The Modern Palestinian Problem - 2021

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father thank you for um just your heart after us and how you have shown us your amazing heart in your relationship to israel and so these are critical days in which we are now living and i pray god that you would open our eyes and our heart to what you would show us tonight through this class we ask that in jesus name amen well i do this class every year and have been for a number of years and i find it very very important and seemingly more important every year because of the way things are happening in the world today i'm convinced that we are living in those days that are drawing nearer and nearer to the latter days and many of you know my my uh stance in regards to israel in prophecy that when you look at the word of prophecy in the scriptures that the center of the fulfilling of biblical prophecy will be israel so in other words you want to pay very close attention to what is happening in israel regarding the fulfilling of prophecy in the latter days the the very center of that will be jerusalem and the epicenter of that will be the temple mount and we're going to talk about that uh this evening as well but the theme of the class is the history of the modern palestinian problems so we want to look mostly at the modern history of israel particularly how did we get here in the middle east focusing on the question of the palestinian problem when i mean the palestinian problem i'm speaking of the palestinian refugees now you might know that this is a major point of focus and contention and disagreement and conflict uh around the world of course and that's very very important in regards to what's happening in the middle east and the relationships of the world to israel are very very important and i have a tremendous heart for israel i believe that the scripture that says those who bless israel will be blessed i believe uh is very much true still to this day and should also inform our foreign policy as a nation we ought to as a nation stand with israel for not only political reasons but for biblical reasons because those who bless israel will be blessed and of course politically they are our greatest ally in the middle east and they certainly stand uh for democracy and the rule of law and and so we find a tremendous powerful ally in israel in the middle east so there's political reasons but more than that there's biblical reasons those who bless israel will be blessed and so we want to talk about the history of the modern palestinian problem but in order to do that we do need to run through history briefly so i'm going to do a very very fast summary of the history of israel beginning with the time of jesus where he made the the prophetic word that the city would be destroyed that the temple would be destroyed and not one stone left upon another and this was fulfilled exactly as jesus said in 66 a.d when ro when israel revolted against rome many of you of course know your history uh and so that culminated of course in the destruction of israel and the the overthrow of jerusalem and the destruction of the temple now what's interesting is that about 50 years later or so another jewish uh revolt occurred and this was put down by the emperor of course who decided then to expel jews from jerusalem to rename the city and so the city of jerusalem was was renamed capitalina and uh the whole of the area was renamed what was formerly called israel was renamed after the enemies the well-known enemies of israel the philistines so it was renamed palestine the mortal enemy of israel why was it renamed palestine so as to offend the jews now this is very important because today many of the arabs or palestinians when we hear the word palestinian today many people are confused what that name even means a palestinian that is not an ethnic background instead it is a a a name or a word used to describe the area so it is the area of palestine palestinians are in fact arabs so it's very important of course you know that arabs and the jews have a long history as well which goes all the way back to abraham many of you know this also that god promised abraham a son through whom all the promises would be fulfilled abraham was quite old as you know his wife was very old beyond the age of childbearing and so rather than believe god for a miracle sarah his wife suggested that abraham could take her hand made in hagar and to have a son which actually was a fairly common practice but it certainly was not done of faith and the idea i don't want to get into this too long because this class is only one evening and i i feel pressed to do it all in one evening we need a whole a whole series to do it well but nevertheless it was common in those days for a handmaiden to a woman who was barred in baron and had money that the the husband would bear a child through the handmaiden and if the handmaiden would would bear the child on the knees of the of the woman then she would have the baby the baby would be hers this was the idea that sarah had and uh and so the boy that was born was ishmael and so ishmael was not the son whom god had promised of course and so god came later and said no sarah will have a boy and he will be called isaac and there's a lot to that and it's tremendous that is the boy that is the son of promise uh but nevertheless a word about ishmael was given a prophetic word that these two would be at enmity and animosity and he would be a wild donkey of a man and so all of the arab nations today find and can trace their lineage all the way back to abraham through hagar through ishmael very important so in reality the arabs and the jews are related you've got to go back a long way but they're related and so of course many of you have heard that the three largest religions in the world christianity judaism and islam all trace their roots back to abraham and that's the explanation for that we trace our roots to abraham who is the father of faith and so it is of course israel and now you know of course so do the arabs so the arabs that are living in that land today are palestinian arabs so the name palestine comes from when the roman government renamed it this was something around like about 125 a.d or so as again to offend the jews so modern palestinians are not philistines of old and it's an interesting thing there's actually a modern thing today of trying to kind of uh recreate history rewriting history uh for the for their own purposes it's very important that we understand history and understand it rightly and that's why this class is so important today there is a rising anti-semitism in the world and uh this is very very concerning a rising anti-semitism in the world today and there is a rising pro-palestinian arab sentiment arising today you could go to university campuses all over this country and i think you would be shocked maybe you wouldn't be shocked but in fact uh it is shocking how many of the modern uh contemporary university students are pro-palestinian and i can almost assure you that there's a tremendous lack of understanding of the history of the modern history of what is happening in the middle east today so back to our our our uh sketch through time so uh is uh israel was renamed palestine as again to offend the jews and uh was renamed capitalina and on the temple mount uh was built a temple to jupiter you might not know this but a temple to jupiter was built on the temple mount this was as offensive as you can be uh then roll forward a little bit as you know the roman empire was divided east and west and the east was centered on constantinople and finally of course rome became constantine the emperor became a christian and the whole of the roman empire became christian which is pretty amazing really and so jerusalem became a a christian city and and there was a tremendous anti-jewish sentiment even amongst the christians and so many of the jews were expelled not just from jerusalem but from israel and so then of course as you know the western roman empire fell and so only thing that remained was the eastern roman empire which became known as the byzantine empire some of you uh remember this from history class the byzantine empire ruled that area for quite some