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[Applause] amen you know the Bible says where two or three are gathered jesus said where two what we are gathered there I am when Moses asks what is your name Oh God I am that I am the I am is in our midst give him all the praise and the glory amen then you may be seated praise the Lord you know when Jesus was crucified the Bible says he was crucified in the midst say in the midst between two thieves even in his death the father puts him in the centre when he rose from the dead he appeared to his disciples in the upper room the Bible says he appeared India myths say in the myths in the midst of their fears they were hiding in the upper room Jesus appears in the midst of their fears put Jesus in the midst of your fear and see your fear disappear John in the book of Revelation had a voice behind him says the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed he turn around instead of a lion he saw the land in the midst in the midst of the throne of God Jesus wants to be in the midst of your marriage your ministry your churches and your heart amen when he is in the midst all things are held together in him in him all things consist good evening to all of you what a privilege it is once again to wash your feet with the water of his word I feel honored privileged you know Joel and myself we are ordinary people we actually we don't like the idea of like being in the session and then you know we disappear or being whisked off if we can you know it's not possible if we can we like to shake the hand of every minister because you are just as important doing what God is calling you to do every single one of you we wish we have the time and I speak on behalf of Joel as well that we can just embrace you and encourage you and tell you that you're doing something great for the kingdom of God I want to honor you you know I love the way Jesus is described in the Last Supper the Bible says Jesus knowing where he came from knowing where he is going knowing the father has given all things into his hands he stooped down and wash his disciples feet no this is only those who are secure in who they are in Christ that can served proud people are insecure people when you see someone proud pity them Jesus knowing who he is knowing the father has given all things stood down and served hallelujah is an honor to serve you and I want to say a big thank you to all the service the workers everyone helping out in this conference there's no way a conference like this can be a success without all this heroes and hero ins behind the scene so let's give them a big THANK YOU from the depth of my heart thank you so much for your sacrifice the time given may the Lord reward you a thousand times more everything that you've put in you know the Bible says God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love the idea that is that if God forgets your work and labor of love he's unrighteous but God is not unrighteous watch out a blessing is about to smack you in the face hey man God is not unrighteous Amen let's turn to first John chapter 4 verse 10 remember that in our first session we said the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ my ministry is to unveil the beauty of the New Covenant that's my commission from the Lord and let's just pause for a while and remember that we are children of the New Covenant first John 4:10 this is love this is the definition of love first Corinthians 13 is not the definition of love first Corinthians 13 love is patient love is kind are the description of love love is defined like this this is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins notice that love is not asked loving God and yet for so long the church emphasis has been you shall love God of all your heart if all your soul all your mind all your strength but this is love not that we loved God but that he loved us for 1500 years the tune of Israel the Jewish people were under the law and the sum total of the law is that thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart all thy soul all thy mind all thy strength has anyone done their even the best of them David field and God knew no one could that's why the law was given even the very greatest commandment was given to expose man's lack and need no one could love God like that until the perfect man came so after fifteen hundred years God says enough do you concede that you cannot now watch me God says I will love you with all my heart with all my soul with all my strength and he gave us his life hallelujah so love is not our love for God it is God's love for us under law you love got all your heart all your soul all your mind but we are no longer under law we are under grace where God loves us with all his heart all his soul and gave us his son hallelujah and the law is an all and dying way you see the number of times it says don't come near lest you die the phrase lest you die appears so many times in Leviticus and Deuteronomy it's an all and dying way under law you must enter with fear and trepidation but under grace is a new and living way the more you come the more you live if you are sick the more you come to God the more you live because it's a new and living way hallelujah and the law God demands righteousness from bankrupt men and men could not and God knew that but under grace God imparts righteousness as a gift to men we are no longer under law we under grace I'm here when Jesus came down the mountain Beatitudes there was a leper that came up to Jesus and we don't know how he got in the midst of the crowd probably by stealth because as a leper he's not supposed to be there and he came to Jesus the Lord if you are willing you can make me clean so he has no doubt God can his that was whether God is willing to use his power for him the first thing Jesus did was to touch him