Angel Realizes She Is Actually The Murder Suspect

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on April 25th 2009 seventeen-year-old Brittany Drexel went missing from Myrtle Beach South Carolina Britney had been visiting some friends at a local hotel when suddenly she disappeared the police investigation into her disappearance lasted over a decade and still the police were no closer to finding out what happened to Brittany it wasn't until April 2022 when a confidential informant told the police that a woman named Angel vows had made statements regarding Britney's disappearance a closer look into Angel's life would reveal that she was dating a registered sex offender by the name of Raymond Moody Angel and Raymond became their Prime suspects so they brought angel in for questioning they begin by asking Angel what she and Raymond had been doing around the time Britney went missing yeah you see why I'm struggling a little bit some of these things or if it was Monday or Tuesday I don't know yeah some of these things like some of the facts that we have okay um so that's kind of what I want to get into that's fine okay but I mean I can't answer what I don't remember or don't know I mean so I mean if it's not a lineup I don't know I don't hate when I remember that's right good hey Angel I'm kind of a direct guy okay I'm not gonna beat around the bush I'm gonna waste your time I've been doing this for 23 years I've been working this case for six years um and I want to ask you a couple of questions I want to discuss with you a piece of evidence okay all right of course I want to tell you before I am but we got to be completely honest okay so you you're you're your answer did you did did you have any involvement so you don't know she was never in a vehicle with you no never a vehicle with me no period okay no your absolutions absolutely positive and positive um like I said I want to discuss with the offensive evidence that we haven't discussed with anybody else no it's not all right I'm gonna go through it kind of slowly all right so you understand completely how important this uh how about this um during the course of our investigation we were able to intercept conversation okay between individuals and when these individuals was a person that was responsible for taking particularly okay okay all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to read to you a couple of quotes it's pretty much almost Verbatim what we're saying by one of these people okay what [Music] I don't think you did and you're not gonna involve a minute there's nothing to do with them it doesn't it doesn't anyway no no I mean no I gotta go 30 seconds Angel becomes very defensive when she realizes they are accusing Raymond of being involved with Brittany outside of the interrogation room another officer has a conversation with Angel to get her to come back in he explains the reason they were led to Angel is because one night while she was drinking she was approached by a confidential informant who told her she believed Raymond was involved this made Angel so angry that she told them that she had done it and not Raymond where are you okay air conditioners working because miles is hot it works in here yeah um I'm back thank you because I know what the conversation is or something and I missed you know I don't know but yeah I did say what I said and I was talking to Karen a friend of mine and I was highly dropping but I don't like drinking and she kept asking me questions about Ray Ray I did say something I did you wanna tell me about it well I know it's just drunk out I was just want everybody to leave him alone so I couldn't play on minions instead of you know is that true no no I would never hurt anybody that's the truth then I think I don't know I don't know the whole truth I don't know where it was that night I believe you angel I really do no they don't I do I believe you right now and I'm not and even already asked me do you think you did it's just that we were I don't know what I want you to do is at some point in time physical tells the truth you've been living with this you're a person with a conscience right yes and I'm not saying what recording is what recording I'm not acknowledging any of that type of stuff but all we're looking for we we need your help right the piece this thing together I know I was not about to should what my belief is is it it it does it depends upon the evidence right and all we're looking to do is to find out what you know about what happened that week honestly all I can take because I don't know where he was I don't we did have my vehicle I don't know where he was I don't know where he was I do know he called me and he stand it upstairs and all this kind of stuff he didn't say anything about why it was I said I don't know I don't know do I think there's possibility of course there's a possibility I'm not stupid I do know that but I don't know anything to say yes he did I don't know guys because I don't know where he was and he wouldn't tell me where he was and he did have a couple scratches on I so I don't know I don't know Angel claims that when Raymond had returned he had scratches on his face giving up this information could either be because she wants to earn the detective's trust so if she does lie they will believe her later on or she believes Raymond did it and she is doing her best to help the police boy he tried to scratches and I was trying to remember if it was from me or something I don't I mean I can't I can't tell you that he did because I don't know that I can't tell you that he didn't I don't know I do know that he had my