The Missing Peace | Look to Jesus, Be at Peace - Pastor Marty Ocaya

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why is it entitled the missing piece why are we talking about this because the truth is not everyone lash unless a screen yet not everyone finds genuine peace can you ask your seatmate do you have peace peace chameleon because not everybody finds that in fact in our generation right now it's so difficult to find genuine peace because of so many things happening in the Philippines it's so hard to have genuine peace because number one that traffic is really bad I don't know if you're experiencing that but it's getting worse every day that the christmas day comes in here right it's getting worse the traffic is really bad and you have a lot of people who are my ena Tong although all because of what's happening and not just because of that but another reason why so hard to have peace is in social media whenever you look at your social media people bashing different organizations left and right people bashing the C games because of the kikiyaon and all of those things now and then somebody said that it's fake news and then people are now confused what is it really all about and the world is just laughing at us because we're not supporting our government so it's just crazy what's going on and it does it add to your peace right instead of being a piece you're bombarded with all of those negativity and not just with with those news on social media but even what your friends post but my Maharani lazar facebook and i think not a lot of people who ran to Facebook but I heard the garage with us at Twitter is that true now all your negative things Twitter lahardee right and all of the positive things the magog on De Aza Instagram Ian gala mug and a photo codon so but regardless there's so many negativity in the world that it's so difficult to have peace and then you have it's sort of peaceful because some of your your teachers they're forcing to add all of those exams before the year ends Dhamma be on all of the projects tell again they're gonna add it up to your requirements but before the and you're done with those things you near Alaska so instead of reviewing for one exam you're reviewing for 10 before the year ends so how can you have peace when all of those things are happening and not just in school but some of you have family problems some of you have health issues some of you will and pombaline a legal or financial problem right now you want this you want that but you couldn't buy that and some of you it's so hard to be at peace because every time you look at social media all of your friends are experiencing traveling abroad going here going there Perico stay at homeland and makalah local and a co do a so I don't know if that's what you're gonna do but it's just hard not everyone finds this genuine peace but everybody longs for it now let me repeat data not everyone finds that genuine peace but everybody longs for it whether you like it or not but let me define what genuine peace is so that we can have the same wavelength or understanding genuine peace basically is not the calmness of heart that most people are talking about when I say con this of aren't you at peace oh man I'm not worried I'm not insecure I'm calm right now even though there are problem so that's peace but I don't I don't want to define that as genuine peace it's also not the certainty of our decision what do I mean certainty of our decision for example have you ever heard someone say I'm at peace with my decision whether it's wrong or right I don't care but I have peace maybe you have friends or I like that but some a piece of oh I am peace in my heart even though some people say this relationship is wrong you know what peace nomina we're right there are people or like that that's not genuine peace genuine peace is the assurance that we are doing the right thing and the security that everything will work out for our good there's an assurance so who gives the assurance I don't think it's us because we shouldn't be the one defining what genuine peace is someone should define that the one who created peace in general the one who gives speech should define what genuine peace so he gives the assurance that hey I'm doing the right thing so when people say are pissed Amanda who a panda bug male that's not genuine peace because you're in conflict with the person who gives genuine peace do you understand what I'm talking about that's the genuine peace that I want all of us to have and the security this definition and the security that everything will work out for our good that's why our topic as we start this series is very simple let's read this together one two three go look to Jesus and be at peace can you say that one two three go Lord the Jesus can you say that your seatmate but a mugging at peace dementia look the Jesus because he's the author of this that's why he came here on earth that's why it's declared he's the Prince of Peace he's the author of that he dictates in determines what peace really is and where we can find genuine peace that's why we look to him it's a very simple message and I know all of us we know this already especially if you grew up a church you know who Jesus Christ is of course we want to look to Jesus but how come even though we know this we're not experiencing genuine peace maybe we're failing to understand what Jesus Christ is offering and we're really failing to focus on him and to look to him because it's easy to say to look to him but when you're bombarded with so many worries and kind of cutting in so worried for example if you're the only single person among all the your friends some kind of a thing in : lucky single Sheila my boyfriend my relationship my girlfriend right if we call on you along Schuester maganda la hot salami Mulligan dung shoot something our focus done so it's so hard to be at peace and it's so hard to say I'm gonna look for Jesus because we're bombarded with many things that points us to those things instead of to Jesus Christ that's why we need to look to Jesus every time and be at peace because the truth is after this season next year you're gonna be tempted not to be at peace why