reporting him to the park services and the police because you're supposed to have a permit to go down the river and he also wasn't wearing any safety gear so there were several police officers and park rangers who were searching for him for some time because he was wanted for not having a permit and there were even several cases where they chased him down the river but every time he managed to get away it seems that during this time he rationed out his money and would visit things like small general stores for food there's not any record that he was hunting at this point and it seems that the handgun that he didn't have a lot of ammo for was simply so he didn't get robbed or attacked by some animal one day while kayaking he decided to go underneath a damn spillway and ended up crossing the american mexican border after realizing what he had done and also realizing that there were waterfalls ahead that he couldn't kayak across he decided to get out and carry his kayak back to the united states however when crossing a checkpoint at the border they found his handgun on him and they didn't like that one bit so for the first and only time chris was arrested but this was only for a few days and eventually they confiscated his handgun and just let him go with his kayak i guess back into the desert after this he decided to begin hitchhiking north and in april of 1992 found himself all the way north in fairbanks alaska a man who had picked him up before he crossed the border into canada asked him if there was any way that he could buy chris a ticket so that he can take a plane to alaska or do anything besides hitchhike all that way to which chris said that was very kind of him but chris felt like it was his job and his duty to get there on foot the people in fairbanks who met him said that while a nice guy he was very very weird and also very smelly which having never met chris in my entire life i can also confirm that he was definitely weird and smelly eventually on april the 28th of 1992 chris met a man named jim gallian and asked jim to drive him to the stampede trailhead which is a very long hiking trail that wraps around through the alaskan wilderness during the drive jim noticed that chris's bag who remember chris was going by the name alex at the time that alex's bag was very lightly packed and he didn't think that this guy had the means of surviving in the wild specifically jim could tell that he had very little cold weather gear very few rations and almost no real experience jim kept pleading with alex to change his mind and even offered at one point to drive to the next town over so that jim could buy him real survivalist gear before he drops him off at the trail chris alex kept saying no and emphasizing that this was just something that he's got to do however jim eventually convinced him to take a pair of wet boots as well as two sandwiches and a bag of chips and that was the last time that chris mccandles was ever seen alive the rest of the story as i'm going to tell it comes from the various journal entries and notes that chris took over his 113 days in the alaskan wilderness this comes from a specific day chart in which he took notes of what was happening to him every day as well as little notes and letters that he would write to himself and others in the margins of all of the books that he brought the supplies that chris brought with him other than personal effects and the clothes that he was wearing were a 10 pound bag of rice several books one of which about plants that can be eaten in the wild and a remington 22 long rifle rifle with 400 rounds of hollow point ammo so he was under clothed 10 pounds of rice while that may seem like a lot isn't enough nutrition to sustain you for any real amount of time and while you may have heard the line about 400 rounds of ammo and thought this guy was armed to the teeth this is 400 rounds of 22 ammo so yeah not that much furthermore this is the size of a 22 bullet so he wasn't shooting anything other than swirl with this which that was exactly his plan he planned to survive off of the rice and small game that he could hunt in the area for an indefinite amount of time on the fourth day of his journey chris came across something that he called the magic bus in the 40s whenever the original roadways and trails were being cut out along alaska there were several sort of way camps that were set up for the workers since it's not really a good idea to try to build anything that far out in the wilderness they would take mobile units such as a bus and then park them for a while and just leave them for the workers to stay inside of however this specific bus broke an axle while it was out there so since it was too much effort to fix it and bring it back they just decided to leave it in the middle of the wilderness and this very bus is the one that chris had come across and deemed the magic bus from his writings it seems that chris's original plan was to just walk through the woods until he hit the bering sea however it also seems that the woods were much more thick and much more dangerous than he originally assumed so he decided to just set up his base camp in the magic bus the bus itself while a mild shelter had a cot and wood fire stove still inside of it and for the rest of his journey chris just began taking pictures and writing several notes and letters while within the bus itself his diet consisted mostly of berries that he would find as well as small game that he would hunt like squirrels geese and porcupine and during the first couple weeks of this journey it seemed that chris was enjoying himself and everything was going well the first big change came on day 43 when somehow he managed to kill a moose as mentioned before this isn't doing a whole lot of damage to something the size of a moose so i don't know if he like like fought it with his hands or if he was like hiding in a tree and jumped down on it i don't know i just know i'm impressed i will also mention that several alaskan troopers and people who have researched this story said that it was in fact not a moose it was actually a caribou and he was just dumb which i don't care i'm gonna give the man credit if i was out in the middle of the woods for 43 days and i killed something the size of a