The Mathematician Will End EVERYTHING! The Eternal Cylinder Ep.3 | Z1 Gaming

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oh whoa what is happening [Music] what's going on everybody here welcome back just some more the eternal cylinder so last episode um last episode we got to this point right here we saw a little flying dude right here now i actually recorded a little bit of this episode without actually recording it so uh some of the stuff i have seen before but i went back because i was like this is amazing stuff and oh um and there's there's something really really fun exciting and scary all the same time about to happen so hope you guys enjoy if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe my god was this monstrous creature it almost looks like a train was this one of the cylinder servants the ones the elder had warned them off it's very it's super creepy even the voice on their memories seemed frightened of it and then somehow the trebum remembered the creature's name it was called the mathematician the mathematician so it's super weird super creepy looking but you know at the same time like it with the mutation things that this game is about like it's not completely uh under it's not it's not completely out there because like all the mutation stuff that we have so we're gonna wait for the mathematician to pass by again because i don't know what happens if i go over there i don't know what happens if i go there and i think we should just probably wait maybe maybe we should roll out this way i don't feel like we want to go under in into the red area cause i'm pretty sure the red areas are bad here let's hide under this bush oh yep he's coming back coming back come back it's really weird it's got like a tv okay all right let's roll oh i know what it did do you see the lights now competition vanished as quickly as he had appeared back to to what what lay behind the cylinder the lights of those things now instead of being yellow they're red over there so that's not good not a good time okay [Music] let's see let's not go through i think we might have to go through the the this thing i don't know for sure last time i i went through this canal but maybe we don't have to it'd be a lot faster if we didn't let's see is there any any baddies i don't see anything okay looking good um i really don't want this worm thing there all right let's see what we got okay that way we do have a car guy right here puts a whole new meaning to the word car guy right okay let's let's pop in here what was this strange groove in the ground what is it seemed artificial like something made to contain water but all it contained were these large rolling machines who had built these things and why right why we're not servants of the cylinder that much was clear i don't know i wonder what they actually were because roll roll out come on come on come on there's there's a guy over there because they definitely look like water things but like why would there be giant rolling pins in them you know unless it was like a giant squishing thing maybe maybe they made like wine they filled this with grapes and then made wine and it was delicious probably not so much probably not so much okay so made it through that area that's super cool now it's funny because like the first time i did this like this took me probably 20 30 minutes to get through now it's like i can just walk through it but guess what something exciting is about to happen the most of the excitement is about to happen because we have found that's right the floating fruit trees and trees that the elder had told them to find were within the trepam's grasp we found them the floating fruit trees they realized that they faced a new challenge the ripe fruit were floating out of reach and the others were enclosed in a hard shell they would have to find a way to crack them open okay so now all we have to do is consume these bad boys now i have five of them so i'm going to consume one per deal now you don't have to have all of your uh travis they don't all have to have it because they uh they'll just follow you anyways wait i'm missing somebody where's one two three four uh no i guess i'm not missing anybody um okay let's go ahead and let's give let's give you one of these all right so let's swap to this guy we're gonna suck this up and we're gonna consume one of those so we have two little floaty guys now unfortunately they can't be a square floaty guy only around floaty guys all right uh how's food and water food is okay you know what let's go let's swap to this guy real quick and let's grab some water uh do we have any do we have any issues nothing around here that wants to kill us right not yet let's grab these things these things are water things perfect okay so water's looking good i'm gonna grab some uh i'm gonna grab some more food though in this guy so we can keep processing some more water and then we'll uh we'll swap this guy's actually pretty handy to keep to keep the water stuff like going you know it's it's not bad it's not bad um perfect okay so they're all eating mushrooms too looking good all right let's swap to somebody else now let's consume some food shall we all right cool good to go food is good water's good we're rolling out oh hello gog whip um no thanks sorry gog whip you can just stay in there it's fine all right let's let's head out let's roll let's go over this thing now this thing looks like uh i don't know what this is i think this is the worm i think this is like the um the that ancient worm thing and it looks like it got like stabbed okay that's what it looks like to me i don't know i could be wrong yeah cuz that looks like a spear of some sort maybe it's like a bow it's that like a gigantic bow and arrow all right let's get over here even with the ability to float overcoming the cylinder would have to be done very carefully it would have to be very careful with the geyser that was well positioned close to the cylinder when it lays still or their plan would never work they would have to keep looking and meanwhile geysers they would try not to think about what sort in order to float above the internal cylinder you must find a guide that is close to the cylinder when it lies drawn with the eternal cylinder will never allow the allow a trouble to jump over it while it's advancing okay so easy enough i guess maybe i don't know uh i need to go up here we go all right let's do this uh looks like we're getting into a whole new area too winter winter area nice little winter area oh there's more oh shoot there's a ufo um oh this could be bad i think it's coming right for us oh i'm stuck okay no i'm not i'm good now uh okay all right let's wait shoot this coming for us run run run okay we're good we're fine all right let's go let's go we gotta go we gotta go because the the rolling pin is going i i started it i don't know if all