The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Ending Explained - What Is The Future Of This Insane Team?

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[Laughter] it's very good Sherlock Holmes and Aladdin Fame director guy Richie is back with a new action-packed comedy spy movie named the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare set in a backdrop of World War II the film takes you on an undercover Mission like no other as we explore the film as well as its influences before we go to explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you and let's begin the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare what is it all about British prime minister Winston churchi decided to gather a group of men who would help cut off the German Supply from the ubot the mission being unauthorized unsanctioned and unofficial ran to risk of the people involved being jailed if they were to be captured by the British or to be tortured and killed if the nais captured them recently incarcerated major Gus March Phillips was recruited by the special operation executive s soe to lead a mission of sinking to Duchess daa an Italian ship being used by the Germans at a small island called Fernando po Gus would be posing to be a fisherman who just happened to be sailing down the West Coast carrying a tler full of explosives to syn the ship Gus also met two other s soe agents who would be helping him in the mission Mr Richard Heron run established businesses such as a casino bar and illegal exports game on the island of Fernando PO with high ranking Nazi official being his valuable clients and margerie Stewart a Jewish actress and singer whose parents were killed by the Nazis during their initial undertaking of Germany and had trained under the soe as an agent for over 2 years margerie was going to be posing as a New Yorker gold Trader who would distract the Island's commanding officer Hinrich lure with only 40 days before the Germans would move the ship Gus proposed a group of four other men he wanted on his team for the mission the first was Henry Hayes an Irishman who hated a na ceas because of them being responsible for his older brother's death and was also an excellent sailor next was Freddy Alvarez or Freddy the buzz Frogman with impeccable swimming skills and a pen chat for blowing things up third was Andre l or the Danish Hammer who had grown up wrestling bears and hunting elk on his family estate and was also marvelously skilled with a Bowie knife as well as a bow and arrow he had run away from home at the age of 18 to fight the Nazis after his brother was tortured to death by the Gestapo by finally Jeffrey Appleyard who was already sent to Fernando PO for investigation and was captured by the Nazis on his way back Gus still wanted Jeffrey on his team due to his master planning skills and decided to recruit him after freeing him from German captivity Gus Henry Freddy and Andress then made her first stop on the island of laala where Jeffrey was being held captive and managed to free him by killing the entire German military unit along with blowing up the location meanwhile Richard and margerie while traveling to Fernando po by train confirmed the shipments of The Duchess deosta by stealing information from a group of German Military Officers upon reaching the island the duo faced their first shock as they noticed the number of Military Officers to be a lot more than they had earlier expected with margerie pointing out that Gus's team would need more manpower or to Mission and Richard taking the responsibility for it Richard then took margerie to meet Hinrich lore who is initially resistant to working with margerie ended up giving in to margery's charms Richard soon revealed to margerie his plan of throwing two separate parties a costume party for German officers at his club and a party at the dock for the soldiers to keep them distracted from the mission taking place but he gave margerie the responsibility to convince Hinrich to attend the party and also to keep him occupied during the time after reaching Richard's Casino Richard also discovered that the duchess deosta would be leaving the Island 3 days earlier than expected this information turned out a bit risky for the group of men as they would have to take up a shorter route putting them at risk of being mowed down by German otat or being discovered by British Navy ships despite the risk the team took the route and ended up being confronted by a British Navy officer who ordered them to put an end to their unauthorized Mission and asked them to board the ship though luckily due to a sudden German bomb dropping the team was able to escape from a British Navy and continued the journey to Fernando Bo meanwhile at the island Richard took margerie to meet the prince of the island Kamil kaloo or k whom Richard had planned to ask for help in their mission K ended up up agreeing to help Richard due to his hatred for the Nazis and soon met up with Gus and his team along with a team of 12 of his best men and extra weapons the night of the mission was finally upon them but another twist was awaiting the group when margerie while talking to her friend of Hinrich found out that the duchess deosta was plated with more metal rendering their explosives useless against the heavy ship church sh's mission plans were also found out by the British military who ordered Gus and his team to stop the mission along with the threatening Church shill to be kicked out at a prime Minister's office twist or Triumph decoding the ministry's Final Act Gus and his team despite the official orders decided to go forward with their mission with Jeffrey coming up with a new plan to steal the boat instead of sinking it and handing it over to the British Navy the team then put their plan into motion with Jeffrey along with KB's men infiltrating The Duchess deosta while Freddy was setting up explosives onto esbats which the German soldiers were most likely to use to go after the ship after noticing it being stolen Gus took out the patrolling officers down to Harbor while Anders had set up explosives on the ship's anchors to allow KB's boats to move it with most of the plan going accordingly to particular events turned out to create some problems for the group when the esbo explosives went off sooner than expected at the same time margery's Jewish status was exposed due to her speaking Yiddish during her performance at the party thankfully for Margery due to the explosion Hinrich didn't capture her inside but rather took her to the harbor with her hands and shackles with the soldiers arriving at the harbor it was not not long before firing started from the German side as well as Gus's side with Henry even sustaining injury during it margorie was able to shoot Hinrich in his head with her hidden gun and Richard quickly arrived to her rescue as the two made their way to Gus's boat despite time running out they were able to reach Gus's boat and soon informed the nearest British Navy ship about The Duchess deosta unfortunately for the team