What If Eeveelutions Evolved AGAIN?

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hey guys Ron here and evolution content gets views on this channel so we're back at it again but also I'm a big fan of Evolutions I have no negative feelings towards any of them that's why I would love to see them Reach even higher potentials even though Evolutions are already relatively powerful Pokémon since I have the power and will I'm going to evolve them one final time I mean to those who have paid attention to the stats of the evolutions that means that all of the fake one I'm creating today are technically legendary not only stat-wise but lore-wise as well I want to expand on the existing lore of evu and even give them additional types that haven't been incorporated into Evolutions what if E's unstable DNA made it evolve once again let's find out but remember I'm not mega evolving Evolutions here I'm not just adding a few extra traits like armor or jewels to existing Evolutions they will be completely new Pokemon just like how shiftry isn't just a fancier Nuzleaf or how lud Colo isn't just a bigger Lombre the whole point is that they are the next step in the line so expect what you love about Sylveon to not really be completely intact in its evolved form or do I I don't know what you like I mean I can confirm that the silveon evolution that I'm making has the same color scheme and if that's your favorite part of Sylveon like it is mine then you're going to be satisfied and if you enjoyed this video leave a like and definitely subscribe so I know that you want to see a part two and Evolutions to the remaining half of the evolutions how about we start with Umbreon no particular reason other than I think this guy is going to have the least amount of changes and I want to ease you into the concept of this video don't want to scare you although to be fair the whole point of the evolution I'm cooking up is that it's a scary Predator Umbreon already is but what if it were more imposing visually and way more dangerous Umbreon was destined to be a poison type its beta concept was a poison Evolution its Pokédex entries talk at length about how it sweats and sprays poison so I want to fully commit and expand on this trait along with its ability to blend into its surroundings and hunt down prey I'm going to turn its pointy Parts into stingers and give it the look of a leopard by and by extension a panther spots that can change color will Adorn its fur it'll look like a predator on an alien planet the whole point is that Eevee has now fully evolved into the ultimate killing machine I'm starting with the big predatory body of a panther something with a large neck so that even though it'll have a similar you know details to Umbreon it automatically does not have the exact body of one got to make sure it's not facing us all the other Evolutions will be directly towards the audience but this one is it's indifferent to us the eyes are more mature versions of umbreons and I originally wanted the ears to be either porcupine like or perhaps made of toxic gas but honestly just fatter versions of the original is good enough looks like they are engorged with poison facing the back like a standoffish cat the tail will officially be a stinger it naturally flows from the previous form I'm giving it wispy gaseous whiskers and I thought I was genius for adding in these gassy mes both tying it to the legendary beasts making it look more like a big cat and differentiating it from Umbreon but again when it comes to the Eevee family you need to be subtle so that means that this main kind of ruins the Sleek silhouette I want it to look Shady and sneaky not proud and Regal so after refining the shapes I took the main out yeah it now looks more like an Umbreon but it's an Umbreon Evolution it would look like this I'm giving it leopard spots again a nice progression from the existing traits Umbreon has they won't be symmetrical and refined both to make it look more cat-like but also since it's a poison type now it looks like a sludge almost like bright markings to warn others but as you'll see in the lore it's also there for the opposite Reasons I'm giving it a similar color scheme to Umbreon but way more radioactive looking like I've been saying for years it ain't mean to add some green beware the evolved form of Umbreon umus the Moonlight Pokémon from Umbra meaning Shadow and deos meaning God a dark poison type um's whiskers allow it to locate prey the spots on this Pokémon's fur can change color allowing umus to camouflage into its environment UMAS secretes an odorless sweat that completely cloaks its scent and location umb's prey never sense its Presence at the right moment umbus pounces on its prey and injects a Venom from its swollen tail that instantly knocks out its food it is believed that gamma radiation reflected by the moon has been absorbed by umbas giving it radioactive Venom that destroys cells and even atoms tracking down an UMAS is impossible its existence is legendary as a result of its Mastery of evasion it has the abilities corrosion and the hidden ability inner Focus I can't take credit for its awesome shiny since Umbreon already had a great shiny I need you to remember the following though all of the Pokemon evolutions in this video evolved via an item that unlocks the full potential of Evolutions it's the same item for all I I assume it's a straight up radioactive stone that destabilizes E's DNA further but I can't say I'm not biased towards this color scheme it's amazing sure in this video it's the evolution most similar to its previous form but its body type is definitely heftier than Umbreon and its skull is much more massive Umbreon was always black cat coated so to fully realize it as a leopard is what I've always wanted it to see now that you're eased in I want to change a lot about Leafeon not because I dislike anything about its design because honestly Leafeon looks