vehicle and that's one of the reasons I was reading was she tried Vehicles out that night I remember being that night that yes and you were you were for sure at work I would for sure it worked that but not all evening I was off earlier in the day okay and we have like okay so this is stuff we're looking we have telephone records yes we have License Plate Reader records we have credit card records and we have part of the story yeah right and I don't think maybe that day so and I mean that's all I can tell you is what I know for sure I know for sure that I have my vehicle it asked me for it to trade visas and I didn't ask why no big deal you know you know and then I do remember him calling me early in the day and I was off but I just didn't feel like you know I mean it was at that time sometimes yeah I will need you so that evening I did meet him down by the hotel by the way yes right yeah yeah and you traded because you took YouTube I took my vehicle yes and he got the red truck yeah where did I go um I think to be honest with you I went to town and met him back at the apartment hour or so later he was at the apartment so I went back to his apartment yeah and he had your he had your SUV right and I had the truck you were had the truck at work yeah no at the house too are we at work no I said earlier in that day it wasn't at work that afternoon when he called me the first time it was number okay so at nine up so about nine o'clock at night where were you at nine o'clock at night oh my God I was in his apartment you were down as well yeah um were you guys in phone contact at this time yes and what were you talking about I'll tell you exactly that's such like you're such a thing I don't think you have a great memory but I do have like you you passed all these exams his own conversation I have a hundred of them but the point is that's on a day that somebody would miss it yeah but a person with a conscience remember yeah if I was involved or had you know a wreck you know worried about it but I didn't at the top so but I can't wait to talk a few times and I just want I mean we'd have a couple times I don't remember so you're sitting at the sunset Lodge oh that's it sunset large in it that's it yeah I mean you said in the last the last time yeah so you're sitting at the sunset Lodge that night that evening that evening you know and you want it so tell us exactly what the recollection is of the whole evening please it appears that angel has a great memory and is able to recall events that took place almost a decade ago as if they happened yesterday is this because she really does have an amazing memory or is her story a lie that she made up recently to explain the evidence my regulation is about I went to the apartment first of all went to the apartment he wasn't there I'm gonna guess here I mean he didn't tell anything to me it wasn't a big deal you know whatever you know actually I thought it was probably meeting Ernie to be honest so uh I went back to my house he called me said it's on my trading vehicles and I wanted me to meet him and I said all right what time he said give me one hour remember like so we have the phone records do you remember when those calls oh my God they were in the evening like Maybe nine when I'm ready to come around there okay so you drove from your house in his truck and you met him at the lodge and he had your vehicle just in your traded Vehicles yes and you uh no actually tonight you stayed there you always got something to eat in town but I came right back what happened with the rest of that night I remember everything I mean I really don't I know he's left for a little while came back but he told me he went to armies I don't know if he's at zero I mean I really don't I mean 80 though um there are certain there's there's a theory of calls in a peculiar time okay like super early yeah I told you he left at some point I don't know where he went so what was the what was the conversation well one conversation was where he lived the one was kind of lengthy you know one lasted quite a lot okay I don't know hey I don't know I mean I really don't I can't tell you I don't remember being on a classic conversation maybe he was going off about something we teach you just sometimes still does that I mean I really don't no I can't tell you the conversation that God said I do not eat less at some point told me he went to Ernie's do I know that I don't I don't know like I only know what I'm told like I don't follow him I'm not chasing him down I don't One records put you guys in a certain place yeah I mean it is yeah if he went somewhere in the middle of the night and yeah and so there's there's no reason your phone um and then maybe you might be surprised how much I believe to you that some of these things is there any reason that your phone or you or credit card would put you on or near the Boulevard that evening not at your house that evening between say I'm asking well I'm just saying that dude I mean there's I see it I don't know it was in there I remember my card wasn't there I was just where okay but we just you go to my apartment I left my uh Cosmetics card done now would your phone is sending this as well it could have been I don't know so you're saying your phone and your card could have been on the boulevard that evening but I haven't had enough no I was not is there anybody that can yeah that's my son yes I need it because they call me on my phone the reason they are focused on the phone and credit card is because they have records putting both of them near where Brittany was when she went missing they also have video footage of