time from what was known as constantinople uh now you you roll the tape forward until about the 600s and then the rise of of muhammad and islam so according to muhammad tradition or islamic tradition muhammad flew to the temple mount and back uh on that fateful night in 620 a.d and so it is considered to be the farthest mosque at the time and so it became a holy point a holy place in uh islamic understanding so that's important today and so islam then took power and ruled the area for several hundred years and then uh arose the crusades this is a pretty fast sketch through history you'll have to admit the crusades arose uh for the point that the holy sites in israel were controlled by islam by muslims and so there was a rising desire to take it back you know take back all the holy sites and so the pope particularly made a call for arms and for volunteers to go and the first crusade was about 1095 a.d or so and they reclaimed the holy land reclaimed israel now along the way by the way it's important to note that there was a a tremendous anti-jewish sentiment amongst christians during the middle and dark ages now you know that's important to recognize anti-semitism has a lot to do with where we're going with the history of israel in this class now why was there such anti-jewish sentiments now today i mean i just at the earlier comments i made i said that we stand with israel that those who bless israel will be blessed it's part of my theology it's part of my my stance in the church well why then as we look through some of the history of the church do we find that the church was anti-semitic against israel why and i suggest to you that it had a lot to do with a lack of education and one of the main reasons that the church was against jews was that that they blamed israel for the crucifixion of jesus christ and thereby there were many tremendous efforts at retribution getting after the jews because they crucified the lord jesus christ now i'm sorry but that's very wrongful theology no one takes my life from me jesus said i lay it down on my own accord and i can take it up again jesus spoke of course of his resurrection i am the resurrection and the life and so it's very important that the the the crucifixion of jesus christ was in fact the purpose of god you can go all the way back to revelation excuse me to genesis all the way through revelation and you can see that it has been in the purpose of god from the very beginning the redemption story of god is found in jesus christ through the crucifixion it was the very purpose of god that he would paid the penalty for all of our sin if jesus wasn't crucified we would still be in our sins and there would be no resurrection for our sins and so for the redemption of life and so actually the blaming of the jews is incorrect we're all to blame because he died for our sins it was the very purpose of god to redeem as payment for our sins that's why jesus died on the cross and so anti-semitism is very wrongly placed but again i believe uh in the dark ages there was a tremendous lack of education and so then the jews began to be blamed for and for many things particularly during the middle ages dark ages for example the the black plague many jews were blamed for the black plague why why would that why would that be because the black plague did not impact the jews like it did others the jewish communities as you know many of you know that they stayed in on communities of very tight-knit communities and the black plague did not impact the jewish communities why well because of course we have come to understand that it was spread through rats the fleas on rats and rats are unclean you probably know and so jews would not have rats in their communities that is an unthinkable uh unclean thing to have rats in the community and so there were no rats and therefore there was no black plague and then the people started thinking what is this look you see the jews are not impacted by the black plague we are they must be the cause of it they're poisoning our wells or they're doing thus and so and and so again a lack of knowledge a tremendous lack of knowledge was behind that and then rumors many rumors began to spread false rumors such as that they accuse the jews of of kidnapping children and killing them taking their blood and mixing it with their uh passover uh meals which you might know like that is about about as offensive as you can be a jew would never eat blood that is strictly forbidden in the jewish law and so again another false accusation and the rising of anti-semitism was a real concern and it was part of the crusades as well then of course as you know the crusades lasted about i believe 3 400 years and then uh they are they were cast off there was an arising of power through egypt and then uh finally uh the turks and so the turks controlled that area and this is very important i'm leading right now up to the modern times when i bring up the turks they ruled that area for 400 years from about 1516 to 1917 and that would be called the ottoman empire i mean if you remember reading that or at least hearing references to the ottoman empire now this is very important because the ottoman empire was very very powerful when they first took the area and controlled the whole of the area in 1516 and became very powerful for next two 300 years but toward the end of their uh their power they began to become uh let's say financially in trouble and uh so they were they were not nearly as strong but they controlled that area that area known as palestine was controlled by the ottomans by the way the ottomans the turks are not arabs they're turks they're they're from the land above they're not arabs this is very important please keep this in mind because when the palestinian arabs make claim to the land we have to ask the question when exactly did those arabs control that land they would have to go all the way back to the 600s but israel of course had that land for thousands of years before that so during the 15 1600s and 1970 the ottoman empire controlled that area the arabs did not this is very important the arabs did not i mentioned the rising of anti-semitism in europe during that that period of time and so around let's see let's bring our time clock to about late 1800s with the rising anti-semitism that was in europe and eastern europe many jews started having a thought we should think about a jewish homeland and so the idea of a homeland started arising in jews around the world and some jews started to migrate to israel by the way a jew that migrates to that area is back to that land of their forefathers is they are doing a process called aliyah that's very important a jew going back to their homeland is making aliyah they're going home and so many jews started making aaliyah out of russia for example where there was a rising anti-semitism there and uh then later on in europe more started coming and then they formed this is important also that many jews around the world formed what was called the zionist congress these are jews from around the world had ideas in their mind wouldn't it be amazing if we could have a homeland because the the jews are are unique people never in the history of the world never in the history of the world has it been that a people have been displaced from a homeland for for such a time a long period of time and then returned to that homeland it's never happened in the history of the world and i suggest you that there is prophetic fulfillment in the return of israel to their homeland which we could get into in regards to a class on prophecy but the zionist congress took place i think every year in in switzerland and uh led started by a man named theodore herzl who had written a book called the jewish state in germany and uh and so he invited a jews from around the world to come to this zionist congress they were jews they could come and they could pay a shekel a peace and which is a jewish form of money and they could have a vote in in the proceedings of this zionist congress which would convene every year and it be grew grew more and more uh of effectual with each passing year and theodore herzl but about the same time by the way the hebrew language also um came back you know it was dead for many