Cops Interrogate College Student Who Killed His Dad, Stabbed Stepmom During ‘Bad Trip’

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or do you even know what you thought he was going to do to you I thought that he was the devil and like everybody was being taken over by the devil Hey Thomas if you just want to have a seat in the corner [Music] there Thomas just here where were being audio video recorded by the camera in the corner there okay it's the 28th of December 2004 15 at 11:56 a.m. um I'm Joanne Elliot I'm detective Constable here I'm the officer that's in charge of this investigation okay um just before I start talking to you I'm going to I know you've heard this before but I want to read your rights and everything again okay okay so you've been arrested for murder and attempt murder it's my duty to inform you that you have the r to retaining instru counsil with a delay you have the right to telephone any lawyer you wish you also have the right to free advice from legal la law if your charge an offense should May apply to to the Ontario legal aid plan for assistance um do you understand that M okay and I understand that you've spoken with um a lawyer is that right and who' you speak with Nathan S I don't remember all right okay so you you're charged with murder and attempt murder do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge you're not obliged to say anything unless you wish to do so but whatever you say may be given an Evidence do you understand that caution okay and if you've spoken any police officer to anyone with authority or if any such person has spoken to you in connection with this case I want to clearly understood that I do not want to influence you in making any statement do you understand that okay um so Thomas what's your last name chan chan okay and how old are you 19 you're 19 years old okay all right do you go to school right now I don't wish understand answer you don't wish to answer okay um your mom um has been in here she is in here um speaking with officers she's kind of given me a little bit of a background of your life your history um I understand that you go to Lakefield College school so you have pretty good education right um you're an athlete um you play do you still play rug at all or did you have to stop playing rugby um I don't wish to answer right now okay um the buddies that you with last night um they've all been interviewed um do you play sports with them I don't wish they okay your sister Christina she's in here as well she's been in here for several hours um speaking with the officers um my understanding is she's here for Christmas does she I could be wrong on that um and you guys all live on jir with Jeff does Jeff actually live in the house no Jeff doesn't live in the house where does he live that like I know he was staying there last night does he normally stay there on occasion on occasion how long was he and your mom when together forth a while a year a year how old were you when your parents split up I understand it was like 13 years ago that sound very right I don't wish that's okay they do live fairly close to each other so you're able to kind of go back and forth between the two houses which is good I don't answer okay okay Thomas have you ever dealt with police before at all no no okay um what about your family like have you ever been into the police station before into this police station no okay what I what I'm trying to do I'm just trying to get a a background on you I mean I've gotten a lot of information from all the people who are in this building who love you and who say that this horrible incident that happened last night is not you at all that I mean everything that I've been told up until now is that you're a great person you've led a pretty good life um you've had some hard times because of your sports and I mean last night that unfortunately you maybe took something that you shouldn't have and it led to a pretty horrible incident I don't understand right now how long have you been going to leld college school Thomas I graduated you graduated are you going to college yet or are you considering going to college I'm currently in college where St schle St Lawrence St lawence K see what are you going through to be please find it safe for me to say that what happened last night is not you okay take your time are you just home for Christmas yeah when did you get home 19th the 19th how when are you supposed to back sure I know not sure that's fine that's fair phes are loud right now the whole time you've been home since the 19th you've been hanging with your friends family it's Christmas I'm assuming you're in your first year is that right yes you just like is your first semester done I don't wish the answer right now who did you spend Christmas with I wish that's Thomas are you close to your dad I wish that's right now for I love him [Music] what do you think your dad want you to do right now I I wish answer you make any decision you want Thomas at all but I want you to seriously think about what happened last night what you think should be done for your dad for Lynn and I think it's time you be honest your dad deserves that your mom deserves that and Christina and Lynn and her kids they all deserve for you to be honest I'd like for you to tell me what you were doing yesterday what were you doing with your friends and start from there and just tell me how this happened okay I was just having a regular night with my friend friends and then we made a stupid decision to do [Music] something said to do something very foolish yeah just what was that take a hallucinogenic drug okay and uh everything was fine and then all of a sudden out of nowhere I got a God