The Missing (Missing Person Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] every two minutes someone in Britain disappears most will be found within 48 hours but every year 2,000 people go missing and do not return we're looking obviously for address books names written down with phone numbers we're looking for his passport this film follows three families whose loved ones have vanished without a trace I'm looking for my brother this will be your life Chile is found as they desperately search for answers he's my husband you know what such a wife would have if I gave up on it and try to bring their missing relatives home I don't want my sister to be dead one way or another one need to fight [Music] when was the last time you saw 1959 they're all air lower we know every year missing people receive over 58,000 calls for help someone goes missing the police or the family might make contact with us to let us know and ask for our help anyone can go missing from somebody on benefits through to a very high-paid banker and for some families and there will be no understanding as to why that person's made some decision to leave it could be from completely starting a new life through to the fact they might be dead so the the speculation the possibilities become endless [Music] as you drive around you just find yourself looking at everybody [Music] parked the car on W other lines right in the middle of the town center and ran in a Tesco because we saw a guy in there that looked like Mark it wasn't him but from outside it looked like him I know if it's more in Hope than judgment but you can't just leave it and not look four weeks ago Marc Whitten store went missing from his home in Blackburn his brother Steve reported him missing when he failed to turn up to a family christening here we go have you seen missing mark police are concerned for the welfare of a man who has not been seen or heard of for the last month mark waiting still 51 currently lives in Blackburn he's a clean train plane and bus spotter and his brother is particularly worried about him as it is absolutely out of character for him to disappear he sometimes has problems with his knee and could be using crutches there is no evidence in the flap that he's been there for some time no evidence of taken clothes no evidence of preparing for a trip almost as though it walked out that evening to go wherever he was going that just hadn't come back I mean you've got his face he's 6 foot is it be glad you ain't gonna miss him you can look at that and think he's five foot three you know what I mean does he ever grow a beard Steve a nickel - you've got one on there and if you have another picture of him we appear don't cuz you know we'll talk later for me about do a lot for bill about a full one no I don't mean that I'm saying it'll be down there like yeah hi there my name's Steve unwitting store you've got my brother actually on your missing persons register there's a couple of things I want to add to the poster you've got agent disappearance 51 underneath that mark is 6 foot tall yeah a big gentle giant you know what would definitely put this high on that okay very it is like a home bed that is always just gone to work come on his mother does the tea up there well you know a man like Iraq said his mom and dad passed he's always after me and Steve he's qualms I've got a steel table just didn't enter ed thought he would call missing you know dad was ill and I was pretty sure he'd got cancer I don't think mark realized at all how serious dad was and I remember going into the hospital dad held my hand and just said I'm worried when I go and he just look out for your brother and of course I said I would and then he passed away I mean I love my parents so much and having made that promise it is hard to live with yourself when when you've laid him down so badly both my dad and my brother it is very hard to live with [Music] 99% of missing people will be found within a year of their disappearance but the families of those who remain missing may face on a lifetime of uncertainty it's him or do you suppose the Lord and he always did it usually would not have to work and you're like putting stripes in the lawn as well which I'm afraid I've got a cooler where to do it 12 months ago Terry Beardsley's husband Tim left their home in Derbyshire and vanished into thin air [Music] this is like world of Tim really this is his janessa the other woman the other woman yeah he's been a motorsport mechanic visitor the best part of 20 years over here we've got pit lane passes ones on the end are all the biggest formula Tim's beneath he went all over the world with that Australia New Zealand Mexico I always took her of this under sofa in Tim always sits at that end which really where they don't know why but it's just always being like that I actually called him bunny so he calls me that as well and it will be sudden you before you know where yeah I've got a house full of them other bunnies your surrogate children I suppose really they must be the last time I saw him he was laid in bed and I thought he was asleep and I just sort of got out of bed I went into the bathroom I was actually literally getting out in the bath and I hadn't even heard him get dressed or anything so I must have literally just got out of bed put his clothes on straight now stairs took the alarm off and then the next thing I heard was the car starting off that point Jenna knew something was wrong because there was no need for him to be going anywhere at all so I - downstairs and as I got to the front door I then realized that he was halfway up the road he hadn't said a word he just sneaked out while I was in the bathroom so I knew at that point straight away that something was wrong my heart was just like I didn't know what to think I just knew it was really bad I just knew that this shouldn't have happened and what do I do now [Music] [Music] when a person has been missing for more than a year the police investigation will often reach a dead end but for the families left behind a search continues [Music] burner feed on is traveling to Ireland to look for her missing sister Ezrin