The Minecraft Youtubers That DISAPPEARED...

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the year is 2013. you're watching your favorite minecraft youtuber without a care in the world eagerly rushing home from school to enjoy their latest upload every day things are great minecraft is still a new and fresh game with content popping up all the time and the community is more popular than ever but slowly over time that eagerness to watch that youtuber that person you admired so much begins to diminish and your interest in them and minecraft in general fades fast forward many years now and minecraft has become popular again wanting to relive your childhood you decide to go check up on that old youtuber of which you have so many fond memories for some you would see that they have stopped minecraft and moved on and others slowly died out but still upload today with varying success but wait a minute what about that other youtuber why is there no results in google when you search their name or why do they not have any videos on their channel anymore why do they stop uploading you see what's most interesting are the youtubers who just stopped youtube or whose channels you can't even find on youtube anymore it seemed one day they were making videos and still getting views and the next they were gone almost like they had forgotten about the channel entirely they had disappeared welcome to today's video now unlike videos i've done in the past covering various popular minecraft youtubers this one is slightly different you see today we're going to be looking at four minecraft youtubers who just disappeared either seeming to have abandoned their channel or their channel just no longer exist in general so what happened how did they get popular in the first place where did they go why did they stop uploading well that's what we're gonna try and find out today so without further ado let's begin the first channel we're gonna talk about today is kind of infamous xbox addictions a minecraft youtube channel which specializes in trolling videos primarily on minecraft's console editions initially creating his channel in 2011 he would upload various xbox related videos from giveaways to rage or freak out moments over xbox live he had some early success with these videos especially call of duty trolling of funny moments nothing crazy but many of their videos would get into the thousands of views which with his small audience at the time was quite impressive he wouldn't make his first minecraft video until september of 2012 however a video where he trolled his younger brother okay give me call look what i have look what i have and you're not getting any how much do you want this video got quite the amount of attention as we can see from an early archive it had about 200k views after about a year likely suggesting it did well and while the video could be considered kind of mean as he was messing with his younger brother who didn't know any better one thing was for sure and that is that xbox addictions had a talent for trolling having the perfect combination of patience and timing not going overboard too early creating an amusing video continuing his trolling videos his channel would start getting some traction but it wouldn't be until early 2013 where he would begin to blow up going from gaining a few hundred subscribers each month to gaining tens of thousands his growth would continue throughout 2014 as he uploaded more minecraft related trolling videos with multiple of his uploads getting to the millions of views in july of 2014 his channel peaked and he gained 71 000 subscribers in that month alone around this time some of his most successful uploads were where he would pretend to be herobrine joining other annoying younger kids minecraft worlds and messing with them he would also befriend another youtuber master of luck and create trolling videos together and while his trolling videos still continue to see much success throughout 2015 his growth would start slowing down by the end of 2016 and continued to taper off in 2017 but through 2018 he actually managed to keep steady growth which was quite impressive considering minecraft was at its all-time lowest popularity but in 2019 things would change but before we continue quickly go check to see if you are subbed if you aren't well i'm sure you know what to do anyways on the 5th of december 2019 the xbox addictions channel with over 3 million subscribers was terminated gone from youtube without warning now fortunately xbox addiction's second channel with 600 000 subscribers was safe and using that channel he was able to update his viewers on the situation letting them know that his channel was terminated out of nowhere and he had no strikes or issues prior to the termination upon contacting youtube they stated that his channel was terminated for content which was considered bullying or harassment likely in reference to his various catalogue of trolling videos understandably xbox addictions was not happy especially because he was far from the only trolling channel on youtube and he made trolling videos for over seven years without any issues nevertheless while his main channel is gone there are various channels all over youtube which have re-uploaded majority of his videos and even has a patreon where he's uploaded them himself so while the original xbox addictions channel may have disappeared its legacy is far from gone on youtube minecraft universe otherwise known as truemu began his channel all the way back in august of 