I Attempted An Elite Smash Nuzlocke

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today we are attempting the elite smash nuzlocke now how does this work i start as kirby and every character that i beat online i can now use they are alive they're in my team but whenever i lose with that character they are dead i permanently lose them so i'm trying to collect as many characters as possible but we'll go blue cup we got to unlock someone good [Music] we gotta unlock the k rule as long as i win so [ __ ] you know what that one actually probably shouldn't have counted another because i didn't add kirby to the alive list there you go kirby's up there probably uh probably a technic technical error on that one actually can they take oh my god how'd i lose to this guy look at this look at this this is embarrassing and like i just lost to this i can't believe i just lost to this it's actually so cringe i can't wait to die all right we unlocked cairo though that first run never happened no i think we go kirby till we lose right i don't want to lose k rule this early i want to get a few more characters oh i want myself a charge shot [ __ ] that's just absorbing the bomb no i want to absorb samus so that i steal her power yes i think up tilt to charge shot is true i mean she nearly jumped out of it but that looked pretty damn solid oh my god she might die here she might die here easy edge guards with kirby this is why he survived the freaking world of life she's dead no it didn't spike her what in the world okay we just unlocked the samus i don't know how kirby does in this matchup pikachu might not be a bad one to unlock though very top-tier character oh i thought i was getting spiked no how the frick does kirby kill oh my god how does kirby kill this character's got no kill moves kicker now what do we need like two sucking cut kills or something i'm dead to up throw how embarrassing kirby is dead we're gonna have to start camping with samus oh my god yes we're gonna unlock bowser jump double jump yep come on bowser he's he's had one approach to get through the charge shots it's just use every jump resource he's got there oh we hyped with the charge shots baby holy [ __ ] the zero to death the samus zero to death [Music] oh give me that unlocked thank you all right we gotta be worried about the palutena reflector here let's start at the same way i always do a samus trying to hit a landing gnar to grab she's yet to hit a successful reflect and i think that that's really getting in her head yes got it when she was doing the explosive flame i know this is the one series where i'm allowed to get hyped off a charge shot because we're staying in oh this is big this is a huge one to unlock pyramid busted character i just need to actually beat him first definition of insanity i'm gonna samus grab again baby is this pyro now i honestly can't tell with this skin oh i got i guess it works uh greninja would be a good one to unlock little z has fun with samus first recorded time baby give me that greninja sam is kind of looking clean watch counter oh not then what i even knew it was going to counter i didn't think it would counter that though i'm dead that's cringe i need one of them hot samus zero to deaths that i've been ordering up today okay we can do it there is a chance okay do the up be past the ledge sephora jump no oh my god no i thought he was dead i thought he was dead we brought it back and we unlocked the sephiroth for ourselves add him to the list give me that sephiroth we gotta play a more interesting character at least for a little bit right all right meta knight is rough for bowser but no no no what in the [ __ ] world was that oh my god what is this okay come back what i can't punish that there's no way bowser's dead all right you should be arrived for pele though no what what the [ __ ] turn around dude all right palutena's dead okay this would be a good character to unlock how do i unlock more people screw it who gives a [ __ ] about the content we're going samus all right let's be careful of arson oh i'm not handshaking you bubs why is samus so busted online i'm kind of glad i got this one character because i would be screwed without her at the moment i think i'm living though nah nah all right i'll take that guys remember it's the samus the little zamasu you know what i don't care if he gets us in so i'm just gonna throw it out he didn't have the reflector at least i couldn't die yo and i get dark samus too oh actually hype where's the little z oh yeah yeah yeah i'm such a loser why are you trying to handshake me that's not my thing what is my thing guys what's the little z handshake it's are you let me get a free zero to death on you and then i put you in a video what are you gonna do i'm a samus you can't what are you gonna do actually impossible to edge guard when she's doing the bombs [Music] oh thank god i'm about to show you what the plant can do oh literally a few minutes later actual trash tooling that i'm going to lose to terrible plant's dead i really don't want to lose greninja that was the worst timed counter ever oh that sucks ass uh back to samus i'm dead oh god that sucks all right so i unlocked no characters since swapping off samus what is going on one i don't want to unlock gamer watch i definitely don't want to lose to game and watch what's the positive outcome here game and watch gameplay in a nutshell oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh the joker this is actually awesome this is awesome down here i dare you okay there's a big old positive outcome here oh no no way oh i would have actually gone outside and shat on my head yes i really got to make sure my combos and kills are on point for this one okay now go high yes he had to air dodge there he was too obvious no i'm dead oh it's coming down to the wire gazia [ __ ] come on die yes yes yes yes oh heroes are great character to unlock holy [ __ ] this hero is cool ah sam's gone he actually camped me out this hero's cool arrow's busted might not save