Was The Man Who Made The Water Engine Murdered? | The Conspiracy Show | Documentary Central

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i'm richard sarrit welcome to the conspiracy show the water engine is a play by david mamet about a young amateur inventor who designs an engine that runs on well water but his plan to patent this disruptive alternative energy technology is met with violent suppression mammoth's play set in 1934 new york was a work of fiction or was it there have been numerous attempts by real life inventors to create a water fueled car a device that can produce fuel from water with no other energy input the ability to extract the chemical potential energy directly from water in excess or in equal proportion to the energy required to facilitate such production is mainstream science says a violation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics but one inventor in particular stanley meyer claimed that is exactly what he did and it is suspected among the conspiratorial minded that stanley meyer just like the inventor in david mamet's play the water engine met with violent opposition to his disruptive alternative energy technology we're about to meet several inventors including an electrical engineer who conclude based on the evidence that stanley myers was likely murdered by agents working for big oil to prevent his water engine from becoming commercially available they also believe it's possible that meyer's technology worked just as he described and demonstrated in a number of videos while these inventors admit no one has been able to duplicate meyer's achievement since his death they do insist numerous kits are available which will allow consumers to supplement their gasoline fuel with a chemical energy extracted from water thus improving their car's fuel mileage and they're going to show you how you can do it of course we try to provide some balance on the conspiracy show so as per usual we'll hear from a skeptic a pretty open-minded skeptic i must say perhaps predictably he'll try and refute the late stanley myers claims insisting that the notion of running an internal combustion engine on pure water flies in the face of the laws of physics as for the claim that it is at least possible to supplement gasoline with an energy extracted from a water molecule well his views on that may surprise you me i just want the truth and i'll drive to hell and back to find it it is time to redefine reality that's how cynical i am now about the process mainstream media today [Music] just think water everybody has water imagine running your engine on water water is free and can it be done absolutely was done stanley meyer he absolutely did it and he actually created a patent on it it's incredible of his details but it's so simple but yet it worked he was running this car on water he said i'm going to go to new york and on 20 gallons of water and come back and i go wow here we are ready to go to war and it goes ditch the oil you know the warfare oil they go let's just run the car water that's all everything a lot of people went saw it and if they didn't like the people they wouldn't run it but they liked this one friend that went there and so they go oh you're cool you know you're representing people are going to buy it you guys have money and so they ran the engine for them and they had it locked in a building two-story buildings we couldn't get into it couldn't steal it they just ran it around this room upstairs i don't know around the circles and that's kind of funny you have two ports oxygen one part hydrogen so if you could control and split the oxygen from the hydrogen and then basically smack it do the voltage and the current in his supporting circuits that now you have a high output of hydrogen say it's the combustion at that point but now it yields 1800 times the power and now you deliver that much more power to your load and off you go so you're taking water separating water by some electronic ingenious ways of doing it that you get here in this patent and you got an engine that's running on water so the wave is square so what you want you want off on has to be this off on shock so you spin the molecule in a parallel spin state see regular all the cells are proton neutrons are spinning like this on our bodies and everything but we're putting in a parallel state you know like a regular conventional car you have you know pollutant and common monoxide here is basically there's no carbon monoxide it's fantastic for the environment without using traditional fossil fuels man would you want to go out and get this vehicle yourself and this think of the coast there's no cost in water it's natural part of the earth i mean water is all over it's abundant the implication is that the holy spirit told him what to do in response to his prayers well i can't judge that aspect but unless there is some amazing source of cosmic energy this is impossible stanley myers i listened to his presentation at the conference in 1992 and i would say it is indeed outlandish the fact is that our common knowledge of the first law of thermodynamics is absolutely violated well the first law of thermodynamics basically says in a simple form that the amount of energy going into system cannot be smaller than the amount of energy going out but it will go out as effective energy that we wish mechanical energy heat whatever or losses occur which typically end up as thermal energy but basically that you cannot put in a little bit and get out a lot that is impossible according to first order thermal thermodynamics they at first they say now this can't happen it doesn't work there's no way this thing could work and he goes well yeah it does work i'll give you a demo my um dune buggy i have some modifications but you know there's no tricks here and i'll show you guys come down and take a look at it well if you don't want to take a look at i'm sure other people might be interested especially the general public and maybe the government might want to look into it too so