The Journey to Becoming a Friend of Allah | Omar Suleiman

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there are people that attain the status with Allah to where they are the friends of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and there are different levels of friendship and there are different things that could happen for people when they actually attain becoming friends of Allah subhana T in that status there's an exclusive status there's an exclusive tier which is a which is ibraim first ibraim that special exclusive friend of Allah subhana waala where Allah chose ibim and someone says you know you you go through the story of IIM and you hear all of these things that he was put through and I know that the days of are over and you guys like we've been hearing about IIM for the last few months or for the last month but pay attention to this for a moment you you see the stages of IIM you go did it really have to be that harsh did he really have to go through this and this and this and this and this and that but here's the thing or to attain that status of Allah empties out everything and fills that only with Allah subhana wa tala that heart has to be elevated to a place where it is only Allah subhana wa ta'ala and everything is cast within that love of Allah subhah wa taala so what he went through with his father of course there was compensation for that what he went through with his son with is the story doesn't end with the sacrifice of is Allah subhana gives him of course many children after that right many sons after that so not only did he not lose Allah blessed Him With Many uh children after that so Allah replaces what he loses and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that the first person to be dressed on the day of judgment would be ibraim because of how he was stripped and thrown into the fire and Allah subhana wa tala would honor him first on the day of judgment with a garment as he proceeds to to the place of assembly so everything gets replaced and there is a good ending to all of this right but all of that why Allah cleared out everything for IIM when you are chosen to be a of Allah subhana wa ta'ala there have to be extraordinary steps things that no other person will be put through things that no other person will be put through even if you see a dream of you sacrificing your son you're not supposed to sacrifice your son no no one else goes through this stuff it's Allah elevating he chose and elevated him to a particular spot and the tests were unique because his station was so unique and it's exclusive or it has a degree of exclusivity because the prophet sallallah said if I was to take a from my a friend from my it would have been but Allah has already taken me as a so even abak could not Ascend to that spot with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he's the sadik he's the best friend of the Prophet sallai wasallam amongst the people but the prophet Sall alhi wasallam said Allah has chosen me as a and once you're Allah's KH no one else is is in that relationship and we have people like that in our lives and if you look at the Hadith because it's often just translated as friend the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam says that a person is on the on the dean of who you are on the religion of your so look to who you take as that special friend not someone you just hang out with every once in a while but you really when you take time when you start to spend a lot of time with someone your love your priorities and your likeness starts to to become in uh you know starts to become the same they start to synchronize so is a very special thing that Allah gives toam to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam then there is this level of that a person becomes a of Allah that doesn't mean that sudden that you see a dream and then you wear a turban and then everyone calls you a will and you're a will and you get to put it in front of your name like a credential theah of Allah these close friends of Allah are very much so scattered amongst the people and you don't know who they are and that's what makes this so interesting you don't know who a of Allah is in fact some of the aah of Allah themselves don't know that they're oah of Allah they don't quite understand how much Allah loves them and how they could have ascended in the ranks and there are three ways that the mention that a person attains that status of of of that special friendship with Allah subhanahu waala the one that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam narrated in that Allah has said that whoever takes a well of mine someone that is that beloved to me of mine that special friend of mine as an enemy I will wage war on him may Allah let us be the we and not the one being having war waged upon them by Allah subhah wa tala that's both very beautiful and very scary at the same time because again because the are they're hidden said Allah has hidden two things amongst the people he's hidden his pleasure in his Good Deeds so you don't know which of the Good Deeds is the one that unlocks his pleasure and Allah has hidden his aah his special friends amongst the people you don't know who you're dealing with literally you don't know who you're dealing with when you're dealing with that person that also doesn't mean a person goes out and commits major sins and says well I might just be that well of Allah no no there's a person that's striving to reach that position and then there is the person that has that unlocked for them and and Allah says whoever reaches that position I will wage war on the one who harms that person said how many nations how many nations have been protected or destroyed because of a wi within them or against them one or two people that Allah holds in such high regard and such high standard now there's something instructive about this to take away from this is not just that I'm just going to sit back and hope make Dua oh Allah make me a there are three things that allow a person to attain that state the first one is that you do you fulfill the obligations and you do good until you taste the sweetness of that good which is the pleasure of Allah and that becomes your unique driving force in life the pleasure of Allah the of Allah becomes your exclusive driving force in life it becomes your drive it becomes your momentum attaining his pleasure and that's how the Hadith goes you don't come close to Allah with anything more beloved than fulfilling the doing your obligations right praying on time fasting doing the