The Marine Corps' New Hotness: Mk318 Mod1

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hi Andrew here so we're gonna do some more 556 ballistic gel testing today and today we're taking a look at the mark 318 mod one this is in a way Marine Corps answer to m855a1 before they had m855a1 shoved down their gullets that is mark 318 mod one is designed to be an improved version of the already pretty decent Mark 318 at least in regard to terminal performance we're going to test it out of my 10 and a half inch ARF comm upper as I've mentioned in previous videos one of the primary reasons for testing from a short barrel is so that we can take a look at what it can do downrange as well as you know if it does OK from a short barrel it'll probably do okay from other barrel lengths let's get up to the range and shoot it in some calibrated 10 percent ballistic gelatin you alright guys so the total penetration was over twenty nine inches it passed all the way through this first 16 inch block as well as this catcher block that I use and it bounced off the soft armor that I placed behind to catch this sort of eventualities so we don't have a projectile to look at however the neck it's almost non-existent roughly half an inch temporary stretch cavity 11 inches by 3 inches so much disruption in here I don't see a lot of fragmentation but there may be some when we flip it around or later on when I melt this block down all right so we flip this around and we can see a small amount of fragmentation just a couple little pieces here here they look like they are almost entirely Jacket pieces there is some dark some darkness in the middle here that looks like it could be lead fragmentation but if it is it's extremely fine almost like dust and it stays fairly close to the main track except for that little lobe here and here otherwise the fragmentation is very minimal let's take a look at the other side of the block here looking back through the block in the other direction pretty much the same story minimal fragmentation but huge disruption in the block all right so he took another shot off camera and again it penetrated very deeply total penetration was 25 inches exactly however this is the bottom of this block I had to turn it over so that you guys could see where the bullet was if I can get this out of here take a little bit closer look at it it kind of blew off the front part of it leaving just the base it of course is what it's designed to do the fragmentation that you see in the block seems fairly minimal but of course there's there's a fair amount of fit we'll get a measurement for the retained weight when we get home of course some better photographs and all that all right well that was an absolute bomb of extremely short almost non-existent neck huge temporary stretch cavity lots of fragmentation and deep penetration of course for civilian home defense that may be a little excessive penetration for military use that's exactly what we want we want to see lots of disruption and lots of penetration we get the best of both worlds in the military world there really isn't such a thing as too much penetration we're generally operating under the assumption that everything in the direction your weapon is pointing is a bad guy yeah I know that the some exceptions went up but generally speaking we don't care about over penetration in the civilian world people do care about that a bit more although I'm if you've been watching this series you know my feelings on the matter I personally believe that it's extremely unlikely that your round will pass through a bad guy and hurt somebody that you didn't intend to hit happens for cops all the time because they often have to shoot people in crowded areas but it's extremely unlikely for a civilian good guy at home and I have yet to see someone give me an example of someone who acted in justified self-defense inside of their house a shot through a bad guy in hurt an innocent person so where does that leave mark 318 mod 1 well if you're asking me it is perfectly suitable for defensive use it is absolutely a good choice for defense of using your home if you're asking someone who's concerned about meeting that FBI 18-inch max or less then maybe this isn't the best choice as always the ultimate choice comes down to you the end user as to what fits your needs better if you disagree if you have an opinion on the matter of overpenetration definitely leave a comment below and come join us in the thread we'll post a link to the thread in the description as always like and share and engage with the post with this video because engaging with videos helps YouTube understand that you like watching gun videos and if you want gun channels on YouTube not just ar-15 comms Gian Channel but all gun channels to do better like share subscribe share share share share now seriously posted on Instagram Facebook all of that that helps us gun channels out immensely have a great day
Channel: AR15.COM
Views: 31,481
Rating: 4.9355783 out of 5
Keywords: gun, guns, shooting, shooter, shoot, ammo, ammunition, range, operator, ar-15, ar15, glock, shotgun, 9mm, 45acp, 40s&w, 10mm, 12 gauge, body armor, ballistic gel, kevlar, tactical, rifle, assault weapon, self defense, hunting, police, leo, military, survival, marine corps, usmc, ballistic, test, mk318, mod0, mod1
Id: BFxJPfY6m7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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