The MONSTER TRUCK of Ebikes! Yoto Leopard Review

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[Music] today we're going to be reviewing an absolute monster truck of an electric bicycle this 4.8 inch wide Fat Tire full suspension 20 amp hour battery pack e-bike is an absolute unit but is the yotto bike any good let's find out first thing I want to point out this is a 38 kilogram bike that's an 83 pound bike so I just want you to understand if you want all the bells and whistles it's going to come with a little bit of weight too look at the size of these tires tread pattern is actually a little bit different than usual but like knobby the roly-poly 4.8 inches wide these are monster truck tires dude check out the brakes comes with 180 millimeter rotors a little bit different pattern than I normally see also a little bit thicker than usual which is a good sign we're gonna have a lot of weight to bring to a stop let's see what she looks like you ready for it days in a little bit dust check out this suspension setup this adds weight and is surely going to add Comfort down here you can see the other part of the swing arm I like the green color but it also comes in Black you can check the color options in the link below and it's got seven gears on the Shimano cassette turning derailleur we'll take a look at that 1000 watt Hub motor in a moment but first let's look at this suspension rst guide I'd say this is a little above average so it does have adjustments and I have ridden the RSC guide on other bikes feels pretty decent really headlight is already installed on the bike and has a dude who reviews a lot of bikes you have no idea how much I appreciate that take a look at the seat yep it's wide about an average width super squishy plush seat I don't think anybody would be unhappy with this you get a typical quick release lever for the seat coming around to the rear of the bike the motor is stamped as a 48 volt 1000 watt Hub motor branded truck run I have seen this motor in the past and it was pretty tarky and just over on the other side we can see they are hydraulic brakes take a look at those in a few but first come back around front here see what we got going on up in the cockpit area handlebars appear to be wide they give you one key don't lose it oh no I was wrong there's the second one's down here we'll take a look at that massive frame integrated battery in just a moment handlebars have a very slight rise and sweep back maybe like an inch pretty much flat bars ergonomic style hand grips some throttle on the left controls display seven speed Shimano shifter a little different brake levers than usual check these out come on out they're hydraulic somewhat interesting shape I think I might actually like that check it out you can actually see inside the hydraulic fluid reservoirs so definitely hydraulic brakes we'll check out the calipers in just a second let's get this battery up come on the big boy 20 amp hour battery pack it's about as big as you'll see on a single battery system shiny reflection here how how charged is that decently charged and it is labeled as a 48 volt 20 amp hour battery pack 960 Watt hours of energy it's a lot of energy but it's a lot of weight here's the other supplies they send us decent multi-tool what charger now it is the horses Pro mountain electric bike charger three amps nice 20 divided by three if you ran this bike down to zero it'd take you about 6.6 hours to charge from empty to full or about three hours if you only ran it down halfway the rear lights will not be powered by the battery on the bike it's a battery powered one we'll top the battery off while we finish building and there is a fan to help with the heat buildup of the charger oh shoot can you fit in there on the brake caliper is not really clearing I think we might need to let some air out of the tire the tires literally too wide to fit in there see if that does it not quite putting you guys at too much risk down there never mind dude I don't want to risk having the tire come off the bead holy smokes I would not want to have to do that with a normal pump so we'll just have to pop this caliper off not a big deal it's a little easier if you just flip the whole bike over see what I mean actually you probably just need to loosen it and now the wheel will fit dang it that was stupid okay one more time here [Music] dang it there we go and you do get a quick release excellent for your Monster Truck wheel dude I feel like I'm at a box jam and I just I just sprayed bigger over whoa nothing there on the factory I wouldn't recommend riding this bike upside down I think the hydraulic brake reservoirs drained when I had it upside down so when I went to flip it back over the brakes it just literally nothing worked when I went to pull the back brake and stop the bike so just don't ride your bike upside down you'll be all right probably yeah take a look at that display in a moment but first let me point out there are absolutely no fenders on this bike which I actually think is the right way to do this keep that weight down we're already working with the monster truck all right let's look at the display peel that I'll take that off the seven speed shifter I can feel a USB port on the other side here let's power it on auto bike right color display wow I'm actually uh surprised by how good this looks gives us gives us our battery up here in terms of bars and a voltage which is the gold standard in my opinion we can see the battery is 52.9 53 volts 54 volts it's full 48 volts is half these bars are just not as accurate as the actual voltage readout so great to see comes in metric units kilometers an hour out of the box we'll change that let's tab on through what do we get headlight oh headlight has a very slight DeLay So trip time total distance totally fine pedal assist goes from zero up to five let's open up the horse's Pro mountain bike manual manual lifts the controller as a 25 amp 48 volt controller that'd be 1200w what's max power on this bike nominal 1000 watt Hub motor obviously you can