How to Make This Your Best Ramadan | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman

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We Begin by praising Allah subhana wa tala and bearing witness that none has the right to be worshiped or unconditionally obeyed except for him and we bear witness that Muhammad sallallah alaihi wasallam is his final messenger we ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him the prophets and Messengers that came before him his family and companions that served alongside him and those that follow in his blessed path until the day of judgment and we ask Allah to make us amongst them Allah dear brothers and sisters I want you to imagine for a moment if you were sitting in a in and was giving the and in the middle of the of he shouts Friday prayer in the middle of the Oar to the mountain Oar to the mountain oar to the mountain and then he goes back to giving his as it is and he would be sitting there and you would be perplexed as is natural at wondering why the interruption what did you suddenly see that caused such a break in your and indeed after the goes to and asks him what was that why did you suddenly say and he tells him that I saw I suddenly saw Sadia and the Muslims that were in Iraq Subhan Allah from and I saw that there was a group of people about to attack them from behind the mountain and I shouted as if to say hurry up and take to the mountain because there are people that are behind you that are coming to get you and indeed Subhan Allah a month later when returns back to Medina with his people he tells about this situation in which they were stranded and they didn't perceive an army that was behind them and they heard the voice of and took to the mountain and then saw what was happening behind them and were able to establish themselves until Allah subhana T gave them Victory now this is a moment in Islamic history that we could elaborate on for an entire but I want to break from that moment inshallah tal for the moment that we are in right now Ramadan is around the corner we ask Allah subhana wa tala to allow us to live to see Ramadan because no day is guaranteed and we ask Allah subhana T to grant us Acceptance in the month of Ramadan because acceptance should not be taken for granted and I know that there are many people that feel the sadness and the weight of was what is happening with our brothers and sisters in festine in may Allah give them Victory Allah and it's hard to perceive the joy of Ramadan with everything that's happening in the background but I don't want to talk about the joy and the sadness I want to start off from this place first and foremost we should show gratitude to Allah subhana wa tala for allowing us to be present in Ramadan for giving us the gift of Ramadan because it is a gift that many people wish that they had and it is a gift that many people will no longer have because they have passed away before this Ramadan and so the very first thing that you meet this month with is gratitude to Allah subhana wa taala shuk to Allah subhana wa ta'ala saying alhamdulillah he gave you another opportunity to live to see this blessed month to be a part of it to make duas where other people cannot make Dua anymore to partake in Acts of worship that others are no longer able to partake in and if you are Greatful I will increase you and so the very first thing is alhamdulillah for the blessing of Ramadan because it is a blessing whether we feel Joy or not it is an incredible blessing that not everyone gets to have and that we should not take for granted another opportunity to please Allah subhana wa tala but then how do I connect it to the moment that I have right now and many people are saying this Ramadan doesn't feel the same and what I don't want to happen is that you waste your Ramadan because of your sadness and you take it for granted and say you know this Ramadan is is different maybe the next Ramadan things will be different and I'll feel better and I can apply myself in worship rather everything that is happening should be a reason for you to have the best Ramadan of your life it should actually be the reason for the Ramadan in which you are closest to Allah subhana T than any Ramadan prior why when you read about the secrets of fasting and what Ramadan is meant to unveil in our hearts Beyond simply causing us to want to fast from our food and our drink Beyond simply disconnecting us from our desires it is also meant to connect us to Allah subhana wa tala and to the Hereafter and to the reward of the Hereafter that he promises the righteous believer in a way that nothing else can and for many Ramadan prior you spend the beginning of Ramadan peeling the layers deeper perception trying to perceive Allah subhana wa tala trying to perceive the Hereafter trying to perceive the reward of the Hereafter trying to perceive the pain and the suffering of your brothers and sisters and you know what Allah subhana T gave us all a head start you have a head start you need no one to tell you about the appetite that you have for this world being out of control when the prophet sallallahu Al saw with his lips puckered to the horn he said what appetite do I have for this world after I saw that blow of death and so if you've lost your appetite for this world after seeing what is happening in Gaza you've gotten a head start on Ramadan because Ramadan is meant to diminish your