John 17:1-26 | The Prayer of Jesus | Rich Jones

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your smartphones are your iPads and open the church app and follow along the notes if you don't have it just do a search and your App Store for Calvary Hillsboro the title of our message this morning is the prayer of Jesus the prayer Jesus let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for pouring out your heart through your word and we come this morning with that desire that you administered the word by your Holy Spirit Lord write it upon our soul transform us as we enter into this time of study now in Jesus name Amen John 17 Jesus is with his disciples remember now it's only hours before he's going to be betrayed and arrested and he has been speaking to them now for some time in preparing them for his departure let's review some of the things that he's been saying to them and to prepare them he told them that he would send the the helper the Holy Spirit he calls him the Spirit of Truth that would be with them that would guide them into the truth he told them that if they would abide in him that they would bear much fruit in their lives he said it's very much like a branch of grapes that must abide on the vine in order for it to bear the fruit that God desires he gave them a new commandment he says I give you a new commandment that you love one another even as I have loved you so he told them these things and many more things to prepare them but when you get to John 17 he's not speaking to them at all he's actually speaking to the Father it's a prayer in fact this is a famous prayer is called by many the high priestly prayer for us it's an insight into the relationship that Jesus has with his father it shows us his heart as he pours out his heart in prayer in behalf of us and though we look at this and we understand that prayer was a significant and intimate part of the relationship that Jesus had with his father and the disciples saw it they saw him pray they saw the relationship and they were so impressed and so they wanted to know how to pray show us how to pray like that that's amazing what you have with the Lord and we know that Jesus would pray he would often get away to a secluded place and in fact there's this video I took in in Israel the secluded place just beautiful overlooking the Sea of Galilee and I just imagined Jesus going to a beautiful place and just praying the scripture says he would pray for hours in fact he would pray all night long with his father what a beautiful picture for us that we have of the relationship with Jesus with his father found in these times of getting away secluded place and just praying or maybe he would go to Mount Arbel Mount Arbel is just on the western side of the Sea of Galilee you climb up the scripture says he would go up to the mountain and he would pray there on mount Arbel you can see all the cities of Galilee you can see the entire Sea of Galilee imagine this this relationship of Jesus praying for hours what would he pray see when he would go to a secluded place it was a private conversation between him and his father Jesus encouraged a staff private prayer in fact when he was teaching on prayer he said it this way when you pray don't be like the hypocrites for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners that they may be seen by men they have the reward in full but you when you pray go into your inner room close your door pray to your father who is in secret and your father who sees what's done in secret will reward you and when you're praying those don't use meaningless repetition like the Gentiles do and they suppose that they will be heard for their many words but they won't but there were also times when Jesus would pray publicly why so that those who heard would be strengthened by that prayer be encouraged by that prayer knowing that he was praying to strengthen them for example when Jesus was just about to raise Lazarus from the dead remember this prayer he lifted up his eyes to heaven father I thank you that you ever heard me I know that you always hear me but because of the people standing around I said this so that they may believe that you sent me and then he said Lazarus come forth what a powerful picture now another example might be us praying for our children we know that God would have us pray privately you might say interceding for our children regularly hope that you do that our kids are all grown up now but we regularly pray for our children in just private interceding prayer but there are plenty of times when you pray with them in front of them kind of publicly you might say well why because that's when they that's when they're blessed and that's when they're edified I used to drive our kids to school every day when they were young we'd get in the car you know and we head off to school singing songs we started out with songs although when they got older we had to stop the singing of songs because they thought it was lame but we would sing these songs and then we would pray and and I would pray for their day and I would pray for the things on my heart see they're learning to pray and I remember I remember we went on this vacation someone had loaned us their lake house and we were getting all packed up to go and and we had this van I was inside this van getting things packed up and I saw one of my daughters and she was obviously distressed because she was looking for something that that she couldn't find that she wanted to make sure she didn't leave behind and so she's looking for it I can see her through the window she was out there looking looking and at one place she stops you can just see you're stopping she's like praying oh god help me fine you know another oh I'll tell you why the fathers are oh what a beautiful picture our little daughter praying see this is the important we got to teach them you do it even by your example otherwise we're going to pray things that aren't very edifying you know like this prayer where did we get this one now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep and