The Most ABSURD and Silly Support Conversations in Fire Emblem

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sometimes we all need a break from the deep and heartbreaking support conversations that this series spoils us with if every support conversation ever was as emotional as dimitri and marianne's i think we'd all lose water weight from the amount of tears shed every time we opened up the support menu thankfully fire emblem also often likes to bask in its levity and its brevity as the following support conversations provide no reading between the lines for some deeper meaning they are sometimes just gag supports and are bizarre or hilarious to say the least let's analyze some of the most hilariously absurd and silly supports in the series starting with sin and dorothy but let's get some background info on these characters sin is a very po-faced and terse sakayan and hardly ever shows emotion dorothy is a very shy young girl talks to herself doesn't have a lot of friends and doesn't have that much self-confidence the common traits that these two share pretty much just extend as far as they are both quiet and use bows in battle anyway this is their sea support all of it why am i hiding here i want to talk to him but he's a little forbidding i'd like him to teach me how to improve my both skills but how can i talk to him well maybe some other time this support speaks for itself dorothy wants boa advice but is struggling to find a way to ask she's intimidated by his cold demeanor their b support is another uh another strike she is thinking out loud ways to break the ice but is getting nowhere sin actually appears says nothing then literally leaves well it turns out he was listening but just didn't stop her from rambling hello sin my name is dorothy a little intrusive would you like to have an archery duel but i don't want to compete with him what a nice bow where'd you buy it no that doesn't sound right at all this is tough oh i know i can bring him some food that he likes wait i don't know what kind of food he likes i like fruit what about him in the a support our brave little archer girl works up the courage to speak to him but she stumbles hard this support seems to be a direct follow-up to the bee or is just another instance of her mumbling to herself anyway sin is here again just chilling she tries to ask what food he likes but sin just says fruit and tells her he knew because he overheard her fretting about it last time he assures her that she shouldn't hesitate to approach him as they are both in the same army and that makes her happy congrats dorothy you did it you spoke to sin you didn't ask about the archery thing but this is a good start it took you an entire support chain to speak to him but better late than never as they say there's hardly any characterization happening here but what you do get is pretty on brand for both and at least it ends with dorothy making an ally in someone she was afraid of however you could literally read the c and b support in one breath anyway veda and dorcas veda is a former general of bern who is devoted to protecting prince zephiel but she later joins the heroes on her own personal agenda and to help them as they were the ones who protected zephiel from the black fang veda is an obnoxiously vain and arrogant woman of burn and in the moments of emotional vulnerability she does have in her supports she often brushes them aside angrily towards her partner not being honest with her feelings and visibly resists being affectionate dorkis is dorkas he's a kind quiet and honest guy with a wife and kaelyn and not much else now then what do you get when these two relentlessly opposed personalities clash an opposite attract kind of deal maybe a different personalities but bonding over being from burn kind of thing nah can't really bond when you literally don't speak to each other the premise of the sea support is that elliwood thought dorkis and veda would get along with each other so he coordinates them to meet in a specific place however their c and b is entirely spent on the fact that they keep missing each other to meet his pal dorcas the one with the pretty little thing freddie get home so why'd he leave her the big oaf if i know men it's because he's another scoundrel not again but i checked the place in time vader was supposed to be here the one who betrayed byrne for prince zephiel she would give anything to discharge her duty to him they say she is pure but a bit too idealistic my deals she must be young there be support is them missing each other again but this time assuming the utter opposite of one another dorgus assumes that veda's idealism probably comes from the fact that she's young and impressionable when she's of course not that vada accuses dorcus of being a womanizer because he might be off trying to swoon other women which is not him but finally in their a support the stars finally align a pure girl who was true to her ideals surely can't be her huh what are you mumbling about ape nothing i beg your pardon hold there a scoundrel with a girl in every village surely it can't be him did you say something no mind your business ah fine then so i failed again when is that useless man going to arrive and that's it folks they meet one another but don't introduce themselves and instead double down on their previous assumptions and they just walk away the only positive we can extract from these two is that uh they both have fire affinities which means they make each other do more damage i guess this is unabashedly a gag support and while comedic i do kind of wish dorcas wasn't on the receiving end veda has a slew of support partners for decent characterization and even spotlight in the main campaign meanwhile dorcas doesn't really have any of that anyway this is one of my favorite gag supports in this game so hope you enjoyed that one moving on luthier and delphia luther rather ryuto as named in the gaiden translation is among my favorite characters in fe2 most of the characterization he had revolved around protecting his sister when echoes came around they kept the care for delthia but they also turned him into a socially awkward and inept individual such is the exchange when you spend all of your living free time studying magic and keeping track of your little sister deltia is of course the complete opposite and this makes them foils for each other she is a lazy yet incredibly talented magical little sister which is actually a source of jealousy and frustration for him she's a socialite capable of making friends easily and has aspirations for the high life while luthier is essentially the opposite in their supports their personality flaws clash with each sibling pointing out their negative traits i go out and wipe the floor with the bad guys and now i get a lecture i'm not criticizing you but showing a bit of dignity would be nice before you see the thing