The Most BROKEN Online Doubles Combos

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[Music] here we go yes today the classic team's back me and hop we're playing some doubles and we're going for broken combos excellent i think we start with an old classic the inkly puff do you remember the last time we did this the roller into rests we're just it's so good insanity like we're definitely not the best doubles players yes we are like okay but we just choose all the cheese teams like what makes us the best they don't know what's up maybe they're going for the eating [Music] i didn't follow the extractions but i got the extra credit on the assignment that was insane what a start hello two first stops of the video it's our exact plan and we get a double kill oh okay nope um you 100 deserve that yes i spiked him i also asked uh can i have killed delivery please uh one kill cover right up uh uber double kill that was only a single you missed one of them how i don't know all right one more okay surely we just get every kill like that right sorry i did get a spike early i'm sorry to tell you i am too hyped you wanna up throw something up there are you an up throw yeah all right up throw something delivery driver up one up throw come right up what a match to start with wow that was i mean we did talk it up but it was actually better than expected and look you see we're in sync mr fish are you a masochist that's not fun to anyone else we're the saddest here that's why it was fun time for us sticks and stones mate that's with the jigglypuff rest noise ah but that whole part might be cut out right for copyright reasons because it's too good actually no we don't need to cut that part out because we've already been epic enough in the video yeah people gonna hang around yeah anyone that hasn't seen this channel before they're not going away now well maybe now they oh you're dead for that so am i no no i got it i got it i got it inkling is easy combo no you are not on fire this match what's the opposite of on fire uh in a fridge yeah without imply your combos are cool refill there you go uh let me just come in again do it this time again how did that wouldn't work i'll protect you i can't protect you from this oh i was mashing rest i throw them off with the back throat and you down air oh no no i lock him and shield with the thing and you break that [ __ ] with pound how could this happen man this mr fish thinks they're making such an epic sunday okay you ready well that was cool how about this i don't know just do it again oh no they thought they were making epic come back and they were completely right there's a dirty combo team okay i play ryu and you play kazia we're gonna lose no no your cousin is fine it's not it's it's good i remember playing i locked them in shield and you mesh a ah i did something good did you i do like a little custody casual yeah such a [ __ ] [Music] how did roy escape i'm getting there conditioning conditioning that row was doing the counter no matter what it was getting hit by it earlier new team still a k rule but this teammate is a much worse [Music] much worse okay you got this you just kill them both okay and then i'll come back and i killed one of them i mean i didn't oh cairo has air dodged and died okay perfect the old buffer system never fails and by all it never fails i mean always fails with great consistency i'm really trying what please watch me bounce off the ledge there and not grab it okay we gotta get on the dk okay stun him oh no oh yes no okay okay i kind of need to hit a fully charged focus come on [Music] yes here we go yes what do we do to kill him now um jab jab jab jab i like the sound of that you thought you could leave you thought you could escape well we're back and we're worse are you right over there yeah yeah yeah i'm actually epically killing this camera tell me how it goes i might die okay why won't you die you fat crocodile you die again no i got this one nice he actually did this time oh my god that angle did you see the angle donkey did you down here it was my spike and you're like fair oh my god dkrp has hit me so many times this match he does love a good upbeat it's all i do in online doubles i hate this oh i'm epic oh i don't think so oh oh i got this one oh my god it's a falco's wet dream right now like literally i'm loving the team we're playing against no i'm not i got him this is what you get i mean you weren't really the one doing the bad things to me but hey yeah camera was literally just the little brother trying to have fun all right yes the plan is right let me suicide him now and then you go out and spike him after he starts to recover i don't think he's good enough to know to recover we'll get him above 200 how about that yeah remember we got kicked for inactivity last time we did that okay go spike him yeah you lost he said spiky i didn't say die i was trying to get has anyone rematched us yet or have we just made everyone rage i mean i'm at zero don't worry about it okay i'm literally just kidding just kill that guy i'll just oh my god nice kill he didn't deserve that at all i was just mashing i'm messing this dk up we we need to change partners dude all right why did i have the sephiroth i touched that donkey kong once and his stock got evaporated damage alert damage alert i'm coming in big big damage right after oh it doesn't maybe it doesn't work i think it's going to be the right timing hey sephiroth did they add dlc that breaks this combo it's not working it doesn't work what the hell all right let's just go with an old classic then i'll throw i'm off you spike it all right sounds like a plan i will die though yeah yeah yeah but you'll die in an epic way oh hell ready okay take mine one more shot of this ready oh not that way what the [ __ ] are you ready are you ready that was cool didn't zoom in so it felt really lame even though it was kind of hype okay now i've had this idea brewing in my mind you know how you can incinerate side b you can get the little like dunk and it takes so long that i run in and falcon punch him um it'll work all right it's the same people you can't escape you can't escape the devils he is mashing some speech why did he swap to kazia his cousin is not good not to be mean oh my god what a team combo bye i got this one damn i'll save you oh that's not how this works well i've given up the six stock okay okay we got to be on the same side same side i'm only on 25. let's