if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take oh isn't that edifying that's a great thing for kids to pray right before they go to sleep although it seems a little unsettling no worries you can always sing my song Rockabye Baby in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock and when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will fall great oh baby enough oh isn't that blessing okay don't sing the song just say good night sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite us no no which was the blast was was the edify and when you read this prayer Jesus identifies it blesses he says he's praying they can hear it let's read it John chapter 17 beginning in verse 1 I'm going to read the entire prayer and just listen imagine Jesus praying this prayer so these things Jesus spoke and lifting up his eyes to heaven he said this father the hour has come the end is near in other words glorify your son that the son may glorify you even as you have given him authority over all mankind that all that to all whom you have given me he may give eternal life and this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent I glorified you on the earth having accomplished the work which you have given me to do and now glorify me together with yourself father with the glory with which I had with you before the world was that is really insightful I manifested your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world I love that I manifested your name to the men you gave me out of the world they were yours and you gave them to me and they have kept your word now they have come to know that everything you have given me is from you for the words which you gave me I've given to them and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from you and they believed that you sent me I ask on their behalf I do not ask on behalf of the world but of those whom you have given me for they're yours and all things that are my are yours and yours are mine and I have been glorified in them I am no more in the world and yet they themselves are in the world I come to you Holy Father so keep them in your name the name which you have given me that they may be one even as we are while I was with them I was keeping them in your name which you've given me and I guarded them and not one of them perished except for the son of perdition that scripture might be fulfilled but now I come to you and these things I speak in the world that they may have my joy made full in themselves I've given them your word and the world has hated them because they're not of the world even as I am NOT of the world I don't ask you to take them out of the world I ask you to keep them from the evil one they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world sanctify them sanctify them in the truth your word is true I as you sent me into the world I have also sent them into the world and for your sakes I sanctify myself that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth I do not ask on behalf of these alone but also for those who believe in me through their word that's interesting there's that's ours right there that they may all be one even as you Father are in me and I in you and they also may be in us that the world may believe that you sent me and the glory which you have given me I've given to them that they may be one as we are one I in them and you in me that they may be perfected completed in unity that the world may know that you sent me and loved me even as you love them father I desire that they also whom you have given me be with me when I am in order that they may behold my glory Oh father I want them to see my glory which the glory which you have given me for you love me before the foundation of the world o righteous father although the world has not known you yet I have known you and these have known that you sent me and I've made your name known to them and I will make it known that the love wherewith you love me may be in them and I in them what a prayer this is one of the longest most significant prayers we have of the Lord Jesus at one time taught them to pray but that was a prayer for them this is the Lord's praying what a powerful thing for us to have now you look at it and you got to see that there's a personal part of it for us let's look at it in the very first verses he said something very important and insightful he said I've accomplished the work I've accomplished what you have asked for me to do I've done it see this is a great verse here at the beginning he prays for himself later he prays for the disciples and also for us but here in this prayer it's personal also for us God sent him with the work to reveal the heart of God to speak the words of the Lord to reconcile the word to him world to himself to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross he says I have accomplished what you have asked me to do and it's an example for us for example when you look at it there's an example here for us finish the course finish the course set before you in the same way we need the same heart that is in Jesus we need the same Lord I want to accomplish what you've asked for me to do the hour has come the end is near I've accomplished what you sent me to do see Jesus was fully poured out fully invested God you've asked me to do it I did it with all of my heart I did it fully I'm like a drink offering poured out I did it what an example we need to be fully invested in what God has asked us to do the purpose of God in her life be poured out be like a drink offering be fully invested here's a great verse 2nd Timothy 2:15 Paul writes be diligent is like be zealous have some zeal in your life man that's what he's saying be diligent be zealous to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be shamed accurately handling the word of truth a couple chapters later we hear this 2nd Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight love this I finished the course I've kept the faith when that be some finishing well I poured it all out I invested my whole soul I accomplished what you asked me to do Lord here's another one Matthew 25 23 