The LOST TEMPLE Mount- the REAL Location of Solomon's Temple in the City of David, Jerusalem
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Channel: Yahweh's Restoration Ministry
Views: 1,716,012
Rating: 4.4769211 out of 5
Keywords: The Lost Temple Mount, The Real Temple Mount, is the dome of the rock the real temple location, haram al-sharif the real temple, Gihon spring temple mount, the real location of solomon's temple, The Temple Mount and Fort Antonia, The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot, Is the true location of the temple in the city of david?, Fortress Antonia, the city of david and the true temple, ernest martin temple mount, real temple location, temple mount, jerusalem temple mount, city of david
Id: yTSCQgZirts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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