The Whole Hoax: Part One - Tara Brown confronts Belle Gibson | 60 Minutes Australia

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I can forgive her lies, I cannot forgive that pink turtleneck.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Northwesthip 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
a young beautiful woman gets given the terrible news she has inoperable brain cancer and only four months to live the courageous bill Gibson tries chemotherapy and radiotherapy but no luck so turns to alternative medicine to battle the disease thankfully it seems to work as she tells the world through social media it's a truly inspiring story hundreds of thousands of sympathetic followers and fellow sufferers live every step of her journey and celebrate her success as she becomes the poster girl for the alternative wellness industry there's an award-winning app and a cookbook Belle Gibson has made it except it's all a lie a great big lie she doesn't have cancer never did until this day bill claims unscrupulous natural therapists duped her into believing she was dying but tonight we have the proof that this is a lie - bill Gibson is not a victim she is a fraud bill are you prepared to tell the truth today the whole truth no absolutely truths no gobbledygook no I've been really transparent for all her sweetness and light bill Gibson is not as she appears she's here to explain her complicated past but one problem remains I've tried every time she speaks there's every chance she's lying suggest for clarification are you prepared to sign a statutory declaration to say that everything you tell me today is the truth absolutely there's nothing left to lose and if that requires a static then I'm comfortable with that I guess why a step deck is required is because you don't have a good record on telling the truth do you but as you'll see tonight not even this was the truth that's a lot of bad luck for one young woman isn't it it's hell of a lot of bad luck just the start to an extraordinary and confounding interview you talk about pain you want people to send you flowers see I don't recall any of that how can we believe anything you say now Tara I have lost everything [Music] bel Gibson was a strikingly sympathetic and inspirational figure to her Legion of followers when she started posting her story on Instagram in 2013 she said she was a sick young mum who found her salvation in wholesome foods and natural therapies when conventional medicine failed her a woman who defied the doctors who told her in 2009 she had an inoperable malignant brain tumor and just four months to live for years on her followers lived every health high and low with her and fellow cancer sufferers had new reason to hope I have been healing a severe and malignant brain cancer for the past few years with natural medicine Gerson Therapy and foods it is working for me do you accept the level of damage you've done to people's trust I do and they are feeling disrespected they are feeling her they are feeling betrayed and your whole trade was on on these poor people that you inspired them that they felt sorry for you that you showed them apart I mean you profited from that you gained from that in reputation and in income I didn't trade in my story or and out of it or in other people's lives you did trade in your story bill it's all here oh yeah you know you go on Instagram in 2013 I have been healing a severe and malignant brain cancer for the past few years with natural medicine Gerson Therapy and foods it's working for me it is and if any you didn't have brain cancer no I didn't know but when I was writing that I thought that I did and I was feeling well yes but even then you misrepresented what you thought was your truth which was all a big lie anyway I'm really sorry and it hurts me and I beat myself up every day for how I have hurt those who mean a lot to me for all her apologies when you start to unpick Belle's story you uncover a lifetime of deception and invention the whole hoax started with the whole pantry a wellness movement Belle adopted and promoted with the release of her world first healthy lifestyle app and companion cookbook from the first page or touched by Belle's struggle for survival I had a stroke at work I will never forget sitting alone in the doctor's office three weeks later waiting for my test results he called me in and said you have malignant brain cancer Belle you're dying you have six weeks four months tops I remember a suffocating choking feeling and there not much else but there was no real doctor no doctor's office and no conventional test results as most people would expect and demand it's highly questionable but this is Belle's revised story now she says in 2009 she met a man called Mark John's who told her he was an immunologist and neurologist though no record of him exists he had come to my home and went through a series of tests and this was dubbed integrative medicine so he comes to your home and he does some tests on you mm-hmm he does what sort of tests it was a box a machine with lights on the front and that machine was apparently German technology there's a two pads two metal pads one that goes below the chair and one that goes behind your back and then that measures what I believe or remember to be frequencies and what were the results he said to me that I had a stage 4 brain tumor and that I had approximately four months to live why did you write in the foreword of your book that you got this information in your doctor's office that you got this prognosis in your doctor's office because I think that being open and telling people the way that it happened would not be understood saying that people would be disappointed or angry for me you know not following what is the right way to go about this so you lied because you feared you wouldn't be believed so he's saying it's not what I'm saying well can you be clearer on what you're saying I mean you absolutely misleading when to you said a doctor gave you this terrible prognosis in his office now you've just admitted that you didn't say it was at your home and it wasn't with a real doctor because he thought I leave disappointed in you know I believed he was a real doctor I do lie to be believed is the question I didn't see here in his doctor's office in Perth you didn't see him in his doctor's office ever because he doesn't have an office does he know rightly claimed also in your book that you underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy for two months true or false at the time true or false true because at the time I believed I was having radiotherapy so false I believed that I was having radiotherapy when he gave me medication I was told that it was oral chemotherapy and I believed it it turns out now if you believe bill that mark Jones's treatments were alternative but in her book she describes them as conventional I pulled myself out of chemo and radiotherapy and takes pride in dumping them because of the side effects my doctors freaked out to heal herself she embraces alternative therapies and eventually a new career and a new age celebrity is born I was empowering myself to save my own life through nutrition patience determination and love but today she has yet another reason for why she walked away from cancer medication very soon after I'd been started this treatment here in Melbourne I felt pregnant and that was a huge catalyst for me in what way because I thought well if I'm going undergoing chemotherapy then I don't want that to affect my pregnancy I'll say you stop the chemotherapy because you're pregnant I stopped the camera therapy for various reasons I didn't know truth the truth Tara I'm trying to draw on information no no don't draw on information just be honest I am the only dude I'm trying to be open to what you're saying but you were just muddying the waters with every answer you set up a guy who some quack you're now saying as a conventional doctor giving you conventional treatment that is not helping your brain tumors so you leave it that's what you set up in your book right you didn't write it as you've just told it to me you didn't write it who this man was he didn't write that he came to you in your home he won't write that the chemotherapy and radiotherapy you claim to have is not what most people would have you didn't write it like that I wrote you've rewrote history I wrote five introduction to a book okay whose fault is it now it's nobody's fault right but that is a very brief version of mice of my story and my life coming up you had three heart operations you suffered two cardiac arrests you died twice on the operating table Belle's year of disease you had a stroke and you're diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor correct but the new evidence proving her fraud doesn't melodramatic that's straight out lying it is ordinary that's next on 60 minutes
Channel: undefined
Views: 424,775
Rating: 4.4542222 out of 5
Keywords: Belle Gibson, inoperable brain cancer, alternative medicine, wellness industry, award-winning app, cookbook, the whole pantry, natural therapists, fraud, munchausen, Tara Brown, 60 Minutes
Id: jnUGxvwtjf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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