Jesus is teaching this example and he says this this his master said to him well done good and faithful servant wouldn't you love to hear those words when you're enter into the presence of the Lord when do you love for him to say to you well done a life well-lived you lived it well I want to hear those words anybody else well done my good and faithful servant you've been faithful with a few things I'm going to put you in charge of many things enter into the joy of your master what a beautiful word for us and I want to follow that example myself for me I want to be a better pastor I want to be fully invested in what God has asked me to do I want to be that drink offering poured out I want to be fully invested in what God has asked me to do and I look at my life an example might be this when I was young I was at I went to Oregon State and when I was going on Oregon State let's just say I didn't give it the old college try when I first started out at Oregon State I actually pre I actually majored in pre-med we can imagine that I wanted to be a doctor so I majored in pre-med here's the problem you actually have to put effort in and show up the class and do the work which I wasn't doing so I changed my major I switched from pre-med to partying and then I discovered that you can't actually make a living partying although many have tried and then I decided while switch my my to business management which I did but even then let's just say I wasn't exactly sending my grades home to mom now roll the tape forward something happened God got ahold of my life I began to look and understand something I don't want to spend my life being wasted I don't want to waste my life God begins to take off God showed me that I can pour my life out for him it's a whole different thing and many of you know my story that called to be a pastor heard that call and responded my wife and I said yes let's let's go and God miraculously and I mean miraculously provided for me to be able to go to Bible College it was an amazing demonstration of God showing up powerfully but here's the thing now I'm in Bible College it's very different this time Oh God has done so much for me I'm gonna pour it out I'm in the front row I'm taking notes I'm fully invested I want to understand everything that I'm being taught because it's a whole nother world now I'm doing it for him because of what you've done for me I'm gonna do it for you Lord it's a whole nother world and see going back to John 17 this is what Jesus is saying and then we see this also he said let God be seen in how you live let God be seen jesus said he manifested the father's name let God be seen I manifested the father's name to those around them in other words he didn't just teach about God he didn't just teach about the character of God he manifested the character but he displayed the character of God he displayed the power of God in his life now let's look at her own life we're not supposed to just believe but I'm supposed to just believe who God is we're supposed to live who God is let God be seen in your life in other words you need to tell the story of God showing up does God show up in your life does God do that which displays his name and his nature Oh God shows up in fact we were just studying this last week under Wednesday study we were in Jeremiah and I want us to turn there would you open your Bibles to Jeremiah 9 turn back there with me because in Jeremiah 9 we saw a couple of verses that really struck a chord really drew our attention to this very point Jeremiah 9 just 2 verses verses 23 and 24 he says it this way thus says the Lord let not a wise man boast in his wisdom let not a mighty man boast in his might let not a rich man boast of his riches let him who boasts boast in this you want to boast about something I'll tell you boast this that he understands and knows me that I am the lord who exercises loving-kindness and justice and righteousness on the earth for I delight in these things declares the Lord I delight when I see these things in your life is there loving kindness in you is God seen in your life by the way that you love others I love it God says I delight in that do you stand for that which is right I love it I delight in that do you have integrity in your heart and in your character I love this I delighted him you're letting God be seen that's the point here's another one Psalm 27 some boast in chariots some boast in horses but we will boast in the name of the Lord our God love that see when you tell the story of God showing up when you tell the story of God doing amazing things you're manifesting his name you're making his name known I have so many stories of God showing up in my life and doing amazing things I could spend hours talking about get write a book on I want to Lord help me I want to write a book about all the amazing things that you have done to demonstrate your name I want to leave it from my grandchildren I want to leave for my grandchildren's grandchildren I want them to read about that grandpa Falcon hood God showed up and did amazing things you already heard the story of God amazingly miraculously providing for us to go to Bible College but there's another interesting story we're in Bible College now and we had one one baby one child and I'll never forget it was Wednesday night 2:30 in the morning my wife just bolted upright in bed 2:30 mind just bolted upright in bed and she just listened God has put it on my heart that we need to have another baby it's 2:30 in the morning she's no no I don't mean that listen listen listen if we wait until you're all done with school dinner's going to be all these years between our kids and that's not good for them I really think God's putting in my heart we need to have a baby and I said wait a minute here's the thing God's provided miraculously to go to school but we can't afford that we don't have health insurance and we can't afford the hospital bill we can't we can't do it she's we'll look God's already done so many things maybe we could pray that God would demonstrate again that he's our provision and provider I said you