wow this man has not been touched for the longest time when he sees his children from afar before he was infected now the kids are grown he cannot embrace his kids he's not allowed to and the first thing Jesus did for this man was to touch him he humanized the man again and Jesus says I'm willing be clean and immediately the leprosy left under law if you are unclean and you touch the unclean you make the clean and clean Jesus came down and brought grace Jesus the clean touch the unclean and the unclean became clean hey listen these the massive you need to preach to our young people and the law sin is contagious but don't be afraid of the world because under grace righteousness is contagious let's stop having this law mentality touch not taste not go not view not be not there you might as well be a hermit amen have the confidence you are contagious you are infectious your righteousness touching the unclean will make the unclean clean amen and we are all cleansed by the blood of Jesus can have a good amen hallelujah when God first gave the law you ask any Jewish rabbi they will tell you the law was given on the first Pentecost ever 50 days from pass over the first Passover in Egypt the tune of Israel traversed the wilderness and they were at Mount Sinai exactly fifty days God gave them the law and what happened at the foot of the mountain three thousand people died in the first Pentecost notice under grace Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost was fully come God gave not the law but the Spirit and three thousand people were saved the letter kills but the Spirit gives life hallelujah when we preach grace life is imparted to our people a man this is love it's not my love for God is God's love for me you know when I was a youth pastor many years ago quite a many years ago I don't tell many many years ago God keeps me young he renews our youth like the Eagles and in Eagles renewal is literal amen believe God for their turn to your neighbor touch your neighbor and say just hope for you bro when I was a youth pastor I remember preaching to my people strong messages like come on what's wrong with you gotta laugh that more you folks that I love God the problem you people is that you don't love God enough and all the while when I'm preaching like that in my heart I'm asking myself how do I do that I'm not madly in love with God and yet I was preaching that to my people because I didn't know any better today I must tell you I'm in love of Jesus you know we can sit down at the table it's not a message it still goes on when I see before a a city Joe we are still talking about the Lord and it's love it's not a message it's our life today I'm I'm desperately deeply irreversibly in love with Jesus the Bible says today we love because He first loved us your King James says we love him him is not day in the original we love we love him we love one another because He first loved us the challenge then is that our pulpits must unveil the love of God to our people the reason people are not loving God is not because they are bad is because there's been no unveiling of the love of God well that's log even your the love God no you gotta love God mom no we're gonna unveil the beauty of Jesus that's why it takes the Holy Spirit to teach grace because it doesn't take the Holy Spirit to teach law motivational speakers who are unsafe do that all the time it takes the Holy Spirit to elucidate the beauty of Jesus and the excellencies of the perfect New Covenant Amen that takes the Holy Spirit doesn't take the Holy Spirit to understand do good get good do bad get beat but it takes the Holy Spirit to teach you grace you can receive good you don't deserve because somebody received bet that he did not deserve that takes the Holy Spirit amen so on the night of the pass the Last Supper Jesus look at his disciples and he said one of you shall betray me the Bible tells us Peter spoke up you know Peter is always the the fastest one quick on the draw you have Peters in your leadership now look straight don't look beside you look straight I'm not talking about your wife until I use alright he's quick to respond he says Lord if all this and he was pointing to the other disciples if all this should forsake you I will never leave you I will never forsake you and [Applause] in other words Peter represents believers who both of the aleph for the Lord then we have joined John was leaning on Jesus bosom in those days the culture was to recline as they eat so they were rest on their arm so obviously John was on the right hand whoa what a position a right of Jesus leaning on Jesus breast what a picture of leaning on Jesus breast he's resting on the Lord's love the breast represents love he's boasting of the Lord's love for him Peter his name means stone he represents the law because the law was written and engraved on stones John his name means grace he represents all the believers who do not boast of the olive but the Lord's love for them and I believe we have them in this house this evening amen now if you look up here in John you find that after Jesus said one of you shall betray me the one who both of his love for the Lord Peter had to gesture to John now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved now I used to wonder why Jesus loved this particular man in a special way because you find that John is always described as a disciple whom Jesus loved until one day I found out it appears only in John's own gospel so what was John doing actually Jesus loved all the 12 the same but John knew it it is like if I were to spend some time with Pastor Joel and pastor ray had caught a cop at a cafe some way and I go back to my hotel I bring up my notebook or my diary and I jot down today I spend time 3 or 3 pastors we're at this cafe pastor ray 3 wonderful pastor say Amen and pastor ray pastor Joe