DITL: Feed Tickets, Groceries, Crock Pot Hot Chocolate & Congo Bars

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hey darling can I tell you what's been on my mind sick and tired of the N of five in the city life hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around want to see it now pack our bags and get in that car leave a little note and we'll drive real [Music] far hey everyone welcome to the farm and pastor's wife I'm so glad you're here if you're new here my name is Leslie I am the farm and pastor's wife you're actually in my home down on the farm and yes I am in the Christmas spirit today so anyway if you're new I'd love for you to hit subscribe hit that Bell notification so you don't miss anything I upload content mainly cooking but the a lot of Day in the Life when things get busy and I'm not doing cooking which happens a lot um we do day in the life of grocery hauls shopping hauls um taking you with me whatever we're doing um I just bring you guys along for us so and we are gearing up getting ready for vlog and if you're unfamiliar with what vlogmas is it's where I bring you every single day and I just take you with me throughout my day give you clips of what I'm doing and um just share with you through Thanksgiving to the end of Christmas and we just spend that time together you stay with me every single day uh everybody's asked they're excited about vlogmas coming back and I'm super excited so with that being said if it is 30° outside it was in the 80s last week like just 3 days ago it was in the 80s and we it is 30° right now it was 29 when I got up this morning it uh today it's supposed to get around 50 I think so the day should end up pretty comfortable but y'all know how cold I am if you're if you're with me and first of all you guys know how much I love you and you know how cold I stay so first I want to always share with you what lipstick cuz I always get asked and of course again it is my favorite Revlon with the black tube and the gold band uh it is Revlon this is a very moisturizing it doesn't stay you do have to reapply but I don't like the dry feeling that some of the lipsticks give me and so I wear this but this color is blushed this is the one I wear when I'm just kind of kind of wanting a a soft makeup look um my normal go-to 90% of the time is plum baby but not today all right let me back the camera up I'll show you the outfit of the day and then I'll tell you what we're going to do in this video so stay tuned let me back the camera up okay so the outfit of the day is these uh embroidered jeans which I believe they came out of Stitch fix you guys were the ones that said you got to get those jeans so I did and they are embroidered on both sides and down at the leg on this leg embroidered up here on this one the shirt is just a sweatshirt I bought at Sams in the summertime like late summer as they were starting to get in their warmer things I bought like three of these sweat shirts and I super like them cuz I love anything feminine about sleeves and stuff and I like to be comfortable so um this was super comfortable and I think it's got a feminine touch because of the ruffle up here and of course the I love anything anything cute around the sleeves I don't know why I have no idea why and where that came from I don't know but anyway that's what I'm wearing today I've just got on some brown shoes brown little drop earrings to bring in the shoes to make them go with something but um a cross necklace that my Mama gave me and that's about it so this is what we're going to make today I'm going to make Congo bars and um I don't know where it got its name but I found it in one of the recipe books that I got out of the box that I bought at the auction we went through that box the other day so you can go back to that video and check it out but I found um this I was looking for those peacon bars that I thought I said oh I need to make those I was looking for those and I came across these Congo bars so we're going to make that we're going to head to the grocery store first I need a few things for the Congo bars and I need a few things for supper so we're going to run to the grocery store I'm also going to finish up my Hobby Lobby shopping Christmas shopping but I will share that on tomorrow's video I will share our supper and um The Hobby Lobby shopping Hall two-day shopping Hall cuz I've already been one day and um we're going again today so I'll share that on tomorrow's video today is going to be the Congo bars and we'll go to the grocery store so all right I'm going to find a coat because it's really cold I went outside to get my lipstick cuz I'd left it in the car and BR it's cold and so let's head out to the grocery store get the things we need for this and other things I need and I'll see you when we go I've got to run by the farm real quick and G grab all the feed tickets and put the feed tickets in so not sure if I'll do that before or after but come on you just go with me so if you've missed previous videos if this is new to you my husband and I are uh commercial poultry Farmers we have an organic farm where our chicken is sold at Costco uh in their organic under their organic label so we have organic feed organic shavings everything around here that has to do with the chickens is organic um so we also keep up with the amount of feed that is brought here and up to date up up not to date but up the last entry I made