know what you're right let's pray right now so we said Lord make away we don't know how make away and I'm thinking you know God's going to maybe provide a part-time job or something so I can afford to pay for it so interestingly that was the Wednesday that Sunday after a church a family invited us for lunch so we're there in chatting and and my wife and his wife were in the kitchen talking and so she said to my wife hey when are you guys going to have another baby she that's amazing that you would ask that because just this week God put it on my heart that is actually time for us to have another baby but we really can't afford it so we're praying that God's going to provide some way somehow for us to be able to have health insurance and and so you know we're thinking that God's going to open the door and you know maybe rich can get a part-time job and she says well here's the thing I felt on my heart this week that I was supposed to do something significant for you guys and I thought perhaps it has something to do with the baby and now I totally understand what I'm supposed to do I'm going to pay health insurance for an entire year for you guys and I'm you guys go ahead and find the best insurance you can find I want to write one check it's going to be all and you're going to see God's going to use that Wow Lord you showed up yet amazingly again and so you know the story my life many of you heard the story of when I was supposed to go and speak at the in this other city I was going to talk to them about missions what God was doing in our project of Russia and they were going to provide funds for it and then and then you remember what happened I got was late to the airport so late that the plane had already taken off Lord bring it back and it came back it was like wow here's my whole point I can never do that I couldn't do that I can't bring the plane bring the plane dock power no I can do nothing Lord I can't do anything here I'm asking is there any way that plane can come back and it did God showed up amazingly and there's another story Norma can tell you though but one story after the other God shows up amazingly manifesting his name Matthew 5 verses 14 and 16 you are the light of the world jesus said let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your father that's the point when God shows up they look at that and say you know what that's God they see God at work in you and it glorifies him that's the point that God be known I remember when I was 21 specific memory miss I was 21 I was visiting this family and as the evening was drawing to the end there's a grandmother their grandmother got up to leave and I started looking around the room I'm thinking hey grandma is getting up to leave and so I said well huh where's your car and she's oh it's a couple of blocks away but grandmother should not get up and walk two blocks to her car and I looked around and I thought okay fine I'll do it so I get my coat and I said mrs. Kate can I walk you to your car so what that would be so nice dear thank you so we get out and I take her arm and we're walking up the sidewalk I said mrs. Kaye how are you doing what's happening in your life and we're just chatting and laughing and joking as we walk very slowly up to her car I open the door and get her in here's the interesting thing when she got home she called back and said someone needs to tell rich that he needs to be a pastor it actually touched me very deeply she's there's something in his heart he needs to be it actually touched me but my point is she saw something to glorify the father with that was the point and so you look at this story and here's here's Jesus praying I want to make your name known I've manifested your name God showed up in power see then you look hit more of the prayer he said and this be sanctified in the truth this is important he's praying about them be sanctified in the truth see verse 17 Your Word is truth see if you're in Jesus Christ his heart is to sanctify you which means what to transform you to be sanctified means to be set apart it's a process it's a process of becoming less like the person you used to be when you're in the world and more like the person you're going to be when you are in heaven what are you going to be like in heaven let me think about that with me when you are in heaven what kind of person are you going to be well I'm thinking that when you're in heaven you're going to have joy overflowing joy you're going to have a peace in your heart that is beyond comprehension there's going to be a love for God in your life there's going to be a righteousness there's gonna be a holiness you're going to have the patience of God the goodness of God the faithfulness to God you're going to be transformed isn't that true here's the thing he doesn't wait there's no way he's okay I brought you out of the world you just stay in that wretched state until the moment you die no he didn't say that God loves to take sinners this is what I've seen look who does God take hold of scripture tells us he takes hold our wretched sinners but he changes them in fact that was kind of the talk of the town do you know who Jesus hangs out with Jesus eats with prostitutes and tax collectors you can just hear the tongues wagging about that and he had made it known that he's a friend of sinners he loves taking the wretched sinner who does he save today oh he saves the really nice people that are really really nice he'll save them but he'll take the wretched sinner and loves to transform them change them it's this being sanctified set apart process of being changed he says sanctify them in your truth but here's the thing if you want to be changed you want to be transformed into the person that you will be he says then receive the words receive the truth you've got to open your heart receive the words that God has for you it's a process he tells us and he uses a couple of things it's very very interesting there are two primary Greek words that are translated into the word word in the New Testament and he uses both in the process of transforming us for example the Greek