How to Make MILLION DOLLAR DIP, A Grocery Haul, Sweet Gift from Sweet Friends

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hey darling can I tell you what's been on my mind sick and tired of the N of five in the city life hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around want to see it now pack our bags and get in that [Music] car hey everyone welcome to the farm and pastor's wife I'm so glad you're here my name's Leslie you're in my kitchen down on the farm welcome if you're new here I would love to have you hit subscribe hit that Bell notification be sure to give me a thumbs up hey it doesn't cost you anything I mean you can give me a thumbs down if you want to but why would you want to anyway um today we are going to let me just kind of give you the backdrop Caroline had a gathering at her house last night she had several friends from church over they had chili they had chicken and dumplings they had all kinds of good stuff and she has leftovers so we're going to go over there for supper but I'm going to make a dip to go over there so this video is going to be a dip we're going to make a dip we're going to go over there and we're going to enjoy it and then um I'm going to do a grocery haul at the end of this video for this week's upcoming dishes and as I show you what I got in that grocery haul I'll tell you exactly what they're for so um the first thing I'm going to do let me show you the first thing I did hey let me tell you I don't have anything out I don't have anything prepared this is a cook with Leslie on the whim and uh yeah that's just the way it is so those of you that like me to be prepared I'm sorry but this is not that video um let me show you what I did this morning ahead of time the recipe calls for a half a cup of slivered almonds well I bought the little half a cup packet and I poured it in here and I thought you know that doesn't look like an awful lot and I may want some more almonds in this and um so I added some sliced almonds in with it and toasted them up this morning so that's what's here um we're going to start with the half a cup that the recipe calls for and then I'll add and tweak as needed um this recipe I think I'm almost sure this is a Pioneer Woman recipe um but however I will try to find out who it is I'm almost sure it's Pioneer Woman and if I can find the link I will share the link in the description if I can't find the link I'll write the recipe out hopefully sometimes that doesn't get done but anyway what I'm going to do is I have uh four green onions right here and I'm just going to cut the root off and then slice them up really thin all the way or almost all the way and um I'll bring you back when I get that done and I get the rest of the ingredients out so I told you I was not prepared and uh that means nothing's at room temperature that's supposed to be at room temperature so it calls for one 8 oz block of cream cheese so I'm going to put that in my batter Bowl here and I'm just going to Nuke it in the microwave for maybe 10 to 15 seconds just to get it soft and um also it calls for eight slices of bacon cooked and crumbled uh I did not lay out any bacon this is spur the moment so I'm using bacon bits I have the real real bacon pieces and I'm going to use a hefty half a cup um of the bacon pieces in this and we'll use that and then I'll give it a taste and if we need to add more we can if we don't then we'll just leave it as is so okay I'm going to Nuke this cream cheese real quick I'll bring you right back okay so I have my cream cheese somewhat softened I'm going to try to do this with a spoon mix it if not I'll have to get my hand mixer out but that's okay so in here I have my softened cream cheese and we're going to go in with a cup of mayonnaise and for those of you that do not like sour cream there is no sour cream in this dip mayonnaise and cream cheese I get that um a lot a lot there are lots of people actually and it surprises me but there's actually a lot of people who don't like sour cream and um it's so funny to me because we have a grandson that can just like eat it with a spoon now I can't do that but I do like it like on my potatoes my um tacos and stuff like that but now I can't go into it with a spoon now Brian can eat mayonnaise with a spoon like that I can't do that either I don't know many condiments I can just eat with a spoon I usually have to eat it with what it's what it's what I'm dipping it in or whatever all right let me get a little firmer spoon that doesn't have quite as much give to it probably a hand mixer would be better but y'all know I'm in a hurry we'll be going over there tonight and I want to get this in the refrigerator for a while before we go over to Carolines and eat so we're going to leave it like that okay so to this I'm going to add a Sprinkle of garlic powder a Sprinkle of cayenne okay um a Sprinkle of black pepper we're going to go in with our half a cup of bacon pieces and I'm going to measure out about half a cup of our almonds now I just toasted my almonds on the stove top but you can do them in the oven if if you are prone to walk away from the oven um then I mean the stove top then do them in the oven they don't burn quite as easily as they do on the stove top but if you're pretty disciplined and can hang around the stove top and stir um I do it on the stove top okay so to this we're going to add most of our green onions but we're going to save some just to sprinkle on the top we're going to