Where Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Take Us?

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there was a period of time on 9 11 when nobody knew what was going on a plane had hit the World Trade Center everybody on the news was talking about it there were rumors that other planes have been hijacked that this was some kind of major attack but nobody knew for sure there were all kinds of crazy rumors swirling around but in that moment it was just as likely that this was just a horrible accident just a thing that went wrong and nothing more than that and then the second tower was hit that was the moment that all the confusion went away and we all collectively realized at the exact same time oh we're living in a different world now I think we're kind of having that moment right now with AI for the last 10 years or so we have been hearing about how this technology is going to change the world it's going to take all of our jobs leave Society unrecognizable there's just been this background anxiety about it what you know AI could do but for the most part it was just like a an abstract thing you know that we couldn't really see or imagine but some recent advancements have made this abstract thing a lot more clear AIS that can generate articles music images video and code meaning they could create more AIS there are even people using AIS to build and run businesses all by themselves making thousands of dollars a day at the very least these are the new tools that in five years or so you're gonna be at a disadvantage if you don't know how to use them and at the very most we're seeing just the tip of the iceberg of a technology that will radically reshape our society in ways that we can't possibly comprehend what we're seeing right now is ai's second tower moment whichever way this goes we're in a different world now [Music] all right so this is a video about what's going on with AI right now and the thing is what's going on with AI right now is it's changing extremely fast like there are entire channels dedicated to following this stuff the post multiple times a week and they're struggling to keep up so the idea that this video is going to be timely is just laughable yet things have happened since you started watching this video that already makes this video obsolete and that's kind of the whole point for years we've been hearing about the idea of the singularity you know the the moment that AI outpaces us and the unimaginable becomes real I covered it a few times early on in this Channel and I've been making the argument actually for the most part that when you step back and you scale things back and look at the big picture we're in the singularity we've been in it for a couple hundred years yeah I kind of got away from the idea that the singularity was this you know one single event just one moment when everything changed all at once you know I started seeing it as an era of history that began maybe with the birth of the Industrial Revolution when we learned how to harness energy or or maybe even the invention of the printing press and we learn how to pass information on through space and time yeah like everything's kind of hockey sticks after that but what's been happening lately is starting to feel like the classic version of The Singularity you know like like we're just we're just rolling downhill and about to cross the Event Horizon of this thing where there's no going back hyperbole much Joe I don't know I mean not if you listen to the hype around it judging on the hype that you've been hearing about AI this could go into very different ways on one hand AI could solve all of our problems cure cancer create new methods of propulsion and clean energy all the issues we're currently dealing with that we fear will destroy us someday AI could be an unimaginably powerful tool to solve those problems this is one possible outcome but then there's the other outcome wearing an inconceivably short time AI becomes smarter than us it becomes an intelligence we can't possibly fathom leading to the extinction of the human race and to me anyway no discussion of AI is possible without talking about both the good and the bad so that's what I'm gonna try to do here and it's it's difficult I'm uh I'm trying really hard guys honestly I have had to restart this video like four or five different times because every time I thought that I was done I would find some article or see some video that kind of threw my entire point out the window and I would have to start all over again there's there's so many takes on this subject and it's not that any of them are wrong actually the problem is that a lot of them are right they're probably all right in fact one of them got into Eugenics I didn't see that coming I mean nobody even knows exactly how these things work even the experts that have been working on this for decades so like how am I supposed to add anything to this conversation like what can I possibly say that hasn't already been said and if I'm being honest I haven't even really been keeping up with this there's like a 50 000 AI apps out there and I haven't been able to mess with any of them because I'm always just trying to get the next video out so not only am I trying to make an informative video out of this thing I've got to get caught up on a technology that I've been following way behind on like I couldn't feel more older and out of touch and the biggest irony of all is that I'm sitting here struggling really hard to write a script about a technology whose core value is that it can write the script for me maybe I should just pick up where my last AI video left off when was the last time I made a video about AI my last video on AI was in 2016. wow oh this little baby YouTuber back then okay so yeah the last video I was talking about the three different levels of AI so why don't we just do a quick refresher on that all right so yeah big picture when