The Most AWKWARD Musical Battle

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Ohh... Oh no... We are on a good one. Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Today, we'll be reviewing a... movie called (Our) Shining Days. It's been requested. A lot of people are being messaging us about it. It's a Chinese film, also known as And the film is about a music school. And in this music school, there's two departments. There's the classical musicians, and the Chinese kinda traditional instrument department. Now the story goes that these two departments don't get along very well with each other. The classical musicians think the Chinese instrument students are kinda just cheesy and lame, and tacky, where as the Chinese instrument students think the classical musicians are pretentious and arrogant. Mm. I don't know where people get that image of classical musicians from. Thank you very much. We're not arrogant at all! Anyway. Dude, why is it the most- They should be busy practicing. - not... pretentious. - You wanna challenge us? Dude, this will just be a try-not-to-laugh/cringe movie. Did Chopin say that? - I gotta look that up. - I don't know. Brett: "Let my music become battle cry." Google. Let's see if anything comes up. Brett: Nah, I don't see anything. Nah. Nah. Maybe it's a lost-in-translation thing. I don't know. Let's keep going. Why are all the girls in the front? Where are the guys? That's the same as the Mr. Ice movie! - I know! Why are always the girls in the front? - All the girls in the front. Maybe it's coz the guys are taller, so just- Yeah, that's true. Anyway, Hehe. Hehe. Hehe. No rowdy behaviour or... - loud talking in your practice room, alright? - Hehe. "Ah, yes yes." Dude, yeah, I feel the aura every time I go into a music school. - Yeah. - You can feel the aura. You don't hear it, but you feel it. The aura of... dusty, sweaty practice rooms with no ventilation. The aura of the battle cries. Hahahaha! Why? It's like a prison. Why is there a prison-looking door? If it's at music uni, it'll be like- separating the jazz... - department from the classical department. - Yeah, jazz department. Yeah, get out! But I don't know. Do you guys challenge each other? Does classical music department's like "Hey, jazz musicians." "You can't play real chords." "You make them up. You improv. We challenge you." And jazz musicians are like "You guys can't improv." Uh oh. Uh oh. Eddy: Woah! She's like "You ain't going yet!" "You listen to my guzheng!" Where did she come from? So, we decided to fact-check this movie. And so I sent this clip to our friend who plays the guzheng. And apparently, she's actually playing it. Mm... Very good work, Shining Days. You got a musician, you got an actor that can play, or a musician that can act. I don't know which one you did, but - Good representation. Let's keep going. - Yes. Excuse me? Yes, we're eccentric. Yeah. A bit weird from all that practicing. "She's too into her music!" Look at the way she responds. Dude, look at her glare. - It's so intense. - She's angry. - She's ready for a battle. - Go back a little bit. I love how they need 2 people to wheel out the harp. Eddy: Mm... Debussy! So, fact-check again. Apparently, this person can also play. Nice work, Shining Days! Very good music acting! Let's move on. Brett: Oooh... Eddy: Oh okay, here we go. Why was there all the sudden like... guitar music and drums? I don't know. So dramatic. Let's keep going. Oh! Did you see what I just see? Yeah. *sighs* Let's just have a quick look. Brett: Slow motion. I just wanted to comment before we move on. How difficult it is to even get an orchestra rehearsal. And yet these students are like bring their own chairs in. - It's like "I'm gonna play in the corridor." - Dude, that discipline! Yeah, discipline. They really care about music. - Here you go. - Awww... Ohh... Oh no... Oh no, we are, we are on a good one! Why... Why would you do that... The, the, the guzheng and the harp was good, but- Oh, why? Why is she in the centre shot? Look at all the other guys' bow holds. Okay, here's how it works. This is the bow hold of the current violinist. And this is totally unplayable. If you've seen our other videos, it's very difficult to play, - Yeah. - to make a sound. The angle should be tilted to the left. So if you look at all the other violinists, their bow holds are all ranging from perpendicular to tilting this way. - Which is correct. - But- And then the main girl in the front... Her fingers are like this. Oh no! Oh why? You just have one job, tilt it to the left! It's like stock images all over again. I know! Why is she in the front? She should be at the back. - She should be at the back of the section. - Back of the section, I know! You don't see a concertmaster or someone in the front desk holding a bow like this. But maybe she can play. - Yeah, maybe she can play... - So let's keep watching. Let's see if she can actually play. Maybe she uses an unconventional bow hold. *groans in pain* You had the guzheng, you had the harp down. - Why can't you just get a violinist? - Why? Why... I don't understand! Are we just bad actors? So let's break it down. Point 1: Her left hand fingers are too flat and horizontal. So hers is like that. Oh my god. But you can't do vibrato full stop. Oh. It should be on an angle like this, right? All your joints are curled. - Yes, not flat and horizontal like this. - Not flat. Yeah. So that's point number 1. Point number 2! Still on the left hand, the spacing is wrong! Now, for those of you don't know what