complex and I've never felt like that before and so so stupid so stupid and then I thought that everyone was just turning on me got [Music] scared I ran to my dads for help in honesty pain and then no one answered door I just fil it like a c hallucinating you started hallucinating M okay see close friends and family who tried to help their faces start to be aggressive and and Sinister and devish and I felt like like I just I felt like I was I don't know how to explain it I just felt like everyone was teing me and everything like that and I went to my dad's for help and I wanted to get in so I got in by any means and then when I he came out I just who is even water in his face just and I thought he was coming after me but he wasn't but I thought he was at the time because the stupid stupid [Music] Tru I love like that save with L bit the hallucinations were just so strong oh stup I can't take it back I would do anything to I just thought people were turning on me and they would never and I know that now I should always know that but the drug yeah when you got to the house and you couldn't get in how did you get in to a window what window how like how did that happen ins side of the window went and two sorry I broke in you broke in okay so when you went into the the house when did you first see your dad I don't know it was I came in lights were on and I just remember his face just turned and devilish same with all my closest friends and my mom even oh their face just turned devilish their hair started growing and turning black and I was just so scared it wouldn't do anything to hurt me ever oh no do you remember what happened next you thought he was turning on you do you remember what you did what to you I know I had a knife and I from then on it's kind of just a quick blur it was me just acting as though I was fighting for my life that's what it felt like as you thought throughout this day you were fighting for your life do you remember where you were in the house where'd you get the knife I don't know have you ever seen the knife before do you remember anything about that knife I just know I grabbed the closest sharp object to protect yourself cuz you're reallying do you remember if you di was saying anything everything was just mumbles and murmurs and it sound like different languages everything do you remember hitting your dad with a knife no no no like I remember it's like coming at him as soon as like came at him everything just kind of blanks out and I don't know where or how I hit him I just remember seeing his face and it just wasn't his face his eyes looked like they were all black his hair was all black and growing on end and everything it was I would never do that very mind I would never do that that's the key there right your your right mind because you did do it which you were on drugs right right I believe that where was Lynn when this was all going on I don't remember exactly she she [Music] ran take your time what do you remember I remember it's very s to what happened with my father the hair was black very black and the more scar they got the longer the hair looked in the darker got and like I said it all words sounded like not English it sounded like chance or something I just thought I was being chased everyone was being taken over by the devil something I don't know how to describe it it was it's a pretty good way to describe it I thought everyone was coming after me so did you when you went into the house he said you broke in where did you first see your dad was he right there was he sleeping what do you remember I don't really remember honestly I just remember getting in and then all of a sudden he was there which scared me cuz I didn't see where he came from and then all of a sudden he was in front of me saying something I have no idea what he was saying I it sounded like like I said JZ and devilish and the hair so you grabbed a knife or sharp object or were you at that point when you grabbed a sharp object must have been in the kitchen do you remember being in the kitchen no all I see all I see is his face okay do you remember where you stabbed him no oh it's so hard to explain it's bits and fragments M and I'm my brain's trying to shut it out but it makes me sick it's not nothing like me it's nothing like me I know there's a lot of people that love you lot of people that love you I've ruined my life I do think your dad story needs to be told though I think that we should know what happened I know that you it's kind of coming in Fr and I understand that because you were on drugs do you know what it was that you took mushrooms mushrooms when did you take them hours before but they only started peeking around then yes hours before do you remember like a time no where were you and you took them at my mother's house okay so were you how were you feeling after you took them for the few hours after that I was good I felt good and then this is how this whole God complex I was up in my room alone at this point medita and then I I read about this thing called the pamilo gland pamilo gland yeah something like that on my phone and then I started seeing like bright lights and everything like that and I've read about the p before and then I just started getting this God complex and then everything started peeking after that and then I remember going down into the basement I thought I don't know what happened in the basement of my mom but then all of a sudden I thought that I thought my friends were being taken over and I wanted the lights on okay cuz I felt like I was like protecting me and when the lights were off I felt like people would come after me right what are you thinking about right now I think I was just to