caribou i'd say it was a moose too however it seems from his journal entries that he didn't know how to properly gut or store the meat from the animal and most of it ended up going to waste it seemed at some point as with most of his journeys he decided to return back to civilization for a little bit so that he could regroup and maybe get some good food however something that he didn't take into account most likely because he didn't understand the region that he was in is that the nearby teclanica river rises regularly during that time of the year whenever chris originally crossed the river it was shallow enough for him to wade across however in this time of the year during the summer the snow begins to melt and the river gets too deep to just walk across as it would carry you away chris tried this at some point as mentioned in his journal to which he fell in and nearly froze to death to add a particularly tragic note to this story especially if you know where it goes from here about half a mile from where he tried to cross there is a hand operated cable car made specifically so that if someone gets stuck out in the woods they can make their way across the river however again chris didn't have a map or knowledge of the area and was none the wiser to the fact that salvation was only a couple thousand feet away the first sign that something was really wrong came on the 69th day of his journal in which chris said river looked impossible lonely scared things got even more dire when on the 94th day of his entry chris said extremely weak fault of potato seed much trouble just to stand up starving great jeopardy keep the potato seed in mind we'll talk about it more with a sort of theory section at the end because if i'm doing a video you know there's going to be a theory in there somewhere but it seems that between not being able to cross the river and now getting sick things quickly got worse this was exemplified when on day 100 the entry says made it but in weakest condition of life death looms as serious threat too weak to walk out have literally became trapped in the wild during this time he continued to take pictures of the scenery and himself while also recording notes within his books one of the notes that was found that was believed to be near the end of chris's life said happiness only real when shared now some people have interpreted that to be a tragedy that at the end of his life chris realized he needed people around him while others have interpreted it as he always shared his happiness or his energy with those he came into contact with and him sharing his happiness was him doing exactly what he was doing either way his situation became dire enough that he left a message on the door of the bus for any hunters or people who may pass by the message read attention possible visitors sos i need your help i am injured near death and too weak to hike out i'm all alone this is no joke in the name of god please remain to save me i am out collecting berries close by and shall return this evening thank you chris mccandles august i should also mention that this is the first time in any of his travels that chris used his real name the final entry in his logbook was on day 107 which simply read beautiful blueberries days 108 to 112 all had dashes through them which would normally indicate that nothing occurred during that day until finally day 113 was left completely blank shortly before day 113 chris took a final picture it was of himself holding a note that was later discovered on the bus along with his remains the note he was holding read i have had a happy life and thank the lord goodbye and may god bless all on september 6th of 1992 a group of hunters were walking through the alaskan wilderness when they came across the magic bus after walking inside they immediately smelled something that they assumed to be a rotting animal carcass however after looking around they found curled up in a sleeping bag at the back of the bus was the body of chris mccandles the coroner placed his time of death as being about two weeks before the hunters discovered him so if chris could have added another 14 days to that 113 days he might have made it meaning chris died around august the 23rd of 1992 at 24 years old his body when it was found weighed only 67 pounds this leads into the theories about particularly why he died the coroner's report said that it was of starvation which would make sense however he would have starved to death in about two weeks while certainly not impossible it is unlikely for someone in chris's physical condition who also had access to fresh water the main clue we have is the entry in his journal that said he got sick from potato seeds now while it always could have been something with those particular potato seeds it's also possible that he may have eaten wild sweet pea seeds which looks similar to wild potato seeds but if ingested in large amounts become poisonous the other primary theory people have with it is something known as rabbit starvation so for those that don't know if you eat an exclusively lean meat diet you can still starve to death the reason being if you consume exclusively protein that has no fats on it or anything that can also supplement different nutritional requirements of your body you can starve to death on a full stomach the reason being you have all the protein to process that your body needs if you exclusively consume lean animals like rabbits or squirrels or other things that don't have a lot of fat on them but your body isn't getting the required acids and vitamins that it needs in order to process that protein so even though you have plenty of it there your body can't do anything with it and like i said you die on a full stomach i believe that it was most likely a combination of the two and that's the reason his body became so emaciated before his death because if he was to be on an exclusively lean meat diet then his body was running out of means of producing fuel for his system and then you combine that with possibly eating bad potato seeds or sweet pea seeds and getting poisoned and your body isn't strong enough to fight back against it and at the same time a lot of people say he was just dumb and may have been starving for weeks beforehand and just not mentioned