The Monsters Beneath Us: The Monument Mythos

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hello everybody today i am so excited to tell you about my most recent obsession the monument mythos every now and then a series comes along that's so interesting and complex it's kind of a disservice to explain it in 15 seconds but for the intro i'm gonna do just that the monument mythos is an alternate history conspiracy series in which the united states government as well as potentially other world powers are hiding supernatural and cthulhu-like creatures from the general public furthermore it seems that these powers at hand are wanting to use these supernatural creatures for their own nefarious reasons the premise of the entire series being that a man by the name of alex kansas is exposing these powers at hand by posting all of his findings of this underhanded practice on youtube i'm gonna link the alex kansas youtube channel as well as the other social media accounts associated with it so that you can go and check it out for yourself and not to gush too much about it this early into the video but alex has done a masterful job at taking all of these complex and crazy ideas and delivering it in such an interesting way so what i'm gonna do and first i recommend that if you're interested in this or if anything i've said sounds cool there's a link in the description check out the original videos now or if you get at any point in this video and want to experience for yourself please do he deserves it but what i'm going to do is break down each episode that's out right now which at the current moment there are 18. and after i explain it we're going to talk about some theories we're going to look at a timeline we're going to look at what characters and players matter within the story and to give you an idea of how complicated that has been and i mean that in the best way look at this just to give you an idea of how much information is in this series this is a whiteboard of just the dates that are mentioned or the dates that i extrapolated from information within the series itself and this whiteboard is entirely just the names of characters that recur or have significance within the story i don't even know if you can see all of this at once but yeah that's just the important people and that's just the times that are mentioned i'm not even recording anything today i just wanted to turn on the camera to show you all how complex this story gets but it's all told in a fantastic manner i'm about to compress all of this down and try to get a linear timeline as well as a list of characters that matter and how they relate to each other so by the time you see it it should be all like you know color markered and pretty and not whatever brain vomit this is but yeah this series is a lot but it's also fantastic and you're gonna love it also these are those same white boards and the same information later like i said it's all color coded and pretty looking we'll come back to this later but this is just a taste for now i'm excited i'm absolutely thrilled to introduce this series to you all as well as talk about all the episodes and my crazy theories for it and with all of my videos i enjoy the topics because it's just whatever i feel like talking about and i always enjoy making videos but every now and then there's one like this one where man i am i am ready also one more thing before we get started so a lot of people were interested and may remember whenever i did the makeshift plush ad for this little dude right here um as i said originally he was only available for a couple weeks and then he was gone forever so if you didn't get one of these i'm sorry however makeship is doing a special promotion for another two weeks or a short amount of time and again this was a one-time thing if you missed out on this design i'm sorry however i'm go hold on however however i've partnered with makeship again to bring you all a new design for the windagoon himself he will only be available for a short amount of time but for those who are interested in that one they can get in on this one and yeah i'll talk more about him at the end but for now he is going to set right over he's got a big head right there hello everybody you may be wondering who this strange man is and he is going to help us out with the ad today this video is sponsored by ridge wallet and i've talked about ridge so many times on this channel at this point they pretty much sponsored the conspiracy theory iceberg and i'm sure that you're getting bored of me talking about it to you all the time so i bought my dad a ridge wallet for himself so why don't we ask him what he likes about it so dad what do you like about the ridge wallet carbon fiber i really like it and i really like the money clip on it another big thing i like about it is the fact that it's very small and yet it holds a lot up to 12 cards i was really amazed by that and i'm what you might call one of those baby boomers and i was very hard to convince but once i started using it i don't think i could do without it now very good invention it's very it's very cool it's a lot more comfortable than having a huge bulky wallet especially when it's full of a ton of cards that you never use true and the fact that it's so small it has rfid tracking so digital pick pocketers can't get into your stuff uh it has the money clip on the outside comes in over 40 different designs and colors it is uh it's the only really the only evolvement of the wallet i've ever seen and it works like the wallet's been the same for hundreds of years yeah and this is the first improvement on the design in forever i'm impressed i'm impressed too and you can be impressed too if you go to the link in the description and use discount code windagoon that's right all you have to do is go to the link in the description use discount code windagoon for 10 off what's the discount code windagoon and for how much 10 so go to the link in the description and you'll be able to get all that thanks to ridgewallet thank you all so much for watching the ad thank you so much to ridge for sponsoring the video it really does mean the most i hope that you check it out any final words it's a great wallet you need to try you need to try it thank you all for watching thank you dad for being part of the ad i appreciate it and we are you want to say we're back to the video yes we're back to the video yeah so now we are going to go ahead and get into this i'm excited but as always thank you for watching so the monument mythos is currently midway through its second season and while you may think that it would be smart of me to wait to the season's over to talk about it you're probably right but i'm too excited so we're doing it now the seasons themself are ordered in a different way than the original uploads and i'm sure alex has a reason for that so what we're going to do is whenever i do this first explanation with you we're going to go in order of the playlist within the channel itself which means we begin with the first episode of season one liberty lurker liberty lurker begins with an excerpt from an interview in 1889 in which the designer of the statue of liberty explains that the pedestal was constantly being changed by the american designers specifically president grant himself continued to ask the sculptor to keep making the pedestal bigger after this we see that in 1949 renovations were performed to the statue of liberty and that the blueprints of which were classified for 36 years after looking at those blueprints we can see that part of the renovations was to provide an entrance for sustenance and install engines to assist with eventual departure and then on the diagram itself we can see that there is an engine which is used to turn an axle and wheels and a waste storage area that is located next to a drain in another interview from 1954 we can see that several of the immigrants who arrived on ellis island says that there was a very foul odor as well as things like the smell of flesh and dead birds everywhere not only that but the person being interviewed states that at night she could see people being ushered into the pedestal and then in august of 1984 the liberty lurker was first seen to which we then see this video of something emerging from the pedestal underneath the statue of liberty itself the final message says that when the waste storage site was inspected it looked like a mass grave and that is the end of the first episode so if you're like me this was enough to grab your attention and get you invested into the rest of the series and i'm sure that you have a lot of questions right now but we will do the question and theory and connection part at the end right now i'm just explaining the main plots of episodes however what we can put together from just that is that the united states government knew that there was something within the statue of liberty hence their ideas to keep resizing the pedestal as well as ushering people into it at night by whatever means it seems that the government was feeding this thing in our next episode rushmore revenge we see that on august 7th of 2003 mount rushmore was vandalized the graffiti said that there were mass murders taking place across american landmarks and that executions were being held at 2600 of these landmarks as well as graffiti that says the blood of liberty will be avenged and the souls of lincoln will be freed now the blood of liberty makes sense to us at this point because we saw that there was obviously blood happening in some regard at the statue of liberty however at this point we're not sure what the lincoln one means but whoever's making this graffiti is obviously privy to the fact that landmarks are being used for nefarious purposes again on august 14th of 2003 there is another graffiti attack at mount rushmore however this one says i will introduce infection next week monday to sunday 10 12 to 10 13 pm watch the symptoms and because of this threat the national park services assign a full-time security team to both record and watch mount rushmore at the minute that the threat said infection will come so we get the following logs of that coming week on monday and tuesday the only thing that we can see is what appears to be a flashing light at the top of mount rushmore while on wednesday through friday there seems to be this sort of figure on top of the monument that we can't entirely make out on saturday the lens cap was not taken off of the camera but there's this loud siren noise and then finally on sunday this happens which is probably not good the episode ends with the message that every night workers powder the heads of the mount rushmore monument specifically the powder smells of baby powder so whatever infection was being spread at mount rushmore as a seeming rebellion against what the government was doing it wasn't just a standard chemical attack it's whatever those spike things coming out of the faces were and to counter that the national park service puts baby powder or something that smells of baby powder on top of the monument's heads in the next episode alcatraz attack we see a video of alcatraz that says alcatraz island two days before therapy after which we're taken to an overhead view of alcatraz and while initially the diagram of the map seems fine pointing out things like guard towers and the general prison areas we then see something that is titled ruins question mark before the camera pans over to this thing and the feed cuts out we then see another day counted down to therapy and then on our next diagram of the map we see something called alkatrazosis which shows what appears to be a sort of genetic replication within the prison itself with what appears to be chromosomes going through the stages of prophase metaphase anaphase and telophase and that is the most my biology major will ever help on this channel with this alkatrazosis in mind if we look at the overhead view of what the prison itself looks like it appears to be a giant animal cell the bound chromosomes mean that of the nucleus the various other structures can be organelles and it seems that the sort of redacted thing that the camera panned to earlier can be identified as the golgi apparatus essentially it's saying that the entirety of the island is a living organism so the next day we see this radiation therapy in its first session we then see a diagram of how alcatraz is predicted to move from 1950 to the present day and beyond however whenever we go back to our standard camera view we see that there is a lot of alcatraz and it's everywhere and it's getting really close and this is happening a lot faster than the timeline said it would the final message of the video says as of 2020 the alcatraz zone extends to west texas which is alarming again to say the least so right now after three episodes you probably have a lot of questions and everything's confusing and it's a lot of really weird concepts i promise it's going to get worse but at the moment we saw that the entire structure of alcatraz itself was a living creature and as we saw in that alkatrazosis part which is a play on words of mitosis or meiosis again thank you major that never helped besides that but anyway we see that this alcatraz island was beginning to replicate itself and make its movement towards the mainland also remember that mention of radiation therapy in the episode and it may seem weird for that to be your takeaway considering all the other weird stuff that happened but for now remember that radiation got the island moving and remember how i said it's going to get worse well here we go in the next episode dean democracy we are shown a documentary of america's 37th president in the documentary we see that a news anchor for abc began hyping up the audience saying that in one week they were going to see the greatest gift to the american people everyone was so excited to see what this announcement was that 60 million people were watching at the time that the anchor said the announcement would be given it turns out that this gift was the famous actor james dean's presidential announcement which for the entirety of the announcement he just said he wants to end the vietnam war and that's all it took and people loved it and had parties and were obsessed with him we see over the course for the rest of the documentary that dean is like comedically popular to the point that nixon the person who in the real world was the 37th president tells james dean that dean is a far better president than nixon himself could ever be however we see that people who do not like james dean and in particular do not like modern americans reliance on pop culture and technology form a group known as the anti-dean association or the ada so much so that they cut down power lines in the south so that dean's television campaign cannot be aired to which dean himself being the super suave guy goes down to the south and begins repairing power lines himself however a small subset of people dislike dean so much that they begin a campaign in which they quite literally say that james dean is the devil and that's not a euphemism or like an analogy at all like lucifer came from hell and then put on a james dean mask and that's what james dean is despite a small amount of very outspoken haters james dean won 75 percent of the popular vote winning the election in a near landslide and just to prove how suave and macho he is the day he won he just went and raced race cars with richard nixon as well as giving his first presidential address at a raceway in which he only spoke for less than a minute and then had people like native americans and martin luther king who's still alive in this universe speak in his stead he also played bongos at the end of his address which i felt was important to add as a matter of fact people loved him so much that on april 20th of 1969 whenever he gave his 90 day address of office the audio cut out shortly into the address which means no one could hear him but people were so obsessed with him that they liked it even more because they said just seeing his expression at face and how happy and young and pretty and smart he looked was enough to convince him that he was doing a great job even though they literally had no idea what he was saying it even says that stanley kubrick called the address the greatest silent film of all time and that's the end of dean democracy so if it wasn't clear enough already that the series is based on an alternate history we now see that the 37th president in this world is james dean and he's not going to be the only presidential shift that we see throughout the series and i've got a lot to say about james dean but you don't have the information on it yet and if i just spoke about it now i'd sound like a crazed conspiracy theory well i guess i always sound like a crazed conspiracy theorist but i'd sound especially like one if you had absolutely no idea what i was talking about so i'll hold it for now but we'll come back to dean in the next episode air force one angel we see that on august the 17th of 2003 air force one took a random trip across the united states if you've been paying attention you may recognize that august the 17th of 2003 is the same day that the events at mount rushmore began to take place so on that day air force one went across the country and seemingly dropped packages at national monuments as a matter of fact the three that we see it dropping the packages at is that of mount rushmore that of the golden gate bridge which can also be alcatraz because the two are right next to each other and the statue of liberty all three places that we have seen these supernatural or cosmic events take place at we then see from video footage that there was something inside of air force one after it landed and as a matter of fact the white house confirms that the flight was entirely unmanned so whatever flew the plane and dropped off those packages acted alone and was this creature seen on camera which has been referred to as the angel so whatever this angel was managed to break into air force one fly to these monuments and drop packages seemingly as we can see from mount rushmore it led to whatever the big spiked face event was and in the description for that video it says that there was no break-in detected on air force one however there was odd warping to the plastic around the door of the plane so there's a seemingly supernatural creature known as the angel we'll come back to him too our next episode lincoln looker opens with someone by the name of mile arnoldson describing what a lincoln looker is she says that she was abducted from her house one night and then for two weeks she was placed in a metal seat behind a sort of mask she said that the smell was awful and every few nights someone would place a straw through the eyelids to which she drank this weird soup from however after two weeks they realized they got the wrong person to which reagan himself apologized to maya and she was financially compensated and they didn't really care if she told her story to anyone because no one would believe something so ridiculous maya then shows a picture of what this face is and it looks very reminiscent to that of abraham lincoln we then hear an interview from a former advisor by the name of leonard morland who says that the lincoln looker is a position appointed by every president at the beginning of their term there's no trial no court date and whoever the president wants to be a lincoln looker is simply made one and a false story of what happened to them is made up in their place so it seems that whatever this lincoln looker is the president themself assigned someone to it and it's not contested at all and they are simply placed behind this mask that maya set behind we then see in the next part that there are rumors that people are being imprisoned behind presidential portraits however whenever we see the paintings taken down there is nothing behind there and there's no way a lincoln looker could be sitting behind it however in the next part of the video we hear a phone call from howard melrose howard said that he was visiting the lincoln monument whenever he began hearing scratching coming from within the monument itself howard as well as several other visitors began attacking the monument thanking someone or something to be trapped inside and whenever the marble cracked howard began filming to which we see lincoln's head move and something began to come out from within it so the reason that there was nothing found behind the lincoln portraits is because it's not the portraits it's the lincoln statue itself and also if you'll remember on mount rushmore in addition to the blood of liberty it says the souls of lincoln will be avenged so we can assume that this is relating to that and whoever made that graffiti also knew about the lincoln looker however at the moment we don't know why there would be someone just placed within the statue itself or whatever that was that came out of the head but again we're just getting the puzzle pieces right now all the analysis stuff comes later this is where you're supposed to be confused in the next episode washington wormhole we get our first real idea of what's going on we open with a poem about something known as the special tree and specifically how the special tree became sad after the lumberjack cut down all of its friends so the special tree made a tune that quote breaks his lung we're then shown a timeline which says in 1840 the first photograph of the special tree was taken to which we can see this decrepit sort of skinny tree coming out of the ground and then in 1848 a monument began to be built around it this monument being the washington monument itself then during the civil war from 1861 to 1865 construction halted on the monument however prisoners were seen being led inside remember how like the graffiti said there were executions happening at these monuments and at the statue of liberty we heard about immigrants being let inside at night and now here at the first days of the washington monument we're hearing about people being let inside yeah and then in 1888 it says construction was complete in 1910 construction of the monument was finished and it became a large tourist attraction with the message saying that there is music within its walls this is definitely in reference to the poem at the beginning that said the special tree could make a certain tune and then from 1910 to 1971 