many years the hebrew language was not in use and so it was reestablished and newspapers were written uh in hebrew for the first time in many many years and hebrew was starting to be spoke again and so there was a rising sentiment of a jewish homeland and of course the the zionist congress started to think where where can we have a a jewish homeland of course the dream the dream would be to have a homeland in israel itself that would be the dream of dreams but they also realized that it was controlled by the turks the ottomans and that was a unlikely uh uh unlikely scenario so they thought of all kinds of other ideas you might not know this but they thought even of oregon this is an action you can look it up it's in it's in the history books oregon because it was not a state at the time um armenia was still open territory there was still land available in other words uh and so that was uh considered a possibility in the 1800s and arkansas was considered uh okay i can make many jokes but i will not do it and that's my family is from arkansas uganda was offered to them by england england controlled uganda and england was trying to was trying to curry the favor of the jews during this time and so uganda was offered but that also was resoundingly dismissed some representatives from the zionist congress met with uh some of the officials um of of the ottoman empire suggesting it was a bold move but they suggested that they could secure vast jewish loans to help out the troubled ottoman empire and the the ottoman empire uh didn't believe that they could do it but they certainly entertained the idea uh but then they realized that this would create so much animosity with the arabs that they declined and so nothing came of it but jews are moving now in the late 1800s early 1900s jews are moving back that brings us to world war one and in in world war one at the end of that war 1917 the british defeated the ottomans so now the ottoman empire is no more and the british control the area and so the british went to what was known at the time as the league of nations it was the precursor to the united nations there was no united nations at the time but they went to the league of nations and they asked for a mandate authority basically to rule over that area and so it was famously called the british mandate so that's very important to remember british mandate the united states you might know is not part of the league of nations and so the united states made a separate agreement with britain that they would have authority over the land which included all of what we would call today israel as well as the jordan area on the other side of the jordan river modern-day jordan and they controlled all of that so 1917 now the british mandate begins about the same time also a famous uh letter was written by lord balfour who was i believe in charge of foreign policy for england he wrote a letter to a lord rothschild you might remember the rothschild wealthy one of the wealthiest families in the world uh were the rothschilds anybody remember or hearing about the rothschilds well okay small diversion this will be very short but the rothschild uh story is fascinating in its own right um so the father of the rothschilds was a jew these were jewish people uh and uh he was a coin collector but also he uh dealt in money now i say that because it was very common in the time money was considered dirty mostly because it was right they we in our uh country for example if a bill gets dirty it's taken out of circulation if a bank finds a bill and it's got too much dirt on it they take it out and they uh destroy it and but not so during this time dirt money was literally dirty and so it was it was it was a something that was considered beneath a man of stature it was dirty to handle money and so uh the jews would would be willing to handle the money and to they became famous for loaning money so the rothschild became friends with the king i think i'm trying to remember now i'm going from memory here so bear with me if i make a little mistake but i think it was the king of bavaria and he um became friends with the king and became a money lender and handled all of the affairs the financial affairs of the king became very wealthy himself although he was not very wealthy before that became vastly wealthy in these dealings and then he had many sons i think he had like five sons and then when his sons grew up he positioned his sons in the great cities of europe amsterdam london paris rome etc and then they had a whole group of pigeons that became carrier pigeons to relay messages between them and the first international banking organization seen in the world was done by the rothschild family and they would carry these messages by pigeons so that they had information before anyone else did and they took great advantage of it financially and they became uh uh so vastly wealthy that they would loan money to nations and there were many nations who needed to borrow money for the purpose of war and so the rothschild family became very very wealthy very influential so lord balfour in england wrote a letter a famous letter called the balfour declaration to lord rothschild declaring the british supported the idea of the jews having a homeland in palestine and of course it was celebrated by jews around the world and it became a rallying cry for zionism to have a home in israel again so now the british control the area british mandate and so now waves of jews tens of thousands of jews are coming into israel what the arabs are seeing before them is disconcerting and so the there's a there's an arab resistance and an arab uprising to this tensions are rising you can imagine now by the way uh the jews that would come in they would form these little communities called the kibbutz a jewish community love farming communal uh living arrangement at kabutz many of you have heard of kabuts right at kubbutz multiples would be a kubutzim the plural in hebrew is often an i am at the end of something guptin many of these kibbutz established around and they would uh the zionist congress started raising money so their idea was if we can't have the homeland will buy it one acre at a time and so they started raising money all around the world jews in the united states there was a tremendous uh immigration of jews to the united states from russia particularly of course during the anti-semitism of russia many of them moved to the united states became very wealthy and so there was a lot of jewish donations around the world so that they could begin to buy they would buy for example you can buy a swamp pretty cheap in israel you know they and back in those days you could buy a swamp pretty cheap because the arabs didn't want them and so they would buy a swamp then they would drain the swamp and if you drain the swamp you now have a very lush area by which you can grow a tremendous amount of of things and so the productivity of the land was vast up to that point there really was not much productivity in that land and in fact um famously i believe mark twain visited uh the area of palestine and wrote later it was a barren wasteland this is before of course the the jewish development of the land this is a barren wasteland what what tremendous opportunities here but nothing is being done with it and that was an interesting observation by mark twain but now the jews are coming making alley tens of thousands buying communities or buying land building communities the kubutzim are growing uh they're finding great successes and interestingly would hire arabs to work the land and so the arabs many of them were fine with this arrangement because they were making money but many of the arab leaders were saying this is not a good arrangement this is not going to end well for the arabs so a rising conflict started so that brings us now closer to world war ii now you know the years leading up to world war ii were tremendously anti-semitic which of course is the whole point of world war ii was nazism and the the the final solution solution to what have you ever asked yourself that question the final solution the nazis suggested they had the final solution to what the final solution to the jewish question what do we do with these jews