The Midjourney Killer? Meet Ideogram (Prompt BATTLE + Full-Comparison)

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idog is the brand new AI art generator on the Block in this video I'm going to put idog darly and mid Journey to the test through a number of challenges to see which is the air generator to roll them all or which one is best in your different situation and we're going to look firstly at the features before moving on to a prompt battle we'll put the same prompt into each of these I generators and then we'll evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the images that come out next up is speed well have a little prompt race and we'll see how long it takes to generate an image in each of these platforms next up is pricing where we'll take a look at how much it costs to make the use of each one of these softwares finally we'll have a little discussion about the community the resolution and the limitations that each of these has that's why we'll talk about NSFW there's nothing like spending hours at your laptop crafting the most beautiful Godly shapely boobers so ladies and gentlemen I've put on a shirt today so we're really talking business now it's time to dive in and explore which is the best AI art generator together on the announcements page of idiogram they've shared a rather intriguing graph showcasing some research that they have performed rating their platform against both Dar and mid journey and here you can see that they say using an evaluation protocol we find that human rers prefer idiogram one over D 3 and mid Journey V6 in prompt alignment image coherence overall preference and text rendering quality so it's saying here that it smashes both darly and mid Journey on prompt alignment which is prompt adherence making sure that what you get out is what you put in image coherence which is essentially how much sense the image makes if people have extra limbs eyes teeth or hands fingers toes and overall preference which is essentially how much do you enjoy the aesthetic Taste of the image and text rendering quality which is how much the AI art generator is able to accurately recreate the text that you have asked for and it even looks as if that it was a closer Run Race Against darly than against mid Journey which surprises me I mean especially I would say on the overall preference metric I'm very shocked that number one that darly outperformed mid Journey on this metric and number two that it was not a lot closer some dodgy polling going on there I'd say it's like those Russian polls that come out and say Putin with 99.9% of the vote yeah I I believe that and also looking at this data we can see that where idog is really stepping out in front of these other to is on the text rendering capabilities and this is particularly interesting because it opens up an Avenue for incredible graphic design work so you can really start to uh create work such as posters apps website designed inside of an AI art generator just look at some of these designs coming out of idiogram the text is coherent the spelling is correct each of the characters is rendered accurately and coherently and it opens up a whole world of possibilities for design but I was curious to run a little poll on my channel and see which is the favorite air generator and mid Journey came out way ahead with 60% of the vote followed by stable diffusion and then darly and Leonardo coming up lower down so we'll have a little chat about the features and the user experience of these platforms firstly Dary is best run inside of chat GPT and this gives it its own unique flavor that you can essentially have a conversation with chat GPT about creating images this is both an advantage and a drawback what's good is that you can actually ask chat GPT for its opinion on the works that you are creating and work with it in a conversational manner you can say okay make it more bright make it more futuristic and it can update using this conversational language which is quite a usable way to interact with an air generator however it's extremely difficult to fine-tune the algorithm them to uh adjust the settings and parameters inside your works now mid journey is uh currently working both in a Discord Channel version and they're building out their own website where you can create as well now mny has an interesting blend of uh being both usable in a simple way where you can simply enter a prompt and get out very beautiful images that work very well with little understanding of both visual taste or prompt engineering and it also offers more advanced users the capabilities to adjust and fine-tune the algorithm in different ways for example you can create consistent Styles you can add in different parameters which adjust how the algorithm works this includes how much it adheres to your prompt how much of its own stylistic intent it adds and much much more so it has a nice uh entry point where it's quite easy to pick up and start off and then there is a lot to learn if you go further down that rabbit hole now I would say also mny has a very good library of collecting your images so it's easy to navigate through all of the works that you have created you can put these into folders you can filter them and you can search for them in this uh very elegant and organized way and if we have a look at ideogram igog is running in the browser and it has its own site uh it has a fairly decent uh Library management system and