Sersi is CRAZY FUN and ...sorta good...!?

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so Marvel snap's newest card is Cersei and as you're going to see in this video this might be the most fun I've ever had with a card on its launch day uh not only that I actually won quite a bit with this card as well today but Cersei is just all about chaos transforming your other cards is so unpredictable right and can just lead to the most ridiculous scenarios you're going to see a few crazy games and I only recorded for 48 minutes of gameplay and I got so many fun moments so imagine the potential in store for this card but I put it in a really weird deck list I basically wanted to try her with Shi because sh just seems like such a great Target right you you you double your Cersei up to 14 power which can be insane and you turn your Shere into a strong five drop potentially you know but there's some some good great five drop hits you know seven power even is is pretty awesome and there's much bigger potential than that and then you can follow it up with the Taskmaster still you know get a 14 power Taskmaster or whatever like that's a really nice little three card line that can absolutely just power through and win games like that's awesome and to support that I wanted to just put in a lot of stuff that seemed good with Cersei you know basically uh on reveal cards with low power you get the upside of the on reveal and then you transform it into something bigger that has a lot of potential an Odin in there and a Rona in there to support that package even you know little stuff like spiderham and Hood cards with great effects with terrible stat lines right right that you now get to transform with Cersei can become you know useful little additions from a power standpoint turning this into a three or four power card turning this into a three or four power card like a Sixpoint swing it's kind of insane even negga Sonic is a card I was kind of happy with here like this is a nice little addition right you get the upside of the destroy effect and then you still transform this into you know a chunky four drop potentially and I I looked at this and I was like dude this is a weird looking deck list like this makes no sense it's like kind of a Mr negative in some ways but it's like it's not and I thought it was going to be terrible I was like there's no way this is going to be any good but I went nine and four a 69% win rate with this one was far better than I expected now I you'll see a few games where I get crazy lucky so you know I I have to say there's some variance in the mix here uh some RNG favored us clearly but there was potential this wasn't as absolutely horrendous as I expected so maybe with some refinements maybe with just some more obvious inclusions more sensible stuff like this Taskmaster is so greedy but it kind of stole some games uh you know but anyway with refinements I could imagine some kind of on reveal shell making some sense for Cersei ultimately she did feel like a big Power Spike when I played her you know the the the total power gain off this card felt like you know 15 power instead of seven or something effectively as long as you're willing to tolerate some of that Randomness and Chaos that she creates so uh I'm hopeful for this one I we'll see you know let the great minds out there building decks make some cool stuff and see what's possible but uh definitely keeping an eye on Cersei because if a deck like like this that just feels kind of random and weird and and chaotic can pull together that many wins um then then it definitely feels like there's something here to explore and some real potential on this card but in the meantime enjoy this maybe sort of kind of good deck that is absolutely crazy when it comes to winning games as as you'll see okay uh interesting little hand if we get a Cersei right the way I built the Zack it definitely feels like it's if you hit Cersei you have a deck and if you don't hit Cersei there's no deck which is probably wrong but that's okay I'm having fun with it either way we're winning actually so apparently we're hitting Cersei enough okay could be modok stuff modok hel could be tribunal stuff I'm not great at shutting this down either way way ooh this could be a way to do that though negasonic could kill a key card for them if we time it well interestingly the timing is a little tough cuz sometimes if it's like a modok for instance they may want to do it now if it's tribunal we may want to hit one late you know H hit the tribunal hit the Iron Man whatever timing is a bit odd and if I show it too soon they'll kind of get the idea right they'll know this play sort of wants to hit a Cersei next turn I could maybe wait two turns though or I could maybe do something like you know just throw ravona in doesn't really change much other than Shri on five Cersei on six but that might make the Nega Sonic a little