perfect but rather because I want it to you know to take its leaves and turn them into entire trees you see most of Leon's lore is about how it produces a bunch of Clean Air sounds like a tree to me they're the same picture so let's fully develop Leafeon into a forest spirit that represents the entire planet you may be thinking fairy is appropriate but Sylveon already exists so I'm going make it ground type because that very much represents the earth I don't think anybody would challenge that statement and trees are rooted into the ground and pretty much always touch dirt grass SL ground Leafeon Evo it is Eve's mutation has gone so far as to return it to the planet's ecosystem this will be the toughest since I I plan to deviate from The Originals body type quite a lot almost like the opposite of The Umbreon Evolution I'm starting with a more deer-like body the hardest part is whether or not to also get uh extreme and give it the face of a deer-like Pokemon or keep it to feline esque I'll struggle with that at this point of the process but it all comes down to it not even looking anything like a Leafeon especially now that I turned the leaves on its ears and tail into full-on trees I even made the some of the hair tffs into branches so in order to balance out the crazy difference in this Pokémon's body parts I decided to finally give it a face more akin to its previous form now I'm more confident in the aesthetic its feet are now slender Hooves covered in bark and dirt and the end of its branches are a bunch of tiny leaves you know what trees are I mean is there any human above the age of two that does not know what a tree is who cares why am I asking these questions do people even watch this part of the video comment with your favorite tree if you're actually watching right now okay honestly don't do that I I literally do not care about your favorite tree but but I do care about your favorite grass type Pokémon so like I mean let me know in the comments I finally added some of the bark texture and began coloring away but even that was a hassle cuz I didn't know where the fur ended and tree began at some points in the body to be fair Leafeon does showcase a very noticeable transition in its colors between fur and leaf so this question I had when coloring in oh my God so this question I thought there was a bug so this question I had when coloring in my Evolution carried over at this point I kind of for some reason forgot that I wanted it to be a ground type but then I remembered so I added some sedimentary Stripes adding those helps with my problem and I also gave it layers that look like Earth finally making it look more like a ground type Behold leafus The Verdant Pokémon a grass ground Pokémon as leafus walks the air behind it purifies it strolls from forest to Forest revitalizing life when it encounters particularly devastated ecosystems it plants its Hooves into the ground stretching out roots for miles and begins to replenish the environment's energy it despises conflict but will bash its antlers into those who hurt the planet leus will send a storm of Raaz sharp leaves to protect the forest it's easy to track the path of leafus as the plants in its wake are far Greener but no trainer dares approach one and invoke the wrath of every Forest Pokémon who's compelled to fight on behalf of leafus it has the ability sap zipper and chlorophyll and its shiny is just how I like it I was going to give it grassy surge originally but that kind of weakens the power of earthquake and bulldo and I would definitely want leafus to utilize earthquake but hey if you think High horsepower is enough to do the job then let me know if you think grassy surge should be a you know the the ability instead design-wise it's definitely more complicated than I anticipated one of these Pokémon being but it still looks very natural and definitely the natural progression of Leafeon I'm in love with the colors and I'm proud of how I shaded the Shrubbery it's the first time I did it this way Flareon seems to be the evolution that is dogged on the most mostly for its competitive prowess I mean I assume its move pool doesn't make make much sense with its stats I don't know I'm not going to pretend like I found a perfect solution but I at the very least hope it doesn't make it worse the lore that we're going to be expanding on is the fact that flareon's fluffy fur releases heat into the air so that the body does not get excessively hot but what if flareon's mutation wears off and causes it to slowly lose the ability to contain and release a healthy amount of heat it overheats and becomes a ghost the thermal energy mixes with its Soul now this doesn't happen in real life there's no physical phenomenon that I can point to as an inspiration so you're going to have to go along with this Fantastical origin my goal is to make Flareon seem a bit more badass a cool yet still beautiful type of Pokémon my favorite type of Pokémon personally we begin with a mid-action pose dude is battling demons thank god he's a demon himself but we're basically drawing a Flareon but with way more fluff and a more feline face the eyes are also more serious so much so that its face is a skull that's how serious it gets nothing more serious than a skull its face was burnt off I mean that's even more serious than you thought I mean a skull could belong to someone who died of old age or something but no this skull belongs to a Flareon whose face was burnt off the problem is that we don't want to make it look too edgy and hardcore remember that a huge rule of Pokémon designs is to avoid extremes I think I'm going to do that by making sure every single other aspect of this Pokémon is soft and cuddly but obviously I I'll also tone down the skull a bit the neck fur will will also be swirling ectoplasm kind of like a spiritum I assume it will be spinning like one when animated in the game honestly if there are any 3D animators in