20 individuals disappear at the monument and these people are known as the washington absentees then in 1972 something known as the washington standard operation comes to light in it we can see people being led inside of the monument itself hoisted up into the air as sound waves seem to render them unconscious or kill them entirely before the floor drops out of the bucket they're in and they fall to the ground before someone else comes in to repeat the process then in 2000 the monument is vandalized to which the graffiti says the infection is nigh the music of washington will end not only is this written the same way as the graffiti on mount rushmore but there it is again a mention of infection and then in 2003 we see a video clip in which the monument has a gash in its side with something coming in and out of it before the entire monument itself bends over and lightning strikes in the arc of it the final message says that all 19 washington absentees were found unconscious at the base of it and you may be asking yourself weren't there 20 of them and there were and then in the description it says the 20th washington absentee has been identified what's really cool about this one is the first time i listened to it and if this is your first time listening to it you probably have a lot of questions but after watching the entire series and then going back on my second watch through that line the 20th washington absentee has been identified is absolutely like oh my gosh and it's an indication to me that alex is not only doing a fantastic job at telling the story but he's had all of this planned out from the beginning but for now big takeaways the washington monument was also associated with the other monuments that had events take place at them and graffiti put on them and it seems that people were being sort of sacrificed to this creature in the same way that they were at the statue of liberty however unlike the statue of liberty we have a perfectly clear idea of what's in the monument it seems that the creature within the washington monument is this special tree as a matter of fact this tree seems so important that the monument itself was built as a sort of cage or monument to the tree itself however whenever this event went down in 2003 when it did the whole bendy lightning thing everyone was found at the base of it just unconscious but before we try to unpack all of that let's make it even more complicated and go to the next one in the next episode delaware double we see a news report from the delaware river journal in this video we see that on christmas eve at 4pm two men were walking down the delaware river when they saw what appeared to be a bicorn or one of those pointy revolutionary hats frozen on top of the water they go out to it and realize that that hat is connected to a person they dig the person out take him home to which the person briefly wakes up and says victory or death before falling asleep again after taking him to the hospital the men realized that the frozen guy that they had sitting in their bathtub was george washington like the george washington the the one and only to which the men theorized that perhaps george washington fell into the delaware river while crossing it was frozen to which his men assumed he was dead and replaced him with a double to which president james dean because again that's a thing in this universe replies to this news by simply saying i'm surprised and that's it that's the whole episode it's just like george washington is live and it just drops that in your lap and i'll go ahead and tell you right now that doesn't really go anywhere just george washington is an active character in this story and don't you forget it i've got theories later for why i think this happened and why i think george washington was there in the river at the modern day uh and also i'll qualify this later but this news report took place in 1976 and i'll explain all of that later but i'm not kidding like george washington doesn't come back at least not yet in the series um but he's there whatever that means in the next video rockefeller tree tragedy we see two different accounts of the same event one by john d rockefeller who we know as the famous oil tycoon and the other by virginia arnoldson rockefeller's version is titled a recollection of the tragedy and virginia's is titled virginia in wonderland now this video itself sets up a ton of the concepts and is the catalyst for pretty much everything else that happens throughout the series so if i emphasize something out and it doesn't make a ton of sense it'll probably matter later initially rockefeller tells us that as the rockefeller plaza was being built the workers put together their own christmas tree rockefeller was so impressed by this that he decided he was going to get the best tree he could from the forest bring it into the plaza so that they could have a legitimate christmas this would also then be the beginning of the tradition of the giant christmas tree in rockefeller plaza in virginia's account of the story in virginia and wonderland we have a young girl tell the story of how rockefeller went looking for a tree in the woods one day before he heard a very pretty tune to which we can then see he found the special tree or more specifically the special tree that the washington monument was built around he tries to have this one cut down and that doesn't work he tries to blow it up to get it out of the ground and that also doesn't work so he pays a group of grave diggers to try to dig it out to which it takes them four years we then switch back over to rockefeller's account of events to which he says his tree caused a great loss at the plaza before he can really explain what that loss was we cut back over to virginia's story in it we can hear her tell of how the man put up the tree and then the mayor glued branches to it to make it look more attractive virginia decided that she wanted to put the first ornament on the christmas tree and she saved up her money to be able to buy a star to hang on it however after the men leave and she approaches the tree she realizes that the branches are too high for her to reach because of this she gets 10 of her closest friends to come over and they assemble a ladder out of each other so that she can climb up to the top and place her star at the top of the tree however whenever virginia does this the tree bows exactly like the special tree mentioned in the washington monument and just like that tree lightning begins to shoot from within the bow and virginia says that as they tried to run away the lightning got to each of them she says that her and all of her friends were then teleported to a field of special trees and the audio cuts off before she reads it but if you pause the video you can see that the text says a man came to her and said the trees are not trees suddenly it cuts and she's back on the street with her friends as if nothing happened however the tree was gone and after further examining the plaza and the street around it the entire city looked just a little bit different we then cut back to rockefeller's telling of events in which he says that yes no life was lost at the plaza that day however he would almost rather a life have to be lost instead of the unfathomable event that occurred we then come back to virginia's side of the story in which she says she was pretty scraped up from the whole falling tree and teleporting incident however she says that her mom and dad looked just a little bit different they were similar enough that she could tell they were her parents but something was off not only that her parents felt the same way about her asking her why her clothes look different why she had freckles on her face and other small notices like that another question they asked her is if she had hung her ted bear on the tree if you'll remember it was not a teddy bear that virginia bought to put on the tree it was a star instead again another discrepancy it wasn't long before every parent came to the same conclusion that their children were just a little bit different as a matter of fact two of virginia's friends orville and philip had different last names from their parents all of the parents begin to freak out all of the parents begin to freak out and yell and scream before the nurses get everyone to leave virginia says that rockefeller himself came to visit them in the hospital and along with the nurses began to ask them questions about american history however whatever they were answering ended up scaring rockefeller not only that but after the nurses take x-rays of the children virginia overhears them saying everything is backwards we then cut back to rockefeller's telling of events who says that the parents are convinced that their children are doppelgangers and that their real children have disappeared and these kids only look similar to them but are in fact not their children to which rockefeller then says the line all of the children told me that i was the richest man in america as a rich oil tycoon that's not true i am president of the united states or at least i was for two terms so again we have another discrepancy in the presidency because we have rockefeller being the president similar to how james dean is the president within this world but the kids remember the rockefeller that we know the rich oil tycoon however the rockefeller they're talking to is not the same rockefeller in his closing thoughts rockefeller ponders on the tree and says maybe he's just a hopeless victim in this entire ride of life and perhaps the tree chose him to be the one to carry out this fate then at the end there is a quote from john rockefeller jr who says that his father thinks the tree disappeared and that's not true because rockefeller jr says that he's seen the tree walking in the plaza and that it resembles a man far more than any tree and then at the end we see a video of something on top of a building in rockefeller plaza and then a lightning flash before the camera cuts alright i know that was a lot but you're being very brave and i'm proud of you but to make that a bit more digestible rockefeller goes and finds one of these special trees places it in the middle of the plaza virginia and her friends come and touch it to which it does the dc monument thing where it bends and lightning shoots out everywhere the kids go to this sort of distant land full of trees that i'm going to refer to as wonderland for now because that's what virginia referred to it as in her retelling of events a man says that the trees are not trees before they're all teleported back to the plaza their understanding of world events and even their parents seems a little disjointed and then finally the nurses say that inside of them everything's backwards and then finally whenever this tree is on the top of the building within the plaza it has a lightning flash similar to both the one we saw at the dc monument and what happened to the children in this story i could start breaking that down but i'm not going to do that we're just going to keep going the next video canyon crown opens with what appears to be a really goofy sort of movie maker home video of a trip to the grand canyon it starts out relatively normal until the text says then i saw something really weird and then we quote to this floating thing that we haven't seen before and there's a very weird noise mentioned as well as the quote it's made the whole place smell like vinegar this is before we see a cut of this massive thing emerging from behind a cliff and we're then introduced to the most important character in the entire story mr squirrel he's important and i love him at the end of the slideshow it says we did research and figured out that this creature is something known as a canyon crown and it uses vinegar to shrink its head back onto its body it then says that we went on this trip to find aunt maya and i think that was maya before the video ends showing us random images of headless men standing by the grand canyon and standing in front of a sign that says head off trail haha very funny i don't even know if it's worth beginning to analyze that now because it's not going to make sense without context from anything else the one thing i will say is remember how she said and at the end of the video we figure out that this person's name is lauren so remember how lauren said we went to find aunt maya i think that was maya if you'll remember the other time that we heard maya mentioned was maya arnoldson who was falsely put as a lincoln looker for two weeks this girl's name at the end is mentioned to be lauren arnoldson so it's reasonable to assume that aunt maya arnoldson is the mile arnoldson mentioned in lincoln looker but that may seem confusing like why was she a lincoln looker and made to sit in the statue why did they even put people in the statues and now why is she the giant floating meatball thing these are all questions that will be kind of answered near the end next up on the dock it is freedom fowler i'm sorry i'm just now kind of realizing without context going into this this has to be a lot of just like the weirdest stuff you've ever heard at once um and in the beginning i said try not to sound like a crazed conspiracy theorist i am definitely doing that right now um and i apologize but this one's gonna make it way worse i will try to help at the end but i'm so sorry freedom fowler opens with excerpts from a series of exchanges that took place in 1858 what they're discussing is the contracting and construction for the statue of freedom we see in this telegram conversation that an architect says to an engineer freedom must stand on capitol dome the engineer then tells a sculptor that they would like a design for a lady to stand at the top of the capitol building after several weeks the engineer asks the sculptor again if the statue is ready to which a detective tells that engineer that the sculptor has died and they're sending freedom on a ship known as the monarcho freedom is the name for the real world statue that sets on top of the capitol building in washington dc this is describing the construction of that statue itself in part two daughter we see a story from someone known as nina crawford nina crawford is the daughter of the aforementioned sculptor who built the freedom statue itself we see that nina asked her father to make a statue that looks like herself however on april 10th her dad left for the studio and never came home after nina's mom goes to look for him she comes back home and locks herself in a bedroom before investigators and the police come to which the mom continuously yells she has his eyes to the police nina who overheard that freedom would be sent on the monarcho finds the ship in port and then crawls into the box that is housing the parts of freedom nina says that she can feel her father's presence within the box and around freedom and she hopes that she will be shipped to wherever her father is not understanding her father's fate she also mentions that freedom feels alive and even more eerily has her father's eyes every night she can hear what sounds like freedom moving in the darkness until one day freedom breaks out of the box grabs nina and begins to sprint through the jungle as freedom is running the statue is chopping down trees before it crawls into a very deep cave nina says that as she is riding freedom is continuing to sharpen its sword and just stare at nina we then move on to part 3 captain which is a transcript from the captain of the monarcho he describes that every day there would be loud noises and boxes being moved as well as damage to the ship this continued over the course of several days until they get to the port in gibraltar whenever they get there they open up freedom's crate to show to custom agents however freedom is entirely missing we then move on to part 4 commissioner in it he says that on april 29th something destroyed the trees moving up the mountain in gibraltar the trees were perfectly cut in a straight line all the way up the mountain until they eventually arrive at a cave after going into the cave they find the statue standing there with a hollowed out torso wrapped around it and next to it the destroyed remains of somebody they then hoist the statue out of the cave and begin to send it on its way to the united states where it was originally supposed to go and officially chalk everything up that happened to the wind no i'm not kidding we then move on to part five the craftsman which is by someone named philip reed who describes that whenever he came to the port in the united states he did not see a statue laying in a boat instead a large woman holding a sword and shield and the men say that whenever they got the statue to the port in gibraltar it just started fighting and killing everyone and kept using their skin to make skin for itself until it was now a completed person reed himself was charged with peeling the skin off of the statue which he did and afterwards the statue which was now back in its original form was completely immobile so they just put that thing up on the capitol the thought process is so funny to me because it's like yeah we want to you know pay this contractor to make us a statue and then whenever it shows up it's just a woman and they're like oh well it was a statue but it killed like hundreds of sailors in europe and put their skin on and that's why it's a woman now and the government's like oh but we can we can still get the statue out of there right we then cut more to modern day with part six sculpture in which it says that during the january sixth protest insert joke about modern politics tied to media we're moving on that on january 6 of 1977 the aforementioned anti-dean administration had an attack on the capital during the attack several of the protesters shot down the statue of freedom to which we then get what is in my opinion the most horrifying video in the entire series in which it's really hard to make out if you don't know what you're looking for but that big thing leaning over the doorway is the statue of freedom that has now gone ballistic and is slaughtering people we later find out that the statue killed a hundred and fifty people that day however it was officially chalked up to it just falling off and somehow crushing 150 people in the fall and that is the end of the freedom fowler this series isn't exactly in my opinion like yeah there's some creepy elements in supernatural i would much more consider it like conspiracy thriller to anything like you know scary or poor or whatever however the idea of a what 30 40 foot giant iron lady with the sword and shield running you down so she can skin you to make a human out of herself is like like top 10 worst things ever also i tried to look up like pictures of the real freedom fowler uh to make myself feel better about it and i didn't like oh my gosh however what we can put together from that story for the story is that thomas crawford who originally built the statue succumbed to it in some way and that's what nina's mother meant by it has his eyes in a later episode it's confirmed the thing you're probably already thinking but the body that was found in the cave with the statue was the body of nina so it already killed her to try to make a human out of itself hence the hollowed-out torso being placed on the statue within the cave however that whole mention that nina had she could feel her dad's presence with the statue is later echoed later in the series which i'm kind of jumping the gun a bit but it helps with this explanation it says that they're still alive within the statue at least nina and thomas are so potentially whatever's happening with this statue is supernatural enough that if it takes on someone's body a part of them is still connected to it we'll explain why later but it's not just a physical like the statue wants skin it in some way is taking people's souls or essence we also there at the end got another mention of the anti-dean administration as they were the ones who shot down freedom and they're gonna come back later but for now um the statue on the top of the capital is one of the most terrifying creatures ever so that's the end of season one so season one is primarily giving you pieces of the puzzle that are completely separate from each other like all of those in my opinion are cool stories in their own right and can serve as these sort of creepy lovecraftian ideas of horror but they don't really go further than that and season two is still that but there's a lot more connecting stuff not only between its own episodes but things that make season one make a whole lot more sense so without further ado let's go ahead and get in to season two the first episode of season two is titled may's movie maker i didn't mention it at the time because it wouldn't have made a lot of sense but in the description of the canyon crown video it says that the video was made on may's movie maker at the beginning it says that a new computer system known as popcorn is coming out made by maze we then get a further description of this company known as maze when it shows manufacturing plants for the company popped up across the united states from 1960 to 1971. we're then shown another message that says there was a recall of all personal computers and that outbreaks had been reported it even says at the bottom that fourth amendment rights do not apply in other words what's happening here is so urgent the government is trying to get a hold of all personal computers immediately we then take it down a notch and get a timeline of the company itself it says that in 1960 may's mechanics was founded by rob careers and rob witroba then in 1969 president dean established something known as the department of technology which united computer corporations together furthermore in 1970 it says that maze invented the first at-home computer and video camera system this is all well and good until in 1972 it says that mays and the department of defense partnered to control something known as the true forces of mass destruction also known as tfmds this is the first time in the series we've got a name or real acknowledgment of these giant creatures that inhabit the earth we then see something known as project horned serpent which seems to be a protocol to defend people from these tfmds as a matter of fact the design of the serpent itself seems to match the idea of maze plants making a wave across the country we then see