The Most Controversial Smash Bros Moments Ever

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so did you ever wonder what were the most controversial smash moments in competitive history well guess what I have some of the best worst clips that you could ever imagine that kind of goes over all the games you're gonna get a little bit of taste of the community of each smash game drama I think these clips are really entertaining to watch with that still let's get started oh the evil villain of the tournament that wobbles has done the best in it just ended up being such a huge problem the Ice Climbers have been free wait do they know it's two out of three out of five all right so now that you got the gift so this is evil winners finals now Evo is the largest fighting game Tournament of all time it's the most prestigious tournament in the tournament that all the media looks at in terms of fighting games you win an EVO it's like your long time win career right however Evo has always been notorious for having some of the worst rules that I've ever seen some of the worst ton decisions I've ever seen in their competitive titles and overall a lot of the time these rules have just no sense to make no sense half the time at the very least top three winners finals loses finals Grand finals is going to be the best of five however we're here at the winners finals of Evo a tournament that had like over a thousand people it was probably I think it was the biggest melee tournament at the time ever made so for some stupid reason they made it so only Grand finals was best of five but I feel like almost no competitor at all even knew that that's like something that's basically never happened at a major tournament and the reason they did this is because Mr wiser the person who runs uh and owns uh Evo isn't very much a fan of Smash Bros in general he's always made uh you know sold through remarks and smash salty remarks matter of fact he basically made the call that this should be a two out of three because smash takes too long they will never do melee tournaments actually a lot of time run best to fight for top 16 and top 32. I think someone someone's got to tell them yeah here comes Tom Cannon yeah Tom Cannon is one of the most uh one of the big higher-ups of evil it's three out of five because that's story hug your [ __ ] depressed he he is so mad at evil Yo he's like yo screw evil oh we have another hug and bust controversy I'm telling you evil does some of the worst calls ever all right so hungrybox wins the first game now this is back in time oh very important actually so back in back at that point in time coaching was legal for smash first competition now you may not understand uh the legalities of coaching but just so you have an idea coaching has always been a very spotted topic with in Smash because there's a camp of people that feel like smash is a 1v1 competitive game and it should only be 1v1 wants to introduce other people that can coach players or help players then alone and no longer becomes the one-on-one game and it becomes a two on two or a 2V1 depending if one person doesn't have a coach the other argument is that coaching brings uh a really brings like the best of each player so then the level of play gets elevated because of coaching example there were rules that between games like for example after game one after game two after game three whatever you could get some time up with your coach eventually it became you only got one session with your Coach purse said and then eventually it became completely bent at that point in time at this uh that evil happened coaching was pretty much banned uh for melee in general and when uh hungerbox was having his coach come up on stage what happened was that for some stupid reason Mr Weezer once again made some really weird rules with coaching where like you could only have coaching up to out of pools but what's the tricky part is that the system of Evo runs in pools so you'll have like a pool of people then they'll go into another Pool of people and then into another Pool of people and then it goes into a bracket but the pools are also brackets it's like bracket pulls into another bracket and eventually you make it out of pools right even though it's a break it's confusing hungry bucks wins the game and then calls his coach to go coach him uh which is crunch however this move was legal all right it was it was actually at a point in time because it says right here there's no coaching through any tournament match would be on pools but like I said the throws a little pools is confusing to tell but regardless at this point in time Mr Wizard intended to be no coaches so uh hunger box straight up just wasn't the wrong here you could not have called your coach they put rules in the rules that they don't even enforce but regardless hunger bucks made an illegal move here and then uh sfat makes the call for a clock so then like you know they can time the session you get like 30 seconds you get maybe like a minute or something like that however the big however is that sfat actually wins the next game and breaks it to a game three scenario and as you already know evil loves them that's the three so pretty much this is an emulation game oh my God and a three-stock here's where it gets a little tricky so G money coming up G money is a friend of sfad so he comes in and just look at the verbal exchange that they have right hunger box is looking over but look at the verbal exchange they have like you know that's not coaching right like basically what it was is that g money came in to make fun of coaching and hunger box at the same time a little bit but he basically made it seem like he was coaching as fat right you know it was only like three or four seconds of him being there so it's not like he could have said anything meaningful in three to four seconds you know so like you know he comes in and he's like you know he's just trolling like g-money it's just trolling that's kind of like the new thing every time hbox turns to his car however this is where he gets them this is where it gets really