the prompting window uh Works fairly well however I would say that I would like to see a full screen prompting experience it's quite unusual to have this very small modal window where you have to select all of the different elements for your work so let's move on to a prompt battle and this is where I've put in the same prompt to each of these AI art generators and I've collected these so we can compare them now we're going to run through a few different styles and mediums and we're going to look for which ones are working well and who wins on each round so first up we have animal photography and the prompt for this is a joyful dog riding a surfboard catching away so I won't read out all of the prompts I will give you a little idea of what the prompt is but if you are interested in seeing the whole prompts and also looking at these images yourself more closely I'll leave a link to this document in the description below so now you've seen the prompt I will show you three images and I'm actually going to ask you to have a think about which one you like the most and how they compare without knowing which is from which AI art generator yet this is to prevent any bias because we might have developed some sort of love and affiliation with a software and its purpose in the world Long Live which is highly impossible because art can stir great motivations in the heart great dependencies on the philosophy and notion of what type of world we want to live in is it a world envisaged by Dar mid Journey or idiogram idiogram ideogram idog so here are the three images do you prefer doggo number one doggo number two or doggo number three make your choice now so I can tell you that doggo number one was from dar doggo number two was from mid journey and doggo number three is from the new player in the game ideogram now I also asked this as a poll on my channel so let's take a look at the results doggo number two came out way ahead with 57% of the vote next up was Dogo number three which is from idiogram and finally it was darly so in this public vote we had a preference for Mid Journey and then for idiogram and finally for Dary but mid Journey really dominated the vote so my choice it's certainly mid journey and idiogram stand out above Dary I quite enjoy the ears coming up from the idiogram version gives it a slightly humorous depiction of this dog but I'm not sure if that's physically possible that in this moment it looks like as if his momentum is coming down and so it's unusual that his ears are flopping up at this time there is it yeah beautiful balance and composition of this piece I like the way that it really leads you into the center of the image that there are these shapes that really point and direct us to the focal point of the image which is the dog on the surfboard so the leading lines work very well and it has a nice balance of colors I would say the expression of the dog looks a little bit gormless maybe I would prefer it if he was uh looking more directly into the camera or there is a little bit more life in his eyes and the other point I would like to mention is the surfboard seems a little bit small especially the rear end and we can also look at an element of physics here it looks as if the the beach is very shallow here that the water is very close to the Sea Flor and it looks as if he's on a huge wave so perhaps that doesn't make a lot of sense but overall I'm quite keen on this image and I think realistically it looks very good it's been rendered effectively The Prompt adherence is there and the image coherence so if we look into the moury version you can you can see that the it's got a very different approach it's very interesting to see the contrast between how Dynamic the idiogram image is compared to how calm and relax the mid Journey images now I prefer the more restricted color palette coming out of mid Journey here you can see that it has really dominant blues and then just these highlights of the dog in the middle which are these more subtle earthy oranges which contrast very well to the blues so it starts to look a little bit stylized with this very restricted color palette but it's more visually pleasing to me perhaps it's slightly less realistic but it's more artistic it's almost as if a photographer had really curated the scene for the visual effect it it's more cinematically engaging so I appreciate that about the mid Journey version I also would say that I would probably prefer to have this dog in my life than this dog oh my God now you can see the surfboard is pretty Tiny But apart from that the physics look look fairly accurate let me know if you see anything in any of these images that I miss any unusual elements that don't make sense especially and finally we have the DAR image and here you can see the classic effect of Dar which is to really saturate everything and add in very high Dynamic ranges so the image has really intense highlights and very dark shadows and also some I would say yeah very intense elements I find it to be like the sun is extremely overwhelming it's almost the most dominant element in the whole piece for me it distracts a little bit from the subject matter to have this very intense Sun like this very harsh intense light so the lighting is often very harsh and intense in darly and it really comes across in this image though I do like the the textures coming out of the water here in the reflections are very artistic very abstract and