that in 1980 maze is attacked and for one image we see what looks like the special trees or very large variations of them everywhere with lightning shooting out from the trees themselves it then says that in 1990 the last at-home computer was shut down so maze goes from in 1970 being the people who invent the first at-home computer to 20 years later they seem to be leading the front of trying to reclaim all of them most likely because of the attack that occurred in 1980 so what it looks like happened is maze was trying to develop computers and be the forefront of technology and then they got attacked in 1980 by whatever the special trees are and then they immediately backtracked and want to shut them all down we then see that in 2000 maze developed the maze movie maker or a means of at home editing so it seems like maze went from being pro computer to anti-computer and now back to pro computer however i've got a theory that it's technically not a computer and maze is kind of like making subversive technology but we'll talk more on that later however we then see a video that was made by maze movie maker that says it's under mazes factory whoever's making the video says that they have to spread the word first and then leave graffiti on this maze factory that says beware the monuments they are all connected and the military industrial complex grows so whoever's making this video and is leaving this graffiti knows about the monuments but the graffiti is also drawn in the exact same manner that it was on all of the monuments we saw in season one so we can kind of assume that whoever's making this video is either the same person or at least connected to whoever was leaving that graffiti we then see a diagram of the cave itself that the person who's recording is walking through they say that the cave is wet and humid and the air feels charged they then reach out their hand and touch a wall to which lightning hits their hand there is a large explosion and we get the message do not visit these sites they have not been fed in years we then get the message at the very end of the video that this was filmed by maya and nathaniel arnoldson so now we finally have some stuff beginning to piece together for one this company maze seems to be part of whatever monstrous secret is taking over the country for one in the locations that we see the factories are made in the diagram several of them line up with monuments that we know to have a secret or evil purpose behind them but furthermore beneath this factory as well as probably several other factories are these cave systems and whenever they touch the walls and lightning jumps out which then leads to this cataclysmic lightning explosion it says not to come to these places because they haven't been fed in years so if we can apply that logic to the rest of the series too it seems that whoever the government maze or whatever body is doing it is feeding people to these for now we'll consider them special trees or things similar to them like for example the dc monument we know a special tree to be inside of there and that prisoners of war as well as 20 washington absentees were sent into there the same case with the statue of liberty so if whatever these creatures are aren't fed they become very reactive and can cause things like we saw at the end of this video where the big electricity explosion happened perhaps the 1980 attack on a maze facility was from these creatures not being fed we'll see more details about what that feeding may entail later but another interesting thing is the two people that made the video at the end so it was maya and nathaniel arnoldson there's that name maya again if you'll remember lauren who made the canyon crown video said that her dad took them to the grand canyon to find his sister maya this will get proven later but for now i'll go ahead and tell you that that father is nathanael so nathaniel and maya are brother and sister who have been working for some time to take down whatever shady corporation this is who is hosting these creatures or at the very least knows of them and is sacrificing members of the public to them and considering the graffiti they put up that says beware the monuments they're all connected and the fact that it looks the same as all the other graffitis that we saw earlier in the series then we can reasonably assume that maya and nathaniel either also did those pieces of graffiti or are at least in league with whoever did however earlier in the series in canyon crown whenever lauren said we were looking for aunt maya i think that was maya referring to the big crown thing it seems like something really bad happened because between this video and that video maya went from running around with her brother trying to stop maize or whatever's doing this whole monument thing and she became the giant floating meatball so something bad probably happened in there also in the description of that video it says did you know that several photographs of president dean have been manipulated to protect legitimate national security interests i don't know what to make of that but uh you have fun with it in the next video of suez canal crab we see that on march the 23rd of 2021 a ship known as the ever given got stuck in the suez canal this is obviously a parody of the evergreen in real life however it's an alternate history thing so you could kind of accept it as like a weird canon of the real world i don't know i'm just it's it's called the ever given evergreen joke insert here moving on it then says the president hillary clinton okay in this universe hillary clinton was made president and announces a nuclear force is necessary to dislodge the ship we then see on the diagram that the ship gets dislodged turns towards land and seemingly just starts floating across the land and then on a device known as twitter i'm just going to call it twitter it's twtr no one on the device is able to tell what happened so to establish a few things to get figured out later to make it make more sense now i believe that after the whole maze movie maker event in 1980 whenever they were attacked and then they tried to shut down all computers i believe that would happen is that attacks were caused by people using electronic devices like computers so what it seems happened to me in this alternate history is technology went a slightly different route like it can't be electricity that provokes them it has to be something to do with internet or i don't know a lot of this explanation i'm doing is before the series is finished or even season two is finished so i don't have all the pieces yet i'm doing my best but these twitter machines or devices seem to be a way of people communicating in a fashion similar to twitter but it seems to be a kind of analog screen and setup so along with things like hillary clinton being president even though society had to go a different route it still came to a lot of similar conclusions except nuking the boat to dislodge it that's probably a little out there i believe here however that the government knows more than they're letting on since they said that the purpose of the nuke is so like the airwave or the blast fort would dislodge the boat however remember how in alcatraz they treated the island with radiation therapy and that's when the island went insane and everything happened well even though the government said that the purpose of the nuke was just so the force would dislodge the boat i believe that they know the radiation would awake something in order to move the boat which it turns out that's exactly what happened video shows that the ship was walking on giant legs and this thing titled the suez canal crab simply picked itself up underneath the ship and just started walking through land governments of the world decide that the crab will not be destroyed as a means of not destroying all of the cargo and instead the crab just simply begins carrying the ship through egypt we then are beginning to told the story of something known as the 2021 cairo tower stampede according to the story people at the cairo tower really wanted to get a better view of this crab as it went by the tower became overcrowded and the crab for some reason turned itself towards the tower and began walking towards it however as the crab got close it tripped crashing into the tower which caused not only the cargo of the ever given itself to go through the tower but the tower itself to eventually collapse all in all 1150 people died in the crab tower incident and whenever the fall happened the crab separated from the ship and began spewing blood and other bodily fluids all over the place however during this time a group that we haven't heard of yet known as the anti-device association decided that they were going to make this a political issue they said that the issue with the ship is that it was full of something known as t machines which are the devices that are used to get on this universe's form of twitter again further evidence you need a whole analog box in order to access twitter computers didn't progress the same way we know blah blah blah and the anti-device association begins to make up a story that the entire purpose of this crab incident was just so egypt could steal goods that were meant to go to the united states so they began to promote the idea of americans going over to egypt and taking as much stuff from the crash ever given as they can manage all in all 12 000 americans show up at the gates and try to get into the containment zone which has now been set up and called the cairo exclusion zone due to the giant monster crab that's spewing blood everywhere however someone shoots a guard and manages to get into the exclusion zone to which then people just have a field day stealing goods and ripping stuff out of shipping containers and it eventually becomes a frenzy with people trying to steal cars and then people finding guns and using that to shoot people who are stealing stuff they want and all of the frenzy comes to a head when one of the legs of the crab twitch causing everyone to panic and form a stampede the stampede combined with the fluid everywhere that made people slip and everyone having guns so they shoot anyone that gets in their way and the heat exhaustion led to the deaths of over 11 000 people with only 944 of the 12 000 surviving specifically 77 of those people were found praying to the crab whenever rescuers came to get them who said they were told by a deity that if they prayed to the crab they would survive those 77 survivors began a religion known as the church of the ever given the episode ends by telling us an american journalist who saw the carnage and aftermath of the stampede said it seemed that everyone was a giant mass of flesh and that the cairo exclusion site itself has now become a unesco heritage site so i know that was a lot of information to take in at once this whole video has probably been a lot of information to take in at once and i'm sorry but like i said it gets worse a lot of you who are familiar with the series may have realized that i've left some stuff out but again i'm trying to make this as brief as possible and then i'll talk about all the gruesome details at the end so for now let's move into the next episode dean disaster dean disaster opens very similar to dean democracy in which it shows a news anchor telling us to prepare for an upcoming news event so similar to the scene in dean democracy several people gather around their television screens before a hijacking takes place on may 13th of 1969. in it the anti-dean association shows an image of dean as the devil before he opens his mouth and air raid sirens are heard loudly playing it turns out that what happened is the anti-dean association managed to hijack the entire country's supply of air raid sirens and play them at such deafening noise it caused mass panic as a matter of fact the noise was so loud that anyone within 4 miles of the sirens suffered permanent hearing loss this caused mass stampedes it caused people on crowded freeways to get out of their cars and just begin running and eventually the national guard was tasked with shutting down air raid sirens however at each one of these air raid sirens there was a pile of bodies ramping up to the siren itself because the sirens were so loud that if anyone was that close and spent any amount of time around it it would cause blood vessels within their body to burst open president dean being the hero as always went out himself and turned off a siren near the white house which gave him permanent deafness after all the sirens across the country were turned off it was such a sight of mass casualties that it says blindfolds were issued to the military to give children so that they could walk children back to their house without them seeing the mass casualties dean wanted to go on the air to give a presidential announcement however he was so damaged and disfigured from turning off the siren that he decided instead he would use those sirens to transmit his message through and then for the now half of the country that's deaf they could watch the captions as they're played out on tv dean tells the country that they have been attacked by the anti-dean association and now is not the time for playing nice and it's time to get the people who hurt so many saying quote we have places for them it then says that hundreds of thousands of people were then reported to the police or arrested by the police in the following weeks and they were sent to new special prisons that were built conveniently around american monuments like rushmore and the washington monument and the families of those who were sent say they come back with a much more pleasant demeanor and very friendly however they also appear a little bit different despite this people note such a personality change in those who come back from the monument prisons that several people ask to be voluntarily sent there themselves okay so pause we know that there's these creatures in monuments and people are being fed to them so it's real convenient that this terrorist attack happens that justifies hundreds of thousands of people being sent to these monuments all across the country at the same time isn't that just weird not only that but the families are reporting that they look a little different than whenever they left similar to virginia and her friends whenever the whole christmas tree zap attack happened again a little weird maze everyone's favorite tech company decides to begin making hearing implants the president himself gets one and is so moved by maze themselves that that is why he develops the department of technology as a means of uniting technology companies together so they can mass produce these hearing devices this program goes so well for maze and the other companies and mass operations began taking place across the entire country also it's mentioned at some point androids began giving surgeries i'm not sure how relevant that is but i felt like i should probably mention that that by july the 4th and remember the attack happened on may the 13th the united states had completely eradicated deafness with the mention in the description that people who were already deaf beforehand and didn't want to have the implants in were harassed and some even ran out of the country so i'm going to go ahead and say this now and as with all of this stuff i'll qualify to make it make more sense later but dean is evil this is getting a bit into the end analysis but after just telling you all that i feel like it'd be easier to digest now rather than later so a group of supposed terrorists somehow hack into the entire nation's siren supply at once and manage to make them go so loud that people literally die from it and then that is used like within the week to shuttle hundreds of thousand people to these monuments which as we heard in may's movie maker need to be fed or they get really really mad so now they're overfed with all these people the people who come back out of them seem to be similar to virginia and her friends from the rockefeller tree and that they've changed their body and personality again we'll look more at the details of that later but for now the same thing that was happening to them is happening to these people and then the next day after the sirens were hijacked they magically work just fine enough for dean to deliver his address and then the deafness itself is used as an excuse for the department of technology to be formed and maze to become a super empire which as we saw again in the maze movie maker video from maya and nathanael mazes up to some very shady stuff and have all of these caves underneath their factories in which these creatures are being fed or at the very least used to be fed and maze knows about them and like a lot of people who i saw talking about the monument mythos and stuff would say something along the lines of like yeah dean may be a little creepy but he hasn't really done anything yet like oh my word yes he has honestly i'm with the anti-dean association and i think that they're being completely framed i don't think they're responsible for any of that stuff's going on i think dean's doing it as a false flag operation i think that this is just operation northwoods in alternate history form and remember at the beginning where i said i'm not gonna try to sound like a conspiracy theorist and now i've brought up operation northwoods so we're just gonna move on our next video is titled starry sphinx and opens with a video titled tfmd on mars if you remember tfmds are in reference to true forces of mass destruction in it we can see a sphinx in the distance moving on the planet mars we then get audio that it says is an interview that was recovered from an arson scene the audio is an interview with leonard morland if you'll remember he is the senior advisor that was also mentioned in lincoln looker moreland says that the country of egypt was against the american excavation we don't really know what that is yet but we will in a second in our second video titled tfmd leaves mars we can see the previous figure of the sphinx floating off into space we then cut back to the interview where it says that the pyramids themselves are tfmds and were at the time humanity's biggest threat there's also the mention moreland gives that this is before the dean administration classified humanity and climate change as tfmds that's further fueled in my fire that dean's awful by the way he classified humanity's tfmds and i'm not really sure what the implications of that are but i don't like it we then see video numbers three and four which says tfmd enters atmosphere again we can see the sphinx entering the atmosphere it then cuts back to the interview and we hear that the pharaoh had appointed guardians to cut the trees however they knew that they could never cut them down they could only damage them which would divert its energy towards repairs instead of growth in the meantime the pharaoh knew that he could build towers around them as a means of better containing them so here's another mention of those special trees and these people in ancient egypt could not cut them down similar to how rockefeller could not cut down that special tree however for whatever reason which we're not entirely sure of yet the ancient egyptians did not want these trees to be able to grow then in videos 5 and 6 we see tfmd is attacked in which these sort of orbs are seen being shot down to the ground we then cut back to the interview that says that the pyramids go down infinitely and they were made to contain the trees so ancient egyptians the pharaohs appointed these people known as guardians it's also mentioned that they would take these substances as a means of keeping their body from tiring out while they would spend all day damaging and cutting the trees never able to cut it down just slow it down and that the pyramids were built solely for the purpose of containing these trees however the pyramids go down infinitely and after several weeks of digging the americans who were trying to dig them up for some reason realized there was no end to them then in video number seven we see tfmd's false children land in which we see these orbs cut down and touch the corners of the sphinx before a giant light flashes this light flash being similar to the electric strikes and lightning that we've seen from previous entities we then see in video number eight it says false children organize into the starry sphinx and sure enough those false children or glowing orbs that we saw are now in the shape of the sphinx itself it then says again for video number eight distracts observers as the mother ship flees to which we look over and see that the real sphinx is this giant ship or on top of a giant ship and is floating by and then for video number nine says the great pyramids rise to which the great pyramids rise then for video number 10 it says the other pyramids awaken to which we can see what looks like the washington monument as several of it are all around or at the very least several of these special trees are all around we then get a diagram titled present situation to which it shows us that there is one sphinx and countless pyramids all around it with the final message that this was produced by the anti-device association so again a lot basically according to the interview whatever this supernatural or cosmic phenomena is it's been going on for a really long time the pharaoh himself was having workers slow down the trees and then contain them with these infinite pyramids however with whatever's happening now with these false children or orbs coming to earth the pyramids are beginning to rise i know you're probably tired of hearing this at this point but it'll make more sense with more context so it's best if i just keep talking i do also want to add though that in the description it says that may says there are no extraterrestrials now in the description of nearly every video it says that whatever message we're getting is from maze so i don't know if that is alex telling us it's not aliens even though it looks like aliens or if that's maize trying to subvert us from the fact that it definitely is aliens if it's not aliens then possibly the sphinx went to mars some time ago as a means of just being in weight before it was reactivated by whatever these pyramids are doing i don't know but for reasons that i'll mention near the end and of all the topics in this entire series the whole