I opened 100 Reserves... and went on a RANT.

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it's everybody's favorite time we're going to open 100 collector reserves and we're GNA see how many credits we get we're going to see how many tokens we get and um I guess how many golden tickets oh God I literally just let those rot every month not a big Conquest fan and how many variants we get 100 tokens we'll always take those those turn into cards uh always excited to see our variants yes I know I don't play the variants oh I am not excited to see the pixel portraits the Avatar is here he's got just like a weird little little blueberry next to him a little floating Circle there it looks funny I'm sure in the full context of the art that's like debris or something but in the portrait it looks very very funny um so we'll also get some titles I'm sure I know I opened um a couple extra reserves before the video started cuz I had 102 reserves and it was really going to bug me to have like more than 100 so I open a couple H they were both titles uh Colossus this looks okay this is cool fine Avatar you know if they had a random button where you could uh just hit the random like put put a randomizer portrait on or a randomizer variants on all your cards I would totally do that every game we'd have different portraits every game we'd have different variants it would be very fun to kind of see and react to those but as it stands it's just too much work okay claw uh good Dan hip I don't know if this is one of the Dan hip albums it is staying hip the ongoing one okay cool so perhaps a little bit of album progress was like to see that those albums sometimes just give you free stuff I know there's a couple times I've gotten like just 2,000 tokens or something for free ated end so that's a nice bonus tickets are not a bonus when I get those tickets it basically is like here's three boosters or something the conversion rate of unused tickets is ridiculous ously hilariously bad uh so not my favorite but lot of tokens so far I mean I know it's like fixed intervals so we're going to have you know the same results as always in essence but it's nice to get those streaks and refilling my credits Reserve I didn't have a ton oh hey is this going to be another ongoing Dan hip staying hip maybe there's also that isn't there like a small Dan hip oh maybe neither okay the album didn't happen out disappointing uh my Dan hips got to be in close to complete though man I have so many I guess we saw we had seven out of 12 on that one but feels like I have a 100 of those ooh the Luchador centy maybe we'll get a um Luchador album there are quite a few of the Luchador skins I feel like now it pops up I guess it was delayed that really was on the ongoing hip okay okay eight out of 12 might be a break point where we get a goodie though Daredevil classic Daredevil costume that's cool I say that like I know and I'm a big Daredevil guy Miles Morales okay like miles should you guys see like the leaks for the Spider-Man season um it's hard to know exactly cuz you know it's like kind of a data mind thing but they they they showed like symbiot Spider-Man as its own character like its own card whereas in the past they have this hard line about like for it to be a card you know and has to be a really distinct famous character like the difference between miles and and normal Spider-Man Peter like miles is his own unique character so even though they're both Spider-Man you know miles deserves his own card you got like Jane Foster and Thor similar sort of idea but then symbiot Spider-Man looked like it was going to be its own own card cuz it had like its own logo which you know the logo would only be there if it was his own unique card but I I'm I just thought symbiot Spider-Man just meant Peter wearing the symbiot suit right oh cool the Agatha portrait so I don't know if they're going to like change that rule like symbiot Spider-Man's not its own unique character it's just a costume you would think that would be a variant I don't know maybe maybe something we don't know you know we don't know all the details obviously so I'm I'm intrigued we'll see we'll learn credits credits I think it's do you guys think it's kind of weird by the way to get credits as a reward anyone seen my brain okay I kind like that one I like the I do like the self deprecating titles that's my favorite brand of titles uh unlike the like really weird goofy food reference ones or whatever I do like the self-deprecating ones those feel like something I'd use but anyway getting credits as a reward on the rewards track it's so strange to me because credits are what you spend to unlock the rewards so it's like in essence they could have just made upgrading cheaper and it would be the same you're just getting a refund on your upgrades my coffin has air conditioning wow great title love I'm so happy to have that um but but but my presumption is that they wanted it to feel like you were getting stuff more often like they want those little you know hits of of of of uh positivity kind of positive reinforcement oh click the button get something cool and they didn't have anything else to give you so they just gave you credits so it's like the whole thing is balanced around getting refunds basically so they get those extra little ticks of endorphins or whatever okay pixie I think it's cool how there's other characters in this one you kind of get a five for one is endorphins the right word reason that doesn't sound right to me my brains turned off a little bit as the title might suggest all right I feel like I'm going too fast but we're just not getting a lot of cool variants yet token tokens CU I mean look look like half the or I guess a third o I like this like a third of the things you click on the track are actually literally just credits and then half of these boxes or whatever are credits too not not literally half but you get the idea so it's like you know probably 40% of your Rewards or something you're just refunds Maria Hill this might be the Noir one or something lady with short hair no super hero aspects at all just lady with Pixie haircut blue Marvel that looks