we talk about AI there's three different levels there's artificial narrow intelligence artificial general intelligence and artificial super intelligence narrow AI is what we've been dealing with for a long time now this has taken the form of chat Bots to spell check image processing that helps with photography astronomy medical Diagnostics and so on voice recognition is a kind of AI virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa there's all kinds of AI and gaming Aviation search engines the list goes on AIS help make our jobs easier and our lives more efficient in a million different ways it's also manipulated our society in ways we're just now beginning to come to grips with all the polarization isolation depression that we've been seeing by social media these are products of algorithms that are themselves a kind of AI like I know some of the biggest algorithm experts at YouTube and I can tell you they're just trying to figure it out like the rest of us only they have millions of channels worth of data to deal with versus one or a few channels yeah the algorithm is based basically like an alien life form nobody really knows how it works it's a black box that nobody can see inside of or understand much less control this is the point that will come up later yeah all of these AIS are amazing and Powerful but they're all examples of again narrow AI they're built and trained to do one specific thing and they do that one specific thing better than any person could but that's all they can do and we're already seeing this bifurcation of scenarios you know simultaneously incredible and amazing but also tearing apart the fabric of society artificial general intelligence is AI that can do all the things that narrow AI can do but for everything it's a generalist a much more like a human being I want to make sure that I'm clear here I'm not talking about Consciousness or sentience at this point this isn't an artificial life form we're not talking about giving it personhood or rights or anything in fact the Consciousness thing it doesn't even play into this conversation right now I think it's better to just kind of set that aside that muddies Waters that are already pretty muddy a general AI is just AI that can have the same capacities as a human brain you can analyze images but it can also make music it can problem solve and strategize even deceive and manipulate here's the thing about artificial general intelligence though when it does happen you'll probably miss it because if an AI has the same capacity that we have well one of the capacities that we have is that we can make an AI smarter so if an AI That's as smart as we are can create a smarter AI that by definition is artificial super intelligence this is what futurists have been saying for a long time now that pretty much the instant we reach artificial general intelligence we will reach artificial super intelligence AI That's smarter than a human smarter than all humans combined for that matter and this is where things really split into a couple of different directions you know on one hand we could see a Utopia where every disease has a cure aging can be reversed resources perfectly allocated for all the climate and equilibrium economic recessions forever eradicated all our wants and needs fulfilled so we can spend our Limitless lives and pursuit of knowledge and happiness or in an effort to get rid of all conflict that suppresses us all into an authoritarian surveillance State devoid of Free Will with all of our wants and needs doled out according to its all-powerful insistence on order creating a techno slave state or it could decide that the common denominator in all the world's problems is Humanity itself and wipes us out the face of the Earth replacing us with robots and machines that live on for a billion years eventually spreading to distant stars and eradicating all potential life in the universe from existence it may have gone too dark with that one there is of course another option which is that all of this is just hype just way overblown hype by companies who invested billions of dollars into this and now need to sell the product they made in fact there's an argument to be made that this is just another Gold Rush AI is the new crypto and there definitely is a gold rush of sorts going on with all these new AI tools suddenly being integrated and everything with a keyboard uh some of which are awesome yeah but some of which just don't make any bloody sense but really this this isn't anything new you know companies have been using AI as a catch-all buzzword for the last decade it's just like this thing that they say to convince you to buy their product and say that their product is better because it has AI in it you know everything from Cars to HVAC units to washing machines coffee makers Tech investors need to beware forty percent of companies in Europe and now claim to be AI startups have actually if you can believe this little or no connection with artificial intelligence at all now in these cases the AI is usually just like an algorithm that allows a device to self-adjust or optimize according to the situation and they've got their merits you know is the kind of narrow AI I was just talking about but it is also just marketing so yeah on one hand AI is nothing new it's been used to sell us on products for a long time what we're dealing with right now though is something different this is generative AI not to be confused with General AI that I was talking about a second ago generative AI though it's exactly what it sounds like it's AI that generates something that didn't exist before and this does feel like it just kind of popped up out of nowhere in the last couple of years but again it's really just a culmination of a lot of things we've been getting used to for a while now we kind of started seeing the first Sparks of this back in 2015 when videos like this from Google's deep dream