go in with the majority of them though all right doesn't this look good already okay now to this we're going to add two cups of cheese this is a cup and a half so we'll [Applause] and y'all I I use depending on what I'm cooking is depending on what kind of cheese I use if I'm needing a good melty cheese I use block cheese and shred it myself if I'm using like for a dip like this and it's not really going to melt because it's going in the refrigerator I use a convenience cheese which is this okay all right so we are going to give this a good stir I probably should have used that finely shredded cheese okay that is it that is it now let me see we had some sweet dear friends come visit us today and they brought me the sweetest gift I'll show you everything later on in this video but right now for this let me show you this and I want to use it so bad for this dip so I'm going to it's probably not going to fill it up because this is probably bigger than what I need but I'm going to use it anyway just because I think this is so pretty and I want to take it um I'm one of those who when I get something new I want to use it right then and um so I'm going to show you everything that they uh they're the sweetest most generous people in the world and um so I will show you what they sent me and Bryant they got Bryant got a gift too so all right I'm going to put it in here even though it's not going to fill it up we're going to put it in here Bryant would you like to try this before we put it in the refrigerator or wait till we get to carolin's wait till we get to Carolines okay all right so well it's not too bad not filling it up all right so we will see you guys over at Carolines let me show you what I'm going to serve with it I'm going to get that out better hang on I'm going to show you the bowl give me just a second I'm going to show you the bowl and I'm also going to show you what um I'm going to serve with it and be sure to check down in the description for the link where I got this all right best cracker dip ever and we're not even using crackers we are going to use bagel chips and P chips so we have a bag of each and let me show you how pretty the dip looks oh and what we're going to do with the rest of these green onions so there's my dip it almost filled it up didn't like much so let me kind of smooth out the top just kind of smooth it out that way and we're just going to take these green onions sprinkle them on top and we're ready for a party whatever um party get together you have to go to here is your dish to take so I'm gonna get this in the refrigerator and I'll see you guys over at carolin's okay everybody we're at Caroline's house and uh Bryant is fixing to taste the dip before we dig into some chili beans and um chicken and dumplings uh whichever one we choose to have so let me show you the dip and then uh Brant's going to scoop some out on his plate and um I'll show you in just a minute there he is hey guys I believe he might have already been in it maybe a little bit all right here you go and there's your plate right here well eat it like this no oh got your a little cat plate here we go all right you want the bagel chips or the P chips let do the bagel chips all right here we go little Bagel Bites I have already tasted so I already know it's going to be good you can tell them what it has too much of for you for your taste it reminds me of your cheese a little bit about your cheese ball uh-huh it does it Miss in the jalapenos for me it's got a little bit too much onion flavor um did you put powder did you put like P powdered onion garlic powder but and it says you can serve it with some hot sauce oh yeah that would be good too but it's really good really good really really good now Bryant's not an onion person and so that's one reason he's saying it may have a little bit too much onion but it really may have had too much all right Caroline's going to give it a try onion person so I'll try I like it she likes it all right guys we're going to eat I'll see you um tomorrow for our grocery haul and we'll be back in a little bit good morning it is the next day it is uh Monday morning and it is cold it was down in the 30s this morning and it's up into the 40s now I think I don't know we'll see it feels like it's in the 30s uh I'm in the car with the heat on fixing ah head to Walmart I think Walmart is the coldest place in the world anyway so I'm kind of dreading it I didn't do a grocery pickup order I'm going in today and I'm going to take you guys with me as long as they don't have a lot of music playing we'll go in and I got to go to the post office first I have to mail off my um to my winner of the keto Chow I've got to mail that off to her and so yeah we are going to um head out I'll come back we'll show you I'm going to show you all the sweet gifts my friend that came down yesterday my friends um our friends uh that came down to visit us yesterday they brought us such sweet goodies and I wanted to share everything with you I've already shown you the pumpkin casserole dish um I had to leave it over at carolin's yesterday um because we were heading somewhere else after we left Carolines so I better get it back no I will I know I will but um yeah I hated leaving it but anyway but one because that dip was so good oh my goodness and I preferred it on the P chips versus the bagel chips um really liked it on the P chips so anyway all right let's head to town uh I'll see you as much as I can while we're there