uh I I appreciate these as well as the the Mist the fine Mist coming off of the wave actually is it's it's quite tactile so let's put them all side by side to see how they compare I noticed my internal system gets most activated and irritated by the idiogram and dar versions I find the mid Journey version more calming and soothing I must say I really appreciate the variety in the answers to the prompt that each one of these has a very different approach and yeah it's really beautiful to see that we have these AI art generators that are actually taking their own Direction it would be very sad if they all came out with very similar images so I would like to Comm in them all for at least attempting to develop their own style and vision for an AI art generator now let's move on to human photo realism I think I'm always more impressed by an AI art generator's ability to recreate photorealistic depictions of life rather than surreal or abstract painted mediums and I think this really puts the AI art generators to the test I think that for True application of this technology we are going to be looking at how it's going to work with realistic situations this is really where it's going to uh be used the most and have the biggest impact on the largest amount of Industries so this is the photorealistic prompt that I used a beautiful girl in a cafe looking directly into the frame cinematic High detail ultra realistic cinematic lighting shot on 50 mm lens Ultra wide angle depth of field hyper detailed beautifully colored coded beautifully gr so let's take a look at how these images compare first up we have idiogram and what's interesting about this depiction is it has a slightly painted effect a slightly stylized aesthetic it almost looks like paint Strokes coming off of the cabinet here it's got a very clear Central perspective leading Us in through the image you can see the lines are all drawing us very clearly into the image you can see this line coming up here yeah so it's quite I would say a yeah an intense tense perspective that they've applied onto this image it feels a little bit overwhelming it's like these shots from Alfred Hitchcock where they zoom in very intensely and accentuate the perspective around the character so it almost has a horror film feeling to me I would say this is elevated by the Lacy outfit of this young girl though I would say anatomically she looks fairly accurate perhaps this forearm is a little bit long it looks as if this arm is a little bit longer than this arm let's just see if that's true yes so it does look as if this forearm is at least 10 to 15% longer so some slight deviations anatomically there now also her nose looks a little bit unusual to me the middle part of the nose what is that called Christ septum I think it is called the septum let's roll with septum you can see the septum is quite narrow unusually so and there's unbalanced about her mouth here it's like slightly heavier on the left side than on the right side and there's also an unusual Watermark added in here that was not requested for unreal as for the color palette I would say I I quite like the these opaque softer Shades these these pinks and reds are balancing out quite well this uh the visual balance of the colors is is very coherent here I like the yeah the larger amount of this Peach over here uh being balanced out with the darker intense red perhaps is a little bit distracting than actually on the subject I would say that the eye is certainly drawn more to these bold colors rather than to the subject in the middle of the screen now let's move on to the mid Journey version and it's yeah it's a real contrast here you can see that the composition we have is much more closely zoomed in it's got a very strong bcka effect which is a blurred background and this yeah it gives us a completely different feel from the previous image it's uh really incredible how different the interpretation is I really appreciate the freckles that have been added in and if we look at the nose the nose certainly is more realistic here so anatomically I cannot see anything that I would say is different from reality I would like to pay particular attention to the detail of the individual strands of hair and how naturally they seem to fall on her face and shoulders maybe this hair here is the only one that seems a little bit unusual to me can you see any unusual hairs now just compare that to the hair of the first image and you can see that there are still individual strands coming through from idiogram but it looks like a block doesn't look like a lifelike set of hairs it looks more like an imitation of hair now we take a closer look at Dar whoa once again darly has this incredibly high contrast overly saturated image I wonder what happened in the training of Dary it reminds me very much if you see people who are just starting out in photography and they're posting things on Instagram they have a tendency to add way too much Clarity contrast and saturation when they're editing their images and I think there is a real potential for Dar if there is like a less saturated lower contrast image perhaps my fear with darly is that they created a beautiful AI art generator and then it was shown to a person in management who had the final say and said oh can we give it a bit more Jazz like why is this not got enough Jazz and then they're saying okay we can do this and they just offer a quick fix where they add this intense