funny so Pikachu the comes out game three last hit saving that last mix up when it comes down oh he misses the tick gets the rest each box goes for the pop-up and he wins now they go for the handshake close in a day so up to that point we all think whatever you know uh H [ __ ] just one no big deal right here's the great part so people started complaining and uh on social media and then at the tournament that hbox had violated the rules of coaching and therefore should have been dequeued or should be DQ and espec should have the win that's the cold that the community pretty much called that at that point in time Mr Wizard the owner of Evo as always bribe Mr Wizard goes in for the most 200 IQ decision of all time and he says since both players violated the rules the match will stand had only h-box violated the rules he would have been dq'd Mr Weezer acknowledges the fact that hbox violated the rules and then he also acknowledges the fact that he should have been disqualified but then says that Estefan got coaching and if you really really honestly just watch the clip you really think g-money is two second or three second whatever it was coaching I don't know oh my God okay so back in the day almost nobody could beat if you notice it's actually game five between CT Music and attempt class tournaments between unknown 522 when unknown took mewtwick into gamepower around five it was a huge deal because barely anyone could be music in period it drew a huge crowd and this is why the commentators are just losing their their heads yelling pretty much and at that point in time when music is gonna go for this Edge car and then you think all right that's it that's it and there you go we think it wins right so now there's oh there's this is where the controversy starts so it's a little hard to understand from the video look at DJ Nintendo he's like wait for real breaking news is that all tournament we thinking has been going back to the same stage he's been winning on apparently so now game five has to be replayed because musician cannot go back to FD so stage you already played on in the same set competitors Smash Bros have to take a stupid rule they stupid rules a regulation that is in effect that most tournaments while there are minor variants of the rule they all have the same intention to prevent a player from playing having an unfair finish by playing the same stage multiple times in a stick these rules are in place so people have to pretty much use stage variety rather than counter pick the same stage over and over to win I've played on like five different variations of day stupid rule it actually in my opinion is one of the worst rules in all smash apparently mutukin broke their rules of Dave super rule that specific tournament right keep in mind another tournaments may have different rules and basically means you can play it on that counter but when he shouldn't have the moment you accept the game and you play out of during those rules and you already go into game five and there's a win there's a loser you shake hands and all that the set is already over in my opinion and I actually think it's a very strange tournament organizer decision to replay the game because I've been in scenarios like this where there's been some issues and usually games are never replayed because it's just it just kind of destroys the concept of competition what's weird about this is that they actually went to the game five here and they actually did replays so it was actually really shocking now that you should know is that musician back then especially had a very bad mindset he's already feels that he should have won the set so he had a horrible mindset going into the rematch and he actually lost the rematch you know that actually cost him the tournament because I believe he gave up after a losers there's no handshake losers there's no claps of the crowd in my opinion I feel like a Theo made a bad call there because like the game's already over you know like why did unknown complain after he lost the set I'm not in the first stock or the second stalking that's only he didn't know like for example if unknown had won that game will he have also made the same call of like hey well I lost the game five but mitsuki made an illegal space fight let's replay he wouldn't have done that so that's why I think it's kind of coming anyway oh come work here versus Captain stack oh Christ I actually got caught up in this controversy uh because I was playing at the same tournament where this happened and it was really confusing okay so yeah you could tell something's wrong after Captain Zach went for that four throw at 110 and he barely went anywhere so Captain's deck wins instead three to one but throughout the state there's just some weird things going on like for example if you notice the the knock but I know Smash 4 looks really weird I know you guys are probably not not remember that well but the 88 as four throw was really powerful and comorakiri barely went here at 116. right before the set because I was making a loser's bracket run through that uh tournament I have to play the buzz and I remembered the buzz actually jabbed me actually let me show you because you're gonna see how weird it looks okay so look I'm at 157. that jab right there should have killed me when he's jabbed me at that percentage at 150 he literally was like what he was scratching his head he was like really upset about it at the moment it didn't hit me but then like two seconds later I'm like is there something wrong with the game like did I do something do I did a glitch happen or something did I win like 3-1 or something I've seen the crazy things his Rosalinda has stuff but it's just the end see that's weird too look I monkey flip kick him at 180 something he didn't die that's how you know this looks weird that backer yeah so that buzz is like what is going on and then what happened was that right after he lost the stand he actually went and checked the game set in and it turns out the damage scaling ratio whatever was not at 1.0 which is what the standard for all Smash games it was