protect the light switch when my father's he you tell me more about that I was afraid that he was going to get the lights I think I don't it's I just felt this I felt like I was acting like God and I'm by no means religious at all I felt like I was doing God's will or spiritual thing and he was the devil so stupid I just couldn't understand it his hair was scary face was scary everybody's face was scary and like I don't know everyone was just turning on me in my head now I know that I'm sober they weren't who do you think was turning on you everybody who's everybody literally everyone I thought everybody was turning on me it was just the drug made me feel like I was like almost like the second coming of Jesus or something like that and they were the devil coming after me that's what I felt like that's the best way I could describe which is stupid I'm not religious but you were on drugs right you're hallucinating have you ever hallucinated like that before no no so you're in the kitchen with your dad yeah and his hair is growing black and his eyes are black you can't understand what he's saying and you're scared do you remember grabbing an object no you don't I I just just grab I guess the closest nearest thing anything I don't know I didn't know I I don't remember grapping it's such a dark time it's it's hard to piece it all together do you remember when you first started attacking your dad was he attacking you was he trying to stop you I think he I thought he was coming for the light switch and I was afraid that he was going to turn it off and then come after me I think cuz I remember being afraid of the dark and being around people in the dark cuz in the dark they would grab and devil was just so real to me how did you stop him I guess I stabbed him I don't remember stabing I just remember going towards him and then from that on it's just kind of like so you remember going towards him where was he when you were going towards him he was he standing or was he sitting was he lying down I don't know you he I remember when it all happened it was first it was I don't I don't wish to ask I don't know I I don't want answer I really I just don't know you know what I don't want you to to tell me anything that you don't know I just want you to be honest with your dad honest I don't want you to make anything up I I don't know what really happened I just remember being afraid of the dark feeling that the devil was very real and I was like this whole God and like I was trying do something and just I don't know I and I I don't want to say anything cuz I'm not in the right state of mind right now it's just I don't know I do you know where Lynn was when you got there if she was sleeping I don't know if Lynn lives there does she she's there most nights yes I love Lynn too she's been there my whole life I was going to say I understand that you have known her forever she's always worked with your dad that right yeah how long ago did they actually get together though I don't know I don't know but it's just kind of did you mean to hurt Lyn no I don't know I don't know I don't know if I meant to hurt any beautiful I don't I don't know I don't wish to answer I don't know I was just scared I hallucinating I don't know Y and that's what I mean um I mean like in your mind like would you do you want to hurt Lynn no are you remor both that you hit L hurt Lynn yes yes you love her you hadn't done drugs last night would this have happened yes no no no no no I'm a good person I know you are not anymore but you are last night yes it has changed everything yeah but you still are who you are you got a family who loves you so much you've got a bunch of buddies that you've obviously known for a long time been through a lot with that have been here talking to officers I mean they've been very honest about what they did last night you know fact that you guys did drugs and it was a terrible decision and that you just weren't acting like yourself I mean they've talked about the fact that you came down and you were talking about God and that's not you and then you went to your dad's house and stabbed your dad and you love your dad and that's normally where you go to get help or if you're upset he's the one you turn to is that right my mom right I think when I'm upset of my mom I think I turned to him right yeah have you always been close to your dad like he was always busy with work when I was younger right he's a doct right and it only starts slowing down when you start becoming a senior doctor great so I would like to say he's always been there for me yeah but he's only really had the time no yeah I love yeah do you remember link coming out to the kitchen like I don't know I don't know I don't know I know where she was when she was injured when police got there and when the ambulance got there there I just don't know if it happened where she was or if it happened in another part of the house and I was hoping that you'd be able to tell me where that happened I don't know cuz I I my mind's blocked out like I've blocked out after like gu I came with my dad you sorry I blocked it out after I my dad was approaching me and I was by the light and I felt threatened and then I acted how I've at the time felt was what I needed to do for my own safety which doesn't make sense and it doesn't make sense sober but when you're hallucinating sure made total sense right now we can sit here and say yeah that makes no sense but what you what you went through last night you were hallucinating you legitimately felt felt like he was threatening you what do you or do you even know what what you thought he was going to do to you I thought that he was the devil and like everybody was being taken