because that question was being asked all over europe what do we do with these jews because of the anti-semitic mentality that was arising all over blaming again jews for so many things and the in italy they put jews in restricted communities which we which they called ghettos the word ghetto comes from the restricted jewish communities they could not they had restricted hours the jews had restricted jobs there were certain jobs they could not have and this became true all over europe in many places there were many jobs that you cannot have they must live in certain communities it was tremendously harsh this is leading up to world war ii where as we know six million jews died in the holocaust meanwhile leading up to this the british have their hands full with this british mandate over palestine and the conflicts that are rising between the jews and the arabs and so they suggested a variety of things the jews at one point suggested that that they would do a great division of the land we need two separate states one for israel one for the arabs and a you know a grand plan to divide the land between them this was soundly rejected by the arabs there was little support by the jews so that was rejected then there was another commission that decided well what we need to do is to break up the land into smaller little pockets of and this was a little more acceptable to the jews but completely completely rejected by the arabs this was not working and so then the the jews start excuse me the british started to restrict immigration because of the rising arab sentiment against all of these aliyah now by the hundreds of thousands have come and so now they're restricting the the the immigration aliyah and so many of them of course start to do it illegally trying to break through uh and then during world war ii the the jews suggested let's let's bring all the jews together and fight germany and england would have nothing to do with that and they said the only way that we're going to have an army out of palestine is if we have an equal number of number of arabs fighting uh also well the arabs said no way we're not going to fight against hitler hitler is annihilating our enemy and so in fact the arab nations were for nazi germany during world war ii as a matter of fact and many jews were being expelled from arab lands many found themselves homeless not being allowed to come so at the end of world war ii british still controlled the area but now the jews are seeing that the british control is is actually not working so they begin began to resist they began to resist the british and finally the british had had all they could take and they they said to the united nations which had now been formed they said to the united nations we cannot solve this problem we hand it to you and they gave them a deadline on may 15 1948 we are leaving and if you do not have a solution to the united nations if you do not have a solution by may 15 1948 we are out and we will let this area turn into utter chaos you have to may 15 to figure it out so the united nations took it up they debated greatly as you can imagine they came up with a solution this is very important the united nations came up with a solution they decided that the answer was to divide the area into a two state solution the arab state the palestinian arab state and the jewish state of israel that was the united nations resolution which came up for a vote and it passed 30 to 13 if i believe correctly and uh so based upon that approval by the united nations although they did nothing to implement it they voted to approve it with a deadline looming then on may 14th in the evening david ben-gurion famous leader of israel at the time went on to the radio announced to the world that israel was now accepting the terms of the united nations and declared themselves to be a national state may 14 1948 a day that lives well in history now the president at the time of the united states was president harry truman and harry truman was a christian and he had pro pro-israel sentiments and so he told his staff because he expected such a a thing to be done he told his staff the moment that israel makes that declaration alert me no matter what time of the day or night so that i might be the first to recognize israel as a nation and so his staff will come up something like five o'clock in the morning or four in the morning whatever time super early and they woke him up and he quickly got dressed went down and uh made the official declaration it had to be ratified by the congress but he made the declaration that the united states would stand with israel and accept and recognize them as a state now would you like to know who the second nation was the soviet union they voted to approve the partition plan and they voted to recognize israel and they wanted to be the first also so interesting interestingly the soviets believed that israel would be socialists if they formed a nation that they would be socialist in nature because many of the kubutzim were essentially socialist in nature because there was no ownership the the whole of the community owned all of it it was a really an idyllic sense of socialism but no israel when they became a nation chose democracy as we of course famously know today so now the moment that they declare themselves to be a nation may 14th 1948 the arab nations around them egypt jordan syria lebanon and iraq five arab nations and the fighting palestinian arabs six fighting forces all declared war on the same day so now israel is not even one day old finds themselves facing an enemy of six armies five national armies and then the militias of the palestine arabs no one in the world thought that israel would survive this and there was a policy around the world not to supply arms to israel including the united states because though truman was pro-israel the the vast there were many in is in america that were not and america was tired of war and they did not want to provide arms for israel and so no one thought they could survive this how is it possible so therefore that brings us to the modern palestinian problem the modern palestinian refugee problem how did they arise it brings us to this moment in history this is really where the palestinian refugee problem arose now with the conflict arising it was it was known by the arabs in advance that if israel makes this declaration that they would declare war now let me sidestep myself for one second and just change topics for one half a second what would have happened if israel declared themselves to be a state on may 14 1948 accepting the terms of the united nations and the palestinian arabs also declared the same time if they would have said at the very same time we also accept the terms of the united nations and we also declare ourselves to be a state by the way that partition plan the united nations came up with gave the vast majority of the land to the arabs the jews were given a very small minority of the land they were given the area on the west side of the sea of galilee they were given the strip of land along the coast and they were given the desert south of of israel that was what they were given but israel said better is a little than none at all we accept at least we have a homeland this is something that they had only dreamed of 50 years before and so what would have happened now this is a very important question please keep this question in your mind what would have happened if the arabs palestinian arabs would have accepted the terms set forth by the united nations in that resolution in 1948 what would have been the result of that the result of that we would have today a two-state solution and we would not be uh debating the uh refugee crisis that happened in israel at the time but the arabs refused because they believed that all of it should be theirs they would not concede one acre to israel it was their plan to bring these arab nations together the the armies of these nations and to completely annihilate the remaining jews and by the way it was hitler's desire to send rommel's forces through north africa and invade palestine and to complete the final solution he had already killed he was in the process of killing 6 million jews hitler had sent rommel with german