The Power of the Whistler 1945

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am the Whistler and I know many strange tales many secrets hidden in the hearts of men and women who were stepped into the shadows tonight I am keeping a strange rendezvous here is a strange man formed in God's image according to the Bible but how far is image from Mirage the two words sound alike this man looks like all others but what separates him from his fellows it cannot be seen by the naked eye [Music] his name is William Everest and he is a man with a ghastly mission which will not let him rest until it is successfully accomplished but the best laid plans which men sometimes make have a habit of going astray whether in this case for good or evil only the events of this night can foretell Monty's head on this lamppost ourselves so we call an ambulance you must have given yourself a heck of a life dear fellow are you sure you're all right right I seen half the license number mister maybe you want to swim or something how it was to be six alright thank you thank you put yourself out for some people you don't even ready thank you well maybe he's still punched off that bump on the head he gave himself for some he hesitated a thought must have run through his mind it took no longer than a second or two yet whose destiny may have been changed by this sudden impulse which took William Everest through the door of this little cafe down here in Greenwich Village and how will the fate of William everest himself be affected good evening Abel sir [Music] Jim again jeans just good because the girls playing for their lunches down the store every day she gets all that practice haven't had to buy lunch for two weeks you'll be sorry but all that free food starts showing itself around the kitchen [Music] 14:54 another uh-huh we all get going let me tell you a fortune no thank you I like to come up online gradually makes it that much more interesting how about you Charlie same I know my fortune already [Music] think I'll tell his hoes the good-looking man over at the bar no I never saw him before in my life [Music] that doesn't look some good death what does it say within 24 hours [Music] there's that cardigan within 24 hours come on let's go to a movie what shall I do don't be ridiculous darling you're not taking this little parlor game seriously I know it's silly but it's not only silly it's childish he's going only to another bar I'll bet you on that well where are you going somebody should tell him something Oh for heaven's sakes Jean you're acting like a school kid somebody should tell him something he think you were crazy I'm just trying to pick up an acquaintance it wouldn't be ladylike I know but the cards oh forget it he's going out of that door and out of our lives he even came in Jane don't be a fool come back here what do you know she sure takes her card signature she's got too much imagination for her own good oh don't worry about it so she tells him he thinks she's a first-class screwball then it's all over [Music] please sir I yeah I beg your pardon but two times the same thing happened I just had to I beg your pardon what was the cards both times the cards are the same thing at all you think I'm ridiculous well it's a instead originally if you think I'm trying to make your acquaintance you're very much mistaken well I'm disappointed all right well I had to tell you for your own good well I'd be very grateful for your concern if I knew the reason for it I told you so you did look what the cards cards what cards you're laughing at me I I don't blame you but you see I was telling your fortune in that cafe Oh playing card I see my fortune music it frightened me why well I thought I should tell you what the cards say well they said what did they say but you're in very great danger for the next 24 hours two times one after the other it said the same thing and I shuffle the cards very well - does that suggest something to you or warn you of someone perhaps suggest nothing he warns me of absolutely no one please just the same take care of yourself the next 24 hours maybe you have you were kind enough to help me I'd you well I I'm sorry I had a little accident tonight I'm alright I just thought I'm kind of busy oh well come on over here and sit down the owner of this car would object I'm sure let's go in here feel any better oh I'm alright it's still a little shaky a little what a doctor no no it's just that I'm ashamed to admit it but I don't seem to be able to remember my name stupid avi is me I hope you're not injured more than you're willing to admit no it's outside of little density I feel as well as I ever had I stopped in that bar over there for a drink and thought I would try to turn my head and it failed Rachel you remember nothing about yourself at all that I had someone to see and something very important to do but Oh what maybe you have something in your pockets that we tell us who you are well I doubted riding on it but now what let's look at them come on please very well gee I wonder what's taking Jeanne so long it's a pretty good-looking guy maybe jeans gone into details you better get the check Charley waitress where's the lunch cigarette lighter doctor's prescription and an order for a birthday cake receipt for two dozen American giddy roses a Canadian dollar with a license number penciled in key a railroad schedule with Woodville checked off doesn't mean very much doesn't oh well there's a name on this one two dozen American Beauty roses to Constantina Constantine even asked a civic theatre well that's marvelous it is