hard to play well I guess next turn this would be three and three uh well that would be on turn six yeah I'm going to play the Shri now we're just going to hit the cersi on five make life easy Iron lad this might give us more data super scroll okay that definitely makes me think tribunal uh super scroll I don't have way to punish them for that I just I knew it I'm just a God now we're just going to hit the Taskmaster right life is easy now we just hit Taskmaster easy game Professor X wow we didn't hit Taskmaster but by God if this isn't the sort of perfect counter the only fear is what if they move all this to New York oh well you can't cuz you can't move an unrevealed card right like it won't let them so they're going to be stuck here so this is is pretty nice yeah uh this this is a really good counter I feel like yeah cuz this whatever it is gets destroyed and then you know the widow's kiss locks out a new one now that may be like an Iron Man and an onslaught but again that would be fine right we would be chilled with that um white tiger Rona yeah that looks good they're sticking through this so that makes me nervous what what's what's cooking here what do they possibly have Mo oh it doesn't matter matter of the modok destroyed no but they have no space for this they have no space they have no space minions surely we're fine mid right like oh that's Professor X yes they got the super scroll first and it hit the randomly generated Professor X oh my God it locked them out so none of the other cards got summoned oh my God I I was hoping they just got like super scroll mid you know and they were too small or whatever cuz they only have what like 81 or something uh and that would be fine you know but instead the super schull left locks them out dude Cersei I love you uh okay yeah R the left looks really good let's think about building a Cersei location so mid that seems fine uh this is the weirdest deck list I've ever built by the way just I uh I don't know man I just just threw a bunch of cards in uh I was like well this looks good with Cersei this looks pretty good with Cersei this looks pretty good with Cersei I wanted it to be sh but not like you know sh Red Skull obviously so there's like a Taskmaster near which I thought man only one card for Taskmaster if you hit CH Taskmaster Cersei is kind of crazy but then I thought well you know any Taskmaster can be turned into a six drop right it's still um literally we just play it as a 5 Z that turns into a 52 or something right it's still uh a decent body for Cersei so it's like well maybe there's two you know like if Cersei Taskmaster kind of makes sense if you don't though I guess TM is kind of dead yeah to be fair uh Jubilee right looks pretty cool I mean white hot room does make uh some sense for it but that's I mean it really does make some sense for it just I'm gapping a turn so if I hit like Shere or you know white tiger I might want to wait but Zemo also makes some sense SW since we don't have hood anymore so let's just do Zemo what it's going hard for white out room uh kind of looks like a high Evo deck although blade is a bit intriguing there there's the Shri okay so yeah now Cersei looks really good right man that would have been so good M long as I'm willing to Gap this turn which I think we might have to it's really weird though because they get a random five I mean if I hit Taskmaster it's not weird it's still pretty good Nega Sonic is bad mid also mid's just kind of bad I don't know we might just lose mid but right and left definitely make me still feel okay oh oh Black Knight deck this makes way more sense of course oh we the Taskmaster oh my God yeah know this is good this is good this is really good and our hand is so crazy cheap if we can keep priority here in Onslaught Citadel Nega Sonic also becomes nuts we don't keep priority though sadly but Taskmaster mid also looks kind of nuts now doesn't it Cersei on oh it's leech does that help us at all there's no hella so Taskmaster mid 14 then we go like iron heart and Demon 14 is really 11 there really 17 oh crap I don't know if we're big enough there I might have to go I might have to go here I might have to go here huh if this if this white widow hits were insane it's we got to trust 18 don't we I think we have to trust 18 so 14 17 this is sort of Overkill to be honest but they're at seven down by four 18 just feels so strong that it's like I don't want to I I don't think I go right yeah we definitely go left okay hope is fine Magneto's fine cuz we're full I guess it's fine anyway nothing gets pulled for two power Taskmaster White Widow is zero unfortunately cuz they have enough cards but I think we're fine yeah nice dude okay well this super weird deck I built that was a pretty cool first game yeah Le just deleting any hella threat is insane the way they emoted I think it probably happened to and you know just 14 here 14 here it's