it in his journal um i don't think he was like a dumb survivor by any means sure he was dumb for not understanding the territory he walked into but 113 days in the alaskan wilderness is still pretty impressive buster otherwise he was eating something to keep him alive up to the 113 days so i wouldn't exactly write him off as just an idiot i mean he was definitely an idiot in some regards but not entirely however this certainly isn't the end of chris's influence as soon as it came out that a man had given up everything he had in order to walk into the woods and die in a magic school bus some people became very interested so interested in fact it became common practice along the stampede trail for groups of people to make the hike out to the magic bus so many people did this in fact that they began calling the journey the mccandless pilgrimage however the alaskan state police were not happy with this pilgrimage at all as they had to rescue a total of 15 people who got stuck while trying to make their way out to the bus and two people drowned in the same river chris had trouble crossing because again they were trying to make their way out to the bus eventually the alaskan national guard flew in a chinook helicopter to pick up the bus and bring it out of the woods and on september 24th of 2020 alaska university in fairbanks announced that they would host a permanent display for the magic bus however before that bus was moved chris's father placed a plaque on the back of it which read as follows christopher johnson mccandles also known as alex february of 1968 to august of 1992. chris our beloved son and brother died here during his adventurous travels in search of how he could best realize god's great gift of life with this final message i have had a happy life and thank the lord goodbye and may god bless all we commend his soul to the world the mchandle's family july of 1993. during a goodbye letter he wrote to a high school friend chris said the quote i now walk into the wild and this phrase into the wild became the title of the book that was written about him as well as the eventual movie adaptation by sean penn and as far as things directly related to chris that's the story but one of the more interesting things to me when reading the story is the amount of people who absolutely hate chris for example this is a question to an alaskan park ranger who was asked for his feelings regarding chris to which the park ranger said when you consider mccandles from my perspective you quickly see that what he did wasn't even particularly daring just stupid tragic and inconsiderate first off he spent very little time learning how to actually live in the wild he arrived at the stampede trail without even a map of the area if he had a good map he could have walked out of his predicament essentially chris mccandles committed suicide and that's not the only one the author craig madrid of anchorage daily news straight up called mccandles a thief and a bomb there's a lot of people who are furious by his stupidity and hate the idea of somebody accomplishing what he did and feel like that he was a failure for not braving the wilderness and becoming this sort of survivor man but i don't really think that was ever chris's intent do you remember that final note that he wrote before he died the one that said he was thankful to god for the life he lived well he wrote that on the back of a torn out page from one of the books he was reading and on the other side of that page was an excerpt from a poem called wise men in their bad hours by robin jeffers and the excerpt of that poem reads death is a fierce meadowlark but to die having made something more equal to the centuries than muscle and bone is mostly to shed weakness the mountains are dead stone the people admire or hate their stature their insolent quietness the mountains are not softened nor troubled and a few dead men's thoughts have the same temper i love that poem particularly the ending because that idea that there are a few dead men who are completely unbothered by what the world may think of them are the exact same as some mountains the mountains don't care if people love or despise them because they simply stand in solitude and a few men's thoughts are the same way what's even more insightful about that poem is that that's just the final stanza if you look up the entire thing it's actually about how wise men despise stupid people and they despise stupid people because whenever a stupid person comes to die that is their thoughts described in the final stanza see it's saying that wise men whenever they come to die they have all these thoughts of what i could have done more and i didn't get it to live life entirely and blah blah whereas the stupid people they're the ones that are these mountains they're the ones whose thoughts are not moved by those around him and whenever i hear these stories of park rangers and survivalists and news reporters talking about how stupid and dumb and awful chris was i can't help but feel in the same way as he wrote on the back of this poem that he is one of those dead men's whose thoughts are not bothered by what other people think of him and i will concede this from a logical perspective chris was an idiot it was a very dumb idea to walk into the alaskan wilderness with no knowledge of the area of how to get out of it when the river's going to rise and undersupplied but again i don't think chris's purpose was to be a survivor man i think his purpose was to experience life in the most absolute sense up until life overcame him chris really seemed to me like a man passed his time if you were to take christmas candles and you were to drop him in the days of the frontier or the days of the great explorers of people who sailed across oceans and people who led expeditions into the middle of the jungle you would find a mini christmas candles but because chris was born in the modern age the world wasn't built for him it wasn't built for the type of people who do away with all progress that society has made in the sake of technology and comfort and it's not ready for people who just want to experience life in the most absolute qualities i've heard about this story for a long time right but whenever i was going through and researching