The Love Of God For You | Joseph Prince | Hillsong Conference - Sydney 2019

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oh praise God praise God praise God Hillsong conference I think we have a few excited people come on get the praise to the name above every name he's the reason we are gathered a man a man God always wants his son to be in the midst jesus says where two or three are gathered together in my name there I am in the myths when he was crucified he was crucified in the myths when he was resurrected he appeared in the upper room in the myths John in the book of Revelation heard of boys and he turn around and saw the lamb in the midst it's Jesus in the midst of your life in the midst of your marriage in the midst of your church is everything you're doing centering on him even you're kidding tonight is it unto him it's not the conference is to him you hear his voice and you give to him husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church it's not just husband love your wife we have no strength to do that unless we know how love we are by him and the spillover comes on our wife wives don't just see that guy in front of you and start thinking oh no I married him all these years see Jesus in him and submit as unto as unto Jesus amen in everything put Jesus in it and your bitter waters would turn into the sweet waters of healing amen give him praise come on then you may be seated [Applause] by the way I was here from the very start of their service I just had to use the little boy's room for a moment I was from the start when team revelation was speaking on the singaporeans I was here and all the Singaporeans that are in this place we have a few all right now I really want to think yeah I love you all you all know that hey they have proven their love by flying all the way here the own expense think about it huh you know honestly and I one thing I hate is flattery but I'll tell you honestly I've never met a more generous person a couple then Bobby and Brian your heart is so large it reminds me of the scripture when the Bible says God gave Solomon exceeding much wisdom but then he says and lushness of heart wisdom without a generous heart can be dangerous you can use that to abuse but I've never met a man whose heart is so generous he will look out for those astray pastors that are hurting he knows how to reach out to them these are things that go on even behind the scene and he's just loving loving let me one reason why God is blessing Hillsong so much is because of the heart of this man you got a great pastor a man now he's a pastor to the world praise the name of Jesus amen just like our Lord Jesus Matthew chapter 9 a belief it is it says when Jesus saw the multitude when Jesus saw the people on the countryside and this is the by the lake of Galilee which is a very beautiful place to be at when he saw them he was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no Shepherd when the Lord looks at the world when the Lord looks at people even though there's a multitude he does not think of wow there's a lot of fleece a lot of wounds for me to profit from there's nothing of us there are so many lamb chops for me to feast on he thinks about them with compassion they are like sheep without a shepherd they are weary not because they are rebellious they are scattered not because they are just one thing willfully to disobey God he saw them as sheep without a shepherd they are tired weary just tired of life and pastors and leaders that's how we got to see the people not see them or they just a rebellious Bunch you know they they have no heart for God no the reason they are tired is because of they are weary is because they have --is-- they have no shepherd why don't you be the shepherd can have a good amen love is defined in this in first John four by the way before I go on I just want to acknowledge that my daughter is here in this conference and she's now 19 years old and I think she see that somewhere there Jessica will please stand where's Jessica Jessica wave where your - yes all right wave wave with the rest stop waiting so you don't there she is Jessica I love you so much she looks like a mom he was zeroing on the face she got the two dimples the mom has and I have a seven-year-old who is back home you know school just we just finished our school holidays and every time Hillsong is on it's just after school reopens so my wife is back home I've missed my wife my wife so much I tell you she looks like Miss Singapore actually Miss Universe but I'm just gonna be fine to the ladies in the house love is defined in this not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins love is defined like this in this is love here in his love the King James says this is defined as love love is defined like this not that we loved God but that he loved us and yet the emphasis many at times you have around you is that you gotta love God more you gotta love God more and that is the sum total of the law but sum total of the law is that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength and all is all y'all has anyone done there even the best of them in the Old Testament fail David the law condemns the best of us grace saves the worst of us so for 1500 years God put men under the law and men cannot even fulfill the greatest commandment and then after 1500 years God says enough yesterday people still don't have enough he says watch me now and he love us with all his heart or his soul all his mind and all his strength and gave His life arrest so today we love him because he first loved us the emphasis is on the love of God for you it's not your love for God you know when I was a youth pastor years ago when I was a youth pastor a few years ago I used to preach like this hey come on fire and your bones and and love God you're not gonna have that Pentecostal love God ha he used to have that ha and while I was preaching like this you got a laugh God more in my heart I was saying