really nice maybe I should include one more five drop for this uh for this Shri cuz I have like literally nothing else but n I'm fine with it whatever we built a weird deck it's we're we're one for one so it's good one and0 oh sh in hand that classic sh white tiger line that everybody loves let mean listen it's not great but you know I don't think it's terrible I just played a person with this exact blade variant is this like new or something it's the exact same variant um but you know sh why tiger might sound really stupid and bad but maybe it's not that bad with Cersei still right I bet it's still kind of okay this could be really exciting on Mojo World later if we are able to get priority but I do worry about our ability to get priority energy expenditure as well like I man I got a lot of expensive cards it it might be hard to weave in that three later without some Rona or something so I'm just going to go ah and play the negga Sonic now I I think it's unlikely it makes a huge impact cuz obviously they can play into this pretty easily but you know we'll try so I have Shu but no Cersei right now I have Jubilee but that's kind of risky I mean I guess it's not that risky cuz if I hit like Taskmaster we just go Cersei on it right like it's fine it's really not that risky H as well you know just oh gamit on Nega Sonic wow wild that looks like a real discard deck they hellcow and blade Cersei cool Gamora that's insane let's go that ju believe was 19 power dude that's wild well now I kind of want to put white tiger over here right because if pretty good power in Mojo world uh we could even add an Odin there as well which would be kind of risky I guess but probably be a net gain but I want to shift some power into other locations so you know get a get a nice tiger somewhere here Dracula left is kind of spooky isn't it white widow is quite a bit of negative power for them left because you don't expect them to play another card there maybe something like this looking for that Odin out if I don't hit Odin my hand is so dead maybe I need to play Hood sure would be nice to get that spider ham in into a relevant place though could still have like an aoch could have a Hela I have priority so I could hit an APO here and then a modok discards it like this is so much better for like Taskmaster but I have a 50/50 hit Odin which will kind of fill my turn anyway I guess IR I would prefer left a little bit and mostly right sadly oh we hit the APO nice and it's a modok nice yeah so they have two swarms and a top deck which makes their Dracula just utter garbage right two swarms and a top deck and we hit the Odin we're Gods we are gods odds um so we can't really win mid though we kind of want this tiger doesn't matter doesn't matter let's go it's the most weird garbage deck I've ever made and it's just kind of working I love it I love it yeah spider on one is totally chill pretty good for uh Cersei raona we went away from that ooh hello friend so ham Iron Heart IR all good left Jeff gone the best ham hit but not a bad ham hit uh would welcome a shuri be pretty cool oh would really welcome a Shu I wonder if we go Jubilee here over iron heart um just Iron Heart like half the buff gets eaten anyway only buffing two Jubilee is a better hit for Cersei the only risk here would be Odin if we hit Odin this fills up left I'm like kind of sad that's very unlikely super unlikely crazy unlikely so it'll happen is a good hit okay that gives me a really strong cersi location um Havoc wow who need cersi they're wrecked I mean they have a qu this could be worse for them maybe I I will say oh no I didn't even see Avengers compound you idiot I didn't even see it uh I guess we're playing Ser on six in that case right so uh we should do this we might play Taskmaster for six next turn white tiger could be good but a little risky yeah this is actually okay since we don't have a sh any I didn't I honestly didn't even process Avengers compound but uh sadly two of the Buffs were left which are going to get deleted anyway I love the opponent going for it with a Havoc by the way this is honestly they have a chance like their deck is so small anyway this kind of works for them I would say yeah I mean I don't think this is the Cersei line right it has to be left we have to get stronger left sadly the six here is not great but dang dude they're they're three they're stuck at three right like how good can they be if they play a dude I'm going to lose if they play Athena and a a kitty again I'm going to lose dude cuz this iron heart is or this Taskmaster is just not big enough I'm wondering if I have to play like a Cersei right it's just not that good is the problem it's just like the demon gets smaller on average iron heart pretty solid I would say oh just Coulson okay that's not so bad cuz now they're they're behind quite a bit right um which you know they can pass here but can they win well