if not I'll see you back home well it looks like I'm going to have to come back tomorrow to mail the package because for some reason they're not open is today a holiday I don't know the door says they open at 8:30 it's 8:39 and and the the gate to the where the people work is closed now I could get to my post office box which I did get a few letters and a magazine my favorite magazine now it has become my alltime favorite magazine it is our state and I love it so okay let's head to Walmart and freeze to death uh I am looking like a bum today but it's because I get so cold in there so all right I'll see you at Walmart so I know now why the post office wasn't open it's Columbus Day okay I'm holding the phone down here because the sun is like in my eyes and so bright so um we're fixing a head in to uh Walmart and the first thing I want to look for is some chapstick now let me just say I use that term broadly I know chapstick is a brand I know it is a specific brand but I use it for any type of lip balm that's just what I call it and so if I get in here and say chapstick I'm talking about and I don't buy chapstick I buy some other brand it's just because I use that it's like crockpot I use the term crockpot for all kinds of slow cookers but I know that crockpot is a brand but anyway um let's head in here and see what we can find e ins speee now explain that one oh they're washable never mind I get it [Music] now so before I bring the groceries in and show you the grocery haul I wanted to show you what our sweet friends um from Pennsylvania that came down for a visit what they got us first let me start with Bryant's um they got Bryant two books and so he loves a good book especially when he's going to the hospital he can take it while he's waiting with the family or whatever um loves that now look at this now y'all saw the pumpkin casserole dish oh me I love it I hope Caroline remembered to put my dip in the refrigerator cuz I want some more of that tonight it was that good okay is this not beautiful Christmas is a love story and it's for God so loved the world an't that wonderful I just absolutely love this it's Christmas is a love story for God so loved the world a story of giving that he gave his only begotten son a story of faith that whosoever believed in him with a perfect ending isn't that wonderful I love that I love that it's John 3:16 with Christmas and the giving and the faith all intertwined a't that beautiful okay all right love that all right let's look at this I got a bag full of goodies okay y'all know me and my maple fetish I love Maple let's give it a try oh I smell something good definitely make that was good oh my goodness that's delicious delicious oras my kids would say when they were little be wishes oh I love primitive looking stuff sit with me in my garden I love that except my garden a jungle right now a cookbook who do love a good cookbook mhm I'll have to sit down with cup of coffee in my recliner and um read my novel I think this is what I'm smelling handmade washcloth oh herbs and soil soap oh my goodness that smells so good o it's a whipped sugar scrub oh that's coffee beans oh it is it's like it's like a body bud with oh that is amazing it's whipped Coffee Bean whipped body scrub sugar scrub that is wow and then this cute little bag another cute little bag oh it's got my name on it I love it so much oh my goodness is that not beautiful oh my with more stuff cinnamon bun spread yum yum m freshly sourced toasted and ground this aromatic blend of Rich warm spices invokes the coziness of harv harvest season Autumn Harvest spice blend it has Saigon cinnamon sugar selon c y l o n Salon cinnamon maple sugar alls spiced clove and ginger oh my goodness that smells so good okay oh vanilla bean paste yum I don't think I've ever used a vanilla bean paste and I love me some vanilla it smells like vanilla oh yeah and it's got like the little seeds you can see that is awesome well thank you to my friends Thug and Kathy y'all are so special to us and we enjoyed our visit so very much and just had an AB salute ball so okay let me get this put away we'll bring our groceries in I got to have another piece of maple fudge um actually before I bring the groceries in I have a slight um confession to make as I'm eating Maple fudge not really a confession but like a little explanation um in fact let me back up several months probably well over a year ago uh I initially lost my weight um if y'all don't remember how big I was uh go back into my videos and look um I some I didn't even realize how big I was until now I look back and see pictures and I'm like whoa girl um and I initially lost my weight with the diet called opava love that diet absolutely love it it is very pricey and so therefore not everyone can do it I did not quite reach my goal but I got to where I was satisfied with where I was at and so therefore I stopped doing opava and just did keto and low carb to maintain or if I gained a few pounds you know to get those off okay which fast forward brings us to today in fact Bryant is doing really well he's doing the keto Chow shakes I love the keto Chow shakes love them he's doing them um when I remember to make them for him but um because you it's best if you make them a day ahead um but let me tell you where I've been the last few weeks I have been very resentful of dieting I I'm really kind of angry about it I'm tired of having to think about it I'm tired of um I I'm just y'all I am such a foodie