50 Facts You Didn't Know About Avengers: Endgame

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no of course not no not a time machine this is more like um yeah like a time machine hey what's up everyone is Ryan here from the Y and today we're going to be taking a look at Avengers endgame what a way to go out the 22nd film of the Marvel Universe franchise basically saw the Avengers hitting Thanos with the Uno reverse card and winning the war it also concluded the story ARS of multiple characters hopefully Paving the way for good things to come without further Ado here is is 50 facts you didn't know about Avengers endgame endgame begins with Hawkeye a character who was notably absent from Infinity War yet interestingly enough this almost wasn't the case as the scene very nearly made it into the first movie originally it was supposed to play out like this Thanos snaps his fingers the screen cuts to Black with the very next shot being of Hawkeye and his family's last picnic the whole idea was to confuse the audience and have them thinking why the hell are we here not long after they get their answer following which it cut right back to aanda with things continuing as normal in the end the brothers found the Cutaway too jarring and disorienting though I can't say I agree in many ways I think it works better plac directly after the snap to shake things up a bit as endgame made Crystal Clear he did exactly what he said he was going to do Thanos wiped out 50% of all living creatures and the open sequence proves that it's really all living creatures as the sound of the birds slowly Fades away in the support group for survivors the man with the glasses is none other than Jim Starin the creator of draxx Gamora and Thanos himself also Joe rouso is the man discussing his dating life after the snap if you want to get super little literal the Russo Brothers joked that the fate of the universe didn't rest on Doctor Strange Iron Man or even Ant-Man it all came down to one heroic rat stepping on a button and freeing Scot Lang from the quantum realm besides Scott Lang the wall of the vanish contained the names of people who have contributed to Marvel Universe films throughout the years although Captain Marvel released 1 month before endgame Brie Larson filmed all her scenes for The Avengers prior to any for her own Standalone movie and she wasn't the only one pulling double duty as Paul rud an Evangeline Lily filmed all their scenes concurrently with Ant-Man and the WASP it was a matter of National Security the cap needed help cap in America we're on it cap especially in this day and age you don't have to look far to find examples of bad CGI so whenever you see visual effects done right it definitely stands out a tad extra such is the case with smart Hulk's glasses cuz just as you'd expect from regular old reading glasses they littered the glossy frame with a bunch of fingerprint stains in a moment of inspiration Tony Stark figured out time travel and it was all thanks to Peter Parker's Whimsical nature take a look at Stark right before he cracks the code what's he doing looking at a picture of him and Peter holding an upside down or inverted diploma this time in the shape of a mobus strip inverted please according to Robert Downey Jr endgame was different in the sense that more than any other MCU film everyone infused their characters with their own personal experiences and this scene is perhaps the best representation of what he means I love you 3000 originally the lines were simply love you tons and love you tons but after RDJ told the directors how his son used to say love you followed by the biggest number he could think of they had to put it in 3,000 that's crazy tburg or new Asgard is a special place for a few reasons it's the same town the frost Giants invaded in 965 ad and later on it's where Red Skull finds the Tesseract in 1942 in addition to Stout and plain old beer the asgardians make their very own Asgardian ale which begs the question why hasn't Marvel hopped on this already following an anime training montage and eating more vegetables like his mother suggested early drafts saw fat Thor becoming not so fat Thor surprisingly it was ultimately Chris Hemsworth who stopped it from happening apparently he enjoyed the new look because it was so different from every other Thor give me your Cy little rascal no I'm good I'm good though the fat suit and constant belly rubs he didn't like so much on a related note did you ever notice how Thor always had gloves on I'd like to say it came down to a style choice but it was simply there to cover the seams of his fat suit due to Corgan Thor's sedentary lifestyle of pizza booze and video games that kid on the TV just called me a again Noob Master yeah Noob Master 69 corg is growing a bunch of moss on his Rocky skin here's a few of the best references to the comics Captain Marvel's short haircut is a call back to how it's styled in the graphic novels cap was faking this line in the movie and yet in the comics he actually meant it revealing that he was a Hydra spy the entire time ant-man's