you're gonna compare you're gonna look at other people you're gonna look at what you're gonna look at what other people would say about you in fact I like what a wreck-it Ralph I reckon trust to buy a table a table ah the second movie right so that the brake brakes the Internet so if every year you're looking at the comments on your Facebook let's say you posted something may my comments none maraming positive comments per made along negative comments what will highlight in your life what will highlight doing something even an MA will the positive be highlighted or the two negatives be highlighted usually the two negatives stands out why if there are 20 positive comments how come we're so easily bothered with the two negative comments because we look at those things that's why we need to look to Jesus if there's any one that should be highlighted in our life it should be Jesus Christ and then he promises that we will be at peace what's our message again look to Jesus and be at peace and the good news is that's what Christmas that's the message of Christmas that's why the first Christmas this is what the Shepherd's saw this is what the Angels talked about in Luke chapter two verse eight can read us together one that they go and there were what Shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night so there were shepherds they were taking care of their flocks and surprisingly the angel of the Lord appeared to them you have to understand shepherds they're secondary class citizen or not just secondary maybe third fourth they're one of the lowest of the low they're not considered as someone that is being well treated someone that is honored there are that's why they take care of sheep because when they take care of sheep nobody wants to take care of sheep it's very smelly it's so hard to take care of them so they just hire shepherds to take care of this sheep that are smelly not your disciples okay your disciples or if you're a D group leader you can say that the Machine needham secure still is smelly but anyway going back to that story so surprisingly look at the next verse verse 9 the jewel of the Lord decided okay God orchestrated ever even before a time that the angel of the Lord will appear to the shepherds and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terrified every time I hear an angel appearing well on like a tank they were happy usually the common is they were terrified because again I mentioned this many times you angels are not cute they are powerful beings so when whatever you see in the Hallmark cards that's just a human interpretation of an angel angel are powerful beings they have six wings makuu cute encompasses six wings zumar he doesn't even the six wings now it's not cute it's not something that well I have a pair of six we know so anyway they were terrified because they see they saw these angels massive powerful beings appeared to them and they may be knelt down they started questioning what's going on are we gonna die and then look at the next part but the angel said to them in always--i lahat every time the angel appeared in first line what's the first line do not be afraid of course if that happens to us now maybe we're gonna guess that maybe there's an LCD LCD project or maybe there's a phone there and projecting something because during that time they haven't seen anything like this so they were afraid and the angel appeared and said do not be afraid in fact rejoice why because I bring you what good news that will cause great joy for all the people now what news in your life will cost you great joy can you ask you submit what news will cost you great joy you go go as possible what news no gusto Corina Oliver let's be honest what good news Nowell on an exam this year pasado NL ha ha ha maybe bigger got a 1 million pesos than parents offer your Christmas gift oh do you like that whatever are you gonna help a tour around the world for 365 days become a Passover you're just gonna do it around the world full all-expense-paid first-class travel I mean those things are exciting wonderful news but this kind of news is something that will cause great joy para Canada now for all people for some people money will cost them great joy for some people good health will cost them great joy for some people that's a good insulin and Christina will cost them great joy for some people well an exam will cost them great joy but you know some people must go steal a my exam do you have friends were like that the mask used to make exam the puck the declarant teacher no exams Mason Tao I because I had a classmate was like that Mahatma say I shall on you I I wanna study mom come on come in there but anyway but this kind of you is for all this is the news that will really cause joy great joy it's not just a pipe of oak amps I'm really happy no great joy for all people and then what is this juice let's see the next part in verse 11 today in the town of David a savior has been born to you in other words the shepherds who were Jewish people they knew that the Messiah is coming and here's the news already they have been waiting for this and they are the one of the first few people who have heard that the Messiah has now arrived he is the Messiah he is the Lord the savior of the world you see we will not have great joy if we don't fully understand what this means and I'm gonna explain that later on I know a lot of you understand this already but some people sad to say they don't understand why they need a Savior why we need the Messiah and because if we understand that definitely it's gonna cause us great joy and look at the next part this will be assigned to you you will find a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a manger you know for some people they're not gonna see this as something exciting huh in a manger the baby the savior of the world but shepherds were humble people they were not looking for a savior that will be born in a castle they were not looking for a savior to be born in a really prestigious house they were just waiting for the Savior maybe if other people were the first one who heard about this they will not go to this manger because in their mind how can that be the Savior kunis