The Mandalorian Season 3: Grogu’s Lightsaber Explained and Ahsoka Star Wars Easter Eggs

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It belonged to my teacher, Master Yoda. Welcome back everyone it's Charlie. This will be my Mandalorian video All about Grogu wielding a lightsaber. people are wondering why didn't Luke Skywalker give him Yoda's lightsaber when he left his academy? There's a couple of reasons why they did it that way, and one of them is because of what happened with Ahsoka in her back story, what happened with her lightsabers. If you're brand new to the channel, I'm doing videos for all the Mandalorian episodes. Be sure to subscribe to get them all. But recently, Jon Favreau revealed more about what was happening at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy with Grogu training in the force. If it wasn't clear. Grogan was meant to have been training with Luke for almost a year, like way longer than people assumed he was. When we were all watching those episodes. You jump from The Mandalorian Season two Episode eight to Book of Boba Fett. You see him training there with Luke. Within a few episodes, he's back with Mando. It seemed like it happened overnight, like he was only there for a couple of weeks. At the beginning of The Mandalorian Season three, Jon Favreau clarified that the time period of him having been away from Mando was meant to be closer to a year, like he was meant to have been separate from Mando for a long time. And even though we've only seen him use his force powers a little so far this season, they also clarified the Grogu has gotten way more powerful than we saw at the end of the book of Boba Fett. So since he left Luke Skywalker's Academy, in addition to what he learned with Luke, he's gotten way more powerful. So we'll continue to see him use of force in more powerful ways during season three. In fact, the next episode is called The Foundling. We're probably going to get more flashbacks to Order 66 and find out who end up saving him from the Jedi Academy. From Order 66. And again, Skywalker probably one of the best examples of Grogu getting more powerful since Book of Boba Fett is the whole idea that during those episodes we saw him tamed the rain cord through the force. We just saw the myth this or this massive beat. It's way, way bigger, way more hardcore than rain, cause we all think they're eventually going to ride the myth this or at some point. That's the whole idea behind the Mandalorians culture. Based on the original Mandalore he rode a myth or he tamed a myth or but now it's probably going to be grogu you to speak to the myth A saw through the force and get it to help them in. According to Jon Favreau, the series have all been moving closer to real time one right after the other since the beginning of season one. So season one was meant to start five years after Return of the Jedi. So right now, in present day, we're almost nine years after Return of the Jedi. And when Luke Skywalker asks Roku to make the choice whether to continue training as a Jedi at his new academy, which they confirmed is on the planet Arceus, which is a huge cut from the legends canon that used to be the original Homeworld of the Jedi Academy. The original Jedi Academy, before they moved it to Coruscant. And when Luke Skywalker asked him to choose staying at his Jedi Academy or going back with Mando, choosing Yoda's lightsaber or the Chainmail Mandalorian Beskar armor that was meant to be a direct reference to a samurai film Shogun Assassin, which is a great film. I would recommend watching it. If you're a big fan of Samurai films, a lot of Star Wars is inspired by Samurai films, but during that movie, which is based on Lone Wolf and Cub, which heavily inspires the tone of The Mandalorian series, Lone Wolf and the young cub Grogu, who the boy is presented with a similar choice. You must choose the ball of the sword, even though in that example, choosing the sword meant choosing a life with the assassin. Joining him on a mission to assassinate the Shogun in a quest for revenge. Choose the sword and you will join me. Choose the ball and you join your mother like he would choose the path of revenge. Or if he chose the ball, that meant joining his mother in death, meaning he would be killed. And when you're seeing Grogu choose version of that choice with Luke Skywalker, normally you'd think the lightsaber would represent the sword, the laser sword, meaning the path of revenge, the path of the mandalorians. But because in the Star Wars version of that, you have the best armor as the other choice that was meant to represent the life with Mando, without completely telegraphing what Mando's eventual fate would be like, They didn't want to get too far ahead of the story at that point. Grogu Who chooses a life with Mando? But the funny thing here is that Mando's whole arc the setting up with the Darksaber is essentially a similar quest for revenge against the Empire, mostly in the form of Moff Gideon and Grand Admiral Thrawn, who are the remaining representatives of the Empire who destroy the Mandalorians Homeworld