The Mind - GameNight! Se5 Ep27 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] gay night tonight on game night and myself Dave are going to play the mind a game for two to four players published by Nurnberger spill carton vlog and designed by Wolfgang wash so let's hey Dave hey Lincoln well you teach us the mind the mind is a card game that if you've played the game you will recognize these cards numbered 1 to 100 it's just a deck numbered 1 to 100 in a 4 player game we will play up to 8 rounds if we get few all 8 rounds we win so what is it that we're doing in round 1 well I'll get one card go ahead and look at it and our goal is to play these cards to a communal pile in the middle of the table in numerical order from smallest to largest like for example I have a 46 so I'm probably not going first what are you dead 77 what do you got 18 so that's probably the lowest does that lower than yours or hides lower than oh then you want to play yours first then Wow 17 then a teen then me and then Nicky and when we do that we have successfully completed level 1 and we will now go to level 2 where we will all get two cards you're gonna get number of cards per level okay the trick is that everything we just did to communicate what cards we had is verboten and you can't do any of it you can't discuss your hand in any way you can't make little secret signals in any way you just use the power of your mind so the way up man this is a harsh way to start a disadvantage start so what does your mind challenge though you're telling us so what's really gonna happen is we're all gonna get a card then we're gonna basically look at our card and when we're ready we're all gonna put our hand on the table that indicates this is like a little concentration period so Kevin is not ready yet there we go Kevin is now ready and then we can just basically look at each other that's all we can do it that's pretty much our eyebrows you know I mean you just can't as long as they're not signals like known secret signals between players yes if they're just well so many human signals like what about like yeah yeah so when the hands come up anyone can play their card at any time there's no order to the game and this 1718 thing to start with would be pretty bad for yes we yeah we'd have a 50-50 chance of getting lucky but for the sake of argument let's say you played a card let's say or let's say Lincoln thought well mines the lowest I'm going to play it now the minute that's already higher than a card you have in your hand you would say stop and what would happen is you would show your card that's under 18 it would be discarded we would lose a life and we have to keep playing around and I was a kid Nikki and Nikki would look at me and eventually because there's a huge enough gap in our cards I would play this and she would play hers and we would get few level 1 this is brutal right you have very definite you have 1/4 we have 4 lives that we can lose and we get another life back at 33 by the way if what happens happens again in that round we lose life ok let's say you played let's say Lincoln played the 18 and you had the 17 yes and I had this four okay although there's no way I'd have this and not played at this point you and I would show those cards they would be discarded we would still lose only one life only one life okay but we would get rid of all of those cards and we pick up from where we go on obviously in the one card round that's not as interesting but let's say we're on the four level we'll all have four cards in our hand that's hurt it's sort of crazy at any point during the process you can say stop and put your hand back on the table and what you're basically saying that everyone else is it's a cut everybody put your hand on the table let's take a breath and look at each other again it's basically like a little thing to say don't play right now before we figure something out there's one more thing that you can do and that is in addition to these lives we have these throwing stars we start with one and we will pick one up here level two and the throwing start if we want to use it if you if you feel like we should use it you raise your hand which is to say I think we should use a throwing star if all other players raise their hand then you discard the throwing star and then everybody from their hand gets rid of their lowest card in their hand and they discard them face up so in addition to maybe getting us out of a sticky situation you also get some information out of players hands if I have five cards and I throw away my lowest card and it happens to be like 71 you know the rest of my hand is all higher than that so that that could potentially help you and again we get you discard a five doesn't help at all well it does it only helps there's the three four and five are out there and we're not sure yeah well it clears up you're also unsure what's going on you'll see you get to the middle okay it that's where things really gunk up sort of is in the middle gonca basically we just keep doing this until we get to level eight and to get to level eight without losing has a neat little a levite card has anyone ever won oh yes okay okay I'm sure someone's I mean have you guys won this game okay no I've never won I feel great about our dance two more things one clarification I didn't actually say it but the rewards that we get we get at the end of the level so at the end of level two we'll get another star not the beginning I didn't say other way but it was a reward for finishing a level and then there was there's a thing in the rules that says like the more in sync you get as the game goes on the more you will get a sense of like when you should be playing your cards but it stresses that this is not a game of like internal counting you should not be like counting off seconds as if to say okay like after three seconds no one's played so I'm gonna play or maybe you're doing some sort of internal like sixteen seventeen eight-teen up they may be ready okay so don't do that okay don't remember I can't imagine that anyone would ever do that but okay it's in the rules clearly somebody did it point right all right here we go okay nice slow wrong last man is so