project started kind of making their way around the internet the AI would basically start off with a picture and then it would find patterns in that picture and the alignment of pixels and whatnot that it would recognize as other images kind of like us seeing faces or shapes in the clouds it would then pull from a set of images and insert them into the image leading to these mind-bidding visuals of animals and faces reminiscent of a heroic dose of mushrooms or so I've heard following that the research continued into training AI models to recognize objects and images that's pretty much what all those captures were all about finding the stop lights and the cars and the images you've been training AI models this whole time didn't even know it you also started to see Tools in Photoshop like content aware of fill and scale that will intelligently replace objects and add extra photo to the photo based on the space around it that got fully integrated into Photoshop in 2019 I actually use this all the time on my thumbnails and then there's the AI video and image filters that started on Snapchat and then on Tick Tock then there was a trend of AI generated avatars and social media through apps like lensa I'm leaving a lot out but the point is all of these little AI tools and toys have been around for years and becoming more and more popular now at the same time that all this was happening there were AIS that were learning natural language patterns the first autocorrect features in word processors can win back as far as 2003 but it became especially useful with the Advent of smartphones predictive text and phones and search engines soon followed voice recognition paired with natural language models led to Siri in 2011 Alexa in 2014 and then in 2021 openai announced dolly which put the image and text features together and had the ability to create entirely new images based off of textbook all that labeling of objects and text recognition it all kind of came together so that if you entered the word camel it knows what a camel is and it can search its massive image archive and it creates something that resembles a camel the first dolly was kind of under the radar though it was kind of just made for research purposes it was Dolly 2 that came out last year in 2022. that's what gave public access to this technology for the first time mid-journey came out about the same time and people kind of lost their minds for the first time literally anybody could just enter some words into a prompt and get a pretty good quality image out of it and yet anybody who's been following this even a little bit can attest to how quickly this AI art has evolved and then by the time we got used to all that Here Comes Chad gbt chat GPT chat gbt chat GPT chat GPT chargpt chat GPT chat GPT chat GPT cat GPT okay so Chad gbt in case you don't already know it works off what's called a large language model or llm llms are neural networks a neural network is a computer system that basically works like a brain just as a brain has billions of connections between neurons llms have billions of connections between mathematical functions that act like neurons I don't want to go too deep in how all this works but I'll just quote a tweet from Peter Yang Creator economy so who said this quote imagine that you have a library with a huge collection of books you want to learn everything you can from these books such as how to write a good essay and how to speak a foreign language how can you do that an llm is a program that can generate text based off the books in your library so it does kind of work just like predictive text on your phone where a phone has a library for past text it can kind of figure out what the most likely next word is going to be so I'll say if you start to type your street address it's learned that from watching your text and it auto completes it only in LL M has millions upon millions of books and articles to draw from and then they kind of weigh what they read in terms of importance to be clear this is a massive oversimplification but you get the idea the process of feeding an llm gobs of text is called pre-training when programmers want llms to get better at specific tasks they can feed the llm more Focus text this is called fine tuning but it's not really interested in giving the right answer it's programmed to give the most likely answer and a lot of times that answer is right a lot of times it's not for example when I asked chat gbt to give me five facts about the YouTuber Joe Scott this is what I got Joe Scott is an American Science communicator and YouTuber who creates videos about science-based technology he's been creating content on YouTube since 2014 has over 1.5 million subscribers accurate before becoming a full-time YouTuber Joe worked as an engineering consultant in the Aerospace industry he has a degree in aerospace engineering and a master's degree in systems engineering this is not true Joe is known for his informative and well-researched videos which cover a wide range of scientific topics from black holes and space exploration to artificial intelligence and genetics well done chat gbt in addition to his main Channel he has a second Channel called answers with Joe where he explores interesting questions and provides answers that's second channel is called TMI so swing nms Joe is an advocate for Science Education and Outreach sure that's true he has spoken in events such as tedx and collaborated with organizations such as NASA and the planetary Society to help promote science literacy and interest in space exploration I wish that were true so yeah out of five questions two of them were completely bloody wrong and one of them was kind of half wrong so also when I was messing around I asked it to give me uh directions to the closest roller skating rink to where I live in East Dallas and it pointed me to a nice little skating rink at the corner of Gus Thomasson and Ferguson