and the pastor whom Jesus loved now what am i doing I am practicing his love for me I am being conscious of the Lost night the Lord loves them just the same but I am conscious of it the Bible says we have known and believed the love that God has for us it's not enough just annoyed mentally you got to believe that God loves you and then Paul personalizes it the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me me he personalize it that's what we need to do turn to your neighbor and smile and say you are seated by the disciple whom Jesus loved is as if all the focus of heaven is on you nah man so when Jesus said one of you shall betray me notice it says that Peter who both of his love had the gesture to John Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom he spoke notice that Peter sends Peter did not sense his closeness to the Lord whenever you both of your love for the Lord you were sense a distance because that is law Peter had to gesture to John to ask Jesus who is the one so John the Bible says a little bit then leaning back on Jesus breast a picture of depending on the Lord's love John said to Jesus Lord who is it jesus answered it is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread do you know that of all the disciples only John knew who had betrayed Jesus when you both are the Lord's love for you you hear his heartbeat you are brought into the old rim and the Tamim of the priest you are brought to the closest place of Jesus heart when you both of your love for the Lord you'll be like Peter having to gesture to John instinctively he felt John was closer when all is said and done Peter and John who represent two kinds of believers one who boast of his love for the Lord that's Peter and John who boast of the Lord's love for him before the night was over Peter who both of his love was found cursing and swearing denying he ever knew Jesus but where was the disciple that boasts of the Lord's love for him where was he he was at the foot of the cross when all the disciples were not there John was there at the cross Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved and he said to him woman behold your son he said to the disciple behold your mother John brought comfort to Jesus in his dying moments John was the only one that was meat for the Masters use if you want God to use you you want to be at the right place at the right time both are the Lord's love for you magnify the Lord love for you big conscious of the Lord's love for you sing songs about the lots love for you feed on the love of God for you because right now he loves you as if you're the only person in this Dome amen hey listen you know when I was young I used to play around with magnifying glass you have that right you know like you burn some ends have you done that I know I know it's vicious and all things have passed away Lila so I love the crackling sound you know when you burn them now how many understand that the same rays of the Sun fall upon every blade of the grass but when you put a magnifying glass over a blade of grass it burns up I believe that we need to put a magnifying glass spiritually speaking over our hits of the love of God we need to be conscious of it until it burns us up and you'll end up being used by God by accident you will you will find yourself hearing the secrets of God effortlessly whereas those who both of their love for the Lord are always feeling the distance and therefore because they are feeling condemned they condemn others so while Peter was weeping bitter tears having denied the Lord that loved him John was at the foot of the cross is an interesting that when John boasts of the Lord's love for him you find him loving the Lord the most how men pastors ministers the pulpit is the place for unveiling the love of God it's the place for feeding not a place for beating if you have a problem with somebody in the church have the guts to confront that one person do not slap 500 people from the pulpit to get that one the pulpit is for feeding oh yes there is correction all right there is there is exhortation and there's discipline in the word but it's not a beating when Moses misrepresented God by beating the rock and shouting at the people saying here now you're rebels cause it's Moses come over here you're not entering the land because you misrepresented me you make me look hard mean and judgmental I know they are murmuring but I see their truth and you misrepresented me for that you're not entering the land he did have ears to hear let him hear amen amen it's a lesson of leadership you know when Jesus came out of the waters of baptism the Bible says I love the way the Bible says it the heavens opened to him to him whenever Jesus is in the mists of the church the heavens open to him the heavens are not open over Joseph Prince it opens over Jesus so when he came out of the waters the heavens opened over Jesus and the father says that this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased say beloved beloved Son in whom I am well pleased right after that see I want to say this all the father's here the father's approval will empower you to reign in life therefore when you approve and speak words like you are my favorite to every child that you have amen and you are empowering them for success they'll meet the temptations of life and they'll win the father's approval will always empower you to succeed and my new Jesus is not yet even done one miracle at this point his first miracle with turning water into wine when he came out of the waters and the father gave him the approval he has not yet done one single miracle charismatics we think that God approves of us because we do more miracles I got more miracles than you well you know what God says there's not important you are important and in my eyes you are well-favored right after them right after