a manger sha that's why it takes a lot of humility to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior but going back to the story and then afterwards verse 13 let's read it together what do they go suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared when the Angels imagined at the angel talked to them Heaney listening to matang a great company definitely angels as well at their back at the back of the angel was singing praising God and saying let's read this together glory to God in the highest heaven and there's our world peace and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests one of the messages of Christmas is peace on earth God wants us to experience peace on earth that's why our message today is what look to Jesus and be at peace my question is this what kind of peace does Jesus give if one of them highlights of Christmas or the main messages of Christmas is peace on earth for all people and passing peace on because other religion other religions will offer peace other people will offer peace other organization ideologies mindset will tell you okay you want to have peace you just meditate and you'll receive peace oh so what's the difference of that peace with the peace of Jesus offering the understand the question what's the difference of the piston offering it on group of people atone okay you want to have peace of mind you just reflect on yourself you just eat this food and you will have peace you know that there's some organization organizations like that you eat this and you're gonna have peace you ask forgiveness to people and you're gonna have peace and honestly if we do that there's some feeling of peace but it's not the peace that Jesus is offering I'm gonna teach you three kinds of peace that Jesus is offering it's giving to people that's why he came here here on earth are you ready ready yeah but I mean pizza okay are you ready what's our message again look to Jesus and be at peace so number one the first and I think one of the most important peace that God that Jesus is offering to all people that's why he came here on earth is peace with God what do you mean real Marty about peace with God why is that very important in fact that's why he came why look at the look at this versa the angel said to them do not be afraid it's a good news that will cause great joy the reason why it's gonna cost great joy because we're gonna have peace with God pocket Makaha why bahaminy Lord let's look at what happened let's look here's the thing okay look at look at what I said today in the town another sabe of David a savior we need a Savior we need the Messiah to come because that Messiah will give peace on earth why our greatest problem is we are enemies of God because of sin don't you know that before you came to know Jesus Kalibak and Lord Talabani Lord that before he came here before the savior of the world before he died for your sins because we are sinful caliban tiny Lord why because he hates sin a lot of people cannot accept this that's why they don't understand the need of a savior you cannot appreciate the need of a savior and as a result of that you're not gonna be joyful if you know that there's a savior because in the moment I kita you greatest problem now baloney God but just just imagine this on a balcony God the one who created everything the one who created the universe the one who can kill you in a snap the one is even Melania you're gonna get sick kind of Cayenne going on in Colaba do you think my loved one I mean I want to just imagine how this spirit we are of a savior because we've seen in other words you just lied once you're an enemy of God you cheated once you're an enemy of God anybody who cheated here in an exam don't raise your hand because I know all of us at one point in our life right come on let's be honest I cheated you know I'll be honest maybe some of you haven't praise God for you but I'm a cheap but I did that before so imagine just that one sin I'm an enemy of God you know why some people cannot accept that they couldn't accept that because they see God as loving God he's a forgiving of course definitely God is loving God is forgiving that's why he sent his son but he is also just there's a penalty his law is very simple you want to go to heaven don't sin but since you sin you cannot go to heaven you're gonna go to hell that's the punishment okay but I love you very much I'm gonna pay for your sin that's why look at Romans chapter five verse one at the bottom explain me yeah therefore since we have been do you know what that word is justified that word means declared not guilty have you ever committed the crime I don't think anybody here committed a crime but they have you ever have you ever done something at school than a principal office can anybody hear the principal office not a principal officer before the reason why the principal office ago I started a joke in this impasse it's an all boys school all boys school that's in their class I was passing a piece of paper now so let's a piece of paper what competing is a task my a piece so and I will I will always I will tell my friend parrot anymore be baking paper teething in Sebastian without failed it again and the hot Magna pasado people happen to join there is a joker in tapas nuna because a teacher Parma bait kissing teacher okay so bream bait yeah now I don't think the Google it chef paresseux sobre en and empower sob in a teacher what's happening what's going on what's that piece of paper so you know hoddan yeah I don't know what the me [Laughter] guess what you guys go in Lisa you sent me my life I got the mini though you got going now you know I worry casino college shortened you know Duda but anyway no high school so I get where we do I school so I did that and who started this so everybody all of them said see Marty boss him I do own the principal officer so I stayed there and I was the enemy of the TD no you guilt feeling now how about something else the subject I think it was social economics or it was a history class I don't if you socio economic history class but somewhere there and then I was so guilty good thing that he was gracious and he said oh please don't do it again but I was sent that