The Miraculous Power of Astagfirullah | Omar Suleiman

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there's a narration that three different people came to IM Hass and all three of them had different complaints one of them said oh Imam we're suffering from poverty the other one said oh Imam we're suffering from drought the other one said oh Imam we're trying to have children and to all three of those people and IM said say say say I seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tala and when his students asked him why is it that you said to all three people say he said because if you look at the Quran Allah says about I said to them seek your Lord's forgiveness for indeed he is truly most forgiving if you do that he will shower you with abundant rain he will supply you with wealth and with children and he will give you Gardens as well as rivers and so seeking Allah's forgiveness collectively is the key to all goodness in this life but more than anything that we ask Allah subhana wa tala for of this world it's also our path back to Paradise when adam. our father and haah Eve left Paradise they turned back to Allah subhana wa taala in Repentance and Allah inspired them with the words Oh Our Lord we have wronged ourselves if you don't forgive us and have mercy upon us then we will certainly be amongst the losers now here's the thing Allah gave them the words of forgiveness and here Allah subhana wa T gave us the best way to seek forgiveness and that in of itself is a sign that Allah wants to forgive you and I want you to think about the most forgiving person you have ever known in your life and think about how quickly they forgive you the moment that you apologize how quickly they relinquish a grudge even if they had one as soon as you say I'm sorry and those people are nothing compared to Al the off forgiving all you have to do is say I'm sorry and know that Allah subhana wa tala is always willing to accept your apology now seeking forgiveness is just one part of our wholesome package of turning back to Allah subhana wa tala it's essentially an admission of shortcoming that is verbalized so is specific to the tongue n which is regret the prophet Salli wasallam said that regret is Toba it is repentance is how you feel it's the true remorse that you have on the inside is what you say I seek your forgiveness oh Allah is what you do it's the full repentance of turning back to Allah subhana wa tala this basically form not just the beginning of the history of mankind when Adam and Eve leave Paradise but it forms the basis of your relationship with Allah subhana waala so at the very beginning was asked what's more important to do or to do for us as human beings is it more important for us to seek Allah's forgiveness or to glorify his Perfection now obviously both are important but he said that think about a garment that you have and there's a stain on that garment so if you got a white thob and you got a coffee stain on it what do you do with that garment the priority is not to embellish that garment the priority is to remove the stain and so he said a repentance seeking Allah's forgiveness is removing the stain all the other forms of di are embellishing the Garment and so they're both important but you have to get back to your origin and remove the stain on your your heart and then turn back to Allah subhana wa tala and the prophet Salli wasallam was so comprehensive in one authentic Hadith when someone would Embrace Islam the first thing the prophet Salli wasallam would teach him is Salah and then the prophet sallai wasallam would teach him the following Dua so it's such a comprehensive Dua it's a simple sentence Oh Allah forgive me and have mercy on me and guide me and give me good health and provide for me so the prophet sallai wasallam said this is a Dua that you should say to keep yourself busy with in the very beginning of your Islam with Allah subhanahu wa taala but you never get past seeking Allah's forgiveness there is always going to be a reason for seeking Allah's forgiveness and that's not just because you are going to keep sinning it's because you're never going to do good enough to meet what Allah subhana wa tala has done for you and that's the of the Prophet Sall alai wasallam himself the of feeling KN of feeling deficiency now think about it in in the capacity of everything that we've spoken about you know how perfect Allah is you've praised Allah for all of his blessings upon you and you know that no matter what you do in return you're never going to do quite enough and so you always feel a sense of regret and that's why when you finished Salah you didn't do anything wrong you did the best thing you could possibly be doing when you prayed but you say right away why because perhaps some of my Salah was lost maybe I was distracted and even if I wasn't distracted then surely I have not repaid Allah subhana wa tala for his favors upon me and so everyone is in a state of some are seeking forgiveness for the deficiency in their good some are seeking forgiveness for their sins and IM sufan he said that's why when Allah subhana T praises [Music] say those who are seeking Allah's forgiveness in the last part of the night that he's speaking to two different categories of people who are both making he said you have those who wake up in the very last part of the night to seek forgiveness with a small prayer and then you have the friends of Allah subhah wa taala who have already prayed a portion of the night and they're seeking forgiveness at the end of their worship they're both praiseworthy but he says their is not the same you have the of the lovers and you have the of the Sinners and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam of course is the most beloved to Allah subhah wa taala and after a long night of prayer he would still seek Allah's forgiveness and he said s that oh people I seek Allah's forgiveness at least a 100 times a day and he said that's the minimum from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you can find the prophet sallai wasallam in a single Gathering seeking Allah's forgiveness more than 100 times but he's saying that I seek Allah's forgiveness at least 100 times a day what does that mean for the followers of Muhammad Sall alaihi wasallam and it wasn't just with one word or one phrase you see you see I seek Allah's forgiveness and I Repent to him you see my Lord forgive me or whatd heard the prophet wasallam saying throughout a gather my Lord forgive me and have mercy upon me you are the acceptor of repentance you are the most merciful and the prophet s alaihi wasallam said that whoever says I seek the Forgiveness of Allah the most Mighty whom there is none worthy of worship except him the everliving the ever Eternal and I Repent to him the prophet s wasall said whoever says this form of Allah will forgive him even if he had deserted the ranks of the muslim's army and that is of course one of the most severe sins to flee the battlefield and the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam is saying that to repent to Allah wholesomely in this way forgives you even for that he said sallallahu alaihi wasallam even when you sit together he said when people sit and they speak in a gathering and they end that Gathering by saying glory is to you oh Allah and all praise is to you we bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but you and we seek your forgiveness and we repent to you the prophet sallai wasallam said that anything that was said in that Gathering will be forgiven and he said the best form of the best form of seeking forgiveness it's called the master of seeking forgiveness if you say it in the evening and you die or you say it in the morning and you die the prophet Salli wasallam said you are certainly from the people of J oh Allah you are my Lord there is no God but you you created me and I am your slave and I am abiding by your promise and your Covenant to the greatest extent possible I admit to you your blessings upon me and I admit to you my shortcomings so forgive me because no one forgives sins except for you so you have an admission of all the good that Allah has given to you and an admission of the times that you fallen shorten your response and the prophet Sall alhi wasallam said if you say that and you die you will be from the people of jenah may Allah subhana T make us amongst them so again when it comes to do it after you commit a sin do it even when you think about something that's sinful do it after you do a good deed out of feeling a sense of deficiency do it when someone Praises you as we learn as well that when someone says something about you seek Allah's forgiveness because you know that there are certain things about you that are not necessarily what others may think of you and when you feel stress Prophet sallallah is narrated to have said that whoever is consistent with seeking Allah's forgiveness Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety and Allah will provide for him from where he would have never thought he would be provided from and he find from the prophet s alaihi wasallam something so beautiful he says so you know sometimes my heart feels foggy I feel like there's a fog over my heart and so I seek Allah's forgiveness in a day a 100 times is what removes the fog it's what provides Clarity it's what removes all of the stress and the anxiety and it's what connects us to the most perfect even when we know how imperfect we [Music] are [Music] in [Music] Allah [Music] for [Music] [Music] for for
Channel: Humble servant of Allah
Views: 207,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: istighfar, forgiveness, islamic teachings, miracles, blessings, astagfirullah, miraculous power, islamic reminder, repentance, spiritual journey, seeking forgiveness, muslim community, dua, guidance, spiritual healing, divine mercy, faith, prayer, gratitude, peace, omarsuleiman, omar suleiman, yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, iman, islam, astaghfirullah
Id: Jby3F7JDKsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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