Jesus heard that voice from his father what happened after death he was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil now do you notice that the devil came to him the common theme of the devil is I'm going to try okay be like the devil is a lost cause because I'm hopelessly saved if thou be the Son of God turn the stones to bread another time if thou be the Son of God notice the constant refrain if you be the Son of God if you be the Son of God notice the devil left out one word beloved he'd drop off the word beloved Jesus just heard the father says you are my beloved son when a devil came to Jesus he'd drop out the word beloved because it's counterproductive for the devil to remind Jesus that he's beloved hey hey listen temptations cannot succeed when you have you know temptations cannot succeed against our young people against us when we have a sense that we are God's beloved the reason why young people are giving away their values and your morals is not because they are bad is not because they are rebellious is because they don't have a sense that they are beloved turn to your neighbor and say I'm God's beloved look at somebody else and say doesn't matter what you think of me I'm gods didn't ever it sets you free in a healthy way from men's opinion of you hey listen you must be free from the opinions of men to help men you cannot help anybody if you are dependent on the opinion and when you realize you know if you love me you don't love me hey Jesus love me and my wife loves me if you have been rejected by someone that you love your boyfriend leaves you or whatever he is his loss I'm glass beloved amen I don't have to have a big church you know this big church business and all that honestly I don't feel it take away the church and I'm God's beloved amen I never tie my identity with the church man what if one day I'm no longer pasta if you say well I am Joseph Prince I am pastor there was only happen you know more pasta that goes your identity another Bible says in officience one we are accepted in the beloved come on give him the praise we are accepted highly favored in the Greek highly favored in the beloved I mean praise the Lord you know I remember years ago when my daughter was about 2 or 3 years old and she had a viral attack and she was crying more than one day so he brought her to the doctor and the doctor did some blood tests because it was an unusual virus and all the blood tests they couldn't even understand the blood tests and she was crying and crying you know my daughter is so adorable you know when you carry her she's so chubby and she has dimples like a mom you know and when you see her cry your heart breaks you rather break your own heart then to see her cry so I I could not take it after more than a day she was crying crying finally I told wife you just take care of her in this room I'm going to just sit God about this I knelt down and I cried I could still hear her crying she's been crying for more than one day almost unceasingly so I know that and I cried when I heard my daughter correct because I just broke down and said lord please I need a revelation I have bound I have loosed I have spat I've cast outcasts in loosening everything I knew how confess I'm blue in the face what is not working Lord and I just fell before the Lord is it speak I need you free to speak to me and my Bible was in front of me and I opened my Bible and it was on Genesis 22 the famous story of Abraham offering Isaac and I something about a story attracted me and I keep on reading and he says God said to Abraham take now your son your only son the son that you love God is really pushing it take your son your only son the son that you love and offer him as a burnt offering now stop for a minute Abraham had two sons there was Ishmael and then Isaac yet God said take your son your only son so God must actually means something else then Abraham's son the whole picture there is about God's only Son and as Isaac took the wood on his back and went up the mountain what do you see mother I make all things new you see the son of God going up the hill of Calvary I'm here and then when he was about to slay his son God stopped him and God says Abraham Abraham lay not your hand upon the boy now I know you fear me you honor me you love me because you have not withheld your son your only son from me so that today when we look at what Jesus has done for us and the love of God for us we can say to God now I know that you love me because you have not withheld your son your only son from me [Applause] and the Bible says when Abram looked back he saw a lamb caught in the thicket do you know that Mount Moriah where this story happened the highest range of Mount Moriah in Israel today is Mount Calvary so Abraham looked back and saw the cross that God would give his son his only son he never wanted Isaac anyway hallelujah Jesus says Abraham rejoiced to see my day Abram believed the same gospel you and I believed he saw the cross he saw Jesus and the moment I saw that for the first time by the way there is a principle of Bible interpretation called the law first mentioned every time a subject is mentioned for the first time there is something significant do you note in this chapter though what love is mentioned for the first time the son whom you loved has got to do with Jesus do you know that what worship is mentioned the first time in this chapter the boy and I will go there and worship worship has got to do with the cross when you're full of Jesus and what he has done worship all the floors and when I sends the love of God and now I wept when I read that not for my daughter anymore but for the whole love affair that God has with us then he will give some his own son up and I wept for Jesus love was so clearly revealed and the moment I sense the love of Jesus you know what happened to my