almost three years ago Ezra left her home and vanished without a trace so I'm speaking with burner for Dan the sister of Ezra Orin who went missing from where she lived in West Dublin on the 23rd of February 2011 yeah have there been any other developments no none at all nothing it's really part of February 2011 my sister left her home to go to her local shops it was about quarter past 7:00 in the morning and she just never came back her car was later found abandoned but Ezra has not been seen since it just doesn't make sense has someone got hold of her there's something horrible happens when we just can't find her Oh Ezra left behind her husband of seven years and the two-year-old son lemon people have suggested she's oh you know maybe she's missed someone she's run off I said she wouldn't just run off on her own give me here that child was everything to her so that I don't believe that she would have just taken off and left her baby behind [Laughter] with the police case no longer active burner is returning to the last place her sister was seen to investigate the disappearance for herself [Music] [Music] it feels strange to come back here amen hey no it was meant to be here might still keep coming back all the time because she's here somewhere she's she's here somewhere I need to fight it's Bedfordshire place a piece of coin can you put me through please to the accident emergency department I'm looking for a male and he's bringing some concern to us and I was wondering whether he's come through your doors at any point in the last week or so 14% of all police time is spent investigating missing persons reports PC Jayne Klein is leading the hunt for Mark whiting storm who disappeared from his home in Blackburn four weeks ago today she's investigating an unconfirmed sighting of mark 150 miles away in Bedford town centers covered by CCTV run by the council so I'm off to the council offices to see whether we can pick mark on the cameras of that day alright the timings that I've got is always approximate so I have to bear in mind that the information may not be totally accurate so again it does depend on the angle of their camera at the time and so on I mean it might be that we just don't pick him up at all benches here which so I knew look and I think that's probably where she means you know that's not him there is it because it's got what like she was on right this is interesting somebody there with his head in his hands on the same bench I've got a man in a black parka coat dark trousers with crutches that's him he does look very down and it's not sort of sitting looking around it's not really noticing anybody else I think he definitely needs looking for the CCTV image is the last confirmed picture of mark and it's already four weeks old but now a publicity campaign is starting to generate fresh sightings across the country hello well what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go back down into the town centre even if it's a dead end I don't care where you go all right I'm five years older the mark in fact I remember my mum going into labor didn't have a phone in the house and I had to run around to make the phone call to get the ambulance out for Mark to be born we had a great upbringing we were a family I got into Trainspotting which sort of dragged my brother along I mean every little baby box with ism sit and have lunch in the sunshine watching the train I moved out at 21 years old and that is really where our lives took their own course I went off got married started to do the family thing mark grew up and spent his life with my mum and dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm looking for my brother I've had a phone call to say he might have been on the bus station in the laughs at the hour or so six foot like big lad [Music] he hasn't been here in the last of our satellite if you six-foot lady can't mix be glad no this is my first one momentum wasn't it hopes rising in fall every week police forces receive hundreds of calls from members of the public convinced they have seen a missing person each unconfirmed sighting fuels families hope that their loved ones will be found five days after motorsport mechanic Tim Beardsley drove away from his home and vanished the first clue emerged a hundred and fifty miles away in the Lake District [Music] the on 13th of July I was just driving down here down to work and there spotted a green Ford Focus in one of the lay-by we had a quick look in the surrounding areas and I couldn't see any people being up for a fish or for a kayak or a bike ride it something didn't quite tally up here with this car I called it in and it was it was then that we kind of went eat well it is a missing persons car we had a visit from a police sergeant I was sort of fearless it's a very tense as he got lair and the tenseness I think then developed into sort of shivers to be honest I could feel from his aura that he thought something had happened to him and just the way he was he was very very serious and he said we have found Tim's car in the Lake District and the car was parked next to a lake I think perhaps he thought that the worst had happened in it in turn was in the lake but I was wondering 1% convinced that he hadn't done anything like that quite sure [Music] two up to a car violate somebody's gone missing the first thing you're going to think is that is in that Lake why else parked near a lake the weekend before he disappeared on the one day on the Saturday he and Terry both came over here and I knew as soon as he came in that he wasn't mad it was disinterested It was as if everything was going on around him I actually brought the sister in the kitchen and Isis to us as he's not around his issue says no he's now and they had thought no more of it then and it wasn't until I got the phone call on the Monday night and be answered that what's happened you feel like did I fail as a mate did I miss something selfish and it really it's selfish it's it's what they want to do and now they want to do it but deal with everybody else [Music] in the 12 months since Tim vanished his image has been publicized throughout the UK and one