pretty good I like that a little more I feel like uh sometimes I'm just a negative with these uh with these Reserve opening videos you know like I'm generally just happy go-lucky guy playing the game having fun playing the game and then I get into these videos and it's like these rewards all suck and this is disappointing but uh I don't think it's unfair right I don't think it's unwarranted or anything I think that's completely reasonable um reasonable take now this is actually a pretty funny portrait because it's like it's actually almost full figured but his head is so big and his tiny little body popping out I kind of like that kind of like that but that's how I've always been with Marvel snap right I've always thought the game play was just stupidly brilliantly designed like I think the game play is just so smart so Snappy so fun um I love the gameplay and I've always hated the systems I've always hated the monetization I've always hated every other aspect of the of the game just the game itself is really good hold my root beer there's one of those dumb food titles I was talking about I think this one's kind of funny here like hold my beer is a you know common phrase but this is hold my root beers that that's clever speaking of um all the systems and hating all the systems and stuff supporting the game o baby Hulk kind of like this the letter say smash that's funny kind of reminds me of my baby so that's one of my more favorite baby ones but speaking of systems um I'm sure a lot of you saw the I I almost made a dedicated video about this but decided not to I'm sure a lot of you saw the uh what was it summer games Fest like IGN announcements or whatever uh for for Marvel snap where they announced like the new road map and they announced like the new Deadpool event that's going to be happening next month ooh I've never seen this I feel like I don't even remember seeing this like in a game or this must be fairly new I feel like I've never encountered this uh this variant before it's really not my favorite Dan hip to be honest I feel like the kind of wind movement thingies are a little clunky looking but I do like the background color very nice and vibrant uh but you know they announced the the the Deadpool event that's coming next month um they talked about uh the new alliances which like kind of guilds or alliances where we going to be able to join kind of a a group of fellow players in Marvel snap and chat and do missions and stuff Dan hip War Machine we are really cleaning up on The Dan hips I like this one pretty well the um the coloring choice is interesting he's got this kind of like purple lighting glow around his you know borders but his background is like orange you would think that it would almost be more like orange to to capture the fire but I guess he has like pink glowing element so maybe that's it's coming from his his own glow it looks kind of cool I like either way uh but but my takeaway from all this this conversation about the systems and the announcements and stuff I mean a lot of people were were pretty disappointed I I can't pretend I was super excited either but but what it is is they they did this whole announcement they did this whole thing on IGN this whole interview which number one like didn't actually make it into the live event they like posted it later afterwards which seems super weird people were waiting around for like four hours to watch a thing that never aired um pixel Mystique yeah it's not bad I actually am okay with that but but but the whole announcement the whole takeaway the whole thing they post on the website all it talks about his systems it talks about like reward tracks and unlocking things and and and it showed like UI mockups of the event and like all the different like progress things in the event and the the UI for alliances showed all these like reward tracks and earnings and stuff nothing showed a lick of gaml there wasn't one second of game play they didn't show a full card you could kind of technically see Cassandra Nova as a reward for a reward track but they didn't show any cards they didn't show any gameplay they didn't show the game itself and every time they do these announcements I feel like the announcements are just about all the systems and they never talk about the video game and it's like yes I know marvel snap a lot of people almost play it for the systems like collecting cards upgrading cards getting you know new variant appearances and varant and stuff that does become a chunk of the game for a lot of people it's like the the actual card gameplay is almost secondary to the collection aspects but for a lot of us the card gameplay is number one priority like I care way less about variants and upgrades and all that stuff and rewards tracks that's just an inst to a mean to get to the card game and the cards so I always get really frustrated for those like you know they're announcing this thing on IGN potentially reaching new viewers who don't play the game and they don't show you an ounce of gameplay they don't show you any cool cool animations they don't show you any cool card effects I don't even show you how the game works if you've never seen Marvel snap before and you're seeing an announcement on IGN you're just going to see a bunch of menu screens they're going to see a bunch of reward tracks and currencies and it's like who's that going to appeal to no one who's new to the game is going to care at all about that cuz it's a bunch of stuff and details they don't have any insight into and they don't even know what the game is like they don't get to see Spider-Man fighting Magneto you know like that's the cool thing I want to see Spider-Man fighting Magneto that's cool I want to play Magneto is my favorite character you know whatever not not me literally but that's the thing people care about and they don't show it they could show off a bunch of new cars that are coming out like we've got the Deadpool season coming these are the new cards coming in the Deadpool season check out their cool animations see them doing these awesome things and they just don't do that they just don't do that so it frustrates me so much