child next door the crying stop and ever since then she's well now listen this is a point I want to make the Bible says faith worketh by love for the longest time I was taught that when you love others then your faith will work but honestly there's a never-ending treadmill faith works when you realize how much God loves you faith works by agape love that's the love of God for you not your love for God when you realize how much God loves you your faith operates effortlessly don't try to conjure up faith see the love of God and faith will be there and your faith will work poor Peter he meant well but he's a picture of the law boasting of his love for the Lord and now he's denying swearing and the rooster crows that sound like a soft African rooster any resemblance is purely coincidental and the Bible says he wept bitter tears well when Jesus rose from the dead is an interesting the Bible tells us hey listen do you know that before Jesus died Jesus says whoever can denies me before men I'll deny him before the Father it was before he died Peter failed big time with cussing and swearing and yet when Jesus rose from the dead Jesus said go tell my disciples and Peter Peters name was mentioned specifically and then we find the incident where they were at the beach by the lake of Galilee and Jesus appeared in his resurrected form and the disciples was fishing and then Peter realized who it was actually was John who realized it first the Bible says Jesus says have you caught anything we've caught nothing throw your net on the right side and they caught so much fish but this time the nets is not brief and then John said it is the Lord and Peter jump into the water to go to Jesus now listen whenever you boast of the Lord's love for you you'll be someone with quick perception quick discernment you see the Lord faster than anybody else it was John who saw who realized it was the Lord and then Peter jammin on without thinking Peters always rash alright and just swim and when he came to Jesus he didn't know he did not know what to do kind of shame and he saw that Jesus prepared breakfast for them is there a wonderful stop in Fame Jesus risen from the dead never again to die beste with all authority in heaven and on earth and what does he do prepare breakfast sometimes some of us are too spiritual to prepare breakfast resurrected live is shown in preparing breakfast amen he says bring the fish that you have caught hey wait a minute you have caught the twelve all night they caught nothing many at times the dog will give you credit you'll say your faith but actually the Lord caught the fish but it says bring the fish that you have caught he gives you the grace to do what you do and then when you use the grace he gives you to do he rewards you for giving using the grace he first gave you this is the God if we serve amen is such a wonderful Lord you know Jesus strongest words listen some people say well pastor praise you and Joel Osteen could be more fiery and hard it's gonna be more like Jesus Jesus would say things like you brood of vipers but have you noticed he reserves his strongest words only for the Pharisees you will never find Jesus calling the prostitute the social outcasts you brood of vipers never because them daughter son your sins be forgiven you so if you are a Pharisee I'll call you that you snake you snake Viper you there's a Chinese bamboo amen I look small for a while man but they all came around the breakfast it was quiet you know how he's like peeta was quiet Jesus invited them all to see come and dine he said and they were eating at the end of the breakfast he turns to Peter and he says Peter do you love me now in the Greek the word love there is agape God's love self-sacrificing love which is the love of God the highest form of love is agape Jesus used that highest form of love Peter do you love me like that Peter by now is humble Peter Terrence is Lord he used a different Greek word for love Lord you know that I Sileo you that means I like you Peter learn his lesson then Jesus said feed my lambs there was silence for a while then Jesus Dinaric again and said Peter do you agape me do you love me with you what kind of love the one you boasted about I'll follow you I'll sacrifice everything for you do you love me like that and Peter says Lord you know I only like you at the level of like Jesus says 10 my sheep and finally Jesus said Peter Jesus came down to his level Peter do you like me do you feel me and Peter says Lord you know all things Lord you know that my love for you is only at this level of light and the law says it's all right feed my sheep because Peter now you know it's not your love for me it is my love [Applause] it's his love for you you know there are some things you know when I read the Bible I don't like to really superficially I like to go into the nuggets you know I love they are meaning two names in the Bible they are meaning two even numbers in the Bible you know we Shatner the first service that Jesus when he was on his way to gyruss house to heal Jairus daughter when he was stopped by the woman in the issue of blood the church has to be healed before the new generation can be resurrected but when he was then G IRAs house do you know who he brought into the house three of his disciples Peter James John Peter means stone the law James means to supplant or to replace grace means John the stone has been replaced by grace that's the message that will race this next generation from the dead young people are leading churches not because they are bad not because Internet is so powerful but because the love of God has not been revealed and the gospel the true gospel has not been touched when we preach the true gospel they'll come running in because every young person is looking for truth I read one day in Isaiah 53 the famous messianic chapter Isaiah 