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I [Music] know hi everybody welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you're new here today we are going to be watching the Maran I am so excited for this one because this one hasn't only been highly requested but I actually have it on my 100 movies to watch throughout the year poster which I am very excited to start filling out again this is a movie that I actually haven't really seen much about I have no idea what it's going to be about I see that on the cover there is a guy like man with like an astronaut suit so I guess we're going to Mars I am so excited to watch this movie and I am so excited that you have decided to watch it together with me and tag along if you want to watch my full reaction it will be over on my patreon as usual and on patreon we're going to start doing the monthly polls for what you guys want to watch and for the 100 movies poster we have a whole bunch of them but I actually think think that we've seen 15 movies out of the 100 and there's like there's a lot of them we have like The Godfather we have million dooll baby we have the killa Mockingbird and so on there's a lot of movies over there so to you guys that are on Patron no matter the tier it is accessible for all tiers to be part of the polls so I appreciate that anyways all my social media they're linked down below such as my second Channel my gaming channel okay guys uh with no further talking let's get on to watching de Martian I'm so excited for this one people have been requesting this one for so long and since it's supposed to be science fiction I think people have been telling me that I'm going to love it so my expectations are high and if I don't like it I'm going to I'm going come for you stay inside of each other let's make NASA proud today a the particles were predominantly course but in okay success I also would like to report that the m is still a breath Roger that Martinez the captain would like is a shut your smart mouth oh my gosh a different adjective to describe Martinez's mouth wow the cast though time to get in martinz how's it look not good time to get in based on current escalation estimate a force of 8,600 mutons Jessica Chastain Commander are you okay I'm okay what on Earth Ang with the Rob oh no before we lost tarm uhoh 1° bounds we'll never back poor Mark he just got hit like that and now everyone thinks he's dead he's the only one that continued to to search but you don't know what's going to happen you know this is so well made 11.5 in holding so far it really reminded me of the alien franchise if you haven't seen my reactions to those that is one of the first reactions that I posted [Music] well that is so sad Matt Damon has such a short role in this one isn't that Matt Damon I see now the Mars rover is going to find you that is such an annoying noise oygen level critical Bros you need to come back you need to come back he's alive oygen level oh yeah Mark you're all alone now oh well that's nice okay pressure stable we have somewhere to be okay that's good this is going to hurt Mark yeah he's going to hurt a lot bro oh poor God drag it out you have it nice oh good [Music] lord are you going to staple it oh it's so stapling it that is insane oh that's so going to get infected oh the chaos I'm guessing that's going to come as a surprise to my crew mates and to NASA and to the entire world really so surprise oh managed to seal the breach in my suit which kept me alive even though the crew must have thought I was dead if to have breaches I'm just going to kind of implode and if by some miracle none of that happen can someone explain to me what implode means you know here I'm from Norway and Dominican Republic so English is my third language sometimes I struggle oh and how are we going to get out of March out of March out of Mars I have even right to March yet I mean they have an entire station and I still can't contact them that's unlucky luckily I'm the Bist what that is so exciting Mark yeah you got this easy is he going to make Mars livable unless it's able to make it grow in there it seems like he wants it to grow outside he's still bleeding staple came out oh ahuh so we're doing it inside [ __ ] you Mars oh boy I hope it works the problem is water yeah so I got to make a lot more water how counting on you oo I did not expect that I don't that is so sad I didn't mean to laugh because I'm stupid did he just call himself stupid 54 now oh it's almost been two months hey there oh you did that oh that is so nice we can't wait a year we got work to do Har 5 won't even launch for 5 years we have plenty of time okay okay who's up there now is this what it actually looks like somebody is there I need the emergency contact for Vin Singapore yes him well that is so exciting though oh legally we have 24 hours to release these pictures we release a statement with them we don't want people working it out on their own yes sir oh this guy i what does that do to him man psychologically what the hell is he thinking right now I was going to say he growing potatoes this guy's fake before the battery has to be recharged at the hab that's problem a in the face of overwhelming odds I'm left with only one op I'm going to have to science the [ __ ] out of this I love this actor okay so success now what bad news it involves me digging up the radioisotope thermoelectric generator do what [Music] now I can't oh this is so great so God forbid I try to say something proactive