uh but when I looked it up on Google it's actually way up in Plano about 10 miles away so yeah when people ask me if I use Chad gbt to write my scripts for me my answer is not just no but hell no in fact the first time I ever really tried to do that I was doing a video in smart cities um I tried to save a little time and asked it to write a few paragraphs about the plan city of pelosa Arizona and it gave me this telosa is a bustling Metropolis located in the heart of the country with a population of over 2 million people it's one of the largest cities in the nation and a major Center of Commerce culture and entertainment the city is home to a diverse array of people with a rich mix of cultures religions and backgrounds making it a vibrant and exciting place to live and visit telosa is a cultural hot spot with numerous museums Galleries and theaters showcasing the best in art music and performance and it's home to many renowned Musical and theater Productions as well as countless festivals and events that take place throughout the year yeah um this city does not exist it's literally just computer renderings right now now we'll say I've used it to help create video titles for my videos and it's been pretty helpful with that and also while I was testing it out I thought I would try uh seeing if I could help me to brainstorm some ideas about a a character that doesn't really exist say I'm writing a book and I made up this character about a farmer who's about to go bankrupt The Prompt I gave it was I'm writing a story featuring a character that's a farmer trying to keep the family farm from going bankrupt he's a tough man struggling to keep himself together for his family what are some quirky characteristics I could give him and it gave me these options of superstitious your farmer could have a collection of unusual Lucky Charms or rituals that he believes will be will bring Good Fortune to the farm talks to animals collects unusual items expert Whistler Green Thumb for unconventional plants fear of modern technology expert storyteller proclivity for inventing gadgets this is pretty good like like that's seriously helpful I could actually use that oh and I also asked it to recite the to be or not to be speech in the style of Snoop Dogg um I was kind of hoping to see a to be or not to Bizzle but I didn't get that but I did in a matter of seconds it created a whole rap verse that's honestly pretty impressive okay now I am not a power user of Chad gbt there's a million videos out there with great advice on how to create the best prompts to get what you want uh I'll just direct you to some of those down in the description by the way my prediction is that the word prompts is the word of the year for 2023. uh get used to that word you're gonna be hearing it a lot so yeah in my experience anyway it works really well as a kind of springboard or brainstorming partner less well as a source of accurate information yeah ironically the computer program is better at creative thought than accurate information which is fine except you know Microsoft put it into being a search engine a thing people use to find accurate information and this is a problem as bombastic as the prognostications around AI have been to me anyway this is a much more immediate threat the way AI could accelerate the already massive problem of misinformation online you know I keep hearing about people using this as a shortcut to creating content online which is fine like I just said there's some really helpful use cases for that but you have to fact check it and frankly a lot of people aren't going to do that because for many people whether or not it's accurate doesn't matter it's just about giving people something to click on combine this with a rapid advancement of the image generating apps that are already damn near photorealistic and we are truly entering a post-truth age when literally any content can be faked any image can be faked any voice can be faked I haven't even gotten to that one yet and pretty soon nobody's gonna know what to believe anymore so they'll just believe whatever they want to believe only increasing the fragmentation and distrust in our society which is pretty god-awful already now the AI Bros are quick to point out that this is the worst AI will ever be that it'll only get better from here but on the other hand it'll only get better from here now there are other llms being developed like Lambda from meta and Bard from Google that have not been released to the public Google especially is being extremely cautious about releasing Bard because you know their entire reputation is based on their accuracy some will say that Microsoft was actually being really risky putting chat gbt into being so early but let's be honest nobody was using Bing so they really had nothing to lose but this does put pressure on Google to counter with their own search assistant and now we've got an AI or arms race but I guess you know maybe the upside is that there's only a handful of these llms right now because they take literally billions of dollars to train them only that's not true anymore late last year researchers at Stanford announced a powerful llm called alpaca that can be pre-trained for as little as 600 they did it to create an llm that academic institutions can test without you know needing billions of dollars of funding according to their paper it worked about as well as meta's Lambda AI model it didn't stay up long though they took it down on March 20th because they were concerned about hallucinations that's what they call it when computers tell confident lies you know like Chad gbt does about half the time but the point had been made the price of llms is going down from billions of dollars to hundreds of dollars and pretty soon people will be making these in their garages and since gpt4 which hasn't been fully released to the public just yet it has the ability to write code so now you have