that is, the piece that they are playing is Bumblebee, Yes. in case you don't know what it is. It's filled with chromatic scales. Now in chromatic scales, there are a lot of semitones. And semitones require close spacing within the fingers to be able to play all the notes. Like this, - Notice how my fingers are touching each other. - Yeah. And do you know what she was doing? Try again, Eddy. Ahh... Maybe the string is just designed differently, I don't know. I don't know. Can I just say why is it always Bumblebee? I feel like this piece's like a meme by now. It's like a meme for like... *sighs* It's like the piece that's meant to be impressive, but then any classical musician just hears and goes... Why? Moving on! There's many points in that short 3-second clip. Point 3: her finger pattern was literally 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1. There's no shifting. There's no string changes. - I wanna play that. - Yeah. Yeah. But the girl on the left at least shifted down. Yeah, it looks like she tried at least. Hahahaha!! And her finger spacing and frame look better. So at least it seemed like - the others MIGHT be able to play the violin. - Yeah. But I think at this point, 3 strikes already. Pretty sure the first concertmaster can't play the violin. You can't have a concertmaster or someone in first desk not being able to play the instrument. Point 4, there's more. Ohhhh my god! Common mistake! Rookie error! Put you bow on the right string! Quite obvious to a musician, the notes in the sound, it's supposed to be on the G string. Mhm. 3rd position. And- And it's very obvious right now she is definitely not on the G string. Actually no, you could play it on the D string, I guess. - D or G string. Just to be- - Yeah, but the movement doesn't. Eddy: It looks like she's on the A string. Brett: Yeah, or the E string. - Yeah. - It's definitely E, A, D. Not the G string. - It's impossible. - The E is arguable, but... The moment you go to D or below, - Those notes. They have to be on the G string. - Yeah. And yet she's here up on the A string. Alright. I feel like the others- Eddy: She plays on the G string. Brett: On G string. Brett: The one behind... I can't tell. Eddy: That looks like it's on the D, or G. Brett: Yeah, she's on the G s- Yeah. Eddy: This girl's on the E string. Eddy: I don't know what she's doing. Brett: Oh, what the hell... Eddy: That girl is on the E string. Brett: Oh my god. Eddy: I feel like this is the only girl that can play! (both) Hahahaha!! She's carrying the team! She's a VIP! - Go, girl! - Yeah, that one player in the string orchestra that can play everything. Saving everyone's life. Eddy: Look, her left hand looks legit. Brett: Yeah. - Yeah. Nice. - Well done! Dude, that's- - face is- - The glare is so intense. Why do they look at each other... Alright look, just word of advice, Chinese music instruments, you don't have to play Flight of the Bumble- It's not a piece worth tainting your beautiful instruments with. Yeah. Oh, the piece has been so overplayed! I guess it's cool though, how they zoom around the different instruments. Brett: Yeah, you can see everyone. Eddy: I wish in real life, like... If you like, zoom and look at an instrument, that instrument would just start sounding. So imagine you're watching like a video of an orchestral playing, and whoever the camera focuses on, - that instrument just gets louder. - You can hear the instrument... yeah. Wait, can I just say like how does a piano play in time with them... - So far away, right? - if it's in an completely different room? Don't need a conductor. - We can compute for acoustical delays, and just- - Yeah, and just... not hear them and they can hear me, yeah. Yeah. He's a genius. That's why. Dude, it's so dramatic! She's like... Their faces are so intense! If you aren't even practicing like that, you're not practicing hard enough. You're not focusing hard enough. Eddy: Woah... Eddy: Did you see that? Hahahahaha!! Ohh... It's clearly on one string! Why is there... Oh... Ohh! They missed the entry! (both) Ohh!! She was like "Oh!" Dude, they sure beat them good! Okay, first of all like, when that oboe-sounding Chinese instrument came in, the classical musicians automatically... turned into accompaniment. It's like... Oh, never mind this is a competition. Oh, the opponent came in. I'll just start accompanying now. Eddy: Man, they look so destroyed. Eddy: They're all so sad. Eddy: Dammit classical musicians, we lost today. It's alright. There's still hope. That's right! A music school should not look like a prison. We need bigger practice rooms. We need more practice room for everyone. No more "Jailliard!" (both) Ahahahaha! Subscribe! I think this scene gives a very nice, heartwarming message, that is that different styles of music can come together. Mm. Probably especially very relevant in... I guess, Asia. Like the cultural differences between... traditional and like western influences. Yes. Yeah, I think it's a good scene, very heartwarming, very good. We're just simply reviewing it as violinists. - And sharing our opinions on that. - Yes! It's just our opinions! Thank you guys so much for watching! Remember, music is all about sharing the love, and no more conflict. No more Bumblebee as well. So practice. Practice. And see you guys next time!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 3,744,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, roast
Id: PM-R8Kcw9r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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