Makeup ~ What I Use and How I Apply it. A Requested Video

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hey darling can I tell you what's been on my mind sick and tired of the N of five in the city life hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around want to see it now pack our bags and get in that well hello everyone welcome to the farm and pastor's wife and welcome to my bathroom um this is the most unusual place for me to video and absolutely it's going to be the most unusual type of video for me but it's actually one that has been highly highly highly requested so um I everybody has asked me to show how I do my makeup now I have put making this video off for many reasons the main one being because I don't feel worthy to do a video like this because I just kind of throw it on and I've not been trained in any way shape or form I have watched a couple of videos um from older type women who know how to do older face makeup which and let me just say you're considered older face makeup ladies if you're over 40 and so and that includes me I've watched a couple of videos not many I don't sit and binge watch them or anything but um so but y'all have asked you've been very complimentary of my makeup and another reason I've put it off is because I wanted to get updated makeup containers or tubes of my makeup and so forth um just because you know how if you use makeup it gets kind of Ratty looking well mine is and um but today is a actually a great day for me to do this uh if you watched yesterday's video you know our church has gone through an awful lot and we have been super super busy over the last few days and uh actually over a week now and um I am behind on my cooking videos and videos getting out to you guys so this was just a good day to do that and so I'm and I'm actually G to do some things I don't normally do but to do them just to show you what I do do when I do it so um so I'm going to get started and the first thing I do is I brush my teeth first thing get that over with I do I wipe it off you know you get toothpaste everywhere I wash that off my face is I we just just got chickens back today so I have been over at the farm working in the farm all day so I've I've came home I've baked and my face is nice and clean and fresh there is absolutely nothing on my skin right now so I'm going to show you what I first do now this is a night cream but I put it on under my makeup I use something different at night that a viewer sent me but U let me just say I use it when I use it but that's rare I'm one of those who is terrible yes I go to bed with my makeup on quite often I know that's horrible you don't have to tell me I know but it's just the way of our life so okay I am going to put on just a little bit this is Sarah v um skin renewing night cream and I just put just a little bit a little bit of this goes a really long way in fact that may be too much um and I just kind and I do everything with my hands I don't have I'm not a brush person or U I do have a sponge that I put like concealer on with and of course brushes for my blush and eyes Shadow but Foundation everything I do is with hands so however you like to apply um makeup then that's what you do um this is just happens to be the way I like to do it so um I'm trying to see where is the best place for lighting for you guys um that may be better hold on just a second I don't know if that's any better but we're going to go with that okay so I have this night cream on which makes my face nice and smooth and it helps my Foundation go on super nicely now this is the tube that looks really gross um it is and I'm going to have to go with my glasses um it is Estee Lauder this most of my makeup is inexpensive makeup very inexpensive um but this is what I do spend a little money on um this is Estee Lauder futurist Hydra rescue and for some reason I was thinking the name that I used was fresco but it's not it's Pebble um so here it's the 3c2 pebble so and I just squirt um kind of one and a half pumps not not much one pump usually does it and I just kind of dab it to begin with and when I do my forehead I go in the same direction with both hands I never do this and the reason is I can feel it pull when I do that and um and I just smeared in I'm going to have to look past y'all and and I always go in at my eyes I'm going to look past y'all in the mirror only because I'm blind I guess I could look right here but it's not very clear okay and I just and I rub towards my ears and I'm always sure to rub kind of because you don't want that line now what I'm fixing to show you that I do well let's let's do some concealer um cuz as I get older I get a little bags and some Darkness under my eyes that you you can see and so um I don't even know if we can see what this is I've had it for so long let's see oh this this is Estee and this came this is what I'm actually using right now because it came to me in a free thing magig somebody gave it to me I believe um somebody got one of those free gifts and they gave me their um this so I didn't pay for this U I was going to show you what I normally use I just use drugstore stuff and I don't see it I guess I threw it away cuz I was out but I just use drugstore concealer normally this only because it was a freebie and I was just looking to see if I could find it but I can't um so um I'll just show you how I do it um that's not it I was looking um I thought I still had it but and I don't remember what it is but just cheap just go cheap Revlon L'Oreal whatever um and and with this one I just take it and I dab it on my eyelid and under kind of making a half move and then this is I do use a sponge for