the ability for AI to write more Ai and improve it anybody else feeling like this is kind of spiraling out of control it's no wonder that over a thousand Tech insiders signed a letter in March to put a pause on AI development Beyond gpt4 it's from the future of Life Institute which is controversial in its own way and there's a heated debate around their intentions which is a rabbit hole I'm just gonna have to leave out of this video but even with the generative AI That's out right now we've seen a flurry about creation using it literally every other day there's a new crazy world-changing app that makes the news some of it's been the same AI marketing I was talking about before that's nothing new but some of it's just Bonkers things like mixo.io that create websites in minutes jasper.ai that writes marketing and SEO copy for the web luca.com that creates AI generated logos tome.app that writes and creates presentations with Dolly and Chad gbt quillbot.com that paraphrases AI paragraphs so it can pass an AI detector yikes there's runway.ml it's a video editor an image processor Nvidia has an app that lets you draw a simple landscape and it'll just fill in the rest they call that canva Nvidia also has a broadcasting app that will basically make your eyes look like it's going in the direction of the camera there's 11labs.io that does voice cloning sound draw.io that makes music there's agent GPT that lets you build an AI agent that can do anything you can ask it to do and there's future tools.io which is an AI search engine for AI tools by the way that is just that's just a sample there are hundreds of these out there and there are other channels that are reviewed literally hundreds of these apps again I'll just point you to those there's going to be a link downstairs okay so when it comes to these new AI tools my personal theory is that they're just that they're tools you know you still need to know what you're doing to get the kind of results that people are talking about here you know it's like Photoshop just because you have Photoshop doesn't mean that you can do the same thing as a professional designer can do I can attest to this I suck at Photoshop actually there's a great meme that's going around anybody who's worked in a creative field will understand it says to replace creatives with AI clients will need to be able to accurately describe what they're looking for we're safe I'm sorry as somebody who's worked in that field I can tell you that made me laugh quite a bit when I first saw it but anyway to test my theory I actually dug in to about 10 or so of these apps and I made a whole separate video of it where I go through some of these apps and I try to figure out if I can make them work as a total noob in the way that the demos of these apps say they can and I'm uploading this along with this video to nebula because I've just seen a ton of these videos talking about these crazy things that these apps can do but I've never actually seen anybody actually use them um again outside of those product demos so yeah I gave it a try myself some were garbage but some I I really think I might be using from now on and and trust me if a tech don't like me can do cool things with them then they must be pretty powerful so if you're on nebula you can watch it right after this video if you're not on nebula well here's why you should sign up for it nebula is the premium streaming service that I helped start along with some of my friends who just happen to be some of the best educational YouTubers in the world and I am completely unbiased in that statement on nebula you can watch our videos ad free and earlier than everywhere else and you can also see nebula exclusive videos that you can't find anywhere else including real engineering's Logistics of D-Day series real Sciences unbelievably good series called becoming human and for those of The Morbid curiosity you can find my Mysteries of the human body series and my ongoing forgotten atrocities series and something I don't talk about nearly enough is nebula classes um this is like some of those other online learning platforms that you may have heard of but these classes are run by educational YouTubers just going full on educational you can learn how to produce videos like Volks guys how to produce music like Adam Neely and how to sue like a lawyer with legal eagle and there's new ones added all the time and the reason why we made this platform is because YouTube can be a lot you know with the ever-changing algorithm the AI once again we're always chasing the content that will work here and we're always having to be more click bitty and Sensational I know you guys hate that but nebula is a place where we can just let our hair down and make the content that we care about so if you've ever thought about supporting a YouTuber this is easily the biggest bang for your buck because not only you're supporting hundreds of content creators with that one subscription you get tons of content in return and if you sign up for the link below you get that for 40 off the annual plan which comes out to a little bit over 250 a month which is probably worth it just so you don't have to hear ad reads like this so click the link down the description below to check it out and watch me test out some of these AI apps which I can tell you if you were to test all these apps out yourself it would cost way more than your nebula subscription so boom you've already saved money all right so to kind of wrap this thing up I want to kind of talk about some of the issues that really need to be mentioned because so much of this topic gets overwhelmed by the existential dread stuff and while I know that's kind of my thing um there are some right here right now problems that are far more immediate threats obviously those issues of jobs being lost to Ai and yeah this is something to be concerned about but there's also a bit of a debate around this because