All Purpose | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broner thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or six o'clock p.m our scriptural text today comes from the 57th division of the book of psalm verse 1 through 3 the new living translation this is a psalm of david as he's writing as he is fleeing from the wrath of king saul and he's in a precarious capricious place and uh he's afraid and he's reaching out and crying out to god and he says here in psalm 57 1 have mercy on me oh god have mercy i look to you for protection i don't know about you but i look forward to him for protection too particularly in these days i will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until the danger passes by and i hope that you realize that no matter how sophisticated we become as a culture and no matter how fine the school system is where you have your children anything could happen we need god we need his protection and he says i cry out to you god most high to god who will fulfill his purpose for me to god who will fulfill his purpose for me to god who will fulfill his purpose for me god will fulfill his purpose for you no matter the danger that stands lurking god will preserve your life so you can fulfill your purpose and he will send help from heaven to rescue me disgracing those who hound me my god will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness today i want to talk simply from the subject all purpose all purpose all-purpose all-purpose it is said that only about 30 percent of americans really actually like their job only 30 percent i'm so glad that i'm in that 30 percent but i realize that not everybody is excited about getting up and doing what they do in order to earn a living sometimes your your vocation and your avocation are two separate things but what you do to earn money eventually should come into alignment with your calling a vocation comes from the word vocabulary it means calling a calling you ought to be called to do it you have to be called to be a doctor you have to be called to be a teacher when you have a god called teacher that god called teacher will not destroy a child's self-esteem who performs poorly in school or doesn't keep pace with the rest of the students you don't put labels on them and make them feel awkward and ignorant and stupid and dumb a god-called teacher knows how to recognize behavior and call out the champion in somebody who has just failed oh there's a difference there is a difference i've gone into restaurants and i can tell people who are serving in a restaurant just to make make money until they can do what they want to do and i can tell those who were born to serve people and who are excited about it and say hey baby how you doing sugar what can i get for you and they make you feel like family when you when you walk in and you just you just there's some people that based on their hospitality you know that they are in the right place you can just feel when people uh are are hospitable and when they're serving with a spirit of hospitality they were born to do that they were called to do that you can't just put that on and no matter what they're dealing with at home it doesn't mean that their home lives are perfect but it means that they are going and doing the things that they love to do because they enjoy meeting new people and they enjoy being kind and hospitable and maybe it takes them away but they are called to do it and that's why they do it so well some doctors are called to to be doctors and they have a different bedside manner than those that just said you know that a very matter of factly and i give you three months and you're gone i want people serving me when i go places who are in their calling who love what they do and you can always tell when you go into an establishment and people are doing what they do and they love what they do but in the in the japanese culture uh over in okinawa there's a group of of women and uh they are they're all centenary they have some of the longest living women in the world right there in okinawa japan and so they they asked this group of centenarians these women that were 100 years old or older um you know what they how they uh defined and uh this this this word ikigai what did it mean to them and for them it means the reason for which they wake up in the morning and and incidentally in their culture they do not have a word for retirement and you're talking about a group of women over 100 years old and they don't have a word for retirement now it doesn't mean that you don't retire off of a job of the thing that you've been doing to earn money all of that that time but retirement for them is not something of where you're just taking a an extended vacation forever just getting up and going playing golf every day no no retirement for them is assigning yourself to a new purpose it is finding something and so they they they look at four different things i want you to take a look at this this little meme here that will show you these they ask these questions what do i like to do what am i good at what allows me to live out my values and what can i give back you see the little place in the red the red in the middle that's the intersection of all four of these categories you need to ask yourself what do i like to do because that's ikigai when you discover what you like to do what you are good at what allows you to live out your values and what you can give back and so that's a very very good thing just to live by particularly when you're asking yourself the purpose question this is more than just passion because it entails with it responsibility and meaning and purpose and giving back what do i like to do what am i good at what allows me to live out my values what can i give back you need to be able to answer some of these questions there are too many of our young people that go to school and they have no idea what they want to do they're changing majors two and three times and then they finally adopt one of whichever they have the most hours in just so they can graduate and get out of class get out of