Mandalore. Now they're on the process of trying to reclaim it, reclaim their people's identity, and redefine what it means to be a mandalorian. Like the whole title of the series The Mandalorian is meant to refer to many different things, many different ideas and concepts, but also to many different characters. The whole series is basically about what it means to be a mandalorian, but right now there's a lot of different factions. The Mandalorians all fighting with each other over what that actually means. What customs do they follow, What path does their culture take? We're seeing that conflict play out over the course of season three with Mando, the Darksaber bo-katan the armor like even though Bo-Katan is aligned herself with Mando in the Armors faction, she also has a lot of different ideas about which direction their culture should take. So Grogu who essentially, in choosing the best armor the way the Mandalorian seems like he chose the more stabby path that he could have taken. So given that after the fact, a lot of people were wondering why Luke Skywalker just didn't let Grogu have Yoda's lightsaber when he left. It wasn't because he was salty about Grogu not wanting to train his Jedi academy like, Fine, you can't have the lightsaber anyway, I'll keep it with me. Grogu choosing to leave his academy didn't bother Luke at this point in the timeline, Luke is super zen about that, even though he's still busy trying to find as many force sensitive people around the galaxy to train Grogu who would have been his first official pupil at the New Jedi Academy on OS's. As far as we know, there are no other members of Yoda species who Luke winds up training, so it wasn't like there were any other members of Yoda's species to show up and claim Yoda's lightsaber. Why then not let grogu you have the lightsaber if it's just going to be sitting in a box in Luke Skywalker Jedi Academy for the rest of time because we're getting ready to get more Grogu Back Story Order 66 Back of the Jedi Academy during the prequels just to explain his relationship with Yoda in Seattle. Yoda himself would have known Grogu who I don't think that Grogu who is secretly a clone of Yoda, even though there are theories about that now because of what happened earlier in the series. All this talk about grogu cloning, I think that's all a separate plot. I think they are trying to clone grogu you, but I think that he himself is just meant to be a normal member of Yoda's species, not another clone of Yoda. We clearly saw Grogu at the Jedi Academy. Yoda wasn't super crazy when he learned about the original Clone Army. He would have also not allowed anyone to clone him too. He would have considered that an abomination. Like how dare you try to clone me in the real world? Just in addition to that, George Lucas has always been super protective of the way that Star Wars treats the Yoda character, his species in general, especially Grogu, who now in present day trying to prevent a lot of new law and stories that overexplain Yoda's back story or explain too much about their race. People have tried to do that in the past, like especially when legends can still reign supreme before Disney. But Star Wars people would come along trying to explain more about Yoda's backstory, tell more stories about Yoda's history, and usually Lucas would put the kibosh on that as he would allow a lot of other stuff to fly just to keep Yoda as mysterious a character as possible. We do know his race is meant to be extremely rare in the galaxy. They're all born incredibly powerful in the force, in their natural environment, or typically swampy areas like Dagobah. Yoda would have known where members of his race were in the galaxy. But it's not information. He would have been broadcasting 24 seven for hundreds of years for everyone in the Republic to see like, Hey, everybody, come look at the members of my species hidden all over the galaxy. He would have also been the person to find Grogu and bring him to the Jedi Academy when Grogu was much younger and begin his training, even if Yoda himself wasn't Grogu's only Jedi master. When people are brought to the Jedi Academy, most kids are around the age of four, and a lot of initial basic training that they do are under many different Jedi masters, like very Rudimentary Day one type of training. So it wasn't like Rogue who only trained under Yoda. I also don't think that Grogu was Yoda or Seattle's child, even though there were all those Maury memes during season one. Like hit it, Yoda did it and quit it. But if there were so few members of their race, Grogu would literally have been one of the only beings capable of using Yoda's lightsaber after his death. So Yoda would have wanted grogu you to have it eventually. And if it wasn't clear just the way the force goes work, Yoda can show up to appear to anyone that he wants to. It doesn't have to be another Jedi. So even after his death, in Return of the Jedi, Yoda could still be looking over Grogu and have visited him at some point. Here's where we get to Ahsoka when we talk about why Grogu didn't take Yoda's lightsaber