actually a 0.9 making every move sting you less further my set someone else has said and come over here vs captains that had all been played on 0.9 so Three Tournament results had happened and only the third one finally noticed a there is something wrong with the game said it and then the whole tournament goes in in chaos because not only this tournament was sponsored by Nintendo and they were watching there with their Hawk Eyes but then air was just like ah there was like uh there was like a one hour controversy uh break behind the scenes where like a bunch of deals from Genesis some of the Smash 4 people that were involving in uh so like need the bus and other people pretty much we're discussing if we should replay this or not by 100 competitive standards every set should be replayed because they completely changed the nature of the game and it pretty much invalidates the wins and the losses I agree with that personally uh however they knew that they couldn't actually replay all three sets because to play three competitive sets like that on a top a setting it would actually run like an hour and obviously melee is the game coming up next and we're not gonna delay melee one to two hours because we have to uh replay the set so even though the teals were like yeah Integrity wise it's the right thing to do to replay this they were like we can't just throw the entire schedule top eight which has like you know commercial schedule we have like Nintendo schedule and all that and then like Melee schedule a certain time we can't just be late one to two hours in the schedule because of this so they ended up replaying one game of community Captain Zack and then um Captain Zach ended up winning that game anyway yep you win and now here's the here's the crazy part Japanese players have always been known for being very respectful comori Curie is actually one of one of my favorite people in the smash community in Japan but what happened was that he did not Shake Captain Zach's hand at all and I've never seen a Japanese player do this but it's very rare that someone will do that in a top eight setting like that it never almost never happened fun fact that was actually another controversy within this man uh the Japanese smashed me because there were a lot of Japanese smash players that were actually very upset with komorikiri doing that they felt that he was uh representing the Japanese Community poorly and it was going to reflect poorly on them so they were very upset I couldn't make here for having that attitude also I think the buzz was mad at me for like a bit I said I was gonna play the city if I had to replay it but they ended up making the call not to replay it wasn't up to me oh so this is a money match between my case and an ice climber player I don't remember the name of the last Comic player I know this is Mike Hayes he's not a melee player so you hear that yell it that's actually my case so what it is is that because they're playing for money every time that the ice combat player lands the grab my case is basically yelling at the guy next to him so that he will drop the chin grab combo because usually when you get grab Ice Climbers and bro you die at zero or 80 you could grab that it's an instant kill they just kill it they grab you you die basically every time he got grabbed he would just be like ah like to the guy and then just hope he distracts them um it actually is the biggest controversy that Mike case has ever been and it's actually a meme though it is like a lot of people make fun of him uh about stuff like that that'll just like bring it up randomly and all the time but foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] technically speaking the Smash Bros rules it doesn't actually prevent you from doing that uh there's actually a lot of people that do very scummy things with that so like for example like if you're doing like a complicated combo or something people won't yell because it looks like it looks like you're doing it on purpose but what they'll do is that they'll start fumbling around when they're playing you so like they'll say you're playing right next to me and you're doing like a combo and then I'll start mashing out the compound and I'll go like this and then like if my elbow hits you then it's just like oh sorry bro I was smashing a lot of people do this actually I played against some top players that will like kind of do this when I do anything so if you ever wonder why some stages are banned in melee or just in future games it's because people abuse the stitches this is like game three between like uh forget the name of the peach player but this is like a it was a pretty hot competitive step back in the super old and this person decided to run the clock by going around circles against this guy named player I just ended up running it for minutes and minutes I went for a timeout uh and they pretty much for minutes did not hit each other like look there's like two minutes in and they barely did like 20 damage to each other not exactly too controversial but at the time it really shook the melody scene because people were like wow he really ruined this stage for all of us so have you ever wondered why smash 64 only plays on one stage because competitive smash 64 only plays with Dreamland you know at this tournament in 2014 there was a 52 minute long game now smash 64 actually unfortunately has no time limit if you notice There's No Limit like in any other game there's usually timer on the top right so that means that games can essentially take forever in 64 if players choose to do so now what happened was that this Kirby player decided to just sit on the bottom of the lip here and then just Spam up till which by the way has a hitbox the size of your house and he just sat there and the Pikachu player was trying to win so he was not gonna approach 20 times speed up the movie bro oh this is some classic melee drama so at eglx I believe is the tournament they for some reason they had some issues with the venue or someone from the venue itself they opened the doors and this is Canada and it's kind of