well of course don't you see you must have sent these roses and the ladies probably a friend of yours and all we have to do is visit her and I will all be straightened out in no time what I thought of that myself I didn't know it's about me each one of these probably tell us something about you all we have to do is track them down you know you're as ingenious as you are beautiful time what oh well I hope you don't mind my friend was ill and we came in here to rest oh okay can I drop you something well Civic Theater I'm going right past there oh thank you [Music] [Music] couger out the stage door George why do you call me that I'll have to do we find out what your real name is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what am i you can't go in there like let me handle this we must see Constantine even Eska she's on the stage we'll wait inside that's so fast young lady are you friends of Miss even irska I hope the best she didn't say nothing about expecting you oh we wanted to surprise her I'm sure she would get a kick out of it you certainly know your way around you can't live in New York long big nerds would you like to see oh we're friends of a Constantinus yes ma'am miss Constantine is on the stage right now but she'll become a long race soon well we'll wait inside yes ma'am [Music] remember this place at all George George what remember this place at all I don't think so well most even ask he'll be here in a minute I hear she's very beautiful she I'm sure you remember her I'll tell him in could forget it how are you what what can I do for you are you Constantine even Eska yes well here's a friend of yours what is this a joke you don't know him no are you playing a game don't you recognize a George hmm will you please explain this extraordinary conduct how did you get by the doorman bribery but why my friend thought I knew you the more you explained that the less I understand well you see George had an accident and well oh now I understand I'm sorry but I cannot be of any help to you I'm positive that this gentleman and I do not know each other till about you been I've been fixing the flowers will help me dress those roses who sent them young lady you're becoming tiresome there was sent to me by my fiancee and now if you'll forgive me I must race good night thank you for your kindness good evening mr. Reynolds miss even ESCOs in our dressing room I'm sure she'll be out very shortly George yes are you sure very sure you don't remember that woman believe me I'm not trying to be funny I'm more anxious to find out who I am and you are I know but but what guess we'll just have to try running down one of the other articles my doctor's prescription it has many patient's name on it that's my doctor's name an address perhaps we should have tried that first might have saved us a lot of trouble miners taxi where to 29 extra Street got it okay [Applause] they'll be shot the place when I start back up if you are me just wait here please oh there it is hello little lady my what a pretty kitten my name is Vicky it's number 29 all right but there's no doctor's office there well maybe the owner can tell us she's like a with you don't bother I see you've been charmed away from me I'll be back in a second anybody here anybody here good evening good evening could you tell me where I might find a doctor Knoll J Hendricks in this building or in the neighborhood there is no doctor in this building or within a radius of four blocks from here are you certain I have been in business here for 15 years the neighborhood is poor and to the poor doctors are a luxury well I have a prescription here that was issued to a friend of mine by a doctor Hendricks at this address isn't your friend able to see exactly where he got it well his memory was affected by an accident he's right out here I know little girls like ice cream oh thank you probably good care of her yes I remember very well I have a phenomenal memory for faces he was in here last week oh you know him then no he just came in looking for a book did he buy one no just thumb through it interested in research I think he said oh great many people come in here just to browse around do you recall the title of the book it happens to be a great favorite of mine no J Hendricks MD but that's the same name as print on this prescription very strange and most interesting this man has been dead for 50 years well thank you for your trouble any luck I look so simple at the beginning come on the taxis waiting where till now mister just drive [Music] you've tired yourself too much on my account that's alright maybe we should go home and try again in the morning it's a good idea but I haven't remember where I live I could go to the police oh no I feel too responsible for you look I have room for you at home well that's very kind would it be proper quite alright I share the apartment with my sister what's the address I'll come to that goodness it's about time I've been worried well I've been out with mr. Jorge Francie I'd like to have you leave George what have you been up to anyway it's all my fault your sister's late and getting home miss lane she took compassion on a poor Wayfarer and tried to help him find himself George is the one at the bar was fortunate I told yes I know did it take you half the night to tell him about it I should have known you'd worry but I was worried too I'm glad you were at least that considerate of me worried about George I mean why he looks as if he can take care of himself well that's just did he can't well then it's about time he learned well your sister means I