we had 464,000 lbs of feed delivered so um I have a bunch of tickets to put in so I mean a bunch of tickets so I'm going to put those in and then I'll tell you where we stand and what day of the Flop we're on or that the last feed was delivered so we we keep our birds like six to seven weeks usually around seven weeks and um so we're getting kind of towards the end of this block um and so we'll I'll give you a grand total where we stand on our feet and um what day we're on for for for for for for so our grand total as of day 31 we have had 8346 180 lbs of feed delivered so um we will definitely surpass the million Mark um and yeah so we're at day 31 we keep them for about 49 so we're on the the LA getting close to the last half or last end of the chicken so um we'll be out for thank Thanksgiving which is makes me so happy if we had realized it ahead of time I have always wanted to have Thanksgiving in a cabin in the mountains and if we had realized it well enough in advance that you know I felt like the kids could get off their jobs and so forth um we would have planned that so I guess that we'll just look forward to the next time we're out around Thanksgiving and who knows that may never happen but I am going to have Thanksgiving in cabin one day okay everyone we're going into our local grocery store here it's food line and I'm going to go in here and get a few things I need so we are back and I wanted to get started on our um Congo Conga Congo Congo bars I think and yes Congo bars and we're home from our grocery haul so I wanted to show that to you real quick because I want to get these bars made and then I want want to get to decorating for Christmas so all right let me turn the camera around and show you what we got okay here it is so um let's start on this side um I've got some mozzarella cheese two of those just cuz we use a lot of that I've got some Parmesan and actually the mozzarella too the recipe I'm going to do probably Friday night our supper for Friday night is going to be a shrimp crab pasta dish that calls for mozzarella and parmesan cheese so we're going to um use that I also picked up one of these I love these I love these with sauerkraut I love to just slice them up stick them in the air fryer love them so um pick that up I also got some n's hot sausage I am in a big breakfast meat season right now I'm eating lots of bacon and lots of sausage and um I got the family pack of bacon just because we're eating a lot of bacon okay so those of you who may or may not know Bryant's birthday is Sunday and he turns 50 and he's wanting to have a family meal here T that night so uh I think I'm going to do stew beef I did not buy the meat today cuz I wasn't sure that's what he wanted I didn't know he mentioned a roast he mentioned stew beef and and I know he loves cube steak so I wanted to wait and see exactly what he wanted before I purchased the meat but I know as a family we'll have green beans as a side so I went ahead and got the green beans I also picked up some red food coloring um because I I have a recipe that calls for that um and that'll probably be next week sometime okay eggs I got 18 large eggs we e go through a lot of eggs and so we need them okay so today my recipe does call for brown sugar and quite a bit of brown sugar um how and I probably have enough but here we are getting ready to go into the baking season and it doesn't hurt me to have extra brown sugar so this will be the first of many packs of brown sugar I buy in fact I need to go to Sam's and get that great big bag of brown sugar um we are love sodas um I know they're not the best for you but it's better than the real sodas so we're doing diet sodas he likes Diet Pepsi I am in love with the cherry Dr Pepper zero love it um the when I do the crab and shrimp pasta um it does call for sundried tomatoes so I'll be putting that in as well and I want to have a salad with it so we're going to do a salad um so I got some salad ingredients um today's recipe the Congo bars uh call for peans and they call for um chocolate chips and more salad stuff here there croutons uh I had some homemade dressing but I wasn't sure I had enough so I picked that up and I want to make my crusty bread so I didn't want you know if I can cut something out making and I thought the ranch dressing is something I could cut out um got some croutons and milk because I want to make um some crockpot hot chocolate so we may do that today along with the Congo bars I'm not sure it depends on the time frame so not everything has come to room temperature like it should have so I thought let's go ahead and make the hot chocolate it is a cold day there are fellas out working in the cold here so they will be theill to come in and get some some hot chocolate so let me tell you I saw this recipe just the other day on another YouTuber's channel so this is not my invention I saw this over at Tiffany's channel on I think it is Charlotte Grove Farmhouse or something like that I will try to find it and link her video to down below she is the cutest thing ever and she does a lot of home resets you know cleaning and decorating and she's just cute as a button so they have five children so I'll try to link her at least her Channel if not her video to this particular recipe so but we're going to try it today I've never done this I have got a homemade hot chocolate recipe but it's a powdered mix this is not powdered so the first