send it more than a thousand Watts just can't run it at 1200 watts for like 30 minutes wait on this monster truck is listed as 88 pounds also says half twist throttle which we have a thumb throttle recommended height of five foot three to six foot four Max Capacity 400 pounds one thing I would like to point out the seat cannot go any lower than that with that seat post you could put a shorter seat post on but you see that curve in the frame down there I think the seat post is kind of hitting that and then it won't go up any further so if you need the seed to go down lower just swap out that seat post no big deal all right here's what we're looking for we need to change some stuff hold the satin up for five seconds oh whoa Auto off countdown going on over here setting up for five seconds let me just hold set there we go much easier so here's the menu's General Advanced information let's check General brightness trip clear speed limit let's see what we can do here 25 it'll let us oh nice go to 99 miles per hour I'm just gonna go ahead and leave it on 99 to start why not wheel size change these units over to Imperial mph mode normal hmm what is this power oh so there might there's different modes here Eco put in eco mode power mode or normal we'll leave it at normal for now I gotta remember to try this out what about the advanced stuff is current limit 15 no no no no no that's too weak Alexa what's 15 times 48 720 that's weak sauce oh it only let's change it up to 18 though hmm I'm putting it on 18. throttle speed Full Throttle follow maybe that's like cruise control oh no password please information nothing save and exit I all right let's get an idea of what we're working with here what else is five okay [Music] let's show 38 . oh my goodness so check it out this is with no load on the motor but Full Throttle has a spy ready go 38.6 oh my goodness all right that's a normal mode we gotta try uh power mode later and first glance looking at the gearing Big Chain ring up front little ones on the back in general looks like it'll be Geared for high speed let's get out there and see if my suspicions are correct let me talk about a six foot five Dude Looks Like on this bike seat is on minimum height like I mentioned that seat post you might get a shorter one getting on this thing dude I feel like I am on like a lifted Cadillac the suspension on this thing man is just like so cushy the seat is like cushy I'm looking forward to this ride see on maximum height so here's what it looks like for 34 inseam on the monster truck and I did want to give you a quick look at the brake calipers FYI they are fyy all right dudes let's take this thing out for a ride and see how it performs man it just feels so nice to sit on it's the squishiest seat so plush battery is fully charged 54.3 volts fire in the Strava we will be able to get an exact reading on the percentage of battery remaining when we get home you know our range here I mean you know it's pretty beefy on here uh not just this one right now dude I just pulled up to the gate and I sort of registered this thing as a car it doesn't ever notice me when I pull up here so first things first on pedal assist 5 throttle only I weigh 200 pounds we're just gonna give it a smash of the throttle on normal mode and see what it can do torque wise okay this thing has decent torque on normal mode it's bringing us right up showing half power only and I can notice the weight of this thing coming around the corners can I make it can I make it yo oh that let me go with normal mode with a little bit of a roll out here because it looks like this is one of those ones that won't give you full power until you get up to speed yeah it's just selling like half power for some reason they're ducking out of the way hydraulic brakes are feeling good so I have the current set on 18 amps as Max because that's all they allow now we're gonna go set it from change it from normal mode up to power that's higher yeah buddy it shows everything in red now that we have it on power mode I'm excited all right so from a stop pedal assist five Full Throttle go um I don't notice a difference actually going to power mode uh it's like half it's giving me half power let's get back down before we get decapitated so let's see what it does on power mode with a little bit of a roll out here Full Throttle and it's still showing like half power on there but bring this up to 20 grade regardless so getting out here writing the Yodo bike this thing is an absolute unit of a bicycle and yeah you notice that full suspension right away this thing feels very plush this is what it looks like compared to a normal bike let's see if we go over this oh yeah this is uh beast mode man so blush is going over the curves with the full suspension the four bar linkage on the back pretty decent rear suspension setup for a budget bike although it is twenty one hundred dollars we'll see how these brakes feel as we bend them in there's a lot of Mass to be controlled a lot of rotational Mass with these extra fat 4.8 inch wheels or basically like Forerunner status out here I am noticing using throttle only it gives you a bit of a lag from the time you press it until the time you actually get power on pedal assist five I'm just gonna smash the throttle now and it's easing on Power and we're ramping up ramping up all right before we get crazy let's go ahead and try out the pedal assist mode so on power mode it'll bring you up to it's a Cadence Sensor so it'll bring you up to 11 miles an hour Palace this one pretty typical palsys two it eases on the power but you really feel a kick in once it kicks in now we're already up to gear number six uh 17 miles an hour feels like 17. this is a comfy bike to be on crank it into pedal assist three in the turn oh too much power let's take it easy here all right coming out of this turn pedal says three I noticed a little bit of a lag on the pedal assist but cut off this three will bring us up to 22 before it tapers off what happens if I press Full Throttle now so it will oh we better try