billboard in Birmingham has sparked a rash of sightings giving Terry hope that Tim is still alive it's another trip to Birmingham today this is just an outlet to put now for Tim it's been there really since the first time I left the house you know after he had disappeared [Music] we've had six sightings of Tim for me that's that's enough just to confirm he's still with us and he's out there this is Terry's ninth trip to Birmingham in just three months what's that mean I do tend to keep just glancing around I do sort of people watching off a lot just on the off chance that he may walk past it's just always worth keeping here I am he's got a very familiar face doesn't he yeah stop anymore I have a bit he might well he hated shaving so I think he would start shaving Chesterfield what I'm thinking of Scottish I had an email from a gentleman that said he'd seen him in this car park trying to get sort of you know spare change just really I imagine to get enough together to get something to eat yeah that's a shortcut down to the road there's not really much shelter there is this [Music] you know somebody's been in that up throughout that his towns and also Terry is that yeah I'm as an old old old as well [Music] I don't know area sleeping is a you know sleep incitive under bushes like this or in a shed somewhere or railway arches and I don't know [Music] I feel that we've done all we can do today I mean I'm just going to keep coming until I sort of hear that you may be somewhere else when someone vanishes without a trace their families attempts to solve the mystery can take over their lives [Music] three years ago burners sister Ezra said goodbye to her husband and baby and left for the local shops but she never arrived [Music] one hour later her silver runner was clocked on CCTV twenty miles away in Bray burner is convinced the timings of that journey are suspicious now to determine what really happened she's retracing Ezra's last-known movements now it's a roundabout coming up and this is where the CCTV first quarter number plate and it's three minutes 25 seconds okay and that's over 40 minutes they wonder taken that long no that's actually where it sounds like and if this happened has happened if someone's waved up down she may have stopped to help someone got in the car or she got out the car something happened in that time yeah I know she had a small boot but yeah bouquet you could fit person in it yeah right we've taken the brain turnoff Assessor space it was actually the third space a park this one here right here 30 minutes stop 38 also 30 minutes four seconds as always the rest of the time ago police found Ezra's car abandoned in this car park in Bray but there is no proof that she was the driver we could not find a shred of evidence that she ever actually was ever in Bray because the CCTV is so appalling that you can't see who is driving that vehicle all I want is an answer and that's when I'd be at peace [Music] there has never been a sighting of Ezra and the police have downgraded their investigation but burner continues to publicize the disappearance and in terms of the guards if they feel they've got the effort here no not really it wasn't her normal character to disagree you know just disappear off the face of the earth she's got a baby that's now five years old that is growing up without the love of his mum after Ezra vanished her husband and son left Island and returned to live in North London you know what happened to mommy she went to you remember now she when she went to a shop and buy herself and then she went and she uh she she went on her car he didn't have the way her and then she lost she got lost I saw where mother [Music] even myself I am pretty much 40 years old and he's just went five even I couldn't understand what's going on and think about his little brain how he is trying to cope with the situation it's fighting you between your heart and your mind your heart is always telling she's coming back and your logic is telling the probability is getting though there is no answer for this one [Music] [Music] hi ladies do you mind if I stop your first second are you know can in Bray can I just hand you one of these he'll take away this is my sister you're probably locally a long time ago yeah oh you're her sister sorry Helena an amazing job was there keeping her memory alive but you know what if I don't how will anyone remember that she's still missing you know I try and block it all out of my head while I'm putting it up there I try and pretend it's not my sister in those pictures I hate putting those posters [Music] I said lamppost we've missing dogs and cuts but above its publicist this picture [Music] in the four weeks since mark witting store went missing in Blackburn he has not used his phone and his bank account has not been accessed his brother Steve is updating the relatives the police have now confirmed the bank machine sucked his card so that ran out of money so he's got no means of getting back now me Ida just jumped on a train anyway ticket or no ticket whatever but mark used to work for the railways and he knows it's an offense so he probably wouldn't you know I know would not sure our Marquis I'm not sure if Mark is earlier today police visited marks home to collect samples of his DNA one goes on but I still find it no I'll go missing this is not saying anything I thought taking DNA used is to identify unidentified corpses so that if they've got bodies and they take the NRF and they dumped know who they are then they can match the DNA and find it that person is [Music] long-term missing cases assent to the National Crime Agency's missing persons Bureau Warren here intelligence officers assist police forces and use DNA fingerprints and dental records to match missing persons with unidentified bodies there's a body of a vagrant found placed to row embankment the dead body found on the Upminster line in London last year alone a hundred and seventy seven unidentified bodies were discovered in Britain if someone's gone missing in giveth and we have a body in Glasgow we want to make sure that the two cases are put together if we don't the family in