I'm also desperately in love with God myself how do I do that and that was sincere and I really wanted our young people to really love God but I was not passionately in love with the Lord myself well it's all changed people I love him so much and you can tell the maturity of a person or even a group or a church by the emphasis they put on to day we think that the emphasis on holiness denotes maturity but scripture is against nature Scripture the word God's ways are always against the natural do you know that when God the Bible says when God put Israel under the law the Bible used the word Napier's in the Greek for infants when they were infants God put them under law when Jesus came and brought grace God put them into sonship when when PETA just knew the Lord he just kept get cut no the Lord Jesus one time he was fishing and he worked all night while all night he caught no fish and he saw the master at the riverbank or the the lake of Galilee and the Lord says have you caught any fish he says no launch out into deep and drop down your nets for a catch he caught so much fish it was a net breaking boat sinking load of fishes when the fish carrying the fish I mean the fish got into the board the board began to sing how many one day kind of blessings now watch his reaction he's won his first encounters with the Lord he fell at Jesus feet and says depart from me I'm a sinful man what was he conscious off about the Lord the Lord's holiness or the Lord's love holiness depart from me I'm a sinful man he was aware he was in the presence of infinite holiness the Trice holy God right he was conscious in other words when he was young when he was immature when he was a baby believer he would his consciousness of the Lord was his holiness but he fast-forward to John 21 the Peter of John 21 and the Peter of Luke 6 is different same n but this time he denied knowing Jesus already with cursing and swearing long before he cursed and swear he never knew Jesus on the night Jesus was betrayed he actually fell from grace in the upper room in the Last Supper he actually told the Lord if all this imagine saying that to your friends in front of your faces if all this should deny you Lord I'll never deny you tol it to their face if all this should deny you I will never deny you he had confidence in himself and there was when he fell from grace long before he denied knowing Jesus he fell from grace by trusting in his own efforts you fast forward jesus is risen from the day one of the first assignments he gave to the angel was this when the disciples come to the tomb the empty tomb hallelujah tell them go tell the disciples his reason and Peter was faithfully mentioned and Peter and then when Jesus appeared to the two in Emmaus Road on the same day that he was resurrected in Jerusalem they said the Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Simon now that interview that Jesus had with Peter is built from us the first time Jesus met Peter after he rose from the dead wasn't by the Sea of Galilee in John 21 he actually had a private meeting with Peter and none of us are privy to it the Lord restored him the one by the lake when the Lord made breakfast for them was the restoration to ministry now now this time when the Lord appeared in his resurrected form by the lake of Galilee again the toil all night they caught nothing and he says children do you have any food this is no they didn't recognize him at first and the Bible says the disciple whom Jesus loved who is John when you know that you are loved by the Lord you be a person of quick perception of all the disciples in the boat John was the first one to say it is the Lord now look at Peter the Bible says when Peter heard is the Lord what did Peter do he jump into the water to go to the Lord now what is he conscious of in the Lord now his holiness or his love if he was conscious of the lost holiness he would jump the other way or he will go behind the disciples to meet the Lord as to use them like a fail but no now he's conscious of the Lord's love for him so I submit to you maturity is when you hear songs like all the songs you can worshipping with the Lord waves tonight emphasis on love and grace death maturity it is not a conference where people are shouting and and I'm trying to get right with God and always trying to read righteous themselves one finished book has done it be aware of it and walk in it it's not a Ministry of crying and crying the Bible says you ain't seen nothing yet that's coming a ministry of righteousness that exceeds in glory compared to the Ministry of condemnation we've had revivals in time past where the emphasis was on sin on sin and people cry and whip please don't misunderstand me those were real revivals God move in fight off let me tell you that but by the Bible says the Ministry of condemnation had glory even those ministries of condemnation had glory people condemning themselves and the Bible did not say there's no glory it says there's glory but the Ministry of righteousness exceeds in glory you ain't seen nothing yet there's a grace revolution all over the world the emphasis is on the righteousness that comes as a gift but church has been bleeding for so long like that woman with the issue of blood she was hemorrhaging for 12 years in the same chapter there was a dying girl Jairus daughter the rule of the synagogue in Capernaum and many of you been there in Capernaum the rule of the synagogue his name was G iris and his daughter was dying and she was 12 years old so in one chapter you have two 12 there's no insignificant detail in the Bible that means both of them are types Jesus came to raise Israel from the dead he came to raise the young generation from the dead amen but on his way there there was a woman who was hemorrhaging and as long as she was hemorrhaging she was unfruitful so she's a picture of the church the church is hemorrhaging and as long as she's hemorrhaging she has issues of blood she cannot be fruitful