at heart I love food I love to cook food I feel like it has I feel like dieting has has inhibited my cooking um I just and I know that's not true because I know people who cook all the time and they do recipes and experiment but I love the old rich country fatback and all the just all the stuff I just love it and um and so I have actually been very resentful of dieting and I'm just being totally honest and transparent because that's what I am with you guys I'm totally honest and transparent and I'm sharing this with you as I eat my maple fud um so I need a break a mental break from not not a mental break but a break from thinking about things as far as dieting and when I was at the grocery store today and I have settled this over the past couple of days and what I'm going to do what I'm going to do is during the day I'm going to eat fairly healthy snacks with the exception of this Maple fudge or even fast during the day do some intermittent fasting during the day make some of my normal or eat out normal normal foods but in controlled portions and hopefully that can get me over this little hump it's just it's just I'm in a rut and I'm not happy right now and I just and not that food makes me happy of course but it does um but I want to um I I I I just need a little bit of a break from having to think about carbs having to think about uh am I getting enough fat am I getting enough protein I'm I I just need just I just want to have a I I just want to have a a moment of just you know just a few weeks even maybe a month of just not worrying about it and then get right back on track If I gain it and if I gain it if I gain it back then I'm going to go right back on opava and get get it off again because I'm not going to gain it all back but if I gain some back I'll do that but I have just got to have a little while of not thinking about it and I will tell you while I was at the grocery store and I was buying groceries today with this new mindset it was there was a freedom I I I'm not telling you that being healthy is wrong because I think being healthy is great but I it's just not it's just not in me to the core yet and I just had to have a little bit of a break so I hope you can understand and uh enjoy whatever I fix sorry for the lawnmower but it's going by and um I am going to put this away get the groceries out and show you and tell you what we're going to make in the upcoming meals I've got to show you this real quick because if Bryant sees it he's going to make fun of me because he says I have a pajama problem and he's right I do but these are like a little light brushed flannel almost and then there's the sweatshirt got it in size medium can't wait that's all I'm going to say is I can't wait before we get on with the grocery haul I did just want to clarify that this little break in my watching what I eat is just temporary it is super duper temporary I'm going to get right back on uh I hope before the holidays and before the Christmas and so forth um because I want to be at a good weight where I can enjoy that day you know um so this is just temporary I just mentally I needed a break from it so all right let's get on with the um grocery haul all right here it is it's a pretty good siiz grocery haul um I did get three coloring books for the boys they have really gotten into enjoying coloring so I got them three coloring books and a box of crayons to have here I did get me some headbands um I am in the process of letting my hair grow a little bit and it's at a terrible stage and it's driving me nuts so I thought these might help so I'm willing to try I needed some hairspray they have quit making or at least I can't find it the Aussie um little I can't remember now what it was called but I can't find it anymore and so um I'm going to try this I needed some dish detergent and I needed some cleaning um stuff and so I'm just going to use one of the empty squirt bottles this is a concentrate um mix it with some water and use it I understand that green fabuloso smells super super good so we're going to give it a whirl okay I did get some 45 Calorie bread and um one of my meals I'm going to have barbecue bread in fact tonight's Meal which is going to be uh meatloaf um I've mentioned barbecue bread a lot in my videos and everybody every time people say what is barbecue bread well this is what it is um and I think it's because it was made you could butter it and lay it on the grill with your food I think that's where it got its name but um this is what I refer to this is what I'm talking about when I refer about um barbecue bread okay like I said during the day I'm going to eat just two or three little healthy healthy healthy you know very low calorie very low carb snacks and then eat just a small portion of a normal meal at night and um so I got these um just to have as a snack um all right so let's start with the elbow macaroni I'm going to be making uh my macaroni yum yum um goulash beefy mac I don't know what you want to call it but uh it's calls for macaroni I I got Briant some um we don't drink decaf a lot um for some reason I thought this was naturally decaffeinated but it's I don't see it on the package but um at night I do if Bryant's going to if bry's going to drink coffee and I'm not going to drink any with him I get him the decaf um and I started that probably when he his apib was bothering him okay we're having meatloaf tonight so put crackers in my meatloaf we're also going to have a soup this week and