one could also make the argument that these new tools could help employees be more productive and more creative yeah there's another line that Tech Bros tend to say which is your job isn't going to be replaced by AI it's going to be replaced by somebody else using Ai and there's a couple of things that I can point to as perfect examples of that so Corridor crew did this all AI animation called Rock Paper Scissors which is incredible and also a tick tock Creator called Ghostwriter 977 made a lot of news recently because he made a song called hard on my sleeve that used Drake's voice in the song but it was AI generated and it was so good that it got taken down by Drake's people and the point there is that yeah these guys are able to do amazing things but these are extremely talented people I mean you can look Corridor Cruise YouTube page I mean they make insane stuff all the time this is just a new tool they've been able to use I mean going back to photoshop when it came out I remember a lot of people were worried that it was going to put photographers and illustrators out of business but but most professionals just kind of adapted to it and just started using it and made better stuff than they'd ever made before in their lives I personally do know a few artists that are actually embracing Dali in mid-journey mostly just kind of jumping off points to kind of spark new ideas and as a writer as I showed a minute ago with some of the brainstorming ideas like this is a really quick and easy way to push through writer's block I do worry a bit that this could kind of become an urugurus like a like a snake eating its own tail because if people use these AIS to create online content and then the AI pulls from that online content to make new content it just becomes an endless cycle there is also the whole debate around the fact that AI is using other people's work as part of that large language model and stuff all of which is copyrighted material and a lot of people are up in arms about that and I think understandably so but also at the same time again Playing devil's advocate um it's not completely copying and it's kind of using it as an inspiration which we all do that don't we it's like it also just made the news recently that Ed Sheeran had been sued uh for possibly copying the chord progression from the song Let's Get It On uh but a lot of pop songs use the same chord progressions in fact there were songs before let's get it on that used that same chord progression which is why Ed Sheeran won his lawsuit so this is an ongoing debate around art that started long before AI it'll be going on long after um but AI does make it a bit more complicated now the pessimist in me does worry that the money people will see AI is a cheap or even free content creator and that'll squeeze creative jobs out of existence but The Optimist in me thinks that humans working with AI could unleash even more mind-bending ideas and that eventually the cream will rise to the top just like all the tools from the past did now in fact as I'm recording this we'll see if this is still going on when the video comes out the wga is striking in Hollywood part of that is about streaming services and not getting paid well for the streaming services but a big part of the argument a big part of why they're striking right now has to do with AI and I want to just point out a thread that Justine Bateman shared on Twitter which she was talking about some of the big issues and things that we can expect to be happening in the near future with AI for some of the things that they're trying to get ahead of she starts by pointing out that she is actually a coder and she has a computer science degree so she does know a bit of what she's talking about here she points out that AI written scripts and digitally scanned actors already exist and actually Bruce Willis made news for signing over his AI rights to his likeness this kind of started happening when he came when he was diagnosed with Aphasia and couldn't really perform anymore he sold his AI rights so that people could continue to make movies with him in the distant future she points out that in that case your digital image can be triple and quadruple booked so an actor could actually be working multiple projects at the same time she suggests that in the future that films could be customized for the viewer meaning people could just special order a movie if they wanted to and she uses the example of I want to film about a panda and a unicorn who saved the world in a rocket ship and put Bill Murray on it so you could be watching whatever streaming service they might offer something where you could just give a text prompt and it will just create a movie as as you wanted to see it which Bill Murray with a panda and a unicorn saving the world in a rocket ship just sounds like a Wiss Anderson Moving which actually I'm pretty sure that Wes Anderson at this point is just an AI that's been pre-trained on Wes Anderson movies she points out the possibility of people getting themselves scanned and putting themselves into films so like you can put your own face on Darth Vader she said you could train an AI program on a series and then just create a whole new season of that series and that brings up some really interesting possibilities but my big question is is that something people want I mean would you want to see that like there are already programs like nothing forever which is a never-ending AI generated Seinfeld episode I mean who isn't crazy these days terrible but it will get better and actually the nothing for everything it's it's streaming on Twitch they took it down because it started using homophobic slurs so there's that yeah you know computers doing all the creative stuff while people keep working in factories for lower and lower paying jobs is not the future I was hoping for now as for administrative and legal jobs and whatnot that's under Threat by AI that