nervous hey my kids already I didn't explain this but you always reshuffle the entire deck oh boy I think that was fairly self-explanatory it might not be shuffle up and deal well none of the cards come out either so every round you have all 100 right oh yeah that makes sense right yeah well as you get more cards it would be [Music] stop [Music] I'm a Kurds I love the tender part of this game da yeah okay that's a life well that's it you finish it off okay one life not that one lives off yep okay we get a second sure acacia throwing star for completing level 219 a level three we get a life back [Music] [Laughter] stop Oh think so well if no one agree if it's not you damn remind me what that shuriken does it it allows us to throw away our lowest card okay in my case it would get rid of my entire hand thank you my and Nikki so we just come down to you we don't we can save it they'll be more valuable later well you have one you have two cards mm-hmm so he would have a card and I would have all three of mine right no it's getting another one I don't want three stop underhand - yes Oh 58 no wonder it's okay so you need to see those by the way yours was 82 mm-hmm that was your loss Curtin nice than this goes away I see so close to playing it the beauty is if you just gone for it right yeah yeah I was worried though because I you were concerned and I thought oh shoot it was just enough yeah why don't we lost it no that's a Tory star but we've got like we gained a life I think that was a good trade-off I agree it just seemed I just felt like it was dangerous I love war there's no reward for this level no no the level is its own reward yeah the journey is the destination ah here's the crazy thing right 12 cards out of a hundred oh and it seems to happen more often than not that what off 5758 right right you had to lose 80 to 83 a nine and then Nikki's 90 was insane now we have four that was fantastic face I have no idea what it means but it was fantastic oh my goodness that is insane that's like your default face for all your all your cards ah a different face it's a dangerous Wow mmm that's crazy you have one - Oh beautiful beautiful you finish it yes I realize I had a roll but then it looks like that first one I had like 50 - yeah 56 57 and 59 yo you're set those - what you got - you yeah I was I know I do I probably had the starting card lower than you but you really wanted to jump in there with yours I'm so glad you didn't know I was waiting to see well I was that's why I looked at you I want you laugh at me but you wouldn't give feeling like yeah yet on this right it's more than because I was 64 right yeah so I mean I was like what and then when you were like okay then he's there and like there was nothing I'm like I thought you should tell you in my head I'm like wait are they one apart or something you say stuff because in my opinion you want to read sync up like a feud within a few three it's like you've basically played immediately yeah if you've got if you've got stuff it's sequential like that either a plan and you have to plan one at a time by the way that is a specific as you can't just plunk them all but you could say stop but say say stop you're so nervous that somebody will play something on cuz then when they're that close it all worked out all right if we successfully get through this we get another throwing star I don't know I know well it's gonna be tough at some point mm-hmm or maybe were just that good he said jinxing around yeah [Laughter] are you picturing the numbers in your head trying to send up trying to do stop stop that was bad that's on me that was actually on me okay stop no wonder we're all sitting there looking for a minute yeah well yeah but I was the closest one right can people see those man 31 is the closest yeah yeah so you went there too easy oh and we would have got him all out of the way yep stop mm oh sorry another life that was close oh wait does it go in the pile oh no that's correct that's crazy just discarded no man stop okay dangerous stop new that 92 is coming out oh hey we got two stars now we get an extra throwing star we're gonna need it so we get a lofty to this level I process one of those for sure though oh so close what was 31 32 33 I mean same but I was the closest to it right so and I almost played it I just and the beauty as if I played it whoever in the 32 would have stopped right yeah and then the 33 would have stopped yes I clearly would have gotten all of them out oh well it was one way of doing it though that was pretty amazing that's true well cheat we lost to that round is this record is this your car cotton is I'm flashing the bottom of the deck not that I'm looking at okay well does it matter that one number we're all friends here anyway well when you split like that we won't see the bottom of the deck well I did it differently that okay well I'm not paying attention anyway finally not before we're gonna have six cards yes good luck six it's interesting it makes it both harder and easier because you have more of a chance to be consecutive with cards that are being placed I think that one card round is actually the trickiest no no four cards out of a hundred just have no idea like when we played once like a 24 was the lowest card like there's no Lincoln symptom alright hang on here we go already gonna be fun awesome see okay that's okay maybe so is it 52 ah stop stop attention is delicious bark holding - it's not done yeah we could lose this room put it face down cuz I it's on the cards well no kidding okay we do I still get over oh definitely thank you sir spend Mother's doing of our lowest cards and then you we got it huh oh yeah you're in a car we would have I think we would have done that okay that was toilet we made another round and we got a life back but no shirt kid know we have a shirt we have one last story start are you sure it can yep are you sure can we have some sure Akins we do you just stole my joke and just repeated it I know so I'm saying it's always singing Wow we only has you get to little late I just realized yeah it's not as bad I never play this with four players with more players with fewer players you have two drives you want to fire levels and