the school you know but they need to ask what do i like to do what am i good at and you won't always know right off the bat you have to get out and experiment and do some things because sometimes learning what's not for you will help you to learn what is for you what am i good at what allows me to live out my values and what can i give back when you find the intersection of all four of those things that's called ichiga that's so closely connected to the ultimate purpose for which god birth you into the world so i'm going to give you some principles today here's number one everything that god does he does with purpose on purpose and for purpose i want you to understand that principle everything that god does is with purpose on purpose and for purpose god is a purpose god god does nothing without purpose everything that god does is with purpose even if you don't understand the purpose why did my mama die god has a purpose and he will work good out of it in the end so he knows things that we don't yet know i mean i know that some people are wondering why in the world would god make roaches to come into my house now just look straight ahead look straight ahead and nobody will know about the infestation but let me just say this let me say this roaches eat termites see god has a purpose for everything i mean he has a purpose for everything he has a purpose now when there are no termites then now you might want to say lord now what's the purpose of this but everything that god does is with purpose on purpose and for purpose god is very exacting he's very calculating god is very intentional in everything that he does scientists are amazed at the precision that god used in putting together our universe the way that he so strategically put the sun 93 million miles away from the earth because he knew had he put it 94 million miles away that we would have frozen to death and had he put it 92 million miles away we would have burned up it is in just the right space to be able to serve its purpose he put the moon 186 000 miles away to be able to allow it to have gravitational pull on the earth so that we would have ebb and flow with our oceans and certain of our sea life and things would be moving according to a certain pattern god did it precisely because he has an understanding of things he's a very exacting god that he does on purpose with purpose and for purpose god is a god of intentionality and until we become intentional people until we become intentional people not where you're just waking up every day smoking herb and you know chilling out and no no we live with intentionality with intentionality what you ought to be in full sobriety of all of your mental faculties that i'm here for purpose with purpose and on purpose god what am i supposed to be doing today and approach each day with purpose so that you have a life of meaning at the end of the day you have a life of meaning and let me just tell you this even your mistakes and your missteps of where you've wasted time this is why the bible says consider the time the days count your days so that you may apply your heart to wisdom he says think about all of the the time the stupid time that you wasted doing stupid stuff use that to be the fuel to empower you to start living on purpose with purpose and for purpose now because god is a god of intentional purpose for our lives and so he's bringing us in into deep deep purpose i i i love it you know uh he even had a purpose you know for pharaoh you know why would god orchestrate an enemy in your life but god has a purpose even for your enemy because if you didn't have any enemies you probably wouldn't pray you wouldn't have a spiritual life if you didn't have an enemy and whenever god gets ready to promote you he introduces an enemy oh my god you know david never would have come to the throne if he hadn't met the enemy of goliath and sometimes when you get the biggest fight of your life it might be for the biggest promotion of your life god's got a purpose everything that god does he does with purpose on purpose and for purpose and so don't start questioning god when you're trying to do god's will and here comes goliath working against you you got a system bigger than you that is working against you trying to stop you trying to snuff your encouragement and your enthusiasm for life out god's got a purpose if you'll just pray to him and say god give me precision i don't have anything but a rock and a rag but may you are not what i have i don't have a whole lot of money but may you use what i've got right now for your glory you start swinging and getting in motion right now you said jesus that whatever you need to do when i turn this loose jesus i need the precision of the holy ghost let this come on purpose with purpose he had five stones but when you got a god of intentionality god is not going to miss a shock he knows how to hit you right in the center of your forehead on the first rock and the first one took him down [Applause] but may i tell you that when he picked up five smooth stones it was not on accident it was because when he used the first one to knock goliath out and kill him little did he know at the time that goliath had four other brothers but he already had a rock for them [Music] [Applause] because everything that god does is on purpose with purpose and for purpose god's that kind of god and if you don't know him like that you'll discover it soon enough i'm a kind of person i'm a bread lover and you know bread is made with flour i brought some flour today now my grandma was a real cook she knew how to make bread from scratch i don't mean she shook it a formula out of a box grandma knew how to make it from scratch everything from scratch you didn't just add an egg and some milk grandma knew how to put the yeast in it she knew how to put the salt in it she knew how to put everything in it and create it but these are two types of flour jesus said i'm the bread of life i'm so glad because i'm a bread lover and you know jesus is the kind of bread of life that doesn't affect people that have celiac disease well you have