contrast and saturation and he's like I love it I love it it's amazing give it more Jazz more Jazz and then that was the model that was delivered to the public so I did two things here firstly is I took the image from darly and I manually adjusted some of the effects of it to reduce the contrast the clarity the saturation and lower the highlights and raise the darks in the image and for me I would say that it certainly looks more uh one realistic and two I would say I prefer the the visual appeal of it now I also asked darly to do this itself and it came out with this version which I would say is a vast Improvement so when you're working with DAR it really helps to tell it that you don't know what your you don't know what taste is I'm in charge here and you're going to listen to me I don't want none of your damn high contrast and if we take a look at all these images together we can see how we feel about them I would say that for me for some reason the initial darly image that came out with feels more like an alien than a human being I notice I am most drawn to the mid Journey version I think the strong blood background effect really draws the eye in it gives it this cinematic feel the idiogram version has very intense perspective and colors and then the updated darly version certainly improves the the aesthetic and gives you something completely different so I would say the most realistic rendering comes from mid Journey followed by idiogram followed by darly though Dary certainly works better if you know how to use it now we're going to take a look at illustrations next fantasy style illustrations and the prompt for this round was an or inspiring cinematic illustration of a mysterious cloaked wizard standing amidst a misty Forest so before we jump into this round I thought I would tell you a little bit about why I have the experience and background to comment on these software well I have a background in Art and Design I've exhibited my arts in countries from London to Saudi Arabia and I've worked as a designer and collaborated with global Brands like GoDaddy Raffin the Sundance Film Festival Barkley's and many more I've run my own design studio for the last 10 years and we've also Sold Design templates to creatives so we've been creating tools and templates for other designers to work more effectively this was way back when I had to make everything by hand you ever seen a man draw it's where he takes a stick and he rubs it on a piece of paper oh dear yeah I used to create some on line drawings this was one of my Styles as an artist so let's get back to our prompt battle and now we're on to illustration and we're going to walk through the different images first up we have have idiogram and it's got a really beautiful image actually I love the sense of Story coming through in this that we have the wizard looking at this mysterious castle and he is actually in the moment of casting a spell directed towards this beautiful castle which has some sort of event going on in the courtyard the composition the story the colors are all excellently executed and there is nothing anatomically or physically incorrect next up we have mid journey and it has yeah a really different atmosphere that's come out in the image like if you just notice how you feel looking at this image compared to this image this is so much more dark intense boding and this is slightly more adventurous and light-hearted certainly for me gives a a little bit more of a feel of Lord of the Rings and perhaps The Fellowship of the Ring where they're visiting the Elven Town it reminds me a little bit of Rivendell ESP the almost spring like tones coming through now we'll finally look at the DI version and again there is something else that is quite consistent with darly images is that when you have buildings you have a lot of intense spiky spires now one thing that we had in the prompt was to summon a mighty meteor and it looks as if idiogram has done this mid has not done this and Dary has done it very accurately like that is certainly a meteor there's no doubt about it whereas idog like H yeah that could pass for a meteor I could see how that's happening but uh mid journey I mean unless this is like a very very faded meteor slowly coming into shot it has not adhered to The Prompt there so one thing to bear in mind is that idiograms prompt adherence is extremely high Dar is effective and mid Journeys is a little bit lacking so we take a look at these more closely together and once again idiogram and darly has gone for extremely similar color palette there is a lot more detail in the idiogram image if you see that a lot of the elements inside of Dary look very repetitive it's almost a symmetrical border from these trees three trees on each side with very similar Styles which gives it a little bit of balance but almost a feeling of there was less intent placed on it it was like okay we'll just repeat it on the other side M Journey offers a real contrasting aesthetic but it has not adhered to The Prompt as closely so I'd say there are strengths and we weaknesses to each of these I would say that the aesthetic is more mature in the mid Journey image The Prompt adherence is Best In Dary and I would say that the detail is clearest in idiogram especially I love the The Frayed elements to this wizard cloak it's it's a really beautiful extra detail that they've added in there it adds like a real rawness and personality to this