that's it right we get oh no we get it oh yeah what is what do you get that's it because the game goes 12 levo and the two problem the 12 whales yes well erica has won it twice with his wife really at your 12 yeah hey they're on a mental well the thing is you do have some you know you have some relief right that you can help synchronize and figure it out but we're doing okay I mean this is pretty amazing this is where we eat it though mind over matter yeah well you're the magician man you should be really stunned yeah man can you at least palm some of these oh really Oh mg nothing I mean nothing to be sure oh I shuffled them all right they just put these cards in their excitement here we go I like that even then you get a station no because the one could be there I just that's what I love I'm hoping that that person will go quickly like up Dave always looks ok well it's exciting I knew she had something [Laughter] nervous stop stop okay stop stop well we know you have to stop regardless see what happens okay you also need to wait till people lift their hands you keep playing without people lifting their hands so he's doing the same thing and he has every right to do that you're right but but you need to do that look that says dude okay so you go like okay oh my goodness okay no wonder it's exciting stop ah stop mmm shoot it's okay okay life still out there not immediately playing out there still like we got a bacon we signed a star to matter if I did if we got one life to live one life and one shooting star one throwing star I mean oh I'm glad we didn't use the throwing star that right oh we got so close we're gonna get another strike in this round eight cards mr. time range sorry for jumping the gun on that yeah whatever hands but yeah you're doing it every time you're lifting and going it's like wait a second you can't you gotta wait yep you're totally right wait a second No I said stop and then he played a card that's what I I know but it's really totally right he's exactly this and he was correct yep you're totally right you need to worry about when the guys actually 100% immediately following the cards it's on the table I got excited that's four times eight no sixteen third the brain is not calculating you know I don't even know if that's a you got me up 42 oh I bet you didn't think when you got to not the last card in the state I totally got that feeling from you and by the way you were acting that my head was just playing you get the one to go with the 100% dream it took me a while to realize like okay he's basically yeah when he's like thinking he's like he's way ease way down there we're not supposed to know right you're supposed to interpret that yes that's thank you okay stop that pullback could have seen this the whole game do you have one of these left stop stop stop Wow that noise you make always sounds like a disappointment noise like we just laughing is what it is ah [Music] mm-hmm okay this is our what last your lowest one yeah Oh dodged a bullet there oh I was gonna probably play before you but okay wait that was you mm-hmm okay there's no no I had a feeling okay I had that okay that's me oh I see what you're doing shorter I won't remember the wise whether that's cheating or not oh people where people work okay meanwhile best throwing star ever we're out of stars now yep oh no really stop oh you have something lower no oh okay I'm at a card so kay you lifting your hands that was just we were potentially suggest well only because the cards also worked out right that let me know that my 54 through 75 was good right yeah and that was huge I feel mentally drained if that went out right that's it oh yeah now yeah yeah you don't have like one if you need a life thing so it was it now there is something that the rule says if you get to the end and you win you can continue past that apart but playing blind oh so here's what the thing is this is the advanced rule which is amazing if you you look at your hands and you look at each other and you play and you play them face down face so there is no you only reveal at the end you turn the stack over and check how good you did after you've gotten rid of all of your yes oh my god that's insane but the thing is it seems like it's doable right you just don't find you you don't the build up is that you don't know you have no idea till the end so it's like there is no like like you can't do shuriken this doesn't help you yes no but it does suggest that if you get to the end you can go past that by playing blind by starting essentially over so we would take this throwing star for succeeding and with this one life and this throwing star we can start blind from the beginning again oh and just see how far if you haven't tortured yourself quite that's right well this is an amazing game I love it oh it's fun yeah it's so much fun I've played this is the first time I've won yeah it's very hard to first level yeah yeah it's very first time I played yeah I'll show everyone I know this game is amazing so cool the rules are so simple but they're it's so difficult it's insane I like it a lot so we we saw this at Nuremberg and Eric they were demoing it and I'm I'm just like oh my god you know the two guys are playing it data Eric and the guy explaining the game and I just could not believe it and so my mind is racing the whole time I'm dying to play it and Eric gets a copy which I'm excited about then later on the day the CEO of the jury of the SD Jays comes up to us and I've never seen this guy excited before oh my gosh you got to see this game he pulls it on like we see it it's amazing like we're just freaking out about how great this game is it's so bizarre but yet amazing right simple right like so simple yeah but so complex and right and time well and they got back from Nuremberg he had told me the game and he basically told me all the rules over the phone yeah and I'm sure I had a reaction that a lot of people had which was well yeah that's a fun no trust me trust me I'm like okay everyone was going crazy for the money maybe they're all drinking something weird over there but it's I mean there will definitely be a subset of people that will not like this not like this but the thing