Most HATED Characters in Fire Emblem Ever. Part 2

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welcome one welcome all to the most hated characters part two featuring three fire emblem characters that fall under my intentionally broad and ever-growing term of most hated i.e morally questionable scummy disliked within their own universe notorious among the community and something more particular for this batch those who are [ __ ] these three characters can't help but tear into their allies and evaluate them when nobody asked without further ado let's start with number one shinon is introduced in the early game of path of radiance fighting alongside ike titania and his close friend gaucheri he's an immensely skilled bow user and greatly reveres ike's father grail it's also clear that he has a deep respect for titania too but he has two characteristics that make him an [ __ ] he really really hates ike and he's a racist when the grill mercenaries rescue elencia and then consider escorting her to galia from crimea for sanctuary shinon is opposed to the idea stating that he doesn't want to go into galia territory as it's the stinking beast country a couple chapters later when ike asks the real difference between lagoons and bjork shinon has some choice words to say the least they're a hairy bunch i'd tell ya ugly as sin too their faces are all thangs and whisker their claws are like daggers razor sharp and deadly and even though they can't speak our language they're beasts through and through savages everyone his feelings are pretty self-explanatory like jill shinnon probably grew up being told to hate them too and the sentiment stuck he took his negative perception of lagoose when he met them and painted a broad brush across the entire race chinon is generally a cold person and sympathy or care for others is something he only really shares with a select few but growing up in a cold and unloving environment his mother never hugged him for example probably had to do with his outlook on others and the world having an unloving and bad childhood doesn't excuse his racism and bigotry on display in both path of radiance and radiant dawn but i do think it's fair to say that shinnon is a product of his upbringing he has three supports gaucheri and rolf showcase a side of him that is friendly and compassionate he is quite patient with his wholesome yet stupid friend gaucheri as he informs him that he's being conned by a woman who struck his heart with rolf he showcases his convictions only a complete madman wants to be involved in the death of someone else especially if it's a kid but the sad thing is it's more about making ourselves feel better than saving the life of another the fear of being responsible for a death is always in the back of our minds so we try to lessen the guilt as much as possible humans most humans feel the pain of others holding that back is a lot harder than you think shinon is capable of some form of empathy he has been hurt grail's death was extremely hard on him and he wants to get rolfe off the battlefield if he can help it it's nice characterization and allows us to sympathize with them but i can't help but notice the specific word choice humans he doesn't include legos here he deems them beneath himself and insults them at every chance he gets oh look it's the half-breed bird brain what a pleasant surprise peck anyone lately shinon loves to throw insults especially towards the goose but luckily his a support has him eating humble pie finding out that jannaf is actually 110 years old despite his young appearance recalling that chinon dislikes the idea of children fighting and doesn't really tolerate people younger than him and not respecting their wishes the revelation that janaf is a lifetime older than him causes him to change his tune to being somewhat respectful and curious to learn more about him in radiant dawn you'd think his racism has been toned down after fighting a war alongside them and somewhat befriending janoff but there's a base conversation in part 3 between himself gautry lyre and kaiza shinon catches lyre's attention when he says the word subhuman out in public the two get into an argument and when things get tense kaiser comes in to break up the fight insisting that liar apologize for getting angry yet shinon takes exception to kai'sa's dignified behavior i hate it when sub-humans like him act all high and mighty pretending to be just like us bjork he's even worse than the other hairball so no he hasn't changed his views on legoos he deems them as subhuman still but kaiza is a little more patient and dignified of a soldier than lyre is despite this however shinon doubles down on his hatred he hates it even more when legus apparently try to pretend to be more like bjork there is just no winning with shin-on either you're a sub-human or you're even worse of a sub-human for being polite to others and acting in ways that are apparently exclusive to humans the irony of course is that shinnon is actually the one who's even worse he's arrogant and close-minded to be fair he does restrain himself from calling nasala the king of kilvis a sub-human in their sea support good save dude but in his a address with tabarn he calls him a decent guy and corrects himself indicating that race may actually have nothing to do with the value of life in both games he can start turning a new leaf through supports better late than never i suppose but one thing he won't bend on his hatred for ike he's quite forward about why he thinks ike takes all of his opportunities for granted and as a spoiled child unlike shinon who clearly had a rough upbringing ike's life was good at least the one that shinon would know griel loves his children and always provided for them ike trains with training weapons until daddy grail thinks he's ready to take on real jobs and even gives him a leadership role very early in his mercenary career in a way shinon's right ike hasn't really done anything to prove his worth yet here he is being treated like royalty by his allies it's not that shinon has a problem with him eventually inheriting the mercenaries but shinon already has an issue with the young folk especially those who annoy him ike is just the perfect storm of nuisances to him and it's no surprise that he bails after grail is killed and ike becomes the new leader when he confronts ike as a day in soldier and loses ike brings up shinon's hatred against him ike knows why he hates him he was young weak and spoiled everything shinnon hates in a person but despite the loss effectively proving that shinnon is weaker than ike is now he chooses to hate and resent him anyway as indicated in his support with jonoff he also gets wasted in a base conversation and drunkenly rambles in front of ike's face how much he still hates him and insisting that he should take over the company