The Mini Crotch Rocket Gets 15" tires!!! - Part 9

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go ah i feel like that was a lot easier last time [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] screw that thing that doesn't work [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah i'm really hoping these new tires are gonna fit on this frame without any serious modification because they are kind of a lot larger than the original ones and i kind of built the frame around these but they i they should fit hopefully so and we do have to change the gearing obviously to work with these bigger tires this is a 20 tooth sprocket that we were originally using and obviously it's now going to be too small so we're replacing it with a 24 tube sprocket and i'm pretty sure it's going to be similar gearing to what it used to be for these tires [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh so this bolt just stretched because i tightened it a little too much i can actually see that the threads are a little bit further apart on this side versus on this side so yeah i'm not really sure about having these hubs bolted onto these tires by only three of these quarter inch nuts and bolts i'm not really sure they're probably probably fine and probably strong enough but i don't know it's never a bad idea to upgrade to something a little bit stronger and it's not going to be that hard to like drill these holes out just a little bit more so yeah i'm gonna upgrade the bolts to something a little bit bigger just because i don't want these tires falling off of these hubs [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] two [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh yeah that's uh there's not really that much gap between the tire and the swing arm and unfortunately this is the the furthest back i can move this tire i can move it back a little bit more if i had uh half lengths for 520 o-rings i don't even know if they make half-links for 5 20 20 o-ring chain i've tried looking and i just can't find them so this is just gonna have to be good enough and hopefully this tire doesn't expand too much under high speed it is pumped up uh pretty hard so maybe i can let a bit of air out and hopefully yeah hopefully that's uh that's not an issue [Music] ah great we're having our first clearance issue yeah the caliper is rubbing up against the side of the tire yeah great you can see that the brake disc needs to go over more to fit in the caliper and the caliper is already rubbing up against the tire so what i could do is i could put some washers in between the brake disc and the hub that'll uh that'll bump the brake disc out a little bit but if that's not enough we may have to take a little bit of material off off the caliper [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i gotta say you guys are right this thing looks so much better with these bigger tires on here versus the smaller ones this thing just kind of looked like a toy with the smaller ones on you now it looks like an actual real miniaturized motorcycle so yeah it looked this thing just looks so much better so now i'm really curious to see does this rear tire rub up against the swing arm when it's at full speed uh because if it does i'd rather fix it now than later it's easier to fix it now while it's suspended by the ceiling then later so i'm going to fire this thing up try to get it in sick gear and try to get this rear tire spinning as fast as possible and if it's rubbing we got to fix it if it's not then we can move on with something else here so [Music] so yep i have my suspicions uh why is why is this smoking what's smoking something on the uh something on the headers smoking ah houston we have contact yeah you can see the tires a little bit shiny right on the very edge and you can see a little bit of a tire rubbing up against so yeah my my theories were correct this tire does expand and rub up against there so we got to fix that somehow [Music] yeah we now have a little bit more clearance not not much but at least it's more than what it was so hopefully hopefully that solves that issue all right now before we take this thing off of the uh the straps holding this thing up i want to put headlights and taillights on this thing now i'm probably i'm just going to use these cheap pod lights that i've had forever because i kind of like the look of that i think that looks uh that looks pretty cool and then for tail lights or tail lights i'm going to be using this i actually bought this uh to replace the one we smashed on the cvr 1000 this is the brake lights i have on the cbr1000 but i'm going to use it for this i'm just going to buy another one for that project because this thing looks pretty cool on the back of here so let's mount this stuff onto here and then we got to wire it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello beams my beams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right so we now have headlights we have high and low beam which is cool i i wanted to make it to where the high beam both the lights turned on but i just couldn't do that so basically just one turn one's high beam one low beam also we have a tail light that works as well as i hooked up the horn because why not this thing has a horn button so now while we're in here while i have the tank off i kind of want to i kind of want to mess with the carbs a little bit and try to see if we can get this engine running a little bit better because i'm going to be honest here i was a little disappointed at the first test drive of this thing i was kind of hoping for this thing to be more of like a wheelie death machine i was expecting a lot more horsepower than uh then this thing feels like it has and i was a little disappointed at this it just feels like a normal motorcycle it feels like it has just enough power to move this thing at a pretty decent top speed but i like to have it to where if you get on the throttle you get into some trouble so i'm hoping it's just maybe because this engine's not running the best um maybe we just need to mess