I don't think is anything new um I don't mean to minimize that as a threat it definitely is to a lot of people uh but that's a trend that's been going on for quite some time now and again I think the more familiar you are with these tools the safer your job is going to be but there's a lot of takes on that subject now one area of AI that did put me on my heels is that of AI and warfare I talked a little bit about AI in my episode on the future of War um but that's a debate that's only getting bigger and more confusing AI gets used in a lot of ways by the military from image processing to Logistics but what about AI is having the power to decide if a person lizard dies like just the fact that you know drones were conducting strikes controlled by an operator hundreds of miles away like that that was iffy at the time when that started being a thing but now the debate is whether or not an AI should be allowed to make that decision but even bigger than that way bigger than that is that increasingly there's been talk about giving AI the ability to launch nuclear weapons I think I need a lighting change so back in the 80s the Soviets instituted a dead hand mechanism on their nuclear Arsenal this was in the event that you know decision makers might get wiped out in a nuclear strike on Moscow it would automatically trigger all their nukes to fire at the U.S now you could say this was kind of an early algorithm or automation of the nuclear Arsenal and similarly the US has contingencies in place in the event of a first strike scenario but that time Horizon at First Strike has gotten smaller and smaller over the years first icbms could reach the US in about 30 minutes the nuclear submarines cut that time in half today we're seeing the birth of hypersonic missiles that could cut that in half yet again so now in a nuclear scenario military leaders may have less than seven minutes to make a decision and retaliate and that's led many to consider handing those decisions over to AI to save pressure seconds so when we talk about an AI arms race this is the ultimate version of that we could see a day in the very near future where the U.S China and Russia all had their nuclear arsenals controlled by ai ai that we don't fully understand or control with the ability to wipe out all life on Earth anyway just something to think about ultimately I think what we're dealing with here really is just an amplifier highly evolving set of tools that can make production more productive create is more creative Bad actors into worse actors scammers more successful and weapons more deadly it's the wild west right now and we really don't know where this goes and I can hear all the comments already of people saying you forgot about this you forgot about that yeah there's a lot that I left out of this video because it's it's just too much this is already way too long of a video and writing this kind of broke my brain the whole thing just gives me like a grandma migraine headache like not not here or here so much but like right right here so any one of the topics that I brought up here and any of the things that I left out for that matter could be entire videos of their own um so yeah if this video does well and you guys want to see a video in any of those topics let me know maybe I'll do them and also there's a ton of videos and creators doing great work on this topic again I'm going to put links down in the description so you guys can go check it out I encourage you to do so because we got to stay on top of this the genie is out of the bottle but I think I will leave things off with a quote from Jeffrey Hinton who's often called The Godfather of AI he's been working on AI and neural net since the 80s and he was working with Google until recently he actually uh he left Google so that he could speak freely about the subject uh he recently said this in an interview with CBS This is the biggest technological advancement since is this another Industrial Revolution what is this how should people think of it I think it's comparable in scale with the Industrial Revolution or electricity electricity or maybe the wheel or maybe the wheel yeah that was earlier yeah okay so buckle up yeah all right thanks a lot for watching go check out that other video over on nebula if you want to get your brain melted just a little bit yourself but I want to take a minute to quickly thank all the patreon supporters and answer files on the the member side I got some new people I got a shout out real quick we got Joe ape uh Adam Russo Edward mcphail Brett messenger welcome back Brett uh Ryan J Norman Barton Josh derus uh don Hyman Stephen Hager Bruce Danton Nicholas Altieri and Jan McCall or Jan McCall I'm not sure which one that is but thank you guys so much if you would like to join them get early access to videos and access to exclusive live streams uh you know just just click the little join button down below please do like and share this video if you liked it and by the way share your opinions on this topic my God this is such a big topic and again there's so much that I left out of this talk about it down below uh but if this is your first time watching um maybe click on this video right here Google thinks you might like that one because they've been watching Ai and all that you can look down on the the sidebar if you're watching on your browser any of the thumbnails that have my little logo on them give them a click and if you enjoy them I do invite you to subscribe I'll come back of videos every Monday all right I am putting this video to bed thank God uh thank you guys for watching uh please go out there have an eye opening rest of the week stay safe and I'll see you next Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 796,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, joe scott
Id: lHguKr6nS4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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