things that Allah tells you to do fulfilling the obligations and then you get closer to him with a you taste the sweetness of the obligation and now you start to do the voluntary Deeds until Allah loves you until Allah loves you with that exclusive Special Love and when Allah loves you that way Allah becomes the hearing with which you see with which you hear the sight with which you see the hand with which you strike the the the way that you walk everything Allah becomes you become entrenched in that pleasure of Allah subh T and seeking that pleasure of Allah subhana wa taala it becomes your exclusive driving force there is no second it's just the pleasure of Allah that's one way of reaching that status with Allah where the r of Allah the pleasure of Allah is what drives you to all of your good deeds through all of your good deeds so that you keep on doing more and more and more and more and you can't get enough of it because you tasted the sweetness of prayer now five times is not enough anymore tasted the sweetness of fasting now Ramadan is not enough anymore you tasted the sweetness of Hajj H is not enough anymore I need to go to as soon as I get my foot on that plane in Jed Medina when am I coming back when do I get to come back for om are you making plans already for the winter thinking about when's your next chance if Allah unlocks that for you some people never go but their hearts are there and Allah is accepting it for them they never get a chance to go there but their hearts are there and connected to it so Allah unlocks these things for you and you taste the pleasure of those good deeds and that becomes the driving force the second one is that the sincerity of your repentance it's actually a more sudden one a person makes a sincere repentance to Allah subana wa taala for Allah subhana wa tala because of Allah subhana wa taala and the pleasure of Allah in that repentance completely removes the effect of the pleasure of that Disobedience to Allah subhana wa tala so that's where you find those about a person who is in major sin and then suddenly switches the pleasure of Allah over overwhelms any type of pleasure they used to get from that Disobedience and now they are calibrated in that way and so they immediately rise and status with Allah subhana wa tala the third one is when Allah tests you with a major tragedy Allah takes away something from you and through that tragedy you do which is to seek the reward and the reward is Allah's pleasure and you try to seek that pleasure from Allah subhana wa tala and that's what sees you through that tragedy and that again becomes the way that you contextualize all of your tragedies and all of your tribulations that a person would reach that status of Subhan Allah you find these stories of the salaf in the past you've got examples of all of these you've got that there's a man that abdah said that one day or that that the people were out making they were asking Allah for rain and they were in drought for very long time and as they were out asking Allah subhana tala for rain that all of these these these righteous people were making Dua were praying and it was a long time that rain did not come and then said I saw this man an enslaved man who had no status in society in the corner of the marketplace and he had his hands raised in the corner and he said oh Allah I ask you by your love for me that you allow Reign to come upon all of us what audacity that person has to ask Allah with that type of a Dua he knows that worldly status is not what conveys confers status on a person but he had a special status with Allah subhana wa tala so he said oh Allah I ask you by your love for for me that you would allow rain to come upon all of us said I was the only one close enough to that man where I could hear his Dua and as soon as he finished making that Dua it started to rain upon all of us and I looked at him and I thought who is this man Subhan Allah simple servant of Allah subhana T he wasn't a he wasn't a scholar he wasn't giving he wasn't someone that was known he didn't have any prominence but he had a us with Allah and that was to the benefit of everybody else that was over there muhamed he said that one in Medina we went 6 months without rain and he said the people were asking Allah subhana that I went next to the Kaa and I saw this person unknown person grabbing to the cloth of the and he said like like now and complete sincerity drenched and then it started to rain on the people in Med in there's one of the Sala who was on a ship and the the the you know I I mentioned this in the prayers of the pious series one of and as the cloud started to form and all of these these winds started to blow the ship around and people were worried and he was in complete calm he said yaah Allah you have showed us your you've showed us your power so show us your paron show us your mercy and your pardon and then suddenly everything calms if a person reaches that position it's special and sometimes again you don't know that's level one level two which was that a person has a sincere repentance is what's narrated in a by the story of M and the disobedient one from B is where m a prophet of Allah was amongst the people and they suffered from a drought and he he asked Allah subhana wa tala for rain and it didn't come so he called upon Allah subhana wa T and he said Y what is it why is the rain being withheld from us so Allah subhana wa tala says there's a there's there's a servant of Allah subhana wa tala amongst you who has been challenging me with his Mia challenging me with his Disobedience and the rain has been withheld because of him so mam gathered the people and he said he called out to the people in B is he said who who is it whoever that person is that's been challenging Allah subhana waala stand up seek seek forgiveness repent to Allah subhana wa tala we're all suffering because of you and that man in those moments feeling as humbled as he was calls upon Allah subhana tal and he says you've kept me protected you've covered me and sheltered me in my disob obedience for all of these years so yeah Allah accept my repentance I'm turning back to you he was so humbl that Allah cared enough about him you see when Allah calls you back to Toba cared enough about him to send that message to him he knew it was him said you covered me all of this time I seek your forgiveness started to cry to Allah subhana and he started to repent to Allah and he sought his forgiveness and as he did that the rain started to fall and M he asked Allah subhana wa tala he said no one came