appetite for this world not just your appetite for food and drink you've gotten a head start in Ramadan and if you watch those videos that are coming out of Gaza and you feel the pain as if someone is striking you to where you physically can't sleep all of those about the fever of the body when any part of it is struck if it physically makes you sick if you don't enjoy your food after seeing people that are shredded like the meat that we eat then you've gotten a head start on your Ramadan there's something that Allah subhana T was breaking you off from and even beyond that if Allah subhana T has pushed you to worship him at a great Gater level pushed you to maybe you didn't used to make Dua so sincerely maybe you started to pray some nights and make Dua for your brothers and sisters Allah gave you a head start on Ramadan and there are three things that the mention in terms of the depth of perception that should happen in Ramadan and they all relate to this particular moment that we are in right now and why this Ramadan has to be different but not in the way that other people are talking about it being different it has to be different in a good way now number one that you perceive Allah subhana wa tala in your personal worship of him to the point that it is it is as if you can see him it is as if you can see him that you worship Allah as if you can see him you see fasting is prescribed on you so you can become God conscious but eventually that God Consciousness starts to transcend all of the worldly things that are in front of you and all of the barriers that are between you and Allah subhana wa tala to where you are at such Harmony I'm not pre with God in the Divine sense not a divine presence but Oneness in the sense that it is as if you can see him through everything that this entire reality around you feels like an illusion and he is the only reality when you enter into your Salah and you enter into your acts of worship it's the depth of your perception that you perceive Allah subhana wa tala through everything and the reading of the Quran and the removal of the food and the drink and the removal of the sins that come with that heightened elevation of consciousness are meant to bring you to that place where you perceive Allah subhana wa tala through all of the barriers of what he has created the second thing is that as it relates to your brothers and sisters that you perceive them until you love for your brother what you love for yourself what does it mean that you love for your brother what you love for yourself that you see yourself in your brother that you remove all of the barriers between you and your brother and sister to the point that you don't just see a shared Humanity but you actually see an inevitable existence you are me that person in Gazza is me that's my child that's my mother that's my brother that's my sister that is me and so Subhan Allah when it comes to Transcendence with the relationship with the Divine with Allah subhana tal that you worship Allah as if you can see him because you can't be him but when it comes to Transcendence with your brothers and sisters to the point that you become them because they are living breathing creatures who say muham just like you and so it is to the point that my priorities dissolve into their priorities that their existence becomes my existence that what they are seeing becomes what I am seeing that the pain that they are feeling becomes the pain that I have and therefore my output in regards to them is like the output that I would hope in regards to me if I was in that exact same situation and so transcending the D with your perception of Allah wa tala as if you can see him transcending the D with your brothers and sisters as if you are them and transcending the material worth of this world in pursuit of the greater reward of the Hereafter and that was the realization the the companions came to in theand when they were in that trench as they are facing a genocide in Med oh Allah there is no life except for the life of the Hereafter what are they trying to do they're trying to protect themselves in this life but in trying to salvage what they have of this life they actually came to the realization of what the worth of that life actually is these young men are digging away in a ditch and everyone is on their toes about what is to come but in that is a realization you know what this really isn't anything there is no life except for the life of the Hereafter there is nothing that is truly worth it in the sense that it would cause me to compromise what is in the Hereafter and so I bring you back to in that moment the scholars say of that gift obviously and the companions used to have these things happened to them Miracles that would happen to them not the Miracles of the prophets but Miracles that would happen for them that this this is a miracle that Allah subhana T opened for him in that moment and gave him a portal into something that he physically was not in proximity too but they also mention that there's a connection this is the same man who used to fear that Allah subhah Wa taala Would prosecute him on the day of judgment because a donkey in Iraq would complain about the road not being straightened for it on the day of judgment about him and so if he carries that hem if he carries that passion that type of compassion for a donkey in Iraq and fears the reprisal fears the consequence of