pyramid orb sphinx false children thing is probably the one that we have the least information on right now but i will say that i feel the sphinx are the good guys or at least not as evil as i think the special trees are i'll explain why in the analysis part but for now that whole diagram where we see that there's one sphinx and a lot of pyramids or in other words things made to cover the trees um that's a bad thing because if the sphinx is one way at least according to my theory that trees can be countered one of them for like the countless number of pyramids everywhere and pyramids include things like the dc monument and the various actual pyramids and all of that only having one sphinx to deal with all those not good giza guardian begins with a message saying that weather permitting on july 4th there will be a live broadcast of the starry sphinx in giza also this message is presented by the maze news network so it looks like the super tech corporation got into the media too glad that doesn't happen in real life and sure enough during the news feed we see the aforementioned false children arranged in the shape of the sphinx itself walking through the desert we watch as these green orbs dance around and then transform into these ladders before they all become these rows of rings and then lightning strikes we then see a presentation from somebody called dr disturbing called project giza guardian dr disturbing is also the person who did the presentation on the suez canal crab i'll talk about who he may be at the end in project giza guardian we are told of the story of giza glass for thousands of years the locals in egypt knew that whenever a specific constellation arrives lightning would strike the ground and create this rare material known as giza glass that is until 1870 when a britain egyptologist known as flinders petry discovered the constellation and how to get to the glass first the glass itself was made in these long shards and fragments and was incredibly sharp so sharp in fact that while pietre was moving some of it he fell and decapitated himself on the glass however the most miraculous fact is that his head was still alive however as it was alive it began to swell and discolor before the story of petry ends it says that whenever the glass got back to england the group of it known as petrie's lot it was deemed unusable because of the small fragments that it was broken into however the british began to give it out to american ambassadors however eventually whenever rockefeller was president he decided to gather up all the glass together because he recognized special properties of it eventually it was decided that the glass would be made into long blades and given to greco-egyptian swordsmen these swordsmen were very tall stone-like figures who were given giza glass blades and set to guard the grand canyon anyone who is attacked by these swordsmen would be decapitated however there was a special vinegar concoction that could reduce the swelling side effects and allow the heads to return to their normal size and be placed back onto their body if you're like me this is really exciting because it connects a lot of dots but we'll get there in a second victims of these swordsmen were given housing within the grand canyon itself as well as a lifetime supply of this vinegar concoction on the condition that they would lure enemies of state into the grand canyon to meet the same fate as themselves the government claims that the giza guardian program was shut down in 1969 during the dean presidency however sightings still occur to this day we then completely changed gears and switched to an interview of the wife of thomas crawford if you'll remember thomas crawford was the designer and sculptor of the statue of freedom during the interview his wife louisa says that thomas absolutely hated america and originally had the statue designed to show the form of a freed slave but whenever america told him to get rid of that design aspect he became furious during his design thomas went to egypt to get giza glass to construct the sword of the statue the reason i mention him being mad about america not letting him use the freed slave design is because louisa goes on to say that perhaps he went and got the giza glass just because he was an honorable man who wanted to finish the job but i feel like there may have been some malice to it as he was working on the sword he cut off his fingertip however after cutting it off he could still feel and control it eventually he did the same thing with his hand and whenever he came home to her said that he could still feel his hand all the way back at the workshop it was shortly after this that thomas left for several days and whenever louisa came to look for him she found him completely inside of the mouth of freedom she says that it wasn't that freedom came alive and did it to him it's that he willingly cut up pieces of himself and shoved it inside of the statue hence her statement earlier that nina said in which louisa said it has his eyes louisa then confirms that the remains found next to freedom within the cave were that of her daughter nina louisa then ends by saying that thomas and nina are still alive and inside of the statue protecting america to this day so for one that's why earlier i was so sure to say that the body in the cave was nina's because it's confirmed here but also this asks questions of who's controlling it if thomas initially did the voluntary movements of putting his body parts inside of the statue then is he the one controlling it or is the statue itself alive and closely related to the other giza guardians that have been spoken about in this episode already we then shift gears again and get a report that says the delaware river journal has shut down because of the george washington story and that the new delaware journal has taken its place remember the part i mentioned early on in this video how george washington's alive well that was enough of a no-no that the state shut them down for it the new delaware journal tells the story of how the anti-dean association stormed the capitol and attacked the statue of freedom the official claim from politicians is that the person who installed the statue did a faulty job at it and that's the reason it fell and killed 150 people interestingly the person who installed it was philip reed the person who if you'll remember from the freedom fowler story is the one who peeled the skin off of the statue of freedom also very bizarrely it says that philip reed has recently become a demonized character by the anti-dean association so if i'm right and the auntie dean association is cool then maybe they understand that phillip reed skinning the statue was probably a bad move or at least skinning the statue and then putting it on the capitol building would be a bad move but it's just an interesting detail that he is a figure they're looking down on historically sure enough it says that freedom is now being placed in the grand canyon to which when president dean was asked why he did it dean said the rocks won't shoot her down which haha funny joke but also that means that freedom is now where all of the other giza guardians are and as we're gonna see later she definitely wasn't the first so regardless if freedom is thomas controlling the statue or if freedom is one of these giza guardians who simply lure thomas into her in the cleanest way possible then it doesn't matter because now she's in the grand canyon doing the same things that the other guardians are doing we then see that a journalist for the new delaware journal leaked a government file and has since been exiled to egypt that journalist was howard melrose if you'll remember howard melrose he was the guy from lincoln looker who helped the bystanders break open the lincoln statue and then whatever that thing was came out of the top of it and i didn't mention it because there was a lot going on and i didn't want to further confuse everyone but he was the reporter who gave a report at the site of the suez canal incident or more specifically the part afterwards where all the bodies were jumbled together and he was the one who said everyone was just one pile of flesh that lines up with what we read here that he was exiled to egypt so it seems that what happened to howard is he was just an innocent bystander who witnessed the really weird event of the lincoln looker or whatever was inside of lincoln coming out of the statue so he decided to become a journalist and figure out what the government was up to he leaked this file and has since been in hiding in egypt and while he was in egypt gave that report in the leak we see a description of how to handle anti-dean association members we see a map of the grand canyon with the statue of freedom moving through it attacking people who are trespassing freedom goes by each person cutting off their heads which we understand to be the guardians mo until they get to the last one and sure enough the name is maya arnoldson we then cut to a tape called the last words of maya arnoldson and in the audio we can hear her walking before she's afraid of something tries to run away before she's promptly killed and her body falls down a ravine it then says her body was found in the grand canyon in 2004 and her head was still missing okay so this episode probably connected a lot of dots for you or at the very least it did for me so the government or maze or whatever body of people are hiding something in the grand canyon they get these ancient warriors known as the guardians who are using this special material called giza glass to be the guardians for whatever secret they have after it was discovered that freedom was one of these guardians or at least close enough she was also sent to the grand canyon maya who we know has spent her entire life trying to out these evils or at least outmaze for their evils goes looking for whatever the secret is in the grand canyon and she's killed by a guardian so as we understand giza glass to work her head swells up to this giant size to which she has to take the vinegar stuff in order to get it to shrink it's not understood how much of her brain capacity transfers from human to meatball crown thing but probably not the best so she's essentially one of these mindless crowns who the only purpose she has is to lure other dissenters into the grand canyon and this explains why in canyon crown lauren's dad took her to find his sister maya in the grand canyon and why whenever lauren saw the big meatball thing she says i think that was maya and we get further confirmation of that in the next video fallen father opens with the return of the most important character in the entire series that's right mr squirrel the video is back in the traditional maze movie maker style and then from the text that we see on screen we can deduce that this is lauren the daughter of nathanael however in the text we see that lauren's father has passed away with the description that he left saying he's going home and then never came back however she mentions that something followed her home and then runs inside before as she's hiding this giant shadow appears over the window this is all while text is being displayed on the screen saying that she won't forget her father and that it's been three days finally it ends with the message nathaniel arnoldson july of 1961 to may of 2021 so nathaniel has passed away for some reason and now lauren is making this video however as she mentioned something from the grand canyon followed her home and sure enough there is a giant shadow that appears over the window from above implying that it's floating down this is more than likely aunt maya following her home from the grand canyon to me this implies that she at least kept some of her brain function or enough to recognize that that was her niece and while her communication skills may not be present it seems that she's trying to reach out to lauren and continuing the trend of tying up loose ends and making more things make sense we have rockefeller revelation rockefeller revelation opens up with the same movie maker style as before saying that their dad has been dead for three months and now they're going to continue his work before it says dr disturbing presents this is now the third video in season two made by dr disturbing and the fact the only passed away father that we know of is nathaniel and the fact that it opens in the movie maker font we're used to i'm going to safely make the assumption that dr disturbing is one of nathaniel's kids now since it sounds like a guy's voice doing the narration for the doctor disturbing parts i'm going to say and this also looks better on a timeline and graph that lauren's brother is dr disturbing now dr disturbing could also be an alias for the two of them together and her brother just does the narration parts in fact that's more than likely what it is considering the movie maker style we see lauren using is the one that transfers into the doctor disturbing style however he doesn't have a name and he's at least doing the narration so i'm just gonna call him lauren and dr d and from dr d we see something called the rockefeller tapes part seven in the story we hear an interview from john d rockefeller and the time that he visited germany and they named their airships after him now i've got an entire chart up there that you can probably see the corner of right now that i'm going to use to explain the whole timeline of everything but for now i will mention that from my maths that i put together that john d rockefeller rockefeller rockefeller was president beginning in 1909 which would have been before world war one so it seems this description that he's giving is pre-world war one or in other words the ships that you're going to figure out he built right here in a second were used during the great war we're then given a diagram of these airships where everything looks fine at first until we see the interior and that pretty much the entire inside is a giant face with whatever this growth is behind it rockefeller explains that due to his setup of having guardians turn people into crowns within the grand canyon that there was an overabundance of crowns at the same time america was risking going into a great depression so he decided that the best thing to do was sell the crowns as slaves to germany or essentially crowns can't fight back and don't have the capacity to know what they're doing so you can just give them to the germans to use for their war machine we then see a design for an anti-airship death ray and after looking over the schematics for it all seems well until we see the inside of it and there's whatever this fang two thing is that seems to be the power of it not only that but at another part of the diagram there is a lamp mentioned implying that these are in some form beings of light or energy further in rockefeller's interview he explains that the american economy was dying and germany wanted to use these crowns as weapons so rockefeller sold over a hundred of these crowns to germany who then put them in their airships and named the airships rockefellers in his honor germany did help the american economy however as rockefeller says by 1918 thousands of people had been killed by rockefeller ship bombings and rockefeller's presidency ended before he could respond to the german attack so rockefeller who we established a couple episodes ago gathered all of the giza glass in order to make these swords that the guardians then used to make crowns took those crowns and began selling them as weapons to people who eventually became enemies of the united states it's never expressly said what the crowns do i mean initially i thought you know giant meatball heads running through the battlefield are probably a pretty effective psychological weapon if nothing else however these things are inside of blimps and he says used to bomb people so maybe they can release some kind of energy bomb or something similar the first thing that comes to mind is the orbs that were seen at the beginning of giza guardian or sorry not giza guardian and starry's phoenix that come out of the plane and sort of blow up maybe the crowns can do that i don't know but they were effective as a weapon for some reason we then see a diagram of something called operation pyramid plasma which shows several men bringing one of the aforementioned anti-airship death race to the top of a pyramid it then shoots down the airship showing that whatever this death ray is it seems to work against the crowns inside of the airship in the final part of rockefeller's interview he says that the american public has now figured out that he had a hand in the german's bombing and airship program and essentially want him dead we then cut back to the operation where it shows us that after this death ray was fired the energy disintegrated the men standing near the death ray eventually after wanding through the desert all of them reform as one entity before traveling back to their homeland aka the united states and getting retaliation or vengeance on the person that caused this we then see that on may 23rd of 1937 rockefeller entered a bunker underneath the plaza and was never seen again however there is the note that the door was melted by a massive heat ray and then to make it even more interesting it says that there has only ever been two images of this suspect to which the two images we see are the first christmas before rockefeller found the special tree and the very first picture ever taken of the special tree in 1840 okay so that happened so we got all the stuff about rockefeller was selling crowns to the germans funded the german war machine etc but the cool part at least the coolest part to me is all these soldiers who were standing near the death ray got atomized and then reformed as one creature that somehow managed to travel all the way across the ocean and then immediately get revenge on rockefeller that whole never seen again thing is because that guy got blasted into like neutrons that mention of the bunker door was melted open is because this amalgamation of 20 fried adam people all showed up once like dr manhattan and just like took his door off his hinges and made him non-existent i am referring to this creature as the avogadro and yes i'm referring to it as that because of the electric man from black ops 2 zombies it's my channel i can do what i want so this avogadro gets revenge on the person who created the crowns within the zeppelins and also most likely the death ray itself also the two pictures that it appears in are also very interesting because the one of the plaza is 1933 or 1934 and the one of the special tree is 1840. so this creature is not only able to travel across the oceans or possibly teleport it's also a time traveler and he's very upset at the people who killed him rightfully so and i'm going to continue referring to him as the avogadro so there's an electric man that has the power to melt bunker doors and turn people to ash running around i also want to remind you this is the same series where a living statue that skins people and george washington are also running around and james dean's the president i this is the best i love this we have now reached what is to date the final episode of the series although there will be more washington wonderland i also want to go ahead and preface that this one ties up a lot of loose ends and starts a whole lot of other ones so par for the course the video opens with the message that after an unsuccessful lobotomy virginia arnoldson better recounts the story of the rockefeller tree tragedy so there's virginia again the little girl who hasn't been mentioned since the rockefeller tree tragedy and how she went to wonderland and something that may have not meant a lot then but definitely does now is that last name virginia arnoldson somehow virginia is related to maya and nathanael and this series goes from just being the telling of a few people in this weird world to one connective story of a family virginia says that after the events of rockefeller tree tragedy she was left at an orphanage along with several others who all of their parents believed them to be doppelgangers however when they got older the military took all the boys and the doctors took all of the girls leaving virginia by herself she then begins to describe in better detail what happened to her within wonderland initially she was laying there on the ground and she looked around and saw the aforementioned forest of special trees however when she looked up she realized that the tree mirrored itself or in other words at the top of the tree there was another tree directly above it that was facing the opposite direction so the tops of both trees were touching then above that one was another tree flipped the right direction so that the two stumps of it were touching this continued on and on forever the best way to describe this is whenever you place two mirrors across from each other and see an infinite reflection with each other reflection looking the same way she looked beneath her and saw the exact same scenario as a matter of fact the ground she was on wasn't even ground but a thin layer of powder that smelled like baby powder all around her were flashes of light and out of these flashes of light men came running from every direction one of these men came out of a flash of light and told her that the trees aren't trees before saying the line you could be her anyone could be her i won't leave you suddenly another flash comes and the two of them appear in a field then another flash and they're somewhere else every few seconds another flash takes place that they can't control and every time that they flash to somewhere they're doing something else virginia describes that this went on for years and years initially she was sad then she became angry and eventually just tired like the man with her she decided to name this man everett and everett never left her side it's never even said if the two of them ever had a real conversation or were just stuck in this infinite loop of flashing from place to place but it seems virginia just cherished having someone there also during these flashes they would switch from one of the layers to another in other words one flash they could be standing at the layer of virginia began at and then be one stage above them then another stage above and then back down again also there were several people referred to as climbers