over by the devil cuz everybody I saw would fluctuate between like black hair and Sinister and then I just wanted to feel safe and I didn't feel safe anywhere and I I don't I don't know I was so hallucinating and it I blogged out this the points that I don't want to visit did you block out the points you want to VIs is it or do you not want to talk about them because they're horrible things that you don't want to think about I can't distinguish between the two right now did you say that you saw Lynn's face as well you saw her face her hair went black too it's very that's all I know that's all I all I se is was Lynn's face and black and black eyes black hair same thing and just not English muttering mumbling like I acted for my own safety the way I felt that's what I'm I I don't I'm not a violent person I know I've never even been in a fight in your dad's house and you can I mean you've obviously been there before many times I'm sure when you walk in the front door can you tell me like where things happened I was hoping you could tell me where things happened I just know that things were in the kitchen and then from being in the kitchen all I see is faces that's it bird whose fa is in the kitchen my dad and then after I see my dad's face I see Lynn's face but I don't know I want to say it was in the kitchen I don't know all I see is her face okay and it was black eyes black hair devilish saying I don't know what she was saying or what she was doing I just see her face and muttering non-english i f devilish and I [Music] acted I don't know I don't know where it happened you don't know where happened with Lynn or your dad I last I remember was being in the kitchen with my dad dad and then I see then all I see is scary faces that's what I last remember and then and then I after that I remember being by the front door praying in the light which i' never do why I'm not religious why did I think it I don't know I want I want I'm almost as curious as you can you describe to me like kind of the L to your dad's house I haven't been there yeah I I have kind of an idea in my head head of what the layout is like where the kitchen is to the door but can I get you to say you're walking through the front door okay well this is this is my dad's house yes your dad's house you walk in the front door you walk straight and then it's the kitchen just straight all the way through there's just living space there and then take it right take it right again and there's bathroom right there my sister's sister's room and then my room and then my dad's room and then so it's like this and there's the hallway and there's this and sorry no that's okay take your time your hands are sore too so yeah um okay this is layout it's from door here yeah hallway leading all the way into the kitchen right straight and then this area here is like a living space so is that to your left to the left past like the front entrance living space so it's like a so it's like a hallway and then it opens up just to your left and what's in that room there what's in the living space um it's just TV and couches and all that so that's where you'd actually go to watch TV or where and then when you're walking in the front door there's another door to your right to the garage and after that there's a door to downstairs right then so if you're walking you're looking to your right then what do you come to pass this the door to go downstairs a hallway down that way just a small hallway and there's another small hallway and then and my dad's room is just that way my room is here my sister's room is here the bathroom was here that's layout so where's your dad's bedroom in the house how do you get to your dad's bedroom is it off the kitchen is it off the living room is it off the hallway so what you do is you come there here's the kitchen and down this way and then down down just down a little bit that and it's like right there so close yeah okay so is his bedroom at the back of the house yeah okay was ly in the in the bedroom what do you remember about that I don't [Music] I don't I don't I just remember faces and I'm I'm being serious I never I I never would have gone after her for no reason do you think she hurt you I don't know I don't know I don't I don't know I just I I just I just remember faces and acting on Instinct at least what I thought was Instinct at the time it was right like it was just a fight ORF flight thing you know that Lun is alive [Music] right yeah I pursu of being chared with murder and incentive right right you saw her face is there anything that you remember about her face that would remind you of where she was anything around her head anything if you saw her face was the light on I know you were worried with the light I don't know I just saw her face and black eyes and dark dark hair and that's all I can focus on did you know it was her right away I knew I knew who people were I just thought they were being taken over by the devil I thought they were coming after me and it's just so stupid cuz they wouldn't you know that now that you're sober yeah was there anybody else in the house I don't know you ever seen anybody else in there no was there someone else in there to my knowledge no I'm being honest with you to my knowledge there wasn't anybody in the house but if if there was I was just hoping that you would tell me I don't know what happened I've given you all the information that I okay can remember I don't know how reliable it is I I've given you what I have tried to put together if there's anything I can tell you is that I appreciate you telling me the truth I do I really do I say l about you not about that you last night that was on drugs who you actually are I