Jody Rilee-Wilson case: Father-in-law informs on son, wife (UPDATES below)

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what was discovered atop this mountain in eastern oklahoma was never meant to be found over 2 000 feet up and a virtual world away from where the story really begins in roxbury township new jersey where a girl named jody riley grew up in suburban bliss what was it like raising jody here it's really an amazing town a close-knit community for not a very small community it's you know 30 000 people and he should know your husband for much of the time that jody was here was the mayor of roxbury mayor or council but not you know but yes he was the mayor at times yeah so she grew up in a prominent family here i yeah i guess you could say that yeah but according to jody's closest friends the girl with a laugh described as contagious never acted like a daughter of privilege jody was so much fun she had just the best energy she celebrated your smallest victories and always there for you which is why jody's loved ones say it came as such a blow when after high school she seemed to want more than roxbury could provide what was your reaction when jody said i'm leaving and i'm going to oklahoma i was very upset because she was my closest friend she had just gone through a bad breakup and she said you know what i need to just get away and breathe and you know she chose oklahoma because she had family out there she had been talking to my aunt for quite some time and i think my aunt said why don't you come out here and you can go to school out here for a little while so at age 22 jody left the bustle of suburbia behind for the relative wilds of worcester oklahoma population about a thousand she wanted a change of scenery and what a change yes yes compared to worcester roxbury may as well have been manhattan but despite the slower pace jody's life was changing at lightning speed she goes to oklahoma and what happens a couple months later she had told me that she had met someone and that she seemed very happy they were going on all these awesome dates she was really into this person his name was donald lebo cephas wilson beau for short and that's all most of jody's friends knew about him because before anyone got a chance to meet the new man in her life we moved her to oklahoma in december and she was announcing her wedding by that may and that wasn't all so when jody told you that she was getting married i thought it was just she was getting married but that she was pregnant did she express to you that she felt like she had to get married or she really wanted to get married i think she wanted to i really do i don't think it was one where she felt she she must be married it was something she wanted to be married have a child i think she looked forward to that so i think it was kind of a dream come true here she is just a few months after that big announcement a clearly beaming bride with a groom to match i was her maid of honor the wedding was beautiful she was the most beautiful bride but in other pictures from that day one can't help but notice the differences between the first family of roxbury and the wilsons of worcester it was definitely like two worlds colliding but everybody got along and it was a beautiful day and roughly four months after that beautiful day jody gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named annabelle jody was the best mom she just fell right into it she was a natural a new husband a new baby everything seemed to be falling right into place but was it all happening too fast and were all these rapid changes as happy as they appeared she confided that she was having some trouble in her marriage struggling a little bit with balancing a lot of his family's opinions about the baby i know she felt like her toes were being stepped down a little bit and there was something else a secret lisa says she's been harboring since a few days before the wedding when jody took her to a local bar to meet some of her friends we'd only been there for a few minutes when somebody had come in the door and thrown a set of car keys and it hit jodie in the back of the head i kind of stood up out of my seat not knowing what was going on and one of her friends just grabbed my arm and said don't get involved that's bo lisa says jody told her to forget about it and even swore her to secrecy she begged me not to say anything and ruin her wedding day she was determined to make things work with bo and have annabelle born into a loving home now lisa often finds herself wondering what might have happened if she had said something i'm sorry it's emotional those tears stem from one very dark tuesday in may jody had just finished making a round of calls to let her loved ones know she lost her phone and that she'd be going away for a few days the last time i communicated with jody was on tuesday she didn't have her phone so she had to go through using her husband's phone and she was telling me they were going to be going to new mexico for a funeral when did jody tell you that she was leaving for the funeral thursday and the last time you talked to her was tuesday evening the next day stacy sent her daughter an email and in the two days to follow several more i just was not getting any response so i called to find out what was you know going on who did you call her husband he tells stacey that the family actually left for the funeral that tuesday night instead of thursday but that jody suddenly opted to stay behind for work and then this the rest of the family took annabelle to go to the funeral the girl was just three and a half months old and when you heard that did that seem odd yes she would not let them take the baby and her stay behind and there was more bad news as reported by journalist abbott koloff who was about to become part of the story in a very big way the wilsons