helmet on Hank Pimp's desk is the original from the comics Captain America finally says the thing Avengers Assemble his shield gets broken very much the same across the two mediums and finally the reasoning is different but Captain America passes off his shield in the comics much like the film amid the airport battle in Civil War Scott Lang gets a bit fatigued upon staying in giant mode for too long does anyone have any orange slices and following Clint's time machine test Langs got his back with a couple of orange slices at the ready whenever they're together rocket and and quill argue like a pair of teenage brothers if he got closer I'm sure he'd be much larger that's how eyesight works you stupid raccoon don't call me a racon but despite getting on each other's nerves this right here demonstrates the love they have for each other as in remembrance of his friend Rockets wearing quill scarf from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 when the team puts their fist together to get pumped up for the Time Heist the image it creates looks very reminiscent of Stark's original Arc Reactor so while Jane Foster technically appeared in endgame Natalie Portman didn't actually film any scenes this is due to the fact that all the footage you see was simply compiled with leftover shots from Thor of the Dark World and you can't tell me they didn't know exactly what they were doing when they made this concept art it's not what it looks like for while at first glance this might seem like a throwaway line hey I ask you where you're going the lunch and then Asgard the lunches were referring to is the post-credit schwarm scine from the original Avengers during the events of infinity War Captain America's suit gets damaged revealing the scales present in his outfit during endgame Stan Lee and cameos are like peanut butter and jelly beginning with Iron Man in 2007 he's made an appearance in every single Marvel film all the way up to endgame obviously we all wish he didn't die but I also can't see a more fitting way to go out Stanley's final Cameo takes place in 1970 outside the army base and shows him and his wife both digitally deaged and riding off into the sunset when it came time to pick who won the prize of going to vormir the screenwriter said there was never any doubt it had to be Hawkeye and black widow now in terms of deciding who was going to die that was a bit more tricky there certainly were versions where Hawkeye made the sacrifice yet they eventually got the feeling that her journey was over Hawkeye had still yet to get his family back while Black Widow was saving her family in the Avengers and wiping her Ledger clean I got red in my ledger I'd like to wipe it out also I'm super glad this didn't make it in but there was a very awkward rendition where Thanos would try to stop them on V miror another unseen sequence would have taken place right after Banner snap where he's taken to the the soul realm to say his goodbyes to Natasha this one I can get behind well I'm sorry I'm not Tony Stark it's no secret that Tony Stark's true superpower lies with his mind and Engineering prowess though something less talked about yet equally as crucial is his ability to learn and adapt and nothing illustrates this better than his shield upgrade after the previous film where he found out that maybe nanites weren't the best option after their de Ed by the Power Stone and can't recover seeing is how he takes a missile to the face it follows that Ant-Man shouldn't be around anymore or at the very least severely injured well by slowing things down you can see that he actually shrunk himself down the moment of impact thereby lessening the blow here's a couple of quick hits regarding the special effects endgame there were a total of 2,496 VFX shots 200 of which which were aging and de-aging related a staggering 14,000 artists worked on the film and things came down to the wire as they were only completed with two weeks to spare let's just say that Thanos is a master at handing out trauma and his comment to Thor at the end of infinity War may have been his most Savage line of all you should have gone for the head those six words must have played over and over in Thor's head thousands of times seeing by him going for the head in an almost trans-like State what did you do I went for the head and even 5 years later he's still going for the [Music] head while endgame wasn't nearly as dark as infiny War there was one scene that could have changed all that the idea was as follows in the time between Thanos sending nebula on her Mission and him arriving in the present day he was set to make a little trip to 24 14 Earth and Massacre all the Avengers and his little murder spree was capped off pun intended by him walking through the portal carrying Captain America's severed head one of the most hyped moments in endgame has to be when molner answer Captain America's call and here's a nice little detail showing that he's still getting used to the Hammer as molner answers his call capat braces for impact not knowing that it comes to a complete stop upon reaching