office administrative office I'd live with the principal was there Perry you've declared guilty that one that justified gets the penalty is there imagined rata you sin you go to hell you die but when you're justified it doesn't happen anymore do you know how powerful that is that's why I like that word justified God is saying you sin but I paid for it you are not guilty anymore that's why we have there's the phrase peace with God can you know through our Lord Jesus Christ and he further explained this how did he explain this since we have now been justified by his blood that's how we were justified he died on the cross paid the penalty of your sins in my sins do you know that's the only the only penalty for sin is someone dying ever since the Old Testament if someone sinned and I've explained this many times they already but I just want to reiterate it if someone sin you offer an animal you call call that appointment you kill the and the priest will kill the animal to cover your sin because when God sees blood it means the sin is covered but that's not enough atonement is just covering someone has to completely pay for it where the person who can completely pay for it is someone perfect nobody's perfect except Jesus that's why he came year he became man to die for your sins and my sins how much more look at the verse how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath can enid are through through canina so Jesus Christ for we if we were if while we were God's enemies and I said I've been in nepali we were reconciled to him through the death of the son how much more having been reconciled shall we be saved because of this life not only is this soul but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now received what reconciliation a big Sabine there's forgiveness restoration of fellowship and relationship with Jesus Christ I want you to understand this guys because I want you to have great joy because of Jesus because a lot of people they don't have great joy because of Jesus they're joyful well yes Lord thank you you came here on earth yeah that's good but great joy young-sam is a passage we cannot have great joy if we don't understand we're all doomed to hell without Jesus Christ that's why the peace that God offers is peace with God peace that Jesus Christ offers is peace with God with our Heavenly Father he paid for that sin what's our message again look to Jesus and be at peace this kind you number one belong it's it pops all the other kind of peace that we will experience here on earth guide the mechanic on peace of mind or peace of heart here on earth let's say you're at peace I'm not worried I'm at peace okay segi if I double down a hill so Bali wallah they understand that that even though you have peace here a lot of people they have peace here on earth but they're not going to heaven what allows I would rather that there are some challenges here and you know sometimes I happy sometimes I don't but I have peace with God peace of God tops every other kind of peace that's why I want us to understand it that's the missing piece a lot of people are experiencing and that's why we ask you to share the gospel that's why I ask you to tell your friends about Jesus because they need to save your peace with God what's our message up to Jesus be at peace can you tell your seatmate whether they go look to Jesus be at peace okay number two and the second one is it happens also this is also part of the peace that God offers number one I think is the most important one because if we don't have peace with God but all the other things are useless but surprisingly number two is also part of the picture because he wants us to have peace in the midst of storms in the midst of stress in the midst of problems in the midst of trials in our life he wants us to have peace in fact look at this passage in Psalm 29 verse 11 let's read it together the Lord what if strength his people the Lord blesses his people with Angelino he blesses his people with peace she know they be they blessed with peace Sina yes how can you be his people if you don't follow him or you don't love him right if you don't have a relationship with him how can you be his people this is the requirement here do you see where we need to cooperate with God he wants to give you peace to his people he wants to give you strength to his people and that's his promise and in the in Philippians chapter 4 it or mention have been the Apostle Paul do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God in other words look to Jesus instead of worrying instead of looking to other people instead of looking to other means instead of comparing yourself with what other people has in social media don't look to them don't be anxious because those things will cost you anxiety instead look to Jesus I'll be honest with you there were times the past few weeks I was so anxious because of my health because my mom's symptoms are on the field after I felt young acidity in my stomach so you heard that maybe when I spoke last last month here at CCF so I felt this acidity in my stomach and then there were some symptoms in my body and I'll be honest with you it caused me so much stress and anxiety because I tried searching Google I know I sent a message good that stop looking at Google but I couldn't stop looking at Google so I looked at Google for example I experienced shortness of breath so I searched shortness of breath breath symptoms or reasons why are there shortness of breath and then guess what will Google say he will the Google will will make a list of the possible reasons why there are shortness of breath number one you are anxiety number two maybe you have heart problems heart condition long you book or something like that or there's some hypertension or something like that or there's acidity so technically it's connected but then you will see the word maybe you have cancer and guess what will highlight in your mind in my mind well Anna the Hollywood have any stress anxiety possible reason Hollywood happening reason maybe because of acidity alone on a high light cancer sobbing oh my lord and another symptom that I had aside from that one another symptom that I had was there