these brakes out we got somebody blessing a yui in front of us crank it on up to pedal assist four we can make this light the question is can we see the display through the polarized lenses you guys are knowing before I know technically I'll know before you know because I'm not uploading this until after I see so yeah I I can see the display through my polarized lenses which is a bonus I feel like a lot of these displays I've been checking out lately I cannot see them through my polarized lenses I'm going to raise the seat up to the maximum height for this portion of the higher speed run out on the street so I can get some pedal power down what a unit of a bicycle throttle it Oh shoot what just happened didn't tighten this bolt enough apparently I think it was on one of The Ridges or something all right back in business how does it feel off-road it it fit full suspension makes huge huge huge difference riding this thing off-road and the front suspension not so bad we're gonna crank it up the coast of spy hopefully this seat holds up into the traffic see what kind of speed we can get out of it there's a little bit of throttle pretty strong headwind right now 25 26 into a headwind pretty strong headwind right now 26 and I pretty much don't feel any any bumps or anything under me on the road with these massive massive tires in full suspension this is just an absolute monster truck out here surf's up dude this thing feels like an absolute Trophy Truck let's just do what this thing is probably meant to do probably whatever we want oh whoa off-roaded monster man gearing feels nice my suspicions were correct it seems to be it has steering four going fast I feel totally comfortable pedaling along it 25 right now let's try and hop this little curb oh this thing feels so big we do have a bit of a headwind but zero to 20 I weigh 200 pounds throttle only Power 65 ready to go definitely eases on the power 10 15. 18. Tony actually it jumps straight to 21. one more run here GPS in the right hand ready go [Music] 20. the speedometer for some reason on here lags a little bit but you get the general idea it's not like a super powerful acceleration no how do I put this you can feel the power but you can feel the math too so it doesn't you know it doesn't feel like Zippy throwing you off the back or anything it delivers the power in like a sturdy predictable way this suspension is floaty man I get the feeling it'll probably bottom out uh pretty easily if you're trying to do something like trail riding but for City riding like this I feel cushy let's do some Trophy Truck riding might as well right so you can get into the menus while you're riding let's see what eco mode is like for a moment yes gentle I don't know if it's any different than the power mode though I think with that pedal says 5 on eco mode I mean I can't really tell difference truthfully except for it shows everything in green now as though I'm being more efficient which I I don't think the motor's not drawing any less power I don't think does it change the top speed I don't think so the strong headwind from the ocean I'm still hitting 25. which according to my GPS we're actually going a little faster than that 26. 28 so this should go 28 as a class three e-bike should I don't know what's going on it feels strong so I'm gonna switch it back from Eco to power save and exit that we'll be trying this out there in the sand in a few and by in a few I mean immediately let's go no oh man dude I just like want to run everything over with this bike here we can do this over here no problem oh yeah so the granny gear is a not quite a line out of the box I should have adjusted that it's not hard you just play with the barrel barrel Adjusters dude this thing is an absolute monster truck s do here that sand is so loose like almost nobody could do that see if I could do the uphill section here oh yeah oh my goodness come on come on come on come on we got it dude nice this is one of the very few bikes I've tried that could actually do that I did go into some speed which you can actually do though like these wide wide tires really they give you the confidence knowing you'll be able to not completely lose control of your bike when you hit that sand these are like the widest fat tires I've ever tried let's go pop out here see if we can get through this oh maybe I shouldn't cut back around get on out of this parking lot oh interesting GI Joe car yeah it definitely has a little bit of uh it's not that Nimble it's not that way but it's not terrible because you know they skip they cut out like the the rack they don't have the fenders that really does kind of make this bike a little bit more Nimble than it would be if it were weighed down by a bunch of accessories let's see what's happening up here today all right dudes we are 5.6 miles into this ride 52.2 volts that'll be 92 according to the Chart let's go ride down these stairs see how it goes oh yeah yeah the monster truck and through the sand I felt comfortable like going into it like turning with these big tires I mean this thing feels at home out here some bikes you know they can get through this thing this thing feels like I should have lived here it's like a lifted Jeep Wrangler monster truck the Saunders is back I want to ride that all right let's see if it can do the sand Boardwalk feels plush you know I can you can feel the bumps coming through a little bit got a little traffic so I think we're just gonna pop off here a little bit early today I need to probably downshift a few gears and maybe help out on the pedaling a little bit so it doesn't have like monster torque for like doing stuff like this it can make it through if I stop pedaling what happens they could still kind of do it just give it a bit of a torture test here for a few it feels the most stable out here probably any of the bikes I've tried just due to the width of these tires smashing along no fenders at all on this thing but I'm not really feeling anything kicking up on me pulling a solid 11 miles an hour get up this hill bit here