Isaiah 64 verse 6 tells us all our righteousness listen carefully not all our sins Isaiah 64 verse 6 6 4 6 look it up it says all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags now in the hebrew i don't mean the big horse tonight but let me just tell you this in the hebrew filthy rags is soil menstrual cloth all our righteousness are filthy rags and that woman as long as she was hemorrhaging she needed those rags and the church has been trusting in her own righteousness it's not our sins our filthy rags our righteousness are as filthy rags and as long as a church trust her own righteousness she will always be unfruitful but the moment she came the press behind and she came behind the Lord and in those days all the rabbi's and all the Jewish males would wear a prayer shawl at the end of the prayer show they have this what they call tallit the prayer shall have you seen it arise a beautiful prayer shawl of blue not maroon blue I'm sorry okay cuz I knew I know the Blues want so I can say that and and and every Jewish me were aware that the Bible says she came in the press behind and she touched the hem of His garment which means she touched the prayer shawl and the moment she touch it she was made whole now there's nothing magical in the prayer shawl the Pharisees extend the border of their garments nothing happened but the moment she touched Jesus prayer shawl why his prayer shawl is a symbol of righteousness his righteousness not hers the moment the church touch Jesus righteousness which comes to us as a gift your bleeding stops your issue stop you start to be fruitful again now remember that she came from behind and she tried to take a blessing from behind Jesus Jesus stop and he's so cool you know the market it was strong in him most celebs in all day they cannot take a multitude thronging them they have minders and bodyguards around them but Jesus had the multitude thronging him and the Bible says they keep on drawing him pressing on him and he was walking to Jairus house to a Hill Jairus daughter who was dying and the month of strong in him and woman came behind and took the power of God without his permission he stopped he turn around and says who touched me and the disciples is Oh d'Or Lord you see the multitude thronging you you asked who touch me he says I I felt power leave me he turn around that's duty see him he turn around he who touched me and the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her killing was done in her you know the Apostle Paul said I was with you in weakness in fear and trembling I used to wonder like what was it doing standing in front of the Corinthians and he says I was with you in weakness fear and trembling I'm all shook up for you you you know it's like I thought you know he obviously didn't have Parkinson so what's the problem here it was he praising is a Hebrew expression of when you are in awe or what God has done in your life and you stand before the people you stand in fear and trembling the Bible says Jeremiah says the world was fear and tremble for all the prosperity I will procure to my people and she she told a lot what happened you know why the Lord turn because in the Old Testament the people will always seek God back parts they cannot see God's full face they cannot see his face and live God was there was always looking at God's back part God was always leading because they were always singing God was always leaving because they were always sitting but this time Jesus turn around so that she can behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ look full in his wonderful face because if she had left with a blessing whatever costs that hemorrhage in the first place where this unrest or stress or what are the condition he wanted her to know that he wants her to have that healing that she don't need to feel like she stole a blessing away and it's what he said to her daughter she's the only one in the Gospels Jesus calls a daughter daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be whole of your plate so while he was talking someone came from Jerez house don't forget he was on his way to race or to heal Jairus daughter in the States don't bother the master any longer your daughter is dead as soon as Jesus heard it he says fear not only belief maybe tonight there some dayt situations in your life you say it's beyond hope her prince is gone but the Lord says fear not he is the resurrection and the life only believe only believe if you are hungry only eat if you are sleepy only sleep and don't do it now you need a miracle only believed don't be afraid only belief when it came to the house the Bible says are people professional mourners were there is a Jewish custom he moved them all out and he brought Peter James and John the names have a meaning in the Bible Peter means stone James means supplant or replace John means grace the stone the Ten Commandments the law has been replaced by grace that's the message they will raise the dead and then the Bible says is recorded in your English Bible the words Jesus spoke is very seldom they record the Hebrew the error my it says he took the girl by the hand and he said talita coming talita that is the word for the prayer shawl which we as we have established is the robe of righteousness so in other words he took his robe of righteousness he threw it over the dead girl and he says go under the tallit under the righteous my righteousness arise and the girl rose from the dead right now I believe God is throwing his chief of righteousness over the young generation and they are coming alive hallelujah I've only we'll go out and throughout the chief of righteousness and replace the law with grace is he the law is not replaced because it's no good no misunderstood me is God's law it is replaced because it has been fulfilled you see when you fulfill your obligations to the bank my advice stop paying it has been fulfilled I know people's a team on I'm come to destroy the law or the