wizard next up we're going to be looking at a dynamic action shot of a Mercedes And The Prompt is a high performance Mercedes AMG on the lemon circuit so first up we have idog and I really like the the drama of the piece especially these flying elements coming from the side here of this there must be leaves it's not quite clear what they are it's clear that it has picked up on the leaves and dust from the bront and added those in for a real element of motion and dynamism however i' would say the the man's face he's got an extraordinarily large nose hello my name's Mr pig nose and and it's rendered the logo of the Mercedes very well and accurately and if we move on to the mid Journey version it certainly looks like a shot from an advertising scene I I like the Blurred nature of the elements apart from the car that it has this yeah this very beautiful effect of blurring everything apart from the car which is in Focus which really leads your eye into the car perhaps the colors are almost too restricted here in this mid Journey Edition it's really just uh yellow tones there is no contrasting colors if we look at the idiogram version it's more realistic though I find the the airbrushing effect on the metal of the car seems a little bit too much a little bit too intense and also the perspective is accentuated and rotated so it's not a level image it's quite interesting that they've done this in the idiogram version so this would be like a level photo with the Horizon flat but it hasn't it's giving this this leaning effect which I find to be slightly disorientating and nausea inducing but it does add that sense of motion and dynamism to the piece they also did this curiously on the earlier photo of the dog surfing yeah I J has done it a little bit but it does feel like there is a a more stable nature to the image and finally we have the darly image and I would say yeah the again the strength of a darly image is with the mist and the dust coming up it has quite got the composition right because hasn't included the driver and if we take a look at all of these together I would say that again idiogram mid Journey are out in front with different strengths mid Journey certainly has a more cinematic refined style and idiogram has more of an intense Dynamic approach the darly image seems to me to be a little bit childish and overly intense lacking nuance and more intelligent composition now we'll move on to a slightly more childish type of illustration 3D and playful and this is where we might expect darly to do a bit better as that really plays the strengths of the styles that are effective In Dary I'll read you the prompt or the first part of the prompt at least a cacing illustration of a playful student enjoying a vibrant outdoor playground so the ideogram has produced us a very interesting life image Whimsical and playful Bountiful and full of life nice composition it selected a good moment within the timeline of this child going down the slide to put them right in the middle the peak moment of enjoyment though I don't quite understand why it's put a block where he's going to land that's a little bit evil now we look at Mid Journey the mid Journey version has got a few distortions in it actually you can see that the the face is not rendered particularly clearly with the nose having an unusual line across it and also I would say maybe this hand is missing or it's not very clear exactly where this hand is and something about the toes look very flat here and if we take a look at the darly version uh so very intense colors a very different layout and style but I I like the trees the style of these trees fairly interesting the child looks less engaging I would say I'm less curious about the character of the child in this one for the character design compared to the other two so let's take a closer look at all of these together I certainly would say that the character design of the child in mouran idiogram are much more engaging they they really feel like real people that I want to understand more of like why are they there why have they not put their backpacks on the ground because I asked them to have a child for a backpack probably B yeah the joyful expression is really coming through on both of these characters I like the stylized trees that IDR has created these abstract bubble trees are very beautiful so again you can see that ID Graham and dar have really saturated images very high in intensity in their contrast and dynamic ranges mid Journey has a more subtle subdued color palette the physics of the ideogram image is probably the best apart from this block blocking the poor child and darly has come out with a very different approach really very unusual now one area that idiogram claims to be heads and shoulders above the competition is in effective text rendering and in this round we're going to put that to the test I spent some time exploring in mid Journey version 6 its font rendering capabilities its ability to render text effectively and I was able to create a number of working usable fonts using mid journey and I even made a course on this entire process if you're interested I'll leave a discount coupon for everyone watching this video in the description below and so I wanted to put that process to the the test in both Dary and iog and the prompt was a font and then with the alphabet and then children's quirky cute black and white full alphabet small flat Joy tone and this is the