The Most Delicious Maple Coffee Creamer,~ shopping & How I Make my Keto Chow Shakes

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hey darling can I tell you what's been on my mind sick and tired of the N to five in the city life hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around want to see it hey everyone welcome to the farm and pastor's wife I'm so glad you're here today's going to be a little bit different we're going to shop a little bit and then we're going to come home and make a delicious warm fall creamer for our coffee um and then also as you stay tuned till the end there's a new flavor out of keto Chow y'all have asked me how I make my shakes I'm going to make a shake for you stick in the refrigerator and let Bryant taste the new flavor so it's going to be a lot in this video so let me say if you're new here welcome my name's Leslie usually I'm doing cooking videos but the last two to three weeks have been crazy so there's going to be a little bit of cooking we're going to make this um creamer for our coffee so if you're interested in just that I'll try to timestamp it down in the description below so you know exactly where to fast forward to but if you're here just to share our lives with us which is really what this Chann is although it usually revolves around cooking um stay tuned and watch the whole thing cuz um I realized when I switched over well let me just say I have an event tonight I have a wedding rehearsal tomorrow night and I have a wedding on Saturday so I realized when I switched out my spring summer wardrobe out to my fall winter that I have no fall winter dress clothes like almost zil like maybe one dress um I very few dress clothes um and that's not good so we're going to um go shopping we're going to run to bels we're going to run to a boutique we're going to run by the grocery store and then we're going come back and make the creamer so I'll see you when we head out well first stop is the eye doctor several of you have asked me about my contacts and just figured I didn't like them I love my contacts except I couldn't see good out of them so they've tweaked my prescription and the new one is in and so I've I should have picked them up a couple weeks ago but if you follow me you know what's been going on so I am getting my contacts today picking them up and then we're going to head to um bels I believe all right everyone let's head in here and see what I can find for okay I just stopped by the Estee table and got my foundation and I've picked up a dress I've picked up a pair of pants two tops um I need shoes but I'm going to wait on shoes I'm just not in the mindset to shop so we'll see you in a little bit well I did get some items at Bel and I don't know that we'll get a try on um I'll actually try them on for you guys but I'll show them to to you once we get home if I have time we'll do a Tron um otherwise I'll just um show them to you but now we're here at the grocery store I've got to get a few items for um the creamer we're going to make and for the next video that's going to be a delicious delicious fall treat so uh let's go in here and then we'll head home and we'll get this creamer going [Music] all right everybody let's look and let me show you what I got at vels um I did not try everything on this was the free gift that came with Estee Lauder I did pick up my Foundation this is my Foundation right here and then it came with a free gift and it had lipstick in it and you had your choice of two um or two free gifts and I wanted the one that came with lipstick so um let's see what color it is see if it's going to be a color I would wear it's so cute this the tube is like little plaid on it and so is the bag that it came in that cute all right um oh yeah that's a pretty pink kind of a reddish pink um let's see I don't know if I can read the name hold on I can't read the name B epic maybe it's a33 whatever that is okay I'm just going to stick all that back in there I'm not sure what else came in that little free gift but I always love it when they have a free gift [Music] all right so we'll start first with the pair of pants these are navy and they're kind of like leggings they're a cross between a dress like and a legging um so and they looked really good I did I probably could have worn a medium but I tried on the large and it worked okay and I started to grab a medium in the black and bring home and just try it but I didn't I talked myself out of it but those are navy I needed some Navy pants I have a lot of jeans but no like dress slacks and I just I love anything plaid as you can tell and this is just a little peasant blouse um cute little ruffle sleeve and it's got Navy in it I figured that would go great with jeans or my Navy pants either one I have another peasant I love little peasant blouses I love them and um and I love cute little balloon sleeves or the ruffle sleeves and I just thought this was I love quilts and I just thought this looked so Scrappy and quilty and um I love it so this is a medium and I thought I could go with those Navy pants or a pair of jeans I may wear this tonight with those Navy pants that may be my outfit for the night so and then I got a dress it's a super long dress and um but I thought it was so pretty it's got a little tie around the waist here is the and I have those cute little yellow shoes and I have some yellow if I get a pedicure I have some yellow slip on open toed shoes that I could wear but it's super long super cute um and I may wear this to the wedding um in a couple of days so I thought that was really pretty but anyway that's what I got at bels okay let's head in the kitchen and make this creamer first I got to start a pot of coffee so it'll have some good coffee when I'm ready to try this creamer I've got the coffee Perkin so now's time for the creamer now this recipe comes to me for my sweet friends the Millers um The Millers are the ones who gave me the pumpkin whoopy pie recipe and um they are out of the Amish community and so um or they have a background in the Amish community so what we're going to do is