i' I've done what I've done and even though I wasn't in my right mind I'm ready to take what's going to happen I just want people to know that that's not me that's not me at all mhm and I am so sorry and I don't know how it really went [Music] down and it could have been anyone it could have been anyone I'm sure I that it I was threatened by everyone everyone who I was around I just felt threatened by them and they were guys they were just coming after me though I'm sure they were just trying to help me but at the time it just felt like they were coming after me because they were working with the devil and I don't I don't know what I was thinking it was stupid I felt like I was like the second kind of God or Jesus and know I'm not religious I'm not religious I'm not religious I'm not religious I'm relig I can't take it back I wish I could I wish my dad was still alive okay I don't for my family to forgive me I don't deserve it you don't deserve for them to forgive you bro I killed dad does it so I'm just going to go back maybe like 24 hours before this happened you just going to tell me what you did you know like where did you sleep two nights ago what did you get up and do at what point did you get together with your friends I was normal I was doing everything normal then all of a sudden I had a bad trip and just went worse worse and worse worse worse worst wor worst thing possible happened so when where did you sleep over two nights ago so last night was when this happened the night before that where did you sleep did you sleep at your mom's or your dad's or someone else my mom's at your mom's SLE to my moms yeah do you remember who slept there that night um my friends I think I don't I think so who out of your friends stayed there so the night before this happened mhm [Music] um stay over there I think Nick was there Nick was there and Dyan was there when sorry was Nick's last name NE neek NE okay Dylan there what's Dylan's last nameis who else I don't know if Dan was there I don't think Dan was there no he wasn't he left earlier the night what Dan's last name snik snik okay anybody else there two nights ago no so some of your friends stayed overnight like actually slept there okay when did you guys wake up i w I woke up I woke up at 10:00 and started reading my book what book are you reading it's I heard of books called fre economics fre economics I have heard yeah good books I'm reading the third one it's called gler free okay really good book want to read it yeah um so yeah I I just read the book and I woke up at 11 after I read a couple chapters and it was just a normal day it was just normal like everything was so normal normal and I would never would have seen this gun I don't think anyone would have so when your buddies got what you guys do what do we do mhm um they went off did their thing met up with my friend I didn't go with them I stayed waited for saurin to get to my house saurin who like how do you know saurin is he another buddy that you went to school with really good buddy really good bud he lived with be grade 11 yeah we're like brothers we're all like brothers which time did stor get there I don't exactly remember the exact time but it was later in the afternoon great and what did you and sa do just we hung out I went shopping with my sister Christina so where did you and Nick and Nick came back yeah came did ni go shopping with you guys too ni came with us okay are you close with Christina very close I love my sister yeah where' you guys go druming plush flavor and went M saw my mom all that stuff yeah right your mom works in the mall yeah right so did you go see her her at work yeah yeah I always do yeah what time did you guys go through all at close to clothes I don't so yesterday was SU close to five and then where did you guys go from there went back to mine went we went back to my place [Music] we had beer went to St Louis and watch them of the Le game and then we got back we took shrooms and I remember bits and pieces of the sh trip I've never hallucinated like that ever and it's never been that strong and it bits and and like I earlier in that night I remember having an like a huge growing up moment and just an epiphany and then when I got upstairs and started meditating and then I really started to hallucinate that's when I don't really start to that's when I start to lose lose like the solid stream of things right when I really hit the peak and started really hallucinating right what time did you go to St Louis way I'm sorry was it St Louis I know you said St Louis yeah St Louis just St on on was it l down land down street right okay we just went there I'm not sure what time the Le Playa last night what time were you there until um probably just right up and right up until the end of the game you know what time no not really what time they start like did they play seven last night I don't know we could look that up so yeah it's like that's yeah that's it sure someone around here but no one this place so yeah and then after that we got back and then we decided to hey we take some shs whose idea was that I don't remember I think it was like B idea really how much did you drink at St Louis Wing I know that you said that you had a drink before you went there did you drink much there I had one beer at home or one or two beers when I was at home what kind what kind mhm uh it was either butter CS okay cuz those are only two beers we had there right and then and we got to St Louis and then I got a pine to Stella okay and then came back and then got the shrooms where' you get them from I'm not really sure I didn't go with them I stayed oh you didn't go to get them mm I stayed at home while they went got them