go i told you you doubted i am surprised that worked but there we go all right so we got a slightly different uh idea for the finisher for this combo oh pikachu's killed himself he lost two stars oh god yeah he's very bad i killed him that is heartbreaking holy crap not for us where are you headed pikachu where are your headed eye he's headed all the way all right you just killed a bigger we got the eye all right [Music] yeah there we go that is nasty release [Music] [Applause] the thought was there we got it the first time with the falcon punch and we peaked too early hear me out we go double pikachu hear me out yeah uh i don't really want to we throw them off stage and then we just do a wall of thunders between us and that's impenetrable okay [Music] i've named this strategy the donald trump for obvious reasons why oh you build the we build a wall but yeah first first up we need to get all right wall oh my god wait who killed him which one am i that worked really well i'll be honest oh you can't get through fine that's so good okay all right they've done more damage this game than they have in the entirety of the last one your wall build the wall i don't know what could he really do there yeah you did that okay okay wait oh that is nowhere near one more oh okay okay i'll go deeper to get the cloud you get another forward throw he's gonna die not if i have anything to say about i tried deliberately tried this team is surprisingly fun should we just go like a classic team that we know we're gonna do well with to finish the video sounds great i'll go to the donkey kong i'll go ah the classic donkey cuck i reckon the ideal combo here is i grab down throw them off stage and you upbeat suicide kills so great alex one and alex two have you ever heard a team of bigger noobs what's the wrecker i don't think that's going to be an issue actually that's sad did he jump yeah i did just do the dash attack forward oh my god oh okay alex two getting his freaking revenge now this cuckold has the counter so i'm looking out for that one oh crap i got bear spiked again alex the inverted commas noob is wrecking you [Music] okay well you've done it you've done it that's the joke that's the joke you can't get hit by don't do it again alex [Music] happy an even worse option somehow all right should we do it actually no it's not last dog okay let me make it last caught him jumping on the ledge tried to spot touchdown [Music] [Applause] my god the plan works to perfection at zero we call that combo the get cucked oh god i killed cloud you're so good with my with my final breath everyone place your bets in the comments section below we've seen alex one do it before will we see him do it again right now oh that's alex oh my god alex does he live he does oh you saved him never mind your disrespect extended this quite severely home no one bet on alex too everyone's placed their bets i need to see if alex one's gonna do it [Music] did you see him going through me might as well live after all that build up all right let's just hit him with the uh the get cut you're taught oh no that was even ruder somehow holy [ __ ] don't forward me alex too i'm sick of it you know ledge oh oh can we get a bit of respect for my tech just there good pick wait i'll bait him into trying to forward andy good bait you really thought he could get you there oh that was so bad how are you doing oh it is working okay i'm just going to kill him so we can bully the mario i went for a jesus oh is he just he's just recovering he's trying so hard so away though are we absolutely not no oh we can't end the video like that should we try it something in the sephiroth upbeat dk is about cargo throw to sephiroth okay you can play the dk though all right so that's the plan cargo throw up and then here we go okay they oh no oh i got one oh no huh well you told me you got one you died it was worth it it was one of these kills wait a minute do that again do that upbeat again say no more fam i hit one of them out of it okay he's already out walk off cargo down throw trust now [Music] this team's nuts oh i don't want to stop i know i said last match can we do one more absolutely what could possibly go wrong oh what is this stage oh you didn't hold it double single and he didn't die i'll get him please no jack now we can get jack just on our rule set okay oh it's jack we're on the summit oh my god well that's how that match went let's go this is the one this is the finish oh no wait is she dead damn it's got some range i mean i know i'm playing sephiroth i'm literally like a bit better i'm going for it anyway we didn't need these stocks that i've got here right too i need to know where you're going holy crap i'm wilded [Music] turns out you can't get a lead with every kill you get being a suicide [Music] i'm being such a degenerate oh yeah me too welcome to doubles we watched the other upbeat do this right sorry we watched the other donkey kisses for the whole match how did he get up attack and go through my counter i want the receipt on that transaction that was [ __ ] oh that was stupid okay i've been in a ledge believe in the heart of the cards oh there we go yeah what what happened what the hell because i gotta go for my own combo that makes no sense and will probably make me lose i can down throw he'll jump and then you upbeat carry him into the blaster that sounds like could only go well [Music] i can't believe i've done this one more well king slime was an innocent but he has now got a cop up right yeah our revenge it is nothing personal help me [Music] the role he's not quite not quite we got to finish him what does king slime one do what does he actually do wait give me the give me the up turn the cargo up throw we planned it from the start come here come in your little puppy boy oh god [Music] [Applause] the single slice measured twice cut once goodbye that was brutal we were both just flying off sure we try rematching these guys this video is going to be so long we play until king slime leaves surely that's now thanks for watching guys remember to subscribe that's such a strong spike we call that combo the get cucked or the ally [ __ ] like eliop but no we're gonna alleycock a cuck you find it an alleyway hey you wanna [ __ ] my wife
Channel: Little Z
Views: 949,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: Eo-K173nfTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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