I'm actually going to put this on my smallest burner because we don't want this to get like boil or anything we just just want it to get it warm enough where everything is combined so let me tell you what you're going to need you're going to need two cups of half and half I think that's right you're going to need a whole can of sweetened condensed milk you're going to need two tablespoons of brown sugar you're going to need two tablespoons of maple syrup you're going to need just a dash of vanilla and I'm going to put just to bring home that Maple punch just a little bit of maple extract um so let me check the recipe make sure it's two cups of half and half and then we'll get started I'm here in that coffee perk and I just cannot hardly wait I've got to start getting ready if I get ready in time I'll try all my outfits for you all right so we're going in with two cups of half and half one two I'm going to get everything together before I put it on the back burner there because that's my smallest burner the one back there in the back we're going in with a whole can of sweet and condensed milk y'all know our Channel and you followed us you know Bryant can I burnt my spatula um bri can eat this out of the can so I got to get this in here fast before he before he gets home I mean he can just take a spoon and eat it not me not me all right almost got it sorry stick it stuff all right so now we're going to go in and her recipe says really good maple syrup so this is my pure maple syrup from Michigan but whatever good maple syrup you can find and I'm okay if I go a little bit over two tablespoons y'all know how much I love me some Maple all right oh you know what I forgot I forgot my um brown sugar I meant to do that first let's see here bless me all right this is a half tablespoon so I'm going to go in four times with this because we need a a total of two tablespoons one two three four and I'm going to go in with about a half of a cap of the maple syrup I mean the maple extract just a just a little bit to bring home that to bring home that Maple punch all right let's get it turned on back here and I'm going to scrape everything off my spatula and I'm just going to start stirring I don't like I said I don't want this to boil or anything I just want to get everything softened and M together and so that's going to take a little bit because we're going to go low and slow um because we don't want it to boil because it milk will curdle if it boils so all right I'll bring you back when it's ready and when the coffee is done perking okay everyone it is ready I'm going to cut the burner off the coffee is still perking but what I thought we could do and I've already tasted it a little bit and oh my goodness it's so good I'm GNA pour a little bit of this into my creamer container see if I can get you guys tilted down where you can see U my friend Maria y'all know Maria she gave me that and that's sweet a whole set creamer or sugar and a little dish all right I'm going to have to find a good storage means for this oh it's y'all y'all know how I love Maple so as soon as the coffee is done we're going to give this a try and I'm so excited my coffee is ready so let's um pour some of this creamer in it needs a little more oh my goodness let's give it a stir oh my that is super good now let me just say I can't have a lot of this because it's not I mean it's not keto by any means and it's not um diet approved but it is Leslie's taste buds approved that is some good good stuff right there I actually could drink it right out of the pot yeah it's that good like instead of chocolate milk have that yeah okay guys that is delicious absolutely delicious Millers I love you guys so much that is delicious now tomorrow's video you don't want to don't leave because Bryant still got to try out his keto chow and see what he thinks and if the coffee is still on when he gets on we'll have him check the creamer out but listen tomorrow's video you don't want to miss it if it has Maple it has pumpkin it has cinnamon it has whipped cream it's fried oh my goodness you don't want to miss it you don't want to miss it and it too comes to me by my friends the Millers so we are going to tomorrow's video I cannot Hardly Wait like do I even bother dieting tomorrow at all yeah I don't know because this is going to be that good so all right don't go anywhere we're waiting for Bryant to get home for him to try his keto chow and if I have time before I have to get this video out to you guys I'll do a try on if not um I'll try to slip a video in at some point for you guys so all right we'll see you let's go and fix the keto Chow so you know how to fix it because y'all have been asking me how I fix it and then we'll get him to taste it okay so I have been asked to share how I fix our keto Chow shakes and today's a great day because they are releasing a new flavor they actually released it on the 3 but you know I was caught up with some things at church and um so I am introducing for them the keto Chow butterscotch this was done in collaboration or in conjunction with the two crazy ketos if you do any anything with a keto diet U be sure to go check out two crazy ketos and check out keto cow um I am an affiliate with them and I become an affiliate with companies I truly believe in now Bryant is really wanting to start doing two shakes a day and one meal in the evening and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to share how I make this and then we'll have Bri do the taste test in a little bit so I wanted to share with you how I fix this now if you're familiar first of all with the keto diet you know you are you increase your fat a little bit and decrease the carbs so uh you have to add a fat to this now you can add butter you can add your fat of choice um a lot of people like butter but here we prefer heavy cream it does increase the calories and it does increase the carb count just a little bit but um it just tastes better to us that way so so let me show you how I fix it we're going to come over here and I have a half a cup first of all you're going to need