you though ah if he got up into that it wouldn't have saved him i knew that spot dodge was coming guys let's try get a nice uh joker zero percent combo no no no no i'm there i need to hit an rsn f-smash in the next like three seconds yeah yeah yeah we lost the joker my joker was doing me well [Music] that was kind of just disgusting spot dodge into down smash bg's approach is game and watch yeah i'm a gamer kind of epic he thought he could punish a game and watch smash with that guys he really thought he could do it is he dead not a heavy like yoshi oh all right violet there's a good unlock two knives [Music] great character for me to get now i've actually seen a comment before that says every time little z versus a ganondorf he says it's a free win and every time he versus the ganondorf he loses which i realize is kind of true so this time i'm not gonna say ganondorf is a free win and we're probably going to win wizards for kick come on wizards kick oh my god ganon not twice in a row dude i might still lose i might still lose that's the only way i'm going to win if his wizards kicks again on the third stop again and do it no i missed the tag yeah she's gone and i don't unlock cannon god ken is just so annoying look at that oh i'm gonna look at it he did the same [ __ ] every stop he's doing the same [ __ ] salty z has one last resort and that's go samus samus come on you can carry can't you baby yes oh my god okay no [Music] yes he missed the timing [ __ ] get better at the game incineroar that's all i can say oh my god oh no i just destroyed my room this this entire table fell over there's a monitor on my couch this whole table fell over the samus was too hype [Music] half of the fingers were snapped the toxic elite smash that lock continues no way this guy's trying to cringe me with the helicopter kick okay on the ground it doesn't look like a kitty this can't be the way my samus loses this guy want to do anything else this is so annoying don't do me like this what the [ __ ] [Music] you did good [Music] watch this skill neutral get upside me pure skill does forward throw kill here oh maybe some suspect di but we'll take it [Music] where you going sora that's a brutal zoom in cracks thor over the back ah we already got planned and we already lost him so this one can't even get me anything it's gonna get harder as time goes on because uh we're not we're gonna get less and less off actually beating people and we always have the chance to lose oh come on you think i didn't see that coming from a mile away plant okay i admit i didn't see that coming i'm dead no i couldn't even get the plant off him okay maybe we can get the ganon this time ganon i'm sorry man you matched up into asura not your lucky day that's all i can say god i'm so much worse than this ganondorf but he's playing ganondorf so i guess that's a win for me he does not have a jump oh god oh going in going in going in going in going in happy yolo yeah sora is out of the realm of the living though going in who we going to go here pit maybe these fighting main characters i'm sick of them i'm camping them out because look every time he gets in he gets a zillion damage i don't know what happened there which part do i grab which part of this ken [ __ ] do i actually grab none of it just tell me if it's none of it go high no high side b i don't know how i'm winning this give me the can i'll try doing the stupid input i'll learn yes i did it what's gonna be really hard is when i start running into the same characters that i've already played over and over like planned reflective baby no way oh oh my god it's a fighting game character well good thing i'm playing a camper [Music] pivot grab some pk5s baby and there's going to be a bust of warfare oh no input power dunk because it spiked so it had to be the input so we've got to spam pfire but we also can't let him get to a hundred percent how are you not bored of this gay i'm especially salty today ewgf ewgs ewgs ewgf how's this character work oh there it is i actually miss input that side oh no the ditto is so bad it's just chance for me to lose cloud this cloud does not seem like the one from last time how did i jump into that why do i have to verse he's just going to be better at this character than me no way that hit me and it hit the spike hip box [Music] yeah wait that kills oh no i just thought i'd get punished i didn't think i'd die well cloud had a very quick run in the alive tia kazia again come on get me something good please duck samus now we just got to win ha psych no damn it oh my god we might actually get the dark samus now guys oh the redemption of kazi a baby with that ewgf it's happening it's happening guys oh my god she's dead she's dead oh the disrespect give me that samus give me that samus now that i'm a little bit warm with the kelsey i should keep him going uh kind of kind of worried about reversing the same big rock because this feels like a main switch you know how you beat someone's character that they're not that good with and then they swap instantly and like rematch you this feels like one of them so i don't know if big rock means young link but i kind of feel like they do it this way yeah all right where's my spike where is the god damn near spike god damn near spike okay you wouldn't see kazia bring the match back at 164 would you [Music] on top of the sword i did that down there cannon might be a way to do it oh no i've been talking about it all day how much i don't like versus these guys and ganon has no out of shield options cut that out cannons out why do we have an inkling with a four minute rule set oh we caught a jump there we caught a jump there in cling got the squid right there right there yum yum oh inkling why is my samus so insane no one can explain this [Music] no risk start just charge shot this guy's name is no now playing incineroar oh my god i'm actually already dead surely you heard me stop no are you doing an elite nurse lock as well oh well dark samus is in the bin isn't it she couldn't