The Missing Milionaire (Pt. 1) - Crime Watch Daily

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Chris this millionaire Mobile's disappearance is the talk of the town and many are asking was she the victim of a random attack or was it revenge for something else Chris Richardson a very rich widow suddenly goes missing it's really like a person just vanished off of the face of the earth with no trace disappearing into the thin air of Casper Wyoming it's the unknown of just wondering what happened cops wondered did her own children kidnapper for the money to your knowledge has your family been cleared and Chris's disappearance no I don't believe so did Chris have a lover or a secret admirer I would believe that obsessed is a good word to use yes and what does this trucker know its dignity just leave me alone okay just want to find out what happened we'll go find out then okay it's the question haunting the town of Casper what happened to Chris Richardson someone took her and someone did something to her she did not walk away you pray she's alive Chris a beloved mother and grandmother was last seen alive on a chilly October evening at about 5:30 that was her daughter Amber's birthday and she tells our Jason Mattera her mom just stopped by to drop off a card and give her a hug that night she came by to bring me a birthday card and just tell me to have a great night and then she left and went home did anything seem off-kilter no I've replayed that in my mind a number of times and questioned you know did I miss something was she overly affectionate was she wanting to quickly get out of here and it was the normal routine you know she gave my kids a kiss and said I'll talk to you guys tomorrow next morning Chris Richardson is a no-show at work we received a phone call asking if we had heard from her or seen her that morning because she never showed up to work amber and her husband Pete raced at Chris's home just around the corner it's a short drive but feels like an eternity to an extremely worried daughter when did you realize that something was wrong shortly after we entered the house and opened the garage door and when I saw her car still sitting in the garage I knew that something was not right inside the house sure panic sets in is Amber and Pete search room to room I started calling for her and she didn't answer looked in the bedroom and saw that she wasn't in the bed and we searched the whole house and she was not there but it's what is there that is most alarming everything a purse sitting on the kitchen counter with seven hundred plus dollars in it driver's license cellphone passport birth certificate suitcases clothes everything to us looked like it was there everything except Chris Richardson we called the police right then in there Casper Police Detective John Hatcher is on the receiving end of the panicked 911 police recall came in to us at 9:08 from amber saying that we need to come over from almost missing inside crime scene detectives hope to discover clues answer the question where is Chris Richardson inside there have been no signs of struggle there was no signs of anything of any foul play or anything had happened then detective Hatcher spots her cell phone was laying on the bed again she was a owner operator of a pretty large trucking company here and and Kathy Wyoming and all trucks have to be dispatched through her that cell phone is a way that she got it but to a person who is running a company that's the only way you can make money is they have that cell phone that was very suspicious and it's about to get worse for the Richardson kids as detectives focused their investigation on them financially family members would have everything to gain with Chris out of the picture Chris and her son-in-law Pete didn't always see eye to eye she's pretty dynamic she's very very sure of herself and very confident very business sense so we hit it off really well in certain ways and then kind of really went at it pretty good in a business sense the investigation heats up when detectives run a financial background check on Pete and amber could there be a paper trail linking the multi-million dollar trucking business and Chris's disappearance it is really a major inconvenience and troubling to be put in that room and really treated like a criminal Christian's son Tracy is an attorney obviously familiar with the legal system he's adamant he has nothing to hide it's police 101 that I've seen plenty of of your shows and date lines on television and the family is often involved but Tracy is willing to do whatever it takes to help solve his mother's disappearance you can look at my whole life and you can have access to all of it and it will show you that I had nothing to do with this after multiple interviews and even lie detector tests Chris Richardson's family members remain persons of interest now why don't you think you and your wife have been cleared yet by them you know because I think they don't know I think there's no concrete evidence they don't have a suspect so I think until they get to that point I think they need to keep their minds open then anything's possible anything is possible all right as detectives combed through the trucking company's financial record books that's when they make an explosive discovery between the bills and invoices love letters and they're addressed to Chris what are you thinking what do you hide up next who is the mystery man behind these love letters and what does he know about the disappearance of Chris Richardson I'm watch tail is Jason Mattera is about to find out
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 686,167
Rating: 4.7125845 out of 5
Id: ExfC9AAfOcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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