seem to have forgotten Who I am Oh God hmm then who's George that's what I call him you see he was in an accident and it's left him kind of dazed I've been trying to help him find out who he is we didn't realize the time pass her quickly if I'd known you were going to be worried I I wouldn't let her stay out so late oh it's all right now that you're here but you see she means a lot to me it's very understandable then you really don't know who you are no I've asked George to spend the night here well you couldn't let a little dog wander around the street all night could you high suggest to your sister I could go to the police I wouldn't hear of it oh you're welcome to stay miss youla Oh George I guess it'll have to be for the being but I'm afraid you'll have to sleep on the couch well that's very kind thank you please sit down make yourself comfortable I I've got some coffee on the stove pants II didn't mean to be rude she's really very nice she's your sister isn't she do say nice things are you provoked that lighter a few papers and some money was all he had in his pockets must be pretty expensive if the diamonds are real course they're real how do you know we're not the sort of person to pretend you do say nice things hey there's something engraved on the bottom initials let's see they don't mean a thing CC to JC my dad's more of a clue than we've had all evening here I've been calling you George you your name's probably Gendler Jack Joe is it I wouldn't know I'm going to bed coming Jean I want to get a blanket a pillow for George I'll take care of the dishes oh thank you it's time to go to sleep Barney night-night George hey kitchen oh yes didn't the sink if you please and thank you thank you [Music] [Music] oh I didn't hear you come back I'm sorry I struggling I hope you sleep comfortably I'm sure I shall don't bother with that well good night raising dreams miss lang if I call you George you call me Jean it's a privilege good night Jean good night George Jean Charlie asked me to marry him tonight Charlie proposed oh are you gonna be married oh well I answer you accepted Charlie's a wonderful boy he sure is but I couldn't leave you alone don't be a goose besides maybe I have plans of my own Jean you won't do anything foolish of course not now you hardly know him hmm I know you better than you do yourself marriage isn't to be taken lightly yes teacher but he is charming isn't he yes and good-looking yes but that isn't everything it's it's what a man is more than how he looks I know what happened tonight it was very exciting where'd you go well first of all [Music] [Music] now we came home Francie would you help me about George uh-huh I mean take the day off tomorrow it's Saturday and a half day anyway what can I do all those things George had in his pockets you could take some of them and track them down the yeah the cigarette lighter the doctor's prescription and the order for the birthday cake you'll bring home the strangest people Oh George isn't strange he's very nice how would you feel if you suddenly lost your memory pretty strange I bet all right there and then we could meet someplace in the afternoon and compare notes fancy [Music] [Music] [Music] well who are you going up to me Clark Gable I should be so lucky come on I'm hungry George looks too intelligent to expect a girl to be so beautiful at nine o'clock in the morning well no smells good maybe you've got something in that guy after all morning after walking about half the night and waiting I figured just won't be terribly hungry I hope you'll forgive me Liberty I've taken you make him feel awfully guilty for leaving those dishes in the sink last night they're all taken care of told you he was nice nice use miraculous what are we waiting for our Father in Heaven we thank thee for this repast may we enjoy their benefits all the days of our years I made these eggs according to my own taste sunny-side up hope you like them their way they have somebody served me I'd like them standing on edge Coffee please thank you oh I forgot to feed Bonnie excuse me Francie's very fond of Bonnie her fiance gave to her gee what's the matter Francie what's wrong Francie there's something the matter with Bonnie what do you suppose happened don't know he was all right last night singing his little head off oh the poor little creature doesn't take very much to three r16 jay say you were here the other day asking about this man's license number and address I was sure I gave you that information myself you even wrote the license plates number on this Canadian bucket I'm sorry I figure what is the address again 522 Harris Street are you able to tell me where I can find the owner of this building metropolitan bank owns it brother 522 Harris Street judge Nesbit we foreclosed at property some time ago at the time judge Nesbitt was living at the forest apartments thank you is there a mr. Nesbitt living here hey you stay checked out no forwarding address it's a bright day in the park all nature seems in harmony yet why should one man seated on this bench provide the sole tumultuous exception does he himself realize the brash discord do you William Everest what cells what tissues in that pounding brain of yours have now come back to life or have they what is it you feel William Everest or do you feel [Music] sorry lady this is a skeleton key that's how they're known to the trade detectives care of them crooks true that's all you can tell me about skeleton keys the kind of secret keys lady they don't tell much thank you you will [Music] I'm waiting long oh you've hurt your hand what