forces to race across africa to invade palestine and to bring about the final end to the jews and as we know of course the united states intervention into world war ii uh interceded in north africa and stopped the roman forces which saved but they were preparing for their last stand and by the way many people have asked why has israel succeeded since 1948 you know they have won every single war and some have asked how is this possible that they could win every single war israel's answer their answer is we have no choice it's win or annihilation there is no other choice we will be annihilated if we lose and so we're fighting for our lives so may 14th 1948 they make these declarations so back to the palestinian refugee problem many of course could see this conflict and expected it therefore many of the palestinian arabs who had the means removed themselves from the arena of battle now this is important because i'm going to give you now three reasons three main causes of the palestinian arab exodus from that area so what had happened was the arabs declared war and so those arabs who had the means removed themselves they did not want to be in the area of the fighting they believed that they could remove themselves for a few months because they fully expected that israel would lose and that all of these arab nations would defeat israel and only in a matter of months they could move back into their uh back to their place and even take the land of their neighbors the jews so many remove themselves then many of the palestinian arab leaders sent word to palestinian arabs living in the fighting arenas we do not want you as collateral damage remove yourself before our armies invade so that we minimize the amount of collateral damage and once we defeat them which will not take long then you can come back and have your land so hundreds of thousands of palestinian arabs fled the areas uh around the coastline where many of the jewish communities were up in in the north around galilee where many jewish communities were but many of the arab communities they fled the arena of battle so that they would not become casualties according to the request of the arab military leaders that's the second cause the third cause was israel themselves so when israel would come to an arab village now of course the war is on five arab nations they've declared war all of the palestinian arabs also are taking up arms this war is now on nobody in their minds thought israel could survive but israel fought with their lives fought for their lives for their very survival and began to not only be able to withstand but begin to actually move forward and so when they move forward they would come to an arab village now when that arab village could see that they were going to fall many believed that if they fell into the hands of the jews that the jews would annihilate them why would they think such a thing because that's the very thing they intended to do to them so they thought this is exactly what will happen to us they were very wrong israel had no intention of doing such a thing and in fact the jews would send a word in advance they would send a representative in advance to an arab village and they would say this to their village we invite you to stay you are more than welcome to stay we wish that you would stay and be part of this new nation but if you will not stay in other words if you will take up arms against us we will defeat you but if you will not take up arms and live with us at peace then you are welcome to become citizens of the nation of israel so the jew the arab leaders of each uh each village had to decide some fled fearing annihilation wrongfully others said we accept your terms we live uh we live with you in peace let us know when we can get a jewish passport others said no we will fight so then the jews said we gave you the opportunity you chose to fight you will be defeated and you will be expelled because we will not have enemies within our borders and so the third reason is that very thing did the jews expel some of the palestinian arabs yes they did on those terms we offer you terms of peace if you will not accept those terms of peace and you insist on fighting we will defeat you and we will expel you because we will not have enemies within our borders the third reason out of that there were something like 500 to 700 000 refugees that moved into areas lebanon syria jordan the west bank gaza in the south five to 700 refugees by the way back to the war itself no one in their right mind thought that they could win but they did why i suggest that there are three reasons why israel won that war i'll start with the spiritual because god i believe has a purpose for israel in the fulfilling of prophecy number one number two god's promises to israel never fail i believe that when he made everlasting promises to israel that they are in fact everlasting promises and that in the end when jesus returns at the end of the age they will look upon him and they will mourn for him when the when the messiah of israel who we know his name his name is jesus yeshua when yahushua jesus returns he will set foot in jerusalem they will look on him it says whom they have pierced and they will mourn for him like when would mourn for an only child why would they mourn for him because it was him all those years before and we missed it we crucified our messiah it was him whom they have pierced and they will mourn but it says in that same zechariah chapter that he will pour out upon them a spirit of grace and a spirit of supplication that is our lord who pours out grace upon them and thus all israel will be saved but that's that's now delving into prophecy that's a whole other topic so how did israel's not only survive but win that war number one i say the prophetic fulfillment of god secondly now that the british mandate is over and the the british restrictions on immigration are no more in fact they had a they had a naval blockade the british had a naval blockade jews escaping out of nazi germany were not allowed to enter into israel but were held in internment camps many in cyprus and it became a tragedy a blight on history that's that one tragedy was added to another tragedy nevertheless now that the british mandate has been removed now the the naval blockade is lifted and now there is no restriction to waves and waves of of people jews coming to make aliyah to come live their homeland well there were more than a million jews fighting in the forces in the allied forces there were 200 000 jews that died in the forces in the fighting of them fighting for the soviets but now you have the return of hundreds of thousands of experienced military fighters coming tens of thousands a month swelling the ranks of the israeli army every month but we have another problem they don't have any uh they have no weapons no one would supply them how how are they gonna fight with no weapons no ammunition there was one nation and one nation only in the world that agreed to supply israel with arms and that nation czechoslovakia now you say what why would czechoslovakia be the one nation their their answer because we know what it's like to be on the victim side of oppression and to be attacked mercilessly without without weapons and so they became those who supplied interestingly a side note i was on a plane one time speaking to a jew and uh i was flying to israel and uh i happened to sit next to this jewish fellow he's asking me what am i doing you know and i'm taking a trip to leading people you know and uh so he's fascinated by this right and so we get into a conversation you know why why you know do you stand with israel so you know strongly and i'm telling him of course my heart my the scriptures behind that and of course you know christians haven't always been pro-israel so this was very wonderful to him and then i said and i i i love studying about the modern history of the of israel i said it that way and he said well tell me about that and so i began to give him this class and we had a long flight and so i i did not sleep on that flight i just gave i i was fascinated by this conversation so i'm telling him all this and i get to the point of czechoslovakia and he goes wait when i joined the idf israeli