though once the Handover was done they were soon arrested for their actions and were taken to prison except for KB who was asked return to his land with his men after being kept in prison for 4 weeks the team was paid a visit by Winston Churchill who revealed that their actions had allowed the United States to join the war alongside Britain with their handcuffs being taken off Church Shield revealed that they had been hired to work under him from there on forward is it a true story the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare has been adapted for the 2014 non-fiction book Church Hills secret Warriors the explosive true story of the Special Forces Desperados of World War II by author in Lewis the events of the book Chronicles one year into World War II when British prime minister Winston Churchill helped in the creation of the Special Operations executive s soe the task force was created by the merger of three different British intelligence Services GS created by the British war office Department eh task with creating propaganda and section D formed by the sism I6 Hugh Dalton the minister of economic Warfare was put in charge of the new division from a political standpoint with sir Frank Nelson becoming the first first director the S soe finally came to be in July 1940 with a movie focusing on their first mission titled operation postmaster during its years of operation there were over 13,000 members the S soe received strong support from Church Hill with a name Church Hill's toy shop being the nickname for the location of the S soe's weapons development difference between true story and movie the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare took quite a few liberties with a material they had at the beginning of World War II the course was changed by in Churchill using more irregular warfare leading to the birth of Black Ops the Special Operations executive s soe also known as Church Hill's secret army started to carry out Espionage sabotage and reconnaissance Church Hill especially ordered one of the S soe's Commandos to be the small scale rating Force ssrf number 62 Commando operation postmaster was ssrf first mission where the team boarded German and Italian ships into Fernando po Harbor on the 14th of January 1942 the plan being to steal these axes vessels and sailed them to Lagos it was also a politically controversial raid due to being seen as a breach of Spanish neutrality due to Fernand po being one of its colonies the mission started in August 1941 as the search for desired submarines went on for months only 30 minutes had passed without any losses between the beginning and the end of the raid as the ship's officers were occupied at an event arranged by one of the S soe agents the success of operation postmaster was seen as a sign of the S so E's ability to execute undercover missions what happened to the major characters in real life major Gus March Phillips played by Henry caval in movie was awarded with a distinguished service order for heading operation postmaster by the king in 1942 he was also appointed to be a member of the order of the British Empire he married s soe agent margerie Stewart soon after operation postmaster and died during operation aquant in September 1942 major Gus was believed to be the real life inspiration for the popular INF fictional British secret service agent James Bond created by writer Ian Fleming margerie Stewart played by ASA Gonzalez in the movie also continued serving the S soe as an agent throughout the second world war she would later star in movies like The Master Plan the weak and the wicked along with starring in West and plays C Anders Lassen played by Alan richon was also awarded a military cross for his part in operation postmaster along with being promoted to the position of Captain following this he was also the only non-commonwealth recipient of the Victoria Cross Great Britain's highest medal given for military Valor during World War II this made him the most decorated member of the S soe and Special Air Service SAS Captain address became a member of the second SAS rising to the rank of major during operation roast he died in Italy in 1945 at the age of 24 Captain John Jeffrey apard played by Alex peder was an allrounder athlete and an impeccable skier as per the newspapers following operation postmaster captain John went on numerous missions like operation Bas Sal and only 2 weeks after receiving his military cross he was also awarded with the distinguished service order in December 1942 Captain Graham Hayes on whom the character Henry Hayes was based played by Hero fines tiffen was awarded the military cross for his contribution to operation postmaster Captain Graham took part in operation aquatint alongside major Gus but de Mission didn't go according to the plan making him one of only four out of the 11-man team to escape a German Patrol in Normandy Captain Graham then made his Escape but was captured again being in solitary confinement for some 9 months following which he was executed by firing squad on the 13th of July 1943 Ian Fleming writer of James Bond was portrayed by Freddy Fox and worked for Britain's Naval Intelligence Division during World War II supervising two intelligence units 30 assault unit or number 30 Commando and T Force he also supervised the distribution of intelligence to Royal Navy units ahead of operation Overlord he was also in charge of operation golden eye from 1941 to 1942 maintaining an intelligence framework in neutral Spain in case of invasion by the Nazis Brigadier Colin gubbin was played by Carrie alies in the movie and he served in World War I the Russian Civil War and the Irish war of independence he became chief of the Special Operations executive during the second world war gobbin was also responsible for setting up secret auxiliary units based around a Home Guard monitoring the flanks and rear of any invading German Army in the United Kingdom marvelous verdict the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare is really a spy Thriller like no other filled with comedy and Charisma despite being based on a real life event the movie captures your attention the moment you start watching as You Follow the charismatic actors and their unique chemistry with each other despite the movies events being slightly altered to Great tension the characters makes it worth watching the movie and with the added context of what actually went down during the real events the movie better than becoming a suspense does a better job of just letting you enjoy the fictional adaptation of the events not that characters or plot threads overstate or welcome making the film a breath of fresh air which you can definitely enjoy at least for a onetime watch as always if you like to content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone [Music]
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 12,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aGC0YMFkqkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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