who all went to get them smart D okay so you don't know where they went okay how long were they gone 15 20 minutes maybe and did they drive or walk I don't know I was in the house okay who' you stay at the house with uhi and Dan nickn check and danic okay is there anybody else that was at the house with you my mother Jeff and my sister were upstairs watching something yeah who's I believe the name is Laura or Lori do you know somebody by that name yeah yeah Laurel I I do I do remember in the police police car all that right I was just saying anything to get out of the police car cuz I thought that I this is where it starts to get crazy cuz like this is where I started like coming down a little bit okay off the shrooms mhm so this is where like I'm still tripping right pretty heavily but I can remember things I remember I don't remember how I got in the police car okay I remember being that I was in the police car and then I closed my eyes okay and I felt jostling and all this and I was meditating again which I think that's like where I went wrong when I really started to get into my head and like really let things run mhm and I felt like I was in the dark and I would just sit there and feel some jostling and then when I got here I thought that everything was white and I thought I was in heaven mhm I literally was music playing when I was here is there music in there could have been music playing in the vehicles I mean they have radios oh I heard I heard like like gospel choir music so I really emphasized like the feeling of being in heaven right and then the officers were saying saying um um you'll know you'll know when you're able to get out so I was like oh I'll know so I no and then their their faces were also changing okay between normal and friendly and and like dark and and I remember their faces would get viny and I would dep and depending on like what I said to them their faces would become more normal and that's why I started saying all the random stuff cuz I just wanted their faces to become normal again what kind of random stuff were you saying I was like saying names of people who and and like what I thought they wanted to hear what you thought who wanted the officers what did to let me out of the car what did you think they wanted to hear like what they wanted to hear was anything I don't know what they wanted to hear so I was really testing out anything right you remember what kind of things you were saying yeah I remember what I said what' you say I remember Laura who she my love I said that and I was just testing out things to say because I wanted to get out of the car and be in heaven CU I thought that I had escaped from the devil and I was in a bright white Place hearing like this this like oh gosp music like that right and I thought I was just and they were saying you'll know when you're ready to come out I was like oh so I'll know so I just would sit in there eyes closed around and saying whatever they want me to say now was just did you feel better when you got here you thought you were in heaven yes I felt safe when I got here yeah do you remember leaving your mom's house to go to your dad's house I remember they're all my my mom and my sister I remember seeing their faces and they change too all I remember what I my serious trip what really I really really really see is just faces everything else is kind of just yeah but I just see scary faces of my friends and family and that's what sticks in my my head mhm and when they would get when I they would become more Sinister their faces would be as I said like veiny and they' get fat that happen with your mom as well yes and her hair was very very very black and it started getting long and long and then she just kept coming towards me and towards me your mom did yeah trying to help try to help me and I know that now right but it just made me scared and I just remember their faces and I'm pretty sure I don't know for sure obviously but I'm pretty sure I called somebody the devil okay and then I got scared and ran to my dad's cuz I thought that he would have helped me and then I got there and then his face was changing too and everyone's face was changing do you remember being on the driveway of your mom's house no arguing with anybody I remember cuz I thought I thought my mom was the devil at first right and my sister was the devil my family was the devil and then I thought I remember seeing sain's face right but I don't know what happened I think we got did we get an altercation it's my understanding yes yeah he's okay he's okay all right I could have been had you I could have anyone it's not I was just so dangerous could it have been your mom it could have been anyone it's not it wasn't my preference it was just me trying to get away from this devil that I thought and I thought that I was taking over people do you remember Jeff's Car do you remember Jeff in his car and everybody else in Jeff's Car I think that's how they got there Jeff's car has two broken windows two broken windows did you remember doing anything to Jeff's Car no okay I must have thought like they were working with the devil or I don't know I don't I don't want I and I don't want you I I don't want to say yeah I don't want to guess no and I don't want you to I just I was wondering if you remembered no I I don't I don't so you don't remember J V no okay do you remember je at all I kind of what you is he is he okay he's okay everybody else is okay all right everybody else is okay I don't I don't remember I just remember faces and stuff like that bits and pieces and I just remember being so scared and then then realizing that I couldn't do anything but fight and I went to my dad's for help and he