Plymouth is going to grieve for a very long time until they find their loved one some of the remains that are found are limited in terms of scope for identification this is a man's body found in Barnet whose upper fingers missing on one hand a blazer from Marks and Spencers in gray a petite interest in this case is for tattoo which looks like a panther all Cougars are on the man's arm and we'd hoped that someone might be able to recognize that tattoo it's very sad that people end up in this way in an unmarked grave for some storage facility awaiting someone to collect them and their job is to bring closure to the case and peace to the family so they never their loved ones are [Music] it's 12 months since Terry's husband Tim disappeared and his car was found abandoned in the Lake District but Terry is convinced that Tim is still alive today she's posing for a national newspaper who are publishing a story about Tim's disappearance yeah I heard the alarm be deactivated hit the car starter for newest things gone by just even get downstairs ride leaning this way I don't like having my photo joking I never have but they said that their reader circulation was around 6 million I'd do anything now so you know there's a slight possibility of Tim seeing that magazine article of somebody that knows Tim seen it then and it's got to be worth it yeah it's not used his bank cards its credit cards anything at all so of course I know so yeah I think he's flying under the radar when I think back to the morning Tim disappeared I don't think it was anything to do with me trying to run a business on his own was really it was finding that very difficult that was just something he couldn't really cope with the only way to distance himself from work was just to go and leave it all I get a bit upset sometimes where nothing that life is short and you don't get much time with the person you want to be with and sometimes I said to get a little bit frustrated about that but I've never been angry with him at all because I just want him to come home really [Music] you ever think you might be in denial because the truth is to grizzly to consider I always think that if the worst happened to Tim I would know I wouldn't want to think of anything awful having happened to him but I'm sure if it had by now I think surely somebody it would have turned out somebody would have you know would have found him [Applause] when Tim's car was discovered in the Lake District the Northwest underwater search team were brought in just on our left is where Tim's car was found by the mountain rescue and in front of the car you've got a massive body of water which is always water and anticipated assumption will be a carpark for the large body of water remember the public's gone missing surely that in the water and to be honest that I can understand that that assumption will be made but it is an assumption it's not known it's not a fact we have to consider if Tim entered the water how will he have physically entered the water we've gone fair that out then someone could physically get to caddy in any weight and we've gone fair that along then anyone can actually physically walk along because there's obstructions either lender that so we started broaden our search to start thinking of those things where you could do with jump entry if you like where you can throw yourself into the water and we've searched those locations as well you get mad thoughts you think what has he been working on the second identity has he put something because he's not daft or like the the chap in the canoe it come out eventually Danette we've spent twelve days doing different dives using sonar we've done the entire banks around here the area we've searched and where the divers have been Tim wasn't there Tim could equally have left the scene by other means simple - warped off got a bus caught a train it's just dope no it's a simple answer and there's nothing pointing to give us a better idea of what could have covered - who knows Tim's a clever lad whatever he's done he always researches it to the higher level than most people so if he's chosen that option then he'll have really worked out which maybe that's why I was struggling to find him [Music] [Music] and he's gonna try and test it so this is obviously him and fantastic okay what a result fantastic taffy yeah good morning missing people it's a Steven witting store here you can take mark off your list thankfully okay that's great thank you very much playing us know [Music] hello hello mark yeah so there's one so I realize now because I got the message from the place but I'm glad you find Matt we've been worried sick what permanently or do you want to come back up there alright buddy well yeah sure I understand if you change your mind or whatever just just let us know just let us know you're okay yeah you know once a week send us a text and just say yeah I'm still frying bubble boom do need some money are you sure yeah all right cool no worries if you need some it I can get some to you all right speak to you soon thank you love ya see ya ha knock him out I've been walking around for the last four or five weeks with a ton of bricks on my shoulder and this it feels as though someone's just walked up behind me and just taken it away [Music] today's the 9th of July which is our full year since Tim went missing Tim's birthdays gone so is mine and we've had Christmas and our wedding anniversary tomorrow all be 366 days you know I encountered and when it comes to I say when it comes to two years I don't want it to come to two years but you're quite possibly could do it'll do just another day really [Music] I don't really usually have a Sunday paper but this week it's a bit different because it seems going to be a nice picture to loom 99% of all of us in person cases are sold within 12 months so that puts him in the 1% that hasn't been sold and he's a pretty unique guy so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at that this is going out there to switch off the people in the exported no-doubter such as Spain and in areas like that because I don't really believe he's abroad but there is always a chance he