they're ahead mid too though oh boy oh boy dude this havoc's actually been it's actually it's it's it's going to be bigger than the Hulk I mean they only need to play a four drop right and they win if I play Cersei left right this is the problem they just win by playing a four drop right so part of me thinks I need to play like white tiger left and send the send the the send the dude here so I win mid and left cuz this gave them a four and a five oh they can't play a four though so they really might play like kitty Pride which sends this to 13 I don't know how big she was oh God we're going to lose but I'm just going to trust the cersi oh how do they play three cards right now dude this is wild Arrow's going to save me dude dude Arrow's going to save me dude oh my God it did arrows save me they had I guess the quid jet made this cheaper and maybe they door energy well that was turn three right like was the White Widow the Widow's kiss generated okay I like this hand yeah the it's funny I put revoted here it does make sense like I'm not mad about it but at the same time I don't know how much I actually need it like it's pretty cool for white tiger and a Cersei I guess just we haven't seen that yet I I I suppose okay okay so uh the real here is almost certainly left here right they they seem like they always want to do that oh my God is this the game is this the is this the sh white tiger Cersei sh looks so bad dude um I can't really play White Tiger though because a bar with no name I think I do absolutely want to build into a Cersei so it might just be shy white widow um I do have Hood mid though which is pretty nice sh White dude a classic line one of the one of the classic Marvel snap lines let me tell you an absolute classic we we have to hit Cersei here sadly I don't think I'm going to be beating the Sasquatch so we aren't going to draw any cards uh this game's just really locked up though from a spacing standpoint oh my god dude there goes my Cersei out okay so we lose right uh uh we lose right uh I mean I can still play my hood here I guess and then I got to go hard hard left how do I win left on the final turn I mean Jubilee is pretty cool if it hits Odin imagine Jubilee Odin Cersei that would be so sick Demon's big too like like Demon's efficient you know by the way have you ever seen this in your life negative ooh uh just Odin as well we have priorities so negga Sonic's insane Cersei I want actually before the demon so this order seems right uh I mean I don't know there's a chance they turn off this location or whatever but otherwise I feel pretty good about this only spiderham is bad the other two out of three are great I think cersi in particular could be nuts hitting a great Jubilee there are some risks if it like sends a card mid or something I don't know what that would be like white tiger I guess but we love Negan we love Cersei usually although the Rona honestly does usually get smaller but the Jubilee gets big typically five drops on average are not enormous but you know seven is the is the most common that's the mode of five drops I'm sure might just be safer with thatat Sonic oh boy that sucks Patriot and Mocking Bird dude I'm so tilted dude I'm so this is this feels like an unfair loss dude hitting the one out of three sucks negga Sonic would have deleted seven here right so that would have been great they would have only had 10 it would have won for sure we'd have 14 and Cersei I mean I don't know that Cersei would have won but we would have had six and seven is 13 Ron is a two drop you expect that to be about three usually you know let's say 16 and then a five drop you know up to like 23 average so you have some you have some leeway you know we could have gone for like a white tiger mid too by the way like white tiger and Demon cuz we had the the room you know so we could have had like a five a six and an eight that would have been a 19 would have ended up winning a little more consistent but a lot less fun kind of sad okay Hood um yeah Hood we'll give you the plus three that's totally fine you're now a zero it it's kind of weird because you could you know s see it you could um get that plus three on the next thing instead but uh I'm chill with it just want to get the priority management going uh cuz cuz negga Sonic loves priority basically yeah I think getting a body down here for Iron Heart next turn is good iron heart again kind of hurts your Cersei a little bit so we we may want to just like play Iron Heart here and Cersei over here right cuz these are both things and that now have positive stats maybe maybe a white tiger here currently White Widow probably wants to go mid cuz Citadel gives that ne8 which um man be a sha Rockets always nice o sh's so good if we hit Cersei but it's only one in five I don't hit the Cersei sh's really dead uh let said it's not like white widow's that exciting you you know they're going to be