and and positive any no more Vincent on TV copy that I hate that guy your over time alone will be a nightmare get started I'll find you the money we need to tell the crew yeah they grew even better than I expected I now have 400 healthy potato plants a all natural organic Martian grown potatoes you don't hear that every day do you no we don't where the hell is he going he hasn't changed course for 13 days he's nowhere near the Aries full well not yet he just understood that like that what there's something there is that a Rover Pathfinder a Pathfinder [Music] 309 oh come on boys you can do it Mark has been working so hard using nothing but a still frame camera from 1996 sounds great yeah that looks very hot heximal what now now they can communicate wake up went from how alive too NASA can link the Rover to Pathfinders broadcasting frequency and we're in business this is so interesting how's the crew what did they say when they found out I was alive oh they don't know just tell yeah I love the casting in this movie so far their mission but I'm part of the mission too thank you Mr President problem is Mark's right the longer we wait the worse it's going to get that must be stressful just floating around all the time decided not to tell you two months oh my God I was um take some time all right Henderson out Henderson wants what's best for the crew I left him behind you're the only one that wanted to be there in your face Neil Armstrong oh my gosh oh no all the crops what on Earth it's not even on Earth what on Mars oh the plans we need to start all over again at least we were very hopeful for so long how long is he have maybe a week 200 souls okay questions get him to what soul 409 mhm so who still has water too we need 13 days to amount the boosters perform inspections which gives Bruce and his team sorry we left you behind on Mars tell the others I said hello a why is this making me emotional this is so sad but at the same time it's so nice that he can like talk to his friends or his crew and they can finally talk to each other or type to each other you know oh time to start over again you need to fix that I'd be terrified what on Earth I need more Cofe you all right fine yep no problem we're all good don't you worry but that's grounds for countdown halt no I can't say that chance anyone else know a safer way to buy more time H well it's true no one can stop him no my father was a Hindu my mother's a Baptist so yeah I believe in Ser a that's right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 three two one performance isal that is always so interesting L here too was repor deis falling from the well maybe we should have used the 10 days after all the tests it was one in 20 please tell them tell them I love what I do and I'm really good at it though for something big and beautiful and greater than me oh my God for the standard rations the thrust of the launch combined with the yes he did not look he was like huh how is that correct you to hang up the phone I'm sorry who are you I hate every one of you teddy and now we're accelerating towards Mars no thank you he's been working hard on this as well let them make that decision why can't Henderson be the director I like him what's up I just got an email from my wife and a subject line says uh let's see I don't really know what we're looking at it's um does that make any sense to you what it work mhm we ran the numbers they check out it's a brilliant course we die sign me up all right Cowboy okay so if we go for it how uh how would it work I plot the course and execute yeah I think they're pretty tired of being up in space anyways it's part of the OS I'd have to jump over the code okay but like in English like what would that mean if we do this it will be over 900 days of space message reads Houston please be advised Rich Parnell is a Steely eyed missileman Telemetry any chance this is instrumentation failure negative flight Annie will go before the media this morning and inform them of NASA's decision to re the Hermes they pass long information crew made the decision on their own you may have killed the Mitch when this is over I'll expect your resignation what and so far they've come up with hey why don't you drill holes in the roof of your Rover and hit it as hard as you can with a rock [Music] okay oh what are we expecting do we think it's going to go well right now I'm like very nervous about it [Music] honestly founded in the flea market original [Music] see that is so trippy just upside down and now they're on their way back now it's been 7 months o without permission which by definition makes me a pirate by definition makes you really cool space pirate your helmet maybe space pirate nobody here and now me I'm the first person to be alone on an entire planet he asked us to call him Captain blonde beard well technically Mars would be under marit I know [Music] explain okay uh we're going to start by stating for the record that you're not going to like this oh yeah Mar gravity entirely and to to intercept the heres he has to be going fast exactly mhm we need to remove the nose outlock the windows and whole panel 19 you thinking means it like are you kidding me you know mhm or like are you kidding me worst thing is I totally understood the difference H I actually don't know because I don't I'll probably think the second way actually because it's like if they just inform them about what the plan is he'll be like what I know what they're doing because I like the