and yeah it's getting us through hopefully the controller doesn't cut out I definitely feel the sand kicking up all on me right now keep on going keep it going hopefully the motor doesn't cut out we should be all right boom so it doesn't do as good as like an all-wheel drive bike but solid performance really that's about as tough of conditions as you could probably put a bike through now it does make it a little bit difficult to like maintain a particular speed because it is a Cadence Sensor and if I I find it's either trying to make me go like 11 miles an hour or 17. you might be able to get in the settings and change that drop all the gears and throw this thing on pelosis five give it full throttle on this hill see how it does or coasting along just fine it's accelerating a little bit holding about 9.5 almost 10 miles an hour solid solid hill climber I would say it's about top top 20 top 10 of uh Hub Drive hill climbing bikes these fat tires man they I just can't stop riding this thing in every place I can take it it's just like a trophy truck man oh we'll refrain from going on the grass I suppose you can just take this thing anywhere this thing might be comparable in size the one these guys here you know what time it is we're gonna run it up to California and Clay it'll be 85 feet in elevation gain and a 12 grade started out here on gear three up the loop-de-loop 10 No 9 miles an hour no problem Nimble enough what's going on over there and throttle only uh starting at the bottom of the Californian coin I know it says five 50 miles an hour 16 17 18 strong 1000 watt Hub motor 19 pulling all the way to this bike up the hill 19.5 and it really accelerated the whole way up this thing is a blast to ride let me tell you so for those of you new here we're just down there in another absolutely beautiful day here to La so I'm kind of curious what the headwind going down this hill what kind of speed can we hit that is bird 27 29. holy smokes dude this thing is outrageous 30. all right all right let's slow it out there's a wall at the end here but more importantly there's a person here we don't want to hit skirt this thing is outrageous for a bicycle man I'm thoroughly enjoying this bike I don't know if you've uh noticed that by now it's not perfect though so let's go test the brakes give it a quick little break test from 20. yeah these breaks are pretty legit man I've never heard of this brand but they do just fine and the levers feel great they're hydraulic I think it's cool you can see like the uh fluid and the reservoirs there uh the levers have a unique shape to them compared to a lot of the levers that I try and most importantly they feel smooth and they bring this Behemoth of a bicycle to a stop so final thoughts on this electric bicycle I mean if you ever wanted to own a monster truck as a kid this is your opportunity to do it as an adult in bicycle form and that's pretty much the bottom line on this bike if you do want to grab one click the link below the video in the description box buy through that link it would help support my reviews here at teleheapy TV but before we do that let's head on home and see what kind of final range we can crank onto this 20 amp hour battery keep in mind the range that I end up with today is going to be uh kind of probably no less than you would normally get because I am just totally throttling it and totally hooning this thing at the same time these are flying the official website says you can do 60 to 80 miles on this bike I mean you'd have to be riding pretty conservatively to do that realistically for a bike of this size if you're going to be using the throttle a lot I would say probably 40 or maybe 50 might be more realistic just depends on if you're going to be pedaling or going really fast with throttle only you could certainly do 60 to 80 miles but not the way I ride that being said this is the 20 amp hour battery pack and I don't think you would really want a bigger battery on this bike just because it'll weigh it down even more and you know you're really just carrying a lot more weight personally I'm happy with the 20 amp hour battery pack on this bike I know that some of these bikes do come with like 25 amp hours or 30 amp hours but unless you're really going to use that range you're just going to be carrying a lot of extra weight with you and on the contrary going a smaller battery on a bike of this weight you're probably going to run into range problems plus riding a bike is a lot more of a fun way to get exercise than this in my opinion I mean what do you guys think whoa so what kind of speeds can we hit towards the end of the battery life going uphill just a bit here battery is about it's showing two bars we're hitting 28 29 on flat ground now the headwind earlier kind of slowed us down a bit but this thing freaking Cooks man 29 get a little puddle honestly 30. 29.8 and it'll hold 29 under throttle all right deuce the final range I was absolutely ripping out there today for an hour 25 minutes did 18 and a half miles average speed 13 miles an hour that's higher than usual we have two bars remaining showing 47.5 volts and according to the official 48 volt battery chart which is what's on this bike 47.5 remaining is basically exactly 50 percent charge remaining so I mean that falls in line pretty much what I would expect from a 20 amp hour battery pack on a bike like this probably do 40 miles ripping around like this certainly if you slow it down give us some assistance you could do more so if you are looking for an absolute monster truck of an e-bike click that link below this video buy this e-bike you will be happy you will be thinking me later when you're having Adventures on this bike this summer however if this is not the kind of bike you're looking for you know what to do catch you next time
Channel: TailHappyTV
Views: 19,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric bike, ebike, fat tire ebike
Id: aAJgr5rbIPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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