my trevor here or not i have no idea okay uh yes it looks like they are all right let's go we're going straight there no stops no bathroom breaks no snacks nothing we go straight to this pillar that's all we have to do we just gotta get to this one and we're safe and sound perfect okay so we're gonna wait for this one to stop now i believe there's a geyser right here and i i haven't we haven't gone over the cylinder you know i feel like it's gonna be too easy like if we go over the cylinder what are we actually gonna what are we actually gonna do you know what i mean i don't know i feel like there's some there's oh oh oh and squish okay all right so to me look at that there's the geyser right here there's a geyser right here [Music] that i'm just saying looks like it takes us up pretty far [Music] so we're going to check that out but there is a point of interest right there that we're supposed to go check out as well i don't think we're i don't think we're gonna make it like here let's see if we can even make it to the pillar yeah see like we can't even make it to the pillar like there's no way oh my gosh oh my gosh uh do we do we do it no not yet not yet okay hold on let's go oh my gosh wait how far what if i uh oh there's a wait if i go too far off the side it's gonna start rolling and it's not gonna allow us to do anything it's gonna kill us okay let's go check out this um this waypoint right here [Music] because it allows us to do something pretty cool and then and then we'll we'll jump off the other side we'll see what happens okay all right come on come on okay so we're gonna hop right down here check this out this thing is pretty cool i was just looking at this all right so these allow us to store trebum stepped on the stream i'll let the guy talk about it an ancient memory came back to them a memory of long ago when the cities of their people still stood and the fight against the cylinder was not yet lost in those days a very smart trebuchet found a way of cheating the cylinder of stealing a little bit of its power to absorb and to reshape in this way the trebum could revive their fallen friends or send others to hidden place and it was also by this device that a link had been forged and a path had been opened to the voice that spoke within them [Music] so this thing allows us to revive the dead and store people in the cloud so let's get you and then let's get you and then these two need more leadership okay uh so now let me go back out of there i think i think we can hit this and i think it'll go to the cloud yes then we go back here grab you we're gonna store two of these guys in the cloud because you know why not and so now if i ever need more traffic we have them right here now would be cool is if we had like so what i i kind of want to do is i kind of want to get some like other um other traveling that have like you know these these characteristics like the square could travel them and they're like the floating trap and stuff like that that have those so we can uh we could utilize this for like oh shoot i need you know this then we can come back and grab one so uh pretty cool pretty neato for sure let's get out of here and let's go try to float above the thing now all right here we go it's gonna happen we're gonna do it i don't know what's gonna happen uh i'm excited all right here we go here we go here we go what's gonna happen oh i have no idea i'm super scared but i'm all super excited all right let's see what we got uh you know what though there's geysers on this side of it why are there geysers on this side of it okay so we've done it oh oh my gosh okay what's gonna happen i don't know we're probably gonna all get killed boss fight oh yeah boss fight stop stop stop rolling stop rolling i can't see anything change the camera oh whoa what is happening that was it wish us the game and join the community gain access to exclusive material what that was epic that was awesome i want to know what happened oh man okay oh that was super exciting um so it doesn't have like an actual release date just says it just says this year so uh make sure you hit the link down below wishlist if you want to check it out oh that was so cool that was so cool i was not expecting it to end there i was like oh my gosh super boss fight no so it looked like we were getting like sucked up into the thing hold on let's let's revisit this again i wanna let's do it again hold on if i hit start uh load my manual save let's load the manual save because that was right before i did the thing let's check this out again it's super cool okay all right all right i want to see i wonder what happens like okay so there's obviously a lot of vents on that side which is weird like why are there so many vents you know i don't know unless we need to like escape or maybe that's gonna be like maybe we're gonna have to fight that thing somehow with the event with the vent i don't know how we're gonna fight it we're gonna shoot water at it is that gonna deal okay all right we're back we're back on this side i want to get on one of these things this time i want to see what happens okay here we go [Laughter] it's so cool i wonder if we have to get to a certain point before it triggers it i bet you we do because if you notice like the red wall hasn't pulled in yet not yet there's a time thing i think it's i think it's the distance thing maybe maybe not no i think it's a distance thing [Music] i think it's a distance thing i think we have to yep let's do it let's let's watch it again where's our bed oh yeah there you are uh run away oh let's get on the vent run away oh i can't it won't let me leave oh darn it no there he is he's gonna eat us oh my gosh so what's gonna happen i have no idea i don't know if it's gonna take us to a new place or are we destroyed like do we have to start over and like you know it's like a repeating cycle i have no idea oh my gosh i have no idea but yeah that's gonna end this episode thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed like subscribe all the fun things and uh yeah we'll check it out once it comes out fully but that was man that's super exciting super cool super weird but super cool nonetheless so yeah thank you all have a wonderful rest today and i'll see you the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 34,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the eternal cylinder game, survival game, the eternal cylinder ep 1, the eternal cylinder story, the eternal cylinder playthrough, the eternal cylinder walkthrough, eternal cylinder, survival games, games like spore, the eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder ending, epic game store, z1 gaming, lets play, the eternal cylinder trailer, eternal cylinder game, the eternal cylinder all mutations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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