a sensitivity to gluten it's gluten free because you got two types this one says all purpose this one says self rising my spiritual folks already got it because see there are some people that every time they do something for you they want to let you know that's self-rising but when it's all purpose god you get the glory you get the glory you get the glory jesus this this is all about you what i have god you gave me what i know you taught me who i am you made me god you get the glory to god be the glory to god be the glory to god be the glorious touch of mighty say to god be the glory [Music] but there are other people that want everybody to know every little thing that they've done [Applause] let you you know do your it in secret and let the lord reward you openly give god the glory but see when you bake things with self rising notice self rising self rising and you know what this one says right around the ring here it says self rising right here but you know what it it says it says pre sifted to sift means to take out the good pre-sifted pre-sifted see the devil sifts people and then puffs them up with pride oh oh he takes that good out it says pre-shifted self-rising pre-sifted he's already taken the good out self-rising the more people the less people have in them the more they puff up oh you the real deal you don't have to put shellac on it but the cheaper the merchandise the higher the gloss [Applause] when you precept it when you're precepted when you're pre-sifted now you're nothing but self-rising but but this one says all purpose and then around this one it says superlative anytime you see super anything it is pointing god is our superlative he's the best in the world he's the best the best that it can ever be he is the superlative when you get the all-purpose it's it's above it points and gives the glory to god and we ought to be baking up something in our life where it's all purpose this is about purpose a purpose that is bigger than who you are this is about a purpose that will outlive you this is about a purpose that will bless your grandchildren this is not about self rising because if self rises and self rises and self rising once self is out of the way then you have nothing else but when it's all purpose even when you go on the purpose will continue to live purpose continues to speak let it be all purpose and say look at what the lord has done this is the lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes and i just charge you listen bake your bread with purpose because everything that god does is with purpose on purpose and for purpose so i want to encourage you get you some all-purpose from all purpose from all purpose and if you need to put some yeast in it put a little yeast in a little leavening agent so you can swell some things up if you want to puff it up you know and and keep keep the door of the oven closed until you know it's ready because when you open something that's going to swell up on you and you let a rush of cold air you can cause the cake to fall and how many people have fallen because they became impatient oh impatient see you inherit the promises of god through faith and patience and so when you're going to feed others the bread it's because you've been with god and you realize that this is bigger than me this is more than i am and i don't want what i do to be self-rising i want it to be all purpose i want it to be all purpose for the purpose of god i'm formed for his glory i'm created for a divine purpose jesus taught us to pray this way give us this day our daily bread bread is so good he said you ought to ask for it daily i'm with him all the way i've already had my bread today i've already had my bread i love bread i love bread more than i love meat you give me bread you can keep the meat i l i'm a bread lover you're looking at a bread lover and there were times i would be fasting sometimes i'd be on my third day of fasting and i had to drive by this bakery and i would smell the fresh it would just be boiling over you know the the expressway and when you're fasting your olfactory sense your sense of smell is heightened and that stuff would come up through my car and i'd have to start rebuking the devil because he's my mind would just start fantasizing right then and there because whenever you're fasting you see food looks so good it smells so good it just and i start fantasizing i start writing my menu out as what i'm going to eat when i break my fast [Applause] he said give us this day our daily bread and amazing every time i would drive by there and monday through friday when i had to pass by there i was smelling that good bread and it smelled good every day and it made me want some every day and the thing about it is this it wasn't new bread it was the same bread it was fresh bread but made with the same old ingredients he had the same flour had the same milk it had the same eggs in it it had the same yeast it had the same ingredients every day but it was fresh god doesn't play games god can give you the same ingredients the same prayer it's the same word of god it's the same amazing grace it's the same mercies that are made new day after day the same every day but it's so good you still smell it's still good i still thank him for it i i still get blessed by every day every day it's just like a fresh baked doughnut it's like a fresh baked cake it's it's just fresh and it smells good every day without having to use new ingredients you don't have to go to a new formula when the old formula still tantalizes your taste buds he said give us this day our daily bread everything that god does he does with purpose on purpose and for purpose and there are some people that spend their whole life feeling like i'm supposed to be happy that their whole purpose in life is to be happy my purpose i'm just trying to be happy i'm trying to get the right thing i'll be happy if i move to the right place in like my neighborhood if i get my children in the right school then i'll be happy if i marry the right person then i'll be happy once i have children i'll be happy once i have grandchildren