prophets I'm not come but to fulfill and he is that it Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes amen now of all the disciples there's one called the disciple whom Jesus loved for years I was wondering to myself man how come he has this special equally I want to know how to make the Lord love me more I want to be the the one Jesus loved until one day God opened my eyes and I realized it appears only in John's own Gospel John was calling himself the disciple whom Jesus loved it's like if I spend time yesterday with Brian with John grey with Charles Neiman and then after that I go back to my room and I text my wife and I say that tonight three pastors had dinner Brian John Gray Charles Neiman and the pastor home Jesus loves what am i doing it's not that God loves them any less amen is that I know it and I believe in it we have known and believed it's not enough to know it in your head you gotta believe God loves you man and make it personal not a face in a crowd Paul says the Son of God who loved me not us the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me he's always saying the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me for moi God doesn't see a crowd he sees individuals don't ask me how he does it he that's why he's gone and we find that the first instance that phrase appears in the upper room Jesus just said one of you shall betray me and they started asking each other they look at one another having known that when we look at each other there's no answer you look to the Lord and then the Bible says there was a disciple whom Jesus loved and look at that in John there was leaning on Jesus bosom a picture of rest trusting in Jesus love not trusting not John wasn't resting on his own bosom yo he wasn't like this he wasn't trusting his own love for the Lord he was resting on the lost love for him come on and then he asks who is it Lord and the Lord told him who it was he's he to whom I would dip the bread and give it to him the Lord whispered to him he's the only one out of the twelve that knew who the betrayal was you know why because he leaned on Jesus heart and heard the secrets of his heart when you depend on the Lord's love for you you become intimate with him there is a difference between familiarity and intimacy the disciples was familiar with Jesus but once a while someone who don't even spend time with the Lord like the Centurion of whom Jesus says this man has great faith no not in all Israel that Centurion was intimate with the Lord Mary of Bethany she was intimate she knows the Lord's hearts and minds where the disciples were familiar you know you can sing the same songs that others are singing but for you you're filling the love of God you are sensing the love of Jesus they are not just words that you're familiar with you are intimate with him you know the Bible tells us that when Jesus rose from the dead he walked with two disciples imagine when you is your resurrection day you thought there be more important things to do right then to walk with to discouraged disciples on their way home they were on their way to Emmaus a seven mile journey from Jerusalem and Jesus walked with them and they were discouraged and the Lord said to them why you discouraged and this is don't you know about Jesus of Nazareth and what happened to him we thought it was he that should redeem Israel in other words Israel is the essential team in the midst of them Jesus is just a means to an end that's why they were disappointed you are a believer but you see Jesus as a means to an end maybe something else occupies your heart they said we thought it was he that should redeem Israel and the Bible says the Lord beginning at Moses the first five books of the Bible are the books of Moses beginning at Moses and the prophets he began to expound two damn things concerning himself the number one reason that God gave us the Bible is to Easter it's like a love album of his son his darling son the story of Joseph Melchisedec is all he's done and God never tires of talking about his son Jay today I was reading about the Tabernacle how to build the tabernacle and all that a few chapters later the same details are given the Ark of the Covenant the table of showbread the candelabra it's like chorus repeat himself because God never tired of talking about his son all furnitures talked about his son God loves his son I mean God told Abraham take now your son your only son the son that you love while God was really pushing it huh take your son your only son the son that you love and offer him on a mountain today we know it to be Mount Moriah you know you've seen pictures of Israel you see a Dome of the rock Mount Moriah there was the place where Abraham brought his son the son that he loved think about it Abraham had two sons one was an older son Ishmael right by the time Isaac came there was Ishmael already right and yet God said take now your son your only son the son that you love I was God thinking of he was thinking of his son his only son the son that he loves and offer him on a mountain which was three days journey why why not any other mountain any mountain will do right for a sacrifice why did God choose that specific mountain cuz 2,000 years after Abraham his son his only son the Sunday he loves would die on that high ridge of that Mount Moriah where Abram offered his son and it's called Calvary there is a law of Bible interpretation called the law of first mention and the first mention of love in the Bible is found here in this story take your son your only son the son that you love and every time the Bible mentions something for the first time there is something significant when love was first mentioned it's not about a man's love for a woman who Ana man loves a woman not the kind of love is the father's love for the Sun so the son when up the mountain of the three days journey with the wood on his back with the wood on his back the Sun went up the mountain with the wood on his back