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hi today we're going to bust a scam or we're going to demonstrate that the oil companies have been keeping a secret from everyone that would allow you to improve the efficiency of an internal combustion engine [Music] foreign what I'm talking about is these HHO kits that you can buy online or on eBay that use the electrical system of the car to break water into hydrogen and oxygen and then feed that hydrogen and oxygen mixture into the engine in order to improve its performance they're tempting because they're not real expensive and they're relatively easy to install the question is do they work now if you ask a physicist whether or not they would work they would say no it's ridiculous there's no such thing as a perpetual motion machine and there is no thermodynamic principle that would allow them to work problem is a normal internal combustion engine has an efficiency of about 35 percent of the burning of chemical energy 65 percent is converted into heat it's the hot exhaust it's the reason you need a radiator or fins on the engine the mechanical output from the engine has to be used to drive the alternator typical efficiencies of an alternator are about 70 percent It's relatively low because an alternator bleeds off some of its output in order to energize the copper coils that produce the magnetic field that electricity then has to be fed into the electrolytic cell to break up the water into hydrogen and oxygen now in large scale industrial setups where they use platinum or Palladium electrodes and high pressures and high temperatures they can reach efficiencies between about 70 and 75 the typical HHO Generators that you're going to see in a car are not going to be that efficient and then what happens is the hydrogen and oxygen that comes out then has to be burned in the engine at about 35 efficiency so if you take a hundred units of mechanical output and convert that by 70 percent efficiency to electricity and then use that electricity at 70 percent to produce hydrogen and oxygen and then burn that at about 35 percent efficiency in the engine you're going to get about 15 units of mechanical energy back it can't work it's busted it's just there's no reason to do it however there is a potential pathway where this might work and that's why we built this whole setup to do this test because this is not just a failed perpetual motion machine the bulk of the chemical energy that is going into this engine is coming from the fuel the gasoline of the diesel and so if you add a very flammable mixture including oxygen which is an excellent oxidizer and hydrogen which is a superb fuel if that can enhance the combustion process even a little bit that may be enough to compensate for the inefficiency of generating the additive and that's what we're going to test now the way an electrolytic cell works it's pretty much standard that there are little changes in the different designs but they consist of a series of flat thin flat plates of metal in this case 316 stainless that are separated from each other by Rubber O-rings to create a container that will hold the liquid and then a large area up here to gather the gas before it's sent out the way they're wired up is that the outer two plates are ground these are the cathode this is where the hydrogen is going to be made and the center plate is the anode where the oxygen is going to be made the plates in between are floating electrically floating if you imagine the center plate being positive it's the anode the inner surfaces of the plates on either side are at a negative potential relative to that center plate and so they act as cathodes but as the voltage drops down toward the cathode the outside of those plates act as an anode relative to the plate outboard from them and so on and so on and so because the plates themselves have virtually no resistance they're big in diameter they're very thin and they're metal all of the voltage drop that occurs between the anode and the cathode occurs in the segments of liquid between them now if you fill that container with pure water and you create a potential here of at least 1.2 volts per segment you'll begin to disassociate the water into hydrogen and oxygen but you won't see any output it will be vanishingly small the problem is that once you create that potential you create a layer of ions in front of each of the plates and those ions cannot form neutral atoms unless you get the electrons to transfer between the ions the hydroxides and the hydroniums or the h plus water is a horrible conductor of electricity it's considered an electrical insulator so you need some vehicle to complete the circuit and allow the electrons to move between the plates and you accomplish that by adding a salt now you could add almost any kind of salt you could add sodium chloride except chloride will produce chlorine gas in the output so you want to stay away from table salt most commonly you'll use sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide and you can use it in a wide range of concentrations all the way from about a twentieth of a mole all the way up to about half a mole the only difference is as you increase the salt concentration and get greater conductivity you will produce more hydrogen and oxygen but you will also use more current it really doesn't change the efficiency so once the gas has come out it moves to What's called the bubbler the bubbler serves three functions one it's a visual aid you can sort of see the bubbles accumulating or moving through here and you can see that it's producing some output the other thing it does is acts as sort of a poor man's flashback arrester or one-way valve if for whatever reason you've got a spark that created a detonation or a flame tube it could move into the volume of the gas here but it isn't able to move all the way through and destroy the far more valuable and expensive HHO generator and the third value is that it's a filter unlike this container which contains the salt solution the electrolyte solution this contains pure water so if this gets pretty vigorous and carries a mist of this corrosive salt mixture into this volume here the water dilutes it so that what's coming out of the top isn't containing some corrosive material that's going to get into your engine what we're going to do is I'm going to demonstrate the operation of this and we're going to measure the efficiency of the production of hydrogen and oxygen so we're going to demonstrate the efficiency of the production by running the cell through a power meter that I've got located behind me here and then we're going to time how long it takes to produce one liter of hydrogen oxygen mixture so in this Basin of pure water I have a one liter Beaker that's inverted in the water and I'm going to draw the water up and then we're going to displace that with the hydrogen and oxygen it's so we're going to use this sophisticated filling technique scientist always needs to have a broad tool set foreign Yama now I'm going to put a bubbler down below here like this and a little counterweight just so that this thing doesn't float up and tip over and break I'm going to plug this in and we'll start the timer and we're going to be watching for the amount of power that this thing consumes when I turn this on ready