word logos it's actually found here in this chapter the word logos and it's translated word here refers to the total inspired Word of God and it also refers to Jesus who's the Living Word for example John 1:1 in the beginning was the word that's logos and the Word was with God and the Word was God but there's another Greek word it's the word Rhema and this refers to a word that is spoken and in this case it's often when the Holy Spirit will bring attention to your heart a verse or a portion of scripture and then we'll apply that to your current situation or a need for direction the Holy Spirit will begin to use that word to speak into you personally see in John 17 verse 8 jesus said the words which you gave me that's the word Rhema so we see both hear the words Rhema which you gave me I give them and they received them in other words God speaks a specific word to you he has a specific path for you to walk he has something for you to accomplish see let's personalize it does God have something for you to do yes he does he knows your name he knows your life he has a path for you to walk he wants you to accomplish the purpose that he has for your life and here's what he wants you to do I want you to be fully invested in I want your whole life poured into it that's what he's saying and I'll speak a word just for you here's an example Jesus told Peter that Peter would deny him three times he didn't say that's everybody he said that's a Peter Peter this is a word I'm going to say to you and it's the word Rhema there you you Peter you you will deny me three times interestingly that very night when Jesus when Peter did deny him three times after the third time the scripture says and he remembered the Rhema that Jesus said he would later when Jesus is resurrected and Peter and Jesus are walking along the shores of the Sea of Galilee Jesus is speaking to Peter personally and in fact he even told Peter the manner in which he would die he told him about his life he told them the manner of which he would die interestingly Peter then turned because there was one other disciple nearby job he turned over he said well what about that man Jesus kensic wrexham Peter what does that have to do with you if I want him to remain until I come what does that have to do with you you Peter you follow me there's a personal word this is important because many people don't recognize that or take hold of that they have kind of a very generic relationship to the Lord God doesn't want a generic relationship to you he wants a personal relationship with you and this is important for us to take hold of God deals with us individually and personally everyone differently maybe an example might be parents with their children good parents will do the same we all know that any parent with more than one child will know that each one is different some children are very soft and compliant you know you give them a word of correction they say oh you're right dad I'm sorry you're right others you know are a little harder a little slower to hear you give them a word of Correction they say what what well you guys say what we're going to do with them a little differently amen individual see God uses the written word as a foundation to build our lives and then by the Holy Spirit he begins to press that individually into each person's life now going back to John 17 here's something else we see uses this phrase over and over there in the world Lord I don't ask that you take them out of the world they're in the world yes it's true you are in the world but he says but stay in him but staying in verse 11 jesus prayed that they would be kept in the father's name verse 15 jesus prayed I don't ask that you take them out of the world I pray that you keep them from the evil one what would happen imagine us what if everyone got immediately transported to heaven the very moment they receive Christ imagine that there's a part of that that's pretty amazing that's pretty awesome it's like Lord I see now you are offering me forgiveness this is amazing how can a sinner like me have our relationship with with the holy God I see it now you paid my penalty on the cost of the blood of Jesus Christ Lord I receive that Lord take me into your family let me be your son or your daughter Lord forgive me of my sin yes I receive you my son Luke and there you are in heaven Wow Philippi glorious but here's the problem what about the world what about those that are behind who's going to tell them the point is the world needs the church the world needs a church the world needs a church because through the church God speaks the good news he reconciles people to himself he Jesus says you're going to be in the world please know this you are going to be in the world but while you're in the world I want you to be kept in him interesting Paul in Philippians 1 verses 23 to 25 we get a bit of his heart here because he's got a desire to be with the Lord he actually this says it this way having the desire to depart and be with Christ for that is much better what is he saying I can't wait I can't wait the more you know the Lord the more you want to be with him for him heaven is such a clear reality that he just cannot wait o Lord may it be so I can't wait it would be so awesome so he says it this way having the desire to depart and be with Christ for that's much better yet to remain on in the flesh it's more necessary for your sake no I'm going to stay it's important I want to stay I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and for the joy in the faith have you ever had that desire Oh Lord I want to be with you right now I think a lot of people say oh I have that desire oh yes I've had that desire but the Lord would say well then I'll hear this I'm glad you have that desire I'm glad you do because it shows that you want to be with me I love that but would you know this I want you to bless I want to keep you there because I want to bless the people around you and you I'm sending I'm sending you you I'm sending you you bless them your day will come don't worry but in the meantime you bless I got things for you to