thing we're going to start with is two cups of chocolate chips and this can be done right in your crock pot okay so there's one I knew I should have got a bigger [Applause] bag and there's [Applause] two then we're going to add six cups of milk this is four cups right here I'll have to add two more two cups of milk two more so a total of [Applause] six and whole milk I would think would be the best she that's what she particularly uses and I imagine that would be the best um then you're going to use a cup and a half of heavy cream I had the perfect amount now let me tell y'all I clean out my heavy cream cuz it that's a lot of good thick wonderful creamy deliciousness being left in that container if you don't scrape it out so be sure to scrape it out all right now we're going to go in with a teaspoon teaspoon and a half of vanilla tablespoon whatever you prefer and oh my husband would say this this is the best part a can of sweet anded condensed milk and again I say scrape that goodness out it is super thick in the bottom gracious okay it was thick down in the bottom all right so we're going to turn this on high just for a minute not long you don't want to leave this on high long at all because you want um you don't want anything to burn so we're going to turn it on high just to get it like warm started warming and then we're going to turn it to low pretty quickly and then just let it melt stirring it every few minutes we're going to come and stir it because that chocolate will settle to the bottom and I'm going to leave this can right here with the spatulas in it I'm going to grab the lid and we'll get started now on our Congo bars so let's get started on these Congo Congo I just splattered vanilla flavor in all of my glasses um bars let me tell you what recipe book this is coming out of this is coming out of Hoover's Grove wesland if you remember when I went through the box of cookbooks this one was in there and I shared a story that Bryant has actually preached Revival here two years in a row and um so let me tell you this recipe comes from Cindy hunt so okay okay guys at any of my Hoover's Groves people that may watch my channel listen if you know who Cindy Hunt is tell her I'm doing her recipe on YouTube so okay so the first thing we have is two I'm looking at the recipe just to be sure I did it right two and 34 cup of allpurpose flour now it says to sift it and I never sift the reason I never sift is because I have the these double whisk and I go through so much flour my flour is usually pretty fresh um if it was a a older flower and it had a lot of lumps in it then I would sift it but um this double whisk really gets out any lumps really well and so I don't usually sift any flour okay now to our flour we're going to sift in with our whisk um let me check my recipe 2 and 1/2 teaspoons 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder I want to be sure it was powder and not soda so there's one two and I don't have you turned down where you can see what I'm doing and a half hang on I'll get you guys turned down all right sorry I know y'all were screaming at the TV okay and I'm just going to whis this around with my with my whisk now if you're not using salted butter here's where you would add some salt I am using salted butter so I do not add the salt okay so we're just going to set that aside real quick and we're going to move over here to this bowl I hope this bowl is going to be big enough we shall see okay the recipe calls it's an odd amount of of butter but it calls for 2/3 cup so right here is a third of a cup which is about 5 and 1/2 tablespoon so instead of me cutting both of those I'm just going to count up 11 tablespoons and that way I don't have two half sticks sticking in the refrigerator door so that was 8 9 10 11 so we want three [Applause] there there we go all right now we'll set that back and we'll use it tonight for supper okay so to this we're going to add two and a half nope nope two and A4 cups of brown sugar and I packed my brown sugar so there's one two and a fourth okay so I'm just going to use my hand mixer I'm not going to get out my stand mixer today we're going to go through this the oldfashioned way well actually the old fashioned way is with elbow grease but but um my elbows don't have enough grease today so we're going to use this hand [Applause] [Applause] mixer okay we're going to add three eggs one at a [Applause] time okay I'm going to give the bowl a scrape just to be sure we have everything mixed together we still have more to add that's totally fine all right so we're going to start adding in our flour and do just a little bit I was doing that left-handed that was not [Applause] easy okay so before I over mix it which is what I don't want to to do I'm going to be sure everything is scraped off this spoon I'm going to go ahead now and pour in our vanilla flavoring I'm going to measure in a cup of chopped peans [Applause] maybe [Applause] maybe and 6 oz which is what I have left of my chocolate chips and we're going to finish mixing that up let's give this almost a final whis uh mix because I do want to scrape it one more [Applause] time all right now I'm going to take my spoon and just go down to the bottom and scrape up I just want to be sure I'm getting everything mixed in together okay all right let me scrape this off and we'll give it one more mix and then we'll be done you never want to over mix once