who were stretched out and scorched along the side of trees virginia believed that if someone had tried to climb up a tree whenever they were flashed this is what would happen to them this went on for years until one day all of the trees bent over at once and there was a great flash and she woke up back in new york in the plaza with her friends this is the scene that virginia woke up to in the original rockefeller tree tragedy she says that when she turned 18 she left the orphanage and her dad was dead and her mom was so paranoid because of the events that happened eventually virginia fed up with her life and deciding that she's an imposter in this world decides to go back to the plaza to find some answers when she gets there she sees the special tree standing at the top of a building at the plaza this mind you is very similar to john rockefeller junior's account saying that he still sees the tree in the plaza and it looks like a man virginia speaks to the tree and the tree tells her to come back in three years and she'll have to exchange one life for her own this message of coming back in three years loops three times over i'm not going to go into the details of it right now but for now let's just assume that it's been nine years since virginia initially approached the tree she says during these nine years she met a secret agent who was a very important man who eventually approached her and said that he was assigned to protect her she says that the man's name was leonard and she had never loved anyone before and no one would ever have her so she felt welcome in his presence and the two of them had a son together the son was never born but she decided to name him everett after the man she met in wonderland after the end of this nine years and with her very pregnant with her son everett virginia goes back to the tree who gives her directions after walking for four days she hears the music and comes across the washington monument after stepping into the monument she sees that there are bodies everywhere however the music is so calming that she doesn't seem to mind she gets into the elevator that was mentioned in the washington standard operation and once she's risen to the top the music paralyzes her against something that can be seen in the operation before the ground drops out from the elevator and she falls and hits the floor when she hits the floor her body stops but she feels her soul keep going she says she floats for what feels like 500 years before she appears back in her body however this body is slightly different than the one that she was in not only that but she was no longer pregnant virginia believes that whenever the tree told her she'd have to exchange one life for her own virginia was ready to give up her own life but did not realize that she had exchanged everett's life for her own however just like the body that she had passed out of this body too had just fallen from the top of the dc monument and was completely crushed meaning she was unable to move however virginia came to realize that herself as well as everyone else within the monument was all still alive even though logistically they should be dead from the fall they endured the music kept everyone paralyzed and alive and in excruciating pain as they bled out onto the ground over the course of several years it seems according to her that the tree within the monument was keeping them alive for some reason this was until one day there was a great flash and everyone woke up outside whenever they woke up outside they were in a field of those trees helicopters appeared and picked everyone up the helicopter told virginia that the year was 2003 and everything she knew had been wrong after virginia tells those that she came to know in her false life sorry she then asked that whoever's reading this may remember her before the text says that she was given a second lobotomy and never spoke again however she drew this artwork depicting how she wanted her life to be it finally ends with the message that virginia arnoldson passed away in 1980 at the age of 59 and we are then given the message her son everett is the 20th washington absentee and that is the end at the moment of the monument mythos so to try to digest everything i just read it seems that whenever virginia passed into wonderland at the tree tragedy it wasn't the quick oh i was in wonderland then i was back in the plaza thing that it originally seemed to be it to her was the course of several hundred years and we'll get into all the theories and what it could mean and how this happened later but she met a man named everett who took care of her in the best way someone can just being a companion before she came back to the plaza and then after many years of her life met with the tree that sent her to the washington monument now we know the washington monument feeds on people that come through it we saw this with the civil war prisoners we saw this with the anti-dean association members who were sent to the camps that were located around monuments we saw this with the civil war prisoners we saw this with the anti-dean association members who were sent to the temporary prisons and then after doing the process that several others had she left one body and wound up in another now as you probably picked up from the dates mentioned at the end it seems like there are two virginias because remember it says one died in 1980 at the age of 59 and the other one was alive and picked up by helicopters in 2003 as a matter of fact that's not the only instance of something like that happening remember how maya arnoldson in one world showed up in a report from 1977 that got leaked that says she was killed by freedom however in the other timeline she was making movies with her brother exposing maize after the maze movie maker was built in the year 2000 also that final line her son everett was the 20th washington absentee however it says only 19 people were recovered and just to make everything even more confusing and far out there this is in the description of washington wonderland everett arnoldson commonly referred to as the 20th washington absentee is a humanoid creature that is purported to inhabit the forest of the washington zone have you ever seen everett what so virginia was pregnant with everett whenever she took the plunge and then was transported from one body to the other this explains why in the washington wormhole video it says all 19 of the absentees were recovered specifically leaving out everett because he was never recovered even though he was identified in the description of that video as the 20th washington absentee also that's what i meant then by it's such a mind blow because after i finished the series i went back and watched washington wormhole and seen in the description and in the video that that was accounted for over a year ago blew my mind it was fantastic but even though everett was never recovered despite being identified as the 20th absentee here in the description we see that he's a humanoid creature that roams about in the forest and i do have a theory on why that may be is it a good theory probably not but now with that we have finally i have no idea what this is going to cut down into the video i've been talking about this for three hours now this is going to be a long one but there's still four sections left it's things to pull out i didn't catch till the second watch there is the important characters there is a linear timeline and then there's theories about it and also the way that i want the rest of this to be structured if you're interested in watching the whole thing you should probably watch this next part next but i've got timestamps in the description for each piece so if you hear me talk about stuff i caught on a second watch and want to go straight to theories you can do that if you'd like or you can just watch it straightforward however you want but now that i have finally gotten through the description of the series itself and there was a lot i can get into things i noticed on a second watch for one the first video in the series liberty lurker which feels like forever ago at this point says that the classified blueprints from 1949 were not released until 36 years later 1949 plus 36 equals 1985 the year that the liberty lurker was first seen so more than likely the only reason that those blueprints ever saw the light of day was because people had questions over what the liberty lurker was when you know the giant thing started to pop out of the statue pedestal flesh pit whatever also looking at those designs a bit more with the knowledge we have now more of it makes sense so there is a line that virginia says in washington wonderland whenever she's laying there on the ground wondering why the tree's keeping her alive she says does it just want our blood and then if you'll remember in the schematics for the pedestal of the statue of liberty there is a drain and a waste storage and combining that with stuff like maya says in the movie maker video where she says that some places haven't been fed in years and the fact that the immigrants on ellis island said the smell of a slaughterhouse was very strong i think that these sites quite literally eat blood and people are kept in this half trance alive state to serve as blood banks hence virginia and the other washington absentees just being there for years constantly bleeding out into the floor and it seems like if these locations are not fed they get upset and start to electric explode like what happened to maze in 1980. also and i may be jumping the gun a little bit into the theory portion remember at the end of liberty lurker how you can supposedly see like the actual liberty lurker thing coming out of the statue well in my opinion the top of whatever's coming out of the statue looks very similar to the climbers that are shown in washington wonderland or at least the trees with the climbers on it this is again approaching theory territory but i think some of the things that happen in wonderland can be seen in our world and perhaps if someone was a climber and becomes this burnt amalgamation on a tree they can become these giant monstrous forms in the real world or at the very least if someone is a climber on a tree in wonderland that tree may act up in the real world and do stuff like come out of the statue of liberty because keep in mind whoever designed the blueprint for the statue of liberty had a mechanism in there with the engine and axle and wheels for an eventual departure so whoever designed it expected and possibly wanted whatever what was in there to eventually come out now i also want to clarify the series is not done and season two isn't even done so whenever i bring up theory stuff there's a solid chance that information will come out that completely shuts up anything i say about it i'm kind of working with like half a jigsaw puzzle here and that's not the discredit to alex at all he hasn't laid the whole puzzle out yet that's the discredit to me wanting to do the video now rather than be patient and waiting because i'm an idiot lincoln looker's still a tricky one to me even on a second watch through because the people in there weren't in any abject suffering at least according to maya and also to clarify the maya that was in lincoln is not our maya remember how the whole mention of the lincoln looker is the president just decides who's going to be the lincoln looker and that's just how it is well this mile was put in there for two weeks and then they realized they got the wrong person so more than likely because this maya had the same name of our maya they assumed it was her threw her in there and then realized that no it's not her and then they take her out but for whatever reason our maya arnoldson who we know to be not the best friends of the united states government they wanted her to be a lincoln looker and because we know that there's someone in there i'm going to imagine the thing that comes out at the end of it is probably a person's hand and the closest thing that i can attribute this to is the freedom statue because the freedom statute is supposedly killing people and absorbing their souls or their essence or whatever and then there's the line of graffiti that says the souls of lincoln will be freed i believe on mount rushmore so maybe the lincoln statue drains souls over time maybe it's somehow collecting essence like the freedom statue again i don't know yet it hasn't been elaborated on so i'm just taking a shot in the dark in rushmore's revenge uh the graffiti about the blood of liberty will be avenged is a lot more literal it makes a lot more sense with the analysis i said earlier also that one line is specifically more weird the more i think about it the whole i will introduce infection because we see that whatever introduces the infection makes those giant spikes all over the rushmore head which i'll go ahead and say now looks like special trees and i'm pretty sure that's just a bunch of special trees so the infection is merging elements of wonderland into our world or the real world something that we see later can happen because in starry sphinx whenever it says that pyramids everywhere are rising up that's a bunch of special trees happening everywhere so the infection was just that at rushmore also and i may just be dumb and like overthinking this element and there's nothing there but the light that is flashing at the top of mount rushmore is very similar to the light that is flashing on top of the rockefeller plaza at the end of rockefeller tree tragedy that was a mouthful so perhaps as john rockefeller jr said that the tree is alive and at the top of the plaza that's another one of these tree people or mantries or whatever at the top of rushmore also remember how they said that the national park service's response to this was to pour baby powder everywhere and virginia also said that the thing that was separating the barriers between the different layers within wonderland was baby powder my theory here and again this is edging into the theory stuff but is that that thing that everyone is calling baby powder is actually a sort of dimensional barrier in other words within wonderland the baby powder is what separates the sort of barriers between one mirrored universe to another mirrored universe so whenever this infection comes which turns out to be a bunch of special trees and wonderland crashing into the real world the only thing the government can do is throw the barrier everywhere as a means to try to keep it out or essentially baby powder is an interdimensional picket fence the only thing i really got of the alcatraz video on second watch was the fact that radiation again made the island go kooky all at once which with things like the suez canal crab we saw is a common through line so air force one angel's really interesting um remember how i said the infection that came everywhere was like the dimensional crossover or the special trees showing up on rushmore and all of that and then that happened the same day the air force one angel went over um yeah so that's the angel do i keep i mean a lot i've been recording a while so i'm gonna say that this infection is the angel somehow breaking the barrier between worlds and allowing wonderland to flow into the real world i've also got a theory for what the angel is but i want to save it for the theory section because it's one of the only ones i have that i'll actually put my foot down on the others are just you'll see in the washington wormhole the mention of the door being very large and that's something even virginia pointed out in washington wonderland that it seems like the door was made for something much bigger may be similar to how the statue of liberty was built for the tree or whatever that was in there to eventually come out so maybe the dc monument was also designed for something to come out of it if it needs to or if it's ready also that ending of washington wormhole where the monument bends over and lightning strikes that would be the moment that these that washington and the other absentees wake up all together or they were unconscious i should say appear altogether outside of the monument all right so delaware doubles really interesting on a second watch through because it makes a lot more sense than just washington freezing in a river for 200 years remember how virginia like went in in 1948 inside of the dc monument then fell through the floor and then whenever she comes out she's in 2003. well it seems that wonderland or more specifically the special trees can get real funny with time another example of that being the avogadro man how he showed up from 1840 to when 1934 so my theory is that the reason we got that whole george washington bit isn't just because it's hilarious but also because washington touched the tree or had an interaction with wonderland and wound up in the present time so that is an example that someone can seemingly unwillingly be teleported to a different time so rewatching the rockefeller tree tragedy began to shape a lot of the theories i'm going to talk about at the end for how the world works but i'll go ahead and say this and it's something you've probably put together at this point that it seems there are two different timelines taking place in this world to look at it within wonderland you have a tree and then you have a mirrored tree and then you have the original tree and then another mere tree now why we could do the multiverse thing and say that every single one of those is a different timeline i as well as many others believe that there are two timelines taking place you have one tree and then you have the mirrored tree being a representation of one timeline and the mirrored timeline now obviously that's relative to you if you had spent your entire life on the mirrored timeline then the normal one would look funny to you and it would be vice versa i believe that there are two separate timelines going on here and what happened is that whenever virginia touched the top of the tree which as we understand from wonderland is the barrier between two different timelines that caused her to switch from hers into the adjoining one and what was especially interesting about listening to rockefeller tree tragedy again is that just like amir you can't touch your reflection without your reflection also touching you remember that line her parents said to her when she was in the hospital bed whenever they said well did you hang your bear on the tree and she said no i was going to hang a star that means the mirrored version of her was going to hang a bear that day so even though there's slight differences one virginia had freckles the other didn't one had slightly different parents than the other one both virginia's were in the exact same place at the dimensional barrier at the exact same time and whenever they touched each other that's when they switched that's why everything was backwards that's why the nurses said that their x-rays were wrong it's because virginia switched from the a timeline to the b timeline also remember those mentions that virginia had that worried rockefeller where she said things like oh you were the famous oil tycoon and he thought it was weird because he was the president of the united states well that's because in the a timeline he was the oil tycoon and in the b timeline he was the president so it's in my opinion as the opinion of many others who are into this series and think it's neat like i do that the catalyst for the majority of the events that have taken place was that switch virginia made from one to the other and according to fans of the series the two timelines are known as the nixon verse and the dean verse the reason for that being in the real world or our universe nixon was the 37th president of the united states and in this alternate history james dean was so virginia originally from the nixon verse went over to the dean verse couldn't stand it because everything was a little weird fought and fought and fought and then eventually whenever she did the dc monument thing it's in my theory that she switched back i'm going to stop going into theory territory there that's for later but yeah two timelines pretty sure at least that's my idea unless in the next video that's completely shot down in which case yahtzee watching canyon crown a lot of the stuff that was in it i'd figured out like the whole vinegar thing makes their head smaller that's why lauren smelled vinegar blah blah the pictures at the end do make more sense now all the headless people hanging around because supposedly if untreated their heads become the giant floating meatball thing but if they take the vinegar stuff they can shrink back down and walk around in freedom fowler the whole description of the woods being flattened all the way up to the cave makes sense because it was a giza glass sword that was cutting the whole way up there as we've established the child was crushed and shoved onto the statue and rubbed on and in its body this is all common knowledge at this point maze movie maker again raises points about how these creatures or these trees or whatever they are work because it seems like technology attracts them that's why maze was attacked in 1980 and why they decided to shut down all the computers however it seems that they're also satisfied by being fed blood so depending on how you look at it and it could be different again we don't have all the pieces yet maize and the government could be more of like an scp foundation like yeah they're doing bad things but the alternative is the trees sprout up everywhere and kill all of humanity uh or alternatively like rockefeller they're using these cosmic supernatural stuff for its powers uh which would be not good we don't have the pieces yet i'm gonna say they're evil until proven otherwise mostly because i don't trust dean um but yeah i'm still saying they're bad for now that could change though whenever maya and nathaniel are exploring underneath the maze factory and they hold up the map there is a part on it that's blurred out to the lower right section and it looks like it's the bottom of the cave they're going to i have absolutely no idea what this could be they said the caves haven't been fed so maybe that's the tree or the roots of the tree maybe that's where like the waste storage and the bodies that are being bled for it are i don't know it's blurred out what do you want me to do that's garfield the cat moving on also whenever