53 of the sufferings of Jesus and his passion and I read this phrase which confused me for a while it says it pleased the Lord to bruise his son in the word bruised and Hebrew is to crush his son it pleased the Lord to crush his son I couldn't understand that in the same chapter it calls Jesus the arm of the Lord say the arm of the Lord as after the tree says to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed that's Jesus the arm of the Lord so Jesus is to be fight there as the arm of the Lord and it stays in the same chapter it pleased the Lord to crush Jesus and I couldn't understand that so asked a lot lot I can understand the fact he gave us your son I understand but it please you to crush him I cannot understand how can it please you a few days after that after I prayed we did our Singaporean pastime and that is shopping and eating so I brought my wife and my daughter my daughter was about three years old at that time and we parked at a parking area there was quite a distance away from the mall because it was quite full so we parked outside quite a distance away where to walk now going to the mall is no problem because your hands are free you forget when you park far away you're not coming back the same way you went so my hands were free all right Wendy's my wife their hands are free and we were just happily going to the mall to spend our our holidays there time just enjoying ourselves but at the end of the shopping and my wife can shop I had my hands full of bags was cutting through my fingers she has a hands full and Jessica was fired she had a day already you know when when Kieren get tired they get cranky all right you should not discipline them when they are cranky because they are tired so I carried my daughter tried to balance all in one hand and I carried my daughter on one arm and she fell asleep almost immediately I could hear her heavy breathing and she looked so peaceful and of a sudden I realized it's quite a distance to the carpark and I realized that my arm was beginning to go numb you know when you carry her and she was quite shocked you know she's quite cute in those days all round a girl and my arm was going to sleep and I said I don't think I can make it I gotta hold this back and I and Jessica I mean Wendy's hands were already full and Jessica was so peaceful that I didn't want to wake her and put her down because daddy loves her too much the worst stage is after your your hand goes to sleep the next stage pins and needles that was really the crusher now also has a walk or struggle to my car and Jessica sleeping peacefully because daddy loved her too much to wake her up I will rather listen I will rather crush my arm than to wake her and then I saw it why it pleased the Lord to crush Jesus is um because of his love for you when Jesus hung on the cross he cried my God my God why have you forsaken me and the Bible says he cried out loud so that everyone will know that he was forsaken and I said in my first session that Jesus never addressed his father in his earthly life as my god never is always father at the cross was the first time he addressed his father as my God why because he was taking our place and he cried why have you forsaken me they will know that he's forsaken through you and I - they can say father father why have you so blessed me and this word father is not the word that we use you know in a very formal way father the Bible says that we have received no longer the Old Testament fear of God the spirit bondage again to fear but we have received the spirit sonship by which we cry Abba Father and Abba literally the Holy Spirit refused to translate that he wants us to know it is not just father it is ABBA when you go to Israel today you go to the playground with the children you were here - and running around shouting it means daddy daddy daddy that's the spirit of the New Covenant when my daughter has a nightmare back in those days she doesn't wake up crying Oh president of JPM international senior pastor of new creation church without haste enough thyself unto me for I have a nightmare of no she cries out daddy and enough prayer for me to rush through in if there is a monster [Applause] no long press daddy's the friend Jesus gave up his position to take our place at the cross like a sinner so you can take his place of favor before his father and call his father father you know I got a big concern sometimes when I hear people teach the names of God I teach the names of God have a series on Yahweh Elohim el shaddai I have a series on it I believe in teaching on the names of God but the name Jesus came to reveal is daddy among the Jewish kids ABBA yes he's El Shaddai yes he's Elohim he is Yahweh just like Jessica can say his president of JPM international senior pastor new creation church good friend of Rev Macaulay's but he's my daddy [Applause] Oh pastor prudes you're gonna have the reverential fear a little you're gonna teach people the fear of the Lord if you're not here during the panel discussion there was a question asked what is the fear of the Lord would you like Jesus definition Jesus quoted Deuteronomy in the wilderness temptation to the devil when the devil says fall before me and worship Me Jesus says thou shalt worship the Lord thy God it is written and he was quoting from Deuteronomy but when you go to Deuteronomy you find it doesn't say worship it says thou shalt fear the Lord so Jesus define the fear of the Lord as the worship of God because listen if you teach that kind of spirit bondage again to fear in God that verse that's like not fearing God the Old Testament way not the dead intimacy if you teach that what's gonna happen is that listen carefully whenever a parent instills fear in a child towards the parent it is a matter of time the child will hit the parent if I instill fear in my leaders is a matter