do it not like the regular samus oh my god just go away i'm blocking this plant after maybe it's doable the same plant that's taken out a bunch of my characters oh oh my god the roller combos i nearly said patooie combos i got planned on the brain no way oh this plant has taken out my entire team oh my god i know king of lamb as well and they're good good jigglypuff yep right sure you can come by one i didn't cancel it two i didn't input the sure you can ken's so dumb oh she's grabbing yeah we grabbing us buff [Music] okay that was way too easy to edge guard me okay i mean everyone knew my ken wasn't doing anything we're in the end game now i need to get some new characters i can't even unlock this guy i just need to keep the run going yes oh that's that's great okay okay oh the crowd to the upsmash this is why we saved k rool for last ladies and gentlemen this is why we save him because this is how we do it this is how we do it with the croc this is how it gets done we keep him in the back pocket for moments like these all right please please a character that i can unlock yes it is a great character to unlock all that's left is actually unlocking it i'm sorry man i'm sorry man i know you're trying to be you're trying to be christo 196 don't do it you know what i'm not taking dk like that [Music] the respectful homie stock might have [ __ ] me up here guys yes not if we keep getting the crown combos [Music] no all right i'll take a hand out that was so anti-hype it was all building up to getting this donkey kong oh see i can't unlock sephiroth it makes it even harder there's just the chance i lose k [Music] rule me like that if i lose like every stop to that imagine in the summer oh [Music] don't you dare sephiroth oh that sucks i thought it was a little i didn't want to die a third time i had to go high oh donkey kong has got to carry now he's got a cargo carry the whole team dk's got to avenge against the ulama if i unlock olimar woohoo no no i could have got the we will rock you if i was closer yes when i'm backed up into the corner that's when i play the best and i am backed into one hell of a corner right now yes [Music] come on die die die all of my yes i'm more excited that dk isn't dead oh give me that fighting game character when i'm olimar when i can camp [Music] all right so i got white blue purple i want to get the white one on him then i want to get him in a grab then i want to down throw oh my god that's 38 43 baby my olimar look at me i'm counting pikmin i'm counting cards up in here oh no no i'm counting cards i want blue oh you're dead you know you can combo off olimar's up smash into uh up air okay okay we got the white up next get the white on him get the red on him side b how did that shield poke me olimar shield does not exist they updated that in a balance patch i remember they actually nerfed his shield i'm not johnning guys that's not a joke please no joke yes oh the purpley purple boy you want to get the pikmins on them and then you want to get damage you want to wreck the damage up with the grab on though oh no don't upbeat me what you're kidding me dude how do i forget how this character works i'm not even running into any different characters to unlock okay okay i am a massive combo target for falco this might be hard if we can unlock the falco that's such a good character to get [Music] yes luckily i can sometimes edge guard falco but go on the safe damage i need this falco yes yes oh no no way he mashed out not of this one though yes third time's the charm falco's on the team oh i think we gotta bring the falco out we gotta we gotta bring the world's best falco straight out oh look at that drag down was that not crispy colleen is this falco not crispy kentucky fried chicken how do you kill us falco at hyperson it's actually kind of hard we can't lose this though i don't even get inkling oh oh yes read the roll back too make it yes never in doubt baby what did i say crispy we're crispy look oh the mesh i picked it up from that other falco [Music] no oh not dk pilot if i win this match up i must be the best player on the planet okay you know what [ __ ] it i know i said no charity before i'm feeling charitable today yeah see look see look big rock knows they actually sd are they trolling because they know that it's dk violet mr tech yes it was my only chance [Music] come on i mean i won the two stock match even though they gave me a stock we got pilot on the team though oh oh my one pilot combo i'll be out of shield pilot you menace if you wonder why i just sat in shield for so long i was i was attempting enough wasn't the best attempt take your [ __ ] punch and shove it back up your ass i can explain really well deserved kill there he died so badly too possibly the worst di i've ever seen yeah look outside of that one down beach kinda has not been going well has it now not at all [Music] yes i think if i win this match it's gonna be with a downbeat i've literally been losing the entire rest of the time when i've done anything else this match so i'm i'm not going to be i'm not going to be weak oh back here i should have shoulda downed me what if we just got one more character unlocked just one more as much as donkey kong is good i can't get kirby either and the down is in this matchup all right i really gotta actually camp this kirby out he's trying to try to like get this sucking cup real bad or like something oh great super armor great use of super armor little z just absolutely phenomenal we have not seen that before and dodge is the down smash too no i missing if i lose because of that no [Music] no well that's it that's that's the run so we got a total of 27 characters not the best but also not the worst let me know if you want to see me do this challenge again apparently my samus is my best character [Music]
Channel: Little Z
Views: 497,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: pM58fM_S1r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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