her vehicle around the same area what's interesting is that angel has a simple answer to the evidence she claims that she left both her phone and credit card inside her vehicle which Raymond took after they did a vehicle swap for some unknown reason he did call me on that phone a couple times and I went to the apartment he met me we I stayed there for a while when I got something he went back to the apartment some point the middle of the night he was gone because he called me on the phone but can I tell you where you I don't know I don't know but that's happened a lot in our relationship he might go to bed with me and I'll wake up at some point he's not there most of the time though he wasn't earnest but do I know that's where he went I can't tell you this one I don't know I didn't call Ernie look you know like I said I'm not I'm tracing some goddamn I'm not keeping up with him you know Genesis business or just mine you know that kind of thing so I I can't tell you where he was I really can I can tell you I wasn't with him but I can also can tell you I was with him later on if you can't tell us what exact time I can't even tell you and that date before after midnight or anything I was with him some before midnight but after midnight I was in he disappeared I don't I don't know where he went but I do know at some point I don't know because he came back right over there I wasn't doing it he called me one time and then I called him one time I think just how it went I can't remember exactly and I'm just trying to I'm thinking he just Trump but I can't promise you now okay and I'm just trying to make sure I understand you said that when you came back and you switched Vehicles you stayed the night now when that's on the east in town came back stayed the night because I got something to eat caught the kids wow why would you switch vehicles just to go get something to eat well he was going somewhere and I didn't know what he was going and I already didn't know where he was so yes the detectives are trying to figure out why they switched vehicles and why Angel is adamant they made the switch did they really switch vehicles and if so was the switch away for Raymond to cover his tracks or was Angel involved hey did you understand before you called yourself are you in town and he said yeah and I said was he are you ready to type anything he said now I got a couple things to do he said I'll call you when I'm done I said okay so the caller told me he was on his way back he didn't say from where so I went to the apartment here right now what if you may still waiting there saw that and now went back later okay so it's the vehicle if the vehicle was on the boulevard at the exact time I pretty much the where he goes missing um then your recollection is that would have been great the other vehicles that was your vehicle and that's right with my vehicle yeah I mean as far as I know but like I said Dave Murphy Taco said didn't mean it was like I don't know I didn't ask I don't want to know so so I can't say even guys up when he left he was by himself when he came back he was possible when you saw him back at the lot she was playing you mentioned you went to earnings and you got clothes he did oh man right right man or anywhere no friends at that time you mentioned he took your part there yes but you also said that you guys had an exchange cars yeah I said when we were back at the apartment right he left because we went back to the apartment right according to Angel she met Raymond in town to switch vehicles only to meet back at the apartment where Raymond would then go to Ernie's in her vehicle why drive out of town to switch vehicles instead of waiting until they met at the apartment and do the switch then also why did they even need to switch vehicles these are some of the many questions the detectives have about angel's story Landing right that would not have been yeah no not me anytime that you took your phone in that vehicle and you were never at the lane tonight no what was it like an innocent explanation no I don't think I was visiting I mean so we met back yeah he didn't go with me to get something no no I don't think this is lazy no this is [Music] yeah the landing shot towards the Maryville way McDonald's McDonald's I mean you know people like this but like so like obviously whoever did this made some like mistakes that night right well it wasn't just them there was other girls out with this and it was just I was drinking and it was just bombarded you know what do you mean it was all over town anyway it had been on the news yeah everybody knows I'm with him yes I did harass all the time [Music] what he did when I didn't even [ __ ] knowing yeah I was frustrated I was drunk so I got pissed you know so no and then I don't even know what else I was drunk I don't know why I said something about the girl cheating on him or something I don't even know what I said you know to be honest with you yeah I did say it was pissed off now leave me alone the police find it very strange that she said she did it and claimed she only said it because she was tired of people accusing Raymond it's possible that she was very intoxicated the night she said it but the police have to take that statement seriously and look into why she said it was stupid but guess what I did it you know that's a lot of coffee yeah when you're talking because everybody else left and it was just me and her so if I'm saying that is who you're referring to like that's that there's other evidence right that some of the stuff um so that you know and we're trying to piece this thing together because the person