this a beauty blender one of these and whether I use the point or the fat end it doesn't matter I just dab and it's going to look kind of white under here but that's good cuz we're going to it's going to blend in in just a little bit this also works I don't buy a primer for my ey Shadow or anything I use just regular old concealer for um my eyes Shadow now my ey shadow um I'll show you what I don't know if I can even this so old and I think it may be Cover Girl no it's LA Colors buy it at the dollar store La colors but I will tell you last year for Christmas Bryant got me got to find it where is it here it is I wanted I had never had like a nice um palette of eyeshadow and this is the one I wanted it's Stone Cold Fox by colourpop love it you see how dirty and um but here are the colors in it beautiful for fall but you can see I only use I think I counted up I use about 12 of them but there's only two that I really really use um and those are real neutral colors one is almost a really white I don't know if you can kind of see it down in the bottom it's a white and then this one is more of just a beige and what I do see I told y'all I don't know what I'm doing I'm getting out all my brushes for you guys okay so a big nice fluffy ey Eye Brush I mean I don't even know if that's what that is but anyways what we're using it for and I mix the two I mix the two right here and I just go and it just gives and I do my whole eye my whole eyelid with that everything now leave this fluffy brush out because we're going to use it again okay so today my outfit is um orange and blue so kind of warm fall type color col as far as the orange and then of course the blue is a cooler color but I'm going to go with um I think I'm going to go with this brown color right here maybe even the no I think I'm going to stick with that one I might alternate I may kind of mix those two this one and that each color has a name fascinated and bold type so I think I'm G to mix those and I take kind of a short stubby but wide brush and I'm going to mix those and I'm just dabbing now this ey Shadow is real bad to have fall off which is you can it'll fall down here but we'll get that it's okay and I start I kind of feather up at the corner and then I just come in around this way going above my crease um they say as you get older you want to go above the crease to make your eyes look more open so they're not droopy um I say that's a great idea even if you're young to go above the crease a little bit um and so I'm just going I'm kind of going out in an angle you can see I went out at an angle and now I'm just going to come in and go above my crease and just you know color in the above the crease there okay now here is um a real stubby brush this is the LA Colors it's a blue palette and since I'm wearing blue um this is super red it's not as wide see this one was wider this one is more narrow and it's short and stubby and I'm just going to put just a little bit just I'm not going to do this in my crease I'm just going to put it on the edge just a little bit just to kind of give it a small blue tint and I'm actually using this one right here and then I'm going to take our big fat brush that we started with and I'm going to go back and I'm going to get that neutral color mix it if I want to whatever and then I'm just going to take and just draw circles all over my eyelid kind of blending everything all together so there's no harsh lines or anything going to go in there do the same thing now I like to um I like to take a let's say this that white one and I like to draw up here at my eyebrow just to kind of lift that eyebrow up a little bit and I'm going to use this gold glittery right here sometimes I use the white sometimes I use the pink depending on what I'm wearing I've even used this silver but today I'm going to use this gold and I just take my finger and I put it on the inside and just draw it about halfway across my eyelid really lightly and it just kind of gives a highlight to your can you see the difference in in my two eyes um and you it's okay to get a little bit in that corner because you want that little corner to be um highlighted as well here we go okay so now's the time I take my beauty blender again and I do any cleanup if any fell down and sometimes I may need to use a little dab of this concealer or Foundation just to kind of clean it up a little bit all right now I don't use eyeliner but I do have use eyeliner but I don't use traditional eyeliner I just use ey Shadow depending on what color now this time I want to use the darkest blue that I have which I'm actually going to stick with this one which is what I used I'm actually going to stick with that one it's more muted and so and I just this is a little narrow offset brush now you could definitely use eyeliner I just don't like to buy multiple things so I'm using eyes Shadow and I just draw it I don't go all the way across I just do a half to a third of my ey eyelid at the B and starting on the outside I don't go in all the way I think that closes your eye up and that's a good tip especially if you're older I used to do it all the way across and everything and I and I just kind of do a little bit on the top as well and I meet the two the bottom and the top together hope sometimes drawing upwards in my ey eye just to point everything up same thing all right so everything is kind of pointed upward okay now now I'm going to show you something that I do when I have if I'm really putting on makeup like if I have a you know fancy dinner or whatever but for a typical day even a typical Sunday I don't do this I don't Contour I don't do all that stuff but I'm going to