forward Y no one came forward so how come the rain came what happened and Allah subhanahu wa taala says ya mus I covered that man for all of these years in in Disobedience you think I'm going to expose him in when he's in obedience and the same person for whom the reain was forbidden for you it now came down for you Subhan Allah that one moment that person upgraded their status with Allah subhah wa ta'ala by turning back to Allah and prioritizing the pleasure of Allah over all of whatever Disobedience he was committing enough to forbid that entire um is the Disobedience even mentioned no because it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what the nature of the disobediences it doesn't matter how bad you've been or what you've done because Allah's Mercy is greater than all of that as long as you're now going to recalibrate and seek Allah's pleasure over all of that then that's what counts and that last one Allah tests you with something so severe so harsh and you turn to Allah subhana T and you seek his pleasure through that Allah takes something away from you that you thought you you could not live without Allah takes away Allah says you'll be tested with your safety you'll be tested with your health you'll be tested with your family you'll be tested with your susten and you all of this uncertainty things are going to be things are going to be all over the place but give Glad Tidings to the patient when you walk around in Haj you see people without legs you see people without arms arms you see people in poverty you see people some of them their pain is apparent on them people being carried on the backs of others people that are that that do not have the ability to see that have to have someone it's already difficult enough for a young healthy person to walk those days of Hajj you see people that have all sorts of ailments and someone has to walk them around you see people trip and fall you see people collapse because they can't walk that many miles a day in that heat you see obvious pain in health you see poverty around you and for how many people that were walking around in and this year their pain was completely silent no one knows what that person's been through could run into someone in front of the maszid of the Prophet Salli wasam or pray next to someone in the Haram and you don't know what that person's been through and you don't know why Allah chose them to be there or why Allah chose you to be there or what they calling upon Allah with or what their status with Allah subhana wa tala is we have such an arrogance by the way as Western Muslims that we project on them look at these people they can't even form a line look at you you can't even pray and they pray all night in the Haram they have faults and we have faults but you don't know that person's status you don't know their circumstances and they call upon Allah and invoke Allah subhana wa tala and no one knows who's around them if you start talking to people you hear their pain in this Masjid right now we don't know each other's pain we don't know what everybody's going through we don't know the struggles that we're having with family and health and wealth and all that we don't know what struggles we're having with career unless you know someone very intimately and they're talking to you right you don't know Subhan Allah you know who was there this year at Haj the families of the martyrs of Christ Church New Zealand and some of the survivors the families of the shu if he walked past them I ran into aiz the hero of M in and talked to him there and if you saw him you just think he's just another aghani man walking between sa Mar like everybody else and this guy Allah knows what his status is in the sight of Allah subhana wa tala walking and doing Vick with his slippers in his hand just like anybody else the special people lost their families in J sitting here just like you and their families were taken from them and they're there in Hajj almost all of them were there in Hajj this year and if you saw them W you would not recognize them you wouldn't know them you see these people and you think it's just another Hai and these are people that put their loved ones in the ground for Allah and Allah called them to Haj this year there's a brother Wasim who was in a coma when we went to Christ Church because he shielded his daughter Wasim shielded his four-year-old daughter and when the massacre happened and he was shot nine times holding his daughter and the last memory he had before he went into a coma was getting to the hospital and his daughter was in Blood and he was in Blood and he said take my daughter don't worry about me and when and then he collapsed and he went into a coma well when we went to Christ Church wasin wasn't awake he was in a coma when he woke up 3 weeks later he started shouting for his daughter and when they told him that your daughter's okay because alhamdulillah she survived he didn't believe them he had to see her and she turned five in the hospital right there in the hospital bed next to him and they were at HED this year they were at H this year if Allah is shy from the hands of a servant who could have disobeyed him and turned to him for those few moments then what about that person who gave it all for Allah and there are people the prophet mentioned a mar that could be walking and those people were there saying Allah and they could have been right next to you and you didn't even know we ask Allah subhana to accept our duas to accept the duas of all of those for whom Hajj was made on behalf of and Dua was made on behalf of to accept all of the Good Deeds of the first 10 of that were done and to forgive us for our shortcomings ask Allah to comfort the sh to to to elevate the sh and the families of the sh and we ask Allah subhana wa tala to accept all of our good deeds and forgive our shortcomings
Channel: Humble servant of Allah
Views: 50,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: allah, faith, friend of allah, friendofallah, how islam began, humble servant of allah, iman, islam, islam in 10 minutes, islamic beliefs, islamic lectures, islamic practices, islamic research, islamic studies, islamic truth, islamiclectures, muhammad, muslim, omar suleiman, omarsuleiman, quran, the life of muhammad the prophet of islam, the origins of islam, what does islam believe, what is islam, what is islam and, what is islam and muslim, what is islam religion, yaqeen institute
Id: WJK24zBpQb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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