able to fill this I guess we go for it and hit the top deck and if not we uh we white tiger like an idiot and then uh I don't know I guess we Owen it's not very good it's not very good that two Power white tiger man doing the work Cersei though is going to save us I trust we're going to draw exactly Cersei into Taskmaster and life is good it's it's not it's ravona um boy is this feel stupid can't be good this can't be good uh the cusy top deck now too the problem with it is like it's kind of all in on one location which we kept in mind with having like some One Drops that are playable like hood and stuff oh I mean what we need to do is just hit like uh Aram Zola me realistically this is probably better right like realistically but I I don't think it wins I I think I think we need to hit something crazy like an arnam Zola or a I I don't even know man what would what's like a five drop they can win the game I don't know just I just want to see the chaos that unfolds Cersei mid for them okay they can backfire who knows killmonger accidentally or something here oh Iron Heart hit all three Broods how crazy is that rescue modok there's no that's all we needed let's go I told you I told you would have been very good here been h 8 men in particular but Ultron just solves the problem man unbelievable this card is so fun dude Cersei loves this hand white widow's good start Wells thank you for the boosters I am five and 0 with this deck right now by the way what the heck dude surely we'll fall off pretty hard I don't expect that to hold I feel like this deck is still first and foremost a bit of a meme oh my god dude never mind I think we're good to go never mind um do we we probably don't make the White Widow Lane this the the sh Lane like we're probably going to go Shri Cersei left so white widow maybe like nean or something to help Shore this up and and protect that uh that widow's kiss um that's that's a nice little bonus you know it's harder for them to fill this oh Valley of the hand though makes their life a little bit better uh in that case I guess we go Iron Heart here and really make a cersi lane huh I don't want them to benefit from Valley so this iron heart feels kind of stupid here but but once you get sh and Cersei and you're going to feel very happy about it oh okay I like this we're going power into their power too which is good this is going to be a monster Cersei and then I guess just T Master mid probably just oh really oh man why Retreat dude the game's close what guys you you can't give up this early like you I I've played one two cards and they're garbage you haven't even seen the cool thing yet man let's just have to pretend how awesome this was going to be Spider-Man fist bump uh yeah Hood's cool Hood's cool uh cerebro could do the cerebros zero thing too late iron heart's going to B well no no it's not too late this goes to negative one it could still work we got a plan uh no we're going to stick to the plan plan dude I'm seven and two with this deck right now that is wild I'm sure like I I think we will normalize a little bit I think we've hit a stretch of variance that's been positive sure we're going to land up like you know 8 and four or something before I stop but it's good start anyway ooh that's pretty interesting uh that saves like cerebro for instance but I think for now let's do like this this could still be our our Cersei spot if we get one if we get a Cersei uh o brood is a good hit from for jeez Classics classic lines here Baron Zemo into oo I'll take it cool very cool morph okay Taskmaster interesting I mean I think there's a pretty good chance that white widow connects they don't usually fill this up just yet I would expect more like an absorbing man or something this turn not impossible though so this white widow could sort of whiff but I think that's okay too not not mandatory for us or anything so no Cersei right now Cersei right might also be decent since there's only one card here could just be more total benefit sort of thing oh interesting demon getting the buff now of course hey wolf Spain I'll take it cool no Cersei Taskmaster Wolf's ban probably not the move you you do kind of wish you were playing the [Music] spiderham this turn maybe that's okay it it does mean you know I have a a a worse curve but also is morph going to be that good anyway I think it's probably more important to hit like a surfer or probably Surfer I was going say maybe Patriot but probably Surfer uh so we can spiderham and Surfer I think we're a lot happier in a weird way this Nega Sonic left feels a little wasted because we just don't have a lot of power there like there just not a lot going on but it could be really cool for Cersei too Shan Chi hit instead that seems weak to me this is definitely a Cersei deck isn't it it's like is it Cersei Surfer Havoc shaa locked him up right but we need to be mindful of the um the Havoc we're behind