his hand so why can Steve Rogers wield molner it all goes back to the enchantments Odin put on the weapon whosoever holds this Hammer if he be worthy shall possess the power although it's not that simple as in Age of Ultron mol near budges but Rogers can't fully lift it I know some people say that cap was sparing Thor's feelings and could have lifted it but chose not to yet I subscribed to an alternative take notably one posted to Reddit by m Duncan 1182 the theory goes that molner sensed his good nature yet stop moving upon discovering his one true fault his need for war resolving conflicts without violence is a trait that Odin holds in high esteem you and I can end this here now before this further Bloodshed and is one of the major reasons he Enchanted mner in the first place youve opened these peaceful Realms and innocent lives to the horror and death olation of War for Steve Rogers his nightmare is literally being useless following the end of war the war's over Steve we can go home and Ultron straight up says it to his face God's righteous man pretending you could live without a war though in the Years between Age of Ultron and endgame Rogers makes drastic changes he's no longer the guy destroying punching bags out of frustration and is now the guy by Leading support groups and in the end he hangs up his shield and finds purpose in a life without Bloodshed and that's what makes him truly worthy that's not a hug I'm just grabbing the door for you we're not we're not there yet fast forward to end game and there's no door in sight Avengers endgame is the highest grossing film of all time coming in at 2.79 billion except that's not totally accurate and here's why when game released it did take the number one spot and pass Avatar 2 years later Avatar returned to movie theaters in China and the extra Revenue was enough to reclaim its spot at number one so James Cameron cheated to win though at least he sent a couple of neat pictures congratulating Marvel on their achievement besides holding the title for highest grossing movie of all time Sor Avatar were not counting re-releases there were two more obscure records I'm sure you don't know about number one endgame saw Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man surpassing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine for the most appearances as a superhero in film clocking in at 10 and number two the endgame Wikipedia was the most viewed Wikipedia page of 2019 you can't mention time travel without also thinking of Back to the Future Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future and this was a subtle yet undeniable reference to Back to the Future 2o a couple more scenes that didn't make the final draft were as follows rocket and Wanda going on a road trip to who knows where together and a part where thano strangled Captain America I can't believe they didn't give us this one it's the guy who always gets choked versus the guy who loves to choke everyone it would have been perfect in some alternate reality this is the conclusion to endgame and the Marvel Cinematic Universe I am [Music] inevitable thanos's first words in Infinity War are as follows I know what it's like to lose it's frightening turns the legs to jelly then when he's finally defeated frightening turns the legs to jelly like the previous film Robert Downey Jr was the only cast member who received the full script as a result the brothers were able to consult him on key moments the most important of which being the following scene upon going over their plan they recalled how he shed a couple of Tears followed by a remark of that's awesome although Robert Downey Jr loved how they wrote Tony Stark's final moments when it came to all the dialogue emotions and goodbyes they had originally scripted he said no to all of it and was totally insistent on remaining silent this a sark you hear me it's Peter while Thanos is obviously the villain of the infinity Saga there is a good argument for the mindstone being the root cause for almost everything that happened to understand this Theory you got to remember a few important details the mindstone is sentient and intelligent and has the power to control the hearts and minds of others yet here's the catch it likely warps the mind of its user with Loki while he's mischievous in the original Thor his behavior after obtaining the mindstone feels out of line with his personality something Thor's puzzled by additionally this scene is a good display of how devious the mindstone truly is as Banner seemingly unconsciously grabs the scepter furthermore Ultron was created from the mindstone and his first instinct after browsing the internet for 10 minutes was to exterminate the human race although I find more and more that I'm beginning to agree with him on a serious note I said earlier it warps the mind of its user I don't know if that's correct maybe mind expanding is a more accurate term and here's the inherent problem with mind expanding power most people are not pure of heart so inevitably it leads to things like wanting power genocide you know really bad