has managed to get over the channel perhaps I don't know I prefer to think that he's just a little bit lost just gotta get found so when he gets found I'm gonna give him a right slap then we're gonna go for a beer I've just gone on to my original Facebook that I'm only friends with Tim so what to do on that that most night is just send him a little message really start off with usual hello Tim we're seeing new loads come home soon and then lots of kisses and it's posted and it's the you just thought by now that it would have contacted in some way if you thought that much Java then does make your question well yeah that's actually left Yuto because he's gone it's not just work he's walked out on because it is walked out on everything and everybody here's our I'm gonna keep trying to find him what such a wife would have if I gave up on him just because it had a you know an awful moment when he didn't feel I could cope with everything any had to go and if it takes five years ten years it so be if it takes that time it does [Music] I'm taking a video game goodbye I mean [Music] in the three years since Ezra Orin disappeared her sister burner has made 15 trips to Island to look for her I mean I don't believe the guard I've done everything they can to help they've done what they can at the time with the manpower they had maybe but I believe that they could have done a lot more what more they did you be be more aware don't just put the file in the corner on the final day of this visit Bernie is meeting the detective in charge of the case hopefully we might be able to expand and a few things today and I might be able to answer some of the questions that you may have this is hard a house yes yeah but there is still no proof that she actually came here herself you have to character contrive it's after yeah somebody drove the character fortunately we have CCTV unfortunately we cannot enhance it but anyway look it there is a female seen getting out of where the car had been parked and walking up towards the dead [Music] this is the individual she stops and looks around for a couple of seconds and then starts heading up towards bray head they're not working walking with purpose one doesn't know what they're contemplating what they're thinking I can't say whether it's Ezra you're on or not but I can't say that that's CCTV covering that area does not pick up that person coming back down that's not if we've seen that thing you've seen - yes so we've seen that fit and we watched it over and over again if you actually watch it very carefully there there's a little type that something crosses and it's a little dog that as soon as the dog passes her and she turns and starts walking are threats she was walking her dog didn't she she wasn't yet hesitation that's my interpretation that's why you know when it comes as far as here I'm thinking or the cars here but she ever actually get here herself yeah of course one of the major points that I just wanted to talk to you about is Ezra's phone and where the signal was lost the antenna picked up the phone I guess it's on the far side okay break it and that the phone's never been recovered the phone has never been recovered no more yes yeah you know this is a you know particularly tough time for for the family with the passing of your father in October 2010 as it was very close to your father yes yes like that's run more MORE well the sheer fact is she was away from the family where she was living here she may have been maybe possibly affected greatly by her father's death at the same point you've gotta weigh that up with the odds that she couldn't she would not been fair to be away from her son I take that on board but people who commit suicide they don't think rationally in most of the cases that I have death but I would say anything possibly in excess of 70% there is no look no okay and I know this is very upsetting but there is I just want to okay we straight up with you innovation nation chose as you say yourself it's two years in 11 months it's coming up to nearly three years and we want to try and you know it put some closure and to move from you know a search-and-rescue situation to a situation where we're possibly looking at more recovery than anything else yeah it would be fantastic you know for you to be able to close a chapter [Music] they came down which I thought was so wrong for them to terminus say to me that this is no longer a search but it's a recovery what damn proof have you got that my sister's dead how the hell can you commit suicide and no one comes across your body in such a public place so it's still a search in my eyes [Music] her last phone signal was actually received in this mountain it's hard coming and it's even harder going back she is my flesh and blood she's my only sister [Music] she would have done the same if it was made me I was sure you know I know she would have done I can't hear I'm torturing myself maybe but how can I let it go it's impossible to let go with no closure you can't let it go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 559,200
Rating: 4.7286267 out of 5
Keywords: missing person found, Full length Documentaries, crime documentary, child abduction emergency, Documentaries, Amazing Stories, 2017 documentary, reunited, Real Stories, Full Documentary, BBC documentary, the missing, only human, child abduction, full documentary 2018, Channel 4 documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, the girls who were found alive, Extraordinary people, Amazing Documentaries, tlc, crime, 2018 documentaries, 2018, Documentary, missing person
Id: O1EkZK6ChIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
Reddit Comments

I was just thinking about my theory on this case which is that she intentionally went missing despite how strange that is. I realised I had seen a doco on that type of thing. It might be interesting to see that there are others that, even with a loving family and big milestones they keep missing that can continue to stay away and not make contact. Got to be one of the hardest ways I can think of to lose a family member.

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