it's almost like every time they make announcements or like get excited about something they're only excited about the systems and not the game play and that to me is so incredibly frustrating because I think a lot of us are excited about the gameplay it almost feels secondary in a lot of ways to the people who are promoting the game which I I don't think is good for for for player bases in general but it it it it makes you worried that the priorities are out of whack and that the systems and the rewards and the monetization and the progression models and the engagement models all that stuff they're more focused on that than they are in the actual Gameplay at least that seems to be where their priorities are reflected when it comes to Promotions so anyway this is a cool TP variant again I actually like this one a lot Hercules looks cool it's funny Dan trying to give like hairiness to his like cartoony characters it's like it's got a hairy chest and arms and stuff which is pretty amusing but how many Dan hips did we get out of all overan so far it's a vast majority huh kind of feels that way in the game too a lot of variants are Dan hips I guess so anyway that's my rant ooh that's a cool one dude that's a cool one uh yeah Pantheon Dracula I actually played through Hades for the first time few weeks ago a month ago U when Hades 2 got announced basically I was like ah it's time I got to play Hades um so I didn't I didn't do like a full completion but I beat Hades once and called it a day uh which you know I was definitely intrigued with the art style so now these these Pantheon Hades reference variants definitely go a little further for me than they used to this one looks pretty sick I like this pose a lot very cool dramatic sort of pose for Dracula looks good oh apparently it was um is there like a Pantheon album I'm not even sure I didn't see we'll check we'll check later we'll go look at all the album results in a minute more tokens so anyway pardon my rant but I wanted to make a whole video about it I didn't get a chance or just didn't really want to it's like H hate making a whole video that's just whining it's like it is important whining I think it's it's good to air that but um I didn't want to make a whole video about it uh so so here's my chance to rant a little bit air my air my frustrations credits credits credits see this is the stuff they would advertise hey look you can open 150 credits pixel Shong Chi huh okay I don't hate this not one of the worst pixels by any means pretty good dig it we almost out like I don't know how many let's see no we have 20 3 to go okay so three quars of the way through I would say we've gotten you know variance doesn't feel like we're getting oh dude Sunspot how do I not have the Sunspot Dan hip I love it it's cool yeah I like it I feel like I have a ton of sunspot oh we're getting close on that album nice um I know I know that it's like fixed intervals for for all these results but it does feel like we've gotten a good amount of variants I don't feel like I'm getting ripped off hopefully run out of titles back in the day I ran out of titles horoscope said Hulk on six yeah that's cute he says he doesn't want to be a downer he doesn't want a whole video to be negative and then he makes this video no I like my variants Okay I uh I'm I'm chill with the D hip variants I do prefer the more like fancy variants I think a lot of people do the more elegant or cool or badass looking variants Maximus pickle Pi pickle the Maximus pickle that was my nickname in [Music] college I actually like this one a lot I'll tell you why this pixel looks really really good and do you know why it looks so freaking good I can tell you exactly stylistically why I like it it's because he doesn't have that Gody black outline around his character that so many of the pixels have we'll take a look at it later when we look at the variants but like Shang XI has this black outline they always do a black pixel outline which just doesn't read well at this scale of pixel this one does not have that black outline so you can see like the border of the character is just whatever color it needs to be the gun has a little bit of a dark outline that's fine it looks okay but Maximus himself he just reads with so much more depth that way you have like a whole extra row of pixels to kind of do cool things with so that looks really good that's that's an A+ pixel I would say they should do that more often it's just uh it's almost like they wanted the pixels to capture the comic book feel too much I don't think they needed to not none of the other variants have to look like comic books necessarily there's plenty of like painted ones that don't have Line work visible uh is this going to be an ongoing hip didn't pop up I don't know see that Sarah hip a lot I think that's one of people's favorite oh there it was staying hip yeah nice N9 out of 12 is almost certainly going to be a break point where we get something right newly house broken cool it's it's almost like I I just don't I I don't know where these titles come from I I don't know I just want one cool title now and then that's like you know something cool Marvel themed whatever cool Marvel you know thing the only example I can ever think of is Herold of Galactus but that is actually a title I think but that sort of stuff you know like something that sounds cool instead of goofy let's get one more nonhip variant I want a cool stylish variant this might be it it's taking forever to load oh it's pixel instead um okay again not my most hated though this isn't pixel has a little bit more of that line work we talk about on the Outer Edge but it's not it's not too bad it's actually pretty reasonable compared to most there's elements portions where it does not have the Gody black line work so it looks pretty good yeah some of these seem to be improved I don't feel like I've seen that pixel Heim doll much at all like in other people playing it randomly so that might be a new one I wonder if Maximus is also more new oh final one final final box tokens okay so um I did uh I did make a note and record how many credits and tokens I had beforehand so I'll guess