2010. he would initially upload mod showcases and mod reviews seeing various amounts of success like every minecraft youtuber uploading in early 2011 he did his own let's play series but wouldn't see success until he played through an old mod called jurassic craft gaining his channel lots of attention now around this time he only had about three to four thousand subs and was seeing slow but gradual growth as he kept uploading however his content and thumbnails began to improve and he continued uploading minecraft mod showcases challenges update videos and more things would change in early 2012 though as it began collaborating with another small minecraft youtuber at the time sky does minecraft when they both only had around 10 000 subs and even though neither channel was big yet they still began growing relatively quickly together after more collabs with sky and more improvement to his videos true mu would see a massive growth spike in late 2012 achieving a hundred thousand total subscribers by the end of the year and in 2013 his channel exploded going from 100 000 subs to over a million in just a few months he would join team crafted with many other up-and-coming youtubers and continue making content with them hi it's me austin hi it's me jason throughout 2013 he gained upwards of 15 million monthly views uploading lots of successful videos that would net him millions of views but starting in 2014 his channel began to slow down going from upwards of 10 million monthly views to around 5 to 8 million fortunately he would turn things around in mid-2015 doing relatively well for the time but once again things took a turn for the worse by 2017 he was losing subs every month and his views were at an all-time low and this gradual decline has only continued over the past few years so what happened well one day he just stopped uploading on october the 8th 2016 he would upload a video and then leave the platform for three years no mention of why no goodbye video nothing just radio silence and as you can see in the comments of that video many of his viewers were really sad by a sudden disappearance so why did he leave well true mu was actually relatively experienced in music creation under his other elias 50 rock he had made quite a few tracks with a few being relatively successful according to some youtube comments under his last ever video true mu had begun producing music with post malone in los angeles which was supposedly brought up in his podcast with h3h3 i was unable to find him saying that but it is a likely scenario as before post malone was popular he was a member of team crafted and can be seen in some old videos with them but nothing has been confirmed after three years he would return to youtube and upload a video in june of 2019 he would continue to upload a few more videos all within the same time span but they also very low success and he would then disappear once more from youtube without a trace and that's where his story would have ended if it wasn't for the fact that he uploaded about a week ago for the first time in almost two years now the upload isn't minecraft related it was a highly cinematic video promoting his new digital art the video only got about 15 000 views flying way under the radar and he hasn't uploaded since but stated this in the comments section the true mu channel isn't finished you'll go message hypixel and tell him to hurry up and finish his game just kidding of course but hightail will be hype whether that means he is coming back to youtube or not whenever hightail is released we won't know for some time but it seems as if he has just lost interest in youtube and minecraft choosing to focus on his other passions instead basha now known as toasty is another minecraft channel which had lots of ups and downs originally creating his channel in april of 2010 he had much early success with skit related videos of not only minecraft but also of skyrim what is that and his channel was quite successful early on in fact by the end of 2011 well before many other popular minecraft channels even became known he already had upwards of 50 000 subscribers now unlike many of the other channels we have talked about basher actually saw a slight decline in viewership throughout 2012 and was actually losing subscribers by early 2013 but he would have much success with a minecraft series called the legend of hobo a cinematic short film of a hobo in minecraft and this series would propel his channel his success would continue throughout 2013 gaining 200 000 subscribers in a month and netting himself millions of monthly views likely due to his minecraft minigame related content with other popular minecraft youtubers throughout 2013 with various mod reviews minecraft pranks and collaborations his growth would continue exponentially but in 2014 his channel began to gradually decline and by the end of the year he was only getting around 600 subscribers a month in an attempt to restore his channel to its former glory he began uploading a lot in early 2015 like seriously a lot in an old archive i found of his channel we can see that he was uploading upwards of four times a day the majority of these videos saw quite low success considering his channel subscriber count of 1.3 million at the time not long after also in early 2015 he began to get into some drama he uploaded a video in early march of 2015 discussing his rough childhood and issues he had throughout his teenage years now i'm not going to get too into it because there's a lot to uncover but to