about you is would you please shut up nothing i do is ever good enough for you just leave me alone you big loser pardon me hold it you come back here right now young lady or i'll uh delphia is frustrated that luthier will never acknowledge her impact for alms cause and instead focuses on only her flaws her childish selfish and reckless behavior luthier acts more like an overbearing father figure rather than a playful and boyish older brother that delthia would rather him act like the bee support is similar bickering they are both stubborn and frustrated with one another but luther is actually the one who lacks the self-awareness here he's shocked when delthea calls him out telling him that he should look himself in the mirror and work on himself instead of berating delthia constantly about the perception of herself she gives on to others well i suppose that's true but people will soon begin to resent you if you carry yourself in such a manner i want you to be loved by all yeah because you're just the model of popularity around here maybe you should try worrying about how you carry yourself for a change in the a luthier does listen but he sort of misses the point delphia guess what uh what i finally made a friend and it's um i asked him if we were friends and he definitely nodded i don't know many people who would answer that with a no but uh good for you i guess luthier and probably one of the funniest exchanges in the game thinks that getting alm to confirm that they are indeed friends is enough to prove to delthia that he ought to listen to her now but he is way off the mark she tells him that he needs to make conversations not revolving around his desires but he's so inept socially that he doesn't know how else to converse with people which is honestly pretty sad but she does get him to compliment her which makes her happy what makes her happy is that the conversation stops becoming all about what luthier wants to hear and see but what he can do to make others happy basically making conversations a two-way street the conversation ends with luther being perplexed by this revelation of how to converse normally but hey at least we're getting somewhere now you may be confused as to why i placed this chain on the list it's mainly because at the end of this chain luthier is only slightly better than where we started he doesn't really understand normal conversation as it's honestly impossible to develop normal social skills or baseline conversational skills in three supports and be set for life deltia also remains indignant but doesn't end the conversation storming off like the last two times luther definitely got somewhere but he has a lot to go as far as social skills go but like dorothy a similarly socially awkward and shy person progress is progress that all said the fact that he mentions that he definitely nodded and didn't actually affirm anything just goes to show how much luthier just doesn't get it and the delivery is also just complete gold and last makalov and har we are totally not finished talking about makalov just yet if you recall the most hated characters video from a couple weeks ago i very briefly mentioned that this support chain with har is comic relief makalov is a lazy drunkard gambler who often tries tricking people into giving him money that he can burn to feed his gambling addiction har on the other hand is an immensely powerful wyvern lord who joins ike's army in hopes to avenge shiharam's death by killing petran of daen despite his fierce and imposing presence on the battlefield he's actually very serene and calm but quite lazy and is prone to napping wherever and whenever he can the c support starts and ends with har sleeping makalov gets scared by his imposing stature and pleads with him to stay away from him and then runs away in fear crying out for help confused but ultimately too lazy to care har falls back asleep in their b support makalov's fearfulness continues but when har asks him what he's doing makalov says he ran because he thought har was a scary debt collector when har tells him several times that he's definitely not a dead collector makalov is relieved and explains that it was his face that scared him but after har asks him if he's calling him ugly makalov weasels away and clarifies that he's just ruggedly handsome and backs off har again notes the weird interaction but falls back asleep as for my in-depth breakdown of this exchange uh literally nothing is happening and the a support is just more stupid makalov stuff makalov tries to get his attention but not even the pretend threat of general ike is enough to wake him up he then comes to a realization makalov thinks that debt collectors would be scared of the ballsiness exhibited by sleeping through potentially dangerous situations he incorrectly believes that if he develops the skill that har does i.e sleeping before devastating battles that he will never have to pay anyone again so he falls asleep next to her as training but then har wakes up upset that his nap time is getting interrupted he looks at makalov sleep talking about apologizing to marcia and then asking for money and simply comments on how silly it is to be napping before a big battle where to begin with this makalov's theory is completely ridiculous and har is either ironically or unironically being the pot calling the kettle black the c and b established virtually nothing and the a is more nonsense i'm not even sure that har knows makolov's name yet moral of the story do not interrupt harr's naps or do since he'll just fall back asleep anyway to me all these supports have made me go wait what was that at one point or another but these aren't the only ones there are a handful to pick from these are some of my favorites though but now i pose the question to you do you have any suggestions yourself let me know in the comments below if you haven't subscribed yet but you've been seeing and watching my videos come up in your recommended feed i'd like you to consider subscribing and hitting the bell to not only support my channel but to also know immediately when i upload new scripted fire emblem videos just like this one and with that all being said i'll see you in the next one deuces [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 104,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem, fire emblem heroes, fire emblem three houses, fire emblem three houses ost, fire emblem theme, fire emblem fates, fire emblem ost, fire emblem recruitment, fire emblem recruitment theme, fire emblem recruitment medley, fire emblem character, fire emblem characters, fire emblem character theme songs, fire emblem character creation, fire emblem character tier list, fire emblem character analysis, ike fire emblem, leif fire emblem, top ten, most hated
Id: 10LpIhhzG5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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