The most broken card ever!? Ranking the latest leaks!

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so the latest Marvel snap leaked cards are here and we're going to take a look at all these cards expected to land in the August season and then rank them from the ones I think will be the best to worst and boy let me tell you they're all the best this video has some crazy cards in it I mean super strong stuff we're going to take a look at here that said these are not final since these are data Mind cards they can always change we usually see one or two changes from this stage into the final version and I absolutely think that'll happen here cuz some of these numbers seem really pushed for how powerful they are so let's go ahead and kick things off here with Hawkeye Kate Bishop so Kate Bishop is a 23 on reveal add two arrows to your hand and you can see all the arrows here before we even get into the arrows I just want to talk about how good this kind of effect is just having a reliable thing to play early on just get that body down get some Tempo and then get good surprising resources in hand because your opponent's not really going to know what you get what to play around but they also just really fill your curve nicely sometimes you don't have the perfect curve you have space for that one drop to weave in and some decks account for that by running one drops but you don't really love running one drops in your deck necessarily right you'd rather run Big Stuff synergistic stuff game plan based stuff so just having this way to fill in so easily is really nice not to mention of course we know having hand size can be valuable for things like lokis and having one drops can be valuable too we've seen like Zoo deck for instance we're having some bonus One Drops uh like this could also be a Synergy we're also going to see two different new Synergy packages in this video one of which supports one drops in a unique new way and one of which supports spending all of your energy in a given game or turn so Hawkeye you know giving you that kind of way to fill a turn two fill in on like maybe turn three or turn four with these flexible arrows that's actually going to be really nicer cards we see later in the video so I'm just saying at a baseline a card that makes you two things that can fill in your turns that's already a great great option like a lot of decks are going to value that so much when we look to the arrows themselves some of these are absolutely insane as well the Pim arrow is a one one ongoing if your side of this location is full plus three power that's a little bit smaller Ant-Man which you might say hey it's just worse than Ant-Man that sucks but again remember you don't have to run the Ant-Man you're getting all of this stuff bundled into one so it's okay if it's a little bit worse uh you're still you know just kind of getting this free resource almost so it's fine that it's still a 14 like that's really good for a card added to your hand similarly the grapple arrow is a 13 this is on reveal after you play your next card move it to this location which um sometimes that move stuff can be uh pretty interesting at the same time this could be a little bit limiting sometimes you might not want to Stack all that power up or may want to play a card that doesn't have to succumb to that move so that one's a little weird outside of move decks specifically but still probably good cuz it's a 1 three and you can kind of play around that sometimes and then the basic arrows a one one on reveal if you play a card at this location next turn plus three power so that is essentially your Hawkeye which again solid solid one drop this actually could be you know in a bounce Deck with some of this on reveal stuff um it's probably not likely but you know bounce a Hawkeye bounce a basic Arrow you got yourself a little a little package going and then finally the asset arrow is a 1 -2 on feel switch sides uh which that's insane like that's really good that kind of if you squint makes Hawkeye a better like Green Goblin because for three total energy here you're getting plus three and Nega -2 for your opponent that's a net of five power for three energy Green Goblin's a net of three power for three energy so it's like kind of two free Power swing here when you hit that acid Arrow while still of course occupying your opponent's board spaces which is often one of the big upsides of the Green Goblin so acid arrow is like A++ plus insanely good this is kind of you know looks a little bit like a white widow or Green Goblin a little more expensive than white widow but still a ton of upside and then I I think you know the basic arrow and the pin marrow are are comparable to really good one drop options which again great news is you don't have to run the One Drops you're getting that flexibility that curve fill without the deck commitment uh this just looks like one of the those really good flexible two drops probably similar to something like Nico which is maybe a lazy example but you know that Nico that snow guard um I think it's in like a kind of a Jeff Space we just a lot of x value running the Hawkeye Kate Bishop so maybe not the most flashy card in the video but for a season pass card I do expect this one to be played a ton and it looks very fun too for the record so next up is quite possibly the most obscene card I've ever seen in one of these videos I I just do not