in the winter so it's massively cold now as you already know melee is one of the most technical fighting games out there um so when you actually play melee your hands are going like this so if you have very cold hands freezing as you can tell both players are very cold like hunger bucks is like you know doing the motion pluck is rubbing his hands doing the the hot air in his you know in his uh hand so that he can warm it up and all that but because the door was open it was pretty much snowing into the venue so like it quickly went from being slightly cold on the venue to being like massively cold some people were getting sick about it uh your hands were freezing you could see your breath within the venue as well like that it was that kind of environment so like people couldn't really play so what happened was that they ended up having a grand final set with cold hands and the whole Milling Community was talking about it because they were like well Xbox One free because he was playing cold hands floaty like jigglebox is easier to play on the hands than Fox whereas plop is playing you know cold hands Fox which is unplayable right that tournament in particular ended up having a lot of bad press because it was you know it was uh you know having those issues and then it kind of just culminates in club uh giving up wasting the grand finals ended up just quitting the match because the conditions of the match were just unplayable so like he just goes and gives up and you know pulls it calls it a day goes for the handshake but he's like yep that was unplayable and here we go they die I in my opinion this is probably the most controversial smash moment ever Lima vs Captain Zach Grand finals Evo 2018 I actually made a video only about this match because that's how much there is to talk about but should you know uh Smash 4 billionaire what's the best character in the game uh Evo 2018 which was the last Evo for smash 4. Lee Man Captain stack which were two of the best bayoneta players at the time debate for being the best bayonet too then that a meeting in Grand finals and the problem here is not the fact that it was a bayoneta grand finals it's the fact that they themselves took the match in the way that wasn't serious I keep in mind it's like evil grandfather so it's like the biggest smash you could ever play in your career likely and then they were doing things like homie stocks which is like if you're opponent as these USD for them because you're friends with them you know um they were doing things like ponton you know like talking to each other in the middle of the game like like from an outsider perspective it legitimately looked like they were playing friendly and the whole crowd is like full of Nintendo employees because this tournament was sponsored by anything so all the Nintendo players were just looking at these guys Taunton so everybody was expecting like an epic match with like a grand finale and ended up being essentially a joke of a set it's one of the most disliked sets ever ever played in Smash history on top of all that it was the fact that it was also two bayonets uh lee Man Captain Zach were also some of the most controversial players in all Smash four you know I'm I'm not really here to speak about you know all the things that subscribe but you know they were generally some of the most disliked players simply because of trash talking being arrogant certain things they said or whatnot but it's just all those factors combined probably makes this the most controversial smash moment ever transcends all the communities but also makes this it makes them probably the worst Grand finals in evil history Evo is like one of those scenarios where like people look in from outside and they take a look at the competitive community you get a lot of like a spotlight and your game can grow and all that but people look to this and thought it looked like a joke right but I think the moment that really got them in trouble is this specific moment where in the very beginning in the very beginning of the second set they ended up holding the Bayonetta guns which is you know they're they were pretty much talking to each other the whole time they were like holding the button just [ __ ] into each other like side to side and they did this for almost a minute or over a minute as you can see they're literally just this is evil Grand Final second and they're just they're just smirking and taking up the headphones and talking to each other and it's just like what is going on they literally have one of the commentators mid game this never has happened come up to them and ask them questions they're just like what this this is it just looks it just looks stupid it looks like a circus they ended up getting a bear who's like the main teal from Smash 4 he ended up calling the stall class on them essentially if neither player moves then they're both gonna get DQ or something like that so at that point in time they were like all right we're gonna play now yeah bear was like all right you guys have to play because you're stolen anyway that's the most controversial smash moments so far guys let me know in the comments down below what you think about all these different situations and if you like kind of the backstory I gave you for all of them be sure to subscribe like this video and stay tuned for more content and I'll see you guys around and more videos but that's it guys thanks for watching goodbye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ZeRo
Views: 1,536,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chilezero, GonzaloZeRo, CT ZeRo, ZeRo, ZeRoChile, ChileZeRo, ZeRo MK, CT ZeRo tips, CT ZeRo guides, Gonzalo ZeRo Barrios, Smash in Chile, CT ZeRo videos, Chilezero videos, CT ZeRo's youtube channel, Competitive Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros series, Smash tournament, Smash Bros 3DS, Smash 4, Smash 4 ZeRo, Smash 4 demo, TSM, Team Solo Mid, TSM ZeRo, Smash Bros, Smash Bros Ultimate, tempo storm
Id: AtyAztN0lM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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