happened to it Oh a splinter of revenge huh [Music] what is hai discouraged of me yes then you haven't been able to find out anything about me at all nothing I've tried everything possible last 24 hours we've been together that long don't tell me you forgetting that - George George fighter call me George what else do you want me to call him I don't know who you are aren't you feeling more if I don't sound normal you're to blame hi I've never been in love before don't change your mere kindness is more than I ever hoped for even if it remains just that I'm content very grateful everyone [Music] beautiful these people you've been seeing they brought nothing to light about me nothing might just have been born for all anybody seems to know and you have you found any conclusions on your own how could I on what are you are you a detective how do you read well that key you had on you I was told that only detectives carry the mark or or well are crooks neither didn't have to tell me well whatever my talents are you can rest assured they don't run in those channels I'm sure I had a lighter oh my gave it to Francie this morning to try to trace down remember well see you man oh well the prescription and the bakery order oh that's fine - is it yes the railroad schedule I haven't been able to think yet how it might help us it's getting very warm probably storm before a night let's get out son shall we please I speak to me miss aren't you talking me your thought omission what you want to say to him I just wanted to ask the time we're supposed to meet Francie oh it's darling now you have a strong grip you must have been an athlete I didn't mean hurt you practice how you were pregnant at that policeman for a moment I thought you're gonna ask me help us because you were scared about me Jean yes George promised me that you would see this thing through it but you won't give me up for a bad job course I'll see you George you promised me - of it anything that you may find out about me it'll be our secret alone certainly what could we possibly find out there'd be so necessary to keep a secret nothing nothing at all it's just that your or your kindness has meant so much to me I couldn't get along without you now you know what it means to wander to the darkness alone we will see this intruder yeah there won't be yes charges together yes we did this job I remember now you see that's a business district and we don't have any medical printing trade here but about a week ago a funnel came in and had a few of these printed up for him he paid me above the market price for it you don't know his name no he didn't say he just waited here for him but dead look the fella across the street in that cut-rate drugstore might be able to tell you his name because this fella went in there after you left my shop I saw him through that window thank you glad to be of service you want something yes did you feel this where'd you get this what belongs to a friend of mine did you fill it no maybe why I just like to know are you from the Purefoods and drug office oh no I just like this information for myself yeah reckon I did oh do you remember the man who gave it to you yeah his name - no I just remember him by this prescription why is it so unusual look why are you asking me all these questions I run a perfectly respectable page do it it's just that well it means a lot to me to get this information could you tell me what's in it yeah I'm sure you have nothing to hide oh of course not Oh poison what did you say I said poison what kind of poison look lady you wouldn't know if I told you poison is poison I just let it go with that and this man bought it yes he bought it is it a common poison well not exactly high-powered stuff and a scarce there's not much call for it I guess it must be very expensive yeah kinda you can't sell it without a doctor's prescription can you what do you call this a Billy do well it's supposed to have the patient's name on it as well as the doctors look lady I've told you everything I know now this shop isn't a question-and-answer box if you don't care to buy anything good day Oh mr. OH I'd like to ask you something sure ladies step into my power cozy Aenon oh look I just want to ask you one or two questions should baby look have you ever seen this before sure that's one of our other forms well what do you know if I found birthday cake deliver this one myself where to Railway Express what were they doing celebrating an anniversary that's what this guy order delivered it he brought it back to the shop I don't get it well this bird orders a cake and pays for it he hauls it off himself back he comes the same day and says ship it through the Railway Express ship it to where please try to remember oh I had forgot miss it seems sort of a funny place to be sending a break thinking funny peculiar like I don't know why I thought it should have been but I did guy gets funny notions sometimes you know what I mean and I figured right then and there maybe the one who was getting it wasn't a regular what do you mean the place it was sent to what place the one upstate the Hudson mental institution it's a mental never had a ship a cake the place like that before guy's name was Crawford yeah John Crawford that's what it was oh thank you very much you've helped me a lot ok lady hope you found out what you wanted yes I did say yeah what's your name Joe Blaney what's yours Thank You mr. Blaney you're welcome bye-bye Crawford John Crawford JC C c 2j c CC - John Crawford yes a table at the fountain cafe at Rockefeller Center is a cool and pleasant place just as