maya mentions that they haven't been fed in a long time all that electricity and zapping happens all at once so that further leads into my theory that if you don't give them blood they do the whole rise attack thing also she says that they have not been fed in some time uh the implication i get from that is that they were being fed at some point and this is underneath the maze facility so maybe all of the i believe 13 maze facilities were specifically built on top of these caves or these special trees as a means of controlling and feeding them and for whatever reason they haven't been fed recently also this is total hair brain conspiracy but that's what i do apparently so if you look at the map it's like a sine wave across the country and the first idea i had looking at it are ley lines which is a thing in supernatural and paranormal communities it's like these natural flow lines of magnetism where paranormal events happen because they're more paranormal hot spots if you've watched the conspiracy iceberg you know what i'm talking about i only sound a little bit crazy however looking at that it made me think of ley lines so potentially the locations of the special trees align with paranormal hot spots which would further confirm the theory i'm going to talk about at the end that special trees are reality anchors okay i guess if i've introduced it i'll go ahead and talk about it now so reality anchors are a concept in the paranormal that if there are separate realities then there are a few things that are sort of like rivets or screws through those separate realities that anchor them all together so like for the sake of this story let's say there's two virginias there's the one virginia who wanted to put her star on the tree and there's the other virginia who wanted to put her teddy bear on the tree and then both of them touched the top they end up in the limbo stage for a while and then go to the opposite timeline those trees that they touched are the only true connection between the different timelines so even though it was two different virginias they both touched the same tree if that makes sense or the trees that are mirrored are the only true things in the universe and everything else happens around them i'm getting into weird conspiracy stuff i'm just going to move on for now in the suez crab canal which i've got to say is probably the most bizarre episode just in everything that happens in it and how large scale it is we see again that radiation is used to wake up the creature it's very similar to the alcatraz one also dr disturbing covers it which i'm going to say dr d is nathaniel sun again could be lauren or lauren and her brother but it's a lot more convenient for me to say lauren and dr d yeah melrose was there to say that everyone was this giant clump of people all pushed together i also want to mention so season one uh on the playlist on youtube it says that the national anthem or uh national song of america is my country tis of thee and then for season two it says e pluribus unum latin for out of many one is the official motto of the united states so while on the surface level this may seem like oh well it's just a historic fact because that is the motto of the united states out of many one but whenever we say it we're referring to the fact of oh well we're all different states but we make up one country here i get more of the vibe we're all a massive flesh conglomerate leading to one like dystopian hellscape but whenever melrose said all of the people were formed into one flesh mound or mass grave it reminded me of that tagline for season two just a thought also i have in my notes here for suez crab it just says haha american stupid and i i guess i was it was very late when i wrote this i guess i was referring to the fact that all the americans showed up and then killed each other over barbecue grills and cars so make up that what you will dean disaster is just further proof for me that james dean is an evil person like he says the sirens were all hijacked but then he can use them just fine the next day he immediately uses the opportunity to throw people who are against him to all of these monuments to feed them and assuming that he's making people cross over or touch the trees because their families say they looked a little bit different and had a different personality then that whole tragic thing that happened to virginia dean's just taking people by the hundreds of thousands and just throwing them to the tree portal just over and over also all of this the hearing disaster all of that all occurred in 1969 in the first year of his presidency so only a few months into office he's able to start feeding trees and make maize a super empire with the department of technology i feel like he's moving pretty fast and you know what i'm gonna go ahead and i'm loopy enough to be ridiculous i'm gonna go ahead and agree with the people who say that he is the devil like it was a joke of the beginning like oh they think lucifer is james dean i don't know if lucifer is real in this world but whatever equivalent of him exists is james dean so you know what i'm i am a firm member of the ada the anti-dean association he is the devil i'm glad that they shut down the power lines i'm glad that they shot freedom off the capitol because i hate that statue and i hope that it dies and i'm terrified of it i'm literally terrified of it and where was i going with this oh yeah uh don't like dean i agree with people who were trying to kill him and all that um that we are not as the spokesperson for the ada we are not responsible for the siren attack that was a false flag incident that was taken against us and yeah dean don't like him in this universe real james dean probably a swell guy real sad that he died in that car crash uh but i hate president dean yeah also to excuse everything i just said it is currently one in the morning and i'm moving on also during the image where it's showing him before he gives his entire talk that starts the department of technology why is there a faceless man standing behind him what that doesn't connect to anything i hate it he's the devil and the guy behind him is judas in giza guardian we can see that the lights that are forming together to make the starry sphinx immediately precede a lightning flash i think that it is this lightning flash that creates geese of glass remember how they said it was a constellation that told people that there was going to be giza glass in a certain location well i don't think it was a constellation as in like oh you have to watch where scorpio goes this time of year i think it was the giant floating stars on the ground in the shape of a lion which that would justify why giza glass is such an important object if i'm right about this lightning and this energy and whatever being bridges between different dimensions or a way to teleport through different dimensions and all of that then it's striking the sand and creating glass is essentially making an essence of the indiscernible in other words the glass itself kind of works as this anti-spatial material because wonderland itself is like a limbo between spaces so if the lightning is a way to get to wonderland then the glass that the lightning makes is a sort of material made out of limbo watch the next episode of the series just debunk everything i'm saying and be like oh well no it's because giza glass is made out of uranium or something stupid but that's the reason that whenever thomas cut off his hand with giza glass he could still feel and move his hand as a matter of fact he even told louisa that it didn't hurt at all having his hand cut off because it's not a cut in the way we think of it it's like limbo separating the place of your hand in the universe from the place of your arm so it's still connected it's just not in the same spatial area which explains why it's so expensive and explains when people get their head cut off by it their head does weird like floaty meatball stuff this video was also made by dr disturbing again showing us that not only is it common enough knowledge that he can find information on it and report it but if you look at this as nathaniel's son doing it his son is trying to learn everything he can about what happened to his father and his aunt also everything is said about the giza glass implies that thomas was in control of all of his organs and still completely alive when he put himself and by proximity nina into freedom which i guess means that they're still alive just in pieces that being said in the next one rockefeller revelation whenever it's talking about the crowns it says that rockefeller was really afraid people would figure out about what was in the airships and i don't know if that means they would see the crowns and know that rockefeller sold them to germany or if that means he didn't want them to know about the existence of crowns either way something was being hidden from the government but now in the present age people are just like oh yeah the whole guardian program where they cut off people's heads and made them into the big floating head things yeah that shut down in 1969. also in starry sphinx whenever we see like the green orbs come down and form around the sphinx i'm going to go ahead and say that those orbs look very very similar to the disintegrated particles of the soldiers who were killed by the death ray or the soldiers that eventually made up what i'm calling the avogadro in other words i don't think it's a constellation as the ancients said or as it was believed in the 1870s that causes giza glass to form i think instead what happens is that groups of people are affected by whatever's inside of the lamp of the death ray and whenever they're affected by it they become these like orb particles and then they float around and whenever they combine or form a shape that causes an energy blast and that blast is the lightning that forms giza glass again which explains why the glass itself is so powerful also the glowing orbs themselves are referred to as false children and the false children to me is very reminiscent of the doppelgangers that got switched from one universe to the other or from the nixon verse to the dean verse and i think that whenever these flashes occur it's them transferring either to wonderland or to the next one over so maybe whenever someone crosses over from one realm to the other that causes visual phenomena that we can see remember during that news broadcast where it's showing the starry sphinx walk around and there was that one part where there was the ladders that just kept building off of each other i cannot shake it that to me that looks exactly like the 10 children that virginia climbed up to get to the top of the tree especially because that was immediately followed by an energy flash now i could be way off i'm really into head cannon territory now and i could absolutely be wrong however what i think may possibly have happened there is the children who at rockefeller plaza were getting really really close to bridging over into the alternate universe and mess with wonderland and all that i feel like what we're seeing is sort of a mirror or looking glass through to that realm because immediately after this as corresponding with the lightning strikes happening at the plaza and sending them to wonderland a lightning strike happens here and supposedly makes skis a glass that's the most harebrained thing that i've mentioned so far but every time i look at that tower going up it looks to me like two different groups of 10 children climbing to the top of the tree either way i think things that happen in wonderland can affect things that happen in the real world there is a line whenever it shows the sphinx floating that the video has been affected by radiation which makes sense considering all of these things seem to be affected by radiation or they emanated in some way and also again even after watching a second time i get the feeling that the sphinx is somehow a force for good or at least neutral and is somehow combating whatever these special trees or pyramids or things that need blood are doing or maybe everything's neutral and humanity's messing it up and that would prove dean wright as classifying humanity as tfmds but until then i'm still gonna call him the devil also that line at the end of starry sphinx where it says the ada produced it further proves my stance that the ada kind of know what they're talking about so after all of these theories re-watching washington wonderland made a lot more sense if you keep the whole mirrored timeline and wonderland thing in mind i feel like that makes sense as to virginia going to the wrong timeline for a while and then wanting to go back to her own the people appearing from lightning strikes that she saw in wonderland could be other people subjected to the same fate as her i'm still not sure about some details of wonderland like for example there's the mention of climbers being scorched and burnt all over the trees i still think those may have a representation in the real world like with the thing or the lurker coming out of the statue of liberty that i mentioned earlier but i'm not sure yet again i don't have the whole puzzle and i'm trying to like awkwardly elmer's glue them together to try to get a picture so because of that idea i believe that whenever virginia fell out of the elevator and hit the ground and her soul kept going that was her falling through to the other mirrored side and then landing at her other body however that other body was not pregnant but similar to her and the version of her with the teddy bear at the rockefeller plaza both of them wound up in the same location if in different timelines and then switched one of those versions of virginia supposedly the one we've been following the entire time came out in the 2003 bending event whenever the washington monument bent over and the whole lightning strike happened and then the other one died at the age of 59 in 1980. that whole thing i mentioned when i was finishing up the opening analysis where i said it doesn't make sense that one died in 1980 and the other was alive for an event in 2003. well this is how that makes sense now there's still questions about her son everett and how he existed in one timeline and not the other and questions about maya but i'll talk more about those in the theory side the last thing i want to mention of things that i realized on a second watch through is whoever lev is he's credited in the credits as being the voice actor of both james dean and john d rockefeller fantastic voice actor i could never tell they were the same person both parts were played so well lev may do other parts come to think of it but those two roles specifically excellent job if you're watching this lev hats off to you but on that note i'm going to jump over here and we are finally going to begin to break down the timeline of the monument mythos so first of all gotta say purple monster not the biggest fan uh i mean it's okay it's probably gonna warm up on me i think i'm more of a pink monster girls still like the the fruit punch that kayla put me on whatever that stuff's called um between pink and purple i like that one the most the original monster is probably still my favorite but pink over purple but i'm still going to finish this though also do you all like this this took an unreasonably long amount of time to do but it's all color-coded and everything and i just thought it looked neat so this is a timeline of everything that happened in the series i'm not going to try to make it both timelines the dean verse and the nixon verse yet because i don't want to hate myself that much but this is every event that can be given a specific time within the series within the relevant timeline like if we want to get technical they mentioned giza glass had been found for thousands of years but this is just like relevant stuff that happens in the story so to tell you about the color codings green is stuff that we know for a fact it's a date like in the story they say on this day in this year this event happened like no question about it that's what green is blue is stuff that i did like a little bit of math or reasoning to figure out but it's not far-fetched at all like for example i said virginia was born in 1921 that's because it says she was 59 when she died in 1980 so it stands to reason she was born in 1921. the orange ones are ones that are just too big to put in like the small amount of whiteboard space that i have so i just like it's like an asterisk and then it's explained through here this is like that zoomed up or whatever and then the one red one is one that i'm so unsure about that even looking at it right now i think it's probably wrong but i'll explain that when we get to it i also want to say that in the description of the video is going to be a version pretty similar to this that was expertly mapped out a discord user by the name of lucid who's been active in the monument mythos community a lot longer than i have was kind enough to put together their entire telling of all this along with like a paragraph description for each one so if you look at this and you can't really tell what it says or you think it's confusing go to the google doc that i linked by lucid in the description they did a fantastic job and i'm sure you'll find it somewhere in there there are a few discrepancies between our two charts just looking at them i think there were three different times that we disagreed on a date or whatever but i did this by myself and lucid did it as being a member of the community with likely input from the rest of the community so if there's a discrepancy between the two of us just assume that lucid is right because like the amount of caffeine that put this together in the past two days should be illegal so without further ado let's explain the timeline so far of the monument mythos in 1840 the first photograph of the special tree was taken and then in 1848 the dc monument around that special tree was beginning to be built in 1858 10 years later thomas crawford was commissioned to build the freedom fowler and then between april 5th and april 29th of that same year the events of nina's diary took place or in other words the freedom fowler grabbing her running up the mountain everything on the boat and all of that shortly after that in the united states between 1861 and 1865 the civil war took place the reason that's relevant is it's the first time that we have a record of people being fed to these monument creatures on from that in 1880 petry finds the giza glass in egypt which was the start of a series of unfortunate events and then in 1888 the dc monument which was beginning to be built over here is finished in 1889 the interview was conducted with the designer of the statue of liberty and then two years after that is when petrie's lot finally makes its way to england at this point the dc monument was finished so in 1910 the dc monument begins to take in visitors we see that from the brochure and then in 1918 germany attacks the united states and europe with crowns now i don't know for a fact this was 1918 itself the wording rockefeller uses is by 1918 germany had done it but because we don't have any other year and because rockefeller said it was too close to the end of his presidency for him to do anything i'm going to say it was like 1917 1918 it doesn't matter that much but it's pretty close speaking of rockefeller his presidency had to take place from 1909 to 1917 the reason for that being he mentions that he served two terms and he is also mentioned as 1918 being right at the end of his terms and the only elections that could have filled that entire gap was if he won the 1908 election and was president from 09 to 17. now obviously if his terms were split up then it would be different but that would be really lame for a timeline so i'm just going to say it was those years and then shortly after that in 1921 virginia is born and then in 1934 the rockefeller tree tragedy takes place which according to the theory i mentioned earlier is the first time at least in this story that a timeline swap occurred that would also mean that virginia was 13 years old at the time of the tragedy only three years later rockefeller writes of the tree tragedy as well as the rockefeller revelations and then on may 23 of 1937 he goes into his bunker and is subsequently killed by the avogadro in 1939 virginia leaves the orphanage that she was in the reason that i guesstimate that is because she said that she was 18 whenever she left and given the math i did earlier to figure out she was born in 1921 she'd be 18 in 1939. now here's the fishy one and the one that looking at it now i'm probably wrong about but i'm gonna leave for aesthetic reasons so whenever she goes to the tree she asks the tree to send her home and the tree says come back in three years however that section of the video loops three times in a row so a lot of people have taken that to mean that she went in 1939 whenever she left the orphanage tree said come back in three years came back in 42 tree said three years came back in 45 tree said three years came back in 1948. now the reason that i put it here originally is 1942 as whenever she goes to the dc monument and then falls through the floor and switches back to her correct body the reason i had that is because what i'm totally blinking i've spoken too much oh because i thought her perception of time was just messed up and the looping part was just to show like three years three loops but as you'll see if you read the google doc and what i kind of agree with now is that she came on three separate occasions and every time it kept telling her to come back later so the time that she actually would have went is 1948 and that makes a lot more sense for things like leonard to find her and fall in love with her and for them to be pregnant with everett and all of that so while i think that happened in 1948 and that's going to matter for reasons of children we're going to talk about it a little bit whenever i get into the theory side i'm also going to leave it here as 1942 because it could also be 1942 one of those two years anyway after that in 1945 a special tree was cut down now we have no idea what this means however leonard and i believe it was starry sphinx mentions that you couldn't cut down a tree in the old days not until 1945. we have no idea what that entails or what happened but we just know that