The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Bloopers and BTS

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costume coat make him wave that's very funny it I think that's I think it's great f for that bit embarrassing otherwise Henry is the first one there last to leave um always knows his stuff is always positive um here to help make the movie the best movie it can be and uh he leads by example exle I'm so impressed uh you know I've got a show where I'm number one and I understand the pressure that that is the responsibility that isn't how people look to you and then decide what kind of movie are we making based on you know what number one's approach is I Like It Hot we're looking at a a throat slice here Parry throat slice puts it into his back and drive it down through the ribs from this guy he's stabbing him straight into the ribs he'll turn around to go out this is where he bow him here coming then going to a Shanghai move I made a movie previously with Henry Co my from Uncle which I enjoy very much Harry and I get on we work um well together I think he trusts me and he just had the requisite characteristics that I thought we could elicit together it's not working lass my captain looks agitated you're right let's do that again go and five BS we're dithering five have a lean back and have a cheeky fan so this is my second time working with guy Richie I worked on uh the gentlemen uh I played dry eyye um and had the most amazing time uh doing that process and and this trumps that just because of the circumstance and because of the cast and because of the movie um so I'm excited for everybody to see this play on that it's the Jes uh the pranks uh day 30 of guy Richie giving me German on the day for some reason it was much funnier about then it's been fun it's been fun Isa working with Isa has been really fun she's um she's wonderful she's collaborative she's easy to work with you know and she's direct and uh it's been a real lovely time working with her okay okay here we are so this is me speaking German so I've thrown um AER a hospital pass I can't believe this is happening of she now singing German you like to be challenged Stein I you got a bias it was it was great to be out at Sea and uh you know I was I was pulling up I was pulling up to the ship one day with Henry caval and uh I looked at him and I was like this doesn't happen you know only movies like this bring you to places like this where we look behind us we've got the mountains of turkey these beautiful Azure Waters and uh this old pirate ship that we're pulling up to I was like this TV you know TV doesn't give you this English guys say to rolls which Mak some kind of mad pirate hero had a really good idea well what if these guys don't know we're here they're wearing headphones yeah but but we just walk in and I then look back at him all right done good idea good is that your idea Five Points shooting on HMS Belfast I think I went on there in 1975 with my mom um where it would look comparatively modern so and it's lived on the temps I can get there at about 15 minutes on my bicycle from here um it's one of those things that's sat there as a as a London Landmark for as long as I've been around what suitcase did you offer the Cofer lady must not be permitted to car to carry her Coffer so we can blow stuff [Applause] up brilliant down the old thing of so we'll do the funny one and the non funny one exactly got you so Gus and Freddy I think they go pretty far back I think um Freddy is one of his most trusted men um everybody on this mission is is picked because of of their past history with Gus and I think they've they've completed missions um beforehand um and so it's one of those relationships which um has absolute trust I'm an actor so I'm good at pretending to like people and Alex over here on my left is slightly slightly more it's so is it one of those look around look around a hero Heroes there go squir [Applause] squ with guys Direction um I think that's just um is there's just a certain Spirit there's an adventurous and sort of Leif Fair but yet intense Spirit um that the guys bring um and I I think that should give us something's very busy away I like that jump start thing the Fernando po mission is a story of The Underdogs triumphing with the most impossible um circumstances uh and you know if you if you study the history of these characters the journals the Diaries the uh you know the paperwork that they had to fill out at the end of each mission to explain we you know there's there's a a really solid picture about what these guys went through and um the the they were always The Underdogs I mean they never had the tools they needed you know it would be so much easier to air raid that port and just decimate these ships and the the you know the areas where the the Nazis had the turrets you know guarding I mean there were there were tools at the disposal of the Allied Forces but again it was so politically precarious that they couldn't use those tools so to you know to have a group of guys who have to go in without the tools they need um nothing but the heart and the will and the mind to find a way to succeed at all costs so by the time the other traps come up right are there any live Germans I wouldn't imagine no no he's just cutting the tongues out of the last two more creative that's I need don't worry about me I'll do I want I think what has to happen is you have to you have to understand the characteristics of the historical characters that you were playing the fun fundamental character of the um of the role that your actors are then playing as long as you understand the fundamental essence of who they are then everything else sorts itself from there the character sort of writes its own script and its own story if you will they write their own character so you you do have to do some historical research on on who those characters are take this what this Mission now hello can't hear you please do [Music] [Music] [Music] off [Music] he
Channel: FilMonger
Views: 208,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmonger, the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare bloopers, the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare behind the scenes, making of the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, behind the scenes of the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, behind the scenes the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, ministry of ungentlemanly warfare behind the scenes, behind the scenes, bloopers, the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, b roll, on set, making of, bts, tmuw, tmuw making of
Id: _taBSJhe2IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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