around with the tune of this thing we do have a more free-flowing exhaust and we basically have almost no air filters on these carburetors so maybe it's just maybe it's lean i'm hoping this is lean and we need to mess with the jets i tried to find a jet kit for this engine uh where it comes with all the different size jets and everything and i couldn't find it for these carburetors so what i did is i found uh i bought two sets of stock jets for these things and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take one of those sets i'm going to measure the inside and drill them out just a little bit bigger and put those on see if it improves the running if it does we're going to go a little bit bigger and see if that improves it and just kind of keep going so anyway let's take the carbs off let's take the jets out and drill them out just a little bit bigger and see if that helps get this engine running a little bit better [Music] [Music] all right so i bought all these micro size drill bits from amazon and these are uh tiny all these tiny drill bits that you can barely see right here uh i found a drill bit that fits inside the hole of the stock jet and the size of these stock jets is point zero three seven now i wanna go just a little bit bigger not not too much bigger so i found another drill bit that is points zero four two and this is the first one we're going to try this is just a little bit bigger than the stock one and then if that helps the engine if it runs a little bit better then the second one we can try is this tiny little drill bit and this one is point zero four eight this one's a little bit bigger than that one so i've never i've never done this before i've never messed with the jetting of an engine to try and get it running a little bit better for me honestly if it's running i'm happy but with this one i want to try to get peak power from this thing so that's why i'm it's why i'm doing this and if it makes this engine run worse then we can always go back to the stock jets [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] so the real test is going to be uh when we drive this thing because really just revving it's not going to tell us that much so we got to drive it to really test it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this thing finally has a kickstand i no longer have to drag around a brick everywhere this thing goes [Music] [Music] [Music] we're really gonna have to test this thing under load we gotta test drive it to really find out if it made it improve but from the sounds of it it's it i think it's running worse so i want to remove the baffle that i put in here in the last video because maybe that's choking this engine out maybe i don't know [Music] yeah i just want to see how this engine runs without this thing and with the new jetting so i want to take this thing up the street now but it's not really the best weather for it's kind of drizzling out and the roads are super wet but i'm going to take it up the road anyways here goes nothing hahaha [Laughter] oh this new jetting is terrible it does not want to run [Music] yeah this time this new jetting is absolutely terrible yeah so clearly that jenning was not correct this thing just did not want to get in the higher rpms at all now before messing with the jets again i first want to mess with the the needle height and adjust that and just see what that does because in my limited experience of engine it didn't sound like it was running rich it sounded like it was running lean if it was rich it would be popping and backfiring that just sounded like it was struggling for air so maybe we need to play around with the needle height and maybe that will get this thing running because honestly i should i should learn how to do this instead of just guessing at everything that i'm doing right now i should learn how to how to tune carburetors but i'm too lazy to learn and i'm i'm too stubborn so let's just play around with it and just eventually hopefully it'll fix itself or do something i don't know all right so i adjusted the needles let's see what that does i also put the baffle back in because this thing is just way too loud without it [Music] yeah maybe we just drilled the jet out too much it's too big all right so clearly i need to spend some time and learn how to tune carburetors i have been putting off learning how to tune carburetors for years and years and i think it's finally time to to finally do it to finally learn because instead of just guessing it like what i'm doing i need to i need to i need to know this so and i'm not going to bother filming because i doubt tuning carburetors is the most interesting thing it's not really interesting contents plus i got a bunch of other videos i got to work on so i'm going to put this thing to the side i'll tune it uh you know off camera i'm a little tempted just to put the stock jets back in this thing because it wasn't running perfect but at least it was running whatever i did to this thing it made it so much worse it just it idles fine but as soon as i get it you know uh past half throttle it just bogs it just doesn't want to yeah i messed it up and i got to fix it somehow anyway what do y'all think of the bigger tires i really like how this thing looks it looks more like a miniature motorcycle instead of a toy uh i like the headlights i really like the taillights so yeah i think the next video of this project is either going to be taking it up the street again and doing another test ride or painting this project i really want to paint it and finalize this thing so anyway that's gonna have to be it for this video thank you all for watching i'll see ya in the next video we all know who that is
Channel: rather B welding
Views: 145,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini crotch rocket, crotch rocket, mini bike, home made, custom made, fabrication, Hyosung, gv250, 250cc, v twin, v-twin, mini motorcycle, pit bike, pocket bike, fast
Id: 9ANzSsrOjbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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