of time they will feel me and hate me and what are we doing we are instilling fear in our people towards God the Old Testaments fear of bondage again to fear that you've not received you have received a sonship but we should cry daddy posture Prince how can you say I'm righteous without my works I will tell you the answer if you can answer me first how come Jesus became sin without his works he took your place and you are taking his place the divine exchange you deserve no blessing he deserves no curse but he took your place and you take his place and he received your curse that he did not deserved so that you and I can be blessed by God even though we don't deserve grace [Applause] you know Jesus said their father for my father loved me because I lay down my life now when I read that we know that the father loved Jesus all the time right what does Jesus mean when he says therefore does my father love me because I lay down my life now just like Jessica I love her all the time but there are times she would do something really sweet she would draw a figure of me and you know it's all our ship and she put on that I love L owe thee you it's not perfect but when she does something like that at that moment I love her in a special way you know something the father loved Jesus all the time but when he gave His life at the cross the father never loved him more therefore doth my father love me because I lay down my life you know who is the one whose heart was broken at the cross not just Jesus the father he had to turn back turn his back on his son and his son cried my God my god because he was taking our place and now he looks at all of you and the father says welcome home the father tore the veil the same blood that tore the veil remove your sins for you to come in in one fell swoop and the father turn his back and the back parts of God are the curse and the Lightning's of judgment but the face of God is blessings favor grace mercy welcome home [Applause] you know in these last days we know that there are all kinds of Giants what does it take to knock down a giant what does it take to knock down a Goliath takes it David do you know the meaning of David his name beloved it takes someone who knows he's loved by God to knock down the Philistines to knock down the Giants in your life whatever sense that you are God's beloved I mean the Bible says in first John chapter 4 and we are bringing this to a close this is how I love look look at this love has been perfected amongst us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as Jesus is so are we in this world I said as Jesus is so are we in this world do you know that the question today you need to ask yourself is no longer am I accepted before the Father the question to us is is Christ accepted before the father if Christ is accepted as he is so am I in this world you not to ask yourself the question the devil would love to come to you and make you introspective he loves you to be occupied with yourself he'll come to you and say yeah you read one chapter but so-and-so read three chapters every day ten chapters a day yeah you pray 15 minutes so and so praise one hour whatever you do is never enough and a devil point you to something you have done wrong or if when you do right he will say it's not enough he's always accusing accusing accusing you but hey the devil wants you focus on you but God wants you focus on Jesus because as Jesus is at the Father's right hand so are you in this world if Jesus is accepted by the father so are you if Jesus is under the favor of God so are you and you know when you when you see that God is no longer looking at you judge you God is looking at the man the perfect man at his right hand to judge you as he is so are you and every which way when a devil comes to you and point out your weaknesses you need to do tell the devil no he's not who I am go to Jesus turn him around and see if can find any fault every wish where you turn Jesus you seek glimmers of excellence and perfection as he is so are we in this world I'm here you know when the priests come real quick guys and I want to close with this now this my voice all the way from Singapore good-looking guys and they have wonderful families their fathers as well he's gonna be the lamp man down he's gonna be the priest I'm gonna be the offeror all right I bring my lamb and I'm gonna bring my lamb to the priest the priest represents God all right he represents God the Father his eyes are God's eyes so to speak he represents God notice that he does not look at me I have sinned that's why I brought the lamb there it's redundant for him to look at me the question today is not how good you are how good is your lamb yeah tell me how good is your lamb yo brew brew yo oak how's it your lamb [Applause] so the eyes of God does not look at me it's redundant he knows why I'm there I blew it that's why I need a lamb and you know what the priest does he examines the land cool everything okay cool the lamb is perfect he does not examine me it's redundant to examine me and yet in churches examine your heart X I mean the lamb it is okay raise your hand and worship so alright cool good lamb without blemish he gives me the knife alright and before the knife this happens I have to late I'm the offer I'm the guilty one alright I have to lay my hands to identify with the lamb two things happen when I lay my hands on the lamb my sins are transferred into the innocent lamb the second thing the innocence and the righteousness of the lamb is transferred into me my sins go in his righteousness goes out to me and then he gives me the knife and I kill the lamb he's dead the priest cut him up offers him as a sweet-smelling fragrance whenever you talk about the cross whenever you talk about Jesus in the church God smells a sweet aroma reminding of his son's obedience his sons