drove home on saturday jody wasn't home their dogs weren't fed and there was a box outside and it was soaked in the rain inside that rain-soaked box my wife sent a locket said mom on it for jody for first mother's day i think right then and there that's when we were like yeah something's not right here so much can happen in a year lives can merge lives can be created lives can disappear such was the case for 23 year old jody riley wilson missing from her worcester oklahoma home after husband beau mother-in-law kathy and father-in-law jerry left for an out-of-state funeral one jody was supposed to attend so when you finally spoke to your son-in-law he was coming back from the funeral and that's the first time you heard that jody hadn't gone correct and he's like well i'm on my way back as soon as i get back i'll let you know what i you know what's going on from that point on it was she was missing when the wilsons reportedly returned home that saturday they find the dog unattended and packages left out in the rain beau files a missing person's report and from over 1300 miles away in new jersey so do the rileys at what point do you make the decision that i've got to get to oklahoma and figure out what's going on here sunday i flew to oklahoma and i drove directly to the worcester police department james is met at the station by beau and while the two wait for information there elsewhere jody's friends hope for the best i just kept saying she's going to show up and that sunday was mother's day and it was it was her first mother's day and joni and her mom were so close that i just felt myself watching the clock all day what no one knew then not the riley's nor the wilsons was that just two days earlier a paraglider flying over a mountain 15 miles from jody's home was getting a bird's eye view of horror that was mother's day weekend that we found out that you found out what we found out that a body was found up on a mountain the body had been wrapped in trash bags dumped like garbage when the osbi agent came he immediately told both bo and i that a body had been found and had been identified as my daughter took a second were you the one to break it to your wife um yeah i had to call my wife and tell her and on of all days that was um devastating the darkest day ever ever and mother's day has never been the same since but while dental records confirmed it was definitely jody found on that mountain because of her advanced state of decomposition authorities couldn't determine exactly how she died only that the trash bags concealing her as well as drag marks in the grass around her body made her death suspicious she was brought to a place where she was not to be found there's zero question about that and it's not like she went for a walk and slip and and fell right i mean there's this isn't a place you would go for a walk it was literally on top of the mountain at the end of a dirt road and dragged into the woods it is unbelievable isn't it that a paraglider saw her it's a miracle because having to live without knowing is is pretty bad too and there was someone else who found the whole story pretty extraordinary new jersey reporter abbott koloff so when you first heard about it how was the story what were the headlines at the time well it was that roxbury mayor's daughter was missing and then found on top of a mountain and it was a suspicious death the belief is that she was murdered well the belief is that she was prop that there was there must have been a reason to cover something up whether she was murdered or not and kolov says the more he dug around the more suspicious the story became she was going to a funeral on thursday and that raised all kinds of questions because the family left tuesday not thursday so why did the family suddenly leave on tuesday night why did the family go without her and with the baby good questions and as part of his reporting koloff asked them they didn't exactly explain it i've talked to family members and they were just told oh jody changed her mind but those weren't even the only issues raising eyebrows reports from friends say that before she died jody had been feeling homesick and may have even been planning a trip back to new jersey with annabelle she said it was too quiet out there it was very quiet for her this homesickness did this become more of an issue between her and beau i don't know but jody's friend lisa says it was an issue one of many between beau and jody we had spoken about her coming back to new jersey quite a bit ever since the first time i met beau you know i had been trying to reassure her that she could always come home she just wasn't sure how to go about it and what her rights would be and things like that police do question beau and the rest of the family about the rumors and suspicions but no charges are ever filed even after investigators find jody's car a month later over 100 miles away from her body where was jody's vehicle it was sitting in a parking lot for weeks at a place called the pig out palace the keys were in the ignition and the door was unlocked what authorities found in that car has never been revealed to the public but for the next eight years no arrests were ever made no major breaks at all over three thousand days that's a long time then for the eighth anniversary of jody's death abbott koloff decided to revisit the case it was a very sad story and i went to my editors this year and said i'd like to come back to this because i didn't want jodi to be forgotten in oklahoma where she had lived and as the reporter started digging back in he found that a lot has changed since jody's suspicious death bo wilson is now a preacher i know he's remarried he's living in another town last time i called him was for the series that we did in may and i told him who i was and i wanted to speak about jody and he said okay and then hung