and writing down all the details for this video it kept ringing in my head over and over how similar this is to walden walden if you don't know is a poem by henry david thoreau in which thoreau talks about why he went and lived in the middle of the woods because to him that was the only true way to live and sure enough while i was reading mchandle's journal on day 60 it says that he finished walden the excerpt from walden that has always stuck out to me is this i went to the woods because i wish to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life and see if i could not learn what it had to teach and not when i came to die discovered that i had not lived two people like thoreau and two people like the candles living required some sense of struggle or some sense of passion to it similar to whenever chris left the grain elevator he was working at and similar to whenever he left college with a double major because he didn't want a lifestyle that supported his existence he wanted to absolutely define and control the reason for his existence and again yeah logically he's dumb you can think i'm dumb for thanking all of this it's perfectly fine and i'm sure that to some degree chris and i are both stupid the author who wrote the original book about chris described his story as a sort of rorschach test that you can lay out all the details and like a rorschach blotch it's entirely up to the reader to figure out if they think chris was some kind of folklore hero or just a really dumb idiot who's gotten overhyped but similar to what thoreau said in walden i feel like chris lived more in his 24 years of life than most people ever will that's really one of the reasons that i've always loved this story so much because of every sense of logic and reason that we understand it absolutely makes no sense this guy just walked into the woods and he died inside a bus but who knows you can call me crazy but i've always felt like the story of the man who walked out of our world and into one of his own making was a story worth telling but of course you could think that all of that is dumb you could think that i'm dumb you could think that chris is done we're probably both dumb but regardless you're here right now and i just want to say thank you for watching thank you all so much for sticking around this far into the video um that's so cool to me that i can just talk about whatever i want to talk about that it can go from a three-hour video explaining trees and james dean as president to whatever weird analysis thing this is um and that's so cool to me i love the support that you all give me it's it's really a blessing and thank you all so much for that like i've said i've been waiting kind of passively for chris to come along in something i figured he'd show up in a missing person saying or something about the woods or whatever but he never did and i decided you know what before this year's over i want to talk about him so i'm going to talk about him because like i said he's it's a story that's always kind of intrigued me and i felt like it was worth telling so if you're stuck around this long hopefully you enjoyed hopefully you also thought it was interesting or at least entertaining in some regard and thank you for sticking around that song it means the most um thank you all so much for just the support on the last video it like whenever you're working on a project that long like with the research and with editing and everything like you know you spend a couple weeks on one video that comes out to be three hours long and there's this worry in your head that ah man this is going to tank the channel no everyone's going to hate this they're going to think this was the worst thing ever blah blah blah but every time you guys proved me wrong and thank you so much for that i'm glad that you all liked it it's currently the highest performing video in the history of my channel and that is thanks to you all it's really cool that i can do something like that and you all are still there for it and it really it warms my heart thank you so much uh one announcement before we continue this little dude uh when the dude at the time this video is going up there's gonna be like five or six days left to get him and then he'll be on forever so link in the description if you're interested in that thank you all so much for the support on the channel as a whole i think we're at 875 000 subscribers it's wild at the beginning of this year i had i think a thousand may have been more like 800 no i think i broke a thousand end of last year so it was around like 1500 or 2000 subs at the beginning of 2021 and now i'm at 875 000. it's it's insane and it's all thanks to you all thank you for the blessing that you have been to me it really does mean more than i could ever say uh while i'm giving thanks thank you so much to my top tier patrons that you can see here and thank you to all of my patrons you guys are the reason this channel is allowed to continue and continue to thrive on if it wasn't for the support in that regard i wouldn't be able to dedicate as much time to the channel as i do and this is this is here because of you guys and it really does mean the most to me so thank you so much for that i hope that you enjoyed this as far as future videos like i said this was a semi vacation because i just finished the serial killer stuff and then a three-hour breakdown of trees and then i'm about to get into the conspiracy iceberg finale and i want that to be special um so this was like a pause in a sense um but yeah look forward to that i may or may not do a christmas video kind of back and forth on it i really don't think i can ever top the christmas with the cranks video so there's no point in trying uh but in all seriousness thank you for sticking around this long i hope that you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 3,976,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, childhood, trauma, Mary Celeste, Flannan Isles, Eilean Mor, Island, Lighthouse, Kaz 2, Kaz II, Leviathan, Kraken, Ocean Monster, conspiracy, theory, mystery, sci-fi, sci fi, true crime, unsolved, monster, creature, nature, journey
Id: FaqHyMOxqiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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