chat who for some reason did I say in chat in the comments who for some reason have no time and love my content so much that they'll just like animate a fake mod of mine animate this this one it would be very tough though so I mean I I'll compromise animate twg remember twg kind of the opposite of this guy the tail and fluffy head will look more like a will of the Wisp and some Stripes to look both like a tiger but also like bones I'm first giving it Flareon colors before making the orange more of a violet red so it's a bit of a ghosty Vibe honestly the line work on this one is some of my favorite I've ever done this is fareas the flame Pokémon a fire Ghost type when flareon's ability to contain the heat within its fur is diminished it spontaneously bust and evolves into fareas this Pokémon is silent and contemplative it barely reacts but lets out a loud roar whenever it attacks it's boiling fur swirls around it protecting fareas from harm its head is hard as bone it launches itself with fire blasts that release from the striped holes on its body headbutting foes now that its flame sack has burst fareas is constantly releasing an unstable amount of heat so none of it's properly contained therefore its emotions do not contribute to more or less Firepower in fact fareas does not emote at all all it is completely solitary no soul dares approach it and risk spontaneous Burns it has the ability to rock head and guts can I get some love for shiny in the comments I thought rockhead would would be nice so it can finally use moves like flare Blitz and wild charge without any consequences this is my favorite in terms of the art itself the design I think successfully looks both approachable and Eerie like a beautiful flame very legendary looking too the last evolution we're evolving today is sylveon the newest edition and we're already evolving it to be fair it's not that new I mean it's been like what 10 years yeah we all know that Sylveon uses his ribbons to calm people down but what intrigued me about sylveon's lore is that half of his Pokédex entries talk about how it mostly uses its ribbon-like feelers to weaken hostility in its prey and once its prey doesn't have the will to fight it attacks aiming straight for its opponent's weak spots almost sounds like Sylveon relishes the kill and since it's able to sense an opponent's weak spot I'm going to interpret some Aura Powers latent in Sylveon a fairy fighting Sylveon that uses ribbons to fight and strike its foes vile spots sounds pretty badass it'll have a bandaged aesthetic too with those ribbons so it'll already look like a natural progression we're trying to start with a dynamic pose dude has long arms and is semi- bipedal but most importantly the dude is pissed he is itching for a fight since we're diverging so much from Sylveon stance the ears and various other traits will be relatively the same I'll add a few more toughs of fur to indicate how ratty this Pokemon is but also but also to make it look more like a moon rabbit the proportions are a bit uncanny so I'll make it a bit more quadrupedal the ribbons on sylveon's head will now look more like the tassels on a karate headband the ribbons coming out of the neck will wrap around the arms like bandages but will unravel and twirl around when midf fight I'll give it actual pupils and similar patterns to Sylveon but create actual segments to its fur instead of painting on patterns finalizing the ribbon on the other arm but at this point I kind of thought it looked too much like a regional form like an angry fighting type Sylveon so I evolved the pattern on its head again since it's not a Sylveon anymore patterns and features should move around and change it's literally sylveon's color scheme but with a new pattern on his face it looks like this Pokemon's face is red with rage here is sylvus the intertwining Pokemon a fairy fighting type sion's suppressed rage and fighting skill is Unleashed upon Evolution it is now able to fully sense Aura and enhance its punches to crush Boulders it surges Aura through its intertwining ribbonlike feelers that wrap around its arms to release devastating blows to its opponent's vitals it wraps its prey in ribbons only to finish them off off with consecutive punches it is very efficient and does not make any Superfluous moves it goes directly for its opponent's weak spot and finishes them off as quickly as possible The Duality between its desire to fight and end conflicts leaves it fairly unsatisfied it's common for sylvus to calm down other sylvus so that they can find momentary peace throughout history humans have used sylvus as the symbol of man's Duality the capacity for both War and Peace it has the abilities unburden and pixelate I love the pose I gave it and the shading that adds more Dimension to its design is immaculate since I'm still not a master I definitely struggle with making my art a bit flat although that's mostly because of the time constraints when making these videos but this is a design I'm personally confident in how three-dimensional it looks if you particularly impressed with this batch leave a like And subscribe for more check the description for the music I used the t-shirts I made for you guys and my patreon where you can get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early which you can also do by clicking the join button and becoming a member make sure to follow me on Twitter where I show sneak peeks of these designs and I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 1,299,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Fixing Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Game Freak, Drawfee, Subjectively, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Gen 9, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda, avatar: the last airbender, spongebob
Id: wbhSBtg-dYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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