was lightheadedness or product on tequila that I didn't understand or para Mahela Hindi so a possible reason is of course hypertension possible reason is this this and then some made up on my mom Abbas a comment on that if it's consistent maybe it's cancer so you will see that Lord Lord I was so anxious because I wasn't looking to Jesus in fact Jesus was already reminding me God was already reminding me stop looking at those things Marty trust me and I know this message by heart but when the going gets tough and you're in that situation it's just so easy to look at this and not just in health but even in relationships right if we like this girl and then you text your heart and my highlight lung you back initially reply de ba instead of highlighting the other things there are maybe mrs. Shah I didn't reply in the mansion last night didn't reply for one hour right so now I like to an that causes us to be so anxious so paranoid without Thanksgiving on the contrary of this passage because we're not representing a request of God and a promise they pour when we present our requests to God verse 7 let's read it together duh let's say this is the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus peace that transcends I don't know how to overemphasize or explain this but it's a peace that you cannot explain it's a peace that is rooted in Christ it's a peace that you are covered with the security covered with this love that you look to him instead of the other things in your life that's the source of this kind of peace that's why it's peace in the midst of the storms I know some people that are there they're not Christians they don't have Jesus in their hearts they might say that they have this kind of peace and yes but I don't think they can say this for the rest of their life people who are with Christ in Christ can have this for the rest of their lives that you cannot explain you lost a loved one you're at peace you're sick you're at peace you failed in an exam even though you started really hard ah I'm not saying you can I got a solana my own but if you studied really hard you gave your all and you fail okay there's that peace that transcends all understanding I remember this tree I was doing a research of a tree that's very strong this is an oak an old oak tree 1100 years old now oak tree that is in Texas USA so there was a typhoon last 2017 they called it hurricane Harvey that's what they call the typhoon there they call it hurricane so hurricane Harvey was a very strong typhoon in destroyed houses uprooted trees but surprisingly one of the trees that stood had up until now is this oak tree and it was old 1,100 years old and I realized when they were doing something they they realized one of the reason why oak trees are very wrong it's not because their roots are deep but their roots spread wide so for example if this is the piece of land the tree is there the roots spread wide and it's so hard to uproot them cuz they abandon reach the root and you know what I realize just the same as this example the more Christ fills your life the more peace you have in any situation because if Christ is not the one controlling your life if you're not filled with his spirit well you're not gonna abyss but the more Christ fills your life in every in any situation whether it's difficult or extremely hard you're gonna have peace that's why your promise yeah the cinnamony paul in galatians chapter 5 but the fruit of the Spirit is what love joy and what does it offer also peace the peace that surpasses all kinds of understanding what's our message again look to Jesus and be at peace and this season you're gonna be stressed with a lot of things you need to buy gifts you need to buy a lot of stuff you need to prepare things right so many letters but do you know that you can have peace in the midst of all of those things meaning to say there's an assurance that you're doing something right and there's also the security that everything will work out for the good some of you might be experiencing some sickness in the family do you know that you can have peace in the midst of that that even though your mom is termini terminally ill or your dad is terminally ill or whoever it is in your family you can have the assurance that you're doing that the right things and your you can also have the security that everything will work out for the good but our role is to look to Jesus because even though he doesn't explain to us here's the thing some people would say Papa McGaha Nabisco mrt if God is not explaining everything God doesn't have to explain everything but God will reveal himself to us that's what it means now when we look to him okay I don't understand this Lord I know there's that piece that you offer that is beyond understanding so what's our message look to Jesus and be at peace what's the first one peace with God peace in the midst number two of storms and number three piece that is everlasting now before I explain this I've asked the music team to sing this song I like this song I just heard this this week and I hope you also appreciate I want you to listen to the lyrics I want you to appreciate this and afterwards I'm gonna go back and explain what point number three is let's all welcome the music theme [Music] when I think upon Christmas words can't express powerful in heaven he gave us his rest to be born in the head and creation [Music] for the church [Music] - through the gift of words now the guests of images for the savour of heaven has come [Music] when I think of God Jesus the king of I can't help but respond offering of praise like the wise men and shepherds I'll follow your light like the angels I live join me for the joy of the world hue boy to us all through the gift off you love now the darkest of ages for the savior of heaven has come for the joy of the world you're born to us all through the gift of through love now the darkest of Ages for the savior of heaven has come now I love back in reference to the domain for the god of the heavens and a song let's see no choice in his name or we met [Music] forever his kingdom will [Music] we manual with us always and forever is king Willie [Music] Wow you know I like that last