in 45 a tree was cut down also and i just thought of this while talking about it if my whole theory about trees being reality anchors is true um cutting down a reality anchor is probably a really bad thing you shouldn't do just a thought in 1949 the statue of liberty went through its renovations and that's when they started feeding people to it on the reg also after that in 1954 is whenever the immigrants were specifically fed to it or even more specifically the interview took place with the immigrant on ellis island where she described the smell and people being led in at night so at least from 49 to 54 a lot of people were being fed to the beast furthermore on that note maze was founded in 1960 by the two robs who i have written down somewhere they don't matter yet in the story but they probably will in the future and then a year after that in july of 1961 the nathaniel arnoldson was born so in this little stretch of time we go from the tree being cut down a bunch of people being fed to lady liberty and then maize is founded the year before nathaniel arnoldson is born seven years after that in 1968 james dean wins the presidency and then in 1969 a whole lot happens so we're going to step over here so beginning obviously james dean has his inaugural address he wins the 68 election he's inaugurated in 69 on april 20th of 69 he has his 90-day silent address that i mentioned everyone loved because i thought his face was so cute on may the 13th is when the siren hijacking took place now if you look at this he gave his 90 day address not long in office at all and then what i'm not taking in 31 days into account but what is that 23 days my way off and saying that no it's 23 days difference right i'm losing yeah 23 days later the siren hijacking takes place that's a pretty quick turnaround seven or nine days after that the department of technology is set up as a response to this five days after that surgeries begin and then what again i'm just saying all months are 30 in my head nine days after that androids start getting used to do the surgeries i have no idea if they're bad or not i'm going to assume they are because dean did it and then right at a month later deafness is cured across the nation that's like a lot to happen in your first three months presidency unless you want it to happen again only dean slander in this house and then we're not given a time a date for it within the year but we know that in 1969 the giza guardian was supposedly shut down again i feel like dean did that as a pr move but as sightings said it was still going on so dean continues all this propaganda in 1969 so then in 1970 maze invents the first at-home computer and personal recording video camera only two years after that the washington standard operation is leaked as well as a tfmd protocol setup what that means is in the same year that the dc monument and the entire thing where it shows people going into the tower and then being dropped the thing that eventually happened to virginia the same year that comes out is the same year that deeney boy and all the others established tfmd protocols and said we need to do something about humanity and other monsters we don't like and also to look at another one of these scales for a second from 1960 to 1971 is when the again i believe 13 maze plants were built across the united states and again i'm pretty sure all of them were built on top of either special tree sites or some sort of esoteric teleportation stuff and then all the way from here starting in 1910 to 1971 is when the 20 washington absentees go missing what's interesting looking about it on this graph like this they all go missing for one right before it comes out what they're doing with them and the documents come out but it also ends the same year that maze quits expanding i don't know if the two are related or in any way but it's just interesting so for 61 years of time 20 people go missing at the dc monument and then moving on and a lot happened right here that's why it's so jumbled on december 27th of 1976 the delaware double special aired where it showed that george washington was frozen in the delaware river and then just after that on january 6 of 1977 so right around a week later is whenever the capitol riot took place where they shot down the freedom fowler and also in 1977 is when the new delaware journal made the video about the capitol riot and the freedom fowler being moved to the grand canyon but it's also whenever howard melrose leaked the video about what freedom was doing in the grand canyon and subsequently got exiled to egypt for it now this raises a few questions if in 1977 howard released the tape that shows maya arnoldson getting killed then how was she able to make videos with her brother after the year 2000 when the movie maker was made and we'll get to all of that bs in just a moment also the dean presidency was from 1969 to 1977. i am absolutely confident on that one because he was elected in 68 we saw he did all the presidential stuff in 69 and then in 77 he comments on all of the january 6 stuff and the delaware double stuff so he had to serve two terms however it's also mentioned that reagan was president whenever the whole lincoln looker thing happened so he didn't do some weird get rid of term limits on president forever thing like the presidency continued after that so james dean was president from 1969 to 1977. also in 1980 virginia dies at the age of 59 or at least one virginia dies and then five years later the liberty lurker is spotted in august of 1985 as it's coming out of the statue of liberty also at some point from 1981 to 1989 is whenever the wrong maya got taken and put inside of the lincoln looker statue and again the reason i'm so sure to say it's the wrong maya is because they apologized and let her go because they were looking for the right name but then realized they got the wrong one and we know the government hates armaya a lot so it makes sense also as lucid pointed out in the word doc down there and i agree with her this almost definitely took place in 1981 because it says at the beginning of a presidency is whenever it's decided who the next lincoln looker will be and it says that reagan was the one who apologized to her and reagan's presidency started in 1981 so it's probably 1981. in 1990 may shut down the last at-home computer again there's your scale of it only being 20 years before building the first one and then shutting down the final one also looking at this right now i realized i completely forgot to mention that in 1980 that's also whenever maze was attacked by the giant special trees so if you're following along at home just put an asterisk or a little square because that's where that happened and i was stupid and forgot it but yeah 1970 invent computer 1980 computers cause tree things to attack and then 1990 they shut down the last one in the year 2000 is whenever the maze movie maker is invented that everyone afterwards including lauren dr disturbing maya and nathaniel or at least one version of maya and nathanael use to make their movies so that all has to happened after 2000. and then that's also the same year that the dc monument got the graffiti talking about the songs ending and whatever and the next up we have the year 2003 which a lot happened to so on august the 7th and august the 14th mount rushmore got hit with graffiti the graffiti talking about the blood of liberty and the souls of lincoln and all that and how infection will come on august 17th is whenever the air force one angel made its whole flight and supposedly dropped off packages yeah you've probably forgot about that at that point too it's okay i did too and then from august 18th to august 24th is whenever the guards at rushmore film the events that happen for a night straight and then 2003 is also the same year the dc monument does its whole bend lightning thing and as we see later in the story virginia and the others wake up outside of it the next year in 2004 maya's body is found in the grand canyon headless and again i believe this is one maya and the other still alive or died at some other point it's all wibbly wobbly right now also from the time span of 1950 to 2000 is when alcatraz was supposed to make its movement from the island that well i guess from itself where it's setting on the island to the mainland around 2000s when it was supposed to hit the mainland you've probably forgot about all of that by now it's okay i did too and then finally we have the most recent events in 2021 which is also a pretty big year so on march the 23rd that's whenever the ever given had its wreck on april the 6th is when madam president chief clinton said nuke the whole thing on april 10th is when we nuked the whole thing on april 11th is when we tried to manipulate crab to make it not walk towards city and then it walked toward city uh april 16th cairo tower crowded on april 17th is the day after the whole wreck happened and the crowd everyone died and then the exclusion zone was set up and the anti-device association urged everyone to go and take their stuff so two days later on april 19th was stampede day which is the day that everyone stampeded and tried to steal stuff and a bunch of people died in may of that year is when nathaniel arnoldson dies and then three months later as mentioned is when dr disturbing makes rockefeller revelation so on the timeline the most recent event that has taken place is in august of 2021 the sun son and daughter of nathanael and aunt sorry nephew niece of maya are continuing the work of their father and aunt and making tapes against the government or whatever association is doing this entire thing which we see with dr disturbing making the rockefeller revelation this is a lot uh that was all of it was it worth it probably i don't know you can tell me um again there's going to be a much more comprehensive and probably much more correct version in the description courtesy of lucid tell them thank you i really do appreciate it um but yeah that will be in the description for you to check out probably should have based my opinion off of theirs instead of just my own dumb ideas but it's it's too late now i'm already recording uh so yeah that is all of that also feel free if anyone wants to use this because i imagine i think this is mostly correct at least all the greens correct because that's dates you know that are given so if anyone wants to copy this or make it digital or whatever you have my full permission to don't need to credit me i just want to see more people enjoying the series and doing analysis with it so feel free to use this whoever you are in whatever capacity and also feel free to manipulate it change stuff that probably needs to be 1948 for example but yeah you're free to move this however you want and honestly even if this is 100 correct it will have to move for two reasons for one there is going to be more events as the series goes on that takes place within this already pre-established area so it's gonna get essentially taller at the least and two remember that whole timeline thing that i mentioned that i'm pretty adamant about the fact that there's the dean verse and the nixon verse as are several other people um that i think i kicked the camera oh well i'm almost done with this part that would mean that this should be two different lines there should be one line showing what's happening in one timeline and one line showing what's happening in the other however like we don't have near enough information to really extrapolate anything the only stuff that i can say is almost for sure is like i think the alcatraz movement is happening in the same universe that the where was that one at that the oh no uh two oh yeah 2003 that the whole bend events happening in and the reason i feel that way is because it seems in that universe things are going a lot more wrong because think about it says that by the year 2020 that the uh what was it the alcatraz zone had extended all the way to west texas like does that mean it's just gone and there's alcatraz everywhere but that doesn't make sense because we see that in 2021 like or around the time between 2000 to 2021 the arnoldson family goes on a trip to the grand canyon so if the whole alcatraz zones all the way to texas that doesn't make sense and also whenever virginia wakes up at the bend event in 2003 um like whenever she wakes up there that seems chaotic and like everything's going down but then we see like perfectly fine events of the world happening so i think what happened is i'm gonna call it the okay so the nixon timeline i think right now and this is totally just hair braining off the top of my head i could realize i'm wrong in a second but off the top of my head i feel that in the nixon timeline which is the one that virginia's originally from things went a lot worse probably because she switched and that led to things like alcatraz moving it led to like the 2003 bend event and a lot more of a hellscape dystopian environment whereas in ours where it's just like oh they killed maya we gotta look for whoever's attacking us it's much more like still bad things are happening and the timelines are being messed up but it's not as in-game scenario as the alcatraz stuff so i feel that things are more okay in the dean verse they may not be for long but for now so if i had to give a starting point and hopefully i'll probably do another video about the monument mythos in the future as more episodes come out and maybe by then i will have the two timelines semi figured out but for now with the little information that i have to go off of i'm going to make the assumption that the cataclysmic stuff is happening in the nixon verse and the more conspiratory doctor disturbing trying to out the government stuff is happening in the dean verse um so even if this is like cool and i'm correct about everything up here it will have to be changed in the future because there's two different timelines but for now i'm pretty proud of this and i'm going to let it stand so that's everything to do with timelines i have one last board to go through and we'll wrap this baby up you know what in the amount of time that it took me to record that last section to now this has grown on me alright so as a final wrap-up to get us all on the same page i wanted to cover the important characters in the story we went through a timeline to kind of establish where everything was in relation to each other so now i want to look at the people involved primarily and as something i found with a lot of the more interesting or better online horror series the entire thing is centered around a family and that in this case is the arnoldson family if my theory is true and virginia arnoldson led to the majority of the turmoil that has taken place over the years then not only her actions but the actions of maya and nathanael and then nathaniel's children are the core of every single different plot development that we've come across and more than that it's quite possible that the arnoldson family after virginia became a series of investigators trying to take down the very people that covered up or quite possibly cause the death of virginia in the first place even if they don't know it there's an interesting line that rockefeller said during the tree tragedy video where he said that perhaps the way fate works is we're all just messengers for it and we're just used as the vessel for how time and the story will carry out and i get that vibe thinking about everyone connected in this circle so in the beginning we saw that virginia got with leonard to have everett now i don't think i mentioned this earlier because i was kind of wanting to save it so i have one interesting thing to talk about here the leonard that she gets with is leonard morland leonard morland is the former advisor who is mentioned in starry sphinx and lincoln looker so leonard is in the know about all of this stuff going on i think he's pure it'd be really sad to think that he's a part of all of it and then he manipulated virginia to having a kid i don't think that's what happened at least i hope that's not what happened more than likely leonard legitimately did fall for virginia and that's wherever it came from here's the confusing part and the part that's led to a lot of debate for me myself virginia had everett with leonard and then she did her whole fall through space thing go to a different time bleed out on the floor of the washington monument forever that's a really weird sentence out of context however somehow it still led to maya and nathanael now there are a bunch of theories that go into this and i guess while i'm at it i might as well mention them now one being the idea that there's two everett's one of them went on and became the monster creature that's mentioned in the description and the other one grew in order to have maya and nathanael however there's a couple issues with that so say that everett was born the same year that virginia fell or died like down the whole pit at the washington monument say that's the same year he's born then that would mean in 1948 he was zero years old and then nathaniel was born in 1961 which would mean he was like nathaniel was born whenever it was 13 that doesn't make a lot of sense or at least it's a really weird detail i don't think that's where the story is going also remember the tape that was leaked by howard that said freedom killed maya was in 1977 and it's also mentioned that nathanael was born in 1961. that would mean nathanael was 16 years old whenever maya was killed by freedom i so like i said according to that theory that everett is the father of maya nathanael and nathaniel was only 16 years old when maya died well if maya was out on her own exploring and traveling the grand canyon she was probably older than him which would mean ever it was like 9 or 10 when he had her which no that's not what it's meaning at all the other theory is that everett is maya and pretty much like virginia just thought she was pregnant with a baby boy but she was wrong and it was actually a girl which was you know fairly common in the 40s so maybe everett or aka maya according to this theory was born in 1948 and then rather than nathaniel being a biological brother was sort of adopted or grew up with maya that would also kind of make sense however that's us assuming that one character is not actually siblings even though the story says they are so it's getting a little bit gamey the most likely theory and the one that i'm sticking to now until some more information comes out that makes it a bit more clear is that the other virginia had maya and nathanael so the virginia that we've been following is the one that started in the nixon verse crossed over to the dean first for a while and then went back to the nixon verse that would mean that the other virginia started in the dean verse crossed over to the nixon verse for a while and then ended up back in the dean verse around 1948. so that virginia that came back through in 1948 may have not been bleeding in the washington monument for years and was able to come out have maya nathanael and die at the age of 59 in 1980 whereas the other one went to 2003 and did the whole dc monument torture thing whatever so my guess as for now and again this may change is that maya and nathaniel are the direct children of virginia and hopefully leonard and i say hopefully because if this becomes like diagonal lines shooting out everywhere i'm gonna have a seizure so for now maya and nathaniel are the children of virginia and leonard everett is the child of virginia in the other timeline and then everett is a humanoid creature i imagine you know an unborn baby passing through like the laws of time and dimensions itself probably does a number on a developing fetus maya in the current day is a crown because remember or at least one of the mayas see that's what's confusing about saying all this there's two mayas there's like well maybe there's only one maya because only one virginia hatter so okay i'm not going to get into all of it right now we know that maya is a crown or at least one of the mayas is because she was decapitated by the freedom fowler we also know that one of these children or both is dr disturbing i'm going to assume the son so nathaniel had lauren and dr disturbing so grandma grandpa dad aunt and then me and my siblings i like dr disturbing he's my favorite he feels like he would choose some edgy name online like wendagoon and make videos about conspiracy theories i like him so we're now on to the other important characters in the series number one being james dean who yes i fully believe is evil for one i believe he maintained siren control considering the day after the siren attack he was able to just use them no problem and that siren attack justified throwing ada people who didn't like him to these giant monuments to essentially feed them to these creatures and then swap them with their mirrored versions he's way too loved by everyone nixon's saying you'd make a better president than i do and everyone like swooning over him because his mic goes out during a press conference i hate it like i said anti-device may have a point i've already established why the anti-dean association has a point i think the anti-devices say anti-device association also has a point because if technology attracts these tree things uh then maybe don't use technology he greatly accelerated maize by creating the department of technology and giving them all the assets they could ever need and as we know mace had the giant tunnels and the places that hadn't been fed underneath their factories so i don't trust them and i don't trust dean trusting them and also this is a point i didn't bring up until now remember how the siren attack happened and it was so effective because the news had said tune in tomorrow night for a huge announcement and everyone thought it'd be president dean and then it was the terrorist attack we never got any confirmation of what was supposed to be taking place as a matter of fact it seems like the news was gearing everyone to be watching their tvs when this random terrorist attack took place and we never figured out what was supposed to air in that spot it's almost like it was a collusion between the media and the presidency to make this siren attack as effective as possible which later not only justified feeding people to monuments but making maze more powerful through the hearing implants so yeah james dean do not