come on and then the Sun was probably a teenager at a time let me tell you this the Sun could actually fight off his father any time scholars tell us and the Jewish people tell us is not a young boy probably in his teens eighteen nineteen he could have fought off his father and put his father on the altar how many know that Jesus says therefore doth my father love me because I lay down my life the father always loves Jesus when Jesus chose to lay down his life for his father and for all of us there was a fresh impetus of the Father's love for him and then Isaac asked Abraham his father Abba Father I see the wood and I see the fire where is the lamb questions in the Bible are very very significant where is the lamb and the fact the father said son God will provide himself a lamb and that question was answered when Jesus came at the River Jordan and John was baptizing and John saw him and John says loo behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world [Applause] so they went up he tied his son his son was willing to be tight I'm sure that the Roman centurion and the soldiers they were stunned when they saw the Lord lie down on the cross I mean no no one can take his life he says no man can take my life listen no man can take my life I lay down my life of my own will which remember when they came to arrest him in the garden soldiers brandishing their faiths and swords came to arrest him fully armed there was an entourage of them they came to arrest him one man they came on and he says whom do you seek they say we seek Jesus of Nazareth he stepped forward leading step behind his step forward and said I am and they all fell they all fell before him he says I am the majestic word the name of God how God introduce himself the Moses in the burning bush is I am that I am when he said I am they all fell and he waited for his for his captivate this to get up so that they can take him captive but who made who captive no one can take his life he laid down because of his love for you I feel like sometimes we come to a conference like this and then we start comparing because we we are not doing what another ministry is doing what this pastor is doing this fastest anymore successful and and we start comparing you know John the Bible tells us in John 21 after Jesus rose from the date that phrase the disciple of Jesus love appears one more time and this time Peter was asking remember Peter Peter is the type of believers that boast about their love for the Lord remember the Upper Room the Last Supper he's the one who says Lord if all this deny you I will never deny you so in essence he represents Christians who both of their love for the Lord that's why his name is Peter means stone whereas John his name Yohanan means God is Grace amen and he both of the Lord's love for him he leaned on the Lord's love he depend on the Lord's love when all is said and done where was the man who boasts of his love for the Lord within Peter tears in darkness somewhere having denied the Lord with her seen swearing where is the one who boasts of the Lord's love for him at the foot of the cross of spiritual used to him when he says take care of my mother and the last time that phrase appears is John 21 by the Sea of Galilee right after the Lord restored Peter how am I glad that the Lord is amazing I mean he restores when it's like of all the eleven they were there I mean all the disciples that were there not in all eleven were there only a few of them but of all of them they were there he actually gave the Commission feed my sheep to the one who filled the most where sin increased grace super abounds and the very mouth that denied knowing Jesus is cussing and swearing in a few days time was standing on the day of Pentecost and he was preaching and God used that mouth because where sin increased grace that very area of shame that very area that you are you don't want to acknowledge in your very weakness that's where his grace will abound for many years in secondary school we call it secondary school high school hours a stammerer and a starter in class and the same teacher would always come in and ask me to stand to read for the sheer pleasure of seeing me go read in my ears and the whole class laughing he the studies I hope he's watching this now the very area of my weakness stammering and stuttering I think God has used it some your very area of weakness my grace cannot manifest my strength cannot manifest in your strength or where is that where is weakness that's when my strain will flow amen don't be a shame of your weakness both in your weakness because his frame is made perfect in your weakness when I look at the world and as he's seen increasing I'm not discouraged I'm glad for God's grace because we're seen increase where location Location Location where sin increased grace super abounds there is hope for this generation amen sorry I get excited when I talk about grace so the last time the name that's a poem Jesus love appears was this the Bible tells us Peter turn around and saw the disciple of Jesus loved following the disciple of Jesus love was already following and a Peter says Lord who is he said Lord what about this man he asked about John what about this man sometimes I become the conference we taught me about this person that person Lord I want to be like that person what about this man what about that man see what the Lord said and the Lord says if I will that he remains till i come what is that to you you follow me don't worry about this person that church that you that that ministry in law stays to you what is that to you you follow me now listen Peter had to be tall follow me John look at John John was already following he didn't have to be told to follow you know why because he practiced Jesus love when you practice Jesus love you start getting holy by accident you start to fulfill God's will without even realizing it in fact those areas where the phrase appears the disciple whom Jesus loved you