The Mass Killer Who Murdered Over My Little Pony

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what is the address the address is 8951 Maryville Road how many shots did you hear can we go out down here can we run away to the Indigo don't go outside when a young boy's mother notices his odd behaviors intensifying year by year she begins to worry about him it began as a child when young Brandon hole insisted on wearing three pairs of shorts at a time that seemed innocuous enough until years later when he developed an unusual Obsession that soon went off the rails this was the bedroom of that same boy only now he was well into his teenage years and his true love is depicted on the colorful posters hanging on these walls the cartoon ponies you see are the central characters on a children's animated television series My Little Pony most people would do anything for the love of their life but few knew just how far Brandon was willing to go for his and the ones that did know would soon wonder how they didn't see the horrific outcomes staring them right in the face hello hi can I speak with Brandon please oh yeah this is Brandon Brandon hole was no stranger to tragedy in this phone call with police you'll quickly learn how his demons began to develop at such an early age his mother Sheila estimates he was only four years old as she describes the dramatic incident you're about to hear I mean he is like be real depressed one day and be like you know how to just do what my dad did how did his dad himself thing so okay did he find him or did he see that uh no and he was there when we got into a real bad argument and his dad said that you know hey whatever if you leave with the kids I'm myself and I said go ahead and he was I think four then it seemed this haunting memory would follow Brandon everywhere he went for the rest of his life before long Sheila would see his struggles start to manifest in unusual behaviors including his insistence on wearing three pairs of shorts at a time the way he would rock back and forth as he watched television and how if his routine tasks were interrupted the whole sequence would begin again he was eventually diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder sensing something was off Sheila took her troubled son to Barrington Health Center in Indianapolis but there she would learn there was more going on than she ever knew the first visit in 2011 when Brandon was nine would prove to be his first of many but with every visit the outcomes grew worse and worse and ultimately it all culminated in some of the most terrorizing moments ever caught on camera less than a year after being diagnosed with a bevy of disorders including disruptive behavior disorder anxiety obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression Brandon's behaviors would soon become much more aggressive thanks to his ever increasing temper his mother took him back for another visit one year later as it turned out his mother's fears were no exaggeration and the medical records are damning evidence that prove it from excessive lying to disrespectful Behavior Brandon's temper was now only part of a growing list of concerns but for Brandon it was just the beginning it's May of 2013. Brandon is 11. a police officer was dispatched to the home Sheila and Brandon shared with Sheila's boyfriend Keith Larson according to Keith he and Brandon were engaged in a water fight and when Keith sprayed him with the garden hose Brandon flew into an unexpected rage he'd locked himself in the bathroom where he proceeded to destroy items inside Sheila alleged that she picked the lock after which Brandon left the bathroom and Sheila became his Target that's when Brandon snapped he punched and slapped Sheila in the face multiple times kicked her in the legs and bit her on the forearm she followed as he ran for the kitchen and grabbed two table knives out of a drawer then in a mad scramble charged at his own mother he trapped her in the family room and wouldn't allow her to leave it seemed like something Unthinkable was about to happen but just when she thought there was no escape police arrived in the nick of time and the madness for now came to an end somehow she not only sustained a small wound to her right forearm but her fears about her son's Behavior leading up to this point had been all but confirmed the incident ended in Brandon receiving several months of probation after that incident with his mother everything continued in the same direction and every year Brandon would Ascend another step on that stairway to Madness he quit school in 2014 and never got beyond the sixth grade level he stayed home his depression ever present and isolated from the world worsening his condition it seemed to manifest in his chilling search history you've already learned about his obsession with My Little Pony but while left alone Brandon had been researching something far more Sinister in 2015 Brandon was assessed by the Riley Children's Foundation his search history included an obsessive interest in mass shootings he told the assessor that quote I feel bad for the victims the families when asked if he could put himself in the shoes of the perpetrators he denied it saying I don't want to waste my time doing something like that it's a hassle and that he wouldn't want to cause families any trauma chillingly the Assessor concluded that Brandon seemed to empathize with the victims despite the fact that he also admitted to sharing memes and jokes about them with his friends then the day came when 18 year old Brandon made the decision to follow through with something he'd planned to do for quite some time it was March 2nd 2020. he was like whoa driving to the gun store and I'll just look around on the waited a gun store we saw a sticker that said hashtag and he's like there's your sign and I was like okay well if you buy a Gun there's your sign you know I got to take that away from you you know what I mean so and he did buy it without bullets the store was out of ammunition that day that night Sheila and her daughter devised a plan the situation was far too perilous and they couldn't just sit back and watch to see what became of it they had to act if not Sheila