i'll be happy and they're always looking and happiness is always in some distant place and they think that their whole purpose in life is to be happy but let me just say this happiness is a byproduct of finding and serving in your purpose happiness is a byproduct of finding and serving in your purpose it's a byproduct of finding your purpose it's a byproduct of serving in your purpose happiness is not the goal it's a byproduct it's a byproduct i'm trying to be happy you get the right one you will be happy you serve in the right vocation you will be happy you connect with god you will be happy happiness is a byproduct of finding and serving in your purpose when you do what you're born to do you'll be happy you may not happiness is not having everything you want happiness is wanting everything you had as shakespeare put it it's wanting everything you've got is like god i may not have much but i'm thankful for this thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus it's it's it's not saying that you have everything but you're thankful for the seeds that he has given you that you can plant and get another harvest is thankfulness let me remind you here of four key elements of calling four key elements of a calling when god has a calling in your life and if this is a vocation a calling for which your purpose is uh it is purpose purpose is number one that there must be a godly intention there must be a godly intention purpose purpose purpose purpose secondly passion passion the word passion really means pain it means pain this is a pain really though that is based on love that compels you when you have passion for something like whenever you are a fashion person if somebody comes in tacky it pains you to look at it no it really does because that's what you're passionate about i mean if you're a person of extreme organization and you come in and things are in disarray it pains you see whatever you love produces pain you love your children they produce pain for you whatever you love gives you pain that's called passion but it's the kind of passion and pain that drives you it it propels you it compels you passion propels you passion uh leads to your passage to your passage passion leads you to your passage it's it's it becomes uh your mode of transportation your motivation so the four elements uh key elements here of of calling purpose passion thirdly people people because when you're called of god it will always involve others it will always inevitably involve others if you've got a calling of god it is just you it didn't come from god your calling will always involve your serving people in some way involving people serving people and it involves place because every calling has to be fulfilled in a place where you're going where you're going you have to go you're called calling means that is not where you are right now it means that you call to another location get up and go to the place that i will show you abraham abraham he calls you up to a higher level sometimes it may be the same place but a higher position and he calls you up that's a calling there's always a calling up and a calling out god will either call you up or he'll call you out but a calling changes your position calling changes your position it doesn't leave you in the same place spiritually it doesn't leave you in the same place oftentimes geographically the calling shifts your position so the four elements of calling purpose passion people place when you're called he calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light god calls us it shifts your position and the reason that i didn't i was you know i'm an alliterative teacher and and i started to put another pip i started to put price because your calling will cost you but i was i was put in check by the holy ghost and he says you don't put price in there because if you use price in determining the decision to see whether or not you do it then he says christ then becomes your master and not god so when god calls you to do something god will call you to do something that you may not be able to afford right at the time because when god calls you to do something when god calls you to a purpose when god gives you a vision when god gives you a dream he is not going to consult what you've got at wells fargo and bank of america he's not going to see whether anybody has cash out you the money to be able to get this done or not he's not going to consult with whatever you have in your little puny account when god calls you to do something he will check your faith account can they believe me he said because all things are possible to those who believe can you believe him can you believe him can you believe him can you believe it here's the second thing god has a purpose for your life god has a purpose for your life he has a purpose for your life see everything that god does he does own purpose with purpose and for purpose and then secondly god has a purpose for your life he has a purpose god has a purpose for your life second timothy chapter one verse nine notice this god saved us and called us you're saved and called some people don't realize they thought that that salvation was a culmination of everything they just thought that they were saying salvation is not the end of anything it's the beginning of purpose for god saved us and called us to live a holy life he did this not because we deserved it but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time to show us his grace through christ jesus he saved us and called us you're saved and called you're saved and called you're saved and called notice ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10 for we are god's masterpiece he has created us anew in christ jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago see god's got a plan for your life god has a purpose for your life god has a purpose for your life god has a purpose for your life he said in jeremiah 29 11 i know the plans that i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future god knows the plans that he has for you there was one lady that i was just reading