igram version that came out and I have to say this is pretty impressive font design first of all it's almost got the entire alphabet correctly in it's only got a few letters incorrect or rendered in a nonsensical way for example this is a mystery letter and this is a mystery letter here this looks more like a little Garland to wear on your shirt now it's also made the mistake of giving us different color styles within the same font so this would make it more complicated to render out now this was the mid Journey version that I got and it did very well at creating a usable font design however the issue was it really struggled to get the entire alphabet out it only got about half of the letters but for the actual quality of the individual character designs it is uh beautiful now finally the darly version didn't quite understand that we were looking for a font design but the letters it has designed are interesting aesthetic and this really does give a good basis for a font design I really appreciate the the playfulness of this R and also the extra leg coming out of the W so I think they're very beautiful letter forms but it hasn't quite adhered to the exact text that I was looking for I I would say that idog has followed most closely the text adherence actually getting closest to the full alphabet I would say that mid Journey has given us the most usable font design letter design that there is the most consistency between the characters in the mid Journey version though aesthetically I really like the style of the letters coming out of Dary I I think they're particularly original and unusual and would really work well for a font the issue is though this is a lot more work to use this to build out a font so these letters coming out of mid Journey are exceptionally good for creating a font straight away because we have very clear differentiation from the letter to the background and there's a nice amount of spacing in between whereas this is a little bit of an issue with the idiogram version and they've also colored different letters in different styles and then also the darly version they've grouped letters completely together and put them on this sticker like background now we'll take a look at a surreal anthropomor challenge where we'll take a stunning cinematic image of futuristic cyber Punk bunny this is the ideogram version you can see that he's eating at bunny bow and the menu has the bunny bow logo etched across it I like the intensity coming through from this character and the blue and pink cyber Punk style is working well next time we have mid journey and oh yeah wow it's like I like this and then I look at the mid Journey version I'm like H okay well there's something that suddenly touches me a little bit differently about it it's like this is this is okay this is good uh but mid Journey for some reason it just understands taste more effectively and looking at the darly image we have again really high intensity saturation and a fully focused image with the whole image really in Focus which somehow detracts from the overall experience of the image I do appreciate the steam coming off of his little plate of food and he does look very interested in whatever he's reading on the computer that there a real sense that that that's an engaging Tik Tok video he's got going on there so looking at them all together I most appreciate the version coming out of mid Journey for some reason the realism comes through a lot stronger here especially with the rendering of the fur and the whiskers on his little face I appreciate the intense expression from coming out of videogram and the more playful nature coming out of Dary next up we're going to look at rendering products and for this we have used the prompt a stunning 3D render of futuristic women's shoes designed for exploring other worldly terrains first up we have idiogram it's got a reasonable pair of shoes I appreciate the colors and also the reflections coming off the Neon Lights of the shoe onto the Rocks after this we have mid journey and I would say that it has not particularly understood the nature of what we were looking for here and the style is quite intense and flat rather than realistic after that the darly version has a nice set of shoes certainly has the product photography style down and another Telltale sign of Dar is that it has often got this vignette effect on all of its images where the corners are much darker than the center of the image I like how there's almost a little face coming out of the darly shoes here the smile on the two eyes this is a nice touch which of these would I actually wear I'd probably wear the idiogram ones first then the darly versions and and the M ones look more like some sort of cowboy boot crossed with a futuristic shoe and I like the the style and the reflections on the materials of audiogram I'm really getting a a very good sense of the different features of the material used on the webbing on top compared to the under layer now if we take a look at the next design and it's a tarot card illustration and for idiogram we have yeah a beautiful illustration I appreciate the subtle floral details they do have a little bit of a watermark added in here of a artist signature which I don't appreciate I think this should not be in there you should add this yourself because obviously if you want to use this you're going to have to edit that out and it looks like the person's name was Jor gay the