see how this ships at this state this is Marvel boy it's a 33 after each turn give three of your one cost cards plus two power now I want you to imagine you play a squirrel girl on turn one you got three one cost cards you play this on turn three after each turn not once after each turn it's going to give three of your one cost cards plus two power that means your Squirrel Girl herself becomes a 14 and each squirrel becomes a 1 three so he's already added six power to the board on turn three plus his three power he's a 39 on turn three already effectively again you know it's spreading the power out but his total output is 39 the next turn it's another plus six he's now a 35 effective output the next turn it's another plus six he's a 321 the next turn you're now on turn six right he puts out another plus six you're at a 327 in total power output if this works this way each turn three cards get plus two power am I reading this wrong you can't have a card that puts out 327 in power that only requires one other thing a squirrel girl or you know whatever whatever mix of One Drops I know you're saying hey killmonger exists you just they're going to eat all your squirrels well kyera exists too throw a kaya down you don't need any other cards you're going to win the game basically off of your Marvel boy and your squirrel girls you're going to have a 10 power Squirrel Girl a nine power squirrel and a nine power squirrel if you play this on turn three like you're already Off to the Races on a really good game plan and of course you're going to support it with other stuff too so this just looks completely insane to me this has to go down to like plus one power even plus one power would still be adding plus4 to three cards right that's still an extra plus 12 making this effectively a 315 this just looks nuts to me like the total power output is crazy this would make Zoo insane brings Kaya back too probably because you have to dodge removal in that case uh I I just don't see how this card isn't insane in this state though man like yeah there's some risk like this comes down late or there's some risk you don't hit your one drops in time but it's not hard to play at least a couple One Drops if you build your deck correctly by turn three but here's the secret even if this came down on turn six I still think this is a good card it's 39 in effective output even on turn six even after one turn it still does a lot so I don't know man this just looks crazy to me like this looks super metad defining strong am I am I reading it wrong like I don't understand I have to be reading it wrong because it looks so crazy so next up here we have uh Wiccan and uh this is kind of introducing that new like um spend all your energy kind of archetype almost a reverse Red Hulk if you will uh maybe every deck is this archetype thanks to Red Hulk but you get the idea Wick and 4 five on reveal if you've spent all your energy this game plus to Max Energy so on turn one you got to spin one on turn two you got to spin two on turn three you got to spin three and then if if you've done that on turn four you slam your Wiccan and you're going to get plus two Max Energy kind of a super Electro sort of effect corvis glaive sort of effect so that on turn five you're now gonna have seven energy instead of five so play a four and a three play a six drop and a one drop whatever it might be uh you're just really ramped up for those final two turns I think most importantly for ramp decks you like playing two sixes sometimes getting that that double six oomph is really nice this is maybe a little more Awkward because sometimes I think it's hard to sort of fill a curve like a six and a one like I said that can be a bit clunky sometimes that 5 six6 from an electr curve standpoint might feel a little smoother uh and the conditionality here is a little challenging because with a normal ramp package it's guaranteed you play Electro you know it's going to work you play corvis glaive you know it's going to work occasionally might backfire with your discards but you know it's going to connect your Wiccan you don't know if it's going to connect technically you might miss now there are some ways to mitigate that of course you could run a quicksilver you could run a domino you could run a stack of three drops or whatever to make sure that your Wiccan hits I don't know that running bad cards is going to necessarily be worth it you could also just try to build your deck in a way where it's very unlikely you miss but one drops in particular can be tough if you have too many One Drops so I would probably have to feel like I play a quicksilver maybe for twos and threes you feel like you just run enough density that you're guaranteed to get there couple one drops for like filling in the gaps here and there but you also need that big payoff you need the late game to be worth it as well so uh there is a little bit weirdness do keep in mind things like Sunspot don't work at first I was like oh Sunspot he just always spins all your energy but that's not actually how Sunspot works at all he gains power when you don't spend energy it's literally the opposite he's not actually consuming the energy uh to gain the power so um in that case you know the conditionality here makes you nervous but at the same time uh you know you you feel good about this this energy ramp it's just so significant for those final two turns so it becomes