up and then he changed his number so that's the extent of our relationship as for beau's parents kathy and jerry jerry is an interesting person he had a couple of run-ins with the law in 2013 he took out a knife and threatened someone at a restaurant in worcester he got a suspended sentence for that and he got even worse from wife kathy his wife threw him out of their house in court papers she said that he threatened to kill her with a knife and then he was ordered out of the home according to court papers on may 2nd of this year three days after that incident koloff's updated report on jody is published online and a few months after that just days before we sat down to conduct our interviews abbot koloff got a very interesting call from someone claiming to have new information that caller foes dad jerry wilson let me tell you let me tell you what happened she moved from new jersey to oklahoma for a change of scenery and wound up dead on the top of a mountain but even though jody riley wilson was found dragged through the dirt and wrapped in trash bags for eight years police could only call her death suspicious no suspects named it's been eight years my guess is you've got to be a little frustrated yes uh it's it's been a roller coaster of emotions for us we're hoping somebody steps up and says you know this is what happened and someone was about to earlier this year after publishing a series of articles for the anniversary of jody's unsolved death new jersey reporter abbott koloff reached out to various family members for comment including jody's father-in-law jerry wilson i left a message saying who i was and they just written the story about jody and then i just said i want you to talk about that night and he called me back do you mind if i record you no no not at all let me tell you let me tell you what happened it was just days before our own reporting began now it's hard to tell this because but it's the truth on this particular night my wife and bo had left the house and i was there taking care of the three-month-old baby you were watching the baby at your house yes sir so do you remember why the baby was at your house yeah they they had to go somewhere for a few minutes okay and they were gone about four or five hours questionable enough as is but it's what jerry says kathy did when she came back that really got his attention she went uh in the closet and started digging around i said what are you doing she said i'm fixing to haul off this body jerry dropped a bomb he certainly did several of them so at the time on may 5th your wife comes in and out did you leave for the funeral that night yeah as soon as they got back we did i don't know what time it was it was sometimes during the night and two days before when jody told everyone they were leaving so they rushed out on tuesday night he said that kathy said we got to go we got to go get on the road and after that he says they left with their bags with baby annabelle and even with kathy's pet possum but no jody it was probably midnight or after and there was something else about that trip jerry says that initially his son beau took a separate car jody's car and bo took her car it's the pig out palace but the name of the town is henrietta they parked her car right on the side and then i asked him i said what's jody's car doing up here he said oh she'll be up here in the morning to pick you up after that jerry says beau got into their car and they all drove on to that funeral in new mexico so when you found out that she had died had you ever asked beau about it yeah bo was this white mouth i don't know i don't know but i should have known he was lying to me it was only after a few years of casual questioning that jerry says his son finally broke down and told him exactly what happened he'd been planning on killing her for several days or weeks before this happened she was wanting to take the baby and go back to new jersey to see her mother and dad and he didn't want her to go he said yeah i put a bag over her head and i smothered her did it and then we put her up on the mountain we as in bo and his mom kathy so he put the bag over her head yeah now i don't know where my wife was involved in that part of it or not but she was with him they would throw that girl in the back of her car and hold her up in the mountains and throw her out in the back of which car kathy's car no jody's car and this was because she was gonna take the baby well she was talking about going home for good right no she's just gonna take the baby and go visit her mom and dad for a few days so he killed her because she was going to just go for a few days yeah why didn't he want jodi her parents he's afraid that she wouldn't come back it was all right there in jerry's statement a family of suspects and a timeline for murder complete with motive it's such an incredible allegation basically you have the father claiming that the son has committed murder did your jaw just drop when he said that it was a very chilling moment but if jerry had this information for so many years why did he wait so long to come forward and why so soon after getting kicked out of the house by his wife kathy a man scorned he is obviously angry about what happened is he telling the whole truth i can't say i i don't know but then abbott koloff wasn't the only person jerry had spoken to months before he made that recorded call on the exact same day he was removed from his home with kathy jerry went to the police with the same basic story that kathy talked about having to get rid of a body and that beau had put a bag over jody's head and smothered her but that statement was made over three months before we sat down for this report so why haven't there been any arrests they say little annabelle is growing up to look just like her mom jody riley wilson when you look into your granddaughter's