find John loving the Lord the most and yet he wasn't conscious of it he was conscious of the Lord's love for him and he Abram was about to slay his son and when he was about to do it God stopped him and God says stay your hand Abraham now I know that you love me that you fear me because you have not withheld your son your only son the son that you love so that today we can stay to God God I know that you love me because you have not withheld your son your only son from me hallelujah haha God spared Abraham of the pains of a father's heart he did not spare himself there was no hand to stay gods him when Jesus hung on the cross and for the first time he never addressed his father as my god jesus never addressed his father as my god is always my father the father is with me the father the father but for the first time he looked up and he states my God my God why have you forsaken me he cried out loud today we all know that he was forsaken so that you and I can say my father my father why have you so blessed me he took our place that we might take his place now please listen to what I'm saying there are people who feel like God hated Jesus at the cross almost despise him no no my friend he was never more pleasing to the Father than when he was on the cross remember what he said therefore my father loved me because I lay down my life he was obedient to his father as father listened carefully as father his heart broke he Jesus was never more pleasing but as God he turned his back how many I understand there as God he turned his back you know when Jesus was baptized at the River Jordan he came out of waters and the father's feet I love it the Bible says he opened the heavens to him not just opened the heavens he opened the heavens to him and the father says you are my beloved son in you I am well pleased every child deserves to hear that from his father that that affirmation will cause your your sons and daughters to be empowered to prosper to succeed in life the affirmation of the Father you are my beloved son what one next up there he was driven in by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan and Satan came to him says if you are the son of God turn the stones to bread if you are the son of God notice the constant refrain if you are the son of God but the devil left out something one word one important word what was it God said to Jesus you are my beloved the devil drop out that word beloved why because it's counterproductive to his temptations to remind you that you are God's beloved so imagine a ministry that affirms that that concert reminds people that they are loved by God I'm telling you the Holy Spirit loves it amen do you love Jesus when Jesus walked on the earth let me bring this to a close Jesus turned around and told the Jews and did this what Jews that rejected him and he says to him your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was black and they said you're not yet fifty years old you saw Abraham he says this before Abraham was I am I am and the Bible says they pick up stones to stone him because they realized he was claiming to be God which he is before Abraham was I am they missed him he says Abraham rejoiced to see my day and they turn it around and says you saw Abraham Jesus didn't say he saw he's a he didn't say listen carefully he saw Abraham which means the greater was see the letter was see the greater he says Abraham saw me where the Abraham see Jesus and rejoice up there when Abraham when Abraham and his son was there God stayed his hand and he looked behind him and that's where Mount Calvary is people in Israel Mount Moriah is a lower portion of the same reach of mountains where Mount Calvary is Abraham looked behind Abraham saw a vision Abraham rejoiced to see my day he saw it and he was glad that's why Abraham called that mountain in the mountain of the Lord Jehovah Jireh in the mountain of the Lord he shall be seen and then God showed him behind him there was a torn book and there was a ram caught and God is offered the RAM instead now usually Ram or sheep they are caught by their wool and then they intertwine and they will get twisted intertwine with the thorns but these are very unusual for a ram to be caught by its horns by his horns scuse me horns now when you pull a ram caught by his horns and you pull him out you will have a crown of pawns 2,000 years ago God turned his back on his son because he was carrying all our sins and got Unleashed on him all the righteous rough and punishments of a at Rice holy God and he fell in Jesus and Jesus absorb it all and cried Suresh he finish it all once upon a time during Elijah's time this the judgment was greater than the sacrifice he licked up all the twelve stones this time the sacrifice was greater than the judgment it absorbed and should finish the judgment today is because God is holy God cannot judge you if you believe on his son because if got punished and condemn you for believing on his for sinning even today listen it's because we know this it empowers us to go and sin no more amen I went to sit back just for a moment and watch this video that we have I did this video after time in Israel and I was at the Mount of Beatitudes so I went to the little boy's room that I went to just now my custom and then when I was walking down there I saw some stones and when I saw the stones and the rocks I was telling myself after Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount he came down the mountain and the Bible says the multitudes followed him which means he didn't come to him he didn't come down to the multitude who was here he went the other way where I was going and I saw some rocks there and seeing myself and he healed the leper so I thought the leper must be hiding under one of these rocks because right after the Sermon on the Mount Jesus touched the leper under law the unclean when he touches you the clean you become unclean under grace listen when the clean touches the unclean the