is the communication is yeah it's for me it's like the grizzled in that regard where you're not supposed to talk now we have the fun thing of I don't to me it's all fair game like you know I'm not I'm not in this it's a long time until my hand is it's played so I think it's great you know how I was with the game to which I love I love this right yeah I like that this is not even that you can't even do you just have to look and like and the neat thing was when it actually sinks and you make it work when it's one car difference it's insane to me what it tough to play with strangers like we all kind of know each other pretty well so like maybe you don't know that right I'd like to try with strangers and see how it goes Eric has done that he's played with people and it's been good and bad you can see how some people just won't get it or I have the patience for it yeah we have already mentioned this but when we did we played it and first Scott wanted us to see it play it and we just played it with the game which is not as fun because you need to have the car yeah it's to have this stuff it's but you couldn't do it we played it and I just guessed cuz I didn't know the card mix or anything like that didn't have them and I guess what the bonuses would be in stuff and rusty just was like agonizing over a three like he'd be three away from the card that's play it's like I'm like rusty that's basically an immediate yeah unless somebody plays it to me because you you know the person that's the card after that is gonna play it right away yeah and the only one you have to worry about someone after that and it's not likely but you don't agonize over for five minutes so you sit through so they would finally go because we have a card that's seven and it's yeah because certain like please play some instant start to buy as we played long absolutely I think fifty and she's got a fifty four but then you may have a fifty two there we kind of got on like you're like it's no you're not saying it but you're like hold up there's a little know you're ready to play there's a rhythm element that lead to this game before we got the rules when you were just teaching us right you taught us the rule was put your hand on the table but the rule specifically also suggest you say the word stop and I think that helps a lot yeah because there are times in which when we were playing before there are times in which sometimes you can put your hand on the table and people just don't see it yeah they're kind of looking at their cards or not sounds much more immediate like oh let's think yeah it's just have it's weird to me like people should be paying attention right now that that's almost as like a cheap to me right it's fine but it's like it's it's not necessary house rule it out no that's fine it works it worked I mean as I say we I've never won this and that's a lot of cards to get through yeah for this one bump is not bad yeah you know to that we know but that was well that helped you do is so good is you had a fistful of cards I knew him likes Dave's got a fistful of cards is bad well no again they were all roughly together but they were even more together once I saw where we were at yeah these were your lowest mean yeah it's in the 50s my hand was this was my hand at the time Wow right and when we all get rid of our lowest I know I complained this and all of a sudden I'm looking at this and I'm like oh wait a minute that's me I can probably play this right and once that works obviously this works and I'm not wait around too long for that it was pretty great I don't know if I said it on camera but the thing was the guy that said like the editor or whatever for nsv when he read the rules he basically stood up and applauded he was so blown away by these rules and it's funny like you think first of all why isn't somebody done this before right and I don't know if they were inspired by the game cuz it's not the same designer it's basically the spiritual successor to the game probably it means it's kind of the same cards 100 hundred well no I know that they thematically tied it to it right that's for sure it's the same publisher but I'm really excited about this game I wonder it's an s DJ potential I don't know that it will Erik's pretty certain that it's gonna get nominee I don't know that it will get nominated it's so out there that maybe some of those now some of the people that are on the jury that we're excited by the game which that year I'm sad they didn't win cuz that was the year I think it was Colt Express machi Koro maybe maybe and that and ultimately I think I chose machi Koro and you guys all chose when we picked in the jury thing I think none of us chose cold Express I don't know I think somebody did maybe Aaron I mean Mike mark probably but but to me the game is the one that sticks it's a really good game you can certainly I bet you've played it more than any of those other games since yeah you know I mean it's not that many more but more yeah it's oh my I love the game I think it's really really good and and this is really lame is actually a great little two-player time killing game that's that's the niche it really fun he's not play - and I think you'd love it there's actually more games there's well there's a game there's a tube - a two-player game for that and it's not cooperative but you have to play your I mean obviously it's probably whoever has the last part I was dying to play it at Nuremberg because Eric brought it and he wrote a really long article about it which was great but we didn't have the time - oh yeah this can play too - how much - two four four yeah it's really really impressive I mean I like games that are super small and can take you that travel a lot for work right when you can take something like this try the game oh the game as well the game is amazing it's really good well okay Dave thanks for teaching us ourselves had something to do with it yeah there's a lot of very cool [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 90,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, board game, session
Id: xnIfCG2dga8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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