The Man Who Reinvented Internal Combustion And Disappeared- Fact Or Fiction

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before we get started with today's topic i got to show off two things that i mean are just beautiful i'm proud of the first is junkyard jet guys finished up their short block the other day look at this thing it's a jewel they took their time they were meticulous about everything i believe they've only got about 900 bucks tied up total in this lump it looks like five or six thousand really first rate job and she spins over like butter just the way she's supposed to they're off to a great start good job guys the other thing is this model that came in the mail the other day so this was a total surprise this came from a fellow named dr duster from pittsburgh pa kj kylie he built this thing this is a model it's like an exact replica of plan z look at that thing it's gorgeous it's actually nicer than the real car but uh i mean right down he's got the stp stickers on headlight covers and he's got a little swiss cheese holes in it even if you look behind the front wheel here i don't know if you can see it on the camera he's got the swiss cheese holes we put in the frame rails over the swiss cheese holes in the interior the stickers everything is is just here look at this even around the back of it he's got the battery cut off switch our aluminum plate that goes across the back just an outstanding job it's it's beautiful so kj thank you so much you have no idea how much we appreciate this this will be around long after the car is gone so i'll just leave that there but the topic what we want to talk about here is a very popular subject with you guys because these videos keep getting views and they keep getting comments so we're just going to keep going with it and all has to do with the classic car fuel economy carburetors uh we talked about smoking unix vapor engine and like this is the videos keep getting views and the comments keep coming in and the comments keep coming in like every day and they keep saying the same thing and it's the myths just keep going and going so i propose that there's no such thing as a 100 mile per gallon carburetor unless of course you've got you know a honda super cub and you're going to get 125 miles in a gallon that's fine but in a car three thousand pound car 200 horsepower a car that's going to operate in traffic no there's no such thing there never was and never will be but yet the comments keep coming in i got i got comments today from videos that we did last week and honestly guys if you read the other comments you'll see that they contradict the comments or the stories that you tell because there are certain themes that just keep going going the one theme that you keep i keep reading is the guy you know a guy your neighbor your sister's neighbor your mother's friend whoever bought a 72 chevy and he found he was getting 80 miles to the gallon and he brought into the dealer and they said oh we put the wrong carburetor on there and they they swapped the carburetor out now he only gets 20 miles in a gallon change changed the the revelation the car the year right and and it's always the same story you guys keep telling the same story over and over again swearing is the truth there's the ones about the guys who got knocked off now if you bother reading the stories about the there's a couple of different ones about the guys who got quote you know knocked off by big oil there are so many holes in those stories i can't go into them all now but if you read them with a critical eye you'll see this is just something it was made up this is folk war that was just exaggerated and and through the years because you know it's conspiracies and hey i am number one conspiracy guy make no mistake about it but when it comes to conspiracies having to do with this no they don't add up read the stories the stories have holes on them but the one that people keep bringing up that actually isn't a made-up story that's the real thing and you can actually put your hands on one is the pogue carburetor now the pog carburetor was actually the the the predecessor to smoke unix hot vapor engine they they operated on the same principle and in fact it goes back to even the earliest internal combustion engines where they would vaporize different fuels to get internal combustion engines to run before gasoline became standard so you had different things like kerosene or whale oil whatever it is that they were using and they would vaporize these different liquids feed them into an internal combustion engine and it would run 19 teens 1920s 1930s gasoline became the standard and so those vapor systems went away but here's here's how you have to understand and this answer is this is going to answer some some questions that came up in previous videos we were talking about the hot vapor engines and why hot vapor as opposed to cold and it has to do with there's a contradiction there's the contradiction of of power okay so think about this for a second when a manufacturer builds a car they have to compromise in all different aspects they have to build a car this middle of the road that will operate in high altitude low altitude people of different experience and skill levels driving it and starting it and operating it and maintaining it so everything is done as a compromise one of the biggest compromise areas is in the induction system so production cars have a an induction system that is both geared towards performance and economy and it's kind of a middle-of-the-road split so for example all of your carbureted production engines had a heat stove or somebody heat underneath the carburetor but the high performance versions would have a cold air system to allow cold air in somewhat defeating the the vapor part of it or the hot part of it so here's where the two go into different directions the the high performance and economy when you're splitting and that's the essence of hot rodding when you're hot rodding what you're doing is you're essentially you're taking the compromises built into the factory production car and you're changing those compromises to move the balance one way or the other so if you wanted a car let's say you've got a car and you want to get maximum fuel economy out of it well you're going to heat the induction system as much as possible you're going to vaporize as much of that fuel as possible it creates a very light charge that's easy to light it's very fast burn it spreads across the combustion chamber and starts the piston down as quickly as possible but it doesn't have much follow-up oomph on the other hand if you want to take that same car and modify it for performance now what you do is you remove all of the heat from the induction system you remove the the under the heating element from underneath the carburetor you'll add spacers and insulators to the carburetor to cool it off you'll do and and add a cold air induction so this way you get more oxygen in more oxygen molecules per and then if you've got more oxygen you can chill the fuel and get more fuel through the jets and into the engine and so you'll get a longer duration pressure pulse see it all has to do with the pressure pulse like for instance if you've got like a three inch stroke a hot vapor engine will light that cylinder hard but it will only carry for the first let's say half