so I wanted crackers for that um the crushed tomatoes and the petite diced tomatoes are for the gulash beefy mac macaroni yum yum whatever you want to call it so um uh this the Great Northern beans I got two of those they are for my creamy chicken chili y Yum Yum Yum cannot wait for that so is that um peas we eat with our um our meatloaf um we have that as a side uh the green chilies are also for the um creamy chicken chili I got two packs of two lbs well two and a/ qu pounds of um hamburger one is for the meatloaf one is for the goulash beefy mac Mac mm um bananas for my boys they love bananas um we're going to have salads with one of the soups and salads with the um macaroni yum yum so I got salad stuff including Tomatoes over here got BR some sandwich meat some turkey some ham some bacon bacon will go in the soup I'm going to make oh and so is the sausage I got these two sausages I don't usually eat Jimmy Dean sausage I normally get nieces but they had none they had none at all okay let's get back at this um green peppers meatloaf salads U I think one of the soups um something calls for that um the one of the soups um got calls for kale and instead of kale I got some spinach I thought that might be a little bit milder and go over better we got some barbecue um not barbecue Texas toast for our um macaroni yum yum this also will be for the macaroni yum yum mayonnaise just because we always need mayonnaise Bryant's creamer let's see if I've talked about everything on this side okay so let's go around here salt and pepper just because I needed it I only use the um Redmond's Real Salt but I know with the holidays coming I'm going to need a lot more salt so I did grab one of these um and also for the chicken stew I'm going to need to fill up several salt and pepper shakers so I got the big thinga some potatoes that goes in one of the soups and also we'll have it aside with the meatloaf tonight um I'm still going to make drink diet drinks and make um my tea with monuk fruit so um I got that bet you can't guess who this is for and this is for yeah the two little blond-headed grandbabies of mine um the the tortilla strips are for the creamy chicken chili I got Bryant some Pringles just because I was a nice wife and thought of him I got my creamer um if I have a sweet tooth I'll pick these up because I really really really like them the only thing is I can eat the whole box in one sitting and whatever they sweeten it with which is probably multiex I'm not sure it's does not set well with my stomach so I can only eat one one one some butter I got us some flannel sheets uh here are the flannel sheets now they come with KingSize pillow cases and I I put the KingSize pillows on the bed but for decoration only we both sleep on a standard pillow and so I couldn't find any that really went except these I know they don't match but I mean the color matches but the print doesn't but I thought it would blend well um nobody's gon to see it while we're sleeping and it's hidden when the bed's made so um I went with that and it was on clearance for $5 can't beat that now I picked up this real good chicken nuggets it is General SE and uh I thought briy and I could do this for a taste test for you guys um we just see what we think that was just kind of a fun thing I picked up all right and some butter I think that's everything but let me talk to you about my lip balm or chapstick whatever um I got the EOS you know they used to come in the little shape of an egg I love those things but I know people had some allergies to them or something but anyway I picked these up I picked up this blisc raspberry lemonade blast I think I've had this before and super super really liked it so I grabbed that I picked up the CarX strawberry picked that up and I picked up the BTS bees pomegranate um and you know I need one here in the kitchen I need one beside my bed I need one in my pocketbook one in my car so that's why I picked up several and I picked up several different brands so we could try and see which one I like the best um but I'm probably not going to know if I'm using all of them interchangeably during the day so who knows but anyway there's the lip stuff I got well I believe that is everything so I'm going to have to do something for Bryant real quick and then get this um all put away and then we'll start preparing um supper but let me turn the camera around and I'm going to tell you goodbye for the day well thank you guys for joining me for this grocery shopping hul for my um explanation of what I'm eating and how I'm eating and for the dip I hope you enjoyed the dip oh my goodness it is so good I mean I love the onions Bryant's not a big onion fan so um it was a little much for on the onions for him but you could definitely either use uh minced onions I would probably rehydrate them a little bit uh you could use minced onions or you could just use less onions I mean he kept eating it I mean he ate it and ate it and ate it so it wasn't it must have been pretty good for him to keep eating it so anyway all right I'm going to let you go for the day I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me I'll see you next time on the farm and pastor's wife remember the grease is hot enough you can fry anything bye [Music] y'all
Channel: The Farming Pastor's Wife
Views: 19,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Ikj_Ggj_Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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