defense forces and they gave me a check rifle now for their first time i know what a check rifle is i never knew why did they call it a check rifle and now you explain it to me that is fascinating and by the way that jewish man showed me his scars that he suffered in the war anyway czechoslovakia agreed to ship them weapons and they had no air force you might know and so uh the united states happened to be selling surplus military equipment but they would not there was a law against it it could not be sent to israel so there were those private buyers of army and navy and air force surplus who then flew them to various points around the world then to czechoslovakia and then to israel and so israel now is being supplied and the idea was of course that they would pay for it and czechoslovakia supplied it but they charged them and they paid it all back eventually soviet union towards the end of it said stop because they could see that israel was not going to come into the arena of the satellite nations of the soviet union so they put a stop to it but that's one of the reasons in fact israel attributes uh they're they're winning to czechoslovakia and uh and and other interesting stories have come out of the history of israel and their various wars many of you know of course the famous war of 1967 six day war that's important because the six day war where israel had to face uh egypt jordan and syria which they defeated in six days starting with a pre-emptive strike on the arab excuse me the egypt air force defeating the entire air force in one day they took even more land in 1967. the golan heights which is on the east side of the sea of galilee the west bank which is the west bank of the jordan river and gaza strip down along the mediterranean sea on the south probably another 200 to 250 000 refugees were added from uh to the refugee numbers out of the 1967 war today these refugees camps are still very much there in those places i mentioned jordan in jordan the palestinian refugees are predominantly allowed to have passports and they can become citizens of jordan if they so choose the palestinian refugees in syria and lebanon are not allowed to have passports they're not considered citizens and then you have refugees in the west bank which is controlled by israel the palestinian authorities primarily over the west bank and then you have gaza which is a number of years ago was run over israel gave it to the palestinian authority which was then run over by hamas which is in the south and and so that's where many refugees are there in gaza many in the west bank and many of these other nations i just mentioned today there's something like almost three million palestinian refugees they're registered by the united nations and they follow the line of the father the patrilineal line so all of the refugees were registered at the end of those wars and can receive united nations funds i believe that the united nation provides something close to a billion dollars a year to refugees the palestinian refugees and if the palestinian refugees register and can demonstrate that their father was a palestinian refugee it continues generation after generation and the numbers are increasing of course that 700 and some thousand is now almost 3 million and paid for by the united nations that supplies many of their schools and health and many provisions so that is what we now come to the modern history of the palestinian problem that is a summation in short of the entirety of that history and uh that is about a thumbnail sketch as you can get but uh we have recorded this because this is a lot of information and it will be available on our youtube channel and and so if you registered for the class i will send a link to that youtube um video for anyone who would like to see a copy or refer to this again now i'm going to take questions in a few moments and so be prepared to ask your question and i'm going to be monitoring um both live streams four questions should any come into the live streams but i before i do that i want to tell you of something of a personal nature and my my commitment to israel personally i believe what i just said of course and i mean it personally i love taking teams groups to israel i do this regularly and of course the kovid whole thing put a hold on much of that but um we took a trip what was that uh a year ago fall i think it was and uh we had a group of of 70 71 and uh taking another group in april and this is going to be the footsteps of paul cruz along with two days in israel and we have about 140 going on that trip and so i i tremendously enjoy taking groups but more than that i believe in this so much that i'm actually starting an organization and this is the first i publicly announced it because i'm in the process of developing a website and hopefully it will be done this fall it's done by a national organization this is going to be a very large website and the organization that i'm starting is called blessers of israel and uh based upon that very theme that those who bless israel will be blessed and there are several things that this organization hopes to accomplish number one to start a rabbinical school in israel demonstrating jesus as the jewish messiah in israel and uh so yeah that's yeah thank you very much and i'm excited to do that this will be taught by jewish messianic uh our teachers uh using the calvary chapel approach of doing verse by verse chapter by chapter demonstrating jesus as the messiah through all of the old as well as the new because they need to to be able to speak of it and defend it all through the scriptures and our intent is to equip jewish messianic believers when i say messianic i mean they believe that jesus is the jewish messiah is the messiah of israel they stand on that as jesus declaring boldly that jesus says the messiah you might not know this but there's actually a a rising movement in israel now where jews are beginning it's just it's this it's a small movement beginning in israel where jews are beginning to take hold of jesus as their messiah and i intend to expand it greatly with rabbinical schools in israel supported by and prayed over by uh vast numbers of people here in the united states this is going to be a national organization that i'm starting and so rabbinical school in israel and we believe that we can train up jews to speak of jesus in the latter days and and so you know in the scriptures it talks in the book of revelation that there'll be 144 000 jewish witnesses for christ i'm excited about the possibility maybe we're going to train some of those i don't know about you it just gets me excited thinking of that idea secondly we are also going to provide what we call the signs of the times in other words jesus said watch for the signs of the times if you want to watch for the signs of the times then you need to be aware of what's happening in the world regarding israel and the events of the middle east so the intent is to provide a news of what's happening in and around the events of israel connecting it to the scriptures and connecting it to prophecy of scriptures so that people can watch for the signs of the times and be aware of it through the lens of the scriptures so that would be another major thing that we're going to do and then of course we're going to equip and educate the church as we are going to have speakers speaking in churches uh and at pastors conferences in churches all over the country and lastly should there be a need uh politically to stand with israel let's say for example that a an administration decides to move the embassy from jerusalem back to tel aviv then our our hope is that we would have a great voice in standing with israel on an occasion such as that that should be very limited in school because i do not believe this is a political organization but if that voice is needed then the voice will be used that's the four-fold intent of the organization called blesses of israel uh hopefully we'll be announcing it to the church giving the church opportunity to stand with us sign become members you know become blessed of israel with us so uh you'll be hearing more about that okay now we're going to open it up for questions and i have about uh 20 minutes so i'm gonna now i