delightful as the park where William Everest was taking his ease before and where he suddenly recalled who he was as he sat on that bench so kindly feeding a little squirrel but why doesn't he tell gene Lang he knows who he is why doesn't he say my name is not George it's William William Everest why does he go on pretending it is because he knows what he has at stake I remember your name your name is a man I know friend it's a first actual name I've been able to remember must have been someone very close to me does he live in New York would very well that's a place you have marked in the railroad schedule yes what's the name Edward Nesbit that's all you can remember oh I need to know right now we must get there as soon as possible there's a train leaving at 6 o'clock it's in there 8:10 we were just have time to make it we well of course you're going with me I want you with me more than anyone else my rebirth I know what it means so much to me all right George here I've just gotten used to calling you George well that doesn't turn out to be my name my real name I'll adopt it I'll call Francie and let her know sure I think you exaggerate her anxiety you don't know Francie I'll just be a moment there's a phone right inside waiter [Music] I guess for mr. John crumpet Mary Mary what is it Henry you look better for daddy Oh hold it dear thank you very much come on join me to open hey wait a minute don't get impatient isn't it lovely oh wow well your mom didn't forget it was your daddy's birthday even though she is in the city visiting your grandparents let me take now Richard daddy's cake he's got to cut the first slice you just wait till he gets home Oh Mary no try again operator Jean I'm waiting do you speak to Francine she doesn't answer well you can call her later [Music] wish I'd been able to tell Francie where we were going we barely got time to make the train at Weehawken now you can call a vaudeville oh don't let it disturb you she knows you're in good hand it's wonderful I you suddenly remember that man's name I wasn't even making an effort to think picked up the schedule just came to me I'm so happy about it Woodville Edward Nesbit I couldn't think of one without the other one man who can tell me all I want to know about myself it's thrilling there's no telling who you may discover you are if you see that man tell her did you hear that what Justin Thunder looks like the strong you prophesy is coming true oh here we aren't we hawking we've only got a couple of minutes make the Train hello mrs. Cassidy this is Francis Lange is Charlie there five minutes ago oh well did he say where he was going thank you Charlie I'm so glad sad they need to scare your honey the janitor let me in what's wrong I don't know let's sit on what gives with the weeps I've been trying to get you it's about Jeanne I'm scared to me what she's been out all day with that man she was supposed to meet me this afternoon and she didn't show up what man last night at the saltshaker that man at the bar she brought him home he spent the night here yes he had some kind of an accident he couldn't remember who he was Jeanne felt sorry for him she left with him early this morning trying to find out something about him what's it be scared about charlie this there's something horrible about him we looked okay to me been out on my own all day trying to help them it you found out something what I don't exactly know I don't get it these are some of the things you had in this pocket cigarette lighter doctor's prescription it's for poison this prescription deadly poison that's wrong with that maybe you want to get rid of a few roaches or maybe nothing maybe you better tell me all about it right from the beginning yes they are on the train and the destination is wood bill but does no twinge of unrest faint as it may be sturgeon Lang's consciousness as she trustingly confides herself to the care of William Everest and that cake was sent to the same person whose initials around this cigarette lighter you're going to please young lady Oh come with me Charlie please I can't there wouldn't be time maybe this is something we're just building up in our imagination but Jeanne means too much to the both of us to take any chances but what are you gonna do well the police may need some convincing we sitting just a little pipe dream I'll meet you at headquarters with all the evidence I can plate let's get going man I haven't got wings why you treat that Bell that way is a miss even s skin yes who shall I see nevermind names is Chien she's fixing to go out who is it gentlemen here says are you in I told him you fixin to go out mr. Constantine even Eska yes come with me mmm-hmm I never seen nothing like that in Georgia the meaning of this you'll pay dearly for this outrage stop the car and let me go who are you well I was kind of fetid about being just run over as well do a roast chicken too but from what this young fella tells me why I ain't complainin now explain it to her mr. Richard yeah you see you and me ma'am are being invited to stop a murder a murder maybe more than one mm-hmm leaves at 6:10 p.m. arrives at 8:00 p.m. that's what the railroad schedule states in coal print but it means far more than that to William Everest it means far more than that to Jeanne Lang - but she does not know and there lies the tragedy I saw plenty of beer that's all right bud Hey Joe is it fun around here to say yeah yeah yeah yeah wait a minute but where you're gone you'll find out hey this is the series of kidnappings that's a very unusual story you've just told me miss lang you will