who did it that night um they made some mistakes right like for example they they kept Britney's phone on and they kept their phone off so the bones moved obviously from right all together so what's the chances of somebody being on Ocean Boulevard at 11th Street South right at one minute and also being at the North Santee which everybody in the news knows that's what the searching was done so who would have been at those two locations um I get it I mean I I do get it you know I just like I said no I get it you know I took them to motels we usually stayed at but he I know he did not save the beach then he was not at the beach so I know he came home I know that right I agree with you I think he did so you know I I can't I can't answer this question we're not trying to we're trying to just find out the truth and really if we can eliminate you correct I can't sit here I love I don't remember I'm not gonna do that I just don't remember I mean some things I remember a little bit here and there I remember you know selling vehicles I didn't remember the black vehicle and then I didn't remember later on about having the key until I remember the kids were again I had to get you know so I mean it's a long time I just don't remember and all that he's never said anything to you no hey he doesn't like I said he doesn't all for information he's not that kind of person he's just not and he doesn't talk about things in the past he was asking because he says he just want to he's passing the passing get on with his life okay I get that you know I do yeah yeah I'm not I'm not straight narrow it was a stupid [ __ ] when I was younger dude you know you know so but you know I mean you could have done it I know we could you know I do know that but you don't want to leave that no no I believe you I do believe it's unclear if the detectives believed that she was involved either way they know they need to use her to get more information on Raymond we think you have an opportunity here to possibly discuss some things with him about it um you think that you both might have some information right right yeah and so we're going to have to continue to investigate this right and we're gonna have to continue to talk to people about this yeah if if we go do that and the word gets out I know that's what we want that's why we were honest with you when we got here nobody we don't want anybody to know your business right but unfortunately if what you're saying you're not sure we've got to continue right because there's a lot of evidence that shows Vehicles right I got it um what do you think you could do help to help us out going how would you want me to do is where I'm asking I mean at the end of the day we're looking for Britney the body right so that's that is the goal that is a golden ticket I'm sure it is right yeah and we believe like that you might be able to help us and it's it's let's just say if Rey was involved in that then he would obviously know where that's at of course not so if we're like we were interested in your ideas if we were to ever to try to to Define that that's really what the goal of this case is right it is to do that so if there's anything that you could think of I don't say the best thing to do to put a bug in his feet here goes all I can tell you well how would that lead us to her body is there any chance you could have had another role another one they could have been involved in another way what do you mean another way I'm I'm asking I don't know what you're talking about what you mean because when he left because I have had something to do with it when he left in the middle of the night did I have something to do with me what Britney I have no idea I mean he said it was an artist that's all the team you know but could could it have of course it could have okay you know I don't know what do you think you you would say I'm I was in the beginning I was very nervous about it I really was you know because I didn't know I didn't know and he won't say anything you know so I I didn't know I still don't know so does it make me nervous when people bring it up yesterday you know of course it does because somebody who could have right you know if you ask them if he was involved would that be different I'm trying to ask him I mean again no but first thing it's gonna be he knows I'm here but he thinks I mean for somebody to read this first question is going to be did they ask you about me absolutely he's real I mean he's suspicious believe me still always yeah always no I'm not even about anything to do with this I mean just always just in my thumbs up who's up well they won't why were they here you know this one you know he's very suspicious you know it's just his nature but he's been that wasn't of normal so I mean they they did talk to him about um when they went out to your house initially when they got the girl out of there uh Alicia and so you could say sure that is what I'm telling him exactly what I'm telling you had mentioned um a bug what is it is that something you think would work is that something that you think you could do oh yeah I can do it Angel agrees to do everything she can to help with the investigation before she leaves the detectives have one last question for Angel but our sincere goal is to get the truth and work with you right like we genuinely want to do that I mean I get that I believe you honestly because there's a lot of evidence to point to you right and if what you said happened and that's true and we can prove that right that's critically important and we would want to work with you to try we just want the truth right I know and