want i also want to say this those watching online because of the nature of the technology you are actually about a minute behind so when you ask your question uh i will see it but it will be about a minute behind and i'll answer it right away when i see it okay that being said let's go ahead if we have any questions i will repeat your question for the recording of it and then i'll do my best to answer it i don't know of course every answer but i'll certainly do my best so let's let's go ahead and start anyone have any questions always there are many okay let's start right here in the middle he said didn't israel obtain the temple mount in the 67 war yes they did and so prior to that his jews were expelled from jerusalem including the jewish quarter but in the 67 war they overtook jerusalem and the temple mount and the western wall they decided for the wise choice of peace to allow arab access to the temple mount now on the temple mount is residing today the shrine the dome of the shrine which when you look at israel and you see that golden domed building that's the the shrine and so it is it is not a mosque that is a shrine there is a mock next to it called the alexa mosque and that was built in the 600s interestingly so israel decided to allow access they control it they control the security of it so and they can shut it down at any time which they have should there be a security reason they have agreed not to allow jews to pray in the temple mount that they can pray at the western wall and so if a jew does pray on invisibly praying on the temple mount they will be removed by the jews but that's a very very good question by the way i i did uh want to mention that in 1948 at that great war uh the the jews call it the war of independence the arabs call it al-nakhbah and it means in arabic the disaster so it is still referred to today as al-nakhma 1948 war al-nakba the disaster so just wanted to throw that out there but that was a very good question and i appreciate you asking though uh that reminds me of the 73 yom kippur war uh in the 1973 and i'll get to you next okay 1973 yom kippur war again israel was attacked on yom kippur this caught them by surprise and at first the war went badly very badly for the jews they had to retreat and uh it it was looking like a disaster for israel because this time the arabs were far greater force far more organized and very well supplied and it looked like a disaster finally golda myer called the president of the united states asking for help the president at the time was none other than richard nixon richard nixon responded by saying calling his generals and saying i want everything we have sent to israel we have now richard nixon's secretary of state was henry kissinger henry kissinger was a jew henry kissinger discouraged such a thing even though he was a jew he discouraged such a thing and he said if you do that the soviets will enter this war and then he said then you tell them that if they enter this war i will use nuclear weapons and then uh kissinger at one point said if you if you send all of this you will you will lose the support of many you will lose the support of many in the united states this was during watergate and he said what are they going to do to me he had already determined to resign and so one of his last uh actions was to send everything and the greatest transfer of arms the greatest airlift of arms in the history of the world proceeded and i believe that a shipment of arms landed something like i don't know every 30 seconds we're talking about massive massive massive shipment of tanks and rifles and an air force in fact the air force the head of the air force called him and he said president nixon you said you won everything i'm not sure you're aware but we have some extremely modern and sensitive high-technology aircraft are you certain you want to send such to them nixon flew into a rage and and and cussed him out on the phone and he said i said you send everything and i mean everything and he hung up the phone gold in my ear later said if it wasn't for president nixon we would not have survived see attributes the survival of the nation of israel to richard nixon who did so because his back was against the wall with watergate and was planning to resign anyway now that is just an amazing uh move of of of nations and hearts absolutely fascinating okay and i just took out five minutes to your questions i apologize okay we'll go here when that happens so just to repeat what you said the best that i can she remembers reading about this story with richard nixon and his quaker background was it his mother you said who told him one day you will have an opportunity to help the jews and when you have that opportunity help them and nixon remember that okay so her question was the organization that i just mentioned blessings of israel doesn't have anything to do with kufi kufi is an organization which stands for christians united for israel and no it has nothing to do with them i know them very well i know the leadership of of kufi uh i've been to the uh summit meetings in washington d.c uh with kufi um no their uh organization is primarily political uh to organize uh people to stand with israel politically and uh which is one of the reasons why i do not believe that needs to be duplicated and will not be the primary impact of this organization that's an excellent question okay over here paul and then i'll go to you next or yeah so let me summarize your question i think your question had to do with uh perhaps why does the younger generation uh vocalize such support for the palestinian side of this thing that kind of what your question is yeah i believe several reasons one is because of a lack of knowledge and i i believe that uh you know they they see it as the oppressor against the oppressed and so the the woke nature of the thing is to you know stand with the oppressed here and you know to stand with the the palestinian people who they feel are being oppressed because of this heavy hand of israel over them and that demonstrates again the lack of knowledge of the thing because if they can understand that the palestinian goal here the palestinian arab intent is to destroy they're there they have no intent at peace they have no intent of acknowledging the right of israel to exist even to this day their intent is to destroy and so i remember hearing the the prime minister of israel now has been it before he was prime minister i saw a tremendous interview he did on one of the major stations where they were asking him quite confrontationally when is this thing going to end when will this conflict end and i think he he answered it beautifully when he said i can tell you that in one answer one simple answer they the day they stop trying to kill us is the day this thing will end but they refuse to acknowledge our existence our right to exist and they are committed to our annihilation you know there's a you might hear this in the news it's important to to to remember this phrase from the river to the sea palestine will be free something like this i'm making a rhyme out of it but from the river to the sea is the expression if you ever heard this remember it because what they mean is from the river jordan all the way to the mediterranean well that suggests the annihilation of the nation of israel and that's exactly what they're committed to and interestingly on one of my former trips unto israel i had the opportunity to have as a speaker to our group a palestinian arab journalist supporter of israel okay let me just frame him again palestinian arab journalist supporter of israel and he said i live in israel as a palestinian arab or as an arab and i would rather live here in israel than any arab state that i know as an arab because i have freedom of religion and i can i can i can criticize my leaders and not have to worry about being killed and he said and so he said let me let me speak to the root cause and the and the answer we're all ears what's the root cause the root cause is what happens in the home until that changes this will never change he said let me give you an illustration in the home of a jew every sabbath they have a sabbath dinner at the sabbath dinner the parents pray a blessing over