show you what I do do when I do um I just use a Browner type blush that I found it is I think this is you know it's in those free gifts of f St laer ladies get their free gifts at sa lauds and they give me stuff and so I love it and I use it so I'm going to use this as my contouring if you know but like I said I typically don't Contour but I'm going to show you what I do when I Contour I'm just going to take a brush of a small fatter brush but not a big blush brush um and I'm just going to rub it in there and you can see this dip in my under my cheekbone right there I just draw just kind of a nice little straight line there same thing over here and then I take what's left and I just kind of color up here at the top in the center and then I kind of come on down a little bit on my forehead and then underneath my jawline don't ask me why it just creates a shadow so forth and then um Mary Kay but I would use any kind of blush I had a friend of mine sales Mary Kay she gave me this and so um um no I think I did buy this one I think I bought this one it is Mary Kay and it's uh old eyes um wineberry raisin and I just take a big old fat brush and I I just dab it and get the excess off and then right above that line I drew I'm going to just put this on all right I don't highlight anything so all right now here's what everybody asked me about it is my mascara and I use L'Oreal unlimited mascara I can't read any of that but it comes in a box and what's really cool is the wand you can tilt it if it if you have problems getting in the corner I don't I leave it straight up and down but this is the best mascara in the world y'all I don't use fake eyelashes I get asked all the time if I use fake eyelashes I do not my eyelashes are there although you can't see them right now because the tips that the the top half the outer half of my ey eyelashes are blonde the inner half is Browner or darker the outer half is blonde it's crazy it's like an ombre I have ombre eyelashes so the only way you can see my eyelashes is for me to wear mascara so I'm going to do this and let you watch and be amazed and I do concentrate I I go all the way across to my eyelashes um I I do put it on all the way across but I concentrate on this outer half but I do concentrate mainly on the outer okay there you go there's one with no mascara and there's one with mascara so you can see it is a huge difference and we'll go ahead and do this one and I also find I did find this out on um I got a little Clump right there I did find out on um one a video that it's good to you put the wand there and then close your eye against the wand I used to use before I found this mascara on Sundays Sundays only I did use a eyelash primer which it kind of just coat your eyelashes is first and then your mascara goes on uh I don't use that anymore at all because this mascara just this lengthens it thickens it is just absolutely amazing okay now the bottom I just lightly in that corner do that I don't even hardly wear mascara in the bottom I just in the corner just lightly and that's it so okay there we go there's my eyelashes all right um so now all I have left is my hair and my lipstick so let me U get my hair done because that's going to be a hot mess um I get bored with my hair super easy and I have had this pixie cut for almost a year and I'm ready for something different and it is growing and and it's at a stage where it is horrendous to work with so let me get my hair done something with and then I'll come back and I'll show you my lipstick um I rarely rarely use lip liner but if I have some today I'll wear it just to show you what I use so um anyway we'll be back in just a minute all right so um I wanted to show you I because I did have Mary Kay it's just what I've I've used um the last couple weeks um but I was going to show you a cheap blush that I use you can tell I use it it is by Covergirl here is the inside of it uh I use it a lot in the summer I don't know if I can even tell you what color it is because it's so worn out I can't I can't tell you what color but I use the only thing I have to have that is U name brand or um you know more of a expensive item is my foundation and that is only because of the way my skin is I have used let me show you what I used to use and it was a drugstore item and I loved it I loved it but my skin has gotten it my skin needs some work I need to go to have like the microderm abrasion or whatever I need to have all that stuff done but I've never had that stuff done I I don't know what it would be like so so um I've just never done that but I feel like my face needs it but here is um I if I use a store bought brand like during the week or whatever if I'm just throwing something on so I don't look so bad um this infallible by L'Oreal 24hour freshwear I love it uh this is color 455 that may be more of a summer tone for me but um I love this so if you want cheap cheap makeup let me tell you that I mean drugstore makeup I don't think any makeup is cheap except unless you get at the dollar store um I don't this may be like 15 I don't even know how much this is but this would be what I got if I got drug store brand this um but my high dollar brand is Estee Lauder and it's this Hydra futurist Hydra rescue love it um Covergirl um I would use the blood Covergirl blush if I wanted a drugstore item I right now I'm using Mary Kay what I put on was Mary Kay but drugstore item I use drugstore uh eyeshadows actually Dollar Store eyeshadows all the time in fact there's that one the blue one here's this one um here's another one um I have several several of these um and a lot of my like Estee stuff comes from like free gifts that ladies