you add the flow because then it can create a toughness but that's why I did a little bits at a a time okay one last [Applause] [Applause] spin okay very good I'm going to stick my beers over here in the sink all right I just sprayed um this 9x13 dish and it says bake at 350 so I'm assuming we just spread this out the best we can it is a very sticky sticky dough I'm curious as to why they were named cono bars and I threw that spatula in the I mean I is this is like a decadent chocolate chip cookie I mean yeah so I am super duper excited the boys can run over here tonight and get them a nice little dessert all right and I'm just going to spread this out I think this Pan's a 9 by 13 but I could be wrong but that's what size pan you're supposed to use so like I said it may not be all my clear Pyrex dishes that are definitely 9 by 13 I can't find I've obviously left them places probably at church or at Carolines in fact I would not be surprised at all to find out I had left one over at Carolines or Isaac may have taken something home in one don't know okay well that looks super good to me so here are the Congo bars going in a 350° oven for about 30 minutes so we're going to let this bake I'll see you when they come out let's give our hot chocolate a check we're not going to taste it yet I just want to check on it I've been stirring it and uh need it's time to Stir It Again doesn't that look delicious all right we're just going to let it get good and hot okay everyone the timer just went off so let's give These Bars a check you can see all my fall stuff I've gathered in in there on the dining room [Music] table wow I don't think they're done cuz they wiggled a little bit so my pan may have been smaller than a 9 by 13 slightly smaller so we're going to leave them in there for a little bit longer I don't know how much longer maybe 10 minutes so they're out of the oven we're going to let them cool right here but they look absolutely beautiful I cannot wait to try them um my hot chocolate is looking delicious it's just needing to get hot um I'm wondering if I need to add some more heavy cream but then that'll cool it down and I'm trying to get it hot everything's melted but we'll [Music] see well guys I'm sorry to tell you but Mr Bryant will not be joining us for the taste test for two reasons and I'm glad about one one I get to do the I'm actually glad about both reasons I get to do the taste test so that's good the second thing is he has been out spreading chicken litter for people who have uh requested chicken litter and um um he's covered from head to toe and I just Su him not be in my kitchen when he's covered with from head to toe with chicken litter so I'm going to do the taste test and keep him out of my kitchen but does that not look delicious I cannot wait to dig in m man some kind of good mhm I'll leave that so I'm not so loud swallowing and chewing oh my that's really good really good all right let's give the hot chocolate a try what do you say I have a couple family members who think because I'm ready to Christmas decorate um that I'm skipping Thanksgiving I'm not skipping Thanksgiving I have my thankful Cup in fact it's out all year round so let's check out this hot chocolate [Music] that's okay let's give it a try all it needs is a marshmallow that is super good that is so good okay I'll stop stop drinking now oh man that's good chocolatey Rush that is for sure but yet creamy and decadent and delicious so okay I'm going to end this video here so I can get it out to you listen to me you do not want to miss tomorrow's video you don't want to miss it first you're going to hang with me while I make uh our supper tonight our supper tonight is going to be on tomorrow's video but I think I am coming home with the biggest Hobby Lobby haul I have ever ever done and I mean now I'm I don't do like I've just recently started decorating for fall I've never decorated for fall ever until two or three years ago so and now I'm wanting to change my Christmas tree up so I'm going to you're just going to see and it's going to it's a huge haul so the food is going to be first our supper tonight will be on First on tomorrow's video but then you've got to just stay tuned and see my Hobby Lobby haul it's a doozy it's a doozy okay all right so and thank goodness thank goodness I went on the 50% off sale week of the Christmas stuff whoop whoop yay me and I really didn't spend that much I just bought an awful lot I didn't I mean my my cost was good I had a budget stayed within that budget and uh so I'm super excited okay I'm going to hang up I'm going to hang up that went like way old school way old school like hang up the phone that none of us have anymore on the wall with the long cord you know okay I'm GNA say goodbye now the chocolate's gone to my head and I will see you guys next time tomorrow on the farm and pastor's wife where we're going to you're going to join me for our supper tonight and then a huge Hobby Lobby haul I hope you enjoyed the crock pot hot chocolate and these Congo bars oh my goodness they are so good okay I will see you guys next time on the next video and until then remember the grease is hot enough you can fry anything bye y'all [Music]
Channel: The Farming Pastor's Wife
Views: 13,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mgQQMlri4zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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