do I got purpose for you to accomplish and while you're here I want you to be poured out I want you to be fully invested I want you to be a drink offering you blast those that are around you just like what Paul is saying here Jesus however then said while you're in the world I do want you to know this part there's going to be troubles actually just right before this chapter John 16:33 Jesus said this these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace now in the world you're going to have tribulation but take courage build up your faith in other words I've overcome the world see this is important to take hold because some Christians expect that because they're Christians there's always going to be green lights I'm a Christian God blesses my life therefore there's always going to be green lights and every time I apply for a job I want to get that job because God's going to bless my life and the way is going to be pavé before me and when it's time to be led into traffic everyone is going to let me into traffic because I'm a Christian you can just imagine that somebody's driving honey there's a Christian you can tell by the fish on there under under bumper let's let it man what do you think oh yeah let's do honey you're right know Jesus said in fact verse 14 that the world is even going to hate you hate me why because you're not of the world to them you represent some form of morality and they interpret that as the condemnation of the way they live oh you're a Christian what I don't like that what I do you you just condemned it why what'd I say I was just going to tell you about the love of God love of God you're condemning me right now what I do see there's the problem Jesus said that he's sending us in the world to manifest his name to speak of his love to reconcile the world to himself when I was a server in the restaurants going to Bible College I saw both sides there were some who would who would stiff arm me and and be cool to me quite distant to me oh you're Christian see and the stiff arm other people would ask me questions about God and then they would ask me to pray for them I'm going through something would you mind pray for me interestingly they'd always do it in secret but see there's that point I'm going to send you into the world but while you're in the world I want to do something in your life I want you to bless those that around you I want to be I want you to be poured out once you be fully invested in the purpose of God in your life and I want you to be changed I want you to be sanctified in other words this grow in the glory of God that's in you jesus said in verse 22 that he's going to give the glory of God to you now he's not glorifying you he's not glorifying me he's glorifying the father in you it's a whole different thing let the presence of God be manifested how he starts with the Holy Spirit igniting the soul you want to be transformed he says this starting there the Spirit will take hold second Corinthians three verses 17 to 18 the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there's freedom when God is on the move in your life he'll set you free they'll set you free we need to be set free but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord when you're in the presence of the Lord and you see the glory of the Lord you're being transformed into the same image that you're seeing from glory to glory just as from the Lord the spirit see verse 28 verse 26 sums it up powerfully Jesus says that the love with which you loved me may be in them Lord I'm praying father I'm asking that the love with which you have loved me I want it to be in them it's a powerful picture for us you want to be transformed you want your life to have the purpose of God you want to be fully poured out he says it begins with this that God will ignite your soul the Holy Spirit will be poured out and you will be ignited in your soul let the love of God be seeing oh Lord love from the depth of their soul being knighted may it be so let's pray father thank you so much for your word thank you for transforming us thank you for revealing your heart after us and Lord we pray even this morning we would take hold of your word here is this powerful prayer here is a desire that the Lord shared Lord we take hold of it Lord we want your name to be manifested in our lives we want to see your holy spirit taking hold showing up in amazing ways God show up show up in our lives do amazing things we want to demonstrate your name we want our lives poured out like a drink offering we want to be fully invested in the purpose of God in our lives church as we're praying is that your prayer is that your heart would you just raise your hand and say it god I want to be fully invested I want to be fully poured out I want to be fully yours and lord i know that i need you i need your holy spirit to ignite my soul is that your heart just raise your hand and say to the Lord hears my prayer God hears my prayer I want to be fully poured out I want to be fully invested I'm Yours Lord everything I have everything I've got I'm Yours be glorified in my life be manifested I want to make your name known or thank you that you are a Holy Spirit Holy Spirit come into this place holy spirit' take hold of our lives Holy Spirit had to be the sweetest of Love's the heart that becomes free shame undone Holy Spirit but your presence be known in our lives in Jesus name and everyone said
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 16,741
Rating: 4.8016529 out of 5
Keywords: John, John 17, The Prayer of Jesus, Jesus Christ (Deity), Prayer (Quotation Subject), Jesus Prayer (Prayer), faith, Peace, Hope, God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Truth, Gospel Of John (Religious Text), Gospel (Quotation Subject), Pastor, Calvary Chapel (Organization), Salvation (Belief), Born Again (Belief), Praise, Fellowship, Ministry, The Bible (Religious Text), Pastor Rich Jones, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro
Id: HCXImbx0K1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2013
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