started changing too and I just remember faces faces faces were so scary and hair and eyes black and everything I can't take back what I did like I I don't know and I'm such deep sheded but should been man have going up to it though yeah thank your dad and then deserve that and your mom yeah and your sister and all your buddies and Jeff I hate myself for what I did even though I wasn't in my right mind but that's got to come from somewhere right I can't be right I can't like that can't be right that shouldn't be right like the drugs and everything we just have you ever thought about killing a dad never no I've never thought about killing anyone so you're saying that you did not set out to go to your dad's house to kill him no no I would never do that I went out I set out to my dad's house to be safe cuz I thought my mom and sister and everyone was turning against me I went there to be safe and then I felt like he was turning on me too and his face and then I don't know it could have been anyone I there it it wasn't I wasn't setting out to do anything I just wanted to be safe and I did what I thought I needed to do to be safe and I blame it solely on hallucinations and this firm belief in religion where I got that out of nowhere really and this thing meditation and I would meditation let me explore my head and my head just ran off in ridiculous ways and I felt like I don't know how to describe it and then as when the trips are getting really bad it just faces and flashes and glimpses and things and I don't do you have any glimpse of what you did to LY anything at all that would help us no not really I just remember her face and it being very very very very Sinister to me and I when you say Sinister what do you mean like what's your description of a Sinister face like like what I was like how I was saying like with the police officers how faces would get more like veiny and their hair would start turning dark dark dark even though like like even if they have blonde hair their hair would start turning dark dark dark right and like I said their faces would get fat too kind it would be like fat face and then veiny and eyes black and hair with it it looked like it was growing in Black so stupid I don't know what I was thinking I didn't feel any of this what are your injuries you got your hands right there I'm missing a lot of skin right here that's your big pinky are you right-handed left pinky is oh yeah sorry yeah I'm right-handed you're right-handed and I have seen this one actually W [Music] okay that hurts yeah I haven't even seen the one way back do you remember have you got any of those I didn't feel any of it I don't know no I do not know but you're saying you went through a window as well is that right yeah I'm assuming it's from the window okay so you said you went through the window does the window open or did you break it I I definitely broke it cuz it doesn't open great okay it's one of those sealed ones yes I I was just so scared and I wanted to get into the house and I thought that I was going to be safe in there and I guess what parents not going to be pissed off with kid coming through a window right their kid coming through a window so that negative Ora I guess him coming at at me being whatever kicked off the unsafe feeling in me and all from that on all I see pces I understand why I mean he probably got woken up out of asleep right probably look pretty scared to you what I looked pretty scary if I was sober too just waking up like that yeah yeah and he KN he knew you very very well so he didn't know that wasn't you he he must have known something was not okay yeah oh absolutely of course he would right [Music] yeah at least the rest of your family can take some SS in the fact that you didn't plan on doing it no never I would never I I literally went there for Comfort reasons and I killed and I probably seriously hurt L yeah she is seriously hurt that's stop is there anything else you can remember I told you I remember if I if I told you anymore i' would be making stuff up from great you said something earlier about hallucinating and this isn't like it's ever been if I'm remember what you said exactly I've I've taken TRS before you have and it has never been like this how many times have you taken them like once or twice yeah and every other time it's been it's been like a lifechanging thing for me like I before that I was smoking weed like every every every single day when was that like all last year I probably smoked weed every single day for like a year and a half and it was seriously debilitating me and I took shrooms and after that I totally see saw that like I don't need to do this and I saw it as like a lifechanging finding myself thing mhm and then it just turned on me this time right when was the last time before this time you took them I don't know I don't remember the exact day it was at school in college yeah okay so in the last four months anyway since September yeah now I know I mentioned this early on but you have been athletic by the S of things your whole life is that right you played Ry lots of concussions lots of concussions lots of concussions notes can you tell me a little bit about that um it's just chemical imbalance on my brain causing depression when did that all start um probably grade 11 grade 11 was when I had my last concussion that sent me over the edge and I had a chical balance and I like through some serious Depression had suicidal thoughts and all that so I'll counselor for a while counselor helped but it didn't at the same time because counselors if you're smart if you're a smart enough person you start saying stuff that you know they want you to hear they want to hear and you don't