inch of the stroke three quarters of into the stroke if you go the opposite and you chill everything and get that extra oxygen in there with the extra fuel now instead of it just being powered for the half inch now it's powered for like a full inch do you see what i'm saying that's the difference between a high induction and a cold induction and the problem with these vapor carburetors or vapor systems is that you give up a lot of performance in order to get the increased fuel mileage but how much fuel mileage so smoking unix well before we even talk about smoking units thing let's go back and talk about the pogue carburetor so the pogo carburetor there's no there's no myth about this they were actually produced they were patents made they were produced they're real they were exist they they they were sold to the public don garlits has one in the museum down there in florida he's got at least one carburetor on display and the idea behind the pog carburetor was to create complete vaporization in the carburetor and then feed it into the engine now here's where things start to get weird okay this is where right if you read the initial uh reports on this carburetor if you do some research and you go back to when it was when it was when it was released in the 1930s there were all sorts of claims about this thing getting 100 miles to the gallon that people different magazines and different newspapers tested it and they got x amount of some astronomical number they all got different numbers but they were always like way beyond and this carburetor was like i said it was patented it was produced it was offered to the public it was purchased by the public and put on their cars and then suddenly it just disappeared and it didn't become illegal it didn't become outlawed or banned it disappeared because it didn't work it was a scam the whole thing was a scam and and i imagine that the story about that kid in texas with the that got killed in 1970 i believe it was with his eldorado as high miles aldorado i think that was a similar sort of scam i don't think that kid ever actually existed but that's a whole other story the pogue carburetor didn't work it functioned as a carburetor but it didn't get anywhere near the 100 miles per gallon and similar to smokey's examples smokey built these hot vapor engines improving on the concept or the the perceived shortfalls of the carburetor and in testing it got 15 to 20 percent better gas mileage than a conventional carburetor but you gave up a good bit of drivability and you gave up a good bit you gave up drivability flexibility and power so it was good to cruise but it didn't really have the acceleration capabilities for acceleration you need the oxygen and you need the the extra fuel that that oxygen will burn to give you the duration of burn that makes power not just roll something down the street same thing with the guys who run let's say lawn mowers or or other stationary engines off of vapors yeah there's no doubt it can be done an engine will run off of vapors but it won't make any power it won't it won't it won't do the same amount of work that it will if you feed it liquid and let it go through that process of atomization and vaporization so the pog carburetor like i said now where do we get the idea that this was a scam from well i did some research and i found this on well i did a search and i found a link on the ham the hokiest message board and uh it was an interview done with pogue by a newspaper in 1953 so this is after everything was done and this was this was the first interview that pogue had given after his his his flirtation with fame in the 1930s and then him going underground disappearing so it's a very interesting interview and i obviously i'm not going to read the whole thing to you here because that would take way too long and if you're that interested you could find it yourself um let me read this paragraph and this pretty much says everything this is directly from the words of him of the inventor of this carburetor but then with prodding he admitted that his own automobile reigned for 10 years on one of his carburetors but he refused to divulge performance figures for that period further he denied that he listened further he denied that he ever claimed that invention offered 200 miles to the gallon or even half of that when pinned down however pogue refused to name the figure he claims has been quote violently distorted by newspaper men and magazine writers okay so this is the inventor of this carburetor and again see it's not like there's any government conspiracy to take it off the market or or make it disappear or make him disappear no this was produced and it's it's an absurdly complicated and intricate device it was produced it was it was sold to the public it was purchased by the public you can go put your hands on this thing right now so the government never got involved and took it and and disappeared them no figures are given and the claims now you got to read this again here now the claims were violently distorted by newspaper men and magazine writers well it was a newspaperman and magazine writers that were claiming it was getting a hundred miles in a gallon the truth is that the carburetor did work you put it on your car it would start it would run it would get you down the road but it had enough shortcomings and didn't produce enough gas mileage it probably took our car that would get 25 miles per gallon and boost it to like 35 miles per gallon at the sacrifice of being able to climb hills and do things like that so he was probably sued up the wazoo by people for false advertising and all these other things and he went underground and that's why from 1936 until 1953 he didn't give any interviews he didn't talk to anybody the guy just went completely underground and when he does come up he says no the claims were bogus they weren't real it's a great article to read it's a great interest to read if you take your time to find it so i hope that kind of lays to rest the story of the mystery crazy mile per gallon carburetors it doesn't exist there's only so much energy available in a gallon of gasoline or a drop of gasoline or a cup full of gasoline a carburetor full of gasoline there's only so much energy available in it and it has to be dispersed and distributed through an internal combustion engine and processed so much of it gets lost in that process that has nothing to do with the carburetor and everything to do with the actual way an internal combustion engine processes energy there's no magic bullets there's no magic carburetors so i'm going to leave that that for now and the next time around we get into this i'm going to talk about physical differences in engine architecture as it applies to gas mileage fuel mileage economy as opposed to performance i hope you got something out of that i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Uncle Tony's Garage
Views: 88,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pogue carburator, pogue carb, 100 mpg carburator, 100 mpg carb pogue, 100 mpg, internal combustion engine, combustion, water powered car, engineering, stanley meyer autopsy, automobile, compression, hydrogen car, how things work, history, engines, documentary, stanley meyer
Id: 982XI5HWRw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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