their children every sabbath now this is i went to a home of a rabbi and i had dinner on the sabbath and so i witnessed this very thing i know exactly beautiful jewish sabbath dinner after the meal the parents will uh [Music] one at a time put their hands on the head of each child and pray a blessing over that child and they'll pray god's hand to be on this child and god's blessing to be on this child and and they'll teach their children you are a jew and what that means is that god's favor is on you and god's blessing you will arise one day you'll be a wonderful man you'll be a wonderful woman you will be a doctor a lawyer or a banker or you'll be an engineer or some great thing pray for you right now god's blessing the next child and then the mother will come follow you know he said that's what happens in the in the in the jewish home now in the palestinian arab home in palestinian territories what happens in their homes is that the children are taught to hate the jews and that the greatest honor that that jew that that arab boy could ever have is to one day if you could kill a jew that'll be the greatest honor and if you could die a martyr you'll even have the greatest honor of all while trying to kill a jew he said no let's see how these boys gonna end up until that changes in the home this will never change and so he said there will never be peace until the palestinian leaders start teaching their children start teaching their families how to teach their children to believe for peace until that happens there will never be peace okay uh forget where we are okay up here i think among the israelis and in particular the jews that were there so okay my [Music] okay so let's uh let me repeat your question he's speaking to uh um well you spoke of some historical aspects of the jewish belief and whether or not jews today believe in god is that pretty close to your question um so israel today is predominantly secular so i i would affirm what you're saying um just looking to see if there was a question predominantly it is secular that there are many who are jews by um let's call it tradition not necessarily by belief they they do the sabbath they keep the sabbath interestingly um you know they don't use cell phones and things like this but they don't do it out of belief necessarily they do it out of tradition so there's quite a few who do not believe in the jewish law the jewish torah for example but there are many still who do the orthodox jews who do and there's a rising movement of those who believe jesus is the messiah and there are churches today in israel who worship with celebration just like we do here today so there's an interesting development that's happening in israel so hopefully that answered your question but it did bring me to another uh point which is that when i spoke of zionism and the zionist congress what is the definition of zionism it is the idea of a jewish homeland for the jewish people that in his particularly in israel that's the idea a zionist is someone who believes in the establishment of a homeland for israel now there are many jews today who are not zionists now follow with me because this is an interesting nuance there are many jews today who are not zionists here's why they believe that the modern israel government is secular and therefore it is not the fulfillment this is the jewish thought it's not the fulfillment of the latter day events spoken of prophetically but rather it will be when the messiah comes to establish his government that then it will be rightly established as that nation fulfilling the latter-day prophetic word and perhaps those two points connect up together in your question okay um any other questions normally the we run away over but feel free to uh and those watching at home for free also okay here's one uh will you with your new foundation impact your prison leader outrage okay this is a a question he knows my personal background and um many of you maybe know that i was part of the founding of a bible college in uh oregon state penitentiary actually not that particular one but a a penitentiary in oregon i was the one of the founders of an organization to start a bible college and um so the question has to do with uh will it impact that uh ministry in other words will i have time to do both things i have actually resigned from the prison uh university um organization i i was part of the founding and establishing and it went well and i handed it off and i'm ready to move on to blesses of israel so that's a great question but thank you for asking that question okay anyone else have a question all right let me give you my email address and then feel free uh because there's normally a lot more questions and perhaps you're uh being shy about it uh but feel free to email me your question i'll be happy to answer by by email and uh love i love discussing this it's on deep in my heart it's one of my great passions and i and uh as you know and so i i would delight to answer your question my email address is very easy it's rich at how simple is that and so you can ask a question anytime you would like all right that's uh that's going to wrap us up on time first time ever unless anyone else has any further questions we'll go ahead and close oh run okay one over here this is gonna this can be a 15-minute answer oh no rich rich at calvary hillsborough yeah paul uh his question was has the current administration made any hands toward moving the embassy back and i have not heard anything of that nature i believe their hands are pretty full right now but uh no i've never no by the way uh okay thank you for asking the question because it does bring up another point that i wanted to to speak to and i'll i'll try to do this in less than a minute because i have one minute left on my my budgeted time afghanistan what's happening in afghanistan is relevant in this sense i think the lessons are being learned that when given an opportunity in other words when there's a vacuum such as was uh occurring when the united states withdrawal happened so rapidly that that vacuum was instantly filled with terrorists there is deep concern in israel of such a thing happening in the palestinian territories they do not want the palestinian authority to be diminished in power because they do not want to vacuum if there is a vacuum of power in the palestinian territories it will be filled with terrorists and so there is a effort today to strengthen israel is trying to strengthen the palestinian authority in fact i believe if you saw in the news and this is again one of the reasons we want to be providing this news feed with interpretation to those who are become members of this organization or could they become blessed of israel with us that is why if you notice in the news that uh the foreign minister met with the leader of the abbas the palestinian leader to find ways of strengthening them to strengthen the palestinian leadership to have a partner for negotiations but also so that they don't collapse and create a huge vacuum which will be filled immediately by terrorists and greater enemies on their side okay there's so much more i could say but now i'm one minute over my allotted time let's pray father thank you so much for your heart after us we see it demonstrated so powerfully in your steadfast commitment and faithful adherence to your promises to israel and it makes us have tremendous assurance that the promises that you give to us will never fail help us lord to to look with eyes at the events of the world to see what's happening in light of scripture to be watching for signs of the time to be on the alert help the church to be prepared and god if you could use us in any way to make that happen god then here we are we are willing to be used of you we honor you and thank you for it all in jesus name and everyone said let's give
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 110
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Pastor Matthew Dodd, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Church, Christian, Jesus Return
Id: MHLYysIJyxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 16sec (5476 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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