skeleton's fingers are not rendered particularly anatomically correctly and for some reason there is a gap here of the grass not being colored in correctly I also think that the text rendering if they're going to put text in it needs to say something one that makes sense and two that uses a consistent font style and you can see here that the word starts off particularly reasonable and it deteriorates at the end next up with the mid Journey version I appreciate again the floral elements are Illustrated accurately and with a nice set of both consistency within the different elements and variety so not one of these flowers looks the same yet they all fit together in harmony again we have the same issue with the text rendering I have to say it looks as if his hand has been rendered more anatomically correctly finally we have the DI version and this is actually very impressive there is a coherence to the style and something more in line of how I would imagine a tarot card to be rendered I like the both the floral elements and the composition there is a nice balance here in the darly version to the composition I actually appreciate the way that they have mirrored the effects on the left and right hand side and it works really well in this situation for an illustrative card and the skeleton has a yeah quite a sincere and humble posture of real Intrigue into the book and the skeleton looks fairly anatomically correct and I certainly think it's performed very well here so for me in this round actually darly is a clear winner and that's possibly the only round that I would say Dar has absolutely knocked the other two out of the park it also hasn't made the same error of adding in nonsensical text it actually hasn't had any any text apart from this it's more of a pictogram rather than a piece of nonsensical text so it actually makes a more usable design and looking at them together I I do appreciate the graphic nature to the darly card I like the the details and the subtlety to the floral elements of videogram and the slightly more intense morbid feel coming out of mid Journey so to summarize the findings from The Prompt battle between these three I would say that idiogram provide the most photorealistic images with mid Journey providing a slightly more cinematic tasteful and curated experience it's almost as if you looking at the World Through The Eyes of a talented director and photographer it adds in that sense whereas idiogram gives you a slightly more should we say dynamic wild interpretation of the world that's I would say more realistic to what you actually see but it gives you less visually interesting images for actual human renderings I would say that idiogram and mid Journey present very beautiful effects but mid Journey has this this director's eye the cinemagraphic approach whereas idiogram gives you something that's uh a little bit more with a moodiness to it this uh subtlety that almost becomes a little bit painted and darly will give you the most over intense aliens if that's what you're looking for everyone has their own fetish each to their own but darly if you understand its weaknesses you can actually tell it to counteract those so it has an inbuilt stylistic intent to create highly stylized images but this can be undone with effective prompting each one of these is starting to perform very well with text but idiogram has the best prompt adherence and I think we're seeing that cons consistently that idog and dar have the best ability to understand relational and complex prompts so if you're looking to create very specific scenes or continuous elements then they are working best however one thing to bear in mind is that none of these platforms are presenting effective ways for creating consistent characters and for that you'll have to look elsewhere I think that is something they will all be looking to perform more effectively at in future as it's one of the most requested featur features from the AI art community now Dar has performed particularly well in graphic and Illustrated situations and especially if you're creating posters or repeating elements inside of your work now we'll do a little speed test and see how each of these Compares we're going to enter in the same prompt to each and we're going to run them all simultaneously on screen to see which one comes up fastest man wearing a pink hat is sitting on a blue chair on top of a purple whale on the left is a dinosaur and on the right is a pineapple and they are off ladies and gentlemen this is three Titans of the game locking horns in a race to the finish and it looks like idog gram is taking an early lead whilst mid Journey has made some progress and there it is ideogram is first Dary second and coming up in the rear in third place is mid journey in 34 seconds so there we have it there are the results of the speed test now let's just take a look at how well these each performed with understanding the relational prompt so idiogram has understood the prompt effectively on every single addition it has all of these elements in the correct places and if we look at darly you can see it has also performed well on this front and the other thing to note is that Dar only gives us one image at a time whereas mny has it is also done pretty well I would say that one of the images he has not got the chair on top of the dinosaur but for this relational prompt it has done pretty well apart from sometimes it's getting the