help me but the question is where this fact end and fiction begin I know it's true I just feel that genes and danger we actually don't have one cold fact to go on it's all supposition Oh granted it sounds feasible the way you tell it on the other hand it could be just mere coincidence oh we've got to take that chance captain miss Lang I can't set into motion police machinery on mere assumption I understand your anxiety but aren't you exaggerating the situation what if something does happen and you'd had a chance to prevent it I'd be equally embarrassed if this whole thing turned out to be a wild goose chase set in motion by an aesthetical young woman [Applause] but you've got to help me that's what the police are for if we had just one clear fact to go five clear thanks charlie what does this mean sheet on the story honey he says I'm imagining it Missy Vanessa tell the captain the story you told me I knew this man you're talking about then why did you deny it last night with my sister called on you at the theater I had my reasons I met this man a few years ago at the home of judge Nesbitt he paid a lot of attention to me and said he was in love with me you weren't in love with him I liked him he was charming and good-looking but even then he showed signs of one of that condition which eventually put him in the Hudson mental hospital that's the place where I told you he sent the birthday cake yeah that's right I shipped it for him who are you I work for the elite bakery that's where we bought the cake his name is William Everest you imagine they judged Nesbit is that the same man who retired a few years ago yes he was in very poor health and had lost a lot of money in bad investments it was he who signed the papers committing Everest to the asylum didn't you tell my sister that last night I'm about to marry my fiancée it comes from a very conventional family and he's jealous too when your sister brought that man to me last night he didn't recognize me so I pretended I didn't know him either although shortly before you'd send me a bunch of roses in an effort to renew our old friendship and you believe that this man is up to some mischief that's putting it rather mildly he's an escaped maniac sent that birthday cake to somebody named Crawford at the institution it was filled with poison and here's the man who sold it to him from a prescription this gentleman printed by order that must be why he came into my shop and asked for that book on poisons where is John Crawford he's the warden of the Hudson mental hospital he must have been cooked ever tasted for some fancy draw Everest already had promised to kill a judge kill the judge yes he swore he'd do it from the judge signed the commitment papers get me the Hudson mental hospital upstate make it fast Hudson mental hospital mr. Crawford's gone home it's his birthday he left early you can reach him at Hudson for 21 [Applause] now Henry you behave yourself that was someone calling your daddy from New York I guess the wires must have gone down Mary dogs cut off where's judge Nesbitt living now Woodville what Phil that's the place that was marked in the railroad schedule that man had get me judge Nesbitt in Woodville he has no telephone it shut himself off from the world lieutenant contact the police had Hudson on the teletype request them to go without delay the Crawfords home and sees it poisoned birthday cake down the daughter a doctor and Angeles to stand by also contact the State Patrol Division that foot fell and struck [Music] [Applause] long way out here isn't it my friend likes it here he's a recluse hope he doesn't mind her bursting in a time like this I guarantee you won't say a word let's see if I can get a cab no where you going up to Edward Nesbit place Oh Oh judge Nesbitt your friends here yeah it's quite a spell up there well I wonder if we could no no chance unless you want to take my car I'll be very glad to pay you oh no we don't take money for favourites right on here you're welcome to the car park right there just tell the old judges sir bring it down in the morning when it comes down for the judges new favorite thank you yeah keys are in the car second Georgia law center bar dancing to the party this knows where I am am alpha news on the national scene a police dragnet has been laid across the entire length and breadth of Marquess county in the state of New Jersey in an effort to capture a dangerous homicidal maniac William Everest who escaped a week ago from the Hudson mental hospital in New York State known to be accompanying the madman but unsuspecting of his real identity is Jean Liang 25 year old department store fire who had befriended the man after he met with a slight accident in New York City last night searchers have been instructed to shoot to kill the fugitive as he is said to be extremely dangerous it is thought that [Applause] Thank You Man somebody's gonna get stuff and with yes Henry Murray has told me what a patient little boy you've been he aint birthday swell what's the month you sure we're on the right Road yes Jeanne yes I know I can trust you yes judge I need a friend was simply an understanding you'll soon know me wired everything will be fine that's right nothing must stop me from reaching Edward Nesbit nothing will yet I'm worried why suppose I do find out who I am and I don't like it I mean that ever since the accident have been someone else sport before it happened I had done something I shouldn't you mean like a well you believe me when I tell you that since I've known you my whole life has changed you trust me enough to give