unclean becomes clean sit back enjoy blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy listen are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon therefore I say to you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body what you will put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not of more value than they which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature so why do you worry about clothing consider the lilies of the field how they grow they neither toil nor spin and yet I say to you that even Solomon and all his glory was not arrayed like one of these [Music] [Laughter] and the rain descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord if you how building you can make me I am willing be cleansed [Music] this is love not that we loved God but that he loved us let's go to a lost and dying world share the good news and we can never never know everything about that love that's why we need to pray that we know the length the depth the breadth the height of the love of Christ and I pray that for all of you tonight in our darkness he came we were without hope without light do you love him do you love him as you first loved [Applause] [Music] [Music] without home with [Music] there was [Music] to fulfill the law and profits to a virgin named of her from the throne [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] let's move for the land [Music] then the china shop [Music] [Music] come on church can we take a moment and really praise our God in this place come on we Noseworthy amen Murata can we thank pastor Joseph friends for that best suited revelation that we got to be a part of so grateful you know we wanted to stop and take a moment as we do whenever we gather on nights like this and give people an opportunity respond to the truth of what we've heard tonight the whole reason that we've gathered the reason that we are here is because the God who created the heavens in the earth he created every single one of us as we've heard he loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die but not only died but to conquer that grave and to rise again it may be you're here tonight and it's your first night at conference we're so excited that you here or maybe you've been here all week you've never truly understood why Jesus went to that cross and the reason that Jesus went to the cross for you and I so we could find forgiveness from our past and our sins and our mistakes and truly find freedom from the regret that we could easily carry the reason that he went to that cross so we could understand that we've got a purpose here on earth God hasn't made a mistake with your life maybe greatest of all that he did it so we could experience His grace in his love here on earth a love it's so strong the Bible teaches us there is nothing that can separate us from his love and what that means for you and I tonight is it doesn't matter where he came from doesn't matter what you've done there is no place in life that is too far away that would stop Jesus from loving you and there's nothing that you could have ever done that is so bad that would stop Jesus from loving you he knows everything about you and I he accept something he loves us just the way that we are and the only thing that we have to do is accept it so I wanted to take a moment and pray this prayer the Bible teaches us if we confess with our mouth believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead we'd be saved son ask everyone to close your eyes just so you can take this moment about think about where you stand when it comes to Jesus and I'm confident that many people here you can say you've prayed that prayer you're following him and that's amazing but if you're here tonight you've never made that decision to accept who Jesus is for you there's never been a specific moment where you've given your life in your heart to God I believe tonight you can actually leave this place discovering the reason you were put here on earth or maybe you're here and you know at some stage you are following him but for whatever reason you've turned your back on that relationship and I want to remind and encourage you that God has never turned his back on you and you find tonight when you turn back to him that you're welcome with open and accepting loving arms but especially if that's you tonight you've never made this decision I want to count to three so know who I'm praying for and I want to lead you in this prayer that starts this great adventure with Jesus you know this is your moment why don't you lift up your hand on one two three all over this place I believe many people are going to raise their hands lift up the and it's amazing the ceiling this is for everyone we don't want anyone to miss out on this so if you know this is your moment why don't you raise your hand quickly hands are being raised in every section this is amazing so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna pray this prayer simply line by line and I want everybody to repeat this prayer after me is one big family out loud but especially if you raise your hand come on repeat after me say Jesus I thank you that you love me I thank you that you died on the cross he rose again for me I'm sorry that I've sinned against you please forgive me come into my heart give me a brand new star I thank you that you now live in me and I'll follow you the rest of my days amen amen come on can we take him over to congratulate people for making this the greatest decision you could ever make in your life
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 741,837
Rating: 4.8508844 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, online, church, joseph prince, love, The Love of God for you, God, jp, joseph, pastor prince, prince, hillsongconf, hillsong conference, conference, 2019, sydney, ncc, qudos bank arena
Id: 6LUw2JIwQB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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