neglecting it how much more do you think his heart was actually in Iraq with sya and his companions in those moments it's more than just a miracle it's a miracle that's produced out of equality they are me and I am them I start to see the world through their eyes as if their world is actually my world and so when someone says what is Ramadan like this year a lot of our religion is putting ourselves in different situations than the one that is obvious to us around us dear brothers and sisters this Ramadan I have a challenge for yourself and for me I want you to wake up every single morning in Ramadan and not just make Dua for your brothers and sisters in Gaza and try to appreciate the blessings that you have I want you to wake up every single day of Ramadan 29 or 30 days and after you praise Allah subhana the one who gave us life after death I want you to say what if I just woke up in what's on my mind right now what's in my heart right now what is a person waking up in ra right now seeing and how can I be there for them as your day goes goes on what am I reading what am I thinking about what are my priorities every moment of the day in Ramadan don't just try to perceive Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala as you should through the worldly existence around you try to perceive Life Through The Eyes of your brothers and sisters and it should not be that hard because you are seeing them constantly in their suffering you've probably been more exposed to their suffering now than you were ever before to anybody else what is it right now in if I'm breaking my fast if I even have bread and how am I breaking my fast what am I doing inaz with the air strikes falling upon me what type of devotion am I having when I reading Quran because I can tell you by the way that despite everything that is happening to them mark my words they will be praying even with the air strikes mark my words they will be asking questions about how to fast even if they have nothing to break their fast with mark my words they are thinking about how to find even though they don't know if they're going to live to see another night and none of us truly know but with death so imminent they're still thinking about catching you are going to see the images of of worship coming out of Gaz this will be a different Ramadan for them and it has to be a different Ramadan for us too when Co hit a few years ago everyone talked about the co Ramadan and how do you find Ramadan in your house without the community spirit this time I'm telling you to find Ramadan with an um that is so overwhelming overwhelmingly in pain that it is in the emergency room how are you finding Ramadan in the ER right now as an um you you've got to think about it differently and when you force yourself to worship Allah subhanahu wa taala despite that pain knowing that your pain is not as great as their pain then I want you to imagine the Hadith of the Prophet s Muslim that narrates that the prophet s said to worship Allah subhana tal in hard times is like making Hijra to me is like migrating to me and the scholars mention so many blessings from that the first one being because the Good Deeds are more when you worship Allah subhana T through pain and and if you are voluntarily enduring emotional pain and suffering because of your brothers and sisters and you're worshiping Allah subhana tala with that pain and asking Allah subhana T to relieve them of that pain then that is far greater than your comfortable worship I want you to think about the things you were asking Allah subhana wa tala for last Ramadan and what will you be asking Allah subhana wa tala for this Ramadan if your heart and your mind are in the camps in ra what are your priorities in your this Ramadan and shouldn't your duas provoke More Tears this year than your duas did last year dear brothers and sisters it's a different Ramadan for us and it has to be a different Ramadan for us and on an individual level it has the potential to actually be the most spiritual Ramadan of your life don't waste it don't waste it away take the emotions that you have this year and turn them into a Ramadan that you've never had before by imagining every day that you are having Ramadan may Allah subhana wa tala alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Gaza and our brothers and sisters all over the umah may Allah subhana allow this special month to bring special Victory may Allah subhana T allow the the seeking forgiveness of our sins all around the world be a means of alleviating the pain from our brothers and sisters in Gaza may Allah subhana wa tala allow our worship and our to be accepted and to be a means of benefit for them and a means of benefit for us as well in the hereafter alhamdulillah Allah subhana accept the true I of those that are truly in pain my brothers and sisters inaz dear brothers and sisters Subhan Allah as you see their pain know that there is a tremendous reward that Allah subhana tala has in store for them the sh and those that are left behind may Allah subhana T accept it from them as well make this month a means of ease for them Allah for
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 250,595
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Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Id: UBrdjrNP508
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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