like him on to the other president who's not a nice dude john d rockefeller so john d rockefeller for one began the guardian program he was the one who gathered the giza glass and then put people to protect whatever's in the grand canyon we still don't have any idea yet in the series what in the grand canyon so important but it's apparently enough that you can give like these ancient egyptian soldier dudes these giant swords to cut off people and make them into like lovecraftian monsters and that's totally justified not only that he took those low lovecraftian monsters known as crowns and sold them to germany for cash he was killed by the avogadro and also yeah this point virginia's memory of him proves to timelines virginia's saying oh in my timeline you're an oil tycoon but here you're the president that proves my whole two timelines different events happening theory so a lot rest on rockefeller himself i think he's a very interesting character in the story and it's also like i've talked about the story like the details of it so much at this point let me also add i think this is so cool using rockefeller as a president james dean as a president for all this conspiracy alternate history stuff love it but he was absolutely killed by the avogadro in the bunker that is a confirmed fact next up we got howard melrose who if you'll remember started out as just an innocent bystander at the lincoln looker event before he smashed the statue and it looked like someone or i'm going to say someone reached up out of it that got him interested enough in government conspiracies that he decided to become a journalist he eventually leaked the video of the freedom fowler going through the grand canyon and killing people maya arnoldson being among those people uh because of this he had to run away and has lived in exile in egypt since which is where he commented on the aftermath of the suez canal crap rampage day yeah next up the only other real family that we have in this series is the crawford family that being thomas crawford the sculptor his wife louisa and their daughter nina so it's not really answered yet and it may never be and we have enough pieces to work on now i'm not sure yet but it says according to louisa that thomas went to egypt to get the giza glass to make the sword for freedom however there's also the chance because he was angry at the united states for not wanting the design of a freed slave and he thought that was atrocious that he could have got pieces or whatever essence the original guardians had because it mentions that the old pharaohs had guardians who used giza swords to essentially fight these trees before they could build the pyramids so maybe he didn't just get giza glass he got whatever that stuff was to build a modern day guardian and that's where freedom came from either way thomas was lured by the giza glass or freedom or whatever supernatural entity was taking place and now thomas and nina are alive in some capacity within the freedom fowler itself which is a terrifying thing in its own right but it's also really metal and really cool and then for side characters we have richard nixon who absolutely loves james dean and he's pretty much a punch line and always mentioned as just being like his best friend which is a funny joke however i also put him up here because not only is he a reoccurring character but he also represents the main difference in the timelines why people call it the dean verse and the nixon verse so it's interesting that in the dean verse timeline he's justine's buddy here we have philip reed who skinned the freedom statue and has also been demonized by the anti-dean association i think it's really weird that he was demonized by the ada i guess the ada just knows what they're talking about and knows that this guy was responsible for cutting the statue skin off and then putting it on top of the capitol building which again probably a bad move so that also leads into my theory that the ada knows what they're talking about um but philip reed's been mentioned twice i don't know if he'll come back up again but the the whole thing of the ada hating him is interesting i think the ada again knows what their stuff is we also have everett not the child of virginia and leonard but the man that virginia met while in wonderland uh it seems that he was also a victim of wonderland teleporting around and it's really sad but the theory a lot of people go with with it is that this is what happened to her child everett but because time doesn't matter like he just i guess grew up in there or whatever the state between states is and that it is their child who only knows how to exist in this in between realm uh and is possibly looking for his mother which may be the reason for the line he said to virginia uh it could be you or you could be her anyone could be here i won't leave you um which is very tragic if that's the case that is so sad um but yeah so that's the only theory because we don't know anything else about he was only mentioned once hasn't been brought again we'll probably almost definitely be brought up in the future but for now the only theory is that the two everett's are the same somehow um but yeah like that whole thing i said like i'm gluing puzzle pieces together because i don't have all the pieces i'm using a lot of glue on this one over here we have flinders petri who is mentioned as the guy who found the original geezer glass and then cut his head off on it and his head just kept expanding to the big meatball thing although that's not said we know that's what happens because that's what happened to all the crowns afterwards so flinders not only found the giza glass he is also the first ever crown or at least the crown on modern record there's john d rockefeller jr not really an important character but his mention of seeing the special treat at the top of the plaza is corroborated by virginia going to see it years later so his account of it makes her not entirely crazy we have maya arnoldson the wrong one i think i've proved my point up until here about why that maya is not our maya because the government was like oh no you're fine and then just let her go home and that's the last we heard of her but it also proves if you'll remember in 1977 the thing came out that said freedom killed maya and then for whatever reason in 1981 they're still trying to lock her up so that may be a two maya thing but then virginia only had mayan one see this is so anyway and this is and that's no and like this motion is no discredit to the story it's me trying to do the story with not having seen all of it so this is again me suffering the consequences of my own actions i'm not going to talk about this guy yet because that gets into the theory territory which will be coming up in just a second but for now we have rob careers and rob witroba they're up here because they're both named rob and that's very cool but also they're mentioned as being the founders of maze and while they haven't done anything significant yet i feel like that's kind of significant it may come up in the future we also have george washington um he's out there somewhere uh his existence for one proves that time travel is an element within this world even though we kind of saw that mentioned with the avogadro with george washington we know it can happen normal people too not just these trans-dimensional beings and finally the most important character of the entire series mr squirrel he's behind all of it mr squirrel is james dean question mark no because mr squirrel is god and then i'll go ahead and talk about this one which will transition away from the board into the theory territory okay so i've kind of got excited and mentioned the majority of my theories throughout the video so i guess i'll get to the ones that i didn't already mention now i already mentioned the theory that everett's a monster in one timeline and alive in the other i mentioned the theory that maya may be everett i mentioned the theory that there are two virginias and one of them had maya and nathanael and the other one had everett and i mentioned the theory that maya and nathaniel are the children of everett i mentioned the two timeline theory as a matter of fact i think i've explained the entire thing at this point i mentioned the idea of the two timelines being mirrors and virginia touching that mirror and that's why she crossed over i mentioned the idea of wonderland everett also being virginia's child everett and i've mentioned the theory of all of the green orbs and the green light stuff being our human view of what's going on in wonderland so that means there's only two theories left that i haven't gone into full detail on yet um and you're the one who has stuck around this long into my video and justified me rambling into random stuff so you only have yourself to blame for this letdown of an ending i'll go ahead and get the boring one out of the way i think that the ada is the ada groundbreaking i know more specific i think that the anti-dean association became the anti-device association not only because they used the same acronym but the whole point of anti-dean association was like hey the government and all of this like secret conspiracy stuff is bad and then the anti-device association is hey the government and this secret conspiracy stuff is bad i think that after dean left office they needed to turn their attention towards another problem and they see devices and future technology as the problem however again because i stand the original ada because i don't like dean either i feel like they were right whereas it seems like the modern anti-device association just wants to get where oh over here on the time lap you can't whatever uh it seems like the modern anti-device association is just trying to get people to be mad and go to egypt and steal a bunch of stuff from fallen shipping containers and they've kind of lost their purpose which is like nailing this guy to a cross so to get to the really only interesting like character theory i have at this point which you probably put together if you looked at the board i think that the avogadro and the air force one angel are the same thing the primary reason for this a lot of people believe so if you'll remember whenever the avogadro broke into rockefeller's bunker to kill him it said that he melted or something melted the bunker doors with like a super heat ray well if you read the description in air force one angel that whole thing about the plastic was warped around the door but the door lock itself wasn't broken seems like whatever it was super heated its way into the cabin so that would mean that the same creature that wanted rockefeller dead for obvious reasons is now spreading these packages or what seems to be special trees around monuments that would also mean that either the avogadro angel or something working with the avogadro angel was putting graffiti on these monuments beforehand see while we would think that spreading special trees is a bad thing maybe this is just a means of destroying these monument sites where people are being executed and the disease isn't like a terror attack against people it's just a way to get maize or whatever entities behind this to stop that would have to mean that the avogadro is in league with maya and nathaniel in some regard because we see maya and nathaniel make the graffiti at the maize plant and we also see that whoever made the graffiti said at rushmore that i will spread the disease and then it's supposedly the avogadro who did that but assuming the avogadro is like a capable thinking being which it probably is and considering it killed rockefeller because they took his life from him or he took his life from them because it happened to a bunch of people at once i could see especially being a time traveler considering the avogadro went back to 1840 so it could also go future into the modern age i could see him going through time and just messing with maze and these establishments as much as possible and also whenever the avogadro was broken into pieces before it came together as one it was those floating orb lights which i said earlier i think are also the green orbs that we see floating during starry sphinx and giza guardian so i'm gonna say that all of those the sphinx the avogadro the green orbs are a force for good do i have evidence of that no it's just a hunch the next episode could come out and it could start with like a news report that's like the sphinx is murdering blind children at orphanages and i'd be like oh whoops but i do believe that these green orbs or false children are on our side or at least maya and nathaniel's side again everything i'm saying kind of depends on your point of view of maze like i said you could have think of it as an scp association and they're just doing what's necessary which is possible but like i said until that's proven i'm just going to assume they're evil also they probably travel through wonderland and while i'm not going to say something like i think they're everett or whatever i think they may be able to pass through there or maybe the whole bending event is their doing or the avogadro's doing the only reason i say that is because the avogadro can travel through time similar to how virginia can and due to stuff like the super heat ray arm like iron man powers it has it's probably a capable being when it comes to like phenomena or supernatural phenomena so maybe it can manipulate wonderland in one some way i don't know i'm purely speculating off of like i'm like five different thoughts away from anything that's happened in the series at this point for now i'm just going to say that i think the avogadro and the angel are the same person and i think they're good guys or a good guy there's several good guys now combined into one good guy and as disappointed as this is that's really all of my theories i gave you like eight over the course of the video so don't be mad and then two at the end i gave you like 10 so whatever and the reason i did that is because it's way more convenient to tell you after i explain information regarding it instead of me right now being like okay so remember this guy from this one and that guy from this one like it's easier if i just explain them to you naturally as they come up and only have a couple to do at the end i feel like man i have no idea how digestible all of this was it just kind of hit me it just kind of hit me all at once that i've been on a bender with this stuff for five days now like like i i showed you at the beginning what these boards used to look like and it's just been me like the numbers what did they mean in this date and like that meme of the guy from always sunny just running red strings across the room like that's been me for five days and now i have no idea what this video is gonna cut to um it's gonna be way more than an hour and it just hit me all at once like now that i'm like coming off of it the the high delirium i've been in for a week i'm like wow this is this is weird like putting together the charts and the names like i just had a moment of clarity in the middle of this caffeine-fueled rant of like what am i doing this is so wild okay um so yeah that was my video i don't even know where i'm going though ah oh my gosh it is three in the morning right now i've been recording for seven hours this is gonna be the longest dumbest video i've ever made oh my gosh um get it together um where was i even at oh yeah so those are my theories but in all seriousness i absolutely love the monument mythos series like obviously i think it's worth of a lot of time and effort because of how cool this stuff is to me but also like i mentioned this when i talked in the mandela catalog video like i love seeing good projects do well because it encourages people to watch other good projects and for good creators to create other good projects so whenever i see something that's this interesting and while it has some attention it doesn't have near the attention it deserves i want to say yes take this show this to more people get more people involved because it's worthy of it and this is cool and it's fantastic and yada yada um so if you've stuck around this long in the video i have no idea what this is going to cut to but if you stuck around this long you probably also think this is pretty cool and like i said all the links in the description the links to lucid's google doc is also in the description and uh check out all of alex's stuff he's fantastic he deserves it the man is really knocking it out of part out of the park with all this there's going to be several more he said there's going to be 11 episodes every season so season 2 is almost finished and there's going to be more season so this series is going places like it was going places before and hopefully now you which i'm not saying my videos have crazy reach or anything but hopefully at least a few of you whoever is watching this far into this caffeine fueled rant will go and check it out and show them support because the man really deserves it and i love his stuff so thank you so much alex for making the series it's fantastic i really love it you're doing a bang-up job and keep at it man you really deserve the praise i said the same thing with the mandela catalog if i was to show hollywood and modern movie and storytellers an example of pristine storytelling i'd show them the mandela catalog and i'd show the monument mythos because this is how it should be done so thank you alex for making the series and all of you thank you for watching this has been absolutely wild and insane and i've loved every bit of it this is prop you know i've been doing youtube for what a year now and i've got to say this is the most youtubey i've ever felt like dedicating days at a time to research for this and i don't mean this as a pity party at all i absolutely love doing this this is so fun uh but standing here now after like the dust is settling just being like yeah that was maybe a little bit much uh but hopefully you enjoyed it because i i definitely enjoyed researching it and doing all that and it was a lot of fun but thank you all so much for watching i really appreciate it thank you so much to all of my subscribers we are up to 820 000 subs at the time of recording that's not a real number that's fake this is all faking in my head especially right now i'd have no problem believing it's fake um but i really do appreciate it and it means a lot and thank you all so much for that um i love you all to death i really do appreciate you all getting me to this point this me taking days of time to go into these crazy rants would not be possible without you and it especially would not be possible without my patrons who you can see here thank you so much to my patrons i love you all to death you owe me the most i say this all the time and i mean it i could not do this i cannot do videos like this especially considering the amount of time that this took in a good way thank you for allowing me this time to make these videos i couldn't do it without my patrons and you all mean the most thank you to my top tier patrons over here and all of my patrons you all are fantastic one more time the new little windagoon dude i don't know i guess the last guy um people were calling him windadude i guess this would be actually this is windadude the other one would be like goon guy right because this is the windy part and that's the goon part so i'm officially deeming him winda dude um this is him again probably can't see because that light's on but he glows in the dark uh it's fantastic he's really cool he's cute he's got these big hands that can move around his tiny feet he sets up like that he's got a huge head he has my met like the head's actually proportional i have a massive head um like no joke every time i buy a hat they're never in my size uh so this is actually proportional it's pretty good size i absolutely love this it's fantastic makeshift makes excellent quality material uh an excellent quality stuff so i really my nose is that you for some reason this is a great product dad um i really love him and appreciate i think they did a fantastic job with the design he looks great he feels solid uh like even the fact that they do stuff like fill in every tuft of hair with foam just little touches like that mean a lot um so yeah he'll be in the description at the makeship ad or the plush chat however i title it down there um he will not a lot of people and i want to confirm this this same as the first deal you will not order him and he'll be there right away the way it works is it's a pre-order so he'll be on sale for two weeks for two only two weeks you can order him and then after all the orders are put together then they'll assemble all of them and ship them out so two weeks you only have two weeks to get him and then he'll be gone forever they'll make them for everyone who bought in those two weeks and send them out it's normally like a month or two after the sale um i think with coveted restrictions it was like three months on the last one or something like that everyone got theirs of the last one so that's why they're doing these new designs now but yeah this is him he's only available for two weeks and he'll be gone forever so link in the description if you're interested get him while you can thank you all so much for watching i hope you enjoyed i oh also let me say this clearly and loudly caitlyn the person who is editing my videos thank you so much i greatly appreciate this especially considering i dropped a time stamp on you as big as this one and you are fantastic and like it means the world to me right now in this moment that i do not also have to edit all of this and i so greatly appreciate you doing it for me so thank you caitlyn and everyone else who's watching this long please give caitlyn a thank you she greatly deserves it so thank you so much caitlyn but thank you all for watching i hope that you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 5,634,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, childhood, trauma, Mary Celeste, Flannan Isles, Eilean Mor, Island, Lighthouse, Kaz 2, Kaz II, Leviathan, Kraken, Ocean Monster, conspiracy, theory, mystery, sci-fi, sci fi, true crime, unsolved, freedom faller, monster, creature
Id: pUZuD61AkA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 31sec (11131 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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