love to him amen hey listen you will never know how much God loves you until you know how much God loves his son because he gave up his son for you amen so as the fires go up and he's burning I walk away watch this now I walk away with something I never had righteousness I have become a gainer when I came I was empty but because of the Lambs sacrifice I walked away with much more and when I see the lamb burning I say that's my judgment that's my death and I walk away under the blessings of the lamb hallelujah under the favor of God and I have something I never had before that's why the Bible calls our gospel much more amen get him a good so listen today God is not turning you around saying look at your thoughts know your emotions look at the the way you are behaving okay what you just said God is not turning you around stop being introspective you know turn somebody around turn cheeses around and every which way you see him you see perfection the man is cool when they came to arrest him in the garden he says home to you six they said Jesus of Nazareth and they had swords weapons tortures the Bible says he stepped forward and he says I am the name of God and they all fell that's why he says no man takes my life I laid down Jesus was not murdered no one can take his life he gave his life for you he lay down his life for you I'm in the best time for him to run is after they all was slain man his stepfather says I am and all fell sorts weapons and all day he waited for them to get up to arrest him you have found me let the rest go cool man Jesus steel velvet servin king meekness Majesty when he is firm he is not hot when we affirm we hurt people when Jesus is gentle he is not soft when we are gentle people walk all over us Jesus is altogether lovely as he is that's how God sees you in this world today God is not looking at you as you goddess look at Jesus as you came in you know when East when David went down the Valley of Elah to meet Goliath all the hopes of Israel their aspirations will wrap up in that 17 year old boy he was representing them if he was defeated he was the Odyssey and one little stone went up up and the giant came tumbling down his victory was Israel's victory a greater son of David has come his victory is our victory we are more than conquerors to Christ amen you know the Bible says that when David decapitated Goliath's head he knew how to get ahead he took Goliath's head and brought it all the way to Jerusalem and that's where your Bible accounts das doesn't tell you what he did to the head something interesting rabbinical sources tell us Jewish rabbinical sources say that David buried Goliath's head in Jerusalem the event of Goliath and the battle took place outside Jerusalem but he brought the head to Jerusalem why rabbinical sources tell us he buried the head on a mound called gal Goliath the Mount of Goliath later on he became he called gall godpa Calvary where a greatest son of David will be crucified crushing a greater Goliath under his feet hallelujah as he is his victory is your victory you need not fight he fought your victory is wrap up in him as he is so are you the devil loves to come to you and say look at your thoughts call yourself a believer Collier saw the pastor my goodness twenty years as a senior pastor and you still have those thoughts he wants you to focus on yourself that's the time to stop and say no God is not looking at me as me God is looking at Jesus Christ as me as he is so am I in the world hey man devil go check him out hallelujah my time is up no blessed at the short-winded for they shall be invited back I want to close with this how many clothes it's a panel clothes foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests jesus said but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head you see the phrase lay his head is a very unique phrase in the Greek it's seldom use so Jesus had nowhere to lay his head he who flung the universe into place and put the sapphires and the Diamonds of Kimberley he's the one who created all the wealth in the universe and on earth he has nowhere to lay his head he has nowhere to rest now watch this finally at the cross the Bible says in John 19 when Jesus had received the sour wine he said it is finished every debt canceled every sin forgiven all the claims of God fully met divine righteousness and justice satisfied he cried it is finished and the Bible says bowing his head he gave up his spirit now look up here when someone is crucified listen it's after that they die their head drop but Jesus bowed his head first and then dismiss his spirit like a king though what gave up is dismissed like a king dismiss is subject he dismissed his spirit now watch this that phrase bowing his head is exact same phrase you find the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head but finally at the cross when he's finished everything in love for you he finally found a place of rest he found his rest in saving you in loving you in healing you unless indeed he bowed his head dismiss history give him the praise come on giving the praise hallelujah you
Channel: Redemption Church South Africa
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Keywords: Redemption Church, grace, Joseph prince in south africa, joseph prince, joseph prince full sermons, joseph prince 2020, pastor joseph prince, joseph prince live, joseph prince sermons, joseph prince financial, joseph prince prosper, joseph prince provision, joseph prince the blessing, the blessing, bible provision, financial crisis, economic crisis, the blessing of Abraham, bible love, love of God, chosen, accepted, accepted in the beloved, empowered to succeed
Id: xFZ1-DvYb-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 22sec (3982 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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