one of these Shaker bottles I got this off of Amazon it comes with this little ball thing that you insert in the cup and so I'm going to start by adding I have it full to the rim um let me bring you guys over here so maybe you can see okay I am going to put this heavy cream in here that's a half a cup of heavy cream we just think the T we just love the taste with heavy cream absolutely love it um and to that I'm going to add a cup and a half of water probably warm water works best um and you can add up to two cups but I in my opinion the one and a c half2 cup works best and then I'm going to put in our keto Chow butterscotch shape mix okay and then I put the lid on and just shake now you want to fix this several hours before you're ready to drink them so we like to make several and have in the refrigerator ready to go um and let them sit overnight or whatever this one's going to be in the refrigerator for a few hours before he tastes it but I'm going to stick it in the refrigerator and then when we come back um we'll taste the new flavor butterscotch and see what we think I also wanted to say if by chance you don't think they're quite sweet enough you can do a squirt of stevia or your favorite sweetener in there um I if I drink them as a shake I feel like they're perfectly sweet enough now I've made the ice cream in the uh Ninja creamy and I do add a little sweetener because for some reason if I'm eating ice cream I want it to be you know super sweet um so I do add a little more sweetener to that but we're going to drink this as a shake I'm going to stick it the refrigerator I'll bring you back when Bryant is ready to taste it and we'll see what he thinks about butterscotch so since I am an affiliate there is a link and a discount code down in the description below if you're interested in trying it out please don't feel obligated but just in case you're interested they are kind enough to give my viewers a discount code so go check that down below if you're interested and so all right all we have to do now is wait for Bryant to come and try it I don't think Bryant knows what flavor this keto Chow is so I'm interested to see if he'll figure it out um I think he pulled up but I'm not sure if he's coming to the house or not so let me wait a minute and see okay everyone well first things first I want him to take tast the coffee creamer I made so give that a quick taste all right try coffee creamer oh that's delicious isn't that good that is Rich very man I could drink that that's what I say this exactly what I said I could drink it it's that it's like replaced chocolate milk you got sweeten condensed milk in it mhm I love sweet condensed milk what uh flavor do you pick up huh what there's a flavor do you pick it up the hazelnut or cinnamon light cinnamon what is it Maple Maple oh okay you got to save room for your keto Chow wow that is good nothing keto about the creamer though that is delicious right there okay so this is a new flavor by keto Chow so I want to see if you can figure out what that is you tell them where I'm going you wouldn't believe me if I told you another funeral visitation and service yes it's the is it the sixth one in like nine days I don't know it's one way too many we've lost C all you've already shook it up yep okay here we go see if you can tell me what flavor that is first tell us if it's good it's good but my tongue is craving the cream of I shouldn't have had him taste the cre she have me taste the creamer first I don't know I think of your daddy and hard candies butterscotch y butterscotch butterscotch his daddy always had hard candy in his pocket usually it was cinnamon I can get it now but my I was messed up with yeah I really shouldn't have done that but so there's his keto Chow Shake if you're interested in that now he's wanting to start doing it a keeper like two a day and then have a good supper um so that's what he we're going to start and um I just got to get him several madeen in the refrigerator but if you're interested in that check out the link below if not just skip this part so all right thank you guys for watching the farm and pastor's wife hang tight I'll be back and show you one of my outfits I have my contacts in I love them I can see really good and um not perfect not like glasses I think the contacts aren't ever as good as glasses or that's what I hear and I have found that to be true but uh I I The Tweak in my prescription really helped so all right I'll go get dressed and then I'll come back and show you my outfit okay everyone here is a quick you see brunt suit right there here's a quick peek of my outfit for tonight these these are the pants I got um they're kind of like a cross between dress pants and leggings and this cute little peasant blouse um silver and gold earrings and my Joshua 1 n bracelet and just some beaded bracelets so that's it everything is on but the lipstick and Bryant took my car and that's where my lipstick is so no lipstick right now but here is the outfit again you're seeing all my blankets all my mess oh my goodness and um I'm wearing little yellow little yellow shoes I had on my Navy hey dudes but um I it's it's not it's not a super dressy event I mean it is but not like it I wanted shoes that were a little dressier than hey dudes but still comfy so this is what I'm going with all right I'm gonna get this video uploaded and out to you and you'll just have to see the other outfits throughout my video and and I'll be sure to share it with you when I wear them so okay all right I'll see you guys next time on the farm and pastor's wife listen don't miss tomorrow's video I am so super excited about tomorrow's video you can't miss it can't miss it all right it's a great fall treat recipe like it's an Indulgence but hey it's okay all right so I'll see you tomorrow remember if the grease is hot enough you can fry anything bye [Music] y'all
Channel: The Farming Pastor's Wife
Views: 9,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y7FNziafB04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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