about this weekend she said that she just hated you know going out and taking walks because she said she had bad knees and she said she found it personally to be boring so she didn't go out for walks and then all of a sudden one day she went to an animal shelter and she she adopted a dog from a shelter and how many of you know if you've got a dog dogs need to be walked you need to walk a dog and now the same lady who used to find walking boring now all of a sudden loves walking and her knees have improved you see you know why because the dog gave a purpose to her walk the dog gave a purpose to her wall now here's my question have you found the thing that gives a purpose to your walk have you found the thing that gives a purpose to your walk and are you really fulfilled or are you really just really comfortable are you really fulfilled or are you just really comfortable some people get those confused let me give you some signs that you may not be living in god's purpose some signs that you may not be living in god's purpose you feel stuck you lack passion for life you are angry all the time you constantly blame others for what's wrong in your life just look straight ahead you have no direction in life and you don't feel fulfillment in your work these are signs that you may not be living in god's purpose you feel stuck you lack passion for life you're angry all the time you constantly blame others for what's wrong in your life you have no direction in life you don't feel fulfillment in your work i want to encourage you live for something bigger than yourself live for something bigger than yourself live for something bigger than yourself here's the third principle god's purpose is sure god's purpose is sure god's purpose is sure it's not a fickle thing it's not a iffy kind of a thing job chapter 42 and verse 2 says this i know that you can do all things no purpose of yours can be throated no purpose of yours god can be thoughted god's purpose is sure he said it in proverbs chapter 19 in verse 21 many are the plans in a person's heart but it is the lord's purpose that prevails god's purpose prevails because the purposes of god are sure he said in proverbs 16 9 we can make our plans but the lord determines our steps because god's plans his purpose is sure here's a fourth thing god will help you to fulfill your purpose god will help you you don't have to figure out how do i do this lord you've told me to do how do i do god will help you he would never give you a plan to do something that you can accomplish without his help if you can accomplish it without god's help god didn't call you to it philippians chapter 2 verse 12 and 13 notice this therefore my dear friends as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is god who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose god works in you both to will another person says to will and to do to will and to do or to act in order to fulfill his good purpose god works in you to help you to fulfill the work the the work so god will help you to fulfill it he doesn't expect you to do it without his help his number five god ultimately works things for your good no matter how bad it seems you can go through difficult periods and things will happen that you don't understand there are certain things that you have to give time to romans 8 28 reminds us and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love god to those who are the called according to his purpose if you've been called according to god's purpose god's going to help you and he's going to work everything out to your good he will work everything out for your good he said that all things will work together for your good think of the all things being like a battery a battery works well you know why it it works well not because it it just has a positive charge it has to have polarity it's the positive and the negative that's what makes the battery work if you didn't have negativity mix with the positive charge on a battery you wouldn't get a charge in life if god's gonna charge something he takes the positive and mixes it with negatives he says all things and we know not we think not we hope and we know that all things work together for the good of them for the good all things work together for the good of them the good things and the bad the positives and the negatives the ups and the downs the highs and the low in sickness and in health in riches and in poverty all things work together for the good of those that love god who are the called according to his purpose because god lets you learn some things down in the low place that actually help you when you get in the high place you learn how to walk with humility while you're in the low place if you don't learn how to walk in humility why you don't have anything do you think after god blesses you with something that you'll know how to be humble i know poor people that are arrogant and stuck up and act like they own the world and they don't even have anything and if you haven't learned how to walk it down there how are you going to learn how to do it up here so god will take the negative things god will let you have missteps and detours and he'll say you know what i'm going to use that misstep that you have i'm going to use a baby out of wet lock and now i'm going to put my glory on that and what the devil thought was a trick to be able to get your feet messed up i'm going to save that baby i'm gonna use that baby for my glory i'm gonna turn nations around you don't know what god can do don't you ever count god out because if you trust him if you trust him if you trust him all things will work together for your good the good things and the bad things the positives and the negatives the ups and the downs it'll all work for your good if you love god and if you're the cold according to his to his purpose and let me give you some ways to regain your sense of god's purpose in your life seek the lord in prayer seek the lord in prayer seek the lord in prayer that's why he said in jeremiah 29 11 i know the plans that i have for you and then he went on to say that he