you're in love with the pretty widow princess you're fighting side by side with your subhuman pals yes you're moving up ooh look at you it's big mr ike leading the good life screw you you always get everything don't you ever want to give up anything no not big important miss strike you've always been like this you act like you're not interested in something then you swoop in and steal it away spoiler alert he still doesn't like him in radiant dawn it's a combination of spite and envy and despite losing he doesn't care he still chooses to resent and hate him and honestly it's fair you can't win everybody over people like shinon who are incredibly set in their own way or are too proud to concede when they are in the wrong or lesser than exist felix felix is a fascinating character and there's a lot to be said about his morality and perception of himself and his ideals especially considering how his view of himself changes when not in as or moon what is it with blue-haired characters voiced by lucien dodge that are so strongly characterized i will absolutely need to preface this so as not to get rained down by dislikes remember the criteria of this video shin on isn't really hated within his own universe or even by the community at large but he is an [ __ ] felix is similar in this regard not nearly the same level mind you but he is easily one of the most outwardly dickish characters the series has seen felix's batitude can be categorized into two tiers number one a mood or number two grade a offensive the former generally showcases terse and quick-tempered exchanges with others while the latter showcases felix taking that mood to the extreme and being overly critical and overtly cruel felix has a linear path to self-development all he wants to do is acquire strength to continue winning battles and to protect his allies that is his highest priority in life and doesn't pay much attention to other things besides training anyone who tries to take him away from this training is often met with indignance he straight up calls dorothea a nuisance a pest and later incorrectly assumes that she's just trying to marry him for as well as a noble that last part in particular is reflective of a common tendency for him to evaluate and criticize his peers to highlight the things he doesn't like about them it's not veiled as anything more than just his brutally honest thoughts on them he thinks dorothea is loud and annoying he calls sylvain careless and lazy and evaluates ash's passion for reading knight's tales as wastes of time and actually morally damaging apparently but this is just felix light mode yeah he gets annoyed easily and doesn't really care how his words can be uncalled for in the moment and is close-minded and tends to let his biases take over but he can also be flagrant bordering on verbally abusive cruel and unnecessarily aggressive before we continue exploring this more aggressive side to him and talking about his other support partners the fargus characters in particular we need to understand what felix seems to hate the most in common with them their shared sense of pride for fargus and chivalry as knights it's obvious that felix lives by his own set of values and cares little for titles even as the heir to frauldarius but he absolutely detests the idea that people would value patriotism and chivalry you are correct i don't understand why they revere knighthood i won't be friends with anyone who believes in that nonsense do you feel that way because of what happened in the tragedy of dusker i have heard the story your brother was one of the royal knights he gave his life to defend the prince my brother was doing his job my father is the real problem when my brother's armor was brought back to the castle do you know what he said he died like a true knight chivalry begets the worship and glorification of death am i alone in finding that grotesque he's thought very poorly of those who continue to hold what he thinks is morally objectionable chivalry the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight courage honor justice and the sacrifice to something besides oneself he is repulsed by dadu calling him blindly obedient and later a rabid cur for forfeiting his own autonomy to be the prince's sword and shield he criticizes ingrid for her virtuous aspirations to follow glenn's footsteps and demands that she ought to find a husband instead he is relentlessly cold to his father and absolutely detests his conviction that glenn died like a true knight felix thinks this is utter bs golly does he ever hate dimitri on the surface why does felix hate dimitri again because he thinks that his presentation as a dignified prince to fargus is just a lie a cover-up to hide what dimitri really is and to hold onto that lie to put himself on a pedestal and uphold the chivalrous values that felix already deems to be objectionable he finds doubly repulsive something else you can notice about felix's closed-mindedness too is that he's often just wrong about his evaluations of others he's wrong about dorothea he's wrong about to do he's wrong about ingrid he's very uncharitable towards dimitri he's wrong about ash he's wrong about leone to do proves that felix's assumptions that he's just an automaton for dimitri is wrong by saving his life he's very presumptive about dorothea and has proven incorrect that she's just an airhead trying to sleep with him he assumed that she's just a frivolous girl wanting to marry into power when in reality she is much more worldly wise and his assumptions about the motivations behind glenn's sacrifice are challenged when ingrid starts to explain what her goals really mean to her and he essentially preaches to ash that authors of knight's tales are evil for seizing people's minds friendship loyalty justice only fools allow their lives to be ruled by such nonsense fools who get themselves killed for nothing only to be celebrated as heroes and books like this writers of these stories are worse than tyrants they seize control of people's thoughts that's a little much i was only interested in i don't care i agree with ash just shut up felix and to be clear he's not totally wrong for his criticism of fargus but he does become closed-minded and disregards the values of others quickly and it's clear that his biases warp his understanding of others honestly if dimitri weren't so self-loathing i feel like he'd snap back at felix too and while it's understandable for felix to be repulsed by dimitri's sadistic side he takes his language too far dehumanizing him equating him to a boar when even felix himself does care about him deep down as his close old friend from before the rebellion suppression sometimes you have an animal's face contorted with anger and bloodlust at other times a man's with a friendly smile which is your true face felix already knew this he already