line where it says forever his kingdom will reign if there's one major difference with the piece that God is offering compared to the piece that the world is offering and I think I mentioned this before already but God's peace is everlasting meaning to say here on earth it might be a little bit temporary because sometimes there's peace and sometimes there's no peace because of our fault because we disobey we force our own ways and of course without time peace known if we force our own ways but after everything is done as long as you have a relationship with Jesus and you are with him forever there is everlasting kind of peace look at what I say I said and I say a chapter 9 verse 6 for to us a child is born this is the prophecy of the about the coming Messiah to us a son is given and the government all the leaders will be on his shoulders he will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father am the Prince of Peace and guess what the next verse says of the greatness of his government and the greatness of his peace under there it's every last thing it's the kind of peace that is forever he will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from the time on and forever the zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this there is absolute security in Jesus that's why his peace is everlasting absolute security one of the major reasons why people don't have peace is we're insecure we compare we look to other things we look to what we don't have we look to the things that we don't want to let go instead of cooperating with God trusting him looking to him believing in him we looked at the world we look to people of course there's no security when you look to people of course there's not there's no security when you look to money when you look to career when you look to all the desires here on earth there is no security but in geez there's absolute security that's what he promised that's why we look to him I want us to read this passage because I just read this again you know recently and when I was reading this radical Wow this is the kind this is the heart of that person who is absolutely secure in the Lord look at what this person says whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High and I wanted imagine you saying this huh whoever it was in the shelter of the Most High and I promise will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I trust I'm going Messiah I will say to the Lord you're my refuge you're my fortress you know what that means you're my security and I trust in You Lord surely he will save you from the Fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence in other words there will be evil things that may happen in your life but he's gonna rescue you from those things he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings he will find a refuge it's just like an eagle covering his eaglets it's like just a bird covering his kids his faithfulness will be your shield and round part imagine that in other words he is faithful you can count on to that you will not fear that there of night you will not fear the sicknesses that you feel you will not fear the uncertainties that is in your life you will not fear the difficult people in your life nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor those difficult people nor those things that you don't understand nor the things that cause you pain you will not fear those things nor the plague that destroys you at midday a thousand may fall at your side and I love what the psalmist said here ten thousand at your right on in other words guy hot now gal it say oh it will not come near you you see what God is saying here you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked makalah bank on Iona now go any Lord don't worry don't need to fear them if you say the Lord is my refuge and make the most high your dwelling in other words I'm gonna stay with you Lord I'm not going to depend on these things I'm gonna stay with you in your house in your dwelling place no harm but I know that no harm will overtake you no disaster will come near your tent and look at the next part we will command matching his angels you must six winged angels concerning you where the Shepherd's were afraid he will command them concerning you in other words be concerned of this persona don't get hungry later I want you to be concerned of that and guard that in in all your ways you guard this first one they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone knee give us a second have you tried uh striking a stone with your foot without slippers or shoes the snow this may or may be pain in your life but he's gonna protect you you will tread on the lion in the Cobra you will trample the great lion and the serpent those things that can cost you death because at the Lord because he loves me a new condition because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for a acknowledges my name of God his protection his love will be with you he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble anything beautiful promise yeah and I will let's read it together I will deliver him and Wow who doesn't want to be honored by the Lord there is absolute security in Jesus I'm gonna end with this story so I was rushed to the ER three times guys since October 26 until I think that was a couple of weeks ago so in the span of four months I four months four weeks I was rushed to the ER because of my condition because I didn't understand one I was experiencing some acidity in my stomach so somehow I understand it was good or acidity that's acidity GERD and then second one is my elevated blood pressure it's getting high every morning reaching to 150 160 over 100 I had palpitations and I was really alarmed and one of my doctors told me okay why not sir Marty you go to you be admitted not to the hospital be admitted so that was a couple of weeks ago just be admitted to the hospital and go through all the tests we just needed to check why you're experiencing BP elevated BP because it's not connected to acidity impossible acidity will not cause elevated BP so I had all those things I had the blood test so many blood tests they had to sedate me also for the first