me the chance to prove yes George and it just came over the teletype from New York this cake is filled with enough poison to kill a dozen men I tried to get you on the phone all the wires were down oh there are any clues to its whereabouts I think he's around what girl over in Jersey judge Nesbit's living there hope they've won the old phone oh you can count on that all the roads are blocked off and every state cop in the county is out by the way why didn't you report it when he first broke out of the hospital well he'd shown such improvement that we'd made him a trustee doctors thought his condition was quite good we'd been searching for him ourselves but as yet we hadn't informed the police do you think he was acting normal just to get the trustee job so he could break out easier oh it's likely certainly fooled us all with his madmen is cunning we father's uniform under the porch outside he'd sneak dinner here and stole one of my suits of clothes well I'm sure glad I got here on time warden you're glad how do you think I feel [Music] [Music] [Applause] eunuch what's your name where you going Crawford John Crawford I've led your men came along I'm afraid I'm lost yeah from why why I'm looking for the State Police Division station what for I was asked to help in the search of one of my patients Oh mr. Crawford from this was Carroll one of my nurses sorry to trouble you mr. Crawford but have you any identification oh no trouble force here okay mr. Crawford sorry to bother you but stations about five miles down the road you're off the track on this side road turn left at the next crossroad that'll take you on the 66 and just go straight ahead thank you thank you Jim okay sir good night miss Carol my name isn't Carol and I'm not a nurse nothing is going to stop me from reaching it written is but what do you suppose those policemen wanted doesn't really matter as long as we went to lay that label in your pocket who is John Crawford just a name is that his suit you're wearing I wouldn't know all right Lee his identification label in the pocket must belong to him that's right where did you get it I don't remember darling you know there are so many things that I don't remember I haven't a glance at it this morning how I got it where I got it who the man is I don't remember you showed great presence of mind and giving that name as a policeman found it looked at my time sounded almost rehearsed oh you know it in your imagination run away with you my dear policeman acted as though he knew the man whose name you gave that's not an old problem you said your name was John Crawford he acted as though he knew who John Crawford was having a strange and common name arousing the familiar memory and a man is there okay the feeling also that you expected him to know who John Crawford well this is childish conjecture you think I'm lying to you we mustn't let any Loomis understanding come between us darling we've come to mean too much to each other for that isn't that so yep that telegram was filed here about 30 minutes kosher here's a copy of it was there a man with her yeah mm-hmm nice easy speaking fella hi Lani my car to go up to judge Nesbitt please him and that girl list them all right how'd you let him get through said he was warden Crawford of the Hudson mental hospital showed identification - we'd better get on to the judges place fast and you - is the harsh our troubles will all be over soon Oh what are you thinking things will all be changed in a few minutes you'll know all about yourself and I don't know all about you why are we waiting here this moment is set apart from time I want to prolong it you know all about yourself now and you don't know what you may be after you see mr. Nesbitt is that it George Hudson never husband you're hurting my throat are wonderful throat a wonderful channel through which the inmost secrets of the soul find freedom to the world let it live and it can tell the world too much destroy it and that secrets are locked forever from the years of man [Music] [Music] flemm Jason's car alright alright there must be around here spread out and beat around I'll blow your whistle to be come upon anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] won't do any good to hide my little sweetheart no good at all there won't be any pain right here one quick cut it'll be over your throat will be quiet forevermore oh I'm very expert this knife is very sharp I'll be doing you a great favor look at it like that or you'll be spared so much of life storage come down my darling don't prolong your agony I'll take you where it's calming peaceful why do you want to kill me I was your one friend I gave you shelter and I would return your kindness give you shelter from the things which destroy you I will keep you forever young time and life are your enemies hiding your friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] in a city full of strange adventures this which happened to Jean Lange has been one of the most amazing protected by the resilience of youth Jean Lange will carry no scars on her soul from her encounter with William Everest and as time passes even the nightmare memory will not disturb her innocent sleep she will marry in time the man destined for her and live long and happily in the fullness of her years I know because I am the Whistler
Channel: Groovy Movies
Views: 187,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Whistler, Richard Dix, Old Time Radio, Mystery, Thriller, Film Noir, Crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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