knew of dimitri's two-sided personality but he pretends he doesn't to ask this rhetorical question and defaults to his insults afterwards speaking of his insults his support partners have their own ways to counter felix's attitude to do bites back at his insults towards dimitri leone calls him out for his weirdly sexist comment in the a support that she's good for a girl ingrid fires back hard at his assertion that she ought to abandon her dreams and just settle down with a husband and dorothea is ready to slap him across the face when he tells her to get over here to spar with him so yeah felix is kind of biased and close-minded and really really edgy with a lot of emotional baggage just because he's off the mark on his evaluations at times doesn't mean he doesn't learn from them behind the cold unsociable and unfriendly exterior lies someone who genuinely cares about the safety of his allies he's very comfortable acting distant from others but struggles to properly express his love and care for his friends expressing love to his support partners leaves him vulnerable and visibly uncomfortable he's a great character but he's no peach sorbet azama azama is the retainer of hinoka who he found after she crash-landed and tended to her wounds he was impressed and amused by her unwillingness to die and decided that he ought to help the princess of hoshido as her retainer his own name was getting well known across the country as did his notoriety among the monks of hoshido azama is actually strongly disliked by many within the kingdom i've heard more stories and rumors about you than i can count everyone knows you like to tease folks for your own amusement you're the most notorious monk in this whole country hmm i had no idea my reputation was so bad these days i'm utterly shocked his bad reputation is also picked up by hyato the young legend heard about azama's knack for carelessly hurling insults and getting under people's skin so he casted a protective spell around him to prevent him from getting upset by them with the benefit of making azama dizzy long time viewers of my content might remember my supports that suck video with hinoka and azama there i stated that azama's not just a mean-spirited character who consistently gets off on making others feel uncomfortable bad about themselves or insecure that he's unapologetically blunt about his judgmental behavior over his peers or that he enjoys annoying the absolute hell out of them just for fun essentially azama is an [ __ ] what gives azama his ability to persist and carry on jovially throughout life despite so much ire thrown his way is that he simply doesn't care about what others think of him he doesn't really take pride or shame in his reputation but only laughs at it he also doesn't care about hurting the feelings of his comrades in his unwarranted criticisms observations or evaluations this is partially why people look at him with apprehension he may claim that his insults are not meant to solely bring people down or that his reading of azura while unwarranted and upsetting to her was actually out of care more so than out of boredom but let's not kid ourselves azama has a serial habit of being a capricious [ __ ] and if anger was the sentiment they wanted us the player to feel when reading his supports they certainly succeeded to some seeing a morally flawed and edgy character like azama may seem like a breath of fresh air especially in birthright where characters are kinda bland and morally righteous some find azama more amusing for crossing lines but there are moments where azama goes too far foregoing his laid-back attitude and claims that he does not mean ill will from his insults to pointedly harassing and bullying others in a downright vengeful way let's talk about hyato again he approaches hayato in their sea support deliberately trying to put him down for being a short little kid and being afraid of ghosts but to no avail hayato's protection spell was in effect azama is insulted and angry and tells him that this means war in the b support he once again tries to scare him but fails once more azama's trump card was a powerful magic amulet acquired from a holy spirit but this amulet couldn't be used for selfish purposes which makes him lose this battle that he's in wow that's karma i guess maybe it's a sign that azama ought to stop but he doesn't let up in the a support hayato actually comes forward to apologize to him for going a little bit too far in his words in the b support but his good will is met with a trap and he's rendered immobilized by some fuck-off free spell and is forced to listen to azama's scariest story rendering him to tears azama does this just to get a win off him for none other than some petty competition that he started with a child then he bribes them with candy and they're all fine and dandy it's obviously meant to be comedic i don't mean to say azama is completely unsalvageable he does have some decent supports where he's reasonable and kind despite his very in character delivery but when you come into the game with such notoriety among your peers and often antagonize others and even getting the bonus of drawing ire from the player base welcome to the list and that is going to do it for part two of the most hated mini series of fire emblem character videos once more please refer to the intent behind this video it's not to say i hate anyone here and we can save the quote-unquote character i personally hate the most for another day if you made it until the end and found this video entertaining i'd really appreciate it if you interacted with this video by simply leaving a like and commenting down below your thoughts whether it's about my analysis the characters mentioned or other characters that you think ought to be discussed here lastly if you haven't subscribed yet but you have been watching my videos please consider subscribing as it tells me that this is the content that people want to stick around for to watch i'm really close to hitting 80 000 subscribers and it would mean so much to actually hit that milestone i'd be really really thankful with that all said enjoy your weekend and you'll see me again soon deuces
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 119,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem, fire emblem heroes, fire emblem three houses, fire emblem three houses ost, fire emblem theme, fire emblem fates, fire emblem ost, fire emblem recruitment, fire emblem recruitment theme, fire emblem recruitment medley, fire emblem character, fire emblem characters, fire emblem character theme songs, fire emblem character creation, fire emblem character tier list, fire emblem character analysis, Ike fire emblem, Leif Fire Emblem, top ten, Most Hated
Id: XgACbaNn1nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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