oh baby Cersei are they going to play a surfer or a Cersei we're really behind by five here so it's like you know you could do something like this and try to high roll or maybe even this cuz you're more ahead here how many cards do they have they have seven cards in hand like they're mostly three drops though right so you're not that excited about a three drop here and you're really behind by five so are you going to hit a five on average I just feel like it's going to be hard to win left I mean if they play a Cersei they have a a a two a three and a four it's like is my Cersei big enough you know like if they go Cersei and don't try to buff mid if if they have like Silver Surfer I would win left and lose right and mid if they don't have a Silver Surfer and they go for a Cersei this might be able to match their Cersei because their Cersei in particular is going to die to the negga Sonic um I mean we saw ano that doesn't really Point towards Cersei to me but but it does kind of because if you're running like Sinister and brood and stuff I don't know man I think this loses I think it's actually more likely we win with morph Taskmaster but this is way more fun especially if they play Cersei oh yeah they went for Surfer so we lose I I think we might have lost to this no matter what I'm not sure we could have won we were hoping to hit that for the ham right there there's maybe some weird out here like a something that summons a car right I don't know and thing's cool just yeah I'm I'm not uh terribly sad about this morph uh mid might have been able to win by the way like morph mid into like Taskmaster because well I don't know this man thing changed some weird math and Cersei did I don't know what we were at here we were pretty weak so hard to say hard to say I think Surfer was their kind of Silver Bullet there though Silver Bullet he's a silver server I'm a genius all right we got Cersei I'm a happy man give me Rona let's hit that white tiger Cersei line I haven't hit that yet o sh cersi is also very fun uh dream dimension though shoot dude turn this off opponent no turn this off hey what if we put a location in the game guys it just makes the game notably Less Fun doesn't that sound like a good idea I think guys I know exactly what we should do let's put a location in that ruins the game yeah I mean it doesn't play Magic please God I want to have some fun allow me to enjoy the video game I'm only kind of sort of being tongue and cheek I you know it can be fun of course to challenge your resources and and and and make you think about Curves in a different way obviously there are ways to make that fun to but I'm a little sad to be honest uh so if I go sh there's no Cy next turn for dream Dimension um I probably want to just set up like a good turn six dream Dimension or turn six sure or Cersei God I can totally speak English um so in other words like white tiger now and then sh next turn maybe although this is ultimately very committed from a um from a power standpoint I kind of don't want this white tiger to go mid cuz I'm like so far behind there okay nice I'm trying to win left and right basically that was sort of a big 50/50 to hit I mean I kind of need to protect my advantage left I'm just wondering how hard does the opponent go and can I hit a hood off the top cuz I'm going to have you know a six and a and a seven P six cost card and a seven power card right so I think I'm getting more power rights I kind of need to shore up left which definitely makes negasonic the move uh for that side so we have a 13 point lead basically Jane Foster gone this is crazy dude this is like a maybe a similar sort of deck to mine I don't know this crossbones makes it hard to predict Jane also just a little bit unusual to predict no hood but this is still pretty good I mean I think I trust 13 left right they never got white hot room it's not the biggest power I've ever had but this is the best play I have maybe we hit a Dr Doom and just short it up even more the goal will be like Dr Doom and Colleen Wing or something you know whatever I guess any any big two drops F Maxim is probably better Dr Doom and Maximus would make me feel very happy I don't know if I need the Dr Doom though so maybe just something giant right as well would be fine I just don't want like an arnum Zola basically Dr Doom it is sage and Taskmaster oh my God they were hoping I played something there woo dodged okay pretty big by the way nice hit dude turning a white tiger into giganto feels very good Multiple Man totally accept yeah the Nega Sonic was the Lifesaver here dream to mention completely threw our our our plans out of whack but still still just got there [Music]
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 91,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uqLFf4LgzlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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