says you will find me when you seek me when you seek me with all of your heart jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 all the way through 13. when you seek me if seek god in prayer he said in james chapter 1 and verse 5 he says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god seek me seek me seek me let him ask of god let him ask of god let god is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him hebrews chapter 11 and verse 6 seek god in prayer seek god in prayer here's the second thing look at your shape look at your shape when you're trying to come into an understanding of what god has for you in your life and what you're supposed to be your purpose you're trying to regain your sense of god's purpose look at your shape your shape the s of your spiritual gifts the h is your heart the a are your abilities the p is your personality and the e are your ex is your experience god will use all of these things these create a unique shape for you you can look at your spiritual gifts and see what god has called you to do and what he is not you can look at your heart where your passions are where your passions lie and that that your passions oftentimes lead you into your purpose you can look at your abilities if you don't have any kind of ability to do anything god's going to use that in you in your purpose he'll use your personality he's not going to call you to open up a child care center and you can't stand children i mean some people don't have the personality for it i mean they just don't have the personality for you know you they need to find another profession there's some people that have the kind of personality where you belong in an office alone you certainly should not be in customer service [Applause] some people have a very short fuse and they will cuss you out at the drop of a hat you don't want them answering the phone in customer service and you're calling in with a complaint so your personality helps you to understand certain things and then your experience god will use your experience of everything that you have been through that will call you it could be that that you were molested and that experience now gives you a heart for other hurting people and out of your experience he could make it where you were sick or somebody that you deeply loved was sick and you were caring for them and now you saw that as they were being cared for that there were harsh and abusive people around but now because of that experience that you had it makes you a person of tender compassion and now you have a deep compassion for other people that are hurting the way that you were hurting because god will use your experience to help shape you into who and what you're supposed to have so take a look at your spiritual gifts at your heart your passion your abilities your personality your experience that you've been god will use where you have been in your purpose every place that i've been in my life and every place that i have served god has helped to shape who i am today he's used it even when it seemed like it was totally irrelevant to ministry but god used it my walk in the business world my my working uh you know delivering newspapers that was my first job that i started at five years old before i went to school every day and here i am delivering good news oh my god it was it's and then i worked as an accountant and then i'm accountable for people now it's amazing god will use every place that you've been he will use every place that you've been in everything that you've done uh i've worked for a number of years all during my college years as a compound batch formulator making all of our wonderful bb hair grease you'd be surprised and i had to follow formulas i had to be disciplined to be able to get in at a certain time and and get things at a certain temperature and and and i i can remember you know uh taking vitamin a and vitamin e and vitamin d and and coconut oil and i can remember getting sage and glycerin i remember getting all of these different ingredients and putting them down and certain things i had to heat up and then i had to strain it and pour it off and then mix it over into the bat oh my goodness it helped me to be able to put together things whether i was coming from uh philippians chapter 2 and verse 14 of whether it was coming from galatians chapter 3 and verse 13. and i had to learn how to put things together from a formula of his word i'm just telling you god will use every place that you've been he will he will use it for his glory for his glory for his glory for his glory for his glory and and if you'll just trust god to say god i need you to be able to show me my purpose in life you need to know your purpose it's the most important question the two most important days for any human being is the day that you're born and the day that you discover why you're born and sometimes you cannot discover why you were born until you submit your life to the one who created you did you give your life back to him bow your heads nobody walking just in reverence to god [Music] if you're in this place today and you say god [Music] i don't even know my purpose and i'm searching god i don't even know why i'm still here maybe god you should have taken my life instead of taking someone else [Music] but where there's life there's hope and god will always give you life in order to fulfill purpose when your purpose is done your life is finished [Music] and i want to encourage you today that salvation is not the culmination [Music] of life it's the commencement of life and purpose salvation is the commitment it's the commencement of god's purpose in your life and some of you've never submitted to have your life to really begin and you've been on life support you're just on life support until you come into the understanding of your purpose because your purpose makes you come alive we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 67,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: xmj_yKf1LlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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