like that think of the one ring that's basically what the mindstone equates to and this is all pretty much outright stated in a deleted scene from Age of Ultron the Mind stone that R's perception that molds the mind's monsters which brings us to Thanos now we don't know when he acquired the stone but he's likely had it for a long time and being as such his Grand quest of wiping out half the life in the universe must have been at least partially influenced by the mindstone so that's all part one of the theory and if we assume it to be true there is one person who would have seen all this realized the true evil at play and came up with a plan to set things right I'm of course talking about the only character with the ability to see into the Future Doctor Strange what if his plan consisted of not only stopping Thanos but also destroying the mindstone odds are there was more than just one reality in which they stopped denos the problem being strange would have seen how the mindstone would eventually fall into the wrong hands again thereby repeating the cycle so basically the winning scenario not only had the snap being undone but was also contingent on Thanos winning and destroying the mindstone thereby ensuring it could never endanger the universe again to keep one of the most pivotal scenes Under Wraps the entire cast was told that the funeral was actually a wedding during the funeral mantis is shown rocking back and forth for seemingly no apparent reason however there is in fact a good explanation as swaying is a common characteristic of a praying mantis also in the same shot Drax is wearing a shirt a big surprise considering his sensitive nipples I have sensitive nipples my nipples out of all the people at Stark's funeral there was one person I was like who the hell is that remember back to Iron Man 3 and the little kid who followed Stark around and helped him out yep that's Harley Keener all grown up so it's cool and all to see him there and I almost get the feeling we'll be seeing him again maybe as iron lad connected to Kang who knows but it's a definite possibility not sure how many of you caught this but there was one person who knew cap wasn't coming back going to miss you buddy going through all the deleted scenes these are the ones I feel we missed out on first up Ro was making a little too much sense for their liking yeah I've been meaning to ask why did you have to crash the plane anyway mom's on board and you couldn't have jumped out of the plane before you crashed it then there's rocket making fun of the Avengers for taking 3 hours to deal with the chitari when they could have just blown up their Mothership we didn't know that was a thing you didn't know that was a thing every hey I actually think this was a bit of Overkill since we already got the funeral in the same breath it's kind of sad we didn't get Tony see Morgan all grown up and finally here's Thor misinterpreting valkyrie's intentions what are you doing it was a squeeze yeah it was like a good luck squeeze early in development the brothers considered making Captain America the Soul Stone I'm not sure exactly what that means though I assume he'd have to sacrifice himself in place at Tony Stark and while we're talking about the Soul Stone I wonder how Cap's reunion with Red Skull went when Peter Parker returns to school in the background is a certain scroll we become very familiar with Taos and the end credits of far from home finally reveal just what he was doing there like I said in my previous video the concept art for Marvel films is always top tier the following is an alternate Take On The Avengers attacking Thanos looks like they caught him meditating and with the gauntlet still intact this one's called the fastball special depicting Spider-Man about to be thrown by the Hulk who's about to be thrown by Ant-Man who doesn't love giant ants the Hulk finally gets a good shot in on Thanos I don't know how feasible this is right in the middle of battle and lastly this is a shot a nebulous past self attempting to prove her Worth to Thanos by using the gauntlet the only problem being she's not strong enough and it kills her which honestly sounds way better than the scene we got he won't let me back in 199 91 Star Trek 6 the Undiscovered Country commemorated the end of a franchise 25 years in the making with the signatures of each of the main cast members as one final sendoff 28 years later with endgame being the end of the current iteration of the Avengers 11 years in the making they took after Star Trek and had everyone sign as well in one last sendoff for Tony Stark the end credits play the sound of him building the first Iron Man suit [Music] thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a comment and uh maybe I'll do more Marvel films in the future all right that's it for me have a great day
Channel: The Why
Views: 200,110
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Id: 3AJNVy43f_o
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Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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