I guess like a deck building challenge it becomes a construction issue for this one as much as anything else like finding the balance of hitting the condition and and maximizing your payoff with high cost stuff and I do have fears that that's not necessarily going to be worth it I think the the the ramp Decks that we have nowadays have relied on Extreme consistency and have kind of foregone their early game to make sure that late game packs so much punch you can't do that here with Wiccan as easily there are some things like zabu you know where you maybe cheat this out of turn early to help it get done so I like that this makes you think about the game in a little bit of a different way but I'm just worried the consistency is going to hold this one back it's just going to be hard to always make this work and that's really interesting in the context with our next card as well this is speed it is a 33 with ongoing plus one power for each turn in which you spent all of your energy so again another card that's rewarding you here for wanting to spend all of your energy but the great thing about speed is it's not an All or Nothing binary result like Wiccan if you miss the wiccan just fails right it's it's yes or no the speed if you miss a turn okay who cares I I lose plus one I'm not I'm not thrilled but my card still functions it still works I have you know five other turns to help scale up my speed and feel good about that there's also this interesting world where when you play these two cards together in some cases uh you know we talked about like that awkward seven energy turn maybe that's hard to fill in sometimes uh if you if you Wicken you know your speed may not may not uh be as easy to achieve you may have some awkward final couple turns so your speed is having a harder time connecting so I don't know that these necessarily even go together although you know they they definitely could uh work out just fine if your deck is built correctly and again you know stuff like Kate Bishop filling in the gaps you know those little little flexible cards in hand helps do all of this sort of stuff so speed of course uh you know it's going to look retroactively at your first two turns so sometimes you play this on you know turn three it's already going to be a 35 and then you know you've got six total turns so this can get up to a 39 magic can get this up to a 310 it is also ongoing so there are some ongoing considerations as well uh I do like that this card just rewards you for playing the game the way you want to play the game like you want to spend all your energy that's the fun thing to do and it's nice when designs reward you for doing the the good sort of thing so is there a really cool curve where you can play Quicksilver Domino speed uh into Wiccan you know and have like this awesome uh you know hit you won't always hit the speed on turn three right but that's a fun idea right like that's a cool little build for a sort of deck now I will say you know how often does this get up to a good healthy range because you you want your threes to be like six or seven power to really feel worth it as just stat sticks and not having other sort of of of benefits so if you think about like red hulks how many times those red hulks hit usually like one two three times per game that's not necessarily in a deck that's built to avoid uh those sorts of triggers but I do think there will be a lot of instances where this lands as like a 36 a 37 because you just whiffed or things didn't go well and sometimes it's not just about filling your energy it's playing the right card at the right time you know you don't always have the luxury sometimes you need to play this thing here at this moment because this location's shutting off or whatever or your opponent has a card you need to react to it and that might sometimes limit your speed's ability as well so taking one or two power off the the top end of this where it's it's in that like 37 range it's good still it's solid but would you rather run a gladiator would you rather just run a 35 that had some kind of benefit you know would you rather have a nocturn in your deck than a speed it might be again that it's just too conditional or hard to maintain this this one might need the number pushed a little bit these two cards while really interesting in some ways uh I don't know I have questions about both of them they aren't as absolutely insane as something like Marvel boy it looks to me I almost said Marvel Boy again why do I do that so then finally here we have the emperor hulkling this is a 611 and it reads at the start of the game copy the text of a random six cost card so my goodness there is quite a range of six cost cards whose text this can copy uh you know there are some that seem like really good to me like blob you know it just gains extra stats it's a blob that starts at 11 power that's nuts like leader completely insane Your Leader starting it at 11 power is absolutely crazy a galatis can be absurd right just having an 11 power galacta sometimes but there are other ones that just aren't really you know doing much or could even be like actively detrimental like maybe you don't want living tribunals taxed on your emperor hulkling that could actually hurt you making your power a little bit too flat um I guess it could technically get Agatha so it could be your opening hand and just become an Agatha that is even smaller