with him when he left Luke. What happened with Grogu, who is meant to be very similar to what happened with Ahsoka when she left the Jedi Order. When she left the Jedi Order, she left her lightsabers with them. So she didn't have lightsabers for a little while. A little later in the Clone Wars timeline and again, Skywalker gave her her lightsabers back repaired and polished as he says, good as new and took care of the goods. Now, even though right after this she lost, wandering the chaos of Revenge of the Sith in order 66 and left the second one behind in order to fake her death so that the Empire would think that she was dead. She didn't know the Anakin Skywalker had just become Darth Vader officially till a little bit later. She wasn't thinking about hiding from. And again, when she did this, she was just trying to hide from the Emperor's forces in general. Little more time goes by. She's hiding in the outer rim. We saw that during Tales of the Jedi. She doesn't have her own lightsaber yet, but she eventually encounters a sixth inquisitor and winds up purifying his lightsaber crystals, using them to build her twin white lightsabers that you see her now using in present day during The Mandalorian. So part of the idea and having Grogu leave without Yoda's lightsaber is that he's seeking his own path to the force like Ahsoka did. Like he won't become a Jedi, just like Ahsoka did not become a Jedi. They're both turning into something completely different. And also like Ahsoka Grogu, who will eventually craft his own lightsaber. In addition to that, though, because there's been a lot of theories about this, people wondering, will he wield the darksaber? Because it will be awesome to see Grogu using the Darksaber in some way. In so much of the Mandalorian series plot revolves around the Darksaber It is another lightsaber. It's just a different kind of lightsaber. So yes, I totally think that Grogu will eventually use the darksaber but with a twist. If you think about it this way, practically the hilt is way too big for him to wrap his tiny little fingers around. So I think it's more likely that he would use the force to wield it. Like he'll swing it around, but he'll be pushing it around with the force which Jedi used to do all the time. Force throw their light sabers if he were going to actually wield the lightsaber like a traditional fighting stance where he swings around with his hands the hilt would have to be Yoda size. And also right now, like in present day, he's still a fraction of Yoda's size, so his hands are even smaller than Yoda's. If he used both of them, he could probably wrap them around Yoda's hilt, but even that would be a bit of a stretch at this point. Like the lightsaber itself would still be way bigger than him. It would make more sense for him to wield a light saber by pushing it around in the force. For those wondering about how fast Yoda's species grows, Yoda became a Jedi master when he was about 90 years old. Grogu, who is currently in his mid-fifties and think about how big he is. So he'll pie grow pretty quickly over the next 30 years to physical maturity. But that's a long time. Like 30 years isn't exactly the blink of an eye, but that's about how long it would take for his hands to physically get as large as Yoda. His hands in long term is cool as it would be sick rogue who take the darksaber and for it to become his permanent lightsaber. I don't think that's going to happen. I think ultimately the Darksaber will wind up staying in the hands of a human Mandalorian in just passed through their line in Grogu will just wind up building his own completely different lightsaber one with a tiny little Yoda sized hilt. Even after he grew to Yoda size, his hands would still be too tiny to wrap around the hilt of the Darksaber let me know in the comments though. Grogu, who eventually winds up building his own lightsaber. What color do you want it to be? A big reminder to my Mandalorian Season three Episode four Video We'll post next. Be sure to enable alerts for my channel so you don't miss that. Click here to watch that video, Update the link as soon as I post that and click here for all my other Mandalorian episodes. Thank you so much for watching. Everyone stay safe. And this is the way.
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 684,088
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Keywords: Trailer, The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 4 Trailer, Emergency Awesome, The Mandalorian, the mandalorian seasaon 3 episode 4, The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 4, the mandalorian season 3 episode 3, The Mandalorian Thrawn, Star Wars, The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1, The Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer, trailer, Marvel, Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Trailer, Movies, Movie, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Mandalorian Season 3, Grogu, Mandalorian, 2023, the mandalorian, ahsoka trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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