time I'm experienced you know you about looking so I was sedated cool Paula and be glad to look after two seconds so anyway I don't have experienced that but it's funny so I felt it here because they had to do endoscopy they had to check my stoma they had to check my large in small in the states they had to check ultrasound everything because I was also worried again like what I said I see a lot of cancer cancer cancer and I cried to God I don't want to die of grace I love me foreign commerce I want to see you Lord but I want my kids to grow I want to see them get married I wanna be the one to officiate their wedding and I don't want him to marry the wrong guys I wanna be there tell me all of those things so I was really worried but every time there's only one phrase that God wanted me to hear trust me Marty trust me oh my god case after seven after a few weeks or after a few days the results came out and everything by God's grace is normal so praise God for that there's no yeah you can clap and give glory to God there's no show more or anything cuz I was worried is there two boys there something is I mean we know a lot of people are a lot of cancer and all of those things so I had that health scare but I'll be honest with you that I know this phrase but somehow during that best and brokenness I felt that I didn't have security Shepherd I was trying to look to Jesus but there's that bother did bother I was bothered in my heart the Lord I know I want to look to you I know I need to focus on you but you know how broken I am I don't want this experience this but every time God would just remind me trust me trust me and every time I cried to God because I cried many times this past few weeks because of that sickness this of what I'm feeling I cried many times and I told God and every time I cry seriously there's that embrace that I feel there's that comfort the peace that surpasses understanding reminding me now I will take care of you Marty don't be afraid in fact sobbing and policies are very the Lord will adamant on Lois whatever happens if you're sick you're not sick you don't lose anything because you have me and you have me forever you see that of course I have this desire but I always I just tell God I surrender all of these things to you I'm gonna go back to the doctor next week I think what they found out is just for you to know I have hyper essential hypertension meaning to say there's no cause Tomatis until again be Pico which is also it's easier to manage so maybe they'll give medication for me or diagonal and exercise so Darwin Mach Jim the die or a so-so l am boo Malik this exercise and eat healthier food so I'm trying to do that so I hope that you'll in telling us it's easier to manage it so praise God if you'll and Elega is easier to manage but again I go back to this security that I have in the Lord now yes you will experience some uncertainties just like what the passage we read Psalm 91 then to the passage there will be dark moments dark valleys uncertainties thinks that you won't like things that is confusing and sometimes and use a thing I listen to me sometimes those dark valleys timing saladna why we are there cuz I you're not even Melissa my Lincoln Ogawa we don't want to leave something that's wrong we don't want to let go of something that's not causing a speech that's why we look to Jesus and therefore we are gonna be at peace so I want to pray for you guys I don't know what you're going through what kind of uncertainty you're experiencing can you just stand up want to pray for you I don't know what's bottling you right now maybe like me it's health or maybe it's about school about relationship maybe it's about your family finances that's causing you to worry that's causing you to be anxious that's causing you to not have security or it's all your own doing you're in a relationship that's not causing your peace because Allah Moon among the leg of my leg they're just forcing it I mean it's so simple to say what needs to be done but I know it's hard for you to do the right thing but please start looking to Jesus hopefully you'll be able to do the right thing start looking to Jesus and hopefully you'll be at peace if we just bow down our heads close our eyes I want to pray for two specific groups of people here tonight or this afternoon first group of people is there are those people who doesn't have a relationship with Jesus you're still at war with the Lord you are still an enemy of God because you don't have Jesus in your heart he's not yet their Savior he's not yet dear Lord is not yet the king of your life you don't love him with all of your heart if you're that person I want you to repent and I want you to turn to God and I want you to say something like this to Jesus Jesus I need a Savior I don't want to be your enemy I want to be reconciled with you thank you for the blood at the cross thank you for dying for my sins today I humble myself and I want to accept you as my Lord and Savior to believe in you in all of my heart and to love you with all of my soul thank you for the promise of eternal life and thank you for the security and absolute peace that you offer your people for the second group of people that I want to pray Lord there's so many of us here who has a relationship with you already but just like me Lord it's so hard to be at peace when we are in that situation already that's causing us to be worried causing us to be noxious please forgive us please help us teach us to look to you always and remind us of the cross remind us of the security remind us that you're our foundation and remind us that in you there's everlasting peace we thank you Lord God for what you're offering we thank you Lord God that you're with us you're for us you're not against us and we give you our lorry honor and praise in Jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you guys [Music]
Channel: Elevate Main
Views: 21,243
Rating: 4.9206347 out of 5
Keywords: Elevate Main, Campus Ministry, Youth Ministry, Discipleship
Id: RYQpq-e51rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 26sec (3146 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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