than Agatha and you know kind of ruin your game plan like an infan would be bad you don't want an 11 power infan right so I just scanning through this I don't know what the actual numbers are but it looks like about 50 50 kind of good hits versus bad hits I me I guess maybe it's more like a third that don't really do much of anything like apocalypse probably doesn't do anything ons slots like yeah probably hard to utilize Spectrum sometimes hard to utilize right where this is kind of just like a 611 which is yeah that's okay it's starting in a nice healthy spot so probably a third bad a third neutral and a third good I guess the question then becomes like are the third that are good so good that you gain like a really nice advantage on top of that can this be something you just sort of throw into a h list and maybe it's you know kind of risk-free in a way like even the even the bad hits aren't necessarily terrible sometimes in a Hell deck because you just need big bodies and big stats and stuff it's going to get discarded or what anyway maybe that's good uh when it gets apocalypses text as well right the the the good news too is that like this is at the start of the game right it's not when you're playing it that it transforms into something so you are going to have the advantage of choice like you're going to be able to see what this is and make a determination about whether or not it's useful so if you're willing to tank the occasional like dead draw effectively cuz it's like oh this became you know um what was the bad example I gave this this became Destroyer or something and I can't play a destroyer that's fine I'll just keep it in hand and play something else if that's tolerable for a deck that this is in then the moments where it turns into a Dr Doom or a leader or a blob or whatever will certainly be worth that Exchange so I actually think this makes a pretty interesting six drop option for decks that are already running big stuff it also just looks really fun like getting to make those decisions at the moment it's like oo I got Ultron interesting or like oo this is a Sasquatch this game how can I how can I support my Sasquatch or like oh this is an orca how can I make this guy big this game and like changing your game path to fit that is nice it's also notably rather surprising for your opponent it's going to be hard for them sometimes to predict exactly what you have access to normally when you kind of play into an archetype or a deck list you say okay this is this kind of deck they're probably doing this sort of thing this is the kind of six drop they're going to have with hulkling you don't know man did they get the arnam Zola did they get the blob did they get the Dr Doom or galatis you just don't know right you have to have to be ready to adapt so that gives you that kind of informational Advantage which can be really nice when it comes to cube Equity as well just making sure you're able to take advantage of those um those informational disparities uh rather often so I think this becomes a rather intriguing six drop for all of those reasons basically um some extra flexibility uh and upside that probably overcomes that downside risk all right so that said let's go ahead and uh rank these cards from best to worst Marvel boy is the best this is just like completely insane to me I I think this is a typo I'm like concerned I'm not reading this correctly or this doesn't work the way I think because these numbers are just obscene my number two card is Hawkeye Kate Bishop I just think this has a ton of flexibility and nice raw output acid arrow is also insane my number three pick is Emperor hulkling I think this is a surprising and flexible six drop option my number four card is speed this one rewards you for doing things you want to do that said might need some help to outclass other three drops with just like good strong effects that aren't just stats this is basically just stats and then my number five card here is Wiccan although this offers a ton of ramp potential I worry about the conditionality here this is a very binary effect it either works or it doesn't and the games where it doesn't might really hurt you in this case or just demand you build your deck in too strange of a fashion yeah there you go the August month of cards these look really fun Kade Bishop looks good and fun like having these you know variable paths throughout the game for the same reason actually uh huling looks really fun too it's kind of making decisions on the Fly speed and Wiccan kind of a neat little new archetype the anti- Red Hulk and then Marvel boy just I got to be reading this wrong because the chart it's just off the chart strong it's crazy powerful to me this is this is going to get changed right you can't this is too isn't this too good am I crazy like is this too good like tell me what's going on here it just seems insane to me in my brain but anyway uh yeah curious see your thoughts on all these cards down in the comments ments below thanks as always for watching stay tuned for the final versions of these cards when we do the official card reviews later in August but until then yeah thank you and until next time game on [Music]
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 77,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UHKooX9yI44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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