whatever it is and we know we think you might know right right and but we can't wait so but we want it out of respect for you we'll say hey look so it's tomorrow I'm gonna do tomorrow if we meet tomorrow right we should meet tomorrow here and we have this discussion right think about like where you're at right now and then we make some decisions and we want to move forward together that's our goal that's fine I mean that's that's really where we want to be and we believe that because we just want the truth ultimately we wanted to find Britney I mean I do believe it we don't have that information would be holding a very very valuable very very valuable card oh I know like if they were very scared that they're in trouble they also have significant right Leverage right right now and if that leverage goes away if I had that leverage and I got hit by a bus like that's gone like there's no chance of getting that information I promise you but my children is alive and I lost the phone in the car accident I know I'm sorry I don't know where breathing is I don't maybe it was just I was riding in a car when something happened right then okay let's work with that right and we work with it together you say but I don't want people to know this right we work with you on that yeah we can do it this way but we need this and and you might be shocked how much I believe you right really you might be shocked how much I believe you but I also know that there's facts and uh and we're going to give you that time right because we appreciate you coming down here and if there's a lot we're dumping on yeah okay but I think this is like this is also the path to learn kind of get like you've got all this stuff in your mind because you're a person with a conscience right you're some people don't have a conscience right that's not you your grandmother you have all these things and it you feel sad if you have information right we're not accusing you of something you didn't do to do we just want to find what the facts are going to work with you on that and it doesn't result in finding greater than so be it yeah maybe we don't get there but um but I think you could help us get started down that path and if we just wanted to go out there and screw with you we went out there and screw it with you all right you know so does that make sense for you yeah the police would watch Raymond and Angel over the next several days but unfortunately they were unable to get any new evidence against them one week later Raymond surprises the police department by coming in and confessing to the crime only person who ever told this story to is Mama lawyer the angel never even knew the real story she never knew anyway when I was going down Ocean Boulevard and we're going along pretty slow driving I was driving and uh probably walking speed and I saw uh the direction we're working on walking along the sidewalk and I was smoking pot she noticed that walked over through the door and said something about it and I was like good weed say yeah you want some sure get in she hopped right in the back without a problem and uh foreign pot and I said hey you want to party a little bit with us we're gonna get some cocaine you know [ __ ] sure so we started driving or just driving around smoking talking and I started went right into Georgetown went right to a spot where we used to camp out down by the river we went down there and um when I was by myself with her so I just left a while I'm serious now you got out of hand and I panicked and she panicked and a strangled her Raymond's story was completely different than what angel had told police Angel claimed that she was never in the car with Brittany and she had never left the hotel they were staying at according to Raymond Angel was with him when he picked up Brittany and together they went to a private hangout spot Raymond says that angel left him alone with Brittany which Angel never told police Angel was never charged in connection with the crime even though there was evidence that pointed in her Direction and she lied to the police the police also found it very strange that Raymond came forward only after Angel was considered a suspect I'd love to hear your thoughts on this case do you think Raymond confessed to protect Angel and if so was it to protect her because she was involved or because he was worried she might be falsely accused and end up in jail for something she didn't do Brittany's mother Dawn and Chad and Father John were promised that every resource would be used to find the answer of what happened to Brittany where did it happen how did it happen and why did it happen the why may never be known or understood but today this task force can confidently answer the rest of those questions along with the who is responsible the who is Raymond Douglas Moody his date of birth is May the 9th of 1960 and he is a white male with an extensive sex offender criminal history Raymond showed police where he buried the body which was returned to the family Raymond was found guilty and he will be spending the rest of his life in prison I don't have the words to express y'all horrible I feel felt ever since that day very very sorry thank you for watching this video don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new content coming to this channel
Channel: Red Tree Crime
Views: 5,125,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jcs, inspired, interrogation, analysis, criminology, psychology, podcast, true, crime, documentary, Raymond, moody
Id: HpquxoCJYeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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