eyes i see my daughter i have to do a double take sometimes you know means a lot to me to have her annoy our lives she's a little bit of jody yes sadly annabelle was just three and a half months old when her mother lost her life and if the recent statements by jody's father-in-law are to be believed jodie's husband beau and mother-in-law kathy are responsible so jody's own father-in-law is making an incredible accusation he says that jody's husband beau put a bag over her head and suffocated her this news has just broken how do you react to this i'm shocked i haven't really had time to process it it's a little strange that now he's coming and he's saying this why not eight years ago after it happened it's a fair question especially given the timing of when jerry finally did go to the police the very day kathy had him kicked out of the house now that cannot be coincidence probably not the day he gets kicked out of the house is the day he starts singing about his wife and his son murdering his daughter-in-law that's the day that they said they talked to him either way there is one indisputable fact when it comes to jerry he's the first to speak publicly he's the only one breaking his silence i'd like to hear what beau has to say about that night and what kathy has to say about that night and so would a lot of other people so we decided to ask the wilsons ourselves so we've been on a stakeout for days here in oklahoma looking for beau and his mother kathy right now we're outside of kathy's house that's beau's mother jody's mother-in-law and then as we sat waiting go expose let's go hey bo oh hey can we talk to you please well we want to talk to you about jody and what happened your father your father is making some serious accusations your father is saying you killed your wife and says that your mother helped do you have anything to say you got anything to say very loud silence from beau then the door opened again it was kathy cathy but kathy your ex-husband has made some serious allegations you helped dispose of jody's body which uh radio station no we're from crime watch daily do you think maybe jerry's just mad at you because you tossed him out of the house and it's just revenge no answer from mom either but as we were about to find out there may have been one very good reason the two weren't talking turns out just one week before this encounter a warrant was issued for dna swabs of both bo and kathy quote pertaining to the homicide of jody riley wilson in the affidavit they said they were looking to for comparison to evidence found in the car so what that evidence is we don't know so clearly the authorities are taking jerry's claims seriously enough to go to a judge with it yes then just nine days after we showed up at beau and kathy's doorstep we wanted to announce that two arrest warrants have been issued one for donald lee bosephus wilson one for edith katherine wilson these are two suspects in the murder of jody riley wilson eight long years after a paraglider spotted jody's body on the top of a mountain her ex-husband beau wilson and mother-in-law kathy are under arrest charged with first degree murder and accessory after the fact respectively the penalty for murder in the first degree in this particular case carries either life or life without parole the penalty for accessory after the fact carries up to 45 years we caught up with jody's dad via skype just days ago to get his reaction on the latest well you know right now stacy and i are spending 100 of our time making sure annabelle feels loved and safe and we'll wait for the case to be adjudicated in oklahoma and until that day comes james says he won't be commenting on how the family feels about just who was arrested only the latest developments with their granddaughter who up until recently was staying with her father in oklahoma when we were in oklahoma dhs met with us and we were given temporary guardianship and since then there's been a second case which granted us a permanent guardianship the little girl now being raised in the same house as her mother before her hopefully annabelle she seems to be enjoying it herself right now being with us and we'll deal with it sorry i will work to make annabelle's life as comfortable and happy as possible and like i said show her all the love in the world like they did with jody what a sad sad story it is a sad story and hopefully it will draw to some conclusion that the rileys at least will be able to know what happened to their daughter and right now they're in a state of limbo and have been for years just not knowing i mean had her body not been found they wouldn't even know that she's dead when do you miss your daughter the most every day every day every day i talk to her and i tell her how much i visit i really miss her a lot i tell you that every single day it's a very different case now than it was when we started investigating developing as rapidly as the changes in jody's last year of life but for the family there is one thing that has remained consistent since the day their daughter died and will until the judge's gavel comes down i just want justice for my daughter is basically you know how i feel i just want somebody to right the wrong that happened in her life a daughter is not going to have that opportunity to have her mother in her life and it's very hard on us and i hope this case gets solved because it's it's something that's overdue
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 871,947
Rating: 4.7772622 out of 5
Keywords: Donald Lee Bocephus “Bo” Wilson, Jody Rilee-Wilson, Wister Oklahoma, Roxbury Township, mother-in-law Kathy Wilson, father-in-law Jerry Wilson, Stacey Rilee, OSBI, Wister Police Department, Crime Watch Daily, True Crime Daily
Id: DyspFLzxZzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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