feared perhaps Brandon would follow through and take his own life just as his father had done several years prior or something much much worse the following morning they traveled to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and filed a case report telling of his troubled past and how he planned to point his shotgun to police thereby ensuring his death later that same day on March 3rd several officers and members of the Indianapolis mobile crisis assistance team or MCAT responded to Sheila's home upon entering Brandon was placed in handcuffs with the police reports stating that Brandon had become quite anxious and his main focus was ensuring that no one looked at his computer what police would find on that computer would leave Sheila utterly shocked with the search revealing extremist websites in his history at this time Brandon's gun was confiscated under Indiana's red flag law when Brandon was taken to Eskenazi hospital for further assessment she hoped he'd be put on a 72-hour hold but instead somehow he was in and out in under two hours Sheila's utter surprise and emergency medicine doctor determined there was no diagnosis and Brandon denied having any issues what's more shocking there's no record that indicates a formal psychological assessment was ever conducted on Brandon during this visit despite Sheila's cries for help a few days after the visit to Eskenazi hospital a detective contacted Sheila concerning his confiscated shotgun I just needed to talk to you about what happened with Brandon my role in this is simply just to see if we're going to file a retention case if they file a retention case he would also be deemed to be a dangerous person which only means that he wouldn't be able to purchase a firearm this isn't a criminal record and it's not you can't even see it like if somebody were to search for criminal cases and stuff these cases don't go into there because they're just civil once they get filed like if I needed to check on one um I can't even do it I have to send an email to the prosecutor's office and ask them to look because they're the only ones that can access it so to see like what the status of it is then when the FBI visited with Sheila the following month they would unknowingly add fuel to the fire an agent along with another officer visited Sheila's home and asked to meet with Brandon when the agent asked Brandon what he planned to do with his life Brandon replied that perhaps he could join the FBI in response the agent made it clear that wouldn't be an option for him perhaps this was the straw that broke the camel's back it would be exactly one year to this very day that Brandon would unleash the inner demons he'd been harboring since early childhood at the conclusion of the meeting all intelligence that had been gathered on Brandon revealed the last thing Sheila or any mother would ever want to hear about their own son Brandon had all the makings of a mass shooter some of the red flags that the FBI may have recognized in Brandon were that he was a loner with feelings of rejection from society as well as feeling like he was being treated unfairly and his belief that he was a victim other red flags that Brandon showed were his symptoms of depression homicidal thoughts violent fantasies and anger problems in conjunction with the other warning signs were his traits of narcissism and most concerning of all his fixation on past school shootings and mass murderers despite the exchange with the FBI agent Brandon for a Time seemed to be on the up and up he found a job in 2020 and he seemed to enjoy working at the local FedEx Smart Post facility maybe this was the new beginning Sheila had hoped for after all those arduous years maybe Brandon was finally improving but it wasn't the case and in fact he was only just ascending into Peak Madness and the months before he would do the unthinkable Brandon quit showing up for work it seemed he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed by October his stint at the FedEx facility had officially come to an end it was mid-march of 2021 and Brandon had moved back to his mother's home once again Sheila had to fight the system in order to get her son in front of a mental health professional before he was finally assessed multiple pages of notes named a variety of Brandon's conditions amongst them generalized anxiety disorder recurrent major depressive disorder meanwhile even while he was in therapy this is an actual list of the items he was purchasing as he was making these purchases he attended another session with a social worker but by now Brandon had reached the point of no return the following day he attended a session with a different social worker stating he had no empathy and no care for the lives of others including his own flesh and blood two weeks later and what would be his final counseling session he stated the same thing again but what he added this time was chilling Brandon claimed he was a danger to society and that Society should fear him and he was right Marion County 9-1-1 how many shots are fired a lot it started the night Brandon quietly departed home never to return again and route to his final destination the FedEx Smart Post facility sometime around 11 p.m on April 15 2021 that particular evening was nothing out of the ordinary Sheila returned home from work with dinner for Brandon and found him to be in a pleasant mood after he ate he took a relaxing bath then they both went to bed or so Sheila thought once inside the FedEx SmartPost facility Brandon makes his way through savagely opening fire on everyone in his path then he moves through the lobby assassinating employees at random as they attempt to run for their lives soon after he returns to the parking lot and immediately opens fire on those unfortunate enough to be in close proximity 9-1-1 calls flood local dispatchers as Brandon continues his murderous undertaking multiple Shooters can I hear them outside I'm in the control room he likes to stay down make sure your door is locked put something against that door if you can to keep yourself safe okay okay in a matter of minutes the premise is transformed into a nightmare July with the rifle shoe that we have the guy in here