you know i invite everybody to come and let's have a discussion so of course you know a company like you know oil company is gonna absolutely try to deny saying that's not gonna ever gonna work the only argument you could have possibly is if some unknown new form of energy is utilized and the implication is that the holy spirit told him what to do in the in response to his prayers well i can't judge that aspect but unless there is some amazing source of cosmic energy this is impossible he says it comes from the black hole you know where it comes from longitudinal energy you know i don't understand it totally but i i have a feeling um you know science will just cut you off they just say no he can't it's impossible he can't run that icy engine indeed there has been here at the university of toronto under many places research done on what was called at one point the hydrogen economy so that we don't pollute we use hydrogen as a fuel we get water as a product and therefore there is no pollution and it all sounds very nice but hydrogen has very severe problems it is explosive it has to be contained and containing it means a very low temperature and an extremely high pressure or you can't contain it and of course if your vessel explodes you have trouble also hydrogen has this unpleasant ability to find its way through metals so if you have a steel container and you leave it with hydrogen for some time the hydrogen molecules slowly diffuse through the metal they are so small that they can get through so it's really very very tough to do it and i think all those efforts while they went on for a long time have been only modestly successful well it's it's not purely 100 hydrogen you know it's kind of like it it's it's not in its purest state it's kind of you could say in a filtered state so it's more of a diluted form instead of total hydrogen so you know you have like h3 oh you know you have another isotope let's say and then another isotope into the to the pure h2 or hydrogen state you basically now have um not as volatile type of gas as a pure byproduct of hydrogen so that by playing with the amount of generation of his frequency with his pulse width there the actual output now hydrogen is not pure hydrogen gas at that point this is kind of like a scaled-down version and that's more of the secret of his research was to basically have a high output but not basically have a one form of you know dangerous gas let's say it's the safest gas on the planet because there's no flames to it soon as it hits the air it's over with explosions over with so as with gasoline you got a vapor still going and it's still engulfing the air and burning and you know and you're spam you know it's like a blows up so it's really a safest gas on the planet the cleanest gas on the planet you know it revokes back to water stanley takes his sip and within not even a minute he basically starts to shake stands up tries to run out the exit of the restaurant stan goes i don't know what's going on but i think i was poisoned [Music] so now all of a sudden all these you know exxon mobil people and so on and so on wait a minute wait a minute you all are huge profits you're taking our gas away and you're replacing it with water no we can't have that what do you want to do with a lot of supporting stockholders what are you going to do with all the people that are investors you know what are you going to do to all the people that are basically your employees you can't stop us you have something totally different simple thing is water are you going to put us out of business something's wrong here that can't be they'll put the fbi the nsa the cia after you because they don't they don't want this cat out of the bag you know because they won't make any money the bankers won't make money anymore so this is like terror than water yes i think it stands to reason that it is possible that stanley mayer was on to something real and he was running his car on mainly hydrogen but i think the what what happened was that his patents could not be replicated because he left out some important parts so the patent was used to publish enough to protect his technology but not to give it out you can't just implement it out of the what he did i haven't found uh enough information in what stanley mayor left to replicate this technology so what i did is i just took everything that i could find and gave it to others and say hey i give you a system where you can see that there's something to it and you can place some of your gasoline with hydrogen now here's stanley mayer's documents and patents if you can do something with it please do i just just giving it for free but i couldn't replicate myself and i and none of my friends could either now between me and you in a lamppost the reason why i'm not seeing tons of this stuff out there if they see what happened to stanley they might be you know what i don't want to walk in the same shoes because it might happen to me too you know the oil companies they hire like the mafia to do they don't do the dirty work they hire a guy to hire a guy that's why brad it makes sense you know they hire a guy to hire a guy and you just take thugs you know you give them the money people do anything you know he was in contact with some guys from belgium representing some energy enterprise they wanted to buy his patents and his technology as i gathered he actually refused i think it was a quote a billion or something and once he refused and he was announcing that he was going to do it himself then he was eliminated by by poisoning or something like that so imagine you have a group of professional people at a luncheon and all of a sudden they start off with a toast and what's interesting about the toast it's cranberry juice so let's have a toast with cranberry juice stanley takes his sip and within not even a minute he basically starts to shake stands up tries to run out the exit of the restaurant his brother is frantic runs after him he goes what's going on stan what's going on stan goes i don't know