get and they just give me the stuff they don't want um uh any kind of concealer your favorite type of concealer I don't really have a brand name of concealer um right now I did use today I did use an Estee that came in one of those free things and so here's that um but I do not oh and if I did use eyeliner when I did use eyeliner I don't use it anymore look it's so dirty let me wipe it off um I did like this but I don't even wear eyeliner at all I use my ey Shadow as my eyeliner but this was Stila and I got this at Ulta and it was it's a fine brush it's a little bitty little bitty fine brush and I did really like this when I wore eyeshadow but but um I don't wear it anymore um so yeah um everything everything like I said for the most part I can have a drugstore makeup for um and my lipstick is no different oh I was going to tell you how I put eye I mean lip liner on well guess what I don't can't even find any lip liner I can't even find any lip liner in my pocketbook or anywhere um I get asked all the time what lipstick I wear nine times out of 10 it's this color plum baby 467 it is Revlon the black tube with the gold band um Revlon super lustrious lipstick and Plum baby is my color however I do try to match my lipstick with what outfit I'm wearing nine times out of 10 Plum baby goes with everything but I'm wearing orange today and there's not a whole lot of um even when I put some my outfit completely on what goes over will be um I'm that's what happens when my hair grows out um is going to be orange so what I'm going to do today is I'm going to use a really fall color same brand is still the Revlon lustrious whatever Revlon super lustrious lipstick but the color I'm going to use I'm going to blend colors I'm going to use iced mocha which is kind of a brown and then I'm going to put on top blushed I mix colors all the time so um I have I I don't know if if this is the Widow's peek see I always thought this was the Widow's peek I can't remember what these things were called the pointy Parts mine are super pointy like I would like them a little bit more rounded so I I usually start it really doesn't help a whole lot but I start in the center and I kind of round it but it still goes in that Peak I mean it's just it's just the way my lips are and um so I'm going to look off to the side sorry hang on now the one thing about this lipstick it's not a super long lasting it doesn't stay but I don't mind reapplying I always keep my lipstick in my pocketbook so I reapply quite often um but it doesn't make my lips feel dry it it they feel moist um and I do have some lip gloss but um I don't wear it often um usually if I don't know occasionally it depends on if my lips are dry sometimes my lips are dry I'll really wear some lip gloss just to help with that so now I'm going to put on the blush on top just to soften that dark color a little bit and to give it a little bit of a glow okay so there's my lipstick all right let me finish putting on my outfit I'll meet you in the living room and show you the complete look okay so here is the finished look um let me see if I can get you guys the lighting is just not good today um hold on okay so maybe that's a little bit better but here is the outfit here is my makeup um it is what it is I just dab it on I the barn needs painting and I paint it so um this is I have no technique really or anything uh I still have my rings and jewelry to go as far as bracelets and rings but everything else is pretty much a go so let me get you turned down you can see the whole outfit um I'm using Navy hey dudes but oh well that's probably doesn't go but they're comfortable so okay um this was so odd for me I'm not used to showing you that and I just do not feel hardly worthy at all but so many people have asked and I needed a video so here it is and uh I hope you enjoyed um I will not have time to find links to these items that I use but I will tell you that the dollar store or the do25 store now is where I get those eyeshadow palettes um Bryant got the big eyes Shadow P palette for me he got it from Amazon again it's by colourpop and I think it's silver fox something like that um but it's by colourpop I don't know how much it was it was a Christmas gift my Estee Lauder I buy it at bels but anywhere that you know that Sals Estee Lauder you can get that and um Covergirl my ey mascara all that other stuff comes from Walmart the concealer other than what I use today I used Este day but normally I have just a drugstore concealer buy that at Walmart everything lipstick comes from Walmart everything you can just buy Super inexpensive so um there you have it so it's not it's I I don't it's not perfect by any means but anyway okay so um I just wanted to show you the outfit kind of show you how it all came together how I do try to I mean I don't have orange lipstick on but I have like a warm tone that goes with like fall things so all right I hope you enjoyed this video I know the men probably checked out on us so that's okay I get it but um we'll be back the rest of the week hopefully with some cooking videos it has been a really really tough week and we still have few more days to walk through with this so um I don't know how the videos will pan out but hopefully it'll be a normal schedule and um I need to go to the grocery store so um anyway I will see you guys next time on the farm and pastor's wife remember the grease is hot enough you can fry anything bye y'all [Music]
Channel: The Farming Pastor's Wife
Views: 11,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b0-pLfn_0pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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