we [Music] they have but I know they at least have one assault rifle they're still shooting okay all right okay stay on the line so they're already on the way to you okay but stay on the line with me keep yourself safe I need you to let me know anything that happens okay I know I just hear a lot of gunshots the emergency calls continue to pour in as the casualties are mounting dispatchers frantically assist callers as the horror continues to unfold we have shots fired shots fired we need police ah they're still shooting as we speak he's already talking about five people with Shooters you said there were five people shot there or here the first officers are arriving at the scene dispatchers and responding officers communicate in real time however in the midst of the chaos details are not yet clear can we confirmed whether we have Warner t-shirts reports are saying two Shooters all right is it one person blue person can tell it's just multiple rifle shots but it sounds like the same report so I'm assuming one okay are they inside or outside why actually we're outside okay I'm getting information that he is still inside the building from somebody pulling off the lot but carrying out his plan Brandon returned to an earlier location in the FedEx facility without so much as a shred of hesitation he then proceeded to end one more life his own employees on site continue to place calls begging and pleading for help in this surreal nightmare that has been sprung upon them without warning as far as they are aware the shooter is still preying on victims is there someplace you can get safe I want you to stay safe okay don't wow because I still hear gunshots is there someplace you can hide is there a desk something you can get under I'm at door two 35 there is a trailer on this door get under slide under this someplace where you guys okay with me okay as Natasha and another employee remain hidden well over a hundred officers are dispatched to the scene two more down car and parking lot white Toyota Camry another one down by silverworks four front row control advise Eskenazi will have multiple patients advise them to be ready I had to get all the people out he couldn't get through the turnstiles but he's sticking the gun through so when he went out to the parking lot I rushed everybody back through our third turn our second set of turned thousand sent him in his truck is there a certain entrance number or door that we can note here in the run so they know where to get to you and how many people are with you I can get the cops through uh oh somebody's got the door out there is that a police officer or is it him again Judy encounters the officers as they make their way through the building to secure the scene dispatchers check in with callers who have remained on the lines the officers know where you are okay I've put that in there okay you want to stay on the line with me until then please don't leave me okay I'm not gonna leave you I will not leave you then okay I'm gonna stay with you then okay you're fine okay that's perfectly fine after more than 30 minutes with the dispatcher Natasha's wait is over no no no I'm under I'm under allegedly because of the facility's policy that employees couldn't carry cell phones in certain areas some workers may not have been able to phone for help or contact friends and family during the shooting The Killing Spree had come to an end but the aftermath of the attack is difficult to fathom half a year they're dead out here eight innocent unwitting victims lives ended abruptly soon Brandon is located by officers as they confirm that he is now deceased it was then that Brandon's disturbing motive was revealed Brandon was heartbroken over a My Little Pony character in his final Facebook post on April 15 2021 he wrote I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife my life has no meaning without her if there's no afterlife and she isn't real then my life never mattered anyway but I kind of just need to talk to you about what happened that day and how you're feeling about whether you'd want it back or if you oh so sorry to try to interrupt but I don't I don't learn back at all it's fine what would be your goal for us to do with the with the gun oh just Destroyer okay well yeah I'd say that because I'm not worried about that I'm worried about uh getting my life back on track and I don't have any mental health issues that I'm aware of I I don't think I do uh and I wouldn't say depressed um but my feelings to the reason why I got a gun is because I wanted to show my best friend who's really into hunting and stuff mainly and also for like the fun of shooting it I mean if you're getting it back on track I don't know what it's off track of it unless it's just that you didn't get your well High School I mean eat it well I mean I'll track I mean yeah well yeah it's bad I mean I'd say I mean do you think this like not doing anything with your life is on track I mean I don't think no I but I also think that could make me sad and depressed if I felt like a failure or whatever but apparently that's not what you're feeling so I just signed up for GED I'm gonna get my GED I'm gonna I'm going to counseling or therapy or I'm not really sure what the correct term is yeah and uh I'm gonna try to get my life back on track and I'm really trying hard [Music] the FBI concluded Brandon's purpose was to demonstrate his masculinity and capability while fulfilling a final desire to experience killing people it was a moment in time that further reinforced the importance of not only recognizing red flags but acting upon them too those eight lives that were lost that day ranged in age from 19 years to 74 years and include Matthew Alexander Samaria Blackwell emergi Joe Hall Jose Bender cower jaswinder Singh emerged II Carly Smith and John weissert Brandon's mother wants her son to know that when she cries these days it's not for him it's for the victims if she could talk to him today she'd say I grieve those people more than I ever will you
Views: 8,048,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, psychology
Id: n-abxgFv1bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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