pineapple in the wrong place and the dinosaur too so you would say that for relational complex prompt adherence that idiogram and Dary are ahead of mid joury now let's talk a little bit about restrictions that Dary is a pretty woke and tame AI art generator that does not allow you to have much fun by creating famous people or using the styles of other artists or of creating NSFW Works mid journey is slightly more lenient and allows you to use styles from artists it allows you to create the likeness of famous people they're not all famous people you cannot create images of XI jingping and it doesn't give you so much leeway with NSFW type content more salacious images of the female anatomy whereas uh new friend igram gives us a little bit more leniency with creating NSFW content it I would say that it allows a little bit more skin to come through but it does have a limitation that if you start going too far it will tell you no you've been a very naughty boy this is not safe and it will come up with a little image that says naughty content but but you can get away with I would say things that are more provocative up to a limit now we'll talk a little bit about pricing that all of these plans offer I would say quite comparable options for their unlimited versions and the unlimited monthly pricing is $20 for idog and Dary 3 and $30 for Mid Journey however Dy 3 comes with chat GPT plus so you get both chat GPT Plus and darly 3 which is a pretty good deal and for idiogram you get unlimited amount of relaxed generations and mid Journey also with their standard plan you get an unlimited amount of relaxed Generations which means you can create as many images as you want but they are slightly slower I've gone ahead and bought a subscription for all of these and about 100,000 other AI tools so if you would like to support the channel why not look at the Subscribe button down here you see it over there I don't ask people to subscribe I just mentioned that there's a subscribe button that exists somewhere near this video it's somewhere around here and if it ever called upon you you could bestow upon me the honor of your subscription so a little bit of fun just to take a look at some of the things you can do with idiogram that I like is you can create memes and you can ask it to create memes so I asked it to create a meme about British men and it said when you realize a British man in AA meme computer hilarity and then next up it had British man no I'm not C I'm British this resonates with me quite deeply I certainly I can handle the cold I can't handle the heat I'm here currently in Indonesia and I am sweating one out consistently and I'm literally not built for the tropics but I love it then the next one is when you tell a British man the the weather is normal and then when British men discuss the latest fashion trends well I say I do like the color burgundy KY Green KY Green is so in right now then I asked it to do the same for Americans and it came out with these it seems like Americans are obsessed with cheeseburgers barbecues and beer when you've mastered the art of the perfect barbecue a lot of fun here and finally then I asked it to do one about AI art and these were actually fairly decent my AI art is better than yours I liked this and also there when you realize AI art is taking over the meme world and I suppose this is a nod to the Future so to summarize I would say that mid journey is it's like the Arrogant French man who knows best at everything it has the best taste and it looks down upon everyone else because it simply understands the reality of style you cannot teach style you're born with it I would say darly is this wide-eyed woke child that is obsessed with bright and shiny things and has yet to develop a mature daring and M is more like H I know what is the best it is the very particular you do not understand an idiogram is like the new kid on the Block it's a [ __ ] thank you very much for watching and I appreciate you being here if you'd like to watch more videos on AI why not to watch this one next and follow me down the AI rabbit hole and if you'd like to take one of my courses do check out the links in the description below I particularly recommend the latest course on creating and designing fonts with AI and if you're interested I am creating a new course on ideogram and if you want be updated as soon as that comes out where I'll also offer a huge discount to my email subscribers then make sure to subscribe to my email newsletter in the description below and I don't ask people to subscribe I just mention that there is a subscribe button existing somewhere over there and if it ever took your fancy it would be an honor to have you join the channel and if you're open to leaving me any feedback to this video I really appreciate constructive feedback on my videos what did you like what did you really enjoy what would you like to see more of and what did you learn or what was most interesting to you all these thoughts are really very welcome and they really help me try to improve this Channel and my own self for you and for me and for the world and for AI art and apart from that thanks for being here and most of all I wish you a delightful day
Channel: AI Samson
Views: 16,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, samson vowles, dall-e 3, ai art
Id: OLEv3iHjvN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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