summarise he had various problems with his parents and school taking a significant toll on him mentally he deleted the video not long after it was uploaded but the following month more and more drama began to consume his channel and he would also feature in videos on keemstar's channel gaining a lot of negative attention i don't want to hurt people i seriously do not want to hurt people that's not who i am he continued uploading to youtube but all the drama took a toll on his mental health and he would often post on twitter about how he wanted to quit youtube even having unfortunate breakdowns on his channel it was clear that mentally he was not doing well also around this time his content saw a slight shift he went from doing minecraft videos to creating let's just say interesting videos with his girlfriend this also likely led to him losing his core audience as 2016 came around he began to lose subscribers monthly by 2017 his view count had plummeted and not in a happy mental state he privated all his videos changed his channel name to a dash and made his banner and profile picture black and just disappeared from youtube basha went radio silent for the most part all throughout 2018 and 2019. then three years later in december of 2019 he would upload an update video stating that he was unable to cope with everything that had happened to him and that he was losing everything including his house and more i've lost truly everything like i've lost i've lost love i've lost friends i've lost family and i've lost i've lost everything he stated that he was going to start a twitch stream to help other people struggling with depression and loneliness like he was two months later in february of 2020 he would upload another video where he said he was moving to australia after still struggling with depression then in july he would upload his final video to his channel a channel trailer for his new twitch stream he streamed on twitter for about two months but has then since stopped streaming and that's where we are now he hasn't uploaded to youtube or streamed in some time but he is still active on twitter and it seems that he's looking to stream again soon he seems much happier now as well which is good as he did have quite a tough time throughout his career and was honestly quite unfairly treated even if he did do some things wrong he did not deserve all that negative attention he got especially since he was already struggling with depression hopefully he manages to get back on his feet but as it stands now almost all of his channel history is private but you can find re-uploads if you search the final channel we are going to talk about today has actually quite a recent story associated with it we've talked about beijing canadian before in fact he was in my first where of these minecraft youtubers now video but recently in march of this year something interesting happened to him now i'm not gonna go into detail on his channel history because like i said we've done that before so instead i just want to talk about what happened beijing's channel had been on decline for a while he was unable to re-establish himself in the youtube sphere after minecraft lost a lot of popularity in 2017 and 2018 and his view count had tanked i guess he didn't really enjoy what he was doing anymore was no longer proud of his content as in february of this year calm listed all of his videos apart from four minecraft parodies and has not uploaded since he did however leave all of his playlists public allowing viewers to still go and watch his older videos in a community post shortly before he privated all his videos he stated that when he starts to upload again he wants to make them quality over quantity with hand-drawn thumbnails and nice editing he also states that he is working on a new server at the moment and when he's done he's going to go back to creating videos he ends the post stating that him and the team are working hard to achieve that goal that community post has since been deleted about two months ago he made another community post where he writes gotta win him all but is still yet to upload or give a clear reason why he privated all of his videos he is still active on twitter but no new information has come out about the server or his youtube channel i do think there is a good chance he will come back however and he still seems to be interested in minecraft and isn't done with his career yet but that's that if you have any suggestions or know of any other youtubers who also disappeared please leave a comment and let me know and maybe i can make another part if you guys like this video besides that i hope you enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe and leave a comment if you did as always join the discord and follow me on twitter links are down below thank you all so much for watching you
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 1,085,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft youtubers, where are these minecraft youtubers now, what happened to these minecraft youtubers, the minecraft youtubers that disappeared, minecraft universe, truemu, bashurverse, toasty, bashur, bajan canadian, xboxplayz, team crafted, skydoes, skydoesminecraft, disappeared, minecraft youtuber stopped uploading, what happened to bashur?, minecraft nostalgia, minecraft youtube, minecraft minigames, what happened to minecraft universe, asfjerome
Id: 0X3_5kvHWeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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