really know if you're okay after that or if you're just put it on a face so I don't really know if I was okay after that but then this year I I started feeling anxiety and depression at school but when I put the weeks leading up to coming home I started feeling a lot better and I saw sing weed and I did all this St great things and I was had a whole new drive and then this happened the worst possible thing happened so you were feeling better in the last few weeks now weeks leading up to the 19th yeah anyone can tell you that anyone could have seen it yeah would your mom and sister be able to say that you excited to come home for Christmas yeah I love my family I love seeing them I'm just going to leave the room for a minute okay and I'll be back I'll be back in a minute I may have some more questions [Music] okay sorry about that is your finger bleeding a little bit Yeah under the Band-Aid did you get any stitches or anything your finger too could it's just I couldn't it's l just skin Oh skin cut off yeah okay so I just have a few more questions for you okay um the first one Lynn do you remember I know that your memory is a little distorted a lot distorted but do you remember her talking to anybody or maybe being on the phone do you remember anything like that you said that you remember her mumbling no all I all I heard was jish like what I thought was like satanic mumbly whatever I thought every what everybody was saying pretty much was just satanic mumbling right and no like I said faces it's all I really see and like like flashes of things like I guess I don't remember anything between the attacks I remember remember kitchen faces and then being out at the front praying in your dad's hallway do you remember anybody coming to the door no okay I don't remember how I got in police car that's why right you don't remember anything about that about going in the police car no do you remember where you left the knife or if there was more than one knife I don't know do you remember what the knife looked like no I don't do you remember if you took a knife with you no or I just remember I just remember praying up front and like I just I actually remember at one point being so scared in it wanting to end and I contemplated killing myself but I didn't obiously and I don't know if I had a knife on me I just remember praying and like talking to God and being and just thinking that I was doing what you wanted I don't know then and and then I I in the police car next thing I know being jostled around being seeing like flashes of Lights which I'm guessing are the police lights probably or something and then next time I really open my eyes I'd hear in a bright white area with that oh and I started coming down a little bit from the trip at what point did you realize that you killed your dad I don't know I like it really just starting to sink in now right um in your dad's living room I understand there's video cameras of some sort does your dad have video surveillance at his head yeah he does how word is that that record or does it record uh I don't know if it records it might just be a live feed why does he have it why does he have it yeah he's a tacky is he very big tacky yeah okay so he just liked it he's one of one of them that he would like to talk to his cat right yeah I should remember being scared of the cat oh I was scared by cats and comforted by dogs last night you were scared by cats and comforted by dogs I I just remember that feeling I don't know exactly like what that means or anything I just remember that feeling of being comforted by dogs and scared by cats did your dad have a cat or a dog yeah he's a cat do you remember if you saw the cat no I don't know I just remember being scared by cats so I'm assuming I saw her at some point right and you remember nothing else I told you I remember okay thank you for being honest with me for what it's worth I'm sure your dad would be happy that he told the truth I don't care if that's more trouble or not I did what I did and I can't do anything about it and whether I I just told that's never should happen that should never happened yeah I agree it shouldn't it did it should Happ I don't know why I all of a sudden start believing in God and being all spiritual and [Music] if you're dad could be here right now what would you say I love you I love much would never do I her and I all I did was wanted to make it proud because I knew I knew my mom was always there for me I knew he was always there for me but I always just wanted to make him proud cuz he was never there when I was young and I never really had that Father Figure growing up and he always just started being there when he was a senior doctor and I just wanted to make him proud I love my dad is my only dad I was only ever have one and I don't have one anymore I don't have a dad anymore it's cuz me too that's so hard that's so hard my sister doesn't have a d because of me what about land what would you say to land I am so S I would never do anything to her ever I hope she's okay I hope so too I hope he had CH the chance to say that to her is she going to be okay I hope so she's in the hospital so she's where she needs to be right I don't have any more questions Okay so it's 1329 so 1:29 and go back this out okay go do you think I could have a blanket for there I'll ask yeah I'll as soon as we go there I'll ask okay all right come on with me [Music]
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 42,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: x6L5roy3jv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 30sec (5370 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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