way fastest man in history of space travel sounds I do like the way it sounds me I like it a lot let's do this oh [Music] waterl [Music] we're actually doing this I can't take this serious with this song kind is like jumping onto a moving train so any more than that and I might miss goodbye Mars there's aood of oh the hair too this is so interesting like they can actually retrieve him but they only get one chance to do this engine alignment perfect Communications 5x have t minutes 10 seconds to launch By the Mark well tell that [ __ ] no barrel rolls Capcom Go Remote command recovery go I never expected this to happen tus 10 main engine start 4 3 2 altitude 1350 M that's too low I well it's fighting me what name do you read it passed out 2 one shut down I have interval P inter come on guys keep it together work the problem your hands in time to intercept I can get by with about 20% of what we have left hang on it it brings the range to zero but Martinez burn the Jets copy that this is so stressful the Marcus passed out in space and now he's awake in space W what's your status well we've corrected The Intercept range but we've got a problem with intercept velocity Commander I have an idea go ahead Mark I can't see you have any control if you did that you'd be eyeballing The Intercept I'd get to fly around like Iron Man this guy is never taking it seriously no it is the worst idea it's the worst idea not what he said using atmosphere as thrust Boogle go ahead Commander I need you to come inside and make bomb yeah copy I'm on my way h i I want all the memorials back home to be about me just me liquid oxygen and some stain remover that contains ammonia how do we activate it can you connect this to one of your lighting panels open airlock one this is going to be so chaotic bomb set leaving airlock one beanson 260 me approximate it's too far Commander Martinez close the door and leave it open H Commander distance is too far I'm 10 seconds strap in 5 1 activating panel 41 worry about that later what's the relative velocity 12 m/ second hook me up done it's going for him oh it's going for him 312 M did you say 312 I can't get to you mark you're too far Beck unhook me I'm going after him Commander I got this he's actually doing it Mark report damn it oh distance to Target 24 M take it real them in reel them in terrible taste in music this was so stressful with hey handsome be close the [Music] hatch's on over [Music] there and now he's back home hey [Music] there sir sir welcome to the astronaut candidate program now pay attention I did in fact survive on a deserted Planet by farming in my own [ __ ] when I was up there Stranded by myself did I think I was going to die everything's going to go south on you everything's going to go south and you're going to say this is it this is how I end oh it's good at his job his new job all right questions Sam 8 minutes after launch from there they will have well no the goals have always been the same for the a program copy guidance this is flight what Martinez is going back chapter of American space exploration press good shot his name is Sean Bean that was so nice and they became parents yes [Music] bendi oh NASA working for them was actually my biggest dream when I was younger oh oh hello there oh did Commander Louis choose the song The outro song thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate it if you watch it together with me on patreon I hope you enjoyed it oh wow that was a ride that was so nerking it was insane him being a botanist and making sure that he has enough supplies and growing potatoes out of what he already explained in the ending as well it's just so exciting to see how people come up with this stuff and getting to see kind of like how NASA Works kind of seeing how NASA works I don't know if that's actually how they do it or uh if that was just like an example but for me that part seemed pretty accurate it was actually very exciting watching all of this and I hope that you have had a wonderful time as well and now I'm just so excited to see what we're watching next time whatever that will be yeah thank you so much for joining in today I hope you have had a good time and I hope that you enjoyed this not only the movie but I hope you enjoyed watching it together with me and watching my reaction if you like gaming and so on my second Channel my gaming channel I've decided that at 5,000 over there we're going to be starting balers Skate 3 but we still have a good way to go so I think I will get on with Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War before then that's great I am so excited to have you guys along here and joining me on my journey here on my main Channel I am over de moon for having you guys here so yeah thank you so so much for watching my full reaction is over on patreon all my social medias they're linked down below and I can't wait to see you in my next video very soon bye [Music] everyone
Channel: Centane
Views: 54,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game, Fun, Enjoy, Like, ThumbsUp, Subscribe, Gamer, Grill, GamerGirl, Movie Reaction, Twitch, Youtube, Live Stream, Content Creator, 100 Thieves, FNATIC, Playstation, Ambassador, Playstation Ambassador, Playstation 5, PS5, Gaming, Reading, Studying, Study with me, Reading vlog, First Time Watching, Movie Reactions, First Reactions, Reaction, First Reaction
Id: VTTsupCT4uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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