I'll cut to that right now I have 760 credits and 26,000 tokens and now we'll take a look at what we ended up with so uh I think it was like 760 or something up to 6,000 so 5,800 credits that actually feels pretty good and then pretty sure this was 26,000 which means we got 2100 uh tokens which also feels pretty good all right so now let's hop over to the albums we got move your hips as well oh nice the arrow and the Hercules connecting cool uh so that's a thousand uh credits dude that's awesome that's a good free bonus I don't want this Heim doll though man this werewolf by night's super sick too man that's very cool uh we need Spider-Man meek and Multiple Man and cloak okay sure we'll get those are these super rares rare rare rare and rare yeah we we'll get those eventually I'm sure uh and then we had uh staying hip yeah dude we got a ton we got Sarah claw and Ant-Man now we need dazzler are just all the Dan hips rare I guess I don't think there's any Super rares Omega Red yeah I feel like we'll get this oh Iron Man how do I not have Iron Man dude so many Iron Man variants look at this I have endless Iron Man variants this one's so cool man that's really nice this one's cool too actually jeez Iron Man has good variants this one's cool too um anyway Cosmo Dan hip nice a cute Cosmo okay uh oh we oh I didn't know I had that what what else did we get did we get one more this one low oh yeah Sunspot low cost high impact all right so we just need to get to the ice man we have Titania and Electra yeah it seems like the Dan hips are going to fill me out pretty fast like we're getting close we had boss babies as well but we need one more to get the Kang okay definitely some rares here too still available nebula and Iron Man are super rare but we might we might be able to get to the Kang uh Kang varant there I mean to what end though right what to what end um so let's look at uh newest and check out our variant Hall here how many did we actually end up with we have 1 2 3 4 five and then six is 11 and six is 17 that feels pretty good yeah that feels above my expectations a little bit how many Dan hips do we get 1 two 3 4 five 6 7 oh this actually wasn't in the thing so actually was 16 variants seven of which were Dan hips but I'm going to show you what I mean about the um the pixels by the way see how this black outline is on this shangi which actually doesn't look too bad here it's it's one of the better black outlines but Maximus just doesn't feel the need to have that there's a little bit of a defining outline on this this far edge of his coat but so much of him just is happy to just you know have the whatever color it is be the outline I think that goes really far this mque also has the black outline little clunkier here but still not too bad I'm sure if we look at some of the other past pixel cards we'll see some really ugly black outlines by the way this null is so sick dude that is really nice uh this is another one that's not too bad I would say and it has some elements that don't have it like his flaming head which is cool uh this actually again looks okay too with his outline not coming up with good examples I'm sure you guys agree with me though that some of these have very ugly pixel outlines I'm sure sure we'll find one to keep scrolling going to be edits in the videos I scroll for 35 minutes um why do these all look okay to me like why do all these pixel variants look okay these all look pretty good they're not they're not the like clunky ugly ones these are all pretty good even the Wong's pretty good why did they did they change all the pixels why did they look good I even this looks okay to me oh my god dude where are the ugly pixels I know there's some ugly pixels uh Silver Surfer is kind of an ugly one maybe this is our example like would this just look better without the outline I wonder it might you know he's supposed to be shiny and and and this kind of gives him that weird defined Edge um okay Helicarrier is an ugly pixel like this is ugly it's a hard one to make though but it's definitely got an outline it doesn't necessarily need if you could use those same pixels to add more like color or or depth it might help you know anyway this has been the worst most boring exercise ever uh but yeah I think a decent haul here I I mean this is definitely the stand out for me I guess I'll rate these variants as I always do Claw is a three out of five Ant-Man is a three out of five centry lador is a three out of five I don't I don't know something about his like muscle structure feels weird to me Pixie is a give that one a four out of five I like how there's a lot of characters baby Hulk is four out of five arrow is two out of five I don't love this one war machines four out of five I like War Machine a lot mystiques two out of five Hercules prob four out of five I like that one pretty well Dracula five out of five that looks really sick uh actually has a lot of the same Vibes as this one but yeah four out of five or five out of five blueprint War Machine uh um do like war machine but this isn't necessarily my favorite I'd say three out of five chunk Chi two out of five Sunspot uh three out of five Maximus I'm actually going to give this one a three out of five which is high for a pixel that looks pretty cool Sarah four out of five Heim doll two out of five and I guess we'll go Cosmo to is three out of five so not not my favorite Hollow variants but still not bad nothing super sick like this cool blade or this cool magic a lot of good ones recently I actually like this uh this modok a lot too I like LCA Luca cetti stuff a ton so anyway uh not too bad so what do you guys think was this worth it or not as always uh do you guys hate or love opening your reserves or any of you out there saving them for stuff later I'm curious to hear all those thoughts and more down in the comments below thank you as much always for watching and uh until next time game one [Music]
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 48,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TySXo2bSZsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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