to go and we'll put this over to watts okay so we're using about 386 Watts this will vary a little bit and we'll see how long it takes to bring this all the way down to one liter as the mixture gets warmer you'll actually find that the electrolytic process improves it doesn't get more efficient it just draws more current and makes more hydrogen and oxygen you see how this is starting to go up we're getting close there okay so 50 seconds and about 400 call it 400 watts good stuff so 400 Watts for 50 seconds is 20 000 joules thermal energy of hydrogen is 286 000 joules per mole the mass of one mole of hydrogen is two grams so the amount of thermal energy in one gram of hydrogen is 143 000 joules per gram the density of hydrogen gas is 0.09 grams per liter so the amount of thermal energy in one liter of hydrogen is 12 900 joules and because we're making hydrogen and oxygen H2O two-thirds of that liter is hydrogen one-third is oxygen so the amount of thermal energy in two-thirds of a liter of hydrogen is 8 600 joules so we're generating about 45 percent conversion efficiency of the electricity that we used in order to generate that much thermal energy that's probably typical of most commercial HHO cells I'd like to show you just how much power though 8600 joules is when it's when it's producing the hydrogen and oxygen and so I'm going to do a little demo here just for fun turn this on okay and then we have some bubble juice few headphone users here's a little warning it's going to be loud pretty neat huh this stuff it's a punch there's a lot of power there all right so to test the effect of the adding of the HHO we have to get a baseline what we're using here is a 79 Cc or 80cc Harbor Freight four-stroke engine this engine has had its fuel tank disconnected and I'm running this long fuel line over to a 100 milliliter buret the box here is a modification of the input to the engine because a four-stroke engine is actually only inhaling Vapor 25 of the time but this is making hydrogen and oxygen a hundred percent of the time we don't want to waste that into the atmosphere so what we've done is built a three liter box here that has a bunch of baffles and inputs over here and then a little hose barb down near the input to the engine where the HHO is fed in this allows the HHO to kind of build up between intake Strokes so that we don't waste it now because of the flow out of this HHO generator being about a liter a minute and because this engine when operating at 3600 RPM is operating at 60 revolutions per second or 30 intake Strokes per second so 30 times 80 means that this thing's eating up about 2.4 liters per second or about 150 liters per second so there is no way that one liter per minute is going to be countering the flow that's coming in through this box at about 150 liters per minute that way we make sure all the HHO gets into the system the output from the engine drives this permanent magnet DC motor generator these things are remarkably efficient they're about 95 percent efficient when you run them they barely get warm they're pretty neat generator systems the problem though is they generate a three-phase AC output and so we want to create DC and so sending this through a three-phase rectifier will bring this to a DC current that travels through this line but the current is very pulsatile there's a huge amount of Ripple coming out of the rectifier so we send that into a capacitor bank that Smooths out the power to produce smooth DC output that is fed into this meter here this will read volts amps and then down in this corner right here it will read Watts this is the number that we're really going to care about the power from the meter then goes into a set of resistors each of these 200 watt resistors is wired in series with a partner so it becomes 8 ohms and then the series is run in parallel so it goes back to four ohms that turns out to be just about right for this system now when I run this thing I'm going to start it up like I said it's going to be kind of loud I'm giving you a little bit of a warning and then we're going to measure how long it takes to use up 10 milliliters of fuel let's get started I'm going to turn it on now [Applause] about 565 Watts down there right there now we're gonna wait till we get to 30 milliliters and then I'll hit the timer [Applause] I don't know if you can hear me over the motor but that is an RPM gauge over there it's not necessary for the test but it gives us a little feedback on the engine [Applause] Okay one minute five seconds about 570 Watts [Applause] okay I should do this outside now we're going to send in the HHO and do the test all over again I'm also going to run this for a little while into the engine just because we may have accumulated a little air in here and to be fair I want to make sure I flush out all the air and we're only running hydrogen so while this fuel gets backed down to a nice number we're going to be wasting some HHO in here at the same time or some air and HHO mix hook that guy up there all right let's fuel this thing up to a better level another little interesting lab trick if you're trying to do really precise measurements relative measurements sometimes even these things are poorly scribed and so if you say I want 10 milliliters and you go between 30 and 40. you might get a different output if you go between 50 and 60. so really when you're trying to get precise try to redo everything as as much as possible all right starter up [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so as you can see we're running about 567 570. we're about 540 Watts on the electrical input and we got almost the exact same amount of time running on the fuel foreign [Music] this gets pretty warm so I think we're busted the amount of power that we needed to drive the electrolytic cell is almost equivalent to the power output of the engine we didn't get really any increase in power and the amount of fuel that we used over the same period of time means that the total energy output from the engine is unchanged so it's busted these devices cannot work in theory they don't work in practice save your money don't purchase them hopefully you found this interesting and for those of you that sell these or have used these understand that you're probably been lied to by the marketers or you're lying to yourself a lot of people who anecdotally anecdotally say that they've found that this has improved the performance of their engines have probably modified their driving behavior simply because they want to believe that it'll work and getting a little light on the throttle can make a significant difference in the mileage that you can get out of your car I want to appreciate you spending the time and watching and uh if you really like the kind of stuff that we're doing here please think about taking a couple of seconds and subscribing because it really helps the channel to grow and the bigger we get the more we can afford to show you so I'd really appreciate it if you take the time to do that in any case I want to wish you a very pleasant afternoon you take care and we'll see you soon foreign
Channel: Tech Ingredients
Views: 1,068,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6zErilY7E-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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