what's going on but i think i was poisoned and a couple of minutes later he's dead right there i think that stanley mara was hit because he was not willing to give the information of how he runs a car totally on hydrogen and i think the guys that were offering to buy it from him wanted to just kill it forbid him from doing it and then they would just put it in there the deepest drawer that they can find that's what i think they would have done with that not give it to mankind or anything what i think is he was murdered because wouldn't you want to stop somebody if they're going to put me out of billions worth of business that adding small amount of water or oxygen hydrogen to a gasoline tank or into the carburetor can indeed help we wonder for gas i see it as a movement not as a company because i teach people how to turn water into some usable form of energy and i put it into use in my own car how does this water fuel technology work what's the science behind it i took a mason jar just a kitchen jar and i put some electrodes in there which means just metal wires running down and a little bit of baking soda to make the water conduct electricity so far it's very very basic science it's high school science now when you put 12 volts into the water it starts uh doing something called electrolysis splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen now you take that hydrogen and you throw it into the engine any engine it could be a long mower it could be a big truck anything in between you throw it it's like throwing a match and it makes the fuel there burn better than what the car engineers have done that's all it is it's just you're making it better but by this little addition the hydrogen makes the fuel burn better and that's how we increase the mileage we don't increase the mileage from 100 we just take the 20 the the miserable 20 that we get from these shiny cars and we improve it a little bit you'll have a little bubbler tank after that this goes into the air filter box it dries the gas it took a while but i i get 24 miles a gallon now and i can use a cheaper gas because this is a like a adding 130 octane it cleans your engine your engine cleans up it'll run cooler the oil changes are less your spark plugs are clean it cleans all the engine out they race goes man you take the spark plugs out and they're like brand new you call it water fuel but it's not a liquid it's it's really a gas so what is this gas made up of the gas that we're that we're producing is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen you get some kind of a gas that has two hydrogen and one oxygen so we got hho it's not water it's not vapor it's not like like you vaporize it it's a fourth state and it will revert to water after it it burns which is the nice thing and i believe that thinking of the combustion reactions which involve carbon hydrogen oxygen in various versions you can have many paths how a reaction occurs and therefore if you can inject into your gasoline some hydrogen at the high temperatures of combustion that hydrogen can break down and water can break down giving you activated ions or molecules or atoms and these will indeed influence reaction path so that the reacting efficiency can be indeed higher so i'm prepared to believe that adding small amount of water or oxygen hydrogen to a gasoline tank or into the carburetor can indeed help how much i don't know but i think 10 20 30 is not out of question at all i understand you have some free downloads for our viewers available on your website tell me about those i want to to give a gift to the listeners and watchers of this show and i prepared a special download of all the information you just go there all the information is there how to download it what to do with it for creating a hydrology system the death of inventor stanley meyer is suspicious to say the least unfortunately the hard evidence to prove he was murdered simply doesn't exist now that doesn't mean he wasn't murdered it just means we can't prove it we do however have meyer's patents they're available online for anyone to see and hopefully one day someone may be able to duplicate meyer's device assuming they haven't been frightened off by his untimely and suspicious death i believe that it's quite possible meyer's device was not in violation of known laws of physics but rather he was simply tapping into a previously unrecognized source of power imagine running an automobile on distilled water no more gasoline no more wars over oil do you think a big oil would stand for it in the meantime we have commercially available kits like the ones at water for gas that you can have installed in your car right now a type of hydrogen molecule is extracted from the water and fed into your car's intake valve as you drive based on anecdotal evidence this hydroxy gas as it is called is improving their gas mileage by as much as 50 percent it's also supposedly making the car engine run smoother and produce less noxious emissions you'd have to purchase a kit have it installed and make that determination on your own if you do i'd love to hear from you and find out if it works it's not free energy but it's one small step in the right direction you can contact me through my website theconspiracyshow.com in the meantime don't be afraid [Music] um [Music] now [Music] foreign
Channel: Documentary Central
Views: 1,677,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doco, Documentaries, Documentary, Episode, Movie, Movies, Online, Series, TV, stan, water, car, watercar, hydrogen, hho, electrolysis, fuel, hydrogen car, hydrogen fuel